welcome to biology!

Welcome to Biology! Ms. Hernandez Room 2016

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Post on 25-Feb-2016




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Welcome to Biology!. Ms. Hernandez Room 2016. About Me. Justina Hernandez Call me Ms. Hernandez or Ms. H Graduate of UT Austin BS: Human Biology, emphasis on pathogenesis and immunity Worked in a doctor’s office for two years as a patient educator Starting second year at SHS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Welcome to Biology!

Ms. HernandezRoom 2016

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About Me Justina Hernandez

Call me Ms. Hernandez or Ms. HGraduate of UT Austin

BS: Human Biology, emphasis on pathogenesis and immunity

Worked in a doctor’s office for two years as a patient educator

Starting second year at SHS I my dog

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Syllabus Year at a Glance Contact information Grading policy

Weekly Grade checks Parent Portal Progress reports/Report


Credit for this course

School Supplies Tutoring Hours Test and Project dates

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Ms. H’s Contact info

Phone- call school, extension 22016Email: [email protected] websites


Ms. Hernandezscience.pbworks.com

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Year at a Glance…

1st six weeks•Lab safety and Evidence-based thinking•Biochemistry•Cells

4th six weeks•Classification•Microorganisms•Plants

2nd six weeks•Cellular Processes•Genetics and Heredity

5th six weeks•Plants (continued)•Animals•Body Systems•Ecology

3rd six weeks•Genetics and Heredity (Continued)•Evolution

6th six weeks•Ecology (continued)

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Grading policy/ Credit

Due dates posted in SEVERAL places HIGHLY recommend assignment. calendar

Weekly grade checks- Don’t EVER be surprised!5 days for revisions/completion of make up work

Corrections: separate sheet of paper with name and title, staple to original assignment. Justify your new answers

70% average for BOTH semesters to receive credit for this course

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Pen and Pencil with an eraser

Loose-leaf notebook paper1 composition book3 ring binder (2.5” please)Divider TabsBox of tissues

1 pack colored pencils for personal use

1 pair scissors for personal use

Glue sticks for personal use

If you are unable to get your supplies for the year, please see me during tutoring hours to work something out.

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Tutoring Schedule

AM: Not Mondays, all other days by appointment

Lunch by appointment- Tell me, you need a pass.

PM: 3:45-4:30 M-Th, Fri by appointment If I’m not available, you can seek help from

ANY other biology teacherPlease feel free to make an appointment if

needed to discuss grades, missing assignments, notes, or if you need any clarification about the material.

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Class Rules

1. Give undivided attention to the teacher2. Be prepared to learn as soon as you enter the

classroom3. Follow all directions4. Treat everyone with respect5. Put forth quality and effort into everything you do!6. Absolutely NO Cell phones/MP3 players/Food and

beverage consumption in class

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Consequences1. Verbal Warning2. Seat reassignment or Hall assignment and/or

teacher conference3. Lunch D-Hall in ISS/parents contact4. Withdrawl of class privileges/ Office Referral

Any severe infraction of the school or class rules will result in an IMMEDIATE office referral and parents will be called.

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Daily praisePositive notes home to you and your parentsGood grades and conduct marksClass prizes as availableExtra Mat MoneyThe joy of learning!

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Entering the classroom

During lectures/tutorials

Labs and group activities

End of classHomeworkTardiesLeaving the


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Procedures: Entry

Take care of personal needs before classEnter QUIETLY, get your notebook and go to

your deskTurn in any homework assignments to the

TURN-IN basket on the way to your assigned seat

Begin bell work IMMEDIATELY in your class journals.If you are not in your assigned seat when the bell rings, you are TARDY!

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Procedures: During Lectures/Tutorials/ Independent work

Do not talk when I am talking

Raise your hand if you have a question or comment regarding the content Wait your turn if more

than one person needs to speak. I promise, I’ll get to you

Wait for my ok to start

ANY class activityStay in your seat!

If you need to sharpen your pencil- use the manual sharpener!

Volunteer to participateTake detailed notes- if

it’s on the board, it’s important!

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Procedures: Lab & Group Activities

Eye contact? Check! Do not leave for the lab

area until I give permission Get aprons and goggles,

and lab instructions, then go to your stations. Write your name on your lab paper!

Stay in assigned stations with assigned groups


Follow posted lab safety rules

Follow directions and examples previously modeled by me

Ask 3, then me Share all lab data with

group members Whole group cleans up lab

stations when lab is complete, turn in lab and return to your desk.

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Procedures: End of Class

The bell does not dismiss you. I do! Stay in your seat until

dismissedVerify you have

agenda, homework, and class objectives copied in your notebook as well as any homework assignments

Desks must be clean and realigned prior to dismissal. You can put away your notebooks on your way out.

Turn in any assignments to the turn in basket if you have not already done so!

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Procedures: Homework/Assignments All work and assignment due dates will be posted on

the board as well as the weekly calendar and the class Wiki.

Complete homework as directed. Write NEATLY Name Period Date Title if needed Staple if multiple pages Leave it in the turn in basket!

In class, pass all work to the front and to the LEFT

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Come in QUIETLY, sign in to the tardy sheet Check the TIME on the clock

Grab your things and head straight to your desk.

I will pass you any handouts or notes on your way to your chair.

Please wait until after class or tutorial hours to check on any missing work or missed announcements for the day.

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Procedures: Leaving the classroom

Raise your hand with Mat Money for RR, H20, Locker Make sure your name and the

date is on it! 2 Mat Monies per six weeks

If acknowledged, please quietly get the hall pass, sign out with the TIME. Return quickly and quietly. Put the pass back on the board and go back to your seat. I will call the office if you are

gone for longer than 5 minutes.

15 minute rule One at a time No more than two outings per

class period, first come first serve starting when the bell rings.

For the nurse, counselor, or office please speak with me privately and I will write you a pass at my discretion.

I reserve the right to revoke hall passes for a six weeks if the privilege is


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Procedures: Make up Assignments

All previously assigned papers are due on the date of your return

I will give you a copy of missed work when you return. Due within 5 days of your

receipt to receive full credit. Due date will be written on

your paper Check the class wiki for the

agenda and any possible digital copies of the assignment.

For late work or lost copies of assignments, please see me during normal tutorial hours. Reference grade checks

All make up work goes to the turn in basket. Ensure your name, period, and

the date you turned in the assignment are at the top of your paper!

No assignments accepted after 5 day mark.

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Class Wiki

Check the class wiki for class information, notes, and fun science things!


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