weekly exponent ~gh~o l p~mphlet ~n europe~n …€¦ · t•led pl:lr·nsn lb in this cou:itry aud...

THE WEEKLY EXPONENT VOLU ME \ 'I. STAT!, COLLEGE. FlllUAY. JJ, 1914. HIGH GIAlS TO CONSOLIDATION BADLY BEATEN Otion Pictures That Were Taken of the College Were Shown to Fae· ulty for Alterations. rnE WHER a GONGR tSS rnA DISTRIBUTION I I --- Later Returns Show That the Major. Talk Will Be Given Next Monday in Chemistry Le cture Room-Al I English Department Has Obtained 1ty Aga inst Consolidation Lab s Wiii Close. SECOND ANNUAL VOCATIONA L C ONGRESS WILL BEGIN NEXT FRI- T wo Hundred Copies that Will I ncreases. Be Dist ributed on the Hill. 1011 plct"rcs of th >tudents GRAM FOR THE MEETINGS-MANY NOTED EDUCATORS AND ! DAY-DEAN HERRICK HAS ARR ANGED AN EXCELLENT PRO· 1t \\l•fk in thP \arions lahoratories 1 '.\tr H J•,. '.\kl>onncll, ot thl' e 1 . MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY WI LL SPEAK - A LARGE ATTEN· 1 \It 1 \t·ral 1·• lit Jt t lo bP::lr !LU: n also a p'a) on the ca.mpus, which l.!'1\t ri1g frn:i of Burm_ ; a'ld \kD011· DANCE IS ANTICIPATED. , Ollic·hli Ht:aring- ha:-: lJ11·n Pill·d up "·ere Wkl·n Lhp hiller part of ):;eptem· ncll. ot City, will delher a tt J 11ru1H :. .i \\ar, the tit P tJf a ag.11nst consolldat1on alr!!ad:- tXt"Hds er, \\t:'I"l' :it lhe L.)ric tht:atE'-1' lE-uure , 1 ., t lt subj+'ct \'.due) '• 1111 I 1 hh t "Ii ch for trN liii::>tribu· S,000. \\·hen t:ie total Yote 1s In the order to er Pine \\ -itL•r 111 the cht•ruistry lL·C· Over llltl high c:1ool gir ls from I l:rl'<'tings . . . . . . . . . . j all of the of the fac. I n!ajority \\.ill pr"b.1bly bl· dot'c to committee whl<:h tllr· room of the collegl• al :w p. all on•r :\lonurna will be the guests , ..... Mr!i. Robert Seidlitz. and student body tnterested. Cop.11 .... The \Ole on this measure i!I a dt ree 1 1 them an op11ortJnity to m. '.\londay, ·oH:mLer lb. of \lont:ina t'tatL· aud the city of ....... :\liss Azalea Lmlicld. le::; may lJe secured at the librarian's· In tar thn most df•ct::;ivt- or nnv u! nakc a.n altt·1"ations. A• 1\lrIJonuell. b a sanitary engin- lk,zt·man when second annual VO· lle::;1wuse... ..Butte Girl"s Club cle:-;k. ltht• bill-.: \Oled on at the tlt-ct1011.· .... lie of iaculty .md student t. 1 uf wule t.·xpcrieni·e. Ii(' bas tnn- 1 ·ational congress place Novem- Dillon Girl's Club. Two hundred copies of the little lllHjority again!it ac· t•led Pl:lr·nsn lb in this cou:itry aud ber l!t-21 This is a gathering co:t· Roll Call. 1 1cok WPre forwarded w lhe collegt> cor11ing to the state pa11cr::; the in 1-'uroJie studying watPr iiurifica- tluttC'rl h)· the college for the 1mrpose "The l\loden 1 Nurse" at tbe request of Pr of. ·w. "F'. Brewt:r \arinu; l"OHUL!fs ht.•anl frurn t1 It was found 11e(·essc1ry tu dror. tiou J:anit;llltm. The lecture will of bringing to the atten t ion of the I Lucy Ann '.\lar::;hall 1 { 11 cf tbP deparlmt:nl. The are ome o1 tbt .. glim11srs of studc1n I e bi illustr ile<l IJ) lanlern 5'li<les taken )llllllg \\01t1t·n ot the i:;t.ale the various 'Portrait P!10tugr a11by Ao;; a Trade As}:otiation !'or lnt,·rn .. tio11 I C;Hc.1 If. -2 1.1.\\1s nnll ·_lark, ]:!.). of the r poor. by '.\[r. Donnel on hb t·ivs. remuneratiYe occu11ations othf•r and as an An." ....... .. .... al ('cn<:ilhttlon is the uf the .1\ffl'r-011. 1 2n, H1;.., llor.1, 1 .. 1 :-:=w .. et other Yitnvs Th, }('l'turc is hiYen on an i1nita· t.eac·hing which are now open to WO· . .. Miss Inez DeLashnrntt pamphlit. All of tlH· material b. tht: i:riss. l\:I. H•s•· ud r Hill, .:.-1, the lXt· ndPd to '.\Ir )ft,:llo:mt;>ll by men. Dean llna 13. ll crrirk original· "Agrkulture \\·omen'' bof,k ha8 llt' ·n rPprinttd through the p, '\t• I, .1,n. Fa lu11 H+ .. Changes were t'1r- Ln.::: nccrini:;- au<l Clwmislry 'So- ed thp Illan and last year carried Jt ..... Prof. Allred Atkinson l"Ot1rt1.:·s) of thC' Xt:W York T;1ms. 11t-t li1oacl\\ •l• r. -t:-.::: · Dt·t·r L«dgc, ll th( t tics of some t tbe o, I tc coJl(ge . ..\ gent•ral in- ihroni;h to a conclusio:i.. Friday, 1 :30 p. m. Tiu,· 11anq1hld includes: )[iin·ral, 11 ; Bow H0 2 ; 1l·1d been L1Corre<:tlY la· '1tat 111 to th p1 l;lic and to members 'I ra:Jroa<l o( the delegates l'iano Quartl'tlC, )farce in U Fial I. The Au:.;tro--Hungarian Note to l ·.n. c• Jt••a.i. -i.:'; ,.•dlt•)·, d im11rovcments wert' made >: th(• fie 1ltr to altf'nd thi. lee tun" J'aiU for by ihe women·s clu bs o[ .. ... Alexis Uollac:1Ller ::Sen·ia. -t t · " l<'r t.i.:.i the capt n I ts (Xt 'lldPd. F• r-i1J.C'c>r111g nd lhe i;tate. \\"hile in Bozt-man the )liHs Ethel Carpenter II 1 he :::ienian R<:pl) 'Fiatv•arl. ' 11 ; 2 · ni. ptel' re• were• taken bJ u rep. st 11le 1• of h• coll,•ge arc SJ><'<ially )"OUn.e iadi,·s arc• entertained as I Beulah ll aller. Ill. T 1e llritbh "\\'bite Pa1J<•r." ---- --- e<.;lDllt1\e or the Butte :\Iot1 n Pu: m <' J t be pr sent Ill t'it• bonlf's of lhe city. 0Ter Eslher Cooley. The German ··WhitP Oook." The hrncs a( the , ariou 3 eng ieer· ilt- lqmtt s. or '.\1i!:'li Leila Lin field. The notice 11ostt<l upon the built t. 1 ii.,. -1epart ients htl\"e announced t:1 t iou1•tit::". lOok advantage or thi; plan Public Service In Gynmnsiunt and hoard readH m tmrt ah ne of the views which tl1 labor toric·s and shop work will \l r aPd rran. Ul( earl expect· Play Ground· .)listi Eva 4\ttt'ntion Ii-; ialle<l to the work of do f1 t me t'\ en1ble all detJ.ts "' 1 tc ath·nd lH'Xl WPCk 's meetiugs. \"ocation and AYocation".... the American Association for Jnterna· \\i Hre o t n'l his Jf'ct1irc fiie I>la 11 lg of t J(' euterla nment .. Miss 1..'ora '.\tel Patten tlonal Conciliation wbkh bf·e:i JOE Will NOT SHTE 1 ic 1 • / lli!s \L•a u the hands cf a joiut F riday, 8:15 p. m. printing- for many years llocmne 1 ts ie1 t 1 of i or 11ilt1·1 c·u: l m. d of members o! 1'iauo. "Pt·qJ€lual '.\lotion".. . . . • \ the intE·rest.B of iuttrnat1011 .. d peact'. Last Year's Basketball Coach Re· BourraNS Vi' 'll GIVr t 11 e <"olll''""t f c 1 1ltY nnu n•prescnta· 'l 0 11 1 d . I I · · · · u c owe t sen s its publications lrt'l' \ ceives Offers From Missoula a oil t VI [ H\es 'rum th1• twn women's duLs and ':\"oC'turnc'' . . . ........ UeUussy. to any verson m the l·nited StatLs. ad M. S. C. ft' 1J 1 1" I' C'U au. '-1.111) enjoy· 'Polonait:e in E Plat :\linor .. . c110i.1n uid ui1c1. avplicatlon any may 'I r1AeT nANPE or hl1 r 11t:llUllS ha\"e l't>(·ll arrang,t·d tor llc·lc:i Simons. ill' plan•d ll)IOll tht: maililU! list :ind lo W f lJ u lJ f (Lt\ the during tlHir Stet)' Ill the\ !'la) 'T nor .. ow". Percy )lackay r lE\e fret• tile p•1blicatio1s as is· loe .:\lirkhan tlttor ut ati<l no has bl·1. .1 l1:.·1t Un· )liss Patten. llPd The a!'sociation takes no side tl1t• Juurnal, will f(' nan n.t hunh Ill g to"" thL·r urrYd t > If'lkt• t'1e•r \Jsit a pieas:iu l Saturday , 9 a. m. in any <:out.OH'r:.;y, and is aailiattd piJ tli s \'inter and the r eby di&- r' l kt'l trough )l0 1 · 1 "e-x l'\·ersfn;; the ti1st one . )lnsk tSelel'led) ......... \\il'1 similar ur:;anizations Fianc·1:.\ .. 11omt tbP haskethall cf iJJa ut ie "'iot on l I<'t ire th'-'atcrs Bou f< n <l ll' of the sea o:i, w .. H bL '1' 1 1 "h cl. an• lo be · ·Gallatin 11. S. Urche:;tra t:Prnwuy, Eu gland aud Canacln " t \\ o lt• Bcith the uni t' ·• n t: ost cf ht. to\\n of tlw ::.tatE· b1 to thl:! ,:: tis women und :\ d l' , R l ·' \ I ' h ore t {'V r nt ou to Sau Frar1dscv hel<l at t!w EIC'C·tric ha11. The mew· ·111.:' l \\ho Hpeak at tin;t han<l of t.he . rts an rau .. ns e ateu to ·o· r "' E:i.glisJ• department will for. a ld the e 'lq:e ha\f' rife"· or .tse it •he fair. Tl: rollegc stu· b12rs of th(> :'\ortb. Dakota a.g-ricult'-.lral .• . ·. :.tary L'. \loan! uaml· or any JIPT::.;ons who t:>d :\ir '.\larkham the P(Sl· l ·t1bl1· ... w1·11 ('::; OI th(' Yarious Yocatiousi 8en ice \\ark in the "\:. " " mid like o rf1..:eh i.: tb ublkations uon for tht'ir k'":!.m w th a lra<·t ve aud Ilozeman , ... col football team will be ::.uestli :lrt· nursing, f u·L f · · 1 c · en 1 nee to see movies < f honor at the fnnrtinn The <'II Sturn t 1r(• 1rnbl t ·; I ... t impus at an ea ::0 date. _ 1 of the nouffons iR to hold two <lances pla)cr ,Jud, photo·Yrapay, lecture plat- ··· · .... .. E. L. I-loustl.lll 1'1l' lih.-.11 an t ,n holl;le, although final cUers ... r• wa:. takt:11 11 gNtmg eact )ear and the of these fon1 1 I stagC' \arious lines of art Truck Growing As An Occupation I - have not Lee:i made by l''lher t-1.'ht<•l :-ocd \C Ol'<' l'T\:llC i11 1 ff \\url\ < lltt,cra Ls. llltcrior decora· for \Yolllen" A, ,;;usta E\ats )iis::; )far) Xewcll, cha ·ma 1 of he lr '.\larkha' l 'ht> ..\ggi.-..; =a<h <le artm( it en U1e l'.i.11 an-J tb a nir::i in th past hn:.; bt'l'n suc!i c.s lens, Slll'ial sernce in the Young \\"er Saturday, 1:30 p. m. Jill\ atior comm tle4 of thl:' 1. t \\iUt\..'r :rnd turned 01 t the ra,.;t t ogeth(·r with the y_ ws of th(' campus t .rnk.- the111 two o[ the most pop- 11 ens 1..'h ::ot1an Association, newsva· Piano Duet, ''Dance 'la1.·abec • I 1'£ ach1 r's eOP\ entfon that 1:-: to be cC'll f!j qi ·t e\Cr u i h t..te .-bould m rn J impre,.:-.lon on Li.le t lar d 1 C.'l5 ol the college year. Jit'r \\ork \l'getal.Jle gardening, libra· 1st Piano, Et!l.ci CarpL:iter. he-It! fh.tt1ksghlll week ll iluttt l'r d nt Han 1 began neg ·tla· of ti s 6[t> u1d bo l 1w te dC'corat 1H han:- bt•l'u planned n \\ 1 rk Among 2nd Piano, )[is!) Leila Li1 fidJ. 1nnounced I hat '.\tJ.ss Ford, \1lss tions w 11 1fr :0.fa t ham sot..111 1. t 1f' ;C:'OJI \\ho will Sf'e or lhe Ol"l'!J.Sion. Uauciug will tit.art the are Lucy l\l arshall, "Education for Service'',.. . .. . . I". 't .TC'n,.t-n and '.\liss _ It r .. l t l'' o'(lock. inspec:tor of nurses' trai ning •..