wembley stadium event day traffic management wembley stadium... · wembley stadium event day...

Wembley Stadium Event Day Traffic Management Report March 2013 Prepared for: The Wembley Contractor Under the LoHAC Contract Version 2 Prepared by: Paul Richards Traffic Manager Transportation Service Unit Brent House 349-357 High Road, Wembley, Middlesex, HA9 6BZ

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Wembley Stadium

Event Day


Management Report

March 2013

Prepared for: The Wembley Contractor Under the LoHAC Contract Version 2

Prepared by: Paul Richards Traffic Manager Transportation Service Unit Brent House 349-357 High Road, Wembley, Middlesex, HA9 6BZ

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1. Introduction 4

2. Staff Structure 6

3. Wembley Event Day Control Room 7

4. Order of operation 8

Event Day Signage 11

5. Great Central Way Scheme 12

6. South Way Scheme 13

South Way Drop off/Pick Up Drawing 15

7. Method Statement – South Way scheme 16

8. CCTV 20

9. Event Day Road Closures 20

10. Stadium Event List 21

11. Event Timing Sheet 22

Scheme Drawings

Drawing of Wembley Stadium Parking Protection Area 23

Event Day Flap Sign Locations 24

CCTV location Drawing 27

Tow Away Zone Sign Locations 28

Equipment Packing List Master 29

Great Central Way Tidal Flow Drawing Inbound 31

Great Central Way Tidal Flow Drawing Outbound 33

Road Closures Banned Turns 35

South Way Two Way Scheme 36

Conference Centre Drawing 38

Triangle Drawing 39

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Station Grove Scheme 40

Gate 5 Lane Drop Scheme 42

London Road Scheme 43

Engineers Way Closure Scheme 44

TFL - N.C.R Lane Drops 45

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1.1 Wembley National Stadium was opened in 2007 and has a capacity of 90,000.

It is the sole venue of the England national football team, and hosts the latter

stages of top level domestic club cup competitions.

1.2 Upon average the stadium hosts around thirty events each year. Outside of

football, the stadium also hosts major rugby league games, such as the

Challenge Cup and International Rugby League. The stadium is also an annual

regular season venue for the American National Football League's International

Series. In addition sport the stadium also hosts a variety of large music


1.3 This document has been written to provide staff working on Wembley Events an

overview on various traffic schemes required on a typical event day. Staffs are

encouraged to have a good understanding of the schemes so that they are

aware of the type of activity they are required to undertake and what the

Council expects of them on an event day. Throughout this document the term

traffic refers to both pedestrian and vehicle activity.

1.4 The Stadium Event Team worked in partnership with the Metropolitan Police for

the Event Day Traffic Management Plan. The new 90,000 seat Stadium caters

for a maximum of 2,900 car equivalent spaces including 250 disabled parking

spaces, depending on the number of planned coaches for an event, and will

sell combined event and car parking tickets to help minimise local congestion.

The two official car parks are the multi-storey and Eastern Surfaced Car Park.

Wembley National Stadium Limited (WNSL) has entered into a contractual

agreement with Carey’s to provide VIPs and staff parking. The Carey site is

located in South Way opposite Fourth Way.

1.5 The Eastern Car Park is accessed via the Stadium Access Corridor, which, on

event days, will have three lanes (up to the Fourth Way junction), with two

lanes in-bound and one lane out. Post event the centre lane will reverse to

allow two lanes of traffic to progress out-bound with one lane in.

1.6 Access and egress route to the Multi Storey car park is via Royal Route off

Wembley Hill Road. South Way passes close to the Stadium and carries a

potential security risk. On event days, that stretch of South Way will be closed

for through traffic because of security concern.

1.7 The on-going redevelopment of the area around the stadium will see the

demolishment of the Multi Storey car park in 2013. Quintain the land owners

are contractility bound to provide 2900 car parking spaces to the stadium.

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Therefore, they propose to provide parking on the Yellow car park which is

located to the north of Engineers Way opposite Wembley Arena.

