weoley hill church news · every case the person was fortunate to come into contact with a ......

Weoley Hill Church News February 2016

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Page 1: Weoley Hill Church News · every case the person was fortunate to come into contact with a ... Samantha Evans and family, Alan’s father Roger, ... digested by Christians

Weoley Hill Church News February 2016

Page 2: Weoley Hill Church News · every case the person was fortunate to come into contact with a ... Samantha Evans and family, Alan’s father Roger, ... digested by Christians

From the Interim Moderator—Thoughts from The Cottage

Dear Friends

I do not want the church to survive, neither do I want it to die. I

want it to flourish and grow, both numerically and in

discipleship, ie growing closer to Jesus. And I hope to see both

during my lifetime. How will it happen? Let me begin by sharing

some stories of hope, all of people I know or have met but I will

preserve their anonymity.

Firstly two ladies were waiting for a bus, they did not know each

other but they began talking. When the bus came they got on and

sat next to each other and continued talking. It transpired that

one was new to the area and so the other proceeded to tell her

about the area and mentioned the church she went to. She made

it sound so interesting that the newcomer decided, without

telling her friend, that it was time to stop travelling back to the

church where she used to live and try this local one. She turned

up one Sunday with her husband and both quickly became

involved in the church and made a significant contribution to its

life and witness until they moved away. A simple conversation

with significant results.

Secondly a minister of a church who as a young woman had had a

succession of short term relationships with men but began going

to a church which preached both the love of God that accepts

everyone and the need for discipleship in response to that love.

She soon came to realise that her lifestyle was not right and that

the only rightful place for sexual relations was within the

marriage of a man and woman. She changed her lifestyle

overnight, became a committed Christian and eventually trained

for ministry but she never married. This story is not unique and I

could tell similar stories where the background was drug or

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alcohol addiction, crime, violence or other wrong lifestyles. In

every case the person was fortunate to come into contact with a

church that truly demonstrated God’s love for everyone and also

encouraged radical discipleship.

The third story is not of an individual but of a church, in fact

several churches. Even a church which gets the welcome and the

discipleship will not grow right unless the membership shares

together in prayer, support and sharing their testimony with

each other. I have seen churches where sharing their testimony

and praying with each other has given people the confidence to

do the same outside the church.

So back to the beginning. How will my hope for the church be

realised? Quite simply by being the best that we can be and that

is done by allowing God to work in our lives, encouraging,

challenging and changing us. It is my hope that through the

power of the Holy Spirit we give the best welcome, best

acceptance of everyone, offer the best worship and activities,

encourage the best radical discipleship and be the most

supportive we can be. It is my hope that we will not conform to

society but to God alone, ordering our life according to his will. It

is my hope that as we do this we will experience the joy of a

growing church as people are attracted by our lifestyle and by

our positive attitude to peace making, justice, fair trade, refugees

and the marginalised in our society. There is no doubt that

people are attracted to a church that is radically different to

society. Jesus said ‘My kingdom is not of this world’ (John 18:36),

Paul said ‘Be not conformed to the pattern of this world’

(Romans 12:2). This is my hope – transformation of individuals,

church & world.


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Personalia Our thoughts and prayers are with Chris, Georgina,

Antony and Isabelle Mayhew, following Jessica’s sudden

death on 15 January.

Please remember Robert Cope, Deborah Moriaty, Gill Hitchin,

Samantha Evans and family, Alan’s father Roger, Mary

Fletcher and Ina and Peter Clason.

Deborah Moriaty and Gill Hitchin both report that they are

doing well. Mary Fletcher’s knee surgery was scheduled for 5

February. Peter Clason is now in Sellywood House, but is not

seeing visitors other than family.

Encountering God in...

From 12 to 15 July 2016, at the Windermere Centre, the URC

Retreat Group is offering a patchwork of retreat experiences,

where you will be guided in a range of ways to encounter God:

such as, lectio divina, creative arts, labyrinth walking, journaling,

walking with God, silence. Some may be familiar, but God might

be waiting to meet you in other ways.

Spending time intentionally seeking company with God can

refresh us on our faith journey and give spiritual energy for the

next stage.

If you have not been on a retreat before, this will offer a gentle

taster experience to help you choose the kind of retreat that will

restore you in future.

For more information email Kathryn Price.

[email protected]

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Neighbourhood News News and events from other local churches:

Ash Wednesday service at Selly Oak Methodist, 7.30 PM on

10 February.

Birmingham City Mission’s Sponsored Sleepout

A Friday night in a cardboard box to raise funds for

Birmingham City Mission’s work with homeless people and a

chance to find out what it’s really like to sleep rough. Friday

26 February 2016

To get involved call 0121 766 6603 or

[email protected]

More details available at www.birminghamcitymission.co.uk


This next social event is on Saturday 19 March with the

usual ticket of £6 per person to include the meal—fish,

chips, peas, bread and butter, sauces and pickles with

hot drinks—and quiz entrance fee. Arrive around 6 PM

to find a table for a team of 6, then 6.30 for a prompt

start to eat around 7.30-8. There will be a raffle with all

profits raised going towards the church Benevolent

Fund. We should finish about 9 PM so no-one stays up

too late! LD

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Lent, Holy Week & Easter Ash Wednesday service at Selly Oak Methodist Wednesday 10 at 7.30 PM:

Lent Study Groups, starting week of 15 February

Mondays at 11.00 AM: at Selly Oak Methodist

Tuesdays at 2.00 PM: at Weoley Hill, Lower Hall

Wednesdays at 7.30 PM: at St Mary's

Lent lunches, Saturdays 12-1.30 PM.