• . Miss Katherine JLnsen apprar on the proizram. tl o1itlnt1C'd, 11 p 2 e- Two) chools, :\liss Spurgi::i or :\lis· )laking as a \ "ocation'' ... :;oula, lnez DeLashmutt 01 . . . .... Mrs. G. L . :Martin C . l d T w·11 M t hanl )Iiss Cora )[d Patten O[ Chi· .. The Libr Ji'ln'' B tt d F tb 11 H r1pp e earn 1 ee ('aeu, )!rs )l ay :o;earlC>s Johnston o! .... "' a ere 00 a eroes I th. Butte )liner, Miss Wht·eler or the 3:30 m. Wednesday llek•ua hig1'. s;bool faculty, Ruth i .Automol1ile ride (if weather per· Are G1·ven Royal Welcome Freeman or L.ie Helena Y. W. C. A., nuts) to Tht Girl's Club Party at :\!rs. E. L. Houston of the Bozeman I the Elks' home. Dakota Aggies Chronicle. ;\liss Elizabeth Forrest o! 4 tlil 5:30. .MONTANA STATE'S CRIPP LED ELEVEN WI LL PLAY THEIR LAST lthe titate College library, Miss Katb·1 Saturday 8:15 NORTH DAKOTA STATE crine J ensen, Mrs. G. L. Martin and "In a Garde:i ", .... ' .... ' .... l!a.wlPy CHAMPS NEXT WEDNESDAY ON THE HOME GROUNDS - CON· )iiss Augusta Ernns O[ the State col·1'"Tis Springtime on the Eastern TEST WILL FURNISH AN INTERESTIN G BASIS OF COMPARISON lege ext.,sion stalf, President J, Hills" ........ , ...... , \\' helpley GAME THIS SEASON AGAINST THE IN ONE OF THE MOST REMARKABLE ASSEMBLIES EVER HELD AT THE COLLEGE, THE DEFENDERS OF THE BLUE AND GOLD ARE GIVEN A TREMENDOUS OVATION - WONDERFUL SPIRIT PER· VADES THE ASSEMBLY FROM THE TIME OF PROF. ATKINSON'S WITH THE EASTERN TEAMS , Hamilton. )liss Eva McKinney , l'rol. "To Me At My Fifth Floor Window " OPENING REMARKS TILL THE TEAM PASSED OUT AMID Alfrt>d Atkinson, and others Of the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !\Calli son Slate college faculty. 'The Cry of Raebel" . . . . . . . . Salter THUNDEROUS CHEERL .. \\"Nlm,sda:- alternoo:i. will ;;.ce the as the other. Th e Dakota tt'am will The complete vrogram tor next Mrs. U. Holmes Bishop. ol une of the mo:;t ta:ig-le with the tPam at ).1i ssou ln. thi s week's meetings is as follows: Miss Jun e Hartman, at the piano. Xe\•er in C1 e hi:itory of ·1 am just as bard a lose r as· any one fcotbal )fontana State has afternoon and th(' score of this game Thursday , Nov. 19, 1914-8 till 10 m. "As Sec:n by the Editor".. State was a me.re c-ntllusiasti<' asscm· 1 when th e hays lose a thrOt:: gh ever gout through when th e batt ered wi ll fo rm the only ba sis or compari- Reception .. llome EconomiC's Dep t. . Mrs. May Searles Johnstone bly held th :' n th(' one last Monday poor 11lnying but the bo)·s pla)t>d tbe tightr·r;:; for the hlue and gold do bat· son. It h; 1 wedlcss to say that if they Fr iday, Nov. 20, 9 a. m.-Assembly Violin . morning. the time Professor .e;ame of their lives at Mi ssoula and t! e with :\'orth Dakota agricultural come oft victors in thi s contest the Hall . " ll ejre Kati (Zcardas Scene) .... Atkinson was cheered for his opening I am proud of thf'm. c.:olkgc. stau• Colh:ge will ba,·e to e xtend 1 t. "Snow Flakes" . . . . . ...... Cowan .. Jeno llubay rema.rks until the mighty me":1. of "Loyalty is basis of all spirit. H Littl e ii; of the t eam coming !;e lf 10 the utmost to win th e game "Xea reRt and Dearest'' .... Carradolo ··\"ision" Drdla ::;teel who fought a fearless fight in an army into the fidJ aml dues from the In another column or here \\" ed ne sday. (Tuscan Folk Song) "Perpetuo Mota''· . . .. · · · · · · Bohm .Missoula, passed down tbroug'l tbe its utmost nnd is defeated. on lt.a thiis pai.H_.r appea rs an ac(·ount of t he The game with the Aggies will also I College Glee CJub. Mrs. E. L. Currier crowd of cheering students, the stu· rNurn home it is much J1(1n g-amp in which they fi g ured for th e throw some on th e com pari son Addn•ss of \Velcome....... '"The \Vomnn Citize:i." .. .......... dent body was up on its toes doing o red as if Yictorious. I[ ,my meml:t'"r staLP championship with t:1e l.J:i.iver· ol the \t ontana teams with th e big ...... Preside:it J. M. Hamilton Mrs. Frank \\.'bite its utmosts to show its appreciation of a fami ly t:>lltt'rs a contl•st and d 't::S sity of Xorth Dakota and the latter j t('ams of the eas t. Through tlli !=: con· ------- or th e team' s gnme fight. not \\in out he i::; just as much b0>:1· seems w ha\·e cowe out best.. the dope can be traced on iu- On cn lling th C' meeting to o rder, ored and esteemed by the rest or l.18 This account consti tutes all lhe dope definitely through the cast. STOPK Junr1Nfl T[AM NEW MEMBEA 15 Atkinson said in 11art: iamil:y on his n.tun1 home as the th...i.t is to l>e had on t!le visitors at I Although suc h dope will be i:t such U U (l lJ [ft "At the fln;t call o( war in Europe vie•toriouH one. Su we shou ld 11p1·rt""'" this time a refined Mate that It will be of lit· all lloc-ked to the support o( their <'iatc thC' work donL· by the bo)·s. Tl:iey From the atcount ol the game they I the \Olue m deter mining com parative IS TO er SElEPTEn AnnEo TO [APUlTV nution·s slandarcl•. ::-ee m to hn\e \\OJl thP game more of t eams It would be of [ lJ u HUU r lJ I l'Oitl(' to .su11port tht'> repre· a.1111 althouch tht.' score tnil thrng else un lc-:-;:) thev ha\e an lX<:e}l Montana State stackt; up \\ith suc h :\""p\·er was an institution better repre· and tlt'S!fl'l'ate wns \\a .. -td, throu!!h a stroke• o1 illrk than an:· morl' than usual mterest to how I thi s E'YPr had. l·atP dl'fe:it, )t.'l it !-!hlJWs ti!. t a l 1tif,'t uo11al rnan to kl(•k 'rtw1r op· teams a.c; Minnesota, \\'i sconsm. "f1ch· the of thi s a sto<-'k LaiL'Ht addllion to th(' foculty ot :->t'Iltt.•d and all Wtlre The boys "1.:·nt into tbL· '"' th IJOnt:Jll.S, It IS sta t ed, \\Crt• not l.l tb<.: and f'\f"n llarvard and Yalfl JUd.!J.lt:. t lam of fhe men 1s to be pi(k th (' l·olit>gL• is )fiHs Elizabeth F'orrpst. trup h('l'Ol'S. Not a tr ace of tht• 'J'ht•) wt•rc mit!t:r !Jf'Rl of <"on<J lion lor a gr 11c>Jli11g- hat·· It is hoped that an arrang('mC'nt ran l'tl lrom th f' adn-111C'ed dass in animal ror till' Jai-;t t.hrl't' .rears a::.;sist.anl Ji. \\:ts on thl' tit'ld during nll that O\l'l't'l•11Ji.JPnt 1wr dill thi·y h .. Hi 1 tlo an<l \\t.'rt u11abh.• to hold the A!.::· IJP made with the Da kota ell'\'C':l md11:;.tl') to repr ese nt th e collcg-e at t'.lc llrarian of the PP11nsyhania Statp ('ol· lt•lTilk lrnttk-. All fought lilt' tight of fpar. ThiH s1 lrit \Hts \ I lt gics after the .lirst few rninult•8 ol whl'r1>1Jy a g:ame ean be arra11gt>d t:'ach t he two c-oming slotk jud gi ng cou· lt•ge. !\Li ss i"o1rf'sl gradua ted iu l!•Ut.i of th<•ir lives." ilt>llL'u liltlll tmd1 hatta play. .\ta!' \\ith thal tnsliiulion Profpssor . Atk i11so11 tht>n <·allt'd up.. Thl· 1·oac:1 tht•:1 J. bric·! !'llrn· t1 Kl!". Tlw team will judgt• tlrst at from tht• lihnn- sd10ol 0 1' till' l 'nivt•r· un Co;1d1 lh•nnion. ..\s l oach n1:11·)- o! the game sho"• iu,.; "b'·r1 th• lloweH·r. it nrnsl hr> l'1·membPred that co11d11ion is OllP of th e s trong COLLEGE NEWS BULLETIN. th e .'\ort!rnl·st. L1veisto<" k Show which t-;;ty or ll1 111ois with thP ti! rnonntt•d tl1t• the; ('llthusias- tit 11ll·Ht (1f ch.111l·t• 1H1 m w to lo -:.:\,·wH uotPs 1rom Stato is lo UL· h(')d in Lewistown on :\""oH'lll· hn<:l1t·lor or Jibr<iry s<•it:•nce. ulso tk '-v<Hl' 1.:hL'er after chee r With \lisi;:Jula s sc·ort'. anti clr•sC'<l by a :r.rward i;1ss i11 a wind was Collt•gt• of .\gTiculu1rc· aul .\fec·hanic' IJ(•r :111, Li.ltt>r 111 the thp ll•am had l'\J1t•ri1.:'IH't' as OC'ting org;1111zt·r for, tor and hi:-1 I!ll'll Tht• coal'h !-',l\111.._. \\{' uo1 ie•·t· fPr m k thC' Iowa Statt> libra ry spit! in part: r;-il'1J?I-! rn<·t'tini... Wl' 0 l' 11111 F. i 1): to ,,,. cornpi<•fl'd f•ir a gain ° 1 ll irty tit'\'t:H Arts,"' is thl' lit Ii· of llu lrnllPtlll •ll:tt will i.:o to Portland to lake 11tlrt 111 and rden'IH'f'l ill tht> 1i1Jrar.r "I apprt•t·rnte tlll' su111•nrt the 1n'' I uound th1· -.:t l'"" nhout rcls a toudtclown speaks well was S(•Jlt out ri·uiu till i·ollPge :ur th e to U <.• hl'lll at the Pacine• of tlw of Illinoi s. :'lthrn lf'am ;lllcl I than n111 rt•t·iat1 .. the :-url 01 fellows t 11 \ h.ul 01 'tt•\: r or thr lr:i 1 tlii• Yhiitor:-;. 111 e lirst tin 11 · la::.r rriday llt•rf•,lfl1.>r IJJtL·rnat ional Lin·stoc\, Shnw A tVitlll s11t·11t lwr la!'r summer's \tl.· 1ur110111 to game I 11. ubt if tf'r.u \\'t• knew w .at s• ll of meu .1.11olut of any lViUll a11rl fa<·l th at ThC' l·oll<ge l'IMl'll will J!'ll into llH• lmll Plin will h<.• r•>.!U· <«1lio11 in Euro111· .ind IJt·t·an:-it• ol lln' yo11 \\ill rind illl.\ p!al' \\1'(·r1 ,1 slm· tlH) ''l'l"e b• on \\1 nnt !'ray \\Ith l\\o ii( th1 best uu•a out. larly £'ac·h \H•c·k and "ii. hP t·ll to of liH mt•JI will ht• :-;1•11t lo LewlHlo·1 faihll'P or h'tkrs lo n•arh lwr tlar tnrno11t (If ll• 11Hl 111 tlw l \\'t n lin t Jfl 1w1·\1·r, ltlu·r Callagha11 11r O '-'t'Il· all ILP J>aJ Jl'l'S. l'rnf \\ . ,,,by lln :::khool 01· Agl'kt1lt11realso Jnll ·t ti l I t !"I 11 rP I II ·11 l l lt 111e1 rnd SI( hrug \\II hantll• th<>' 11cl in Bl'l•\\e1· has d1a rgf' or tJ.p u!JJwatiu11 this ll'<llll \\j lJ not tal ;P plal't• in tlw al er Ip war 01 •. l II I 0 . Jll'P}l I' a i ' 1 " WI lf' Til:\( ! a wa\ ,, 111 worthy cf thr- hlTJP nncl anti that. facl aloiw will Insur ,. 01111 :it Portl:intl. Th<' nll·ll in buth ceivt• noti<'l' of hC'r appoiutml:'nl Ill lt·r1.li11Jy g-olHI support nntl w,-.. a1111rt· 11 av 1r1 111 nnwh t w ·11 <111r future i·lt \t·ll anil th•·." liH' fir:;t high !-ifandard and i1s a cli' :-;J1111-.: an' all working st Padily re1r lime to l"l:Ul'i1 lh1u·mnn until latt.• In dalf' it r,' 11 s '"ti J 1.1 hut I t 1.l:'l tPam lllf' I 111 lht• ha<:k Jh•ld any way of )foniana St: IP. Thi..: llil'I iosll Oil!-' oil tlll· t1;amH anll lktOhl'I' ··1t'H p1'I'l1 ·tly uatnral to t·t'klJrate iall\ ,1 < t1d tht> II• I, it:l us cl.er frlllll t IP tnat1Tial lu ijdt'l' t fl'ilm \Ion-, - wlwu \\l' pt U\\a) '' h th \J!...., t al t1 I su111 ori tit' ind c.D..l.L! Thi. w 11 hf' tl1f• lir I n.1• lhese t\\C of till' lrnllPtin b to plac<· at thf' rl1:-. tann :--;1<1F• shonlil be ah ly l'l'Jll'et.'-1 ntPd Thp Ans and ('raft l'luhs will ntt'l't .if n !-lctin•. Bnt il hard 10 C't khr; te lf 'i-l?ll!-3 l1<1\P '\Ir n 1 l II lhf' posal 0"' tlw stat(' JJ;lJH•rs l!f'WH ill-'lllB \\ht'll \\t' .. outi:i.11P1l the <"Oach \( ! 11• r\ ntl on1· is )lrul.H11Jly 111 tlil' dark a. mnch rP)aTiug- to ·lho l'OllP.I!"<' its work :•t b11th 1l,H·1.s. I in th(• art rooms Saturday aftt>ruot n.

