wellness, balance, and work

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Post on 16-May-2015




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Presentation covering the areas of Wellness that can impact a persons life.


  • 1. Wellness, Balance,and Life Nancy Goodman, LPC, NCC Vocatus rethink what you know about life and work 208-478-1414, [email_address] http://vocatusidaho.blogspot.com

2. Dimensions of Health

  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Occupational
  • Intellectual
  • Social
  • Environmental
  • Spiritual
  • Financial
  • Technological

3. Physical Wellness

  • Diet
  • Exercise
  • Healthy Lifestyle
  • Prevention Care
  • Physical Therapy

4. Emotional Wellness

  • Asking for Help
  • Medication
  • Therapy
  • Meditation
  • Letting Go

5. Occupational Wellness

  • Job Search
  • Office Relationships
  • Training
  • Re-career plan

6. Intellectual Wellness

  • Reading
  • Continuing Ed
  • Asking Questions
  • Accommodations

7. Social Wellness

  • Boundaries
  • Curiosity
  • Community involvement
  • Addressing unhealthy relationships

8. Environmental Wellness

  • Household
  • Recycling
  • Nature
  • Neighborhood
  • Eat local

9. Spiritual Wellness

  • Making own definitions
  • Open-mindedness
  • Trusting Instincts
  • Making it work for you

10. Financial Wellness

  • Budget
  • Debt reduction plan
  • Spending triggers
  • Credit-free

11. Technological Wellness

  • Human contact
  • Grammar
  • Plan B
  • Classes
  • Low-tech lifestyle

12. What is Balance? 13. Big Picturevs Task ListGoals

  • Big Picture
  • Lose weight
  • Take a vacation
  • Buy a house
  • Go to college
  • Get out of debt
  • Task List items
  • Get credit report
  • Identify all bills
  • Calculate payments
  • Visit financial counselor
  • Create spending budget

14. SMART Goal Setting

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Action-oriented
  • Realistic
  • Time-bound

15. Barriers to Success-- How do we get in our own way?

  • The voice of NO
  • Inner critic
  • Not asking for help and support
  • Fear
  • Faulty thinking
  • Procrastination

16. Goals Revisited How do you want to adapt your goals to insure success in spite of potential barriers?