welcome to our new enot sheirut shira & osi...snif and groups will resume august 26th, 2017...

SHABBAT BULLETIN Serving the Orthodox Community of Houston for over 100 years August 19, 2017 27 Av 5777 Torah Sefer: Devarim Parasha: Re’eh Haſtarah: Isaiah 54:11-55:5 ————————————— Shabbat Kiddush in Freedman Hall. Sponsored by the Sisterhood in honor of Sonia Raizes Shabbat Kiddush next week: Sponsored by Deborah and David Simon in honor of the Auf Ruf and upcoming wedding of their son, Stephen Simon to Julia Corcos. Seudah Shlishit in Taubenhaus Hall. Sponsorship is greatly appreciated. Seudah Shlishit next week: Sponsorship is greatly appreciated. United Orthodox Synagogues The David & Ruth Mitzner Building 9001 Greenwillow Houston, TX 77096 713-723-3850 Rabbi Barry Gelman Rabbi Emeritus Joseph Radinsky z’l Cantor Emeritus Irving Dean President Mr. Rick Guman The Eruv is up. The greatest chessed (kindness) you can do for someone in shul is to let them pray undisturbed. Please refrain from talking during services. LOUIS AND LEAH YAFFEE BNEI AKIVA PROGRAM: Shabbat No Teen Minyan & No Groups 10:30 am: Tot Shabbat with Maya Wadler. No Tot Shabbat this week. Snif and groups will resume August 26th, 2017 Please see page 6 for the Book of Remembrance informaon. The deadline is September 1,2017 Welcome to our new Benot Sheirut Shira & Osi

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Serving the Orthodox Community of Houston for over 100 years

August 19, 2017 27 Av 5777

Torah Sefer: Devarim Parasha: Re’eh Haftarah: Isaiah 54:11-55:5

————————————— Shabbat Kiddush in Freedman Hall. Sponsored by the Sisterhood in honor of Sonia Raizes Shabbat Kiddush next week: Sponsored by Deborah and David Simon in honor of the Auf Ruf and upcoming wedding of their son, Stephen Simon to Julia Corcos. Seudah Shlishit in Taubenhaus Hall. Sponsorship is greatly appreciated. Seudah Shlishit next week: Sponsorship is greatly appreciated.

United Orthodox Synagogues

The David & Ruth Mitzner Building 9001 Greenwillow Houston, TX 77096


Rabbi Barry Gelman Rabbi Emeritus Joseph Radinsky z’l

Cantor Emeritus Irving Dean President Mr. Rick Guttman

The Eruv is up.

The greatest chessed (kindness) you can do for someone in shul is to let them pray undisturbed. Please refrain from talking during services.


Shabbat No Teen Minyan & No Groups 10:30 am: Tot Shabbat with Maya Wadler. No Tot Shabbat this week. Snif and groups will resume August 26th, 2017

Please see page 6 for the Book of Remembrance information. The deadline is September 1,2017

Welcome to our new Benot Sheirut Shira & Osi

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Friday August 18th 7:00 pm Mincha/Maariv 7:41 pm Candle Lighting

Saturday August 19th 9:00 am Shacharit 6:15 Gideon Miller 6:30 pm Class by Rabbi Gelman 7:30 pm Mincha 8:00 pm Class by David Silberman 8:41 pm Havdallah Sunday August 20th 8:00 am Shacharit 7:40 pm Mincha/Maariv Monday August 21st 6:00 am Early Shacharit 6:45 am Shacharit 7:40 pm Mincha/Maariv Tuesday August 22nd Rosh Chodesh Elul 6:00 Early Shacharit 6:30 am Shacharit 7:40 pm Mincha/Maariv Wednesday August 23rd Rosh Chodesh Elul 6:00 am Early Shacharit 6:30 am Shacharit 7:40 pm Mincha/Maariv Thursday August 24th 6:00 am Early Shacharit 6:45 am Shacharit 7:40 pm Mincha/Maariv

Friday August 25th 6:00 am Early Shacharit 7:00 am Shacharit 7:00 pm Mincha/Maariv 7:34 pm Candle Lighting

