weekly buzz issue 82

July 1st - July 7th 2015 - ISSUE 41 (#82) It’s all you need for a great read. FREE LOVE LOCAL RADIO - LOVE HEAT FM 90.3 Altea to Alicante & 106.8 Denia to Altea By Irena Bodnarec An additional ten Policia Local officers were sworn in at the Town Hall yes- terday morning – due to start duties from today, July 1 until the end of the year. Following last weeks horrific events in Sousse, Tunisia, it doesn´t come a day too soon. After each officer took an oath a minute’s silence was observed in memory of the innocent fallen holidaymakers. Newspaper MORE POLICE ON THE BEACH

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Page 1: Weekly Buzz Issue 82

July 1st - July 7th 2015 - ISSUE 41 (#82)It’s all you need for a great read.FREE

LOVE LOCAL RADIO - LOVE HEAT FM 90.3 Altea to Alicante & 106.8 Denia to Altea

By Irena Bodnarec

An additional ten Policia Local officers were sworn in at the Town Hall yes-terday morning – due to start duties from today, July 1 until the end of theyear. Following last weeks horrific events in Sousse, Tunisia, it doesn´tcome a day too soon. After each officer took an oath a minute’s silencewas observed in memory of the innocent fallen holidaymakers.



Page 2: Weekly Buzz Issue 82

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Dear ReadersHere we are in July already and all I can say is where on earth didJune disappear to?... The weather is full on, I hate this "HEAT"except when talking about our radio station and then it's all ok to sayhow much we love it! So for now, let's keep the "HEAT" on as far astuning into the best and most popular Hit Music Station in the CostaBlanca - but remember when you go out whack on the sun block andkeep drinking loads of water as the forecast is advising everyone tobe extremely cautious with the next phase of temperatures touching40 degrees.. Ouch that's really not nice....

In the meantime, I would like to say thanks to everyone who cameto visit us at the Mintt Beach Bar in Javea last Friday. It really was afun afternoon and for our first summer fiesta party with Heat FM inassociation with the the Weekly Buzz Newspaper, we were extreme-ly happy with the response. We had loads of prizes to give awayfrom our business advertisers, this included sunglasses fromSpecsavers, a smart phone from Blu and lots more, so please readthe full story on page 8 also together with photos and story of ourother live event broadcast from the International Fair in Javea, whichwas a tremendous experience to see just how big this event reallyis, as well as the amount of people involved from the local area sup-porting this massive annual attraction.

We have more summer fun to come with events in Benidorm, Albirand Altea during July and August. We can't wait to do it all again onthe 11th of this month, where we will be at The Vincent's Pub Plazain Rincon Benidorm, see the poster on page 20, we will be support-ing MABS cancer support fund in the HEAT FM summer roadshowfiesta.

Also, don't forget you can also listen live to Heat FM on the web sitewww.heatfmspain.com or search for the App on your mobile. Everyweekday you can take part in our daily competitions and most of allget to hear the very latest hits with the best hit music from all of thepast decades.

Please don't forget that If you are involved in any organisation orcharity or if you can tell us about any local events, charity fundrais-ing especially or if there are any summer BBQ's going on please tellus about it! email [email protected]

Happy reading!

Marco - Editor









Page 3: Weekly Buzz Issue 82

June 24th – July 1st 2015 vistacostablanca.com 3NEWS


By Spencer Williams

A new report published by theprestigious Instituto Cervantesputs America as the world’s sec-ond largest Spanish-speakingcountry.

Mexico is in fact the largest Spanishspeaking country (121 million) fol-lowed by USA which is estimated tocurrently have 52.6 million Spanishspeakers with 41 million beingnative speakers and another 11.6million speaking it as a second lan-guage, according to the InstitutoCervantes, whose report is titled“Spanish: A Living Language” .

Third on the list is Columbia with 48

million then finally Spain with 46 mil-lion!

The report estimates that there are559 million Spanish speakers world-wide and claims that this makes it the

second most important languageworldwide for trade and commerce,behind English but ahead ofChinese at three, Arabic at fourand French at five.

Mexico may not hold the lead for-ever, as census estimates indicatethe Hispanic population in the U.S.will grow to 132.8 million by 2050.

That rise is dramatic, consideringroughly 34 million people reportedspeaking Spanish at home in theUnited States in 2007.

Spanish speaking Americans


By Joanne Alderton

Cala Moraig - it’s beautiful hidden cove

The beautiful ‘hid-den cove’ CalaMoraig has againbeen awarded theprestigious BlueFlag for the 3rdconsecutive year.

Presented with theflag on the 26thJune this year,

it means thatthe Alicanteprovince now has59 blue flags alongits coastline. A totalof 120 beacheswithin the ValencianCommunity are theproud receivers ofthis important acco-lade.


Well known for theirhealthy Mediterraneandiet of oily fish, olive oiland fresh vegetables,Spaniards have one ofthe highest life expectan-cies in the world.

However figures releasedby the World HealthOrganization, in a report inthe Spanish daily newspa-per La Vanguardia, whichshows an increase of obe-sity in Spain.

The figures show that 22.8percent of Spanish men areobese while amongSpanish women the figureis even higher 24.7 at per-cent. The World HealthOrganization made a wor-rying prediction with the sit-uation in Spain to get evenworse in the future, estimat-ing by 2030 more than halfof Spaniards will be over-weight.

On average the percentageof Spaniards who areobese is 23.7 putting themin the top 50 (number 48)on the global obesity chart.

By Spencer Williams

Stock exchangeindex fell by 5%The Spanish stockexchange index (Ibex 35)fell by 5% at the openingof yesterday's session,the first since Greeceannounced a referendumon the measures pro-posed by the EU to avoidits financial collapse.

Banks' stocks are falling byup to 7% and the bond riskindex has rocketed to 150points (below 120 onFriday).

Salida TrafficDeployment

This week will see thestart of the summer oper-atión "Salida" this is aspecial traffic deploy-ment on behalf of theDGT traffic department.

Thousands of Guardia Civilofficers will be on extra dutyover the weekend andmobile speed cameras willbe placed along 1,500stretches of secondaryroads.

Money LaunderingBrothels Raided

A major Police operationinto money launderingwhich was ordered by theHigh Court in Madrid hasled to the detention of 61people and the seizure ofmore than €1.5 million.

Five people are now in cus-tody in Alicante following asearch of two brothels. Thebrothels that weresearched were the ElCastillo in the El Rebolledozone of Alicante and Pipo'sin Orihuela.

Page 4: Weekly Buzz Issue 82

4 vistacostablanca.com July 1st – July 7th 2015NEWS


On Saturday 27th June one of ourchurch members, 74 year old MavisWilding, completed a Sponsoredswim to raise muchneeded funds for theChurch.

She swam in the visi-tor's pool at CiudadPatricia. Severalmembers of thechurch sat comfortablyin the shade of thetrees to watch andsupport her including our Chaplain Fr.Ray Andrews, Elaine Mitchell swamalongside her for encouragement.

Mavis had planned to do at least 10lengths but completed 18 on the day.This event will raise in excess of €300.

Albir Church of England is one of theseven on the Costa Blanca. Services ofHoly Communion in Albir are held at the

N o r w e g a i nSeafarers Churchon Carrer Mart at9.45 every Sundayand also at TheForum MareNostrum Alfaz delPi at 11 am everyThursday.

All details of theservices, events and contacts can befound on the website costablanca-angli-canchaplaincy.org or to speak to thelocal Church Warden please ring Hazelon 659 018 400. We look forward to wel-coming visitors.

By Spencer Williams

74 year old swimmer Mavis Wilding

On Sunday evening the LogiaDeportiva 83 presented 'Glyndebournein Gata' with a Classical Concert andpicnic in the Garden with funds raisedgoing to Help of Denia and Marina Alta.

The attached photo shows CandidaWright, President of Help of DAMA withthe Il Divo Tribute Show group that provid-ed some of the excellent evenings enter-tainment.

Candy was presented with over €800 fromthe raffle at the end of the concert withmore to come when the final costing iscompleted.

It was a beautiful warm night with 150guests in Black Tie (or a variations of!!)bringing their own food, drink and tabledecorations (prizes were given for thebest decorated tables) and thoroughly

enjoying the entertainmentprovided by:The Costa Blanca Male VoiceChoir, Il Divo Tribute Show,Gill Henry and ManuelLazaro.

An enormous thank you fromHELP of DAMA is extendedespecially to Sally and DarrellClayton for the loan of theirgarden for the event and alltheir hard work preparing forthe evening and finally thanksto the generosity of the audi-ence that attended.


By Spencer Williams

Presiden of Help of DAMA with II Divo Tribute Show

The Medieval Tower ofAlcalali has once againopened it’s doors to visi-tors after a 7 month clo-sure due to problemswith the lifts.

It will be open everySaturday between 11amand 1pm, however it is also possible to arrange private

viewings for groups of 10people or more.

English language informa-tion material is available onsite, providing all the nec-essary history and expla-nations in order to appreci-ate and understand thiswell recognised emblem ofthis lovely inland town. Alcalalis’ Medieval Tower

By Joanne Alderton


Page 5: Weekly Buzz Issue 82

June 24th – July 1st 2015 vistacostablanca.com 5NEWS


By Spencer Williams

Spain’s Cruz Roja (Red Cross) is cur-rently running their annual GoldenLottery, known as the most charitablelottery in the world, and there are someamazing prizes to be won.

Tickets cost 5€, withall funds raised goingto support the RedCross’ fantastic workfor those most inneed. The lottery willbe drawn on 23rd ofJuly and there areover 6 million Eurosin gold to be won.

There are threegrand prizes of 3million Euros, 1.5million Euros and750,000 Euros,then thousands ofsmaller winningtickets from 2,500Euros to 100Euros – a total of3,900 chances of winning!

The Red Cross is a humanitarian organi-zation with the principle objectives of pro-viding aid for victims of disasters, thosewith social issues, health problems andenvironmental causes and with the fundsraised from the Golden Lottery they areable to do more for those who really need

their help.

Purchasing one ticket will fund one maleessential hygiene kit, six tickets will buythree rucksacks with school materials forchildren, nine will provide the basic ali-

mentation needs of ababy and ten ticketswill provide a basicfood parcel for a fam-ily. Every ticketbought can reallymake a difference to aperson’s life.

Specsavers Opticashave announced theirsupport for the cam-paign and are sellingthe tickets on behalf ofthe Red Cross until the16th July.

Tickets can be boughtfrom Specsavers inCalpe, Javea, Benidorm,Guardamar del Seguraand Torrevieja.

To find out more about the lottery andpurchase tickets online visitwww.cruzroja.es/sorteodeoro

To find out more about SpecsaversOpticas and the location of your near-

est store visit www.specsavers.es

Page 6: Weekly Buzz Issue 82

6 vistacostablanca.com July 1st – July 7th 2015NEWS

Tunisia AttackHotel WasSpanish

By Spencer Williams

By Spencer Williams

The Spanish PrimeMinister Mariano Rajoyconfirmed that the oneof the hotels where thebeach attack was car-ried out belonged to aSpanish hotel chain.

The hotel chain con-firmed on Twitter thattheir Imperial MarhabaHotel, a five-star hotelbelonging to theMallorca-based RIUgroup. in the Port ElKantaoui resort waseffected by the attack.

British press are report-ing as many as 30 UKnationals were killedwhen the gunmanopened fire on tourists inthe resort of Sousse with17 victims from the UKand three from Irelandhave been identified.