1.8 No matter how the Traffic Management is shaped, the following operations will

need to be carried out to ensure smooth and safe traffic flows and pedestrian

flows from stations.

1.9 Staffing for events is coordinated by Janet Kear (Events Officer), with the

exception of the Highways crew. The contractor is responsible for allocating

staff for events throughout the year.

1.10 Two staff members from the Transportation Service Unit are allocated to man

the control room and five others are allocated to man the Land Rover.

1.11 Land Rover personnel are responsible for implementing the roads closures at

Fulton Road, Engineers Way, Conference Centre Roundabout, South Way and

London Road.

1.12 Highways crews are responsible for undertaking the equipment drop-off prior to

the event and implementing the schemes on Great Central Way, South Way (if

required) and the closure of the Triangle at Harrow Road/Wembley Hill Road.

1.13 ** Please Note** - Drawings and Equipment Lists are currently being

updated. Please use these as an estimated guide only.

1.14 Wembley Stadium Ltd produces a calendar of all proposed events each month.

Confirmed events are shown in bold (see page 21).

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London Borough of Brent Transportation Structure

Paul Chandler

Head of Transportation


Contracts Manager

Paul Richards

Traffic Manager

Paul Mcdonagh

Network Engineer

Janet Kear

Traffic Events Officer

Wembley Event Staff

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Wembley Event Day Control Room

3.1 The Event Day Control Room is located on Level 4 on the south-side of the

stadium and is partitioned between WNSL and Police. WNSL are responsible

for coordinating and monitoring activity within the stadium and Police are

responsible for activity outside the stadium.

3.2 The control room is also manned by British Transport Police, London Fire

Brigade, London Ambulance and London Borough of Brent.

3.3 Police are responsible for the policing of public order issues both inside and

outside the stadium. They are also responsible for facilitating Team Coaches

in and out of the venue and assist in keeping routes clear of obstructions.

3.4 The Council have two staff members from Transportation operating within the

control room who oversee council operations in respect to road closures and

traffic management. They have access to a number of Brent CCTV cameras

along with a variety of stadium cameras enabling them to monitor

traffic/pedestrian flows on local roads and on the stadium site.

3.5 Control Room Staff communicates with crews via VHF radio issued on the day

or permanently fitted to the vehicles.

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Order of Operation


4.1 The night prior to the event, Highways Operational Staff commence flapping

approximately 500 Event Day signs around the borough (see page 11 fig 1 & 2)

for the two different types of signage. These advise motorists/residents of the

event and form part of the Parking Protection Scheme (PPS). This operation

is undertaken on behalf of the Parking Team and is not part of the LoHAC

contract. There are two routes for flapping of signage Blue and Green (see

pages 24 & 25). Once all signage has been flapped the operative then signs the

confirmation sheet (see page 26). This is required in the event of a complaint

should a parking ticket be issued on the day.

4.2 On event day the Highways Crew call sign Highways 1(H1), will commence

the drop-off of equipment at designated locations to assist with road closures

pre and post event. (See page 29 for master equipment list and locations).

4.3 The Control Room will open approximately 5 hours prior to kick-off and will

monitor council operations and coordinate with police and other services as


4.4 Prior to the Event Day, Wembley Stadium will notify Transport for London

whether there is a need for the North Circular Road lane drops. If required

lane drops are implemented by TfL’s own contractor. (See page 45 for scheme


4.5 The Land Rover Crew call sign Brent 1 (B1) will commence their operation by

dropping the pedestrian bollards on White Horse Bridge using a special key.

This will assist Chiltern Rail in managing queues post event.

4.6 B1 will then implement the closure of South Way between First Way and

Wembley Hill Road as this section becomes very busy with pedestrian traffic

pre and post event. (See page 29 loading list for equipment required).

4.7 H1 on the authority of the Control Room will then commence the Tidal Flow

scheme on Great Central Way for inbound traffic (See page 34 and 35). The

Tidal-Flow Scheme has proven to be very successful in maximising traffic

flows pre and post-match. On arrival the scheme will provide 2 lanes inbound

and 1 lane outbound. (See page 29 for equipment required).