Saturday August 26th 9:00 am Shacharit 6:10 Gideon Miller 6:25 pm Class by Rabbi Gelman 7:25 pm Mincha 8:00 pm Class by David Silberman 8:33 pm Havdallah

Shabbat: Morning Services: followed by Kiddush in Freedman Hall. Sponsored by the

Sisterhood in honor of Sonia Raizes Massechet Shabbat: with Gideon Miller, 1 hour 15 minutes before Mincha

at the home of Barbara & Robert Levy. Shabbat Class: with Rabbi Gelman, Topic: Reflections on four Days in Israel,

by that I mean Ramallah, Bethlehem and East Jerusalem. (If there is time there will be a discussion of minority rights in Israel)

Massechet Bava Metziah: with David Silberman, after Seudah Shlishit. ———————————————————————————————————————-

Ongoing Weekday Classes: Daf Yomi with Rabbi Yaakov Nagel. Daf Yomi is a daily regimen of Talmud

study. The entire Talmud is completed, one day at a time, in seven and a half years. Tens of thousands of Jews worldwide study in the Daf Yomi program. The class will take place in the Library 45 minutes before Mincha, Sunday through Thursday.

Mondays 11:15 am-1:15 pm: Women’s only Israeli Dancing—Beginner thru advanced telling the story of the Jewish People and Israel today thru Dance. Cost $6/session. Contact Rachel Weissblatt for details 713-776-9739.

Tuesdays 8:00 pm-9:00 pm: Meditation class with Ann Friedman in the UOS Library. Please go to http://www.uosh.org/event/meditation.html for the class schedule.

Wednesdays 11:45 am (class 12:00 pm-12:30 pm): with Rabbi Gelman Lunch & Learn: Parshat Hashavua: A textual analysis of the weekly Torah portion. Class will be held in the UOS library, cost $6 (egg salad, tuna salad, fresh green salad and a drink) RSVP to [email protected] or online at www.uosh.org.

Wednesday 7:30 pm at the home of Paula & Rabbi Mark Urkowitz, 9814 Cliffwood Dr. 77096. Class title, “ The History Of Our Prayers”, Subject: The first siddur. Who, What, When and Why. For those who would like, reading any of the following links will serve as an introduction to what will be covered on 8/23:

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amram_Gaon#Siddur_Rab_Amram https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/amram-gaon


Daily minyan is a fundamental aspect of synagogue life. Help to assure that we have a minyan each time by joining the minyan WhatsApp group. Those in the group receive periodic reminders of minyan times as well as requests to come when we are short. Come when you can. Join the group to make sure those saying kaddish and others have a minyan. Email or text your cell # to Rabbi Gelman if you wish to join and download the WhatsApp app.

Rabbi Gelman is sending out a weekly inspirational message or link thru a WhatsApp group. Please text Rabbi Gelman at 713 922 2473 indicating that you would like to join the UOSInspiration WhatsApp group. Make sure you have a WhatsApp account.

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Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

1 hour 15 minutes before Mincha: Massechet Shabbat with Gideon Miller at the home of Barbara & Robert Levy. —————————————— Shabbat Class: with Rabbi Gelman 1 hour before Mincha. Topic: Reflections on four Days in Israel, by that I mean Ramal-lah, Bethlehem and East Jerusa-lem. (If there is time there will be a discussion of minority rights in Israel) —————————————— After Mincha: Massechet Bava Metziah with David Silberman. ——————————————

45 minutes Before Mincha: Daf Yomi: with Rabbi Nagel. ———————

11:15 pm—1:15 pm: Israeli dance for Women. ——————— 45 minutes Before Mincha: Daf Yomi: with Rabbi Nagel. . ———————

45 minutes Before Mincha: Daf Yomi: with Rabbi Nagel. ——————

11:45 am(lunch) 12-12:30 pm(class) Lunch & Learn with Rabbi Gelman: Parshat Hashavua: A textual analysis of the weekly Torah portion. —————— Wednesday 7:30 pm at the home of Paula & Rabbi Mark Urkowitz, Class title, “ The His-tory Of Our Prayers”. ——————- Wednesday 8:00 pm at the home of Vivian and Henry Blum.