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Page 1: WEEKLY EXPONENT ~GH~O L P~MPHlET ~N EUROPE~N …€¦ · t•led Pl:lr·nsn lb in this cou:itry aud ber l!t-21 This is a gathering co:t· Roll Call. 11cok WPre forwarded w lhe collegt>



Otion Pictures That Were Taken of

the College Were Shown to Fae·

ulty for Alterations.

rnE ~HUtOfPUAE WHER ~TltN a ~OG~TION~l GONGR tSS W~R rnA DISTRIBUTION I I --- Later Returns Show That the Major.

Talk Will Be Given Next Monday in

Chemistry Lecture Room-Al I English Department Has Obtained 1ty Aga inst Consolidation

Labs Wiii Close. SECOND ANNUAL VOCATIONA L C ONGRESS WILL BEGIN NEXT FRI- T wo Hundred Copies that Will I ncreases.

Be Dist ributed on the Hill.




1t \\l•fk in thP \arions lahoratories 1 '.\tr H J•,. '.\kl>onncll, ot thl' e 1. MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY WI LL SPEAK - A LARGE ATTEN· 1 \It 1 ~i \t·ral 1·• lit Jt t lo bP::lr !LU:

n also a p'a) on the ca.mpus, which l.!'1\t ri1g frn:i of Burm_; a'ld \kD011· DANCE IS ANTICIPATED. , Ollic·hli J1ocu,111<'11t~ Ht:aring- l"11ou1th~~'.n~ajor•ty ~hat ha:-: lJ11·n Pill·d up

"·ere Wkl·n Lhp hiller part of ):;eptem· ncll. ot o\,tn~a-~ City, will delher a tt J 11ru1H:. .i \\ar, 1~ the tit P tJf a ag.11nst consolldat1on alr!!ad:- tXt"Hds

er, \\t:'I"l' si..o~\n :it lhe L.)ric tht:atE'-1' lE-uure ,1., t lt subj+'ct 'Th~ \'.due) '• 1111 I1hh t "Ii ch i~ for trN liii::>tribu· S,000. \\·hen t:ie total Yote 1s In the

order to er Pine \\ -itL•r • 111 the cht•ruistry lL·C· Over llltl high c:1ool girls from I l:rl'<'tings . . . . . . . . . . j ttoi~ ~o all of the mem~ers of the fac. I n!ajority \\.ill pr"b.1bly bl· dot'c to

committee whl<:h tllr· room of the collegl• al ~ :w p. all on•r :\lonurna will be the guests , ..... Mr!i. Robert Seidlitz. ~It) and student body tnterested. Cop.11 .... fi~o The \Ole on this measure i!I

a dt ree 11 them an op11ortJnity to m. '.\londay, ~ ·oH:mLer lb. of \lont:ina t'tatL· aud the city of ....... :\liss Azalea Lmlicld. le::; may lJe secured at the librarian's· In tar thn most df•ct::;ivt- or nnv u!

nakc a.n J(•etssar~ altt·1"ations. A• ~lr 1\lrIJonuell. b a sanitary engin- lk,zt·man when th~ second annual VO· lle::;1wuse... ..Butte Girl"s Club cle:-;k. ltht• bill-.: \Oled on at the tlt-ct1011.· .... lie

num~r of iaculty .md student t. 1 uf wule t.·xpcrieni·e. Ii(' bas tnn- 1·ational congress t~1kcs place Novem- Dillon Girl's Club. Two hundred copies of the little lllHjority again!it con~olitlatiou ac·

t•led Pl:lr·nsn lb in this cou:itry aud ber l!t-21 This is a gathering co:t· Roll Call. 11cok WPre forwarded w lhe collegt> cor11ing to the state pa11cr::; i~ the

in 1-'uroJie studying watPr iiurifica- tluttC'rl h)· the college for the 1mrpose "The l\loden1 Nurse" at tbe request of Prof. ·w. "F'. Brewt:r \arinu; l"OHUL!fs ht.•anl frurn t1 dal~

It was found 11e(·essc1ry tu dror. tiou a~d J:anit;llltm. The lecture will of bringing to the atten tion of the I ~Iiss Lucy Ann '.\lar::;hall 1

{ 11 cf tbP J:n~lish deparlmt:nl. The are

ome o1 tbt .. glim11srs of studc1n I e bi illustr ile<l IJ) lanlern 5'li<les taken )llllllg \\01t1t·n ot the i:;t.ale the various 'Portrait P!10tugra11by Ao;; a Trade Aml'rk;~n As}:otiation !'or lnt,·rn .. tio11 I C;Hc.1 If. -2 1.1.\\1s nnll ·_lark, ]:!.).

of the r poor. by '.\[r. ~l Donnel on hb t·ivs. remuneratiYe occu11ations othf• r t. ~an and as an An."....... .. .... al ('cn<:ilhttlon is the pulJliRh~r uf the .1\ffl'r-011. 12n, H1;.., llor.1, 1 .. 1 :-:=w .. et

other Yitnvs Th, }('l'turc is hiYen on an i1nita· t.eac·hing which are now open to WO· . .. Miss Inez DeLashnrntt pamphlit. All of tlH· material b. tht: i:riss. l\:I. H•s•· ud r • Hill, .:.-1,

the butldin~s tlo~ lXt· ndPd to '.\Ir )ft,:llo:mt;>ll by men. Dean llna 13. ll crrirk original· "Agrkulture r~or \\·omen'' bof,k ha8 llt' ·n rPprinttd through the p, '\t• I, .1,n. Fa lu11 ·)4~ H+ .. 1\.'{'ril~a<l,

Changes were t'1r- Ln.::: nccrini:;- au<l Clwmislry 'So- ed thp Illan and last year carried Jt ..... Prof. Allred Atkinson l"Ot1rt1.:·s) of thC' Xt:W York T;1ms. 11t-t li1oacl\\ •l• r. -t:-.::: · Dt·t·r L«dgc,

ll th( t tics of some t tbe ~et ~ o, I tc coJl(ge . ..\ gent•ral in- ihroni;h to a SU('CP~sful conclusio:i. . Friday, 1 :30 p. m. Tiu,· 11anq1hld includes: l~.; )[iin·ral, 11 ; ~J\\er Bow H02 ;

''~eh 1l·1d been L1Corre<:tlY la· '1tat 111 to th p1 l;lic and to members 'I h~ ra:Jroa<l tar~ o( the delegates l'iano Quartl'tlC, )farce in U Fial I. The Au:.;tro--Hungarian Note to l Fi·n:n~. ·.n. c• Jt••a.i. -i.:'; ,.•dlt•)·,

d im11rovcments wert' made >: th(• fie 1ltr to altf'nd thi. lee tun" i~ J'aiU for by ihe women·s clu bs o[ .. ... Alexis Uollac:1Ller ::Sen·ia. -t t · ~herhl.rn 1 ~ ~t " l<'r t.i.:.i

the capt n I oth('r~. ts (Xt 'lldPd. F• r-i1J.C'c>r111g nd ~C'ic:ii·c lhe i;tate. \\"hile in Bozt-man the )liHs Ethel Carpenter II 1 he :::ienian R<:pl) 'Fiatv•arl. '11;2 ·

ni. ptel' re• were• taken bJ u rep. st 11le 1• of h• coll,•ge arc SJ><'<ially )"OUn.e iadi,·s arc• entertained as ~ucst• I ~liss Beulah ll aller. Ill. T 1e llritbh "\\'bite Pa1J<•r." -------

e<.;lDllt1\e or the Butte :\Iot1 n Pu: m <' J t be pr sent Ill t'it• lw~t bonlf's of lhe city. 0Ter ~li!'H Eslher Cooley. l\~. The German ··WhitP Oook."

The hrncs a( the , ariou 3 eng ieer· ilt- lqmtt s. n•prt.•scntat.in~s or ~21 '.\1i!:'li Leila Lin field. The notice 11ostt<l upon the built t. 1

ia~t',c~:111l1;a~: l~l~n\\:t~ ~i~~ltc~:~:~res ii.,. -1epart ients htl\"e announced t:1 t iou1•tit::". lOok advantage or thi; plan Public Service In Gynmnsiunt and hoard readH m tmrt ah l ollow~:

ne of the views which tl1 labor toric·s and shop work will Iitt~t \l r aPd rran. Ul( earl expect· Play Ground· .)listi Eva ~kKinnC>y 4\ttt'ntion Ii-; ialle<l to the work of

do f1 t me t'\ en1ble all ~t detJ.ts "'1 tc ath·nd lH'Xl WPCk 's meetiugs. \"ocation and AYocation".... the American Association for Jnterna·

\\i Hre o t n'l his Jf'ct1irc fiie I>la 11 lg of t J(' euterla nment .. Miss 1..'ora '.\tel Patten tlonal Conciliation wbkh ha~ bf·e:i



ic 1

• / lli!s \L•a u the hands cf a joiut F riday, 8:15 p. m. printing- for many years llocmne 1 ts

ie1 t 1 of i or 11ilt1·1 c·u: l m. d of members o! 1'iauo. "Pt·qJ€lual '.\lotion".. . . . • \ the intE·rest.B of iuttrnat1011 .. d peact'. Last Year's Basketball Coach Re·

BourraNS Vi''ll GIVr t

11e <"olll''""t f c 11ltY nnu n•prescnta· 'l 0 11 1 d .

I I · · · · u c owe t sen s its mo~thh publications lrt'l' \ ceives Offers From Missoula

a oil t VI [ H\es 'rum th1• twn women's duLs and ':\"oC'turnc'' . . . ........ UeUussy. to any verson m the l·nited StatLs. ad M. S. C.

ft' 11 ~ 1J 1 1" I' C'U au. '-1.111) enjoy· 'Polonait:e in E Plat :\linor .. . c110i.1n uid ui1c1. avplicatlon any per~on may

'I Dt~lil r1AeT nANPE or V~AR hl1 r 11t:llUllS ha\"e l't>(·ll arrang,t·d tor Mis~ llc·lc:i Simons. ill' plan•d ll)IOll tht: maililU! list :ind

lo W f lJ u lJ f (Lt\ the l;ll•·~ts during tlHir Stet)' Ill the\ !'la) 'T nor .. ow". Percy )lackay r lE\e fret• tile p•1blicatio1s as is· loe .:\lirkhan ~IHrtn tlttor ut

dt~ ati<l no ~tone has bl·1. .1 l1:.·1t Un· )liss Patten. llPd The a!'sociation takes no side tl1t• Juurnal, will f(' nan n.t hunh Ill

g to"" thL·r urrYd t > If'lkt• t'1e•r \Jsit a pieas:iu l Saturday, 9 a. m. in any <:out.OH'r:.;y, and is aailiattd piJ ~s tli s \'inter and thereby di&-

r' l kt'l trough )l01· 1 "e-x \\'r.dnt~ilay l'\·ersfn;; the ti1st one . )lnsk tSelel'led) ......... \\il'1 similar ur:;anizations f~ Fianc·1:.\ .. 11omt tbP haskethall oiJO\\t:~ cf

iJJa ut ie "'iot on l I<'t ire th'-'atcrs Bou f< n <l ll' of the sea o:i, w .. H bL '1'1

1 oC'c·upation~ "h cl. an• lo be · ·Gallatin 11. S. Urche:;tra t:Prnwuy, Eu gland aud Canacln " t \\ o ~rn. lt• collf'i..e~ Bcith the uni t' ·•

n t: ost cf ht. to\\n of tlw ::.tatE· b1 1re~t~t!ted to thl:! ,:: tis b~ women und :\ d l' , R l ·' \ I ' h

ore t {'V r ~ nt ou to Sau Frar1dscv hel<l at t!w EIC'C·tric ha11. The mew· ·111.:' l \\ho Hpeak at tin;t han<l of t.he . rts an rau .. ns e ateu to ·o· r "' E:i.glisJ• department will for. ~it\ a ld the ~·a e 'lq:e ha\f' rife"·

or .tse it •he fair. Tl: rollegc stu· b12rs of th(> :'\ortb. Dakota a.g-ricult'-.lral .• catio1~s . ·. _:.li~::; :.tary L'. ~\·h~eler \loan! tl~e uaml· or any JIPT::.;ons who t:>d :\ir '.\larkham the ,.""'a.chin~ P(Sl·

l·t1bl1· ... w1·11 u1:-.~1hilit ('::; OI th(' Yarious Yocatious i ~ot1al 8en ice \\ark in the "\:. " " mid like o rf1..:eh i.: tb ublkations uon for tht'ir k'":!.m w th a lra<·t ve

Je:H~ aud t1H~ Ilozeman , ... col q:~e football team will be ::.uestli :lrt· nursing, f u·L f · · 1 c · ~

