weight loss diet tips 101 see how you can easily yourself ...€¦ · can lose weight and change...

Weight Loss Diet Tips 101 See How You Can Easily Jumpstart Yourself to lose 10 pounds and Get the Body You Want!

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Page 1: Weight Loss Diet Tips 101 See How You Can Easily Yourself ...€¦ · can lose weight and change the way your body looks just using their product. Changing your body image while doing

Weight Loss Diet Tips 101 See How You Can Easily Jumpstart Yourself to lose 10 pounds and Get the Body You Want!

Page 2: Weight Loss Diet Tips 101 See How You Can Easily Yourself ...€¦ · can lose weight and change the way your body looks just using their product. Changing your body image while doing


These weight-loss tips are not part of a fad diet.

This is not an instant weight loss guide.

And, it’s not pushing any magic pills and makes absolutely no promises.

We are offering just eight tips that can lead to weight loss. We don’t promise you

every answer, but we do know that if you make these tips part of your lifestyle you

will lose weight and you will be healthier. We also know that if you do want to

lose weight these lessons can be life changing.

Here’s the real truth about the weight loss mystery - there are no magic pills, diets

or exercise gadgets that will make weight instantly disappear. There is only one

way to lose unwanted pounds. Your body has to use more calories than you eat.

And there are only two ways to make your body do that! You can eat less or

become more active.

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Anyone who wants to lose weight has

probably tried many different diets,

supplements and assorted weight loss plans.

There are hundreds of weight loss methods

available to buy. Most of them will work

and a lot of them make promises that don’t

generally become reality.

It all comes down to eating right the right food in the proper quantities and staying

healthy and active enough to burn more calories than you take in. That’s really all

there is to it. If you want to lose weight, you have to make sure you burn more

calories (out) than you consume (in). There is really nothing else to it, but how you

do it can have a significant effect on how much and how quickly you lose the


Clearly, this is a simplistic view and a proper diet must consider more than just

calories. After all, you have to eat healthy to stay healthy, but this report is about

creating a calorie deficit that can cause you to lose weight. That’s what this book

is about.

The first thing you need is some basic information. You need to know out how

many calories you burn every day without doing anything. This comes down to

factors such as age and weight and is generally called your basal metabolic rate.

Calculating Number of Calories You Burn Daily

For Men: 66 + (12.7 x height in inches) + (6.23 x weight in pounds) - (6.8 x age in


For women: 655 + (4.7 x height in inches) + (4.35 x weight in pounds) - (4.7 x age

in years).

Page 4: Weight Loss Diet Tips 101 See How You Can Easily Yourself ...€¦ · can lose weight and change the way your body looks just using their product. Changing your body image while doing

This formula will give you the basic calories you burn daily, just by breathing,

hearth pumping and etc... This is the number of calories you burn even if you

don’t move all day.

After you have that number, you need to start tracking the calories you normally

consume and the calories you burn every day. This can be a little tricky because

there is a lot of information to keep track of.

There are websites that can help though. http://www.about.com has one of the

more popular calorie counters out there because it’s free. It will help you track

what you eat, and what you expend. You just have to enter the foods and activity

you had for the day. It even allows you to input your basal metabolic rate.

Losing weight is easy if you can keep a daily caloric deficit, but that isn’t always

possible and most of us don’t keep track of how many calories we take in or burn.

Sometimes we slip and sometimes we indulge. But, if you can get a constant

weekly caloric deficit you can still be losing weight. The real trick is to know what

you eat and how many calories you consume. If you want to lose a pound a week,

all you have to do is reduce your calorie consumption by 3500 calories a week.

That sounds like a lot until you add up all the calories you consume in a week. It

actually breaks down to 500 calories a day and that can be done easily.

Listen, this system isn’t about starving yourself, or exercising until you drop. It is

all about being aware what you put in your body, and what you do to burn calories.