A six-year-old boy has died from diph-theria in Spain’s first case of the dis-ease since 1987.

The boy from Olot, near Girona, had beenfighting the disease since the end of Mayat a hospital in Barcelona, he was suffer-ing respiratory, heart and kidney compli-cations and had been kept alive onmachines.

He had not been vaccinated against thehighly contagious disease, Nine other chil-dren and one adult were exposed to the

bacteria but did not develop Diphtheria,which mostly affects the nose and throat,because they had all been vaccinated.

The case has sparked a furious debate inSpain over the growing number of parentswho chose not to vaccinate their childrenagainst preventable childhood illnesses.

The parents spoke out about their "terri-ble guilt" as they decided not to have theirchild immunized and said they "felt cheat-ed" by the anti-vaccination movement.



By Spencer Williams

Spanish air traf-fic controllershave announcedtheir plans formore industrialaction in July, fol-lowing partialstoppages overfour days inJune.

Next month, con-trollers say theywill carry out more partial stoppages from10am to 1pm. on 11th July and 25th Jul,

as well as strikeson 12th July and26th July from5pm and 8pmbecause thestrikes in Junefailed to pressureair traffic operatorENAIRE and theSpanish govern-ment into meetingc o n t r o l l e r s ’demands.

The controllers' union USCA issued a

Be an Extra In Game ofThrones...But Not If Your Fat!

By Spencer Williams

Devesa park in Girona swarmedwith hopeful people in a dream tobe part of the next Game ofThornes series which startsfilming later this year.

A few dozen people campedovernight but by the early hourson Monday there were hundredsof people waiting in line.

Modexpor International Casting, acompany based in Malaga south-ern Spainwere put in charge ofsupplying extras for Games ofThrones, the company said it waslooking for men and women between

18 and 65 years old to take part.They were quite specific about what

characteristics potential extras

should have. No tattoos and only thinpeople need apply! Men must be in

good physical condition (But notbodybuilders) with either short,medium or long hair,while womenmust have long hair with naturalcolour.

Another casting will beannounced soon to recruit extrasfor scenes to be filmed inPeñíscola, in the Valencia region.

Filming in Girona will take placebetween 6 and 18th of Septemberand the successful applicants will

earn €50 a day.

People queue for a chance to be anextra in GOT


Page 7: Weekly Buzz Issue 82

used to be the Sundaymorning market in daysgone by and there's a washhouse in which you cancool your hot feet. TheMarket opens at 6 pm andcontinues till at least mid-night and perhaps later ifthere's lots of folk around.

For more informationring 639 979 678 (Elvira

speaks quite goodEnglish) and you can

look at the photographsof last year's market on


So it is back to the olden days on 10, 11and 12 July, days in which the streetsof the old town centre of La Nucía aredraped with flags, lined with stalls sell-ing the luxury goods of those days anda varied proces-sion will pass ofm o u n t e b a n k s ,jugglers, min-strels and otherpeople hoping toamuse the motleythrong that willcome to gawp.

What started, tenyears ago, as acommemorat iveevent to celebratethe 300th birthdayof La Nucía has now become an annualshow not to be missed. Nice people, pret-ty baubles and tasty food - a goodly com-bination.

Amata, the regional craft association thatorganises the Market, tries to bring some-thing different each year. This year therewill be two groups of musicians, one of

which will pro-vide the dulcettones to whichan oriental ladywill swirl as shemakes her wayalong the nar-row streets.She also is anexpert in thewhirling dancesof the sufis.People on stilts,nobles and beg-

gars, fools and cripples will pass throughthe crowd. Of course there is a juggler,and of course he does a fire show at night- what do you expect?

The seventy stalls which line the streetswill display an extremely varied assort-ment of cunningly crafted goods - every-thing on the stalls is made by the peopleon the stall and often you can even watchthem make new to replace what they soldthe day before. Nothing is imported, noth-ing comes from small factories or is madeby friends or family elsewhere - that is the

Amata philosophy and they are prettystrict. The stalls will show original leatherhandbags and belts, wooden toys andpuppets, hand-painted tiles and ceramicware, paintings and of course a lot of orig-

inal jewelry in sil-ver, glass, ceram-ics, enamel, cop-per andmacramé. Youcan watch asmith, two book-binders, a stonecutter and a woodcarver at work,and two pottersthreaten to bringalong their wheelto allow people totransform a lump

of clay into a smallvase or bowl. For asmall extra fee theywill provide water towash your handsafterwards.

When comes the timeto rest the eye andfeed the stomach, thevisitor can choosebetween various tav-erns with beer, wine

and roasted meat, a pulperia with juicybits of octopus or an Arabic tea tent withmint-flavoured tea and eastern pastry.Other stalls offer cheese direct from thefarm, or sausages and hams, preservesand jams, fig cakes and honey - all madeto original recipes.

For the children there is an old-fashionedmerry-go-round and various medievaltable games (leave your GamePlayer athome), and a comely lady telling stories

(in Spanish only, butshe is nice to watcheven if you don'tunderstand all of it).

As you enter LaNucía village, watchout for the signsdirecting you to theMercado Medieval.There is plenty ofroom to park in what

June 24th – July 1st 2015 vistacostablanca.com 7NEWS


By Spencer Williams

Medieval Market at night

Man in costume

Beautifulhandcrafted roses

Craftsman at work

Variety of toys

Page 8: Weekly Buzz Issue 82

8 vistacostablanca.com July 1st – July 7th 2015

Around The World With Heat FMThe “HEAT” really was on over the lastweekend, not only was the temperatureincreasing into the mid 30’s but so wasthe volume and attendance as “Heat FMSpain” and the “Weekly Buzz Newspaper”took part in the start of their summer fiestaroad shows. Friday afternoon was at theMint Beach bar in Javea for the “Shorty BFUN IN THE SUN ROAD SHOW”.

Playing some great tunes throughout theafternoon Shorty and Ian Oogly got thelazy afternoon into a bit more of a livelyget up and go atmosphere. Competitionswith some great prizes went on through-out the four hour live broadcast includinga race into the sea to win a smart phonesponsored by Blu. Other prizes includedfree drinks, meal vouchers free sunglass-es and more alongside some great hospi-tality from the Weekly Buzz team wholooked after the guests in what was asuperb setting at the Mint Beach Bar.

On the very next day HEAT FM was proudto be included at the JÁVEA annualInternational Festival that kicked off lastweek in a three day event through untilthe early hours of Sunday morning. Thestalls were offering food and drinks aswell as some amazing cultural informationfrom across four continents.The event was sponsored by Blu thebrand new telecommunications companybased in Javea offering the latest technol-ogy in local areas for 4G wireless internet,fibre optic landlines and many more

phone and internet products. Blu weredemonstrating their products to the publicand providing information along withsome competitions. Talking to the ownersAlan Dobinson and Maria Jose Sueiras onSaturday evening they explained howthey were so pleased at the overall atten-dance at the event and also the amazingnumber of countries that had participated.Sharon, Blu’s marketing manager had thetask of organising and setting up the dis-play and providing the whole event with asuper fast and Free WI FI to all the stallholders and exhibitors and to the publicwho could all connect at no cost.

Heat FM were transmitting live on airacross the Costa Blanca with presenters“The Max Factor” accompanied by”Junior” the new kid on the block who didmost of the work running around the stallsin fact we can safely say that he had cov-ered most of the globe by the end of thelive show! His task was to find some greatinformation to give to the public and use intheir live competitions. Prizes winincludedEnglish and Spanish proving that HeatFm is for everyone, passers by enjoyedthe music and entertainemnt and eargerlyawaited the fun cultural and geographicalthemed questions. Prizes were spon-sored by a host of local businesses fromthe area. One lucky lady one a silver ringpresented by the Gold Rush in Javea,ithers included Sunglasses fromSpecsavers, a BBQ Meat pack from theButchers Block, meals for two including

wine from the Himalaya Restaurant inMoraira, and tickets for Terra Natura, andAqua Natura plus many many more.

The countries represented included theUK with cream scones and tea, and therest of Europe was very well represented. Switzerland was one of the busiest witha massive display tent and outside seat-ing area, many of the guests dressed intraditional costume. Belgium were offeringsome of their famous beers such as thewell know brand “Duvel”, Germany withthe very famous Sausages Bratwurst andFrankfuter, France offered crepes andwine, Italy were mobbed by the youngergeneration taking the opportunity to makepizza bases mixing and rolling out thedough.

Latin America had a host of countries thatincluded Argentina, Venezuela, Uruguay,México, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, andthe Dominican Republic. The range ofexotic foods were just far too tempting forpeople not to try, not to mention the fan-tastic array of drinks, cocktailsincludingMojitos, Cuba Libres andf there wereeven shots of Tequila on top of a widerange of different beer from around theglobe.on offer.

I must say to anyone who didn’t make itthis time around, put the event in yourdiary for next year, book a hotel and enjoya three day event in beautiful Javea soak-ing up the sun, sea and the amazing offer-ings at the International Festival.

Marco (owner at Buzz Media inc. HEAT FM & The Weekly BuzzNewspaper) with the owners of “Blu” Alan Dobinson and Maria

Jose Sueiras together with Sharon (Marketing Manager).

Shorty B & Ian Oogly, Live at Mintt Beach Bar, Javea

Max Factor with one of the winners at the Internation Fair, Javea

Maria, won the ring sponsored by Gold RushJavea with the help from her children!

Children learning Italian Cooking

Prepared - Bratwurst & Frankfurters

Page 9: Weekly Buzz Issue 82

June 24th – July 1st 2015 vistacostablanca.com 9ALBIR

Over the last 6 months we have been reporting on therestoration of the police headquarters, which can befound between the Albir beach and the lighthouse(Faro de Albir) car park and are delighted toannounce the completion of the project.

The headquarters were originally built in 1829 and was

one of the first built in the region but was in danger ofbeing lost forever due to the lack of maintenance

The restoration started back in January with the help of30 people who applied to take part in an employment pro-

gram organized by Alfas town hall, which gavethem the chance to work for 6 months and gainsome work experience.

The newly transformed building is intended tobecome an Interpretation Centre of the NaturalPark of Serra Gelada and includes a beautifulgarden area which will "serve as a receptionpoint for people visiting the lighthouse and thenatural park, especially for schools", explainedthe Mayor Vicente Arques at his visit to see thecompleted restoration. He also used this timeto announce, that next November there will beanother employment program, which will allowanother 30 people.

"These programs allow us, to hire unemployedpeople in the city and develop projects which

are part of the recovery of cultural and historical her-itage," said the mayor.


By Spencer Williams

Before Renovations

After RenovationsMayor of Alfas Vincente Arques and the team who helped

restore the Police Headquarters

Page 10: Weekly Buzz Issue 82

10 vistacostablanca.com June 17th – June 23rd 2015ALFAZ



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27th International Film FestivalBy Spencer Williams

From July 3rd toJuly 12th, L'Alfasdel Pi will beenjoying it's 27thFilm Festival inwhich 21 shortfilms out of the312 that were sub-mitted, will com-pete for the Farode Plata, an awardthat is one of themost importantnationally.

As well as the short films in which eight havebeen produced in the local area, there will alsobe 29 feature films shown through the festivalof which 19 will include subtitles.

The winner of the Faro de Plata will alsorecieve 5000 euros, with second place winning

2,500 and 3rd taking home 1,250. On top ofthese prizes, awards are also given out for thebest director, actor, actress, screenplay andphotography.