en 1 ~h nee to see L~e movies < f honor at the fnnrtinn The <'II Sturn t 1r(• 1rnbl t ~er\":~; ·t;1


~~~ 'lluti+:~· ~f· ·; .1»~~1

:: ~~1

1~~r~r·~~·.·~p~an I b~ t~~~t ... e~:he:l ~~·'i\h ~~~1;· ;:~;~~Rarrn:)r ~:. t~,.at h!l~m~ol~cc~~:1~d~t ~:\,:1;e~~ t impus at an ea ::0 date. _

1of the nouffons iR to hold two <lances pla)cr ,Jud, photo·Yrapay, lecture plat- ··· · .... .. -~Irs. E. L. I-loustl.lll 1'1l' lih.-.11 an t i~in ,n holl;le, although final cUers

... r• wa:. takt:11 11 gNtmg eact )ear and the q~ality of these fon1 1 I stagC' \arious lines of art Truck Growing As An Occupation I - have not Lee:i made by l''lher t-1.'ht<•l

:-ocd \C Ol'<' l'T\:llC i11 1 ff \\url\ < lltt,cra Ls. llltcrior decora· for \Yolllen" .~liss A, ,;;usta E\ats )iis::; )far) Xewcll, cha ·ma 1 of he lr '.\larkha' l clrill~d 'ht> ..\ggi.-..;

=a<h <le artm( it en U1e l'.i.11 an-J tb ~l~ a nir::i in th past hn:.; bt'l'n suc!i c.s lens, Slll'ial sernce in the Young \\"er Saturday, 1:30 p. m. Jill\ atior comm tle4 of thl:' St~tte 1. t \\iUt\..'r :rnd turned 01 t the ra,.;t t

ogeth(·r with the y_ ws of th(' campus t .rnk.- the111 two o[ the most pop- 11 ens 1..'h ::ot1an Association, newsva· Piano Duet, ''Dance 'la1.·abec • I 1'£ ach1 r's eOP\ entfon that 1:-: to be cC'll f!j qi ~ ·t e\Cr u i h t..te

.-bould m rn J impre,.:-.lon on Li.le t lar d 1 C.'l5 ol the college year. Jit'r \\ork \l'getal.Jle gardening, libra· 1st Piano, ~liss Et!l.ci CarpL:iter. he-It! fh.tt1ksghlll week ll iluttt ha~ l'r d nt Han ~~' 1 began neg ·tla·

of ti s 6[t> u1d bo ~fft:>dl l 1w te dC'corat 1H han:- bt•l'u planned n \\ 1 rk ~"d ~owe·making. Among 2nd Piano, )[is!) Leila Li1 fidJ. 1nnounced I hat '.\tJ.ss Ford, \1lss '"~v tions w 11 1fr :0.fa t ham a~ sot..111 ~.a

1. t 1f' ;C:'OJI \\ho will Sf'e or lhe Ol"l'!J.Sion. Uauciug will tit.art the ~prakers are ~liss Lucy l\larshall, "Education for Service'',.. . .. . . I". 't ~ .TC'n,.t-n and '.\liss llarkin~ _

It r .. ;t":<~ l t l'' o'(lock. ~tatL' inspec:tor of nurses' training •..• . Miss Katherine JLnsen apprar on the proizram. tl o1itlnt1C'd, 11 p 2 e- Two)

chools, :\liss ~linnie Spurgi::i or :\lis· •'Hom~ )laking as a \"ocation'' ...

:;oula, ~Iiss lnez DeLashmutt 01 ~PO· . . . .... Mrs. G. L . :Martin

C . l d T w·11 M t hanl )Iiss Cora )[d Patten O[ Chi· .. The Libr Ji'ln'' B tt d F tb 11 H r1pp e earn 1 ee ('aeu, )!rs ) l ay :o;earlC>s Johnston o! .... "' )[;~~ · ~·l;;;~~h·~~;,..."1 a ere 00 a eroes

Ith. Butte )liner, Miss Wht·eler or the 3:30 P· m.

Wednesday llek•ua hig1'. s;bool faculty, ~liss Ruth i .Automol1ile ride (if weather per· Are G1·ven Royal Welcome Freeman or L.ie Helena Y. W. C. A., nuts) t o Tht Girl's Club Party at

:\!rs. E . L. Houston of the Bozeman I the Elks' home. Dakota Aggies

Chronicle. ;\liss Elizabeth Forrest o! 4 tlil 5:30.

.MONTANA STATE'S CRIPPLED ELEVEN WI LL PLAY THEIR LAST lthe titate College library, Miss Katb·1 Saturday 8:15

NORTH DAKOTA STATE crine Jensen, Mrs. G. L. Martin and "In a Garde:i" , .... ' .... ' .... l!a.wlPy

CHAMPS NEXT WEDNESDAY ON THE HOME GROUNDS - CON· )iiss Augusta Ernns O[ the State col·1'"Tis Springtime on the Eastern

TEST WILL FURNISH AN INTERESTIN G BASIS OF COMPARISON lege ext.,sion stalf, President J, ~[. Hills" ........ , ...... , \\'helpley






WITH THE EASTERN TEAMS, Hamilton. )liss Eva McKinney, l'rol. "To Me At My Fifth Floor Window " OPENING REMARKS TILL THE TEAM PASSED OUT AMID

Alfrt>d Atkinson, and others Of the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !\Callison

Slate college faculty. 'The Cry of Raebel" . . . . . . . . Salter

THUNDEROUS CHEERL .. \\"Nlm,sda:- alternoo:i. will ;;.ce the as the other. The Dakota tt'am will The complete vrogram tor next Mrs. U. Holmes Bishop.

fin~ sh ol une of the mo:;t su<cl:~~f1.1l ta:ig-le with the tPam at ).1i ssou ln. this week's meetings is as follows: Miss Jun e Hartman, at the piano. Xe\•er in C1e hi:itory of ~loHtana ·1 am just as bard a loser as· any one

fcotbal :-.cason~ )fontana State has afternoon and th(' score of this game Thursday, Nov. 19, 1914-8 till 10 P· m. "As Sec:n by the Editor".. State was a me.re c-ntllusiasti<' asscm· 1 when th e hays lose a ~ame thrOt::gh

ever gout through when the battered wi ll fo rm the only basis or compari- Reception .. llome EconomiC's Dep t. . Mrs. May Searles Johnstone bly held th:' n th(' one last Monday poor 11lnying but the bo)·s pla)t>d tbe

tightr·r;:; for the hlue and gold do bat· son. It h; 1wedlcss to say that if they Friday, Nov. 20, 9 a . m.-Assembly Violin . morning. ~~rom the time Professor .e;ame of their lives at Mi ssoula and

t!e with t~e :\'orth Dakota agricultural come oft victors in this contest the Hall . " ll ejre Kati (Zcardas Scene).... Atkinson was cheered for his opening I am proud of thf'm.

c.:olkgc. stau• Colh:ge will ba,·e to extend 1t. "Snow Flakes" . . . . . ...... Cowan .. Jeno llubay rema.rks until the mighty me":1. of "Loyalty is basis of all spirit. H

Littl e ii; kno "t\~n of the team coming !;e lf 10 the utmost to win the game " Xea reRt and Dearest'' .... Carradolo ··\"ision" Drdla ::;teel who fought a fearless fight in an army ~c-es into the fidJ aml dues

from the ~tst. In another column or here \\"ed nesday. (Tuscan Folk Song) "Perpetuo Mota''· . . .. · · · · · · Bohm .Missoula, passed down tbroug'l tbe its utmost nnd is defeated. on lt.a

thiis pai.H_.r appears an ac(·ount of the The game with the Aggies will also I College Glee CJub. Mrs. E. L. Currier crowd of cheering students, the stu· rNurn home it is ju~t a~ much J1(1n

g-amp in which they fi gured for the throw some li~ht on the com pari son Addn•ss of \Velcome....... '"The \Vomnn Citize:i." .. .......... dent body was up on its toes doing ored as if Yictorious. I[ ,my meml:t'"r

staLP championship with t:1e l.J:i.iver· ol the \t ontana teams with the big •...... Preside:it J. M. Hamilton Mrs. Frank \\.'bite its utmosts to show its appreciation of a fami ly t:>lltt'rs a contl•s t and d 't::S

sity of Xorth Dakota and the latte r j t('ams of the eas t . Through tlli !=: con· ------- or the team's gnme fight. not \\in out he i::; just as much b0>:1·

seems w ha\·e cowe out ~econd best.. l~t the dope can be traced on iu-On cn lling th C' meeting to order, ored and esteemed by the rest or l.18

This account consti tutes all lhe dope definitely through the cast. STOPK Junr1Nfl T[AM NEW MEMBEA 15 Protes~or Atkinson said in 11art: iamil:y on his n.tun1 home as the

th...i.t is to l>e had on t!le visitors at I Although suc h dope will be i:t such U U (l lJ [ft "At the fln;t call o( war in Europe vie•toriouH one. Su we should 11p1·rt""'"

this time a refined Mate that It will be of lit· all lloc-ked to the support o( their <'iatc thC' work donL· by the bo)·s. Tl:iey

-· From the atcount ol the game they I the \Olue m determining com parative IS TO er SElEPTEn AnnEo TO [APUlTV nution·s slandarcl•.

~ ::-eem to hn\e \\OJl thP game more stren~tbs of teams It would be of [ lJ u HUU r lJ I l'Oitl(' to .su11port tht'> ml~htiest repre· a.1111 althouch tht.' score llll~hl tnil •

thrng else un lc-:-;:) thev ha\e an lX<:e}l Montana State stackt; up \\ith such :\""p\·er was an institution better repre· and tlt'S!fl'l'ate c·ontE'~t wns \\a .. -td, throu!!h a stroke• o1 illrk than an:· morl' than usual mterest to ~ce how I ~entation this b~tituUon E'YPr had. l·atP dl'fe:it, )t.'l it !-!hlJWs ti!. t a l 1tif,'t

uo11al rnan to kl(•k ~oals 'rtw1r op· teams a.c; Minnesota, \\'i sconsm. "f1ch· !Jurin~ the la ~ t of thi s '~t.·ek a sto<-'k LaiL'Ht addllion to th(' foculty ot :->t'Iltt.•d and all it~ rpprcst'ntntivt.~s Wtlre The boys "1.:·nt into tbL· ~am~ '"' th

IJOnt:Jll.S, It IS stated, \\Crt• not l.l tb<.: ~an and f'\f"n llarvard and Yalfl JUd.!J.lt:. tlam of fhe men 1s to be pi(k th (' l·olit>gL• is )fiHs Elizabeth F'orrpst. trup h('l'Ol'S. Not a trace of Yt:~llo\\ tht• ri~ln ~piril 'J'ht•) wt•rc mit!t:r

!Jf'Rl of <"on<J lion lor a g r 11c>Jli11g- hat·· It is hoped that an arrang('mC'nt ran l'tl lrom th f' adn-111C'ed dass in animal ror till' Jai-;t t.hrl't' .rears a::.;sist.anl Ji. \\:ts s~own on thl' tit'ld during nll that O\l'l't'l•11Ji.JPnt 1wr dill thi·y h .. Hi 1

tlo an<l \\t.'rt u11abh.• to hold the A!.::· IJP made with the Da kota ell'\'C':l md11:;.tl') to represent th e collcg-e at t'.lc llrarian of the PP11nsyhania Statp ('ol· lt•lTilk lrnttk-. All fought lilt' tight ~l~ns of fpar. ThiH s1 lrit \Hts \ I lt

gics after the .lirst few rninult•8 ol whl'r1>1Jy a g:ame ean be arra11gt>d t:'ach the two c-oming slotk judging cou· lt•ge. !\Li ss i"o1rf'sl gradua ted iu l!•Ut.i of th<•ir lives." ilt>llL'u liltlll fi~ill tmd1 hatta

play. .\ta!' \\ith thal tnsliiulion Profpssor .Atk i11so11 tht>n <·allt'd up.. Thl· 1·oac:1 tht•:1 ~a't' J. bric·! !'llrn·

t1 Kl!". Tlw team will judgt• tlrst at from tht• lihnn- sd10ol 0 1' till' l 'nivt•r· un Co;1d1 lh•nnion. ..\s th~· l oach n1:11·)- o! the game sho"• iu,.; "b'·r1 th•

lloweH·r. it nrnsl hr> l'1·membPred

that co11d11ion is OllP of the s trong COLLEGE NEWS BULLETIN. th e .'\ort!rnl·st. L1veisto<" k Show which t-;;ty or ll1 111ois with thP clf'~l'l'l' ti! rnonntt•d tl1t• ro~trum the; ('llthusias- tit 11ll·Ht (1f ch.111l·t• 1H1 m w to lo

-:.:\,·wH uotPs 1rom ~routaua Stato is l o UL· h(')d in Lewistown on :\""oH'lll· hn<:l1t·lor o r Jibr<iry s<•it:•nce. S~w ulso t k st11<ll·;11~ '-v<Hl' 1.:hL'er after chee r With \lisi;:Jula s sc·ort'. anti clr•sC'<l by

a :r.rward i;1ss i11 a xtron~ wind was Collt•gt• of .\gTiculu1rc· aul .\fec·hanic' IJ(•r :111, Li.ltt>r 111 the )t.~:l r thp ll•am ha d l'\J1t•ri1.:'IH't' as OC'ting org;1111zt·r for, tor ~litn and hi:-1 I!ll'll Tht• coal'h !-',l\111.._. \\{' a·1~ uo1 ie•·t· fPr m k

thC' Iowa Statt> libra ry l~o111m 1 H::;iu:1. spit! in part: r;-il'1J?I-! rn<·t'tini... Wl' 0l' 11111 F. i 1): to

,,,. cornpi<•fl'd f•ir a gain °1 ll irty tit'\'t:H Arts,"' is thl' lit Ii· of llu lrnllPtlll •ll:tt will i.:o to Portland to lake 11tlrt 111 and rden'IH'f'l ~1s5is1ant ill tht> 1i1Jrar.r "I apprt•t·rnte tlll' su111•nrt ~\en the 1n'' I uound th1· -.:t l'"" nhout '~lat

'· rcls ~id a toudtclown speaks well was S(•Jlt out ri·uiu till i·ollPge :ur th e t"i!lltl'st~ t o U<.• hl'lll at the Pacine• of tlw l 'niYPr~il) of Illinoi s . :'lthrn lf'am ;lllcl I lllfH'~· than n111 rt•t·iat1 .. the :-url 01 fellows t 11 \ h.ul 01 'tt•\: r

or thr lr:i 11 " 1 ~ 1 tlii• Yhiitor:-;. 111 e lirst tin11 · la::.r rriday llt•rf•,lfl1.>r IJJtL·rnational Lin·stoc\, Shnw A tVitlll l •,o rrt·~l s11t·11t lwr la!'r summer's \tl.· 1ur110111 to l·'rhlay-~ game I 11. ubt if tf'r.u \\'t• knew w .at s• ll of meu

.1.11olut of any lViUll a11rl th~ fa<·l tha t

ThC' l·oll<ge l'IMl'll will J!'ll into tht~ llH• lmllPlin will h<.• puhli~hi·d r•>.!U· <«1lio11 in Euro111· .ind IJt·t·an:-it• ol lln' yo11 \\ill rind illl.\ p!al' \\1'(·r1 ,1 slm· tlH) ''l'l"e pli.t)lll~ b• on \\1 nnt

!'ray \\Ith l\\o ii( th1 best uu•a out. larly £'ac·h \H•c·k and "ii. hP t·ll to of liH mt•JI will ht• :-;1•11t lo LewlHlo·1 faihll'P or h'tkrs lo n•arh lwr th~·re tlar tnrno11t (If ~1ud1 ll• 11Hl to\\ll~· 111 tlw l i1tlt'~t \\'t t· n lin t Ft~tQ

Jfl 1w1·\1·r, • ltlu·r Callagha11 11r O'-'t'Il· all ILP ~ta l c-- J>aJ Jl'l'S. l'rnf \\ . ,,,by lln :::khool 01· Agl'kt1lt11realso Jnll ·t ti l I t !"I 11 rP I II ·11 l l lt \\,1~ th~t: 111e1 rnd SI( l\1St1gnt~on

hrug \\II hantll• th<>' 11cl 110~1tiollf; in Bl'l•\\e1· has d1a rgf' or tJ.p u!JJwatiu11 this ll'<llll \\j lJ not tal ;P plal't• in tlw al e r Ip war )f'O~e 01•. l II I 0

. Jll'P}l I' a i ' 1" WI lf' Til:\( !

a wa\ ,, 111 worthy cf thr- hlTJP nncl anti that. facl aloiw will Insur 11 ~ ,. 01111 1 ~ :it Portl:intl. Th<' nll·ll in buth ceivt• noti<'l' of hC'r appoiutml:'nl Ill lt·r1.li11Jy g-olHI support nntl w,-.. a1111rt· 11 av 1r1 111 nnwh t w ·11 <111r future

~old i·lt \t·ll anil th•·." w1·r~ liH' fir:;t high !-ifandard and i1s ~lHTt ~ a cli' :-;J1111-.: an' all working s tPadily re1r lime to l"l:Ul'i1 lh1u·mnn until latt.• In dalf' it r,' 11 s '"ti J 1.1 hut I t 1.l:'l

tPam lllf' I 111 lht• ha<:k Jh•ld any way hc>C>~l1·r of )foniana St: IP. Thi..: llil'I iosll Oil!-' oil tlll· t1;amH anll jndl!iu~ lktOhl'I' ··1t'H p1'I'l1 ·tly uatnral to t·t'klJrate iall\ ,1 < t1d tht> II• I, it:l us cl.er

