welcome to print media: newspapers! beginning until 1900's

Welcome to Print Media: Newspapers! Beginning until 1900's

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Welcome to Print Media: Newspapers! Beginning until 1900's. Early sources of news: -town criers -Roman handwritten news sheets (50's bc) ‏ -tipao- Chinese gov't produced news sheets (200bc) ‏. The biggest invention? THE PRINTING PRESS! Johann Gutenberg, Europe, 1450's. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Welcome to Print Media: Newspapers! Beginning until 1900's

Welcome toPrint Media:Newspapers!

Beginning until 1900's

Page 2: Welcome to Print Media: Newspapers! Beginning until 1900's

Early sources of news:-town criers-Roman handwritten news sheets (50's bc)-tipao- Chinese gov't produced news sheets (200bc)

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The biggest invention?THE PRINTING PRESS!

Johann Gutenberg, Europe, 1450's

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Why is this invention so important?CHEAP ACCESSIBLE INFORMATION!

THIS ALSO MEANS...Those who control the print, control the population

A letter written by Christopher Columbus, reporting on his discoveries, was set in type and circulating in Barcelona before Columbus arrived there in April of 1493.

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BIG DATESmid 1500's – Venice gazettes (on war and politics)

1600's – German Weeklies, Belgian Weeklies, Austrian Weeklies, French Weeklies, Spanish Weeklies, English Weeklies, etc.

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*This marks the first steady flow of massively produced continental information hitting England.

These newspapers were of two varieties: *Dutch – 2-4 sheets *German – 8-24 pamphlet sheets

1640's – England. First advertisements.

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Newspapers and Freedom of the Press

-Began HIGHLY regulated-Rarely reported about the country in which they were printed

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Newspapers and Freedom of the Press-English Civil War (1640's -50's– Cromwell pushes freedom of news

*Cromwell changed mind after execution of Charles I when he himself rose to power.

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-Late 1600's American newspapers. Used towards revolution

heavily regulated (when possible). One regulation

– taxation to eliminate working class information (AKA Stamp Act)

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More Important Dates1725 – first NYC newspaper1798 - The Sedition Act

"any false, scandalous and malicious writing...against the the Government of the United States," the Congress or the president, "with intent to...bring them...into contempt or disrepute" punishable by a fine or imprisonment.

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1800 – Jefferson as president largely ignores this Act

1833 – Penny Press – human interest and short police reports (Sun by B. Day)

1848 – creation of the Associated Press (using telegraph transmissions)

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The Associated Press?

In their own words:

Figures300-plus locations worldwide.

3,700 AP editorial, communications and administrative employees worldwide.

Two-thirds of AP's worldwide staff are newsgatherers.

49 Pulitzer Prizes, including 30 for photography.

The AP news report is:24 hours a day7 days a week(Updated March 1, 2010)

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Post Civil War – use of Inverted pyramid as attempt to be objective

1878+ - Pulitzer's “Sensationalism” Aka Yellow Journalism Pulitzer And Hearst

1897 – regular use of photographs in papers begins