welcome to spanish dual immersion alta view elementary 2 nd grade

Welcome to Spanish Dual Immersion Alta View Elementary 2 nd Grade

Post on 20-Dec-2015




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Welcome to

Spanish Dual Immersion

Alta View Elementary

2nd Grade


Our classrooms are participating in an exciting motivation plan! Your child will be able to access a variety of positive reinforcements for engaging in appropriate behaviors. Additionally, students who do not behave appropriately will earn consistent consequences.

Gold Medal System

Spanish Motivation

Personal and Group Points

Get points for speaking Spanish

Lose points for not speaking Spanish

Reward for completing 100 points individually

Reward for completing 50 points as a group

Punctuality and Absences

Arrive at school between 8:05 and 8:10

Avoid late arrivals whenever possible

They cause disruptions in the classroom

Late arrivals require a note

Check in at the office before coming into the classroom

Every minute spent learning in the classroom will reflect on your student’s progress


Envision math

Calle de la Lectura


Common core

HomeworkPacket goes home every Monday

English homework

Reading, spelling, grammar


Yellow paper with daily activities

Hands on activities

In English

10-15 min every day


Packet comes back to school signed by parents the following Monday!!!

Incentives will be provided for turning in homework on time


It is important that your child take responsibility for his/her homework assignments. While you may need to remind your child to do his/her work, please have him/her do as much as possible independently

It is important that you work with your child, so that you can notify us as soon as possible if he/she is having difficulty with a particular homework assignment

Homework Folders/Planners

Go home every day

Come back to school every day

Check folders and planners every day

Planners have notes, announcements, reminders, etc.

Keep folders clean

Reading at Home

At least 30 min each night

5-7 days each week

Record min on monthly calendar

Send it back signed by parents w/ total min recorded

Send it back by last day of the month to count towards Road Runners academy

Spelling Words

Word Study

Sorting activities based on patterns

Used to practice for Friday’s spelling tests

Dictation using words from spelling list and high frequency words for 2nd grade

Dictation sentences are graded on correct spelling, punctuation and capitalization


Used for math and Spanish

Math assignmets are found on the math yellow paper

Not obligatory but very helpful for students

Instruction for access will be given as soon as student’s information is uploaded

Spanish activities will be accessible later in the year

Meeting w/ Teachers

After school only (unless it’s an emergency)

Contact us through email, planners, class blog

Expect both teachers to be present when meeting with them

In order for the Spanish teacher to communicate w/ you in English, your student cannot be present!


The best way to volunteer is to help your child at home with reading and getting their homework done!!!

Time in the Immersion Program is limited and valuable.

We will contact you when help is needed

Participation in the PTA is always welcome and needed

Parents should maintain an active role in their child’s education by providing experiences that help develop their English language skills. Parents should read to them daily and engage them in activities where they need to apply what they are learning in class.

Our time in the Immersion Program is limited and valuable. The fewer distractions we encounter in the classroom will aide our instructional time and in return will be reflected in your child’s academic success.

Many teachers ask for parent help in a variety of ways: working with small groups of children, sharing a part of your culture or help with special projects of paperwork. Contact your child’s teacher if you are interested in helping out. Teachers run their classrooms very differently. Please do not be offended if your child’s teacher does not seek help from parents in his/her classroom. Participation in the PTA is always welcome and needed as well as other school wide functions and fund raisers.

Road Runners Academy

Speak Spanish 100% of the time

Reading 30 min every day

Be on Gold 4 out of 5 days

Turning in homework on time 90% of the time

Class Private Blog



Used for communicating with parents and keeping them updated



Celebrating students’ participation and successes!!!

Class Private Blog

Release form

Read it carefully

Mark your option

Student’s name, parent/guardian name and signature

Login information will be given at the return of this form