4.8 B1 at the appointed time will place the No Parking cones on Wembley Hill

Road to deter parking. This will ensure that we have maximum carriageway

capacity on dispersal.

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4.9 B1 using the cones/signs previously dropped off by H1 will implement the

closure of Fulton Road (see page 45) to allow unrestricted pedestrian flow along

Olympic Way. This closure is removed at kick-off when pedestrian flows have

reduced. (See page 29 for the equipment required).

4.10 At the designated time B1 will proceed to Wembley Central and implement the

closure of London Road to assist with managing crowd flows onto the

platforms of Wembley Central Station. The council are not responsible for

crowd management. This operation is undertaken by London Underground

stewards. (See page 29 for equipment required).

4.11 In the past it was necessary to implement the Station Grove Scheme to assist

with queuing arrangements at Wembley Central Station. This closure was

implemented by the B1 crew. (See page 40). Although this scheme has not been

implemented for the last two seasons, there is a possibility that it may be

required again for a future event.

Post- Event

4.12 At kick-off H1 will commence the switch of the tidal flow system in preparation

for dispersing traffic. (See pages 14 and 15).To assist with maximising traffic flow

the London Streets Traffic Coordination Centre (LSTCC) will increase the

Green phase of traffic signals at Hannah Close and Drury Way/Great Central

Way junctions.

4.13 At half-time, Highways 2 (H2) will commence preparation of the triangle

scheme ready for its closure. (See page 39. Post event pedestrian flow from the

stadium back to Wembley Central is so heavy that pedestrians walk on the

carriageway. This has resulted in the council having to close Wembley Hill

Road between the Triangle and Empire Way. (See page 29 for equipment list).

4.14 H2 commence dropping cones along the length of Wembley Hill Road over

the hill in an attempt provide two lanes for outbound traffic. (See page 29 for

equipment list).

4.15 B1 will be responsible for implementing the scheme at the green opposite

York House. Traffic on Empire Way will be diverted over the hill on Wembley

Hill Road and traffic exiting the Red Car Park will be diverted right on

Wembley Hill Road and will merge with the diverted traffic at Empire Way.

Once the pedestrian foot fall is reduced the scheme at the Triangle is

removed and traffic exiting the Red Car Park will be permitted to turn left

towards the Triangle. (See page 29 for equipment list).

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4.16 Transport for London (Tfl) contractors on occasions implement a lane drop on

the North Circular Road to assist exiting traffic from Drury Way and Great

Central Way onto the A406 North Circular Road. (See Page 45).

4.17 H1 will implement the lane drop in First Way at the junction with South Way.

The lane drop forces traffic from lane 1 of 2 into lane 2 of 2 allowing a

dedicated exit lane from the Green Car Park. (See Page 41).

4.18 Just prior to the end of the match B1 again closes Fulton Road in preparation

for pedestrian flow back to Wembley Park Station. Police position resources

at the location to contain supporters on Olympic Way. Due to police presence

the closure is left with Police. B1 then proceeds to Engineers Way. (See page


4.19 B1 closes Engineers Way from Empire Way to First Way. No vehicular traffic

is permitted to travel between Rutherford Way and Empire Way. The closure

at the junction of First Way prohibits traffic flow westbound. However, traffic

exiting Rutherford Way is permitted to travel eastbound towards First Way. (See pages 44 & 45).

4.20 Once the car parks have emptied, closures are removed and the

environmental pickup of equipment is undertaken by H1 & H2. H1 will follow

the traffic along Great Central Way and remove the tidal flow scheme. Once

the pickup of equipment is complete the Control Room will close.

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Event Day Signage


Fig 2

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Great Central Way Tidal Flow 5.0 On event days, Great Central Way from the traffic light junction at Drury Way

to the junction of Fourth Way operates as a tidal flow system. (See pages 31-34).

5.1 The central cross hatched area which is marked with a red surface provides

an additional inbound lane for arrivals or outbound lane for dispersal. Cones placed along one edge of the cross hatchings enable the area to be used as an additional lane to provide two inbound and one outbound lane.