The film festival is also enjoyed in L'Albir whichis home to the Paseo de las Estrellas (Walk ofStars) a take on Hollywoods "Walk of Fame",which runs parellel to L'Albir's pebble stonebeach, the walk honousr the famous actorsand actresses who have scooped awards atthe festival.

During the festival the town is putting on anumber of events and shows to run alongsidethe celebrations such as a night of jazz at theCasa de Cultura on Saturday July 4th, A Nightat the Opera on Monday July 6th, a rock androll extravaganza with Pablo Bloom onSaturday July 11th for more information youcan visit www.lalfaz.es. Paseo de las Estrellas (Walk of Stars) next to Albir's pebble beach


Another hot summers day, anda friendly game was arrangedversus the newly formedPinatar Pirates CC which con-sists mainly of ex La Mangaplayers.

Skipper Pennick lost the tossand ended up fielding in the 35degree heat and as a sportinggesture let PPCC play with 12.An Early Breakthrough broughttogether the SpanishInternationals Mohib and Sajedwhich quickly got the visitors to50 before Sajeed fell to a straightone from Mohib on 18. Pennickand Taylor stemmed the run flow

before the old pro suckered thePirates into picking out Munoz inthe Deep on 2 occasions.

On came Shazard and had thepirates all over the place withFarat wafting at a few beforecreaming one to Pennick and tothe disbelieve of everyone andincluding the incoming Batsmanclaimed a Bump Ball??????Farats Seconds Innings did notfair much better producing noth-ing except a good catch fromMohib.

SACC all over the Pirates untilBrooke dropped a dolly and then

decided to see how far he couldthrow it, which turned the inningsround with 30 run's coming offthe next 2 overs before the intro-duction of Crompton who bowledwith a great control and takin 2for just 5 runs. Roper came backat the top end to clean up theRabbits with 2 straightdeliveries.159 all out was a goodstrong performance in the fieldand a great come back when thegame was going away.

With Skipper exhausted at bark-ing his orders out, mainly atTaylor to stop talking to everyperson as he goes from Gully at

both ends, a new look openingpair of Brook and Alger didnt gowell, with Alger out early blamingthe opening bowler for bowling aslower ball.

Brook soon followed trying towalk an easy single before stop-ping twice and getting run out.Crompton easily the man of thematch put on 50 with Munoz,before Munoz was caught of hisarm guard and blaming the batfor not sweeping as well as hislast one? Gary Crompton scoreda classy 50 and game lookedwon with 3 an over neededbefore he gave his wicket away.

4 overs of blocking then saw theSACC batsman all give catchingpractice to the opposition.Fireman Ward hobbled in, thengot the 999 call so dashed backoff, sadly little dashing in hisinnings as he snicked off.

With too many needed and theHome captain coming in at 9,winning the game was a longway off, but a few blows and a 6was not quite enough to get hisside home. A very poor displayfrom a top order was not goodenough. Alfas lost by 14 runs.

By Spencer Williams

Page 11: Weekly Buzz Issue 82
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Page 13: Weekly Buzz Issue 82

June 24th – July 1st 2015 vistacostablanca.com 13ALTEA


By Steve Kenyon

On Saturday27th June,Buena Vista inAltea opened it'sbrand new cock-tail bar on itssuntrap terracelooking out to abeautiful seaview.

All cocktails are 6.50€ and include allthe popular favourites such asMojitos, Pina Coladas, Margaritasand Caipirinhas all made by a'Proffesional Cocktail Mixoligist'. Aswell the fantastic new cocktails onoffer they also have a live band "Duo

Latin Son" per-forming reguarly,who play a rangeof Salsa andCarribean feelmusic.

A couple sittingclose by told usabout their visit"We had an

excellent dinner, and we feel like wewere enjoying an evening out on aholiday! We live in Altea but havenever visited this restauraunt beforebut we will defiently be back.

We have tried the Pina Coladas and

they were amazing and we are look-ing forward to watching the sunsetover the medditerranean just behindus, while we try anothe rone of thecocktails, most probably a VoodooMai Tai!

Delicious cocktails at the Buena VistaLive Music by ‘Duo Latin Son’

CRAFT MARKETBy Spencer Williams

Alteas craft market start-ed this week boasting 20different stalls with arange of handmade artsand craftsfrom dif-f e r e n tparts ofSpain.

The craftmarket isheld in thePlaza de laIglesia deAltea which is the churchsquare in the old town.

The stalls are chosenspecifically to giving witheach providing fantasticartistic and creative quality,the makers of the crafts

have proven the qualityand expertise in the materi-als they use and the out-come of the final product.

R u n n i n galongsidethe marketthere arec o n c e r t sand work-shops tobe held inthe Plazaof the

church every Wednesdayat 20:30, with Flamencoshows, silk painting, craftdemonstrations, ceramicjewlery workshops andmore. The market will rununtil the 6th September.

Altea’s Craft Market

SNORKEL TOURS By Spencer Williams

With the arrival of warmweather water sports arealways more popular so whynot try one of the guidedsnorkel tours and discoverthe marine eco system andseagrass meadows in thebay of Altea, an activitythat’s fun for the whole fam-ily.

The tours are available everyWednesday and Friday and

starts at 10am both days. OnWednesdays, the route takesyou from the beach of La Olla,while Friday the route starts onthe beach of Mascarat.

Places are limited, for moreinformation and reservationscontact Greenwichdiving -Diving Centre, telephone966 881 457 (required forhealth and safety) or go tohttp://www.visitaltea.es/

Greenwichdiving Snorkel Information

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14 vistacostablanca.com July 1st – July 7th 2015BENIDORM


During the course of theyear restaurants inBenidorm join togetherto offer visitors and resi-dents a chance to experi-ence, original gastro-nomic delights, at anaffordable price over aselected week.

There are a number of'Gastro' weeks dedicatedto certain dishes and thisweek we will get to enjoy acomplete menu at a cost ofjust 25 euros.

Twelve restaurants are tak-ing part offering their ownspecial menu for you toenjoy.

Those taking part includesome of the most well-known restauraunts locat-ed in and around the OldTown area such as, LaCava Arogonesa, TaperiaAurrera, Taberna Andaluzaand Rias Baixas, a full listhas been provided and amap to assist you in findingeach location. ¡Buen apetito!

List of Restauraunts and their locations

By Spencer Williams

Page 15: Weekly Buzz Issue 82

June 24th – July 1st 2015 vistacostablanca.com 15BENIDORM

The recentlyformed, U3AMarina BaixaGolfing Group,had their lastcoaching ses-sion of the sea-son at Las RejasGolf Club lastweek.

Many thanks toone of ourMembers, Paul Melba, who has beenpassing on his knowledge of the game tothe Members, some who are regular play-ers and some who had never had a golfclub in their hands before! The coachingwill resume in September.

U3A Marina Baixa holds its general meet-ings on the fourth Monday of each monthat the auditorium in the Casa de CulturaAlfaz del Pi. The next Meeting is on

Monday 27th July.Doors open at10am and thedesks close at10.50am for aprompt 11.00 amstart. Please comeearly to sign in andget your seat! TheGeneral Meetingsare always on the4th Monday of themonth. If you have

not heard of this Association and wouldlike to join them, you can be assured of avery warm welcome.

Please visit the website www.u3amarin-abaixa.com to find out more informationthere is also a Facebook page. If you donot have internet access please con-tact their secretary Joan FLint on 96586 1226 or Mobile 663 637 167 formore information.

‘Teeing off’ at Las Rejas Golf Club


Reports from holiday makers andalso workers in Benidorm hotels aswell as many local business ownersthat there is a group of gypsies arriv-ing in the tourist area of the towneach morning to prey on unsuspect-ing holidaymakers.

The gypsies are said to be two youngwomen who are dressed to blend in withthe tourist wearing beachwear and sun-

hats. They wait outside popular hotelsfor coaches to arrive from the airportand then join the tourists as they gatherto check in at the hotel reception.

Stealing baggage from the bus and fromthe hotel lobby area, tourists areadvised to be vigilant and to take care ofall of their belongs whilst in transit toand from the airport.


By Spencer Williams

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16 vistacostablanca.com June 10th – June 16th 2015BENIDORM

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June 24th – July 1st 2015 vistacostablanca.com 17BENIDORM

PEA-OFF!If you have visitedBenidorm or manySpanish tourist townsyou have likely comeacross the 'Pea Men',these people scamtourists hard earned hol-iday money away bytricking them into believ-

ing they have a chance ofwinning.

The shell game is riggedand can not be won as theoperators use sleight ofhand to move or hide theball, the game can betraced back through the

ages and uses the sameconcept.If you see thegame being operated it is

advised you walk by asmany people surroundingthe game are part of the

scam either pick-pocketingor pretending to win tomake onlookers believethat there is a chance.

The con men often usepeople of different national-ities including British tomake the illusion morebelievable.A keen eyedholidaymaker got in touchwith us and managed tocapture the con on cam-era, you can see from thepicture that the unfortunate

man in a mobility scooterwas surrounded by thegroup, which can beextremely intimidating,luckily his daughter wasclose by and new what washappening and cause ascene.

The police arrived swiftlyand they managed torecover the 50 euro thatwas scammed from themand a woman was takeninto police custody.

The ‘Pea Men’ in action

By Spencer Williams

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vistacostablanca.com July 1st – July 7th 201518 CALPE



The Department of Environmenthas closed the access to the sum-mit of the Peñon de Ifach due tosafety concerns. There had beenplans to improve the path up tothe summit but at this momentthose plans have not been put intomotion.

Instead the council has built a stonewall and placed a metal door block-ing the path, so now hikers can onlyenjoy a short stretch of the path up tothe viewpoint of Cavanilles.

The path has been left to deterioratewith the last major investment madeback in 2005, but with an average ofaround 350 walkers a day and lack ofinvestment the route has becomeincreasingly dangerous.

Signs for the route have beenremoved and although there is a walland gate, hikers are bypassing thewarnings and continuing on the hike,families with children have also beenspotted past the gate which at this

time is dangerousas the rocks onthe path are slip-pery, loose aswell as manynesting seagullswhich can beextremely intimi-dating and willsquawk loudly atpeople who gettoo close and flyvery close topassers as they defend their nests.

Calpe's council has demanded the"immediate reopening of access" tothe top of the iconic rock and saidthat "you cannot put doors on amountain." "Can you imagine themsuddenly closing the Puig Campana,the Everest or the Montgó?".The closure of the natural park rightat the start of the tourist season is abad news for Calpe. The Rock is abig draw. No wonder, it is the mostvisited protected area of theCommunity, with about 120,000 visi-

tors annually according to the web-site of the Generalitat.

It was declared a park in 1987, it isjoined to the mainland only by a nar-row isthmus and the sea rises to 332meters. Only it has 45 hectares,making it one of the smallest spacespreserved in Europe.

But also one of the most attractive,by the way rock its rich historical her-itage with valuable archaeologicalsites and unique flora, includingimportant endemic.

By Spencer Williams

Wall and Gate Blocking Peñon de Ifach Hiking Route


Until September 15 the twomain beaches of the munici-pality of Calpe, the Fossaand Arenal-Bol, will have dif-ferent bathing areas, espe-cially equipped to meet theneeds of people with mobilityproblems, the elderly, andpeople with reduced vision.

These areas are equipped withamphibious chairs and crutch-es, toilets, showers and dress-ing areas, plus two life guards

serve and accompany peopleusing the service.

These beach access points areaccessible from Monday toSunday, from 11:00 until 19:00.