frlllll t IP tnat1Tial lu ijdt'l' t fl'ilm \Ion-, - wlwu \\l' pt U\\a) '' h th \J!...., t al t1 I su111 ori tit' ind c.D..l.L!

Thi. w 11 hf' tl1f• lir I n.1• lhese t\\C of till' lrnllPtin b to plac<· at thf' rl1:-. tann :--;1<1F• shonlil be ah ly l'l'Jll'et.'-1 ntPd Thp Ans and ('raft l'luhs will ntt'l't .if n !-lctin•. Bnt il hard 10 C't khr; te

lf'i-l?ll!-3 l1<1\P '\Ir n 1 l II lhf' ~ridllon posal 0"' tlw stat(' JJ;lJH•rs l!f'WH ill-'lllB \\ht'll \\t' In~,'' .. outi:i.11P1l the <"Oach \( ! 11• r\

ntl on1· is )lrul.H11Jly 111 tlil' dark a. mnch rP)aTiug- to ·lho l'OllP.I!"<' ~111cl its work :•t b11th 1l,H·1.s. I in th(• art rooms Saturday aftt>ruot n.

Page 2: WEEKLY EXPONENT ~GH~O L P~MPHlET ~N EUROPE~N …€¦ · t•led Pl:lr·nsn lb in this cou:itry aud ber l!t-21 This is a gathering co:t· Roll Call. 11cok WPre forwarded w lhe collegt>


f'AUJ L\'oL


1Jack;.-round for t..be th ree thousand I <:1ilt> who wttnet<sed the struggle. Wind Roughened Faces

The soothing, softening. and healing Cream tor \\ind roughened faces irl

.b .. Lahlisbcd Jnnuary 1, ino. Outgr11\\ tb of .\iont~ly EXJJODenl,

J.st.1bllshec.J January l, 1S95.

Ghmpsl'.:. of the campus ~ould be seen througll the trees and toget.bt.:r with t.be masses ot waving color len t .i c.iisunctlr college air t.o the occa·


l'uhll~hed en.·ry Jo"'rtday of the Col· lf'._r1• >ear by au editorial sta!C CliO:)t:ll from the studt:nt.s of the :'ifontana. Stat• .. t:ollege of Agriculture B..:ld Me­dianic Arts, Bozeman, Montana

s:on. d a ,. to apply . Thoroughly medicated, daintily perfumt."' ,· e: s .. 'II as for the

greasy or ::iticky Good for chapped bnnd~:';j ~~\TLE. ~lany of those ''ho witnessed that ·"'l't•ctaClt.> "'o:tdl·rt"d why )[ontana $late t.·ould not possess such a. fieJ<ld


I rue, 8teps baYe been taken an I Rose Drug Co. STAFF sonw \\ c1rk bas bt>~n done to complete THE REXALL STORE.

E<JHnr·in·Chii:l .•• llobt:rt T Kelley,:~~ an ath!t-tlc lie\d on the C'ampus butJ I=========================~~==~ uu~,n~l)S .:\f~Ull.l!t·r .. C. F' )I organ, ; ::i ro~n.-~!'i ls slo" and 3!'; yet. the foot· ': ).l amunn.:- 1 ... duo;· I~;ui ;f.bom·p~~t~ .. ·1:-1 l>Rll ·,:rn1t·s ;trt.• held at the grounds ~~~odatt.· Editor ... £. Legter Cole. '17 / wilh bard!) enough l.lleaclwr room to I s t o· d C1reulalio11 ~lann~··r. . .. ... ", - pro\hle for lh• SJH'tlators. The field ohe ys em tam on s • • •• J !1lmer L. llnbl. l.i itself :. only fair An unnecC>ssan I A. .ta1~t Bus:u ~.sll~;:~~~i;YJkkso·~: ·1s I amount ot work Is n•quired each time 0V"'fCOat Week Ink ·l'ullq~i~te Ih•J•Ort,•r . 1l is marked and water bns to beJ ._

F'Iore11cc Gray, ·1r, t'~trried almost n quarter of a mile to .Athh Llc. lleport1·r . . ·iri th Ii •ht The strN•t c-ar does no t ,.,:11 ,,rnt Hl•1 ,011~it·~~!i1~~ 111:~:ll~~r:;'~: ·ui r'-':{,,'h l the ~ound and it is a wa 1k GL'tll'ra.I Heportn .•..• Hoy Stra:1d, '17 ot nt·:irly a half a mile from )Jai:ll

suti~('ri11tion lln1l- T,, .• l)ollars 11~r n·.1r. n'c r1~11t~ pt·r <.'011:-. A~,·cru~­fng r 1tes mnJc known on ap)Jlicatlon.

:-;trttt'l w tht" field. Thest.? conditions ar1.: ansthin~ but sati:-;factory. ) fu(·h thnl ~~1011ld bt> indud••d in any collegt? ~.ime is detracted the 11ropt.·r setun~ i~ not thC're to in~L1ll the true <'ollege

Entt•rt·d as l';t'i tHHI ch1.-:.~ mail mattl'r .-:.pir,•. at Bo~a·man. )fln1tana. under Acl or Ont• of the tin.;t iluproYem<-•uts at ('ougrcss of )tanh"' i1o,;!I. ~lontana :;tale :-;hn.uld bt~ th1.· <:orn11lc·

The Weekly Expon£:nt is str'.:.t i ~t [ 1io11 r I till' athll'lil' lie-Id. It would br st-.~ent eu~c· jr.se. Its chief ,n.: .·pose wd !or the Boo~ter:5 t~ t.akt.• a h_:rnll I i'> ~· >1• tt"ent tC'I j•i::; rc:.aaers ea~:'l e,·K iu ttn mnttPr an1l pron tie a ~r11.I1ron an accurate and c~mplete record _of G'.\ ti.~ L':tntuu~ ior the l~l:-1 gantl·t'. the developme~ts in c_ollege affatrs I during that period and 1t 1s intended/ tr.at its influence s~all be ex""l'-'C fr;r BA l H[DQ[S ::··tl~:b~~~~·1~ 9 o~f v~iu~':~r'y !~~rf·~~; BATHArn mar l II fort!' by the students who compose the __ _

s~aff. (C'o11ti11ued :rum Page One} I CALENDAR

them 10 ~ lin i.\ de..:t~l\e v cto1' on~r

'.\o\ ·mb··r :--;. 1nh ll<iliotr." Ir

1-ootb 11 lian rth 11 k t .\ ,i4

' "llhl'I' uuuous Dau

\OCll o l C 11 r Cl

JV l

('cat ~1 lh·11nio11 lht·11 c·allL~d t11'-' team i.onu :J..i ~Wte \ s. tht n! lll I tl:-ot) ~· DE t 1elr rt:>!!l'ets that

Br. :C'T'la 1, ;\( 1 1 •an trl' tlH wlld.1 t f•uthu,., .::sm 1 j l \ I 1 l'd.

:\ll\'C Jlbl'r 1-.. 'II

\ n• 1er 11, 1 ... d m u 11 rt:'· 11 . Jt w s \\ll J 11 I l \ that

to (}\I l't t 1c

'I I'll 1i.:


{' ;.;(•)"






.-\II on:•!' tht" t.•on ntry this week

18 :-:et 1.t~ic.le by merC'i1ants who sell

L SYSTEM for :;bowing of the::;e

famous gi.\l'llll'llt';;.

,\-e t•xpt.•ct you to ca1l without

rail ancl in~pet'l

o' "r<:oat:->.

We want you to try them on.

WALSH'S tt. lm ··1:1111 .s a1." ull,\ l.11 man' ~.lid H.ornne\, • tll" H' gh:::- ::thoul two· 111111drul ,1nd t'11ny·live pounds but

n 'ht" l'\ nf'tl u 1 t 1 ng~a llttlt• by Ou!" App cc1at10-.. ,, r~ \ I CJ' 11

" I• llUng lWt ~IU.111 11 'L i 1 111 ~ tthtr I hat t p1 l)l l I o c ·n. n ,,, . •[

u t o,\" s 1po1 r:- th1 coi eg'-~ 1 .1

\\a~ sbo ~ Ii\ u~ .l rt •r - I fl I I


11 n

d~ of Ii m, tht:'\. vnl) "' ghetl 1 • ::iLt

''oh, ldrtd und fiftt .. 1 11011111,s c ch. I 1 c c J ... rtC' -111ali fel ow ~o

Fine, blue ,, hilE> stone>s. rbnt you will be 11rnud lO own and show to

~·tHll' i'rif•nds.

Snd1 a di::miJncl hi tht" one to 1111' th~-y :1rP t!1e :'Ort we nlwa~·~ of!t'r

Dnn t hl' mi~INttl hy adn•rtise· 1111·11 s that Clftc·r IO J{h.t• yo11 un­

h•anl of \'al11t•s for lillle mo11t>~· Hl·Hwmhi'r tlwrt' i" alwa~·s a rt·a~on

I for lhese s1111pos~lllY low 11ric·l)s ani! it tiH' diamond you .gt>t that !ells tt s own stnry.

I ('ona· in and !t•t us show you

"hat .~ n·all~ nke. onl··lrnlf f'arat ~Olli' JOll c<1n huy for $137.50.



t 1 din~. li.1·1'~ 1·bl"' rinb, the c •10 I hct'll \\, l;:::h 11 and not

'\\•\Ill 1:::,' \'i.1l1.;t•d down the i)I tht: es• i mhl) lu,l. nol 111

at 1ut olizcil .€'rtts

o! ' L 1 it nt st ns ectl'd uJ htnort ,, \lld

lJ, all. ~ l·re11it lo t.ht• d a· d l 11C prlcll' or thi?'

"'ell ion ii th. f t ll1 i:: mt 1 \lls o .~11 ! \it:!" n \,; 11111. I• 1t tf <. ulcl i't s ~ mer t'ie hac ~or ~i \(0' 11 ,it l"r:. .. c a 1. t F'm.i \ lt,1\ 115 tie 1 l::;t· f 1, t t :.'r l. n bif, man :>o the~ 11 •a lt e 1l 01 a

he ll \ tie t "\eh:.•d r \O '' 1'l 1/l l .. 1.- f ,,,, J1a 1 u th.it plau i~· onl) '''f'ihheU u '"t·t.1 and fi , r •t"' t h,1..: t'h' "' 11 thl ll1n 1ked the rnPn 1C1r what .ilH ut hu, dn-'d ,rnd Sl'Yt'lltY

JilUt• 1lld _t 14 I l t lP '-= 1a'll(lion:;htp l} ~ b Olll" lie loltl the H llhnt~ OUt1d~. Ye~. t ll\ Will lJl~ ~Ill(; ~ Ol b me of tJw ist;.is4 n. ·l·arl) out! bun· Lhat ( h1i f C •. rr 111d liatton were hc:ll ia1·h Ill' t r tllt~Y n.r in1rn IC'· <lrcd o1 lhl'Sl' repn•<o:cn ati\1.., wen!' on l11i-~ as \\l'l as l'(1t1ld ll~ c:-.p1cted t:tl .Ill 0:1rO\mtl ,rnd lH:t.·ome ;.H·11u.111111 .. u


(Continul·d from Page One) tht• ~id•• 11 (\lf\ Olt' t,(-o::" rid t <t ") t l·ntl ~<'nt tlwtr thanks w1th t:.tl'h oth\.'I' an<l 1•la. a It\\ ;..,auie"' hoot opt•nPd in the fdll. In a rt!·

onu1na ::;;1.me a 11; II' .1 \ :-:1 ten ~Il' J..;o Ll' thPlr ngrets hat \\'11.• all lJ<t(k nibt.lkt·:"r lit that nt ctter hf as.:;erled that Jue \\lS

Delicious Hot Chocolate WITH WHIPPED CREAM, AT


Mum's Mum's Mum's The Chrysanthemum Queen of the autumn, In White, Yellow and Pink.

Como and see them at

Langohr's Greenhouses 315 SOUTH TRACY AVENUE PHONE 95





Steinway, Sohmer McPhail and Milton






r 1 ilh ,,. xt~ 11 t ~ ·t '1!-!- f •r I 'o th' ,tudents for the ,;1q11•ort ;::-;vu1 o 1.vothal' to;...ethl'r.'

•ttlt '\ho \\1 ut It. c -a .1P. t!H'Y t iuld rn t hl' ti:('~PHl ll the a::-· .~amt'. · ~aid Hom.ii:)· m t·1rncl11sion, tlw hP:-:l lia~kt'lball <'oaeh in th'-' stalt> l'h(1ne ~~;.:.!, Ce.ntral and Babcock. ;11111 ht' ,\·.1s anxiou~ tn ha Ye him re- 1 ~_:_..::..:_.::.:....::.:..::_ _________________________ -' The tacultr ant• !-iil'td1·nt ~upport I !-1..•mbl) "1~1L~ 111rnrtL·rli<l('k didn t al\,ay:-;. co.II turn tianicularly l>t'('<lU~L' of the llk


was also all t!tat <: n11,1 he desired. A Pro1e:-;:.;or Jc·nn son a lll l•cs ~idt·· till' nc,ht 1Jlay )f'S Wt· clll made mis·

"~.·.the co_lle~c.srnde11ls_h.old,,l_or him .. ~TKINJON ~OO~[JJ[J liule o\er out!-half ..... U1~ :-tcH.lent l.lody ii;..:ht!i 011 till' ::!.alllt_• kt'Pt the a:.:;eml.11.~· take·~ Hut I am ~orry to t11lnk that

b di 'h fl I hl• un1n•rstt.'· s~nt its tt1::.t 00e1 madl' lht• triJ nd 1m,1ou t~· Y were 11 au Jproar 1{..11' som~ tin11..•. 'I <.' ro· 1 !-illl'h a 111nn a::> Gatton, who knows In~ fn<'tOr";; in urgiu.~ the 111t'U on in tbsor did not only tend to his tluty mcil'l' rootba'I now tha11 neutz wilt s'.1.ortl.r arter thnl o[ tbe stall' colle~e I thl• \\Olllh'rtul ~n ]l(> that lht·) played ... l me kl•t•per. but t.•Yidl'Htly man- l'\ t'r know in all hi.:- lile- .:res in two :rnd has ht·~'n per::-btent n its over- M [MB [De 0 [ v M r ft l•\t'l') one in t~e •llt:!t;; should b~ ,:ed tu "'t.'<' the ilLllHll"OllS i-'1tt1ations

1o!' his li\"t•~ -bad to L<lke .:'lll'h a beat· tlll"l'S siIH.'f;' then. Roth Sl'hOoh• baYel [ cnJ r JI .lJ.H. I I I t '!. d ·1

• ·' · h j k" I 111111sualh.· •'Ood matt..'rt<ll tbis year 1111d 11roud ol t le s IU\\ u:...: mate a .1 IS· 1·\ l'lOJ eu dunn.c: :lHu alter l l' f:,ame. Jng-, J am svrn that 'Pun· Tay or, r :-;u11la :nd esJll"<'iaJI.'· ort· the people Homnt·Y \\<\:-: 1·alk<l u11on ;rnd the "ho has a la·art a:-; bi.~ as a house thl' 111·c•tlktit1ns are that with good

f lloz1•m.rn thankPtl tor t!le1r lo.' Ji 111 11u 011 01 his 11 .11ne \\a~ the ";;ignal Ii.ad to ~t.iud ::.IXl\ mrnutcs at such ·o.1rh111c- the' \\ill run strong 1or the Prof Atk inson Gives Good Talk on 1pp01t I r .11ot'w1 lrallliC' outburst of the .. !!.rut•lhu~ 11 u111 .... hm~·11t AbO\e •111. I 11orthwe"l c!lampton~hip t he Value of Bible Study to the

--- --- - !'il\Hlents .\fter hl· h.1d qulC"tPd the .1m ::-.OTr\ that :such ,1 pla)lr as I College Student. Where Is Montana State's Athletrc assemlJh he :-:tnrtell them laughing Thiet' l·a11 hall to h.n e ht~ kg I


rne clifficulti~=- attend.In~ the usual col· lege Y. :\1. C A. and rn11lincd some metl10ds for the bettf'rmeut or the crg-anization on the hill


F ield . l.I\ w11111i.:. bow the coach Pad come :.n.:i. 11111:d 111 thL' gamt· \\'e lo-..t tu a Gnll[p[ MAK[e lllANe To l·\·eryone who \\ lll\.·~si_.-d the lntd l11s room Jier~piring and all out m1r:::.h·~· ... ood t1•11m nacl I am llka~t·d u [_lJ[ H u r H lJ I Tht.• y :'-.I (' . .\. hdd •' 1~ular Re\l. G. G. Bennett Tal ks On "'The l'1 ~amt.• lasl 1''rida~. t \\a~ apJl:trl'nt f lir •ath and had r..:plied w~en ask· to thmk th·1t \'Oil "l'kome us with ,,,.,,

111.110 1

.,_ 11

, .. '. l.·i·· •. Two Conceptions of Chr'•st 'i anlty" . . s1n1'll11" f,IC"·, •. ". ~ I ro~ MONT~N~'J 1",',11'.ling Tncsda~ .. "' - ~ ·'

rhat Olll· 1f tlw h1g- f;H tub 111 m:1ki11g I' d. \\hat thP matler was, by sayi1~g : ,. ~ .,., PrPl°l·:-':-;or .\ tkinson ~Jiokt." w the· At W oman·s Assemb ly.

l''I Piing 0!1 lt.' \"::I. llt.' OI I e tut'

H the- H1H·res~ that wa!:l. wa~ th•.' \\ 1·11. Ho1m1c·y I ha,·e been out with Punk" Ta.Ylor was 11 r.:-.t l'alle<l n11-, I I • ll'bl I C1llll'~i3t~ at111os1,1h rP t .1L :-: rrouu1l Ht ilman .1ml be

11a~ intro1lured me on. Punk· ''as grt:>etcd \\ith {,,'bt.·C:r::; E tP ilw {'C'lll•gf'! S1ttc1t.'nt Th;:! plan~ ... r etl tht• '.\[is~oula t.1•ld. Ihe M·ttin., o[ t11 all !ti";; mt:n I.mt clanrnetl it I knowjbut manaCC'd to quiet the c-rowd down X~IBlle tit· LJ tht• lt•al'llC'r~ 1r1inmg> < la~se~ of ~ Tht.· "·ornan':.; a:;;.~mbly this week th.~ i.;aml~ set'll\l'd tu tah• it 1\\a) irom eno11;..:11 ~t'Ogrn11h~ to tl'il you where lone. '-'11011.:..:li ·o add a fe\\ gtories to t~ wn or~ani7.J.tion \\t•ri Jin• 1 hy \\a"" one of t!...e

111 st interestiug as· •th .. r nthh:tlc: L'Olllt""'ts illltl mukt.• it t!wy all came rom." H• ,Jlt>)"s {..'Ollectiou. t'l r ntc !i')lt l'rolt :-i)'" .\lkll:-'''' ::-t>mhl l:':-- of .. h \l",lr. ~lrs. Herrick, i11 tlw tr11e>t ""''' b1- C<,lle"'' -"ame. From this on until the dose o[ hi• l'ro1cssor Tallman when called UJ.>- !'Ill' l'allama l"tcitk ,., •osllion .Ill! m pen Oh.ll .,f wu. _