5.2 At half time cones are moved across onto the other edge of the cross hatched

area to provide two outbound lanes and one inbound for dispersals. 5.3 This facility become part of the 2012 Olympic Route Network and enabled the

provision of a dedicated lane for the Olympic Family.

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6. Highway Operation South Way 2-Way Scheme

6.1 Prior to the 2012 Olympics, Wembley National Stadium contracted Steer,

Davies, Gleave (SDG) Transport Consultancy to detail the traffic management

and operations plan for South Way to the East of the stadium.

6.2 There is a possibility that the scheme may be required on selected future

events. Therefore, it is appropriate that it should be included in this report.

6.3 The plans attached to this document were prepared by SDG in order to

implement a 2-way traffic flow on South Way between the junction of Fourth

Way and the junction of First Way during the post-match period. The intended

purpose is to provide an expeditious and direct access route to Great Central

Way from the ‘Green’ car park.

6.4 The current route from the ‘Green’ car park is via First Way, Fifth Way and

Fourth Way via the one-way system. This route becomes congested as

vehicles exiting pirate car park sites exit onto the network.

General Scheme

6.5 South Way between the Junctions with Fourth Way and First Way will operate

in both eastbound directions. A combination of cones and water filled barriers

will be placed along the white line in the centre of the carriageway to separate

east and westbound flows.

6.6 The tidal flow system on Great Central Way will operate as per normal

throughout the implementation of this scheme.

6.7 Traffic travelling eastbound on South Way will merge with traffic on Fourth

Way just east of the junction.

Junctions between Fourth Way and South Way

6.8 Vehicle exiting the Carey’s site opposite Carey Way will be permitted to turn

right onto South Way. This junction must be controlled by a traffic marshal

employed by City & Suburban Parking (CSP).

6.9 Eastbound traffic on South Way will be controlled by a Community Safety

Accreditation Officer (CSAS) traffic marshal who will be located at the junction

on the northern footway.

6.10 Westbound traffic on South Way will be controlled by a CSAS marshal located

at the junction on the southern footway.

6.11 The CSAS marshals will alternate priority of traffic exiting the Carey’s site and

that on South Way until such time as the car park has been emptied.

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6.12 Vehicles will not be permitted to turn right from Fourth Way into South Way

once the scheme has been implemented. The placement of cones in

accordance with the scheme drawing will prevent this manoeuvre. Emergency

Service, L.B Brent and the LoHAC contractor vehicles will be permitted to

make the manoeuvre. Cone must be replaced once the vehicle has passed

through the closure point.

6.13 Only Emergency vehicles will be permitted to turn left or right into Carey Way.

There will be a CSAC marshal at this location to assist will emergency vehicle


6.14 Drawing on page 36 shows the arrangement at the Fourth Way/South Way


Junction between First way and South Way

6.15 Traffic will not be permitted to turn right into Second Way from South Way,

other than emergency vehicles. There will be a CSAS traffic marshal at the

location to enforce this measure.

6.16 Vehicles exiting the car parks located at the Popin Building and VDC site will

not be permitted to turn right into South Way.

6.17 All vehicles travelling west towards Gate 5 must turn right into First Way and

follow the one-way system. No U-turning will be permitted at this junction. This

will be physically prevented with the use of water filled barriers and conning.

6.18 Traffic exiting the car park at Gate 5 will be directed into the temporary

eastbound lane on South Way.

6.19 The section of South Way, towards Wembley Hill Road will be closed to traffic

except emergency vehicles, consistent to normal event day operations.

6.20 Figure 40 shows the arrangement at the First Way/South Way junction.

Pedestrian Crossing Management

6.21 The management of pedestrian crossing is coordinated by the management

of vehicles exiting at Gate 5.

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South Way Drop Off/Pick Up

During events Second Way is used for Drop Off/Pick Up pre and post event.

Signs and cones are placed on the carriageway on South Way opposite the

junction of Second Way indicating the drop off/pick Up area.