For anyone using this servicewho does not have a disabledparking badge they are offeredthe possibility to park in thereserved area while they usethe special bathing area.

By Spencer Williams

Disabled access on one of Calpe’s beaches

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June 24th – July 1st 2015 vistacostablanca.com 19JAVEA


Last week we told you about theincreased amount of sightings ofwhales and dolphins thanks to all oursmart gizmos and gadgets and here isanother example.

Last week a video of a Sei whale (Rorcualwhale in Spanish) making a big splashappeared on the Xàbia Meravellosa -Jávea Maravillosa Facebook page andwas shared over 1000 times on this pagealone.

The video was taken on a boat along theJavea shoreline, it only last 16 secondsbut is well worth a watch!

The eastern coast of Spain is becomingwell known for sightings of marine life, sokeep your eyes peeled. The Sei whale canmeasure between 18 and 25 meters andis always special to see these amazinganimals jump out of the water.

Check out the video on ourFacebook Page


By Spencer Williams

Images of the Whale in Javea


A fire broke out onSaturday afternoonwhich forced theevacuation ofaround 20 homeswhich were veryclose to the proxim-ity of the flameswhich managed toreach some hedgesaround a number ofhouses.

The fire started around 6pm and has beenreported to have initiated in some bins,which authorities have put down to humanrecklessness, the flames have spread toan area of pine forest along the Camí Vell

of Gata, in thePou delCastell, veryclose to theNatural ParkMontgó

With the cur-rent high tem-peratures anddrought, theregion is underExtreme FireRisk Warningswith are strictrules and reg-

ulations in place to help prevent the startof fires. Authorities express that itsextremely important that people take carewhen discarding cigarettes and that inmany towns BBQS are not allowed if theyare within 500 meters of forest/woodland.

The fire was under control by about 8pmwith the help of ground teams and heli-copters, Raul Milia Raya shared a fantas-tic video on Facebook of his approach andattack of the fire, we have of course weshared the video for you on our Facebookpage.


By Spencer Williams

Helicopter hovering above Javea

Fire breaks out in Javea

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Spain's property market is enjoying a foreign currency-driven recovery, new research showed.

The sector, one of the country's worst-performing areassince the real estate crisis of 2008 dragged the Spanisheconomy into the doldrums, has received a new lease oflife recently, thanks to wealthy foreign investors.According to figures released by Spain's registrars soci-ety and published by the Financial Times, the number offoreign nationals who have bought property in theMediterranean country rose 3.2% to 12.2% between2006 and the first quarter of this year.

The impact is particularly evident in the luxury market,with properties in posh areas such as Pedralbes and thePasseig de Gràcia in Barcelona, and Salamanca andChamberí in Madrid, having already recovered 20% ofthe value they lost during the financial crisis, when homeprices tumbled by 35% between 2007 and 2013.“At the high end — €500,000 and up — it’s primarilybeing driven by international demand,” Alex Vaughan,

who in 2005 co-founded Lucas Fox, a Barcelona-basedluxury estate agent, was quoted as saying by the news-paper.

Investors in the Spanish property market come from the

UK, the Middle East, Asia and and the US, as Spain'sreal estate sector has been made even more appealingby the depreciation of the euro.The market has also benefited from the introduction of aso-called "Golden Visa" in 2013, which offers residencyto those prepared to invest at least €500,000 in the prop-erty sector, with 490 visas issued from September 2013to the end of 2014, mainly to buyers hailing from Russia,China and the Middle East.

According to the report, of the €10.2bn invested in com-mercial real estate in Spain last year, half came directlyfrom foreign funds, with a further €2.5bn coming fromSocimis — real estate investments that can be tradedlike shares on financial exchanges — which are heavilybacked by foreign investors.

“With their arrival three years ago, opportunistic interna-tional funds managers made a market at a time when wehad hit bottom,” Patricio Palomar, director of research atCBRE Spain told the Financial Times.


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30 vistacostablanca.com July 1st – July 7th 2015FOOD AND DRINK

The BEER KELLERin La Nucia has onlyreopened in the lastfew months. Theteam led by Danielleand Lee are thereready to serve you,be it with a drink ontheir large sunny ter-race or with freshfood, which is avail-able all day. Theyhave a pool table there, a dart board, theyhave sky sports ready for you. There isalso regular entertainment arranged.

Not so Sporty? The large interior is laidout to comfortably enjoy and wile awaythe time. The BEER KELLER is a familybar and kids are welcome. It so difficult forparents to enjoy themselves if the kids areunhappy. Danielle’saim is to make theBEER KELLER thebest bar in the area forthe whole family toenjoy. The menu isfresh wholesome fare.Full English breakfastis just €3.00 (a few pen-nies over £2.00 forthose thinking inpounds) or make it even lager for just€5.00 (£3.50). Danielle also caters for thevegetarian breakfast from just €3.00. Thisis incredible value.

Day time snacks are available for thosewho want the light option, as well as themain meal selection, with BBQ chickenbreast at just €4.95 and a host of othermeals all perfectly cooked and presentedfor you. Want something different, wantsomething cooked in a different way? Justask, they are their to try and give you whatyou want and will always do their best foryou. As the old saying goes...”if you do notask you don't get it.” The team want you tobe a regular visitor to the BEER KELLER,that's what they have set out to do andthey achieve it brilliantly.

SUNDAYS - Although I have been away

from the UK now fornearly 10 years, the onething British I still cravefor is the traditionalSunday Lunch. There is,I feel nothing quite likethe smell and taste of theroasted meat with all thetrimmings. I have hadthis in many places overthe years and not alwayshas it come up to

scratch. Not always sure why, but there isoften just something amiss.

If you have tried others you now must goto the BEER KELLER in La Nucia and trytheir Sunday Lunch. It is perfect.Everything is really just the way it shouldbe. There is a choice of all the favouritemeats at the BEER KELLER, Roast Beef,

Roast Pork, Chickenand Stuffing and RoastLamb. The meats arecooked to perfection,the vegetables tastejust as vegetablesshould taste. The gravyis real gravy, not somewet excuse for gravy.

My personal favourite isthe Lamb. Just the smell sets off the tastebuds and perfectly cooked lamb for mejust falls apart as you eat. And don't forgetthe mint sauce. It always reminds me ofhome dinners as a kid. I must admitthough Danielle’s cooking is vastly superi-or to my mothers. This can be finished off,if you still have the space, with delightfuldesserts. These beautifully cooked SUN-DAY LUNCH choices are from just €6.00.This is really superb food and an unbeat-able price. Try anywhere you wish but itwill be very difficult to better the food,service and price you will get at TheBEER KELLER. The BEER KELLER issituated just of the Benidorm to La Nuciaroad CV70 at roundabout 6.

Tel: 608 787 253 Find us onFacebook.Newbeerkeller.

Inside the Beer Keller


Sunday Roast Beef

Page 31: Weekly Buzz Issue 82

June 24th – July 1st 2015 vistacostablanca.com 31

Bar Domino Carrer San Miguel 12 | Carrer Martinez

Oriola 15, Benidorm“Fab”

Reviewed 28 June 2015Went here on our last visit. Have never had such an amazingwelcome. Food is amazing and really good value for money. Amust visit next time you are in the old town“Food in the evening is most welcome”

Reviewed 20 June 2015The new evening menu at Bar domino is very good, there arelots of restaurants in the area doing 3 course dinners howeverthis was something different whence you want a lighter meal.Andrew was the perfect host, serving drinks, taking orders andcooking the food with a friendly professional disposition withnot too long a wait. I had the Jumbo hot dog sausage withplenty of chips and it was not like a hot dog you get from avan, this was something extra special and I would defiantly goback and have another. The bar has a nice ambience withsome good English telly on, but not too loud so you can stillchat to your friends.

“New Snack menu proved a MUST”Reviewed 13 June 2015Three of us visited one evening at 1800 - had attended forbreakfast earlier in the week and were impressed so wanted totry the evening chef - Andy.Menu available not as much, however, due to him being alone,he provided exceptional service. Hotdogs and Chicken burgerswere delicious and the chips were moreish. Great to go if only wanting a one course rather the typicalthree courses you can get.Oh, and nice to be able to have ITV / BBC on in the back-ground

“Cheery staff, good service”Reviewed 9 June 2015Visited this bar each day of my recent holiday for breakfast.Excellent service and food.this bar is situated up a little sidestreet, with two or three tables outside, ideal for chilling, eitherafter breakfast, or early evening. I also had one of their cheesetoasties which I'm pleased to say was made with real tastycheese, instead of that plastic tasteless stuff which is readilyavailable in other eateries.The staff are cheery and efficient,and the toilets, along with the bar, are spotless. Just thoughtthis holiday I would try a different place, and wasn't disappoint-ed. Worth a wee visit, even if just for a cheese toastie!!! Oh,and I'm told they have a pretty good quiz of a Monday night,maybe next time then.

Restaurante Borgo AnticoCalle Delfin 2 | Edificio Damara, Calpe

“Bello Bello Bello!”Reviewed 27 June 2015We are back at home tired, and so we decided to go in this ital-ian restaurant, the restaurant has a warm atmosphere, the wait-er is a gentleman and the spaghetti with seafood was excellentand too much to eat all !!! the zabaione was very nice. sure wewill come back !!! graci mille.

“Very good Very good Very good!!!”Reviewed 25 June 2015Fabiola was so helpful with us, the spaghetti with seafood werefantastic, also the ravioli has been the best I ever ever eat!!! theWe'll back surely. About the pizza Fabiola said me to go tomoraira at the magia pizzería...

“Food handcrafted with love...”Reviewed 22 June 2015Amazing place, great handmade / delicate food.... authenticpure italian restaurant... Great service and atmosphere. Thebest italian place in the whole area! Highly recommended!

“Real authentic Italian food.”Reviewed 10 June 201This little restaurant is a gem. The pasta was cooked fresh, theingredients were fresh, and the taste was nothing less thanexceptional. Very happy to of found this place. Will travel toCalpe again purely for this restaurante. A+ service too whichwas a very nice change from the rest.

“Amazing Food”Reviewed 6 June 2015Everything was absolutely exceptional. The delicious food andexcellent service create an amazing atmosphere. We will defi-nitely come back!!!

“What a Surprise”Reviewed 17 April 2015Although we have been visiting Calpe for 35 years we hadnever tried this restaurant. The new owners are Italian and verywelcoming. There is an interesting Menu del dia at lunchtimebut it's mainly a la carte for dinner however there is a seafoodspecial which we tried. This was amazing. Starter of plump deli-cious prawns in a brandy sauce. The waitress then rearrangedthe table to make space for a 'big dish'!! A vast mound ofseafood arrived - so much that we could hardly see thespaghetti underneath! Clams, mussels, prawns and half a lob-ster each - it was a feast! This menu includes a desert and abottle of wine and is 32 euros each which sounds expensivebut is really good value! Allow plenty of time for cracking openthe claws though.

Xef Pirata - Gastro BarCalle Angel 22 | Esquina Cuesta de los

Machos. Casco antiguo, Altea“Surely one of the best”

Reviewed 20 May 2015Carpaccio of scallops and lime sorbet- thinly sliced scallopstaste really fresh, delighted with lime sorbetSea urchin's gratin cream - I usually don't eat sea urchin but Ido love this creamy texture'False' risotto with mushroom -rich and creamy orzo pasta,smell great.Baby-pig low temperature cooked with Apple, Spanish beef ten-derloin , octopus with potato- so tender and taste just perfectMini- burger - enrich the taste of burger with foie gras

We love every single dish here, would love to try more howeverthose filled us up. Sangria is good too. Reasonable price withsuperb quality of food. Will surely come back on our next visit,we gonna miss this place so much .