Most people want to lose the pounds without doing any exercise. And it is

possible, but weight loss can be a struggle. But if you can control how many

calories you take in and how many you burn - you can be successful at getting to

the weight you want.

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The last chapter stressed that one of the biggest factors

in your weight loss journey was creating a caloric

deficit. There are only two ways you can achieve this.

One is to reduce the number of calories you eat. The

other is by getting active.

For some of us, this can be very difficult and any

excuse to avoid exercise is a good one. That is why

instant diets and pill solutions are so popular. They give the impression that you

can lose weight and change the way your body looks just using their product.

Changing your body image while doing nothing is very appealing and a lot of

commercials give the impression that exercise is not an important part of losing


The fact is, if you want to lose weight without exercise, you can by just by dieting

alone. But, more importantly if you want to keep it off - you have to get active. If

you want better looking abs, a six-pack or a chiseled midriff, you will only get it

with exercise.

This is what is meant when the experts say keeping weight off is a lifestyle change.

You have to stay active and get the proper exercise at least a couple of times a

week. You have to burn calories to lose weight and the more active you are, the

more calories you burn.

This is the good part! You don’t need to join a gym to exercise. Consider taking

up a sport you like and have some fun while you burn calories. Run or walk

around the neighborhood. Find some exercises you can do at home on a regular

basis. Part of this series of reports even includes a booklet that features 7 exercises

that you can easily do at home, with no added equipment.

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CDC Recommended Physical Activity Levels

2 hours and 30 minutes (150 minutes) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity

(i.e., brisk walking) every week and muscle-strengthening activities on 2 or

more days a week that work all major muscle groups (legs, hips, back,

abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms).

Increasing the intensity or the amount of time that you are physically active

can have even greater health benefits and may be needed to control body


Children and teenagers should be physically active for at least 60 minutes

each day, or almost every day.

The bottom line is… each person's body is unique and may have different caloric

needs. A healthy lifestyle requires balance, in the foods you eat, in the beverages

you consume, in the way you carry out your daily activities, and in the amount of

physical activity or exercise you include in your daily routine. While counting

calories is not necessary, it may help you in the beginning to gain an awareness of

your eating habits as you strive to achieve energy balance. The ultimate test of

balance is whether or not you are gaining, maintaining, or losing weight.

If you want to lose weight, this is the simplest way to do it. If you are exercising,

try to beat the recommended numbers mentioned above, and beat them

consistently, week in and week out, for the best results.

There really is nothing else to be said. If you want to lose weight watch what you

eat and make physical activity a part of your daily routine.

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Failure is something nobody likes to think

about, especially when it comes to dieting and

weight loss. What kills a diet more quickly

than one or two slip ups?

Persistence is the key. Weight loss is like

anything else. If you want to be successful

then you need to be able to persist through failure. Everyone struggles with failure

at some time or other in achieving their goals. The difference is that successful

people persist through their failure and learned from it.

Persistence and learning are the two keys in dealing with failure.

If you slip on your diet, or miss an exercise session, don’t worry about it. Focus on

all your positive days, not the slip up. Picture yourself at your goal weight (we’ll

get to visualization in a bit), not in the act of devouring that chocolate cake you

shouldn’t have had. Consider it a treat or maybe a cheat day and move on. This is

how you demonstrate persistence. Failing once in a while is OK, just don’t give up

on yourself and let that day stretch into a week and then a month.

Failures are a natural part of the way we learn and grow. A successful person will

develop a tougher skin, deal with them and learn from them. Quite often learning

from your mistakes will be more efficient and longer lasting than learning from

your successes.

When you fail, treat it as a lesson learned. In the business world, when you fail at

something, you learn what doesn’t work and make adjustments to correct what

went wrong. It is exactly the same with weight loss. If you slip off your diet every

time you drink, then maybe you avoid drinking. If you miss an exercise session

every Friday because of a late work meeting then reschedule your workout.