Rabbi Moshe Traxler teach-ing the Ram-ban's Mishneh Torah. ——————— 45 minutes Before Mincha: Daf Yomi: with Rabbi Nagel.

45 minutes Before Mincha: Daf Yomi: with Rabbi Nagel. ——————

UOS Torah Classes at a Glance

UOS Committee Chairpersons

Committee Contact Email Address

Chesed Doreen Lerner [email protected]

Education - UOSGMS Nada Chandler [email protected]

Hospitality Elise Passy [email protected]

House and Grounds Neil Scheckter [email protected]

Membership Steven Abramson [email protected]

Security Harry Brown/Yair Yeudai [email protected]

Tzedakah Committee Dov Liberman [email protected]

Youth Education Robert Levy [email protected]

Welcome members, friends and guests to UOS. On behalf of the Board of Direc-tors, I invite you to engage in our com-munity and in our Shul. Please reach out to our Rabbi, me, or any of our com-mittee leaders as we work together to enrich each other and our community. Best regards Rick S Guttman

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Prayer For The IDF & US Military

As we recite the prayer for members of the

Israeli Defense Force on Shabbat and Yom Tov

we keep in mind those Israeli Soldiers held in

captivity and missing in action

and those connected to our congregational

family in active IDF & US Military

Ron Arad Guy Chever Yehuda Katz

Zecharia Baumal Zvi Feldman

Zvi Boruch Altman Elad Imany

Akiva Gilad Brody Yehuda Lajcher

Azriel Oz Brody Albert Katz

Roni Buchine Reuben Morris

David Chertoff Gavriel Saitowitz

Yonaton Cytrin Jake Saitowitz

Samuel Gorme

Chessed Committee

We are currently looking for volunteers, both male & female, to help serve as Shul greeters

on Shabbat. You will welcome people to UOS as they enter the Sanctuary.

We hope to grow and be able to offer more in time, but to start we are currently able to extend these acts of chesed: 1. Friendly check-in calls – to members we haven’t seen in shul for a while, just to make sure they’re okay. 2. Hospital Visits (bikur cholim) 3. Birthday calls or visits to seniors who’re living alone or don’t have family in the area. 4. Rides to weekday shul events – for members who’d like to come to an event, or perhaps to daven or say kaddish, but don’t have a way to get there.

If you are able to help or know of someone

that needs some assistance

please contact Doreen Lerner at [email protected]

Let us plant together! I found [ready grown] carob trees in the world; as my forefathers planted these for me so I too plant these for my children. Talmud - Mas. Ta'anith 23a

Todah Rabah to the 43 people who have signed their letters of intent to provide for the future of our congregation. These people have made it possible for UOS to meet the goals established by the Legacy program, and they have done their part to plant for tomorrow. These individuals will be invited to a celebratory brunch on September 10th (invitations to follow) where they will not only be feted, but will have the opportunity to learn how to confirm their future gifts.

It is not too late to add your name to the list!

UOS is proud to be one of the community participants in the Houston Jewish Community Foundation’s Create a Legacy Program. As a participant we are planning for the future of our congregation by asking our members to make plans for a legacy gift to UOS. There are several ways this can be accomplished, but we first ask for a Letter of Intent, indicating your support. The form is available in the office. Brochures are avail-able in the foyer, and the members of this committee are anxious to speak with you; they are Nada Chandler (713-256-1030), Joe Blog (713-530-5337) and Basil Joffe (713-302-6691). Feel free to contact them for more information. The forms for the confirmation of the gifts are also now available, and an essential part of the Create A Legacy program. Again, todah rabah to those who have made their plans known!

For more information, please see our web site at http://www.uosh.org/uoslegacy.html

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Please join us for a special Kiddush in honor of

Sonia Raizes

And all of her contributions to our community

On Shabbat August 19, 2017

If you are interested in helping sponsor or to donate to a

new rose garden to be dedicated in Sonia’s honor,

please go to our website at www.uosh.com

Urgent Kashrut Alert:

My Pita Grill is temporarily NOT under HKA Supervision. If they are open, please

note that the food is not currently supervised by the HKA.