“As good as it gets”Reviewed 20 May 2015Hats off to the owner/ operators/ chef's here. Atmosphere isauthentic and charming. Out waiter who was running theupstairs was named Thomas and he was very accommodating.The wine selection was like the food offerings, varied andexcellent w local offerings. Thomas recommended a localChardonnay, unoaked and most excellent. We started w thetruffle and mushroom coquettes. One bite told me this was theplace I had been searching for since arriving in Spain! The sec-ond course of scallop crudo w lime sorbet and micro herbs wasnot only totally sublime but also an incredible presentation.These dishes are not to be missed. Thomas brought us a glassof lovely deep bodied fruity red wine to compliment the babyroast pig w arugula and apple. Another huge hit. We finished wanother croquette of mushroom and truffle followed by the pigcheek which was yet another simply amazing dish. The priceswere incredibly reasonable. The memory of this meal will last alifetime. We greatly appreciate your dedication and passion. Ifyou are ever In The west coast of Florida I would love to showyou what we are doing w wild pig and seafood at our threewaterfront restaurants. I am sorry we are leaving today.Traveling to Granada and then Seville. If you have any recom-mendations for restaurants like yours in these cities we wouldlove to have them.

“Lovely little tapas bar”Reviewed 12 May 2015We like to start here early with tapas then you don't have tobook a table. The dishes are nice. The staff friendly. From XefPirata we walk to El Castell to share a pizza with salad. Thenwe tootle off to QVO for ice cream. Unless we have enoughspace left and we visit Sabors for pastries.


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32 vistacostablanca.com July 1st – July 7th 2015TEULADA MORAIRA


The venue for this meetingis Salón de Banquettes,Avenida Mediterraneo,Teulada, doors open at9.30 am in order for theCommittee to prepare theroom. The meeting willstart at 10:30 am to allowadditional time laterenewals (2014 members).

New members are wel-come to join our U3Abefore the meeting and willthen be able to join Groupsand find out more aboutour Travel and CulturalEvents.

There is no Speaker at thismonths meeting.

Tickets for the "LateSummer Dinner Dance"(members only), which isbeing held at Salón Canor,Teulada on Friday 25thSeptember 2015 costing25 euros, will be availableat this meeting. Thisevening consists of a cavareception at 7pm in thegrounds (weather permit-ting) with music by thePoco Loco Steel Band fol-lowed by a three coursedinner (including drinks) at8pm then music for danc-ing by Barry Peters. Dressis smart casual (no jeansor shorts).


By John Manley - Press Liaison OfficerOver the last few weeksconcrete barriers havebeen installed in the cen-ter of coast road betweenCalpe and Moraira(Avenida Marina) the bar-riers have been placed tostop motorists going toofast around corners andcrossing over the solidwhite line, the area is ahot spot for accidentsand the aim is to reducethe risk of further inci-dents.

The barriers are welcomedby many local residentsand businesses who haveexpressed that it is muchsafer, however there hasbeen a negative response

on social media with manysaying they will causemore accidents than stopthem. The road is alreadyquite narrow and with thenew barriers in the centerof the road it has reducedthe road width even morewhich has led to a fewproblems with large vehi-cles that take this routesuch as buses, VictoriaRaistrick posted onFacebook a photograph ofa bus having a hard timegoing round one of the tightbends.

There has also been dam-age to some of curbs whichmay have been caused byanother large vehicle.

By Spencer Williams

PRAGUE TRIP - 15TH MAY TO 6THThe happy faces of 53members of the TeuladaMoraira U3A says it all.

The wonderful tour ofmany beautiful Europeancities, including Salzburg,Bratislava, Vienna,Budapest and Prague,each city steeped in itsown fascinating traditionsand cultures held a spe-cial allure for everyone.The knowledgeable andoften humorous tourguides in each city wevisited served to enhancethe enjoyment for all.

The drive between citiespassed through the pic-turesque countryside ofBavaria and Austria’sspectacular lakes and

mountains and on into thelush green landscapesand deep forests ofHungary and the CzechRepublic.

Carol Mantle and NormanPeterkin had the dauntingtask of being responsiblefor the group and did anexceptionally good job of

keeping everyoneinformed, bothbefore and duringthe tour.

Their wonderfulsupport and helpthroughout wasgreatly appreciat-ed by each mem-ber of the group.

John Manley - Press Liaison Officer

U3A Memebers having a great time in Prague


Pictures of the concrete barriers

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June 24th – July 1st 2015 vistacostablanca.com 3333

For those of you whomay have passed by C.P.Manuel Bru school inBenissa recently, youmay have noticed abright red London Buspainted on its exterior.

Designed and painted byGAB (the Artists Groupof Benissa) it has beencommissioned in orderto promote it’s EnglishLanguage SummerSchool for this year.

By Joanne Alderton


Between the 3rd July and 8th Augustthis year, up to 22 tapas dishes, show-casing the flavours and traditions ofBenissa, will be available through-out 11 different establishments inthe pueblo.

Each dish will be served with a ‘refres-co’ (cold drink) for €2,00. Next Friday,3rd July at 21:00h sees theofficial opening of the Tapas Trail -Flavours of Benissa - held at the PlazaJaime I by the fountains.

There will be a concert by SIFASOL (TheBenissa School of Modern Music) and allTapas Dishes will be 1,00€ on this day.


A recycling workshophas been arranged by theDepartment of SocialServices in Benitatchell.

The theme is ‘recyclingusing the 5 senses’ and isaimed at making peoplemore aware of the impor-tance of recycling. Theworkshop is free and will beheld at the entrance to CalaMoraig on Friday 3rdJuly. Those interested intaking part should registerat the Tourist InformationOffice.

By Joanne Alderton

By Joanne Alderton


During the recent formal han-dover of a new mini-bus toThe Alzheimer Centre inTeulada-Moraira atwhich T.M.

Lions were representedbecause they had fund-ed the 4,780.90 euroscost of purchasing andinstalling a powered hoist atthe rear of the mini-bus, theLions learned that The Centre's oldbus was not the only item of equip-ment to need replacing. At a more

prosaic level, the refrigerator in TheCentre's kitchen

had longpassed thestage ofbeing a bitw h e e z yand was

now posi-t i v e l y

bronchial to theextent where it could

no longer chill food down to the tem-perature levels required by healthand safety regulations which, partic-

ularly with the advent of the Summerheat, was a causefor serious concern.T.M. Lions werehappy to help: TheAlzheimer Centreidentified a suitablenew refrigerator withthe capacity neededto enable theirkitchens to continueproviding meals to

clients attending The Centre: and theLions donated the 644.00 euro pur-chase price. Job done!


Benissa’s 7th Tapas Trail

By Iain McRae - PRO Teulada Moraira Lions Club

Money raised for a new fridge

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Find the 9 letter word and asmany other words as you can!

1. Forsake5. Misgiving8. Robber9. Competence10. Hide11. Climb12. Housing area14. Groups of twelve18. Archer's missile20. Great pleasure22. Strain23. Flinch24. Majestic25. Gracefully slim

1. Thing2. Strange3. Turn aside4. Almost5. Even6. Stir up7. Perhaps13. Despotism15. Slanting16. Colonist17. Handsome youth18. Stage-player19. Turn rapidly21. Stately, splendid









Find All The Words - Computingapple











screenvideo camwindows


Page 35: Weekly Buzz Issue 82


Scribble Pad...


1 Polish expert (4)3 Trouble with sailors in granddecking (8)9 Transport company hurts (7)10 A revolutionary pose for an oldstory-teller (5)11 Female resident of island or isth-mus? (5)12 Force workers' leader to takecapital in industrial action (2-4)14 Bird like this coming back toquarry (6)16 Threaten one member with dis-solution (6)19 Bogart's first with a ring for hispartner (6)21 Going astray dooms wicked oldcity (5)24 Bouquet from Kilimanjaro,maybe (5)25 Man left in – he made peoplelaugh (7)26 Alan isn't playing a recorder (8)27 They see eastern agreement (4)


1 Clandestine move for bad crook(4,4)2 Learner entering just to show nat-ural ability (5)4 Sea dog treated with right amountof medicine (6)5 Capital's reported ranges (5)6 Heron is up the creek not far fromthe coast (7)7 Good mimic produces yawn (4)8 Pure but pursued, by the soundof it (6)13 Scraps in which peculiar peopletake sides at first (8)15 Philosopher has nothing new forgroup of soldiers (7)17 Lose mass on Scottish isle (6)18 Scotland's leader doesn't havetrousers (6)20 A cover said to be of use (5)22 Name change for Lloyd (5)23 Some characters again appearin long story (4)

ARIES (March 21st-April 20th)

If you attend to clearing away practical issues and work chores, you’ll leave your-self more room to breathe by the weekend, and in nice time to let your hair downwithout worrying. Be decisive about open ended issues son that you’re able tostart new week on a fresh page.

TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st)

Self expression is your key to happiness this week, so try to find the right wordswhen dealing with issues at work, when talking to children or family, and most ofall for conveying your feelings to lovers. Focus on friendships and relationshipsthis weekend to feel sated.

GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st)

Social functions loom large and you’re more than happy to dive in head first.Remember however you need to balance that by getting some along time foryourself, even if just to recharge your batteries. Enjoy your light hearted weekendwhere you’ll captivate everyone you meet.

CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)

Break free of the drudgery of boring everyday life. Instead of taking the greyroute, make yourself busy with exciting new projects that push you to your limitsmentally and physically. Keep opinions to yourself for now in the love zone aspartners are a bit tetchy. Think before you speak.

LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)

The last few weeks have been somewhat stressful for various reasons so nowit’s time to cut yourself some slack, let your hair down and surround yourself withlike minded people who know how hard you’ve worked over getting plans off theground. Pat your own back for this.

VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd)

Your creative potential is off the charts this week, but if you feel that hurdles keepbeing thrown into you path, you may want to throw in the towel at some point.Don’t be so submissive. It’s not like you. As your determination not to fail increas-es so too will your confidence.

LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd)

There’s unrest building under the surface this week, so pointless rows couldspring from nowhere and could rock you on your heels. Don’t rise to the bait ifyou can help it, even if detractors tell you there’s something missing from yourlife. Don’t buy into being goaded.

SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd)

Positive trends help you move through the week with confidence and direction,and with everything to play for, others will see you as someone to be reckonedwith who knows what they want and knows how to get it. Keep the possessiveside of your nature hidden when it comes to love.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st)

The only way you’ll get to the bottom off a situation that’s been troubling you, isto take your time and keep digging until you strike gold. Focus. You’ve got what ittakes to keep moving forward positively, but it’ll be more of a challenge than ithas been in the past. Stay calm.

CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th)

Work matters will have you on the run this week, so make sure you have plentyof early nights as you’ll need to conserve your energy. That means you wonthave much time for socialising for the moment, but it’s a sacrifice you’re happy tomake to get thigngs moving.

AqUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th)

You now seem to be surrounded by positive influences, making the start of thisworking week the ideal time to push yourself to the limit intellectually and inti-mately. You wont know what you’re capable of achieving until you try, so go outon a limb and give it your best shot.

PISCES (February 20th-March 20th)

With everything to play for now, you know you need to put in the maximum effortin all things. You’re putting in so much time and energy into work matters thatsuperiors can’t fail to see your efforts. Do the same over relationships and friend-ships are you’ll be golden.


