welcome to 4 th grade! mr. delauder (mr. d) f 128

Welcome to 4 th Grade! Mr. DeLauder (Mr. D) F 128

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Page 1: Welcome to 4 th Grade! Mr. DeLauder (Mr. D) F 128

Welcome to 4th Grade!

Mr. DeLauder(Mr. D)F 128

Page 2: Welcome to 4 th Grade! Mr. DeLauder (Mr. D) F 128

Mr. DeLauder

This is my 7th year teaching 4th grade.

I have taught 4th grade previously at Berry Elementary School

I have lived in Charles County all of my life

How old do you think I am? I enjoy playing my guitar and

anything done outside.

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Our Classroom Rules

Always be respectful to others Raise your hand to get my

attention Follow all daily procedures Be safe at all times Try your hardest at all assignments

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Consequences There are no warnings in 4th

grade!!! If you are not following the rules

you will move your ball– First Offense (B)

10 minutes off recess– Second Offense (C)

15 minutes off recess– Third Offense (D)

Note home– Fourth Offense (E)

Level II referral, and a phone call home.

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Obeying the Rules

You have all of your recess There will be rewards (eating lunch

with Mr. D, extra recess) Pencils Special Privileges

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Entering the Room in the Morning…

Come into the room quietly Make your lunch choice FIRST!!! Unpack your bookbag Hand in all important notes Sharpen two pencils Begin your morning work

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How I will get your Attention:

I will… Stand in the front of the classroom

silently. When you see this… Get silent

immediately!! This means it is time to look at me and listen to what I am going to say.

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Classroom Sign Language:

Sharpen your pencil – Hold it in the air– I will either nod “yes,” which means you

may sharpen it or I will shake my head “no,” which means you need to wait until I am finished talking.

Water – 3 Fingers in a “W”– Same as above

Bathroom – Thumb is placed under your first finger– Same as above

Trash – Hold it in the air– Same as above

Tissue – Cover your nose with your hand– Same as above

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Be sure to sign out on the sign out sheet located in the yellow folder by the door.

Be sure to put the date and time Sign back in when you return

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Leaving for Specials

I will call you by table or row to line up.

When called you will:– Stand up QUIETLY– Push in your chair– Walk to your place in line– Stand in line QUIETLY– You will face forward while keeping all

body parts to yourself

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Walking in the Hallway

We will walk QUIETLY down the hallway

We will walk on the first white square

You will face forward at all times There is NO talking or noise in the

hallway You will keep your hands and feet

to yourself We DO NOT lean on the wall

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We have a late lunch so you are responsible for bringing your own snack each day

Your snack must be a small healthy snack

Examples: Piece of fruit, trail mix, bag of carrots, celery sticks

Absolutely No Candy, fruit roll-ups Pop-Tarts or chips.

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You may bring a water bottle in and keep it in the classroom at your desk

If you abuse this privilege, you will not be allowed to bring in a water bottle.

At any time throughout the school year, I may take away this privilege.

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Lunch We will line up in line order We will walk to the cafeteria following the

“Walking in the Hallway” procedure You will wait in line for your lunch

– You will keep your hands and feet to yourself

– If you are not following these rules you will have to move to the end of the line

There is a mandatory quiet time at the beginning and end of lunch– You will dump your trays and wait in line

SILENTLY If not, you will move your ball and owe recess

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You will line up with your class, in line order, in ONE line

You will face forward and wait quietly to be called to go to recess– The quietest class is always called

first When the whistle blows 3 times,

you will line back up QUIETLY in number order

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We have SSR while we pack up at the end of the day

You will get your book out and read until your table is called

You will pack up and then continue reading until called to line up

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I am finished, now what? When you are finished with an

assignment, you may:– Read a book– Write in your writing journal– Complete a worksheet from the “Extra

Practice” bin– Complete work that you have not

finished You should never be sitting at your

seat with nothing You are not allowed to draw

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Absent or Tardiness If you come in late

– Please collect the work off your desk. – Place your name on all the papers– You may work on these assignments if

you have time throughout the day If you are absent

– Your work will be in a folder for you or at your desk.

– Please complete ALL of your papers in the folder

– Turn in the ENTIRE folder when you are finished

– Your work counts toward your grade!!!!

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You should always…

Follow our classroom rules, procedures, and guidelines.

Be prepared to learn. Be prepared for class. Bring with you to class

everyday your pencil/pen, paper, notebook, and silent reading book.

Read your silent reading book during silent reading.

Ask questions!!!! There is no such things as silly questions.

Be courteous and respectful to your fellow classmates.

Use Black or Blue ink only. Use lined paper. Make sure that you have loose

leaf paper.

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Grading Scale

90-100% A Outstanding Progress

80-89% B Above Average 70-79% C Average Progress 60-69% D Below Average

Progress 0-59% E Failure

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How should I head my paper?

Mr. DeLauder Date Assignment

You will always use looseleaf paper and a pencil

The holes are always on the left side

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Turning in papers Work completed together:

– I will tell you to pass your papers to the front quietly

– Or I will have a student collect your papers

Work Completed Independently:– You will need to place the paper in the

appropriate basket facing the correct direction

– Any work not put in the basket will not be graded

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If you are not finished…

Place your work somewhere safe, so you remember where it is. You should have a “work in progress” folder.

When you have completed other assignments, you may work on this

Any work not completed, will be taken out to recess

Place your work in the appropriate basket

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Homework: It is your responsibility to complete

ALL of your homework– Math:

You have homework every night (except Fridays)

– It is factored into your grade!

– Reading: Monthly Book Reports

– No recess until it is turned in – Drops 1 letter grade every day it is late

– Spelling Weekly Contract

– No recess on Friday if it is not turned in– Lose 5 points for every day it is late

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Projector Screen & Blinds

You are not allowed to pull down or put up the screen, so DON’T ASK!

I am the only person allowed to touch the screen

You are not responsible for closing or opening the blinds, so don’t do it– If the light is bothering you, raise your

hand and tell me Do not get out of your seat to close the

door– If it is too loud in the hallway, ask me to

close it

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Classroom Library

You are allowed to read books from our classroom library– The books should always be in the

book bin or on top of your desk You should only have ONE book out at a

time– You can browse the books, but please

put them back neatly– There are no more than 2 people at

each bookshelf– The books NEVER go home!

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Get ready for a successful 4th grade year!!