01, vpened the meeting th-• \ ~~


::1~11;:r.:~.'";:~ '"~~:I ~~~:r~I' .. ~: '.,;~,k~a: 10::'.;1~' 11~: 1~ 11~:~r:~1:d:~.:~i<'.~ ~:: ~'.'. 11 l:··~~~·'"~~l~lrb)~ 11 ;,~,~~~l:~d tl~~ai:~u~ II< ·mmittet• for :.1onrnnn han• askt>d '·This ~<:ill'ol :Pnb to thl. 111dy c·f \\ th a shon outline oi the work to t 1 r s.pl<>1 tint· ant 11roY tied 1.\ Htt 1g tlu.:, :51Zt.• .iud strellt.:th or ~lissuuia·s th, town::iiwoµle for their turn out and ... a.p,-ronL1my depart 11ent • f thl• c·ol· I•" k.10wl "dJ;t ... l'f t11l' l'<ll' h u~d 1r.lll's. lw 1h1n'- b~ th Yocatio:rnl con~re:;s

ab.o SJ olrn highly of the courteous I'' t" to :,;uhrnlt 1la11 · for t'1p nt z:t nwt l.11 of <."111 rollillh the 1:ar1 h a. {l and t.:Hh: thl" I·!"•..""!::ram o( the con-trp;ttme•it th~ passl:'ngers on tbe spe. wa of :\lo1nana·~ ~an' :tt he San 's ''.h·nn•nt:-;. ~tis hC't'.1.t111g- ''i s.Jip,Jl1, ,._nss. --c::-=-~· ;:::~-=IJ~C- 2C:--~ , i.d train Wt'l'l· acC'ordl'tl bv the rnu. Francisco and San [li1• o t'.'q10 \t1t•11s t't 111· Hi<.-1· m~~klllF. n hi"", ;,s \\1·ll \. Tht na•ciini,: wa~ then turned ayer ~ U road utril"lals. - this romin~ )•'"'" /.Tonlalla > lo "'"

1 11 kin~ a I 1in~. Th r<' on 11 l rnott-u to \! » Hazel Coffe), pre;ident ot l M I 1•.;qi1a,11 '.'\ol le wa... ~rcett'd w tn J 01~1 h1 ld •gut ~an I>i i::,o .1111.l a H.>r~· .._ ':""sibilitJt:s ll tnc..:y t'.p Ii\ ::.s of pa l t~1 Y \\" C A. Th~ tirst number 1 E.., .t "'"·trr ~ TG, ~OOd O.t•


, ~ l'lal·rs wlli 11 c· lt•d upon. It'"~ thank- nl' lar~1· lJHildi11~ b1 s tit·:". a spat't' 11 opk tilrP1:gh hi:-11cr~. \\·l, 11111!: on the ,n,i.:ram was a tiilinn ~olo by I - trl the stutil'Ill Uotly !or thllfr ~up.,4h'."1 :i fed, m till· l\1hH·l' of ,\i..;rll·ul· .•11 til'\1•lr11 th'• ~nh11 of P1.l:c~ h1 · '.\l ~~ llon'-~n~l' Kirt'chnf'r. '17. I J l n .... 1, p; _ "$ In.O' CO ~:::'-... ) pun and irnl:-1l•Ll lh1..·m for tlH·ir JOY- tnr<" at ~an Fr:i.nl' t'o Th·· work of torr as a l it'll :ibl1• 11tl i•11t-1·1·~11 ;: .\l:~s. Fluu10r \\"~he ·ead a ven

J "<1i{·i· ~ ~' :'.~_,0.• 'Tl"1'1 __ !• P,,,.. ·)'i • • i ty \\' ,.. \ ou ,J ii\\ 1..· done all in 1n..:•al11ng t 1l' ~·:-.h it~ "ill \ip~(n tht.' 1 111) l llstnn i'lf nil 1111'1" ha~ , 1 n. 1 t ·t·"'t111i.: lt'ttPr from )Jis~ GrR~l ~ ... _ ... _ _. l_ f ~ 111r }IO\\l'r to :::how tlw «oal'h WL' :IJI· Or~t of 111>:-.t mouth 'It S.au Uic~o an1l tcrL•d around sonll\ mw 11 sou of tht' <..'lark. l'l'hillly tidd worker in Afr ~ a • • A 1 f IH"t't'iatPtl hi;.; ~enks," =--~ud :\Ir .:\u- whPn thPy an• rlnishPtl. \\hkh will he! t Ill(' .. JC'sus l'i1ri .. 1 i thl• cT :itts and 1ww m >-.:t'W York l'itY The let n' ~ ~ -~:> l.ICO :-...~ ~·A r bl1" ... allll \\l' Ct:l'tainl} apprt•t:late th<.> !l1tllll .lanuary l, tilt' Pmai11i11~ timt fo.l't er hh:ll'" ~1sith• 'rom t)}ll rr:l :..:i· lt' W.u~ wr tlt._:1 before sh(' lPft ..\frfra a! tlk.C itU ole 100 c. l ... ~· v;.=~· ~ ( s111port i;:l\t I llS h) lilt! st111l111t.. llll lo l·\•hruary 211, \\l\I l•i' SJll'IJl 011 ('I'S t·onnN·tion. hf'L'"ll\.t~ of ! 1•t• S.Jl3C(' 1\t.\ (;, {~ H1•nnelt, 1a~tt1r o! th£ - ~ /'./)?':.. •. In a \"•·n· ably dPliYtffl'!l talk '.\lat" !J,,...,,. at ~an T-"ranc. t·n. \Ir. >:l'ISo 1 gi\1'11 llim 111 hhtor~· and Iii~ g1't'at !· ist·oiml c·hurd1 was introd~,cul. lit a ~~(~ (../~"' ,I. i .f:/ ~ 1 l'l rk, Jin .dr1. lilt Boostt l'illf•s, will) Las ht.·1.·11 in l'han:p or llW ag:ri· folJO\\ i!lg' . It j~ im11orf·rn :I}'. 'll{ c' \ hn~t as his. ~ubjt.•t'l, "Tlit• Two Con 'P..oiJ19"'(} \..//'_'/,' ·- D \hanh\.:d llw HC'lllhers of that organ· <1 llur.ll 1·\.hihit~ a n!lwr larµ;t• •X· it11 ,·ns 1ha1. Wt.• stuit hp mn 1· •C" •tlmi:-; ol l'hrbtianity." The• ari;

,Y / iZJt on for t :i•Jr ~llJlIH.i rt <llltl t'wir 110.;ifh1H::-. 11< '" 11 aking- letailPd 1· 1 rH11ll 11ans of till BilJlt• 1111 t11. l1fr tilt' Jlersoml.I nn<l the :.wl'lal. _[•lk 1

11.; • 1 t11 r l


81 t•Jifllll t "'II out al tht· c.anlt'. 1lra,,i11:; ~o uhm t to the t°)!lllllJttvl'. t; .l1•su<; ('hri~t The Hihlt· 1~ th· lit' !=:~lH' as an rxampk o[ lht' for "K.;to··.-.. ·1l 1 .,~:'-' l°C ~ )lanin l\.l!J)', managPr of thi· foot· l'r't' Alfnd \tk'.nson s1w11t T~111rst!ayl111ot <:11unt'l'lo·d 'tory oJ ,1 pe11p1t•\11wr, G<'.rman)'s atlltudo 111 th,• pr"s 4

IlCii\\ Jr1

....... v \ l'L' 1 t11c hall li·am, thanki:d lht· stndints lor .r1 l'Onft.>rL·nc1• \\Ith tlH' t·o1nmttlt>t• tn tlwr\' is aml. :\:'\\lg thl• t'l!5.1• \\Jlh,t.•:lt. ''31. ·\s an du~trat1on o[ th t

1' 1

y 'I' \ FL\ L T T ... ~p· !. 1t::::t th I'll' ~u 1111 >rt and eommeiuh·d the lld1·11:.1, .making arran .Pnll'nts fpr llw i \hral1am Li1 1 t·ol11, 1,,. tilt' h:1s.h~ for a soc·1a.1 1·onn•pl1011 :\Ir . BPnnett. em - le ,.L l t "n. d-in .. llw· c-·nu on is work and dlispd h) urg. natural teud lle"Y arom11l 1\ big sl'lwo1 , -

' Burl-:; d:! Lu..-..·!!, \,·it'1

all t J l't'l•a.rat1on of the d1~play. 1 llh1•raJ (•1hw:- 1 on. ·1 ht•rt' i:-. a most pha:.;1z\•d womar s 11an 111 all rt_)tOrms

.. l .~1 two\ i~ '.._J. ·.._[·.l l·urith!. 11

th<' stlldl•nls lo bdp !he ti·am l.k· . . . . :1s a c·t~nter ot' .fn.'<' 1lio11fl'"ht. to on•r I fht• \t·l1 rt.tar)-. -l-a-,.,-,1-t)-__ o_f_\\ .. $. t 1 ...._' 1, t.p, __ .. ·f: ... 1 •1t :\t,rth lJakota. .At Pr11wt'lon l 111n•rs1l\ 1t Is rP· ""' , 11 ~. c!,~piltv_fi~!.!1;{~.cco<:tY-c:!.l Alter lilt• ~Pf't>t·hmaking- c·h1;>,•rs were quin•d that P\"t·ry Frt.•s~;na:l krww look aud slighr religloug th111gs . The ·.· t t • 11 ' r-.. .11 a 1: .. ht w·th tl.l~ rri n ~ -~1 gl\'l';l for tht• team. thr> coach. and tbl' l'Olll"J.:.t.' son ~s a.nd \C'IJ~ In OC't. l.:;_n·a1 l'SS1·nliab of tlw pbn n~ S<llva ,., n11n S<1Jlll' ll'll days a~o w~H·rl the ......... L-------1iC...~UL 1C I the school. 'l'hL•lt wilh the HtudcHl :n. h~ · · 11011 and 1111.· !if(> of .l C'sus C'hnst :.;1111 r,~, 11 11 l'l:id dog t o lit\'. T•1 ... • n:or n•n1:dn r('gard ll"ss of the \ aiu nt 1: •I 1 tl1l' l•.\'f'r~reen ~a~·s. h:t(t bel." The Best Possible Value In Fountain Pens






_____ P_H_1_L_L_1_~_~ __ :~_M~_.o_A_c?_NK_cy_s_To_R_E ___ 1I

Attention, Students "·e ha Yen ufre lhsortment of ~ma ll l''olclers ::nd F'olios In l::~ el"t styl<'s.

.Just ri,ght to exchange with your classmates.


The Schlechten Studio 12 South l31nck A\'"nuc.


I l'lllJlls of \hC' old chnrl'I~ Ill explain llt> .u. -..<1llh: tc-n minlltl'S h~t \\',1::; rt

I ::-011w lhin~s. C'Ollt"gt'.' hfe dt'n·lop~ I ""torl•tl to hb ·o rmer se-lf all:.\r l.1.1\·m I hnhlts and mC'thods ol thought and it a normal ~alt solution injected inl is 1m.1lortant that a man .~hou\cl oh· hb veins. ta.in the hahit of Hlblt• study and form religious c-onnertions \\hJIP in i Th e North Dakota Aggie~ an"' hn• college for he will llC'l'd th<'m a~ n ing some little time making the brnre when hC' gets out in tlw world. freshman lh·e uf) to the lradition < ,.. To be conRidered nn t•ducated man 1 thr weariub of the grt'en cap. Tb

I o ne should han• an a11prt>darion ol' the\ lntf':..t r 1>0rt is tltat rm three UN)( essentials of r{'ll~lous matl<'rs a.nd th(' rh1sst•s are going to rule the fres' Dible." men wilh an Iron hand. Sophomon

Professor Atkinson then spoke of I must be in 1bc minority there.

Page 3: WEEKLY EXPONENT ~GH~O L P~MPHlET ~N EUROPE~N …€¦ · t•led Pl:lr·nsn lb in this cou:itry aud ber l!t-21 This is a gathering co:t· Roll Call. 11cok WPre forwarded w lhe collegt>


QUARANTINED! Thanksgiving Post Cards The Missoula Football Squad has been quarantined, according to good au t hority, as there uch beel a~ong the team that they are afra id of the HOOF and MOUTH Disease.

is so LYRIC A CAR D FOR EV ER Y F AN CY. But, say, we have a nice line of Overcoat ings at $20.00.

T ell Rice about your Suit that needs pressing.

You ought to see them before you buy.

Special Feature Every Sunday



11 £ ollege notes 11l11Alumni And Ex-Students~ The )liss Mae ~leycrs ga\·c an excellent Pearl lleighton or last year's grnd- In 5 Parts

Vendetta I ":· I

.OW it (ooked o Me

lecture last week before the Home uat111g class and now a teacher ot I l:..<'onomics club. home tconomici; in the Gallatin coun-


__ ..,,.. I •.


. . . - u - ty high sc~1ool spent a few days on~----------- -s. \\ent w :-i11Hsoulit. and 1 m :.\lls~ Trssie Cnm •. ·11 . . the hill last week. l'ouvinl·e<l that 7\1. S. C has the lsto::i !las ret?ister l•":Jlt a of ... Lning-footlinll team in the nortl1west. . 1

· ~d m the :>ecret.ar· - :!- 5 FOR YOUR DEN 5


It is One of the Masterpieces Among ia course and will re~ide at Hamil- :\trs. 8d.na. Tracy Wbit.e '08, was B e score at )[iosoula doesn"t tell ton hall. one of the hostesses at a !tL"1Cheon eautiful College Pennants :.-tory ll) a long tibOt. I've figured gh·en in honor of Miss Kinney \\' .... O YALE AND HAR\' ARD, It t·orre<·LIY t what it should haYP \ ,

1 -U-

..i. Each 9in . x 2-lln. Fox Footery l an1l we heal them 16 to 13 ·' ro . .J. Q. Adams or Three Forks is eoon to become a bride. PRINCETON, CORNELL, \\OUl<l ha,·e bel'n tile 8Corc ~

1 '1;>.·a:-. the guest of )in;. C:ua B. Herrick - ::- MJCIIIGAN. •1a<l only broken e\·er for us. 'ean or women. at luncheon at llam- \\"alter Livingoto11 ·10. spent a few Each 7in. x 211n.

F OR WOMEN. \\'e sell lhem lo the clisC'rirninating woman-just a.A we sell the lead­ing men's shoes to the man who rares about lhe best.

. ,


. mad1~ 14 on ''tlu\.:t-s,' and nothingl'ltnn hall Inst T ie~<lay noon. day~ in Bozeman the nrst of last 4- PENNANTS, Size 12 x 30 ~ week. A tough luck kept us from ,.-ettln~ .. - ::- ny Le3ding Colleges of Your Se-h<'r to chdowu. hllr. II II. .Judd. o~• of Bozeman's Hnmer C. Thompson ·02 was an en· lcction. n I right? You bet I'm right! p. )~1t·1ans will gh·e the t.alk at the t.hu~ial->tic a. l "ct m; voice l>ack 1"11 e assembly . to . b~ held this morning. ~Ilss011la. root<·r al Friday's game In All our beol quality, In their g shlrui hats. etc .. at the old 'fbe meet111g will be for the men ol pro1ier colol"<l, with colored em-


tlw cubege only. I - U- blems. -n- I Gran• Kirk, '11 w!lo is al present Either ~Gsorlment, for limited Y. W. C. A. INSTITUTES Tlw facult)· ot the home economics Leaching home economi<'S in the Boze· time, sent postpaid [or 50 cents MONEY-RAISING CAMPAIGN bl low ay & Mcintyre dt>j>aTllllent w. ~·'"- a te this after- ma~ p_ubhc schools returned last Sun- nnd five stamps lo cover ship­noon at ~ :rn '· m lo the home <'CO-' d~; llom a. \1s1t with Rlioda Dawes, pmg costs. The 1. \\'. C. A. will hold another nom1cs duu. .~ nry pleasing pro· ~.' _" 110 0<·cuples the position )Liss \\":ite us for prices ~efore plac- one o[ its popular candy sales in tr elusive Shoe Sto.re rr m ' ' he•u l2n e•I and d light- hirl,. _torm ... '.·ty hehl ns instructor in Ing orders for Felt Xoveltles or all •he )lam ball arter assem~Iy this •efresl.ments will be sen·ed. don11 stlc. s<lence 111 the Sweet Gnss kinds. mormng. The girls will also !lave r.- ronnly l11~h school THE GEM CITY NOVELTY CO. their cook books on sale and they llr 'f '"· "ho was 1

1, • .,


1 k -::- fi03 Bittner Street. hope to sell ;1 lar"e 1111mber or these . 1 u c ncen• ng t ,. ('."'e ' 1 · .\hholt of the llavre high 'chool Dayton, Ohio. The Y. W. l". A. in coo1wration with ~ta11 Jarc!lz •ior , rean, was .11 .~:::~n in " ll"tter lo Prot. l·'. S. Cooley is the Bozeman Woman's club, hope to t iat tie ud"'"" \gg!f' s.u<leuts " > enthu>lastlc and greatly pl~ased ENGINEER ING NOTES. hring Dr. rlrich to Bozeman some should consider tht'! Pxamina•ton that \\. lh the work of :\lbs c;corgia Cullum __ 1 time in Ftbruary Dr. Llrirh will be I:; to he g ,e


Je(" 'mlwr 2 f".lr a~~i:;t· 01 la~t \(ar's ~radnatin~ rim;~ who is Profe:;sors Conkling nnd Snow of\reml"mbcred by many as one of seY· a H , t>h• nhm e mentioned bureau. 0 " teac11 .. " •i"mesti<- sc ·11ce in that the Eni<ineering dejlarlment and City era! disti11guished lectun·rs who -tt 111 ~ I hool. I 1-:no:iueer \\"idt•ner will at.tend the s1ioke at t!Je \'ocational conl••reuce a \\ \\Int c·. ,, cri end nt of co11fere11ce uf )!ayors and City OIII- year ago. The impression she made e gr r. 'ahornton ~as ,.,,,