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36 vistacostablanca.com July 1st – July 7th 2015MOTORING

The Latest BUZZ from the Motoring World

A recent review by Clarkson of a theSpanish made SEAT Leon X-Perience,faced an angry backlash from Spaniardsand the Spanish Embassy in London aswell after the former Top Gear hoststerotypically condemmed the car which isone of Spain's biggestexports.Clarkson’s car reviewin the Sunday Times,entitled Does thisSpanish fly? No, it’s ahomage to catatoniawas far from compli-mentry, but thats notwhere it ended, as wellas slating the car andmanufacturer heturned his attention onthe nation of Spainitself.

Clarkson started offwith labelling the newSEAT Leon as a ‘luke-warm paella’, Clarksonsaid he had never driven a SEAT becausehe ‘never saw the point’. (This was actual-ly an inaccurate styatemnt , as pointed outby Twitter user @jorch_garcia."SEAT wasn’t created by one man with avision and a passion for speed, beauty,and power. It was created because at the

time Spain was emerging from its ThirdWorld status and the government didn’twant its people squandering their beadsand their chickens, or whatever currencythey used at the time, on high-valueimports such as cars," Clarkson wrote in

the article.

“Who would chooseto have his carmade bySpaniards, who aregood at fishing offCornwall, when hecould have theexact same thingmade by Germans,who, let’s be frank,are good at makingcars?”In response, eco-nomic minister atLondon’s Spanishe m b a s s y ,Immaculada Lopez,wrote to the

Sunday times. "More than 2m people all over the worldbuy Spanish-made cars every year andthey seem perfectly happy with the prod-uct and strangely impervious to MrClarkson’s thoughtful, balanced andalways entertaining views."

Jeremy Clarkson Takes aJibe at Spanish Motors

Land Rover Discovery Sport The Discovery Sport is the stylish and lux-urious replacement for the Freelander.However, forget like-for-like comparisons,because the Discovery Sport is milesahead of its predecessor in terms ofrefinement, handling and performance.

Based on the Evoque,the Discovery Sport com-bines a huge interior witha composed ride. Thismeans the DiscoverySport is comfortable andextremely large inside,with a 5+2 seating con-figuration and around1700 litres of maximum boot space.

The '+2' seats are essentially a third rowthat lift out of the boot floor while themoveable second row provides easyaccess. However, while the compact thirdrow of seats are perfect for young chil-dren, adults will only want to use them forthe shortest of journeys.The interior of the Discovery Sport is sim-ilar to the Evoque, with an abundance ofhigh quality, soft-touch materials and awell-crafted dashboard. Standard equip-ment is impressive and all models get cli-mate control for the first two row of seats,along with cruise control, a heated wind-screen and partial leather seats.

The Discovery Sport was launched withthe 2.2-litre SD4 engine but this was

replaced in September 2015 with a new,British-built 2.0-litre four-cylinderIngenium diesel engine.

The four-cylinder Ingenium is a huge stepup from the 2.2 diesel. The TD4, with

150PS, will return129g/km of CO2 andclose to 58mpg accordingto the official figures.

On the road the DiscoverySport feels capable andfun, with plenty of grip inthe corners and plenty oftorque. We'd recommend

the automatic gearbox over the manual,as it's smooth with near seamless gearchanges. The four-wheel drive system isidentical to the one found in the Evoqueand linked to Land Rover's excellentTerrain Response system, which meansthe Discovery Sport is more than capableoff road. In fact, it's better than any of itsrivals when it comes to tackling mud orsnow.

Freelander owners will no doubt baulk atthe upmarket price, with entry-level mod-els costing more than £30,000, while high-spec models will venture deep into£40,000 territory. Yet, even after factoringthe new pricing strategy, the DiscoverySport still has huge appeal, with plenty ofrefinement, sophistication and outstand-ing off-road ability.

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June 24th – July 1st 2015 vistacostablanca.com 37MOTORING

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40 vistacostablanca.com July 1st – July 7th 2015HEALTH & FAMILY

TEETH WHITENING - 2ND WEEKTwo weeks ago we wrote about the about desiremany of us have for that "Hollywood Smile".

This week we have asked local Dentist Dr. Canega for hisexpert views on the various processes. How they workand any risks involved.


Bleaching is whitening beyond the natural. Getting abrighter smile though can come at a painful price. If youchoose to use a bleaching product, you should only do soafter consultation with a dentist.

This is especially important for patients with many fillings,crowns, and extremely dark stains. A thorough oralexamination, performed by a licensed dentist, is essentialto determine if bleaching isan appropriate course of treatment.

In addition to tooth sensitivity, ranging from the mild to theextreme, dentists report seeing side effects that includegum irritation, (although we call it "irritation" this, forsome, can also be very painful) bluish enamel, unevenwhiteness, and—if the chemical manages to seep into acracked tooth or an unfilled cavity—painful internal dam-age that can lead to a root canal.

Home bleaching is absolutely not recommended by thevast majority of dentists due to over bleaching which theclient can not control or in contrary not would get the suf-ficient expected whitening effect. Our difficulty as dentistsis we have to pick up the pieces for the clients who haveexperienced these problems.

Laser or Light activated treatment:

There are many professionally applied tooth bleachingproducts used by dentists in practice. These productsuse hydrogen peroxide in concentrations ranging from 25percent to 40 percent and are sometimes used togetherwith a light or laser, which the companies state acceler-ate or activate the whitening process. However, moststudies have reported no additional long term benefit withlight activated systems. Prior to application of profession-

al products, gum tissues are protected either by isolationwith a rubber dam or application of a gel.

Veneers : another option to get a long term desired toothshade. It s this method that t is this method that manywould used to really get the desired effect. A cover,veneer, is placed over the teeth to give the shade a clientwants. Consult with you dentist regarding this method. Orindeed any method.

Remember, although teeth whitening can give desiredresult for some it doesn't mean that this process shouldbe repeated as routine treatment when it needs to keepa bright white smile. All whitening techniques and prod-ucts results at the end by a chemical reaction. The out-come can be quiet relevant and differs individually fromone to another person.) As always you should alwaystake advise from a professional before considering orembarking any of these process.

Dr. Canega has a practice with the latest technology sit-uated in La Nucia just off the CV70 between roundabouts1 and 2.

For an appointment Call the surgery on 966236130.The first consultation is FREE.

Dr. Canega also has an extremely detailed website givinginformation regarding all aspects of different treatmentsand dental problems and solutions. Check this out atwww.nordicdentalsmile.com

This Article is a continuation from Issue 39,which unfortunately, we were unable to publish

in last weeks edition. We apologise for any inconvenience

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June 24th – July 1st 2015 vistacostablanca.comPU






�26th - 2nd December 2014

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Benidorm Dog Homing – Facebook page

ASTRID isyoung and livelyand in a tinycage atBenidprm DogHoming. Shedoes needtraining as sheis lively andwants to jumpat you a lot. I

know that with regular long walks andtraining she will change, so please give her a chance.

Just call our English speaking volunteer Maria on677 37 33 96 with any questions and offers of help.Our address is Partida de Salto del Agua 60,Apartado de correos 435, 03500 Benidorm and welook forward to sharing our wonderful dogs andcats with you.



Pet owners are often surprised to find out that eventheir furry companions can suffer from heat rashes.

If heat rashes are annoying and painful for humans; theyare even more misery-inducing to one’s pets. Indeed; aheat rash on dog or a heat rash on a cat can cause agreat deal of irritation, itching, inflammation and anxiety tothe pet.

Symptoms of heat rash on dogs and heat rash oncats - Heat rashes on dogs and cats mainly appear onthe gentle skin in the abdominal region, on the backside,in the folds of the skin, under the neck and tail or near thepet’s ears. Often, pet owners have mistaken the heat rashon dogs and heat rash on cats to be due to fleas or otherparasitic infestations. However, heat rashes are mainly aresult of Staphylococcus pathogen aggravated by hot andhumid environmental conditions.A heat rash on one’s pet can begin as a minor skin irrita-tion where the dog or cat might scratch frequently; but

very soon it cantransform intoan oozing, redrash that maybe accompa-nied by pimples,boils, scabs anda bad odor.

In case of aheat rash ondogs, the ani-

mal may bite, lick or even chew the site of the rash fre-quently. This can lead to worsening of the condition and,if overlooked, may lead to extensive hair loss or bleedingand open wounds. Furry dogs (or even hairless dogs likethe Chinese Crested that has tufts of hair all over its body)are more prone to heat rashes in the summer months.

Likewise, a heat rash on cats can begin as bumps or redblotches on the skin that may be pus filled or oozing.Apart from these red blotches, cat owners have also

noted signs like dry skin, falling hair, acne or abrasionswhich are some of the other tell-tale signs of heat rash oncats.

Treating heat rash on dogs and heat rash on cats -Before rushing off to buy some over the counter productsfor treating such skin infections on your pet, make sureyou have your pet examined by an experienced vet (or adermatologist).Often, regularvets may not beable to identifysuch conditionsand a dermatol-ogist may bemore experi-enced in recom-mending theright products forhelping treat theheat rash. Heatand humidity arethe main culpritsof heat rash on dogs and heat rash on cats. At the firstsigns of infection, make sure you cool the pet down usinga cold towel dipped in ice cool water. Home remedies fortreating a heat rash on dogs or a heat rash on cats mainlyconsist of application of Calamine lotion or creams con-taining less than 1% hydrocortisone. These can helpreduce swelling and inflammation and bring down theitchiness and redness. Aloe Vera gel (taken directly fromthe plant or in the form of lotions and gels) can also beapplied to the heat rash on dog or heat rash on cat.Hydrocortisone creams must not be used for more thanthree days (or as recommended by the dermatologist)since excessive use of such products can be harmful topets.

Never use any harsh or artificially scented skin creams orperfumes that can cause allergic reactions in the pet andworsen the heat rash. It is important to prevent the animalfrom going out in the sun as sun burn can aggravate thecondition. Do talk to your dermatologist regarding the useof sun screen or other gentle sun protection for the pets.

Preventing heat rashes in pets - There are many greatproducts available in the market today that can helpaddress many of your pet’s skincare concerns in a holisticmanner. Several of these skin and coat formulas areabundant in nourishing ingredients like vitamin E, omega3 fatty acids and other B vitamins. All of these nutrientswork together to stimulate tissue repair and also help cre-ate an oily layer on the animal’s skin to keep it healthy,moisturized and supple. Do talk to your vet or dermatolo-gist regarding supplementing your pet with vitamin C (andother vital nutrients like Biotin etc) to encourage naturalcollagen formulation which, in turn, can help prevent heatrash on dogs and heat rash on cats.