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7.1 As am additional preparatory step for this event at 08h00 the Highways

Operations traffic management equipment drop-off tem (TM team) and

Highways 3 (H3) will pre drop, lay out and tape together a lone of 100 x 750

high traffic cones approximately 1.5m from the back of the southern footpath

on South Way along the Popin Centre front of building parking area leaving

gaps for pedestrian access.

7.2 H1 (Highways 1 – Great Central Way Crew) will take responsibility for the

removal of the scheme – post dispersal.

7.3 The H1 crew will start work at Pyramid House at 11h30 (2 hours prior to the

inbound tidal flow implementation) and immediately commence transportation

of 130 pre-loaded WFB’s (Water Filled barriers) to the northern pavement

opposite the Popin Centre on South Way.

7.4 The H1 crew and H3 will then drop and lay out the WFB’s in row of chains of 4

WFB’s linked together at the back of the Northern footpath of South Way from

Adam’s Bridge to the j/w South Way and First Way. The team will also lay out

a temporary taper of cones to the rear of the truck as they work near the bend

to deflect traffic into the left lane.

7.5 Once the truck has been emptied H1b will return to Pyramid House, load the

remaining WFB’s and return to site and continue the drop off.

7.6 When the operatives reach j/w First Way they will drop 40 WFB’s 15x2m

traffic rails and 16 WFB posts in the last two (west) parking bays of the Popin

front parking area for later use and then return to Pyramid House and stand

by until they receive the instruction to deploy the inbound tidal flow.

7.7 Once the inbound tidal flow has been deployed (with flashing yellow beacon

lights) H1a, b and c and H3 will then return to Pyramid House, load the

additional signage required for implementing the South way two way scheme

as well as the cones for use at Fourth Way (for the Fourth way lane merge

build out, Great Central Way inbound chicane build out opposite Carey’s and

the Carey way closure) and then proceed to pre-drop the signage and cones

at designated points along South way for use later in the day.

7.8 H3 (the morning Highways Co-ordinator), who would usually sign off just

before the H2 crew are deployed, will stay on to assist in deploying the

scheme in the role of team supervisor continuing to use the call sign of H3

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and will team up with H2d (the fourth H2 operative) in order to take over the

responsibility of the tidal flow switch over using a Chapter 8 compliant

Highways Van.

7.9 The afternoon Highways coordinator will take the afternoon H3 responsibility

as per usual when he/she signs on but will use the call sign Highways 4 (H4)

and will continue to oversee the activities of all Highways Operations

operatives as per usual for the remainder of the event. H4 will assist in the

deployment of the triangle closure as usual but will also provide hands on

cover for H2d’s role during triangle implementation.

7.10 At about 16h00, or when inbound traffic has been deemed by Brent Traffic

Control to be light enough, the H1 crew will begin to deploy the new two way

scheme starting at South way j/w Fourth Way – ensuring dropped off signs

are positioned accordingly, relevant permanent signage is blocked out and

cones are dropped and positioned as required. At the same time H3, H2d and

two operatives from Brent 1 will commence switch over of the tidal flow

starting at Drury Way.

7.11 As the H1 crew start to deploy the two way scheme they will begin by hanging

four specially designed ‘lane merge In Turn’ signs made from Corex from the

four ‘use Both Lanes’ flap type signs permanently located in Fourth Way.

7.12 The H1 crew will then lay out cones and signs along Fourth way near the

approach to South Way creating a taper which will both merge the two lanes

of traffic on Fourth Way into one lane. The crew will however leave the right

turn from Fourth Way into South Way open.

7.13 Once the lane merge scheme is completed, the H1 crew will proceed to the

Carey’s entrance in Great Central Way, use the entrance to safely turn their

truck around and commence setting out a line of cones down the centre of

South Way. In order to prevent operatives from traffic approaching from the

rear H1 crew will build a temporary coned taper near the Eastern end of the

traffic island at Fourth Way which will push inbound traffic into the left lane of

South Way until the tidal flow switch is fully implemented.

7.14 Just after the junction the H1 will build a second and third coned taper forming

a corridor from Fourth Way into the far side inbound lane of South Way

enabling right turning traffic from Fourth to join inbound traffic.