aus..i>t c ,1!s which will be held in Billings Ill that lime was so strong that many ..



k loj - "' mto ·ni11 ng- c·on-11 Ill on l\lon<lay a:id Tuc~llar of nC"xt week. \\h;heil to sec h'-'r in Bozeman again. 10118 t•1p l-'lad1e ld \"all".)" ;lll•I Extension Notes Pro[. Conkling will give a talk on It is planned that she will •vend J ,, as o the alfalfa an•! cio,·er seed hig-hwar improvement. about a week in Bozeman, giving lee·


For llvlng, clothes and pleasure -bank U1e rest at our Savings De­partment weeklv

As your account begins to in­crease you will find pleasure In saving more each year .

4 % interest paid on Savings.

6allatin Trust &. Savings BANK

(Wei ghed on County Scales.) THE SOARING

THERMOMETER. makes everybodr want to get away from the heat But when the cold weather comes everybody wants all the heat he can get You'llget plenty of it if you ha,·e a good pile of our coal in your cellar. It is the clean, free burning kiud that gives the most heal \\ith +Jip lea. t c >al. net er onle:­today and hav it otT your mind.




rnder Xational Bank of Gallatin Ya.Hey

College Students a Specialty.

sup Jy alone- the \I ilk m·er lie wi I! r.- t urcs in the after~oon and evening ·~· visit l'obon. Kahwll" Chinook. liar· EXTENS 10N NOTES. )!is Sulhrnn. De'11 Jllchler"s secre- and part of the time to cou[erences lcn and Great t"all>.

tary. has het•n promoted to a position "ith individuals and groups of lndi· - U- rnss Katlw,ine .Jensen ><1wnt last •n the office oi the registrar, much \!duals. ~--------------' )Ir. and )[rs \\". ll. \•estal. both "'"'"k rn C:rPat Falls and vicinity fill· to t.>o regret or the engineering fac· In order for the Y. W. to do tb\s ;---------------. members of lost year"s graduating in,,; lt•c"un• euga~•·ments with R A. ulty. it is necessary t!iat they raise In the You \Cy ath t c )1 IOL; iC'llows.

f I ( \j OH~ lifP. \()ll want e- b:.. '\\ill rry yuu alnn~;

' :-> h ha \• tha sna 1 atl'l th it l' e nwn admire.

Co 1 2 :-:c(.• the new Fall as. Swa,g-ge ~00w is "hat wt> vay~ . ave for )·ou li<·re Style<; t.l gu thPr~. with !'Oall and Iifn

tho look~. ·n!=;'t>ther with long­·J.7'. Shoes that satisfy

J. H. HARRIS &. CO. Better Shoes.




<lass. ruotoro<l to Bic; Timher last Blcut·hanl. agrin11lurbt for ras<"ade - U- neighbor!1ood of a hundred dollars. Saturday They Yisited with )!r. and <·ounl). ::ihe met \\ith a ,·err cnthus. The sewer extension to the new One or the means by which they hope )lrs DaYe Highie of that city and re- iaotit· recl'('tion a11d rc11orts an enjoy engbcering building is practically to raise this large amount is by sale t•1rnet1 to Bozeman )[onday. Mr. and abh· trip. c·om1•leled and the installation of ma- of the near!!" li\"e hundred cook books :llrs. \"e'1al are now living at no s. -n- d1inory is progressing rapidly. the\ have left. 'f'1e price of the•e Central avenue. Prof. !J. B. >»vingle is lecturing he· It is rumored U1at t!le Civil Engin· Is fifty cents. - ::- I fore high schools and other organiza eering society will be reorganized In In order to increase the sales it Another of a series of luncheons I tiono this wt'ek at Clasgow. ~lalta. th~ near ruture. has bee~ ded<led to gi\e one o! the which has been giYen recently !or Harlem. Chinook and !lane. cook books to anyone who is success )liss Harriet Kinney was that or )!on- --::-tu! in selling [our books.

day after:ioon at tbe Armstrong home :\liss Lilla A. Harkins lecrnred be MUSIC REGIT~l on South Grand, where Miss Edlt:i fore tl•e \\'oman"s club at !,ivingston AGRICULTURISTS COOKE AND .\rmslrong was hostess. Over twent,· ~lon!lay. ~ovemuer 9th About ninety I SEC. COLTON CO-OPERATE guests enjoyed the sumptuous t.bre~- / wpre tH'esent. rourse luncheon which was served. - tt- THIS E~ENING County Agriculturist Cook and Sec-The afternoon was spent in needle- In her trips over the stale. ~liss rotary Colton or the Y. )1. C. A. are work.



n has round the people eaget · r:·ang;ng fo: ~ :cries of kctures and - ::- ! for short l'ourscs in borne economicl".

1 t·Ul\.rt.a!nmer.ts to bP g-lven in the ru-Leonard )if Jelfl?rs. who is in <·har~e j Plans are already under way for sev- rnl districts dur;n.g th\.' winter months. or_ ll1e Grain Standardization hnrean. eral <·ourses dnring the winter. \ Mrs. Marie G. Bishop Will Give the 01! L'r;day they ,·isi~ed t!Je Advont 1111h headqnarters 111 Po:·tland. spent .. Next of the Splendid Series of school at ~It. i<;!lis a~d i.cld a confcr-1wo days this week in conference with \Ii"' A111<11:;ta ll. E,·ans has return· Music Recitals Tonight. ence with Professor Langdon, who ex· the a~ronomy <H•artnwnt. )lr .lef· t•d to Bozeman after on extcncled triI> I pre2sed him.,elf as plca3Cd with the re1·s s11hmilt"d plans for ,

011w "' thrc11ghout th<' state. organizing boys" plan and ,,i;rcc·d to t~ke it up with

On your trip to Missoula we wish you every success and here ls hop· Ing you bring back the Footba ll honors.


Jeweler &. Registered Optometrist. Phono 380 Red.

Coal, Wood and Kindling

320 W. MAIN ST.

Kenyon-Noble Lumber Co.



1ensi\'e wheat sttirli s in ihis state 1.Hld 14irls C'lul>s. Sh(• has met with I The nexl or the series \thC' farmers in that vicinity. Saturday and hopes to arrange for rooiieration ~r<at sm·ce•s in this work S!w will of music re· they ,·isited Lhe Spri11g'.1ill nei~hbor- '-------------- --J with the milling and baking !abora organize d111Js In Gallati11 county this citals gh·en under the auspices of hood and their Jllan met with a hearty --- --- ---------.

__________ _ _ __! 'tory here. w·eek. the School ot )!usic will occur this welcome there. Jeach community is There is a Difference lu Cleaning and so-called

('le-an in!!. GARDEN .------------------------------- ' - U- le1<·11ing at elgbt o"clock in the as- asked to appoint a committee that A' the rPqne~t of )lr . .James Glass, sembly room. It will be 111 the tonn \shall ha\e ("omplcte charge of the llr \\" .. I. Hartman visitPd the Glass· of a song n•cit.ll b) )ln; :.'lfarie G <'O\II:>l~, t;w Y. ~1 C .-\. and the toun Lindsay l'rojen north or Big Timber. ll agmult.11t 1st simply aclin!( in ad-11 ht• objct·t hein~ to la.Y out somP of llis~op, wife of Prof l. Holmes Bish· 'isor) catlac1t) 111 se-lt.•i.,•tlng suhjct t~ this irrigated laud illlo srof'k farm,;:. 011 <'l the fn<'lllt) and "tll b(' co mph· and "-Pt>alccrs 1:1 aJdition to 11re!'.Cnt· This land ha~ !wen uttt~rr •he lilt•h 11\1,'ntar)" to the dPpartment ot music. in~ su\Jjeds on agricultural and rural tor a hoot four years and has one o[ :\fis:i .June Hartman of the faculty proUlt ms tht.>l'C' ''ill probably he some thp !Jpgt water rights in the north· will Ue al lhe piano. ::\lrs. Bishop's po1n11ar musir:il cnt.C'rt.ainmenls.


Try our wo:-k and see this differentc. CHOCOLATES




)allatin Drug ~


Hush-a-bye baby On Daddy's lap.

He'd like to see you Taking a nap.

He s:ngs, to soot.he you, Songs most sereJ.io!,

W hile he is .havin~ With GEM DAMASKEENE.

j ......

Sold by Owenhouse Hardware Co.

w<"Rl There ar<' two rest·n·o:1s eo' ahllit) as a musician and her splendid '5ecntar) Colton and :llr Cook l'l"ing more than fonr Hquar m1lt•s. slan<l r ady to a'5ist an) community - :: YoieP artl wt>ll J~nown. Th1s should that llt·~·drl·s similar l'Olir~:H'!:\. ~tis~· Evant; ga\"e an int£1n•stinh ln~urp a crowded nssembly hall this - ------ -talk l"riday at the Teac!ll·r's Jn. ii p\·e:ting. I JUNIOR DINNER. tute on induslrial work in t!le gc·hoolH, The pro~ram that will be rcntlerecl a:1d took part in the round table fol\O\\H: The juni{Jr girls in hom1 economics discnssion where many lnter<»ti•10: The Lass wit!1 the d<•licale air gave a dinnPr \\-edncstlay evening to points were brought out. .. (1110-177'>) Arne tlh' tlass. with ~!iss !larkin• as guest. - :.:- L'ultima canzone . . . . . Tosli The do.~s is makinr, an 111ten·:-;tin~ J ('. Ta.> lor. agrk11it 1rist for l1:t11·· :lladchenlled . . . . . . )lcyer·llelmund slntly of the total eosl t1f dinners thi• son 1·011n1y, anti Hov H. ll. \\"alk••r \lor~··n-hymnc . . ..... !lenschcl sL•nwster and after <·ach dl:iner a '"''' heen holding meelin"s in <"0-11;1,t., . . . . . . . . . . . . Chaminade <"hart is to be postNI in the labora· 01wration, ~Ir. Taylor ,p,•aking 0•1 The Utlle Gray Dove . ........... . tory, gi\"ill!' the mt•nu. nreipted bills better fitrming and )Ir. \\'alker on .. Louis \'lctor »anr .. 11c1 amount of 111.iterials used for the hcuer liYing. Like the Rosebud ... !'rank Ln. Forge di1111er T!1e slipulatt•d 1irice tor this I :1- \l lwr \\'indow OfS) ... U. LI. Bishop dinnrr was $~ 10. Attention i..; called t.o the work of I bind m.r ll air \\ith Silver. ---------C'ounty Agriculturist Cook and SC'C· . Charles \V. Cadman Very True. rota ry Colton of the Y. M. C. A .. an The Lark now leaV<'8 !1i• wat"ry Nest The Phrenologist· Yes sir. by feel· a<·connt of which ma; be found in . . . . . . . . . . . . . Horatio Parker ing the bnmps on your head I can another co lumll of this paper. ThrC'<' ldyl s from Arcady tell you exactly what sort or a man

I .... Alexander Matthews you are."


A Song in spring I Mr. Uol:m ,;Oi belnve it w11d gi\c 'fhe faculty social committee of the May-eve ye more av an idea wot. sort of n C'oloraclo State coll ege has sanoUoned My sou l is like a Garde:i ('lose whlnuuen me wife is."-Oaltlmon.• the ao·c<lll d new danceo that hn.ve All Open Secret................... American. hcen accepted br tl:c best society. . ... R. Huntington 'Voodman I Only one request made, "Don't rag." A Childs Prayer .. , . . . . J Harold The Associated Students Ol 'v S.

I :\Iy lleart at thy sweet Voke, arta l'. have taken unto themselves a book

Vere Windnagl e, Uni versity ot Ore· from ··s.,mson et Onllla"' s tore The store has beec In opera· gon"s famous middle distance runner .... . . . C. Saint-Saens Uon since last July. nq! "'' ot '13. has made the Cornell cross An Iris h Folk-song ,. Interest the stnden ts a.re t •i· I country team and rrom reports Is There Sits a Bird on every tree . . In It, the financial success of the showing up good. . ...... . ....... ... . Arthur Foote store Is assured.

City Dye Works Phone 39 lllk Hotel Annex

Sweater Ti1ne

And we are reac.'.y for you with the finest line of Htgh Grade Sweater:-> we'vC' evnr shown. All Wool, Rope Kni t, In both Byron and Ruff Nerk Collars.

Gray, Cardinal, T an, Brown, etc. $1.00 T O $8.50.

Cbambers·Fisher Co.

Page 4: WEEKLY EXPONENT ~GH~O L P~MPHlET ~N EUROPE~N …€¦ · t•led Pl:lr·nsn lb in this cou:itry aud ber l!t-21 This is a gathering co:t· Roll Call. 11cok WPre forwarded w lhe collegt>


Last Football Game of the Season



See the fellows finish the season with a victory over North Dakota.

Gallatin Laundry Company G. R. MILBURN, College Agent.

PHONE 79 RED. Called for and Delivered.


~====:======~-~./ .. ~

..L ....... =--~-


······--·-·WEALTHY, BLA CK T"l';'JG. ROMA;-; BEAUTY, ·wAGNER,

... ······-·---S!\OWS, WINES.H'S, JONATHANS, BELLEFJ,Et:R. SPlT·


····--··_AND G01.DE1' GRIMES.


Thos. H. Rea & Co II. ·--------------I 1-

------------------------------; / I \[ont.ano. ~t.ate Jost one o[ tbe gnm·i It was "Darby'" who wns pitted di· -------------

Johnson's Chocolates . .,; battles ill llill<'il she eYer pll!'li-1rectl)" against tbe l\10 ht111dred_t.h1rt)- The 'Norman t d $1 00 es ,.,·,,atea when she was forc_eJ .lo d_e- ihe vound:::: of Rus:sia, and it \\HS

Big assortment of Johnson's Chocolates, In fifty cen an . s1z . .... :\1 I feat b~ the- all-~tar aggregauo:1 tu· is- ··Darby· that <l~liYcred tbe goods. No

The Arcade Billiard Parlor souln mnller how bad he was beaten up by VIC CLINE. Prop.. -:!- the big man when the teams lined

up again Bentz alw:1ys iound him

t!lere for more. Although hammered for a whole hour by this poweriul

pieee o( h€'€'f !he score sheet.::: show no gains to speak of th.rough right Lackie.


The Laundry of Quality

BORDER+GRAY, Agents Phone 269 R.

Commercial National Bank. CAPITAL STOCK $150,000.

SURPLUS and PROFITS. -.3250.00.

GEORGE COX, Cashier.



Oiitweighe<l. thirty pounds to the mrul. an(l pit\t'<l against a. tram of rweln" JJ!aycr~. the: maroon eleYeu~ and their most vnlua ble asz;istant, Luck. tJ.e )lontana t.:It~\·en put up the gamest fight and displa~·ed tlle besl football C'\·er see11 in the stale.