A dog with heat rash on its stomachHeat rash on a cats chin Severe case of heat rash

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Wednesday 1st July06:00 Breakfast 09:15 Crimewatch Roadshow10:00 Homes Under the Hammer 10:45 Call the Council 11:30 Tennis: Wimbledon 2015 13:00 BBC News at One 13:30 BBC London News 13:45 Tennis: Wimbledon 2015 18:00 BBC News at Six 18:30 BBC London News 19:00 The One Show 20:00 Don't Tell the Bride 21:00 The Interceptor 22:00 BBC News at Ten 22:25 BBC London News 22:35 SunTrap 23:05 The Met: Policing London

06:00 Countdown 06:45 Will & Grace: Leo Unwrapped 07:10 Will & Grace: Dolls and Dolls 07:35 Everybody Loves Raymond:08:30 Frasier: 09:30 The Big Bang Theory: 10:30 Come Dine with Me 12:05 Come Dine with Me 12:40 Come Dine with Me 13:10 Phil Spencer Secret Agent 14:10 Countdown 15:00 Deal or No Deal 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00 The Simpsons: 18:30 Hollyoaks 19:00 Channel 4 News 20:00 The Auction House 21:00 24 Hours in A&E 22:00 Kids in Crisis? 23:00 On the Edge and Online

06:00 Children's Tv09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:10 Cowboy Builders 12:10 5 News at Lunchtime 12:15 Trauma Doctor13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 NCIS: Tribes 15:15 Film: Sub-Zero 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 Home and Away 18:30 5 News Tonight 19:00 The 12 Year Old Shopaholic... 19:55 5 News Update 20:00 90 Cats & Counting: Cat... 21:00 Nightmare Tenants, Slum... 22:00 New: Big Brother 23:00 New: Big Brother's Bit On TheSide Door 21:00 Celeb CSI22:00 Celeb CSI22:55 Celeb CSI: Ozzy Osbourne:

6:00am Good Morning Britain8:30am Lorraine9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show10:30am This Morning10:55am ITV News11:00am This Morning12:30pm Loose Women1:30pm ITV News & Weather2:00pm Judge Rinder3:00pm Secret Dealers4:00pm Tipping Point5:00pm The Chase6:00pm ITV News London6:30pm ITV News & Weather7:00pm Emmerdale7:30pm Coronation Street8:00pm The Cube[9:00pm Long Lost Family10:00pm ITV News at Ten & Weather10:40pm The Mafia with TrevorMcDonald11:40pm More Tales fromNorthumberland with Robson Green

06:00 Homes Under the Hammer 07:00 Call the Council 07:45 Helicopter Heroes Down Under 08:15 See Hear 08:45 Cowboys and Angels 09:15 Victoria Derbyshire 11:00 BBC News 11:30 Daily Politics 13:00 Tennis: Wimbledon 2015 20:30 Wimbledon 2day 21:30 The RHS Hampton CourtPalace... 22:30 Newsnight 23:20 Live: Women's World Cup Semi-Final


Thursday 2nd July6:00 Breakfast 09:15 Crimewatch Roadshow10:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 Call the Council 11:45 Helicopter Heroes Down Under 12:15 Bargain Hunt: Hemswell 13:00 BBC News at One 13:30 BBC London News 13:45 Tennis: Wimbledon 2015 18:00 BBC News at Six 18:30 BBC London News 19:00 The One Show 19:30 EastEnders 20:00 Britain Beneath Your Feet 21:00 Celebrity MasterChef 22:00 BBC News at Ten 22:25 BBC London News 22:35 Question Time

06:00 Countdown 06:45 Will & Grace:07:10 Will & Grace: 07:35 Everybody Loves Raymond: 08:30 Frasier: Caught in the Act 09:00 Frasier: Boo! 09:30 The Big Bang Theory: 10:00 The Big Bang Theory: 12:00 Channel 4 News Summary 12:05 Come Dine with Me 12:40 Come Dine with Me 13:10 Phil Spencer Secret Agent 14:10 Countdown 15:00 Deal or No Deal 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 Hollyoaks 19:00 Channel 4 News 20:00 Dogs: Their Secret Lives 21:00 The Tribe 22:00 Career Criminals 23:05 Scientologists at War

06:00 Children's Tv09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:10 Cowboy Builders 12:10 5 News at Lunchtime 12:15 Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 NCIS: Stakeout 15:15 Film: NYC Tornado 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 Home and Away 18:30 5 News Tonight 19:00 Trauma Doctors 19:55 5 News Update 20:00 Benefits:37 Years On The Dole 21:00 New: Big Brother 22:00 New: Person of Interest23:00 Big Brother's Bit On The Side 21:00 Celeb CSI22:00 Celeb CSI22:55 Celeb CSI23:50 Celeb CSI

6:00am Good Morning Britain8:30am Lorraine9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show10:30am This Morning11:00am This Morning12:30pm Loose Women1:30pm ITV News & Weather2:00pm Judge Rinder3:00pm Secret Dealers4:00pm Tipping Point5:00pm The Chase6:00pm ITV News7:00pm Emmerdale7:30pm How Safe Is My SummerHoliday?: Tonight8:00pm Emmerdale8:30pm Big Box Little Box9:00pm Superhospital10:00pm ITV News at Ten & Weather10:40pm Exposure: The ShamMarriage Racket - How to Buy YourWay into Britain11:40pm Perspectives: Gary Kemp -Kick Out the Jams

06:15 Homes Under the Hammer 07:15 The RHS Hampton CourtPalace... 08:15 Animals Unexpected 09:15 Victoria Derbyshire 11:00 Daily Politics 11:30 Tennis: Wimbledon 2015 20:30 Wimbledon 2day 21:30 The RHS Hampton CourtPalace... 22:00 Mock the Week 22:30 Newsnight 23:20 The Bank: A Matter of Life and... 00:20 The Missing Stolen School...:...Children 00:50 An Hour to Save Your Life


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Saturday 4th July06:00 Breakfast 10:00 Saturday Kitchen Live 11:30 The Box 12:00 BBC News 12:10 Tennis: Wimbledon 2015 18:40 BBC News 18:50 BBC London News 19:00 Prized Apart 20:00 The National Lottery: WhoDares... 20:50 Casualty: Heart Over Head 21:45 The John Bishop Show 22:30 BBC News 22:50 Not Going Out 23:20 Room 101 - Extra Storage 00:00 Film: The Hot Chick

06:15 How I Met Your Mother: 07:30 Mobil 1 The Grid 08:00 The Morning Line 09:00 Frasier: Match Game 09:30 Frasier: Miss Right Now 10:00 The Big Bang Theory: 10:30 The Big Bang Theory: 11:00 The Big Bang Theory: 11:25 The Simpsons: 11:55 The Simpsons: 12:25 The Simpsons: 12:55 Rude(ish) Tube 13:25 Channel 4 Racing 16:10 Come Dine with Me 18:40 Channel 4 News 19:00 Walking Through History 20:00 Penelope Keith's HiddenVillages 21:00 Film: G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013) 23:10 Film: Terminator 2: JudgmentDay (1991)

06:00 Children's Tv10:40 Cowboy Builders 11:40 Cowboy Builders 12:40 Cowboy Builders 13:35 Carry On Cabby 15:25 Film: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang 18:10 5 News Weekend 18:15 Nightmare Tenants, Slum... 19:10 Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away! 20:05 Benefits:37 Years On The Dole 21:00 Benefits Britain: Life On TheDole 22:00 New: Big Brother 23:00 He Left Me For My Mother... 21:00 Celeb CSI Ny: Kim Kardashian:Second Chances 22:00 Celeb CSI: Taylor Swift 22:55 Celeb CSI: Ozzy Osbourne:Skin in the Game 23:50 Celeb CSI: Sharon Osbourne

8:25am ITV News8:30am Weekend9:25am Murder, She Wrote10:20am Murder, She Wrote11:15am The Jeremy Kyle Show12:20pm ITV News & Weather12:25pm The Jeremy Kyle Show1:25pm Surprise Surprise2:30pm 1000 Heartbeats3:25pm All Star Family Fortunes4:10pm This Is Lionel Richie5:15pm Catchphrase6:00pm ITV News London6:15pm ITV News & Weather6:30pm You've Been Framed!7:00pm Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince[FILM]10:00pm ITV News & Weather10:15pm Black Work11:15pm Burn After Reading[FILM]

06:05 Animal Park 06:35 Formula 1: British Grand Prix -... 08:15 Formula 1: British Grand Prix -... 09:55 Formula 1: British Grand Prix -... 11:05 Tennis: Wimbledon 2015 12:10 Formula 1: British Grand Prix -... 14:30 Tennis: Wimbledon 2015 20:30 Wimbledon 2day 21:30 Top Gear 22:45 Hunt vs Lauda: F1's Greatest... 23:45 Film: Grand Prix


Sunday 5th July06:00 Breakfast 09:00 The Andrew Marr Show10:00 Sunday Morning Live 11:00 Sunday Politics 12:15 Formula 1: The British GrandPrix 15:30 Prized Apart 16:30 Escape to the Country: Essex 17:00 Songs of Praise 17:35 Nature's Greatest Dancers 18:35 BBC News 18:50 BBC London News 19:00 Countryfile: Cornwall 20:00 Fake or Fortune? 21:00 A Song for Jenny 22:20 BBC News 22:40 BBC London News 22:50 Live at the Apollo 23:35 Don't Tell the Bride

06:20 How I Met Your Mother: : 07:10 Ginetta GT5 Challenge 07:35 Everybody Loves Raymond: 08:30 Frasier: 09:30 Sunday Brunch 12:25 Jamie and Jimmy's FridayNight...: ...Feast 13:30 The Big Bang Theory: 15:00 The Simpsons: 15:30 The Simpsons: 16:00 The Simpsons: 16:30 Location, Location, Location 17:35 A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun 18:30 Channel 4 News 19:00 Kevin McCloud's Escape to theWild 20:00 Amazing Spaces Shed of TheYear 21:00 Humans 22:00 Film: The Grey (2011) 00:15 Rude Tube: Fearless & Foolish

10:40 Police Interceptors 11:35 Police Interceptors 12:40 Film: Kate & Leopold 14:50 Film: Entrapment 17:05 Film: Disney's Hercules 18:45 5 News Weekend 18:50 Film: You, Me and Dupree 21:00 New: Big Brother: Cash Bomb 22:00 Film: Deadly Adoption23:45 Film: Assumed Killer

8:25am ITV News8:30am Weekend9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show11:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show12:30pm ITV News & Weather12:40pm Love Your Garden1:40pm Long Lost Family2:40pm Nanny McPhee and the BigBang[FILM]4:45pm Midsomer Murders6:45pm ITV News London6:55pm ITV News & Weather7:15pm Catchphrase8:00pm Surprise Surprise9:00pm Black Work10:00pm ITV News & Weather10:20pm Bear Grylls: Mission Survive11:20pm Piers Morgan's Life Stories:Bruno Tonioli

06:15 Homes Under the Hammer 07:15 Big Dreams Small Spaces 08:15 Countryfile: WorkingLandscapes Compilation 09:15 Gardeners' World 09:45 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:15 Formula 1: Rewind - GreatBritain 12:20 Bargain Hunt: Scotland13:20 Athletics: Diamond League -... 14:20 Athletics: British... 18:00 Film: John Carter 20:00 Top Gear: Best of Series 22 21:00 Odyssey 21:45 Family Guy: The Simpsons Guy 22:25 Family Guy 22:50 Family Guy 23:10 Family Guy 23:30 Live: Women's World Cup Final


Friday 3rd July06:00 Breakfast 09:15 Crimewatch Roadshow10:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 Call the Council 11:45 Helicopter Heroes Down Under 12:15 Bargain Hunt: London 13:00 BBC News at One 13:30 BBC London News 13:45 Tennis: Wimbledon 2015 18:00 BBC News at Six 18:30 BBC London News 19:00 The One Show 19:30 Would I Lie to You? 20:00 EastEnders 20:30 Celebrity MasterChef 22:00 BBC News at Ten 22:25 BBC London News 22:35 The Graham Norton Show 23:25 SunTrap 23:55 Film: Flatliners

