welcome & introductions shameem ibrahim, channel manager

Welcome & Introductions Shameem Ibrahim, Channel Manager www.logfiller.com

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Page 1: Welcome & Introductions Shameem Ibrahim, Channel Manager

Welcome & Introductions

Shameem Ibrahim, Channel Manager


Page 2: Welcome & Introductions Shameem Ibrahim, Channel Manager


• Introduction to Logfiller

• What is Layer8?

• Benefits of Layer8 insight

• What can I do with Layer8 data?

• How Layer8 works

• Demonstration

Page 3: Welcome & Introductions Shameem Ibrahim, Channel Manager

Introduction to Logfiller


•Headquarters in Jersey C.I with offices in America and Germany.

•25 Staff Globally, increasing weekly

•Sales, Marketing, Technical Support and Development/Integrations Departments.

Key Milestones.

•Sept 2013: Patent applied for Layer8 software

•June 2014: Logfiller opens offices in Jersey Channel Islands UK & Virginia USA.

•August 2014: Splunk technology partner agreement signed

•October/November 2014: V2 launched at Gherkin London and Splunk Live Las Vegas.

•April 2015: v3 launch and rebrand

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What is Layer8?

Layer8 is patent pending technology that provides powerful user

experience insight to help improve operational efficiency, cyber security

and compliance with systems and applications

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Questions to consider…

• What challenges around User Experience do you have?

• How long do your users take to logon in the morning?

• Is Windows XP faster than Windows 7, or are Virtual Desktops faster than physical systems?

• Can you list all applications (and specific versions) that are actively being used across your network?

• Can you measure the impact on the user experience upgrading to a new version of an application, OS or web browser?

• Are your users actually using your licensed applications? Could you use cheaper / free alternatives?

• Can you measure system performance trends over time?

• What is the true User Experience for remote workers using terminal services / Citrix?

• Can you tell if your users are bypassing web controls by using anonymous proxies?

• Can you discover unexpected system use - out of hours, or at weekends perhaps?

• Can you irrefutably monitor Web browsing habits and activity?

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Layer8 Technology – Critical New Insights

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Benefits of Layer8 insight

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What can I discover with Layer8 data? (Efficiency)

Use Case 1

•Compare User / Application Wait Times.

Investigate organisation-wide excessive wait times and who is affected.

Use Case 2

•Compare Operating Systems Wait Times. Investigate organisation-wide excessive wait times and what is affected.

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What can I discover with Layer8 data? (Cyber Security)

Use Case 1

•Unauthorised Applications.

Detect the use of unauthorised applications over a two week period.

Use Case 2

•Application Usage.

Indentify total application usage over a two week period

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What can I discover with Layer8 data? (Compliance)

Use Case 1

•Real Web Usage

Understand the REAL amount of time websites are the focus of a users attention and not just open in a browser.

Use Case 2

•License Activation Alerts.

Discover machines lacking Windows activation.

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Layer8 Components

Layer8 generates data via an installed agent, a data forwarder service and web browserextensions installed on each Windows endpoint / server.

The following are currently included in the Layer8 installation package:

•Layer8 User Experience Meter Agent (“uxmtr”)

•Layer8 Forwarder Service (“dcac”)

•Layer8 Web Browser extensions for IE and Chrome

Both agents (“uxmtr” and “dcac”) are required for all installation endpoints. The browserextensions are optional.

Layer8 software is supplied as MSI installers.

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Deployment Models for Layer8

Manual installation

•Extract the Layer8 software to any local, network drive letter or UNC share

•Edit the config file for your deployment

•Run the single batch file to install all Layer8 components

Automated installation via Group Policy

•Prepare the Layer8 UNC share

•Enable Read Security Event Logs & Audit Logon Events

•Create the Group Policy Installation Objects

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Is Layer8 hungry?

Layer8 User Experience Meter Agent (“uxmtr”)


•<5MB footprint

Layer8 Forwarder Service (“dcac”)


•<21MB footprint

•Layer8 has been designed to be as small as possible and produces zero noticeable

impact on the system or to the user experience.

*Typically Layer8 will spike at < 0.5% CPU, 2-5MB RAM, and 1-10GB temporary disk space. 

*Will vary dependant on hardware / software platform

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What does Layer8 data look like?

Some example data…

•Output to CSV, NVP, SysLog, EventLog etc,

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Live Demonstration

John Gillies, Technical Consultant

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Clients / Technical Partners

• Classified UK Government Department through Assuria

• The Salvation Army

• Investment Bank (non-disclosed at present)

• Integration partners:

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Presentation complete

Thank you for your time to see what insight Layer8 can provide on:

•Application activity times

•Application wait times

•Logon delays

•Web/Cloud app activity times

•Web/Cloud app loading times

•Application window titles

•Alert/dialogue box events