weight loss medicines to control obesity

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Post on 07-May-2015



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Attracted towards comforts of life is the major reason to childhood obesity and obesity in men and women. Availability of easy food have lured people to consume more leading to obesity. But this should be controlled. Weight loss medicines are being prescribed by doctors along with exercise to lose weight and lead a lean, healthy and active life.


Page 2: Weight Loss Medicines To Control Obesity

What Is Obesity/Over Weight? Obesity is a multi-faceted and highly

complex medical condition.

The terms "overweight" and "obese"

describe weight ranges that are above what

is medically accepted as healthy.

Being in either the overweight or obese

weight ranges increases the likelihood of

certain diseases and health problems.

Obesity is the leading nutritional disorder

in fact, it is one of the major causes of

suffering, disability, and death. 

Obesity has become a world-wide

epidemic estimated to affect 1.7 billion


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Page 3: Weight Loss Medicines To Control Obesity

What Is Obesity/Over Weight?

Approximately 12.5 million children and adolescents aged 2-19 (17%) are obese.

When weight increases to an extreme level, it is

called morbid obesity, and is a chronic condition with

numerous medical, psychological, social and

economic consequences. OnlineRx Medicines Call - (USA): +1(760) 2845903

Page 4: Weight Loss Medicines To Control Obesity

Causes of Weight Gain Factors that are leading causes of weight gain, obesity and

metabolic disease –

Genetics - Obesity has a strong genetic component.

Offspring of obese parents are much more likely to become

obese than offspring of lean parents.

Engineered “Hyperpalatable” Junk Foods –Today’s foods

are often little more than refined ingredients mixed in with a

bunch of chemicals. These products are engineered to be

cheap, last long on the shelf and taste so incredibly good

that we just can’t get enough.

Food Addiction - These highly engineered junk foods cause

powerful stimulation of the reward centers in our brains.

People lose control over their eating behavior.

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Page 5: Weight Loss Medicines To Control Obesity

Causes of Weight Gain Aggressive Marketing (especially targeting children) - The food companies make misleading

claims and they spend massive amounts of money sponsoring scientists and major health organizations

to influence their research and guidelines. Children are becoming obese, diabetic and addicted to junk

foods way before they’re old enough to make conscious decisions about these things.

Insulin - The Western diet causes insulin resistance in many individuals. This elevates insulin levels all

over the body, making energy selectively get stored in the fat cells instead of being available for use.

Certain Medications - There are many pharmaceutical drugs that can cause weight gain as a side

effect. Examples include diabetes medication, antidepressants, antipsychotics, etc.

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Page 6: Weight Loss Medicines To Control Obesity

Leptin - Another hormone that is crucial in obesity

is Leptin. Obese people have lots of fat and lots of

leptin. The problem is that the leptin isn’t working as

it should, because for some reason the brain becomes

resistant to it .

Food Availability - One factor that has dramatically

influenced the collective waistline of the world is a

massive increase in food availability. Food

(especially junk food) is everywhere now. 

Sugar - Sugar is the single worst part of the modern

diet. The reason is that when consumed in excess,

sugar changes the hormones and biochemistry of the

body, contributing to weight gain.

Causes of Weight Gain

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Page 8: Weight Loss Medicines To Control Obesity

Weight Loss For Men Anything and everything in moderation. You can have anything

you want just don’t go overboard.

Eat at home more and eat less take-away.

Take your lunch to work instead of going out. You’ll not only

likely lose weight but save money as well.

Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. 

Walk more. Take the time to walk more. Whether it’s getting up

a little earlier in the morning or going for a 20 to 30 minute

walk at lunchtime or after work, in the afternoon or early

evening will not only make you feel better, you will ultimately

lose that extra weight you’ve put on

Take a break once a week. You don’t have to be dieting 24/7.

Give yourself a break; eat whatever you want 1 day per week.

Drink more water.

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Page 9: Weight Loss Medicines To Control Obesity

Weight Loss For Women Eat breakfast - Those who don’t eat breakfast are at 400% greater risk

for obesity than those who do.

Walk 26 minutes a day - This is the magic number of minutes for

daily exercise to encourage your body to burn calories and load it up

with feel-good endorphins and oxygen-rich blood. 

Get at least 7.5 hours sleep - Not getting enough sleep prompts the

brain to produce more of the appetite-boosting hormone ghrelin.

Enjoy a good laugh - British researchers found that laughing raises

your metabolism up to 20%. 

Shrink with a friend - A recent study shows that when people pair up

to lose weight they drop twice as many pounds. 

Study up - Before you lift a toe, do some legwork. You can learn

about nutrition and diets on Web sites or through books.

Keep an honest food journal - You need to track what you eat in

detail. Not 'peanuts,' but how many peanuts. What time of day?

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Page 10: Weight Loss Medicines To Control Obesity

Weight Loss Medicines

Everyone is so busy that buying the medicines online is supposed to be the best

option. The very important thing of buying medicines online is that you get the

medicines at much more cheap and affordable rate then the local vendors.

OnlineRx Medicines is providing with Diet pills, men’s health pills, women

weight loss pills and herbal products.

OnlineRx Medicines provides 24X7 Pharmacy, you have the advantage of

availing any medicine online at the click of the mouse without wasting a single


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Page 11: Weight Loss Medicines To Control Obesity

Alli 60mg

Alli is a non-prescription weight loss aid for adults with

a BMI of 28 or above who are overweight,  want to lose

weight, and will commit to healthier eating.

Alli promotes weight loss by decreasing absorption of

fat by the intestines, which reduces the number of

calories you absorb.

Alli should be used along with a reduced calorie, lower-

fat diet.

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Page 12: Weight Loss Medicines To Control Obesity

Xenical 120mg

XENICAL is a prescription medicine used

with a low calorie diet to increase weight

loss in people with obesity. XENICAL may

help obese people lose weight and keep the

weight off.

The recommended dose is one 120-mg

capsule by mouth with liquid at each main

meal that contains fat.

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