06:00 Countdown 06:45 Will & Grace: 07:10 Will & Grace: 07:35 Everybody Loves Raymond: 08:30 Frasier: 09:30 The Big Bang Theory: 10:00 The Big Bang Theory: 10:30 Come Dine with Me 12:00 Channel 4 News Summary 12:05 Come Dine with Me 13:10 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 14:10 Countdown 15:00 Deal or No Deal 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 Hollyoaks 19:00 Channel 4 News 20:00 Location, Location, Location 21:00 8 Out of 10 Cats DoesCountdown 22:00 The Last Leg 23:05 Man Down: Dennis 23:40 Film: Pusher (2012)

09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:10 Cowboy Builders 12:10 5 News at Lunchtime 12:15 Police Interceptors: Stop &Search 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 NCIS: Los Angeles 15:15 Film: Jesse Stone: InnocentsLost 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 Home and Away 18:30 5 News Tonight 19:00 World War II In Colour: TheSoviet Steamroller 19:55 5 News Update 20:00 New: Conspiracy:Lord LucanDossier 21:00 New: Big Brother: Live Eviction 22:30 New: Big Brother's Bit On TheSide 23:30 Big Brother: Live From TheHouse

6:00am Good Morning Britain8:30am Lorraine9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show10:30am This Morning10:55am ITV News11:00am This Morning12:30pm Loose Women1:30pm ITV News & Weather2:00pm Judge Rinder3:00pm Secret Dealers4:00pm Tipping Point5:00pm The Chase6:00pm ITV News London6:30pm ITV News & Weather7:00pm Emmerdale7:30pm Coronation Street8:00pm Gino's Italian Escape: A Tasteof the Sun[8:30pm Coronation Street9:00pm Doc Martin10:00pm ITV News at Ten & Weather10:40pm Vicious11:10pm The Hitcher[FILM]

6:00 Homes Under the Hammer 07:00 Call the Council 07:45 The RHS Hampton CourtPalace... 08:15 Gardeners' World 08:45 Cowboys and Angels 09:15 Victoria Derbyshire 11:00 Daily Politics 11:30 Tennis: Wimbledon 2015 20:30 Wimbledon 2day 21:30 Gardeners' World 22:00 The RHS Hampton CourtPalace... 22:30 Newsnight 23:00 Artsnight 23:30 Best of Glastonbury 2015


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Monday 6th July06:00 Breakfast 09:15 Neighbourhood Blues 10:00 Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 Call the Council 11:45 Helicopter Heroes Down Under 12:15 Bargain Hunt: Newark 13:00 BBC News at One 13:30 BBC London News 13:45 Tennis: Wimbledon 2015 18:00 BBC News at Six 18:30 BBC London News 19:00 The One Show 19:30 Nigel Slater: Eating Together:Noodles 20:00 EastEnders 20:30 Young, Homeless and Fighting... 21:00 The Met: Policing London 22:00 BBC News at Ten 22:25 BBC London News 22:35 A Deadly Warning: Srebrenica... 23:05 Have I Got Old News for You

06:00 Countdown 06:45 Will & Grace: 07:35 Everybody Loves Raymond: 08:00 Everybody Loves Raymond: 08:30 Frasier: 09:30 The Big Bang Theory: 10:00 The Big Bang Theory: 10:30 Come Dine with Me 13:10 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 14:10 Countdown 15:00 Deal or No Deal 16:00 A Place in the Sun 17:00 Couples Come Dine with Me: 18:00 The Simpsons 18:30 Hollyoaks 19:00 Channel 4 News 20:00 How Councils Blow YourMillions: Channel 4 Dispatches 20:30 Superfoods: The Real Story 21:00 How to Get a Council House 22:00 Man Down: The Heath 22:35 Tattoo Fixers 23:40 24 Hours in A&E

09:15 The Wright Stuff 11:10 Cowboy Builders 12:10 5 News at Lunchtime 12:15 90 Cats & Counting: Cat... 13:15 Home and Away 13:45 Neighbours 14:15 NCIS: Dog Tags 15:15 Film: The Trail To Hope Rose 17:00 5 News at 5 17:30 Neighbours 18:00 Home and Away 18:30 5 News Tonight 19:00 Police Interceptors 19:55 5 News Update 20:00 New: Hiroshima: The Aftermath 20:55 5 News Update

6:00am Good Morning Britain8:30am Lorraine9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show10:30am This Morning10:55am ITV News11:00am This Morning12:30pm Loose Women1:30pm ITV News & Weather2:00pm Judge Rinder3:00pm Secret Dealers4:00pm Tipping Point5:00pm The Chase6:00pm ITV News 7:00pm Emmerdale7:30pm Coronation Street8:00pm Vet School8:30pm Coronation Street9:00pm Vicious9:30pm It's a Funny Old Week withJason Manford10:00pm ITV News at Ten & Weather10:40pm Plebs11:10pm The Jeremy Kyle Show USA

06:00 Homes Under the Hammer 07:00 Call the Council 07:45 The RHS Hampton CourtPalace... 08:15 Escape to the Continent 09:15 Victoria Derbyshire 11:00 Daily Politics 11:30 Tennis: Wimbledon 2015 20:30 Wimbledon 2day 21:30 Mock the Week 22:00 Episodes 22:30 Newsnight 23:20 Odyssey 00:05 Watchdog


Tuesday 7th July6:00am Breakfast9:15am Neighbourhood Blues10:00am Homes under the Hammer10:30am 7/7: The London BombingsRemembered12:05pm Bargain Hunt1:00pm BBC News at One1:30pm BBC London News1:45pm Tennis: Wimbledon 20156:00pm BBC News at Six6:30pm BBC London News7:00pm The ONE Show7:30pm EastEnders8:00pm Holby City9:00pm The Syndicate10:00pm BBC News at Ten10:25pm BBC London News10:35pm imagine... Beware of MrBaker

6:00am Countdown6:45am Will and Grace7:10am Will and Grace7:35am Everybody Loves Raymond8:00am Everybody Loves Raymond8:30am Frasier9:00am Frasier9:30am The Big Bang Theory10:00am The Big Bang Theory10:30am Come Dine with Me1:10pm Phil Spencer: Secret Agent2:10pm Countdown3:00pm Deal or No Deal4:00pm A Place in the Sun5:00pm Couples Come Dine with Me6:00pm The Simpsons6:30pm Hollyoaks7:00pm Channel 4 News9:00pm Child Genius10:00pm Not Safe for Work10:50pm 8 Out of 10 Cats DoesCountdown11:50pm Rude Tube

9:15am The Wright Stuff11:10am Cowboy Builders12:10pm 5 News Lunchtime12:15pm Nightmare Tenants, SlumLandlords1:15pm Home and Away1:45pm Neighbours2:15pm NCIS3:15pm Meltdown: Days ofDestruction[FILM]5:00pm 5 News at 55:30pm Neighbours6:00pm Home and Away6:30pm 5 News Tonight7:00pm Police Interceptors8:00pm The Dog Rescuers with AlanDavies9:00pm Benefits By the Sea: Jaywick10:00pm Big Brother: Cash Bomb11:00pm Big Brother's Bit on the Side

6:00am Good Morning Britain8:30am Lorraine9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show10:30am This Morning10:55am ITV News11:00am This Morning12:30pm Loose Women1:30pm ITV News & Weather2:00pm Judge Rinder3:00pm Secret Dealers4:00pm Tipping Point5:00pm The Chase6:00pm ITV News London6:30pm ITV News & Weather7:00pm Emmerdale7:30pm A Great Welsh Adventure withGriff Rhys Jones8:00pm Love Your Garden9:00pm Virgin Atlantic: Up In The Air10:00pm ITV News at Ten & Weather10:40pm Benidorm11:40pm Murder, She Wrote

6:00am Homes under the Hammer7:00am Call the Council7:45am Helicopter Heroes DownUnder8:15am Japan: Earth's EnchantedIslands9:15am Victoria Derbyshire10:30am Call the Council11:15am Flog it! Travels Around Britain11:30am Daily Politics12:30pm Tennis: Wimbledon 20158:00pm Wimbledon 2day9:00pm The Bank: A Matter of Life andDebt10:00pm Rev.10:30pm Newsnight11:20pm 7/7: The London BombingsRemembered


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Leicester City SackNigel Pearson

Nigel Pearson hasbeen sacked as man-ager of Leicesterdespite keeping theFoxes in the PremierLeague last season.

Pearson took charge atthe King PowerStadium for the secondtime in November 2011and presided over pro-motion in the 2013-14season to the top-flight,where they finished arespectable 14th in theirmaiden campaign after abrilliant run of results in thefinal weeks.

However, the clubannounced Pearson hadbeen relieved of his duties,saying "fundamental differ-ences in perspective existbetween us."

Leicester City spent 140days from November toApril at the bottom of thePremier League table andescaped relegation with aremarkable run of sevenwins in nine matches toend the season.

It said: "The board of direc-tors recognises the suc-cess Nigel has helped tobring to Leicester City dur-

ing his two spells in chargeof the club, particularly dur-ing the last three and a halfyears.

"However, it has becomeclear to the club that funda-mental differences in per-spective exist between us.Regrettably, the clubbelieves that the workingrelationship between Nigeland the Board is no longerviable.

"Leicester City’s owners,Vichai and AiyawattSrivaddhanaprabha, andthe board of directorswould like to place onrecord their thanks to Nigelfor the considerable contri-bution he has made duringhis time with the club andwish him well in the future.

After roaring into theWorld Cup semi-finals,the Lionesses will hopeto reach their first everWorld Cup final in atournament where histo-ry has been made.

The quarter-final winover hosts Canada wasthe first time an EnglandWomen's side have everwon a World Cup knock-out match, beating theNorth American side 2-1after early goals fromJody Taylor and LucyBronze.

The semi-final will beEngland's biggest test ofthe tournament yet asthey face Japan, whowon the 2011 World Cupheld in Germany. Thetask is made even hard-er as Japan to this pointare unbeaten.

Mark Sampson's side

face the world champi-ons in Edmonton, andthe match will be shownon BBC one with cover-age starting at 11:10pmWednesday night. Kick-off is at midnight in theUK so it will be on at1am in Spain

On their way to thesemi-finals, Englandhad to overcome anopening game defeat toFrance but since thatmatch have kicked onrecording four consecu-tive 2-1 wins overColombia, Mexico,Norway in the last-16and then knocking outhosts and tournamenthopefuls, Canada.

England captain, StephHoughton, has labelledthe game against Japanthe biggest in EnglandWomen's football histo-ry.

Lionesses In WorldCup Semi Finals

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The 33-year-old goalkeeper brought to anend an 11-year spell with the Blues afterfalling behind Thibaut Courtois in the peck-ing order at Stamford Bridge.

Highlighting his desire to stay in the PremierLeague and thanking staff and supportersfor their work together over the years, Cechposted the message on social media as histransfer was announced.

"I thought this would never happen but it istime for me to say goodbye to Chelsea. Theclub I have lived every single minute forsince joining in July 2004, the club in whichI thought I'd hang my gloves and boots oneday and finish my career. But life doesn'talways turn out the way you think it will.

The long letter finishes off thanking Chelseaand wishing them the best for the future.

"I wish everybody at Chelsea all the best forthe new season and for the future. Thankyou for an incredible 11 years."

The current goalkeeper situation at theEmirates Stadium has now taken a new turnfollowing the move, with Wojciech Szczesnyand David Ospina still at the club. PoleSzczesny currently wears the number oneshirt while Colombian Ospina is currentlyWenger’s first choice.

Arsenal ae yet to release Petr Cech’sNumber.