Additional Information will be sent

within the next few days.

Contact the HKA with any additional questions.

High Holiday Honors are underway

If you are interested in purchasing an honor,

either for yourself or someone else, please respond to Gideon Miller at

[email protected]

Please click here, or go to our website to see the available honors

Please remember that All guests must be registered and can do so by clicking here or by going to our website

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9001 Greenwillow

Houston, TX 77096


2017-2018 5778

During the High Holidays, we especially remember our beloved relatives and friends who are

no longer with us. It is a hallowed tradition not only to remember them in our hearts, but also

to remember them publicly. The synagogue’s Book of Remembrance allows their names to be

publicly remembered.

This Book of Remembrance is used during the Cemetery Memorial Services, which this year

will occur on Sunday, September 17, 2017, and at Yizkor during Yom Kippur, which this year

will occur on Saturday, September 30, 2017.

If you would like your departed loved ones be publicly acknowledged at these services by

having their names printed in the Book of Remembrance, please send the names to the

synagogue office NO LATER THAN Friday September 1,2017. Please list the names of the

loved ones you wish to memorialize below. You may also go to www.uosh.org and fill out the

form under the “Contribute” tab.

A memorial tribute, enclosed is $_______ as a donation to the congregation from:

Please print name of donor(s) to be listed. _________________________________________

Print name(s) of departed loves one(s):


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Cemetery Services before Yom Kippur Rabbi Gelman will conduct services at our cemeteries on Sunday September 17, 2017

9:45 am – Adath Emeth * 10:45 am – Adath Israel * 12:00 pm – Beth Jacob

Strollers For everyone’s safety, strollers are not permitted in the Sanctuary. You will be directed to where you can keep your stroller.

If you have bags with food and baby supplies they may be placed inside in the Greenwillow Lobby Coat Room.

Bags are not permitted in the Sanctuary.


For everyone’s safety and enjoyment of the High Holidays it is the Synagogues Policy that children must either be in childcare, or

with their parents in the sanctuary. They will not be allowed to wander in or around the building.

Childcare services are offered at the times listed below. The cost is $18 per child per day

Reservations are a must. Please go online to register at www.uosh.org or contact the office with any questions.

Deadline for Reservations is Sept 17th, 2017

The Sessions are:

Rosh Hashanna Day I 9:30 am-1:30 pm

Rosh Hashanna Day II 9:30 am-1:30 pm

Kol Nidre 6:15 pm-9:45 pm

Yom Kippur (2 sessions) 9:30 am-2:30 pm and then 5:00 pm—8:00 pm

Mikvah Use for Men Erev Rosh Hashanah and Erev Yom Kippur

The Mikvah will be open for men’s use Erev Rosh Hashanah (Wednesday September 20th) and Erev Yom Kippur

(Friday September 29th)between 8am-4pm . The door will be unlocked. There is an $18 fee per person.

Please leave your fee in the box provided in the Mikvah or if you prefer make a donation online under donations.

Please remember to bring a towel and shower first.

This time is set aside for only men to use the Mikvah.

absolutely NO toveling of dishes is allowed during this time.


High Holiday Seating To be eligible for high holiday seating you must meet one of these requirements:

Must be a member in good standing (your account is current as of Sept 11, 2017)

You are a full time student (please contact the office so we can add your name to the list you may be asked to send us a copy of

your student ID).

A member in good standing at another synagogue and eligible for high holiday seating in that synagogue. (Documentation on

letterhead from your synagogue or a ticket for high holiday seats must be emailed or brought into the office so we can put your

name on our guest list).

You are from out of town and receiving medical treatment in the Texas Medical Center

You have moved to Houston in the past month and have not yet joined a synagogue. All guests must be registered and can do so by clicking here

High Holiday honors are underway. If you are interested in purchasing an honor, either for yourself

or someone else, please respond to Gideon Miller at [email protected]

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S E C U R I T Y P R O C E D U R E S 2 0 1 7

Security is inconvenient, yet necessary in order for our congregants to enjoy the highest possible level of kavanah during their davening. To ensure the safety of our congregants, our guests and our facilities, we

have put some procedures in place.

