weibull tutorial 1

Problem#1:Plotting a Weibull with suspensions Produce a Weibull plot based on the following data: Note the differences between the two plots. 1. Use Median Ranked Regression (MRR), 2. then Maximum Likelihood Estimates (MLE). Failure Time (cycles) Status 1500 Failure 1750 Suspension 2250 Failure 4000 Failure 4300 Failure 5000 Suspension 7000 Failure

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Post on 20-Nov-2015




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Weibull distrubution


  • Problem#1:Plotting a Weibull with suspensions

    Produce a Weibull plot based on the following data:

    Note the differences between the two plots.

    1. Use Median Ranked Regression (MRR),

    2. then Maximum Likelihood Estimates (MLE).

    Failure Time

    (cycles) Status

    1500 Failure

    1750 Suspension

    2250 Failure

    4000 Failure

    4300 Failure

    5000 Suspension

    7000 Failure

  • Step by Step

    Open WinSMITH Weibull Student

    Version (WSWS): double click the icon

    on the desktop or go to Start-->

    Programs-->Supersmith Weibull

    Input the data, using a negative sign for

    suspensions. Or you can cut and paste

    from EXCEL.

  • Inputting data to SuperSMITH

    Then click on the paste

    bottle graphic.

  • Notice that the suspensions that were put in as a negative

    numbers show up as a >1750 and >5000

    After a few seconds, SuperSMITH automatically produces

    your Weibull plot

    Now, click on Labels

    to put your titles on the plot

  • Type in your title and click the green check

    Do the same for the y-axis title, and put your initials in

    Customize your plot with titles

    Finally, click


    Click here to put a

    label on the plot