7.15 The H1 crew will also create a coned build out on the inbound approach to the

Carey’s car park exit forming a chicane to slow inbound traffic and they will

close the right turn into Carey Way with cones.

7.16 The H1 crew will then continue to deploy cones and signage along the length

of South Way until they reach the first stack of WFB’s after the bridge.

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7.17 Once the H1 crew has reached the WFB’s they will then proceed to move

them into the centre of the road and to lay them out (interlinked but not filled

with water) creating a solid barrier wall along the centre line of South Way

from the bent just after the bridge to the Gate 5 entrance. When the H1 crew

reaches Gate 5 at the junction of First Way they will also build a second WFB

wall (added WFB rail tops) across South Way as required – closing South


7.18 The H1 crew will then seal off the ‘mouth’ (or entrance point) to the outbound

contra flow lane with traffic cones.

7.19 Once the entrance to the contra flow lane has been sealed the crew will then

commence moving the taped cones along the front of the Popin Centre to the

roadside edge of the footpath. Once this part of the process is completed the

crew will stand by at this location.

7.20 When H3 reaches Fourth Way he/she will the remove the first temporary taper

placing flashing beacon lights on every fifth cone. H3 will however still leave

the second and third taper / corridor in place until the order is given to

implement full closure. H2d will at that point proceed to assist in his / her

normal duties at the triangle.

7.21 On confirmation that CSP have completed putting in controls on WNSL

property at the gate 5 exit and on instruction from Brent Traffic Control, H3

and the H1 crew will drive the full length of the newly implemented outbound

carriageway to ensure it is safe, driveable and TM compliant. H3 will then

communicate the ‘all clear / fit for use’ to Brent Traffic Control who will in turn

record this in their log and communicate it to all parties. H1a will however

remain behind at South Way j/w First way and join Brent 8 to monitor and if

required adjust the TM layout at that location during dispersal.

7.22 The remaining H1 crew and H3 will then proceed to and stand by at Fourth


7.23 When the instruction is given by Brent Traffic Control, H1b, H1c and H3 will

close the right turn from Fourth Way into South Way, remove the taper /

corridor, ensure the centre line of cones along South Way at that point is

made continuous and then stand by at that location to monitor for and rectify

TM displacements.

7.24 Once the Eastern end of the outbound contra flow lane is fully deployed and

considered fit for use H3 will inform Traffic Control who will in turn instruct

Brent 8 to open the Western end of the contra flow by removing the cones

when it is deemed appropriate.

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7.25 During dispersal H3 will remain in the vicinity in order to patrol the route on

foot monitoring for and rectifying breaches and displaced TM.

7.26 After dispersal is complete and instruction is given to open, the H1 crew will

remove the tidal flow as per normal and the H2 crew, after having completed

the removal of the triangle scheme, will then proceed to remove the South

Way Two Way scheme by:

a) re-opening Fourth Way and re-instating the taper / corridor

b) pushing all WFB’s onto the footpath

c) picking up all cones and TM

d fully opening Fourth Way and

e) returning to collect the WFB’s.


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8. CCTV Cameras

8.1 There are approximately 150 CCTV camera located throughout the borough

which are predominantly used for community safety and enforcement of

moving traffic offences.

8.2 The cameras are permanently recording images and are accessed on non-

event days from Brent’s Community Safety Control Room located within Brent

House and the Enforcement Control Room located within Pyramid House.

8.3 On Event days cameras can be accessed from the Event Control Room within

the stadium. In addition, access can also be gained to Transport for London

cameras enabling the event controller to view inbound/outbound traffic on the

A406 North Circular Road and the A40 Western Avenue from the borough

boundaries to the stadium.

8.4 The CCTV camera location plan on the following page shows the location of

cameras that are regularly accessed around the stadium area. These allow

the event controller to monitor traffic flows and identify areas of congestion

enabling then to alert police who in turn will assign a unit to the location.

9. Event Day Road Closures

9.1 Pre and Post Event certain road closures are required due to the heavy footfall of spectators attending the event. Closures are implemented when required at the direction of the Event Control Room.