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Failure is natural part of life. You can’t avoid it, and even if you could you

wouldn’t want to. Life’s lessons are learned through our failures as well as our

successes. Don’t be afraid of failing, be persistent and learn from it.

4. Buddy System One of the best things you can have when you are trying to lose weight is some

accountability in your routine. How do you add accountability?

One way is to use the buddy system.

Having a buddy to exercise and lose weight with is a great motivator. This can

create a support system, encouragement and maybe a little competition. Your

buddy will make you feel more accountable to reach your weight loss goals. A

buddy can also be helpful because it’s someone who can relate to you about your

struggle to lose weight. You can share your triumphs with enthusiasm, and your

setbacks with encouragement and support.

Working out regularly with a buddy is invaluable. They can change a boring walk

or jog into an energizing exercise session. A hike in the wilderness is always more

fun with a friend. A buddy is almost essential for weight lifting for providing

encouragement on tedious exercises and practical help like spots on heavy lifts.

The bottom line is this - if you are trying to lose weight working with a friend can

provide motivation, and invaluable support.

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Back in chapter two, you learned how to calculate your basal metabolic rate and

the importance of knowing how many calories you eat. Just like tracking the

calories you eat, you should track your progress in both exercise AND eating.

Tracking this information can actually be motivational! If you track all of your

physical activity you can look back at all you have accomplished. You can use a

simple spreadsheet or chart like this one to track your progress.

You can also see the improvements you make. If you are working out with

weights, keep track of how much weight you are lifting in reps and sets. It is a

great feeling to watch those numbers climb. You can do the same if you are

running by trying to add to your distance each day. There is a sample spreadsheet

or chart on the cdc website that serves this purpose very well.

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Keeping track of your progress can even help you diagnose setbacks. If you notice

there are certain days that are not good for you, then you can figure out what

happens on those days that throws you off.

Tracking progress is a great step in any weight loss program. It helps you visualize

everything you want to accomplish, makes it easier to diagnose negative patterns

and motivates you to keep on track.


Chapter one was all about the concept of calories in - calories out, the basic weight

loss guideline. It is important to make sure you are getting those calories from

good sources. Keeping your calories down by eating two corn-dogs a day

probably isn’t your best choice.

Page 11: Weight Loss Diet Tips 101 See How You Can Easily Yourself ...€¦ · can lose weight and change the way your body looks just using their product. Changing your body image while doing

Clean eating is based on the idea that the best

way to eat is to enjoy an abundance of whole

foods. Foods that are as close to their natural

state and you can get them. This means eating

fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and

lean proteins.

And above all, avoiding processed foods and refined sugars.

That is a wonderful goal to strive for, it isn’t always possible to eat completely

“clean”. But if you get the majority of your calories from clean sources then you

are doing great. When you eat clean you avoid processed foods and things like fast

food and junk food are automatically eliminated from your diet. If you do eat

some processed food don’t fret over it, the idea is to eat leanly as much as possible.

Here are some general clean eating tips:

• Learn to read labels! Read the nutritional information and ingredients of

everything you buy.

• Choose whole grains when possible. Look for bread, pasta and etc... that are

made with 100% whole grains.

• Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. They are great whole sources of clean

calories and nutrition.

• Prepare more of your own meals. Don’t eat out as much or buy

microwaveable type meals. These meals even when “healthy” can be heavily

processed and loaded with things like sodium.

• Choose lean meats when cooking. Meat is the best source of protein to help

build muscle, make you feel full and keep your metabolism up.

• Chicken and fish are also great meat choices.

• Avoid processed meats like bologna or hot dogs.

• Replace junk food snacks with unsalted or lightly salted whole nuts.

• Search the internet for great clean recipes. Keep a list!

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• Don’t fret over falling off the wagon once in a while. Give yourself a cheat

day now and then.

• Eating clean when eating out can be difficult but more restaurants are offering

clean menu items.

• Start eating clean as soon as possible!