- II- - II-~lontana State lost, and to a team In Duquette and Hodson, Montana

whoi:;e bl'<l\\11, and brawn aloae, made State lJas a pair o( guards well to be , them a bC."tter team. But U1ere is not vroud oi. Pitted against men far

The following- account 0f rl1e game[ a student ou the hill who would ex· heinier than t!iey are they ditl ~Yen betWt:'t'll tilt' Xorth Dakota Aggies I change the bnltt•red and beaten eleY· more than was expected of them. It 1 and the Cnh c.:rsit.Y of Xorth Dakota en. "+hich, clot!led L1 its tat.tered and is men such ns t.bese that will make

c,n the lull 0 i \\'eduesday the blue ).fontana. Field" Fnduy atlernoon, - ::-



2 for 25c




CREEK COALS. Your trade. will be appreciated Opposite Court Jlcuse. Phone 20. I

"Ill pro\e rnte•e.:;.t111g to the students wrn umtorms ot blue and ~old lefl1next year·s team a championship one.

BOZEMAN", !\tONTAJ\A. 1•mtl guld eli:\t'll 11Ja\S the champions tor tbe thousands of pou:uls of beet For the last time Truitt got a whack L-----------------------------l -------------- of our neu:.:d1hor to Uie east~ /''ho claim the lau1els of \JCton at rhe men OYer t!J.e bump. Tubbs -------------------------------1 ---------------: Aggies Win Tttle. - n- fought to the last ditch and a gamer

MADELINE PHILLIPS. I B' defeutlng the slate uniYers·t, lt "as ::\lontana. a.gamst the "est baLt1e was never fought. Tubbs is When y OU Want Rea] Class 307 south Central. li'IS atteiuoon the X01th Dalrnt'<l ,\g and the west '\\OH A team compos- one or the men tllat will be missed

Ine:iruction gw~ uvset the dOJlt'! on the fMtb.111 ed. \\Jtb one or l\\O exce1n1ons, of on next rear's lineup. IN THE WAY OF DANCE PROGRAMS. AND V/A NT IT DONE ON situation. men 11om i\Iontan.1 , men \\ho ha'\e - :.:-P t A N 0-V 0 I C E.

Three yem·s study in Berlin. First Victory lo Years. lJlayed ou l.Iomaua teams before bat+ EYel':r sub o::i tlle bench Hched for TIME-REMEMBER !--------------~ j Jt was U10ir fir~t \'iC'tur.r o\·er the tled again:::.t an ele\·en gathered from the fray, N01hing has been sElid of

P., E. SEITZ, M. D,,

Room l, Michigan Bldg.

Tele11hone 45:.

I "r'' in eight ~·car::. Although the :.1tl 1mints of tbe compass, one truly the p1aying ot (he first team in Fri· Flicl\crtails entered th1.; game favor+ styled "all-wester:1" ,,~it!1 resulis day's game which ca1u10t be e 110.al1y ite$. they were not in tlle best. condi· which are only too well known. applied to that of t.hu subs who l)ar· 1100 some of till• plnyu·::; snll show· -!:- ticipate<l in the coutt'st. ii.~ the eliects ol the battle la.st week Gatton, the one- h111Hlrell and fifty - •• ,\ 1t'1 South D.ikat.1. F•·om the first, 1-ioumts of uer'\ e, ~ll~ed, and football I One of the surprises oi !be tlay, hO\\e\er. "'\orth Dakuta ripped things science. nl<Ut!d a won<lt.rful game. especially tO the Bozeman rooteTs, up and wnbin four ru,nute8 llaU cross- Timt: aftt-r time Lhis streaJt of blue was the protesting of three ~lontaua ea tl..t<? At,.µ1es· 1inc for a touchdown. ancl i;ol<l made n lH:rftct fool of Lue J State players ~llortly lJe(or.e the The ~1.,·1 n was made' nt one side of l\\·o hundred U1irt.\·fiY<' potmtls o( g:;.!me. EYc11 lud there Ueen gr1rnnds

A, G, McKEY, THE P RINT ER , 107 West Main Street.


Tuxedo Billiard Parlors 'BRA..'-"DY"

DR. W. E. MOXLEY rbe 'ielli and an atten11.1t to kick out b~er an<l hone 1abt?lt:.•d "Bentz. when fo1· 11rotesls, coming from the all-wes· -----------------------------­for a tn at g-onl failed a.nd this spell·1the laner gan~ clumsy 1..:xb1Uitions ofl tf'rn eam11 tlh"'Y would h:lxe heeu a ed defeat Ear the state university. the "spread eagle" i:1 his tutile nt di::;ti:Jn sur1lrbe to those acr1uainted DENTIST

I For somt,; time tht:"' .A~g·Jes found it c,empts to put C.r ou t~w grouucl. llut -with tht> situati<1n, Phone 97 Blk. hard to stop t~1e onslaught of lbe the cunti1111al batll"'ring against tlJe -::-

Flickc-rtail bac.:ks, lrnt linally their de-j big men finally lohl and this wonder~ Tn t.3C' i11l€rval lJetween hnlves the

Golden Rule Blk

--------------1 k:1se ~tifit-ned. auct Xorlh Dakota. was ful little l:Jack w:tf; t'all'ietl front the :.\li::;so11la i1Po11k pulled se\'Cral inter·



Rooms 1 and 2 Story Block.

unable to gaiu ('cmsistenlly. At the field unconi:;c:iou:-:, exliausL-t•d frvm t Je ..,-::;;.ting ··swnt~." Consolidalion was

J-·b0nJ -16 Illk.

:-::ume time. the Aggies ofrense was repeatE'tl haltL"rings agaiu::;;t the ston \buried a11d lhe ;.\lh.•soula rooters form· weak and tlJey, too, soou found it wan. -::- ed a serpentine on the Held ;:ilmost impossilJle w gain much ground on ('arr, uext to t.he biggest man on twice as hm_; as that. formed by the I ~tr ight lootl.><:111. Then Uie forward the t~am pla.+l d a 5·am1: at end I U:luc a:.id ~old fan" ro111 Bozeman.

Bozeman, Mont. pass was esort1;1d to, and this style worthy of a H inkl(<L The big chief I . -:.:-

F~1r~o;:ius. .'.'\ot nntll t~e last Quart€r DOuntls where it woul1l count the sup11on our team OH'r here. \\11y,




COAL Flint=Lynn Lumber Co., Phone 8 2 .





uf (,lay liu 111)· brou;.:.ht Yictory to the put his o:ie ~undrell eight'.\-fL.ur I '.\Iissoulri Studu1t- "You lrnow we

did Lbe Agg:i1: ... :-: brl)nk into tlle scoring most. But be too wa::; plaving agairrst when "l' phi,) ell Idaho at )Io::;cow, !,.__------------------------------;! column. The~· found they conltl stop luck and was taken fron1 the game two stullc:its who were hard up and their 011110JPnts and started the pass- \\itb a broken ll"-g-, reeeiverl , not as '\\"antt'tl to s1:::e the game actually

Office and residence, MnrUn Blk, 237 iug game Hea\·e alter heave was at- the '.\lissonla dispa.tt'ht•S state. while bummed their way O\'er t:.1ere and \\~. Maiu St.; Phone 371 Blk. tea1pted. ouly to mil sllort or to be in- running in the open field. lml while lJ:wk. Yl•s sir. we $11IJJiort our tt'.'am


Boztiman, 1 tc·rC'epred. Jt'nilure did not dishearten e11gaged in sr.:rlmmagL' wit~ the two OYt>l' here.'~

i\.Io11tana. thelll. however. ancl finnllr in the last! hundred llOlLlld Jin~ -::- Montana State College of Agriculture quanel' :'\lcQulllen shot a 3.1.yard p;1ss I -U-- Coa(;h Heilman tat rally b...fore the to Bob•inger ba.c:J;. to t~e Nortb Dalrn· llom:IE"Y Illayed the game of his life gamP)-"l want to see lbi::; Lunch ~ut !

1 t.a g<>al line. <:uid ibe SCOl'E was tied. at llllarter. Although his owu clerer there tomorrow wakin~ all the noise DR. W. E, OEM: and Mechanic Arts

OSTEOPA1 Hk PHYSICIAN Scoring Winning Point. work at ad\'ancing the ball was a Cea· you can-" hen they have got the hr.II.

Michigan Building.


\\·ic1 11 strong wind blowing down iure ot the game it in no way corn- But "hen we ha re tht! ball. cheer the fielll, C'at1in. the star Aggie boot· pared with the scientillc worl<iugs of uni)- th('l::>e pla)::; thut d.e5erve cheer· ..-.r. chose to attempt a goal from a his Cootball brains. Calling tlle right ing antl then l\eep still."

:'.\1ontana. di.fticult nng-le. rather than take JJlay at Lile rigllt Lime be showed up -::-C'l1ances on falling at a kickout, as the fast back field to their best ad- The ~amc with :\Iissoula is over Xorth Dakota bad done. Yicto1·r hung Yanlag~ and it. wns tllis ability as no\\·, Let us turn onl" attention to

BOZEMAN CAB COMPANY. on that one point, :ind CatUn. calm muth as anything e1se that is respon- the comiag gamt,;· with the Xorth D::t· as a rucumber. gau~ec.1 the winU, droYe sible for t.he title "the fastest back kota li..ggies. The eastern team hns

GORDO~ MANDEVILLE, · Prop. 'ii~ toe into rhe pigskin :ind se:1t it! field eYer seen iu ~Iontana.'' the state champions'1ip Or North Da+ t"aillug through as a rifle ball over - ::- kota and haY-e a splendid rec.Ord be+ Cab Service Day and Night.

Practical courses in Civil. Electrical and .1\Iechanical Engineering, Mechanic Arts, Agriculture, Dairy, Horti· cultural, Home EC'onomics, Industrial Chemistn· Economic Biology, Music and Art.

College Parties a Specialty. th{' bar, making the SC'Ore 7 to 6 for Covert, tbe Billings star, made sides. They will l.le a tough nut to Phone 230. the f"argoaus. some of tbe most sensatio:inl plays cracl\ for Lhe l)lue and golcl.

--------------! I---- of the game. Playing part of tbe - n -

Beautiful grounds, commodious b1:1ildlngs, com· plete wood and iron shops. extensive laboratories, model kilcb.en and sewing rooms, mus ic and art studio.



Phone 57 Blk. Bozeman. Mont. I


If you wanit. the best see

D. H . BUDD.

Central Avcue. Phone 300 Red.


Shoe i I

Repairing I








lr~c Wi Ison Co






A $15.00 Blue Serge Suit


Yes. you really can get a $r5 ready-to-\\·car :-'erge .suit that \\ill fit and \\'ear and hulil it· C• lor and ~h::i.pe.

lts ma1k nf snit, C\·en-twilled ~tTgc :-.11rh a~ y1~u·11 ..;,ddum ~c(' 111 sttult .... und('r S..?o.oo. the hc~t blue.· :-.1 .. :r~e C\t'r pur inh~ a $13. suit. \,k l• 1 ~u: them.

Cha vey & Jacobs., Props.

time out of his regular position t'."lis Gatton and C'arr will be out of tJte sugar beeter showed bimseH equal regular lineup. For tbe end position to the occasion. One play in 1rnrticu- Callaghan and Osenbrug \\ill be the

[Jar would make him a star o( tl1e principle contenders. Travers will

I game bad he done nothing else and probably play full. Roubideaux and that was when he left the ground Covert, lla1'·es. and Romney, quarter. and t.aekled t:1e fastest back on the - i:-Uissou1a te:im rroru behind when he Outside of the positio:i Yacatecl by bad an open field to the goal line. Carr there will probably be no alter-

--U- ation on the line. O::i the kickoffs and punts a streak - n-

or blue was invariably seen stretch- Tl1e team has been nrnning through ing inLo Lhe Missoula territory and light signal practice tbis week and after pl;.1y was over it was innlriabJ)r found LO he Travers. This man was undoubtedly l.he fastcsL man on UH~

field antl llis defensive ,,·oJ"l\ was nothing s:iort. o( wondrrlul.

- :.:-Ruby lived uv to his reputation as

a dereusive 11lnyl-"r and always deliv+ erect the goo<ls. ""he:1 called upon to

a number or new 11Jays ha1.:e been lined up for the eastern 0rganization. A.Jlhough th~ team is seriously ('rip· pled by lbe loss of Carr and Gatton

the bc:rs are confident or \'il'tory over the easterners.

- ::-Thi~ game will affortl the first OP· I

portunity tu com11are :'.\lontana teams I


'l J. M. HAMILTON, President


Let Us Do Your Cleaning and r


COLLEGE PRESS !make the pl;H.'.e kic:k the Indian "as as <.·1 1ul as i:1 clH·umlH;"I' and toe hall went squarely bet\\een the 1iost::; from tlle 1J1:ro·-fhe Y•ll'd line.

with the €<1.St. 'J'he Aggil'S have ma<le I HOLT &. HARTLEY, P roprie tors. eonnection15 with some of the he:;t PlH.'C-? ti0

3 "J.

teams in the middle w~sl and this i~ ~-T-'1 _n·_u_F_· _1o_o_r_A_o_~g_1_c_n_u_il_d_in_g_. ________________ _

- ::-Jolley wa~ 8hifted on the lineup hut.

neve-rtheit"':-;s h1;• was al ways :n the l.Wl!Olll ot Lhe pla)S. AIWR)::t a hat'{1

tad{\•'l', Jollry, rnOl'l" tilUn on<·e down-


~11 tht·• ;11l•star lY.tC'l\8. 1bL•lore tlleir i laY& were wc~ll under \\"U)",

- ::-1·,.11 .'.\1 11,J(o Jllaye<l his ln::t game

ai!ainH )li~Hrnla and ii w.1s one :.ion· rn.•1.i ~t:ll will ~ilwa)~ n·nwmber. Al· thrn :...h di--ar1p<ii11tet! i:1 the loss ot the :.:.an 1• ii will .J]\\:t,'~ he l'Plllember­ell that t'~lp Xulllt_• lt·ll lhl?· ht.:st tl;;'um l11 t .. 1• Ju•tor> of )lun1a11a ~talc

1heir first trip to tbe westward. I - II- --------------------------~!·

The slo~an now js "Uent :-forth Dn-

kotn worse than i\(issoula does." The: JUST RECEIVED bu.rs urt• g-0111v.; llllO lhis slrngg\~ with jn~t as 111a11: ba~·kl'rs as tht·~· ha<l 111 the '.\Ti:-:soula game They hnve not lost •I singlp 011e lhroltgh LlH'lr clefeat O\el' the hill. Thut lhey will cll'liver the- e;:omls PVNY person in Dozeman lrnow~ and \\ lnAher lhev com I:' off 1 \\'1th 1he lanrPh; of virtory or not they "\\"ill still b(' thl· b<·roe~ of :\lontaua t-!tate and as su<.:h tney will still have lhe b;H"king a! t.>\ E>ry student 011 the

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