9.2 Pre-event Fulton Road is closed 45min before kick-off to facilitate pedestrian

flow from Wembley Park Station to the stadium. Vehicular traffic is directed via Engineers Way. The road is reopened at the commencement of the event on the direction of the Control Room.

9.3 15mins prior to final whistle, Fulton Road, Engineers Way, London Road and

Wembley Hill Road are closed to all vehicular traffic. However, local residents are facilitated through the closure at Wembley Hill Road to attend their home address.

9.3 South Way between Wembley High Road and First Way on the southern side

of the stadium is closed 4 hrs before kick-off for the duration of the event and re-opened approximately 2hrs after the event gas ended.

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11. Event Day Provisional Timing Sheet

Attendance (K) 90

Car Parks Open ALL DAY

Start of main arrival period 17:00

Turnstiles Open 18:00

Kick Off 19:30

End of Event 21:15


South Way Two Way NO

CT Measures NO

Extra Time and Penalties NO

Sunset 16:59

Lighting YES


TM1 Cone & Tape Drop at Popin NO

H1 WFB drop at South Way north side and Popin NO

TM1 Equipment Drop Out (Finish By) 14:15


Control Room Open 15:00

B1 Drop Bollards White Horse Bridge 15:00

B1 Road Closure Advance Warning Signs 15:00

B1 Close South Way 15:30

H1 Inbound Tidal Flow Commences 15:30

B1 Wembley Hill Road Parking Bay Suspension 17:30

B1 Fulton Road Closure Arrivals 17:30 or when necessary


B1 London Road scheme implemented 19:15

KICK OFF 19:30

H1 Tidal Flow Switch to Dispersal 19:30 Earliest

H2 / B1 Triangle Preparation commences 20:15

B1 Chiltern Railway signs 20:30 Latest

H2 / B1 Triangle Closure implemented 21:00

TfL NCR lane drops last cone NONE

H1 First Way Lane Drop - Car Park Exit 21:00

B1 Fulton Road Closure Dispersals 21:00

B1 Engineers Way Closure - Dispersals 21:15

B1 Engineers Way / First Way Closure 21:15


TM1 Env Area pick up 21:45 Starting with Harrow Road areas

Car Park Arrangements NOTES Wembley Arena

Green Car Park Strictly Come Dancing

Red Car Park 1830hrs Doors

Yellow Car Park not in use 1930hrs Show start

2200hrs Finish

Public Transport Arrangements NOTES

Wembley Park

Wembley Stadium Queuing & bridge closed

Wembley Central Overbridge in use

Service Suspensions


Note timings driven by start of main arrival period

There are two pages to this document

Wednesday 06-02-13


International Football England v Brazil

23 | P a g e

Wembley Stadium Parking Protection Scheme Area

24 | P a g e

Flap Sign Routes

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CCTV Camera Locations

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MASTER LIST - Wembley Events Traffic Management Equipment List with lights 06/03/2012Page 1 (there are 2 pages to this document)

Crew Location





Traffic Cone
















from left








No Entry


No left



No Right











606 + 607

Left Turn





Event Day

Tow Away



Set Down

/ Pick Up


GCW Great Central Way Tidal Flow 0 330 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

GCW Great Central Way jw Hannah Close (contingency for banning Rt turn into Hannah Close) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0

GCW First Way (Adjacent to Gate 5) Lane Drop for dispersals 0 14 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

GCW South Way o/s Midnight Motors opposite illegal car park exit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0

GCW Carey Way - Slip road (to be dropped off after Tidal Flow Switch) for Police Use 0 12 4 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

GCW Stadium Way next to 'W' (as a contingency) 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

GCW GCW Total 0 376 77 1 2 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 0

TRI Wembley Hill Road, Empire Way to Wembley Park Drive 0 120 25 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0

TRI Empire Way Lane Drop o/s Tesco 0 15 3 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TRI Wembley Hill Road Rbt Closure (outside Tesco) 0 10 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TRI Wembley Hill Road j/w Stadium Way closure 0 10 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TRI Wembley Hill Road Northbound exit onto Rbt (outside Tesco) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TRI Wembley Hill Road - Stadium Way to Royal Route 0 100 20 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TRI Dagmar Ave jw Wembley Hill Rd Service Road 0 22 5 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0

