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Welcome to Todays English Class

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Presented byMd. Munibur RahmanBA (Hons), MA (DU)Assistant ProfessorJessore Govt City College, JessoreEnglish GrammarParts of Speech Capital Community CollegeParts of SpeechEvery word in a sentence is a part of speech.A word may be of different parts of speech based on its position, function and the word it modifies.

Eight Parts of SpeechNounsPronounsAdjectivesAdverbsConjunctionsPrepositionsVerbsInterjections

Eight Parts of Speech at a glanceNounPronounVerbAdjectiveAdverbPrepositionConjunctionInterjection

Word that namesA Person

An Idea/ ActionA ThingA PlaceNoun :Kinds of Nouns

Kinds of Nouns

The VerbA word that expresses action or otherwise helps to make a statementLinkingbe verbs&tastefeelsoundlookappearbecomeseemgrowremainstaySubjectpredicateActionEvery sentence must haveaVERB

Capital Community CollegeKinds of VerbsAction verbs express mental or physical action.

Linking verbs make a statement by connecting the subject with a word that describes or explains it.The deer is running.He has been sick.

The PronounThe pronoun is a word used in place of one or more nouns.It may stand for a person, place, thing, or idea.Personal PronounsI, me, mineyou, your, yoursshe, her, hers,it, itswe,us, our, oursthey, them, their, theirsmyselfyourselfIndefinite Pronounsanybodyeacheithernonesomeone, one, etc.Interrogative PronounswhowhomwhatwhichwhoseDemonstrative PronounsthisthatthesethoseThe AdjectiveModifies or describes a noun or pronoun.Is that a wool sweater?Just give me five minutes.Did you lose your addressbook?Answers these questions:What kind?Which?How many?

14The AdverbModifies or describesa verb, an adjective,or another adverb.Answers the questions:How?He ran quickly.She left yesterday.When?We went there.Where?It was too hot!To what degree or how much?

Kinds of AdverbsInterrogativeAdverbsintroduce questionsHow?When?Where?

How often?How did you break your leg?When does your plane leave?

How often do you run?Where did you put the mouse trap?The PrepositionA preposition introduces a noun or pronoun or a phrase or clause functioning in the sentenceas a noun. The word or word group that thepreposition introduces is its object.They received a postcard from Bobby telling

about his trip to Canada.The preposition never stands alone!

prepositionnounpronounobject ofprepositionprepositionobjectcan have more thanone objectobject can have modifiersYou can press those leaves under glass.Her telegram to Nina and Ralph brought good news.It happened during the last examination.Some Common Prepositionsaboardaboutaboveacrossafteragainst alongamongaround atbefore

behindbelowbeneathbesidebetweenbeyondbydown during except forfrominintolikeofoffonoverpastsincethroughthroughouttotowardunderunderneathuntilupuponwithwithinwithout

Time Prepositions1. Use at before times shorter than 24 hours or a day.2. Use on before times as long as 24 hours or a day.3. Use in before times longer than 24 hours or a day.

The SunThe EarthThe earth moves round the sun.The conjunctionA conjunction is a word that joins wordsor groups of words.



The interjectionis an exclamatory word that expressesemotion

Goodness! What a cute baby!

Wow! Look at thatsunset!Exercise-01Identify the functions (parts of speech) of the words underlined in the following sentences (there are clues in italics):

His uncle is a director. He will direct a new play this week. We are invited to enjoy the play direct in the auditorium.This play deals with the direct impacts of war on children.He could not hit the ball direct.Exercise-02They live in Dhaka and work for a farm. They counted all the live animals in the farm.We watched the match live on Ten Sports.They enjoyed a live performance.They enjoyed the performance live.

Exercise-03Usually he walks very fast. The train runs fast. She was very fast in learning English. The Sundarbans is a fast train. The Muslims fast in the Ramadan. They not only fast but also refrain themselves from doing many things.

Exercise-04She had long dark hair. He walked down the long corridor. He retired long before the war. We waited long for you at the station. The party went on long into the night. They always long for a son. We long for Lucy to phone.

Exercise-05She used to get up early in the morning. Her father was an early riser too. She is in her early twenties now. We arrived early next year.He took the initiative in the early stage. [twenties (n)= 20s]

Exercise-06(a) Do you sleep on your back or your front?(b) The boy rode on the elephants back.(c) We were sitting in the back row.(d) He ran away through the back door.(e) We got seats at the back. (f) He came back home last night. (g) She stepped back to let her brother pass. (h) The barbed wire kept the protesters back.(i) Could you call back later, please?(j) Some politicians back terrorists and extortionists.(k) If you cant drive in forwards, back it in. (l) They will back to materialize health plans.

Exercise-07(a) Is there enough room for us? (b) Have you made enough copies? (c) Six bottles should be enough. (pronoun as object of be) (d) Have you had enough (to eat/lend)? (e)I hadnt trained (prepared) enough for the game. (f) This house isnt big enough for us. (g) He seemed pleasant enough to me.

Exercise-08We didnt go far. He looked down at the traffic far below. Have you come far? How far is Khulna from Jessore? Its a far better idea. I saw him on the far side of the road. She found it at the far end of the room. They made for an empty table at the far corner.

Exercise-09His father is seriously ill in the hospital.We all started to feel ill after the meal. (feel is a linking verb) People in police custody are grossly ill-treated. I can ill afford the time or the money for a holiday. (ill= only with difficulty)They live in an area ill served by public transport. I may not like him, but I wish him no ill. (ill= harm; bad luck) Stalking is one of the social ills. (ill = something harmful or bad; an illness) This medicine has many ill-effects.

Exercise-10She broke her left hand yesterday. Take a left turn at the intersection. Turn left at the intersection.Always look left and right before you cross any road. (look = take a look; not a linking verb) She was sitting on my left. To the left of the library is the bank.She left the room.


Common Nouns



Proper Nouns



Singular Nouns


girlPlural Nouns



Singular Possessive


girlsPlural Possessive



Countable Nouns

man tree Uncountable Nouns

water air

Abstract Nouns

happiness freedomConcrete Nouns

book pen

Collective Nouns class audienceCompound Nouns tablecloth haircut