It is almost impossible to lose weight without eating clean and it helps make

maintain your overall health. But it isn’t an easy transition and you don’t have to

try to make the switch overnight. If you are committed to losing weight and being

healthy, a clean diet is a definite asset.


Another part of eating clean is portion control. It has been

said that you can eat anything and lose weight. All that is

needed is portion control. Just talk to anyone who has

actually lost weight and kept it off. Almost every time,

portion control will be listed as one of the keys for their


Portion control is knowing how much a serving size is and

how many calories it contains.

One of the biggest problems a person has is not knowing what a proper portion of

food really is. A portion of food today is different than it was 25 years ago. We

have been supersized by most restaurants in an effort to attract more customers.

When you eat a meal you need to know what constitutes a reasonable serving size

of food.

While not very scientific, the following list can give you an idea of some portion

sizes recommended at the Center for Disease Control. If you struggling with your

weight, these portions might seem smaller than you thought:

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• Vegetables or fruit is about the size of your fist.

• Pasta is about the size of one scoop of ice cream.

• Meat, fish, or poultry is the size of a deck of cards or the size of your palm

(minus the fingers).

• Snacks such as pretzels and nuts are about the size of a cupped handful.

• Potato is the size of a computer mouse.

• Steamed rice is the size of a cupcake wrapper.

• Cheese is the size of a pair of dice or the size of your whole thumb (from the

tip to the base).

You can find more portion information and more specific portion control guides

online at the Center for Disease Control. The above list should give you a rough

idea about general portion sizes.

When you’re trying to lose weight, control your portions. Learning how much

food you actually need is one of the biggest challenges you’ll have on your weight

loss journey.


Most people want to lose weight because they want to change their body looks.

That’s the ultimate goal. The tips in this guide are specific. If you want to lose the

weight, you need to eat less, exercise more, control portions etc... Those are all

very valuable tips and will help you reach your goal. This last tip is more cerebral.

Much like tip #3 - Persist through Failure, this tip is more about your state of mind

and motivation.

Your personality, attitude and state of mind is just as important as all the other tips.

Eating less and exercising more is the key to losing weight, but how do you get in

the right mood and motivate yourself to accomplish that? You have to train your

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mind along with your body, or you will never sustain weight loss. This is where

visualization comes into play.

Visualization is an amazing tool for

motivating yourself, and keeping that

motivation high at all times.

Visualization is a technique involving

focusing on positive mental images

in order to achieve a particular goal

No matter what goal you want to accomplish visualization can help keep you

motivated, as well as potentially train your subconscious to work with you rather

than against you.

Some visualization tips include:

• Imagine how you will look in your mind every day.

• Envision all of the great activities you will do.

• Envision how it will feel to shop for new clothes

• Envision how people will treat you differently.

• A great time to visualize is before bed or when waking up. Visualize your

goal as often as you can.

• Create a vision board! Post pictures of healthy foods and physiques on a

cork board that you have in your office or house.

Visualization isn’t a magic pill but it isn’t a fairy tale either. There is science to

prove that visualization helps improve results and keep you motivated. All high

achievers visualize their success.

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Visualization can help with any of your goals, and since weight loss can be one of

the most important, there is no reason to not use it.

Weight loss can take what seems to be a long time and it is easy to get

discouraged. It can take as much as four weeks for you to see a difference in your

body and as much as eight weeks for your friends and family to notice a difference.

It could take three or four months for the rest of the world to notice the new you.

Visualize your future body to stay motivated. It won’t let you lose weight on its

own. After all, at the end of the day, this is the goal. And when we achieve it

there are many more good things to come.

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If losing weight was easy, there would not be any overweight people. But it isn’t

an easy task. It takes commitment, hard work and time. If you use the tips in the

guide you will begin to see results much sooner than you think.

While at the end of the day it may come down to “calories in - calories out” there

are other things you have to consider. You have to think about how you will get

active, where those calories will come from and how to get your mind straight.

Follow the tips in this guide, and your weight loss journey will be off to a great


References used to write and edit this report:




