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Welcome letter and Student syllabus

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Welcome letter and Student syllabus

Welcome letter and Student syllabus


Welcome to the English Language Center (ELC)! This is the first step in your

college career. We aim to give you a memorable experience and teach you the skills

you need to become a successful student at the Community College of Qatar, and a

dynamic member of society in Qatar. The following information will guide you to the

ELC policies, syllabi and grading schemes—all of which you need to understand to

succeed here at the ELC.

The Structure

Here is a breakdown of the steps CCQ students go through, from start to

finish. First, students go through an ELC intensive program where they study English

for college. The ELC levels can be completed in 4 quarters (1 academic year). Then,

students do transition courses in basic Math and other subjects before they start

college classes. Once students reach college, they can choose their major.

ELC Courses

The ELC foundation program is intensive, which means you will have classes

everyday, as well as homework, projects and quizzes every week. You will need to be

fully committed to college life and study at home daily. At the end of Level 3,

students have a choice to switch to the Arabic track if they choose.


Intensive Foundation Programme



Welcome letter and Student syllabus

In every level, you will study three subjects everyday: Reading, Writing and

Grammar. Each subject has different requirements and grading schemes. Students

need to get an average of 70 % to pass to the next level.

Grading Scale:

90%-100% = A

80%-89% = B

70%-79% = C

69% or below = IP/F (Repeat)

Important Offices and Contact Information

ELC Chair:

Waqar Khan

Faculty Section A

[email protected]

Level 1 and 2 Coordinator:

Ms. Maryam Kamal

Office 220

[email protected]

Level 3 and 4 Coordinator:

Dr. Radi Sabet Moustafa Abouelhassan

Office 221

[email protected]

Welcome letter and Student syllabus

CCQ ELC Policies


Attendance is mandatory for all three of your classes.

There are no excused absences including medical or family reasons

Students who go over 12.5% absences (about 10 hours) from any class will be


Class begins when the door is closed and the instructor begins the session. If

students arrive after that, they will be marked tardy (late) for that class.

If a student is tardy three times, then they will be marked absent for the third time

they are tardy.

Students who enter the class after 15 minutes late, or leave the class for 15

minutes, will be marked absent for one hour.

Homework and Assignments

Homework and assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date

unless otherwise indicated by the instructor.

If you are absent from class it is still expected that you will turn your homework

or assignment in on time.

Late work is not accepted and will receive a grade of “0”.

The instructor reserves the right to reject any assignment that is not completed

according to directions given or that fails to meet general college-level standards.

Copied work will receive a zero and students involved will be referred to Students

Services for counseling.


A student must get an average of 70 % to pass to the next level.

Speak directly to your instructor about your grades if you have a problem. You

must meet with your instructor to discuss any issues about your grades prior to

speaking with the Level Coordinator or Chair of the department.

Midterm and Final Exams

The reading, writing and grammar exams will take place on the same day with a

break in between exams.

Students must bring their student ID on exam day.

The dates of the exams are set, and students may not take exams early or later.

Cheating will result in a zero. There will be no exceptions.

Welcome letter and Student syllabus

CCQ College Policies

Academic Honesty

The College is committed to academic integrity in all its practices. The

faculty value intellectual integrity and a high standard of academic conduct.

Activities that violate academic integrity undermine the quality and diminish the

value of educational achievement.

Cheating on papers, tests or other academic works is a violation of College

rules. No student shall engage in behavior that, in the judgment of the instructor of

the class, may be construed as cheating. This may include, but is not limited to,

plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty such as the acquisition without

permission of tests or other academic materials and/or distribution of these materials

and other academic work. This includes students who aid and abet as well as those

who attempt such behavior.

Refer to the CCQ Student Handbook for further information.

Copyright Statement

Students shall adhere to the laws governing the use of copyrighted materials.

They must insure that their activities comply with fair use and in no way infringe on

the copyright or other proprietary rights of others and that the materials used and

developed at Community College of Qatar contain nothing unlawful, unethical, or

libelous and do not constitute any violation of any right of privacy.

Plagiarism Statement

Presenting within one’s own work the ideas, representations, or words of

another person without customary and proper acknowledgment of that person’s

authorship is considered plagiarism. Students who are unsure of what constitutes

plagiarism should consult with their instructors. Claims of ignorance will not

necessarily excuse the offense. The instructor reserves the right to use the resources

of the College to check student work for plagiarism.

Welcome letter and Student syllabus

ADA Statement

Community College of Qatar seeks to provide reasonable accommodations for

qualified individuals with documented disabilities. Students with documented special

needs who may need academic accommodations should discuss these with their

professors during the first two weeks of class. Refer to the CCQ Student Handbook

for further information.

CCQ Greener Community:

Community College of Qatar is committed to the development and

implementation of a comprehensive sustainability plan. We’re emphasizing our

responsibility to go green. To that end, we are asking students, faculty, and staff to

actively participate in energy conservation measures and proper recycling on campus.

The recycling bins located in classrooms and offices are for paper and paper products

only. CCQ participates in single-stream recycling for other items. All aluminum,

glass, and plastic beverage containers can co-mingle in the same recycling bins

located in the hallways. Please remember to empty the liquid from your containers

before depositing them in the bins. Any materials that cannot be recycled should be

placed in garbage cans. It is also important to turn off lights and computers when

leaving a room. Together, we can make an impact on conserving our limited

resources. Remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle!

Breathe Easy:

CCQ is committed to providing a healthy, comfortable and productive

environment for the students, faculty and staff of this campus. The use or sale of any

tobacco product is prohibited on college-owned, operated, or leased property or

vehicles at any time. The policy applied to all CCQ facilities and grounds, regardless

of location. Smoking, including the use of an e-cigarette, shall not be permitted in any

enclosed space and is also prohibited outdoors on all college campus property,

including parking lots. This policy applies to all students, faculty, staff and visitors.

Welcome letter and Student syllabus


Reading: Learning objectives

1. Develop reading strategies

Read and comprehend texts of approximately 200-1000 words in descriptive,

narrative and expository rhetorical modes

Identify the main idea and topic of a text

Use reading skills to derive meaning from text using pre-reading, skimming,

and scanning

2. Develop vocabulary skills

Acquire an additional reading recognition vocabulary of approximately 150-

250 words

Use context clues to determine meanings of unfamiliar vocabulary

Demonstrate familiarity with an expanding target vocabulary.

3. Improve fluency and critical thinking

Read and understand a growing volume of level-appropriate text through

extensive reading

Use critical thinking skills to interpret and complete information presented in

graphic organizers such as pictures, charts, graphs, and tables

Use critical thinking skills to evaluate information, to separate fact from

opinion and to infer meaning from context

Use level-appropriate websites to search the Internet for information

Required Course book

Real Reading 1

Grading scheme:

Unit/Spelling Tests (min. 7) 25%

Projects (min. 2) 20%

Homework (min. 7) 10%

Classwork 5%

Participation 10%

Final Exam 30%

Total 100%

Welcome letter and Student syllabus

Course Content:

Week: Real Reading Unit: Reading Skill:

1 Unit 1:

The Truth About Shyness

Understanding the Topic and Main Idea;

Understanding Pronouns (referencing)

2 Unit 2:

The Good Guys in Sports

Understanding sequence;

Making Inferences

3 Unit 3:

It’s Not Easy Being Green



4 Unit 4:

Strange Travels


Using a Graphic Organizer;

Using the Internet

5 Unit 5:

The Food We Love

Understanding Cause and Effect;

Using a Graphic Organizer

6 Unit 6:


Understanding Examples

7 Unit 7:

The Movie Business

Understanding Figurative Language;

Identifying Key Details (Examples)

8 Unit 8:

All in the Family

Comparing and Contrasting;

Using a Graphic Organizer (Table)

9 Unit 9:



Following Steps in a process

10 Final Exam

Welcome letter and Student syllabus


Learning objectives:

Use the present simple, present progressive and past simple contrastively with more accuracy and fluency and accuracy

Describe routines and habits-work or personal/free time

Describe a past experience or a situation in the past

Describe future plans

Make predictions about the future

Express necessity, permission, obligation with modals

Give advice using modals

Compare places and thing

Required Course book:

Focus on Grammar 1

Grades Breakdown:

Chapter Quizzes (min 7) 30%

Homework (min 8) 10%

Speaking assessments (min 3) 10%

Writing assessments (min 3) 10%

Participation 10%

Final Exam 30%

Total 100%

Welcome letter and Student syllabus

Course Content:

Week: Grammar Item: Units:

1 Present Simple – Be (Review)

Affirmative, Negative, Questions

1, 2,

2 Present Simple for routines and facts– (Review) Affirmative, Negative, Questions

(subject and object)

Adverbs of Frequency (position in a sentence)

Sequencing Adverbs (first, next, finally, etc.)

8, 9, 10

3 Present Progressive: Affirmative, Negative, Question Forms

Time words: today, at the moment, this month, this week, this weekend, this term, this


Present Simple vs. Present Progressive

Non-action verbs

15, 16,17

4 Past Simple – to be-was/were (Review)

Affirmative, Negative, Questions (subject and object)

Past simple (regular-irregular verbs) (Review)

Affirmative, Negative, Questions

Past Time Clauses (Before, After, When)

Past Simple vs. Present Simple


5 Contrastive Analysis:

Present simple vs present progressive vs past simple

23 and



6 Adjectives – Comparatives and Superlatives

Too much, too many, too + adjective 33, 36, 29

7 Be going to (plans)

Will (spontaneous decisions)

Will / May / Might (predictions)

Be going to (plans) vs. Will (predictions/ spontaneous decisions)



8 Modals: (positive and negative forms)

Can/May – Permission

Should – Advice

Have to /Don’t have to / Must - Necessity

14, 30, 32

9 Gerunds vs. Infinitives after verbs of liking and disliking

Like to vs. Would like to (Want to/Hope to)

7, 8,

10 Revision and Final Exam

Welcome letter and Student syllabus


Learning Objectives

After successful completion of Level 2 Writing, the student should be able to:

Write a paragraph of 15 sentences on a personal experience or familiar theme. Write a title, a clear topic sentence, relevant details in the body and a

concluding sentence Brainstorm for a paragraph Organize details before writing Edit and revise a first draft Recognize a fragmented sentence and correct it to follow the S+V+O structure Write compound sentences with conjuctions ‘and’, ‘so’, ‘but’ and ‘because. Write complex sentences with ‘after’, ‘before’, ‘when’, ‘as soon as’ Use capital letters and full stops accurately

Required Course book:

Great Writing 1: Great sentences for Great paragraphs, by Cencage Learning

Grades Breakdown:

In-class writing assessments (min 5) 25%

Quizzes (min 3) 15%

Journal/Classwork 10%

Homework (min 8) 10%

Participation 10%

Final Exam 30%

Total 100%

Welcome letter and Student syllabus

Course content:

Week: Topic/Chapter Writing Skill:


Unit 1: Understanding

Sentence Basics

Word Order: S + V + O


Full stops, question mark, exclamation points

Editing: Fragmented sentences

Intro to Journal Writing (p.29)

2 Unit 2: Understanding

Paragraph Basics

Brainstorming for a paragraph

The Topic Sentence-the main idea

The Body-writing relevant details

3 Unit 2 cont’d: Understanding

Paragraph Basics

Organizing details

The Concluding Sentence

Writing a title.

4 Unit 3:

Writing About the Present

Simple and compound sentences


Combining simple sentences with conjunctions.

5 Unit 4:

Writing About the Past

Review compound sentences

Complex Sentences

Organization: Time Order

6 Unit 5:

Describing actions

Simple, Compound & Complex Sentences

Combining sentences with ‘so’and ‘and.

More focus on supporting sentences/giving details.

7 Unit 6:

Writing About the Future

Complex Sentences with because

Using commas: Listing, time phrases.

8 Unit 7:

Writing Complex sentences

Sentence Variety in a paragraph

Organization: Sentence order

Relevance of supporting sentences

9 Unit 8:

Pulling it all together and

Prepare for More

Revision of parts of a paragraph.

Choosing the correct verb tense when writing.

10 Final Exam