TRI Dagmar Ave j/w Wembley Hill Road (Contingency closure) 0 10 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TRI Royal Route j/w Wembley Hill Road 0 15 4 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0

TRI South Way j/w Wembley Hill Road 0 15 4 0 0 0 2 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0TRI Wembley Hill Road South Way to Ecclestone Place incl junction 0 80 16 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

TRI Wembley Triangle - Triangle 0 100 25 0 4 0 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

TRI TRI Total 0 497 109 2 8 1 11 2 4 3 2 3 0 4 0 0 0

TM2 Engineers Way j/w First Way 0 10 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TM2 Fulton Road j/w Rutherford 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TM2 Fulton Road j/w Olympic Way (east side of raised crossing) 0 10 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TM2 Fulton Road j/w Olympic Way (West side of raised crossing) 0 10 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TM2 Fulton Road j/w Empire Way (northern footway) 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TM2 Fulton Road j/w Empire Way (southern footway) 0 5 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TM2 Wembley Park Drive j/w Empire Way 0 10 3 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TM2 Engineers Way j/w Empire Way 0 10 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TM2 Engineers Way - yellow box end of island nearest to rear of Arena 0 13 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TM2 Engineers Way immediately West of the Pedestrian Flyover adjacent to yellow car park exit 0 15 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TM2 Engineers Way j/w Rutherford Way 0 10 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TM2 South Way j/w First Way 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TM2 South Way - adjacent to exit from Pop-Inn building 0 8 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TM2 South Way at the entrance to Cemex Ready Mix 0 10 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TM2 South Way at the Entrance to the Ibis Hotel 0 10 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TM2 South Way j/w Wembley Hill Road 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TM2 Wembley Central Station - London Road j/w High Road 0 11 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 10 0 0

TM2 Wembley Central Station - London Road south of stn entrance outside No 54 0 6 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TM2 Wembley Central Station - London Road j/w Cecil Avenue 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TM2 Wembley Central Station - Rupert Avenue j/w Lonsdale Avenue 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TM2 Wembley Central Station - London Road j/w Rupert Avenue 0 6 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TM2 TM2 TOTAL 0 168 55 0 0 0 14 8 0 1 1 0 0 0 10 0 0

TM1 Great Central Way j/w Hannah Close 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4

TM1 Wembley Hill Road Service Road 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TM1 Environmental Protection Zones (EPZ's) 0 103 58 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 0

TM! TM1 TOTAL 35 103 58 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 4

GRAND TOTAL 35 1144 299 3 10 1 27 10 4 4 6 3 2 4 10 29 4

30 | P a g e

MASTER LIST - Wembley Events Traffic Management Equipment List with lights 06/03/2012Page 2 (There are two pages to this document)

Crew Location





Traffic Cone
















from left








No Entry


No left



No Right











606 + 607

Left Turn





Event Day

Tow Away



Set Down

/ Pick Up



TM2 Wembley Central Station - Station Grove j/w Union Road 0 10 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TM2 Wembley Central Station - Union Road j/w Park Road 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TM2 Wembley Central Station - Copland Road j/w Montrose Crescent 0 8 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TM2 Wembley Central Station - Montrose Crescent j/w Station Grove 0 10 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TM2 STATION GROVE SCHEMES TOTAL 0 31 9 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

31 | P a g e

Great Central Way Inbound Drawing

Great Central Way Inbound Drawing

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33 | P a g e

Great Central Way Outbound Drawing

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Great Central Way Outbound Drawing

35 | P a g e

Road Closures and Banned Turns

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Conference Centre Scheme

39 | P a g e

Triangle Scheme

40 | P a g e

Station Road Scheme

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Gate 5 Lane Drop

42 | P a g e

London Road Closure

43 | P a g e

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Engineers Way/Empire Way TM Drawing

45 | P a g e

North Circular Road Lane Drop

46 | P a g e