We hope that these procedures will allow everyone to have a meaningful tefillah experience. With best wishes for a happy, healthy and safe New Year.

1. Guards: We will have Houston Police Department and private security guards as well as volun-

teer ushers and synagogue staff on the premises. Please follow their instructions, as their only goal is to ensure our safety and the safety of our children during services. Please treat them with the courtesy and dignity they deserve. They are doing a very hard job.

2. Prior notice: It is UOS policy that one must make some prior arrangement with the synagogue

office or the Rabbi to attend services in order to be admitted.

3. Bags: Please do not bring backpacks, large briefcases, large pocketbooks, bags, packages, etc.,

to the synagogue. These items will not be allowed into the sanctuary.

4. Searches: All people and items will be subject to search before entering the building.

5. Cell phones are not allowed in the Sanctuary, other than doctors on call. Please do not bring

them into the synagogue.

6. Wheelchairs, walkers, etc., for those who cannot walk without them, and strollers for infants who

cannot walk must be in designated rows at the rear of the sanctuary. Otherwise, they will not be allowed into the sanctuary and are to be parked in designated areas only.

7. Parking is very tight. Please park only in marked spaces and follow instructions of the officers

directing traffic. Any cars parked in unauthorized spaces, or blocking access or egress from the parking lot may be ticketed or towed.

8. Children will not be allowed to roam around the parking lot. Security personnel and ushers have

been instructed to direct them back to their parents. Please don’t get upset with the personnel if your child is sent back to you.

9. In Case of Emergency: In the unlikely event that the synagogue needs to be evacuated due to a

fire alarm, or other event, please remain calm and follow the instructions of the Rabbi, President, Ush-ers and security personnel. Evacuation would be done either out the north synagogue doors and walk-ing to the grass median on Braeswood or out the Greenwillow doors and walking south on Greenwillow to Greenwillow Ct across from the retention pond.

10. Walking In the Neighborhood: Please stay on the sidewalks wherever possible and obey all traf-

fic signs.

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In the interest of collegiality, we want to share these community announcements with you

Seeking volunteers age 12+ for a Tikkun Olam program

Date: Friday November 24th (day after Thanksgiving) Time: Morning Place: US Vets, Inc. – residential facility in Midtown for homeless and disabled veterans Program: serve breakfast (we will bring kosher food so we can join the vets in a meal), patriotic singalong, board games, conversation We need volunteers who can: Shop for food, Set up and clean up, Serve food, Sing, Play a mu-sical instrument, Play games We’re asking for kids and teens to make thank you cards/pictures for the veterans. For further information and to volunteer please contact: Doreen Lerner: [email protected] Marisa Brown: [email protected]

Dear Members, Doreen Lerner will be traveling to Cuba with the Jewish Federation on the JDC’s mission to Cuba on September 6—10. Below is a list of items that are needed for te Cuban Jewish Community. There will be a box in the lobby for donations if you are able to help.

TOP PRIORITIES: DVD’s to learn Hebrew in Spanish Glucometers with strips (One touch, Contour, True Track, Breeze) Finasteride, Avodar or Flomax Hand Sanitizer Flashlights Whistles Batteries Gauze bandages First aid kits Rubbing alcohol Wet wipes PRACTICAL ITEMS: Toiletries: shampoo and conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste, repellent Toys for younger children HeatnBond Lite – lightweight iron-on adhesive

MEDICINES/MEDICAL: Antibiotics: Cefalexin, Ciprofloxacin and specifically for children Syringes for insulin – 3, 5, 10 cc Cough syrups: children and adults Omeprazole, Ranitidine Losartan Enalapril Tramadol Seroquel (quetiapine) Other drugs for cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s Blood Pressure gauges (the ones that work without a battery) ITEMS FOR PROGRAMS: Wool – different colors Six-strand embroidery floss in various colors Transfer paper Patchwork fabric