27 February at Weoley Hill

5 March at St Mary's

12 March at Selly Oak Methodist

Women's World Day of Prayer service here Friday 4 March, 10.30 AM

Mothering Sunday Communion 6 March at 10.30 AM

Palm Sunday Worship 20 March at 10.30 AM

Palm Sunday Choral Evensong at St Mary's 20 March at 6.30 PM

Maundy Thursday worship here Thursday 24 March at 7.30 PM

Good Friday worship 25 March at 7.30 PM

Easter Dawn service. Sunday 27 March at 7 AM, breakfast after. Easter Sunday Worship & Communion

March at 10.30 AM.

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Dates for your March diary that didn’t fit in the main calendar

Tuesday 1 2.00 PM: Lent Group, Lower Hall



1.00 PM: Lunch Club. Names to Nancy Nicholls

7.30 PM: Lent Group at St Mary's

Friday 4

10.30 AM: Women's World Day of Prayer service



10.30 AM: Community Garden Group

12-1.30 PM: Lent lunch at St Mary's



10.30 AM: Mothering Sunday Communion Service led by the Revd Bill Dixon. Retiring collection for the Benevolent Fund. City Mission collection



11.00 AM: Lent Group at Selly Oak Methodist

7.30 PM: Prayer Group

Tuesday 8 2.00 PM: Lent Group, Lower Hall



2.30 PM: Friendship Group. Craft session.

7.30 PM: F&B meeting

7.30 PM: Lent Group at St Mary's

Friday 11 6.30 PM: Community Choir

Saturday 12 12-1.30 PM:

Lent lunch at Selly Oak Methodist

Sunday 13

10.30 AM: Worship led by Blair Kesseler. Traidcraft after worship.

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A Shoeshop Parable

It is strange how often very little things from childhood stick in

the memory, acquiring much deeper meanings perhaps as we

grow older. One such incident in my own life revolves around

trips to our local market town, where there was a shoe shop in

the High Street.

A permanent feature of their window display was an advertising

placard for Start-rite shoes. The brand is still around, but I’m not

sure they use the same advert any longer. It showed two little

children, one smaller than the other, walking at the start of a

long, straight, tree-lined road stretching away into the far, far

distance, a bit like those poplar-girt ‘pave’ that you find in


The image stuck in my mind, the symbolism obvious. Later, after

I became a Christian it took on a new meaning which I’ve long

found of great comfort.

The road, of course, is ‘the road of life’, and the two children are

Jesus, the bigger of the two, and me, hand in hand as we walk

down it. It speaks tremendously to me of security and assurance,

particularly in the more troubled times of life. We are never

alone, our big brother is always there to guide and protect us; far

wiser, caring and compassionate. Thank God for that.

John Davies

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ON THE EDGE 25-28 April 2016 A retreat at the Windermere Centre: God present or absent? Who or what is God anyway? ‘On the Edge’ is the fourth in a series of retreats exploring Christian faith in the contemporary world. In this new retreat of 2016 the planning group offers an opportunity to explore faith as we experience it individually, to learn from each other in the safe environment of small facilitated groups, and to share thoughts in the large group. The programme includes time for silent and corporate prayer, and the Eucharist. One of the many themes we may consider is the absence and presence of God, as expressed by R.S.Thomas in his poem The Absence: It is this great absence/ that is like a presence, that compels/ me to address it without hope/ of a reply . . . . John Robinson’s Honest to God was published to great fanfare more than fifty years ago, but its lessons have on the whole been but ill-digested by Christians. This retreat may also help unfold some of the themes of that book.

015394 44902 [email protected] http://windermere.urc.org.uk

Community Garden

Work on the Community Garden begins again on Saturday 5 March at10.30 AM. See Marilyn Raw for details.

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FRIENDSHIP GROUP At our January meeting 14 members came together to

discuss future plans, (and have tea and cake!) giving

lots of suggestions for topics and speakers. From this

interesting meeting (with cake!), several things were

decided which will enable the group to continue.

The group will continue to meet every second

Wednesday of the month, 2.15 PM for a 2.30 PM


We will meet in the John Kydd hall as this is

brighter and more spacious than the lower hall,

unless a speaker requires the screen and

darkened room for their presentation.

Members will be asked to give a donation of 50 p

each time if possible to cover costs of drinks,

craft and food items etc and speaker’s expenses,

but also for perhaps an extra donation of any

amount if there is a charity involved in some


There will be practical activities as well as the

usual trips and occasional speakers but

sometimes just a chat (with cake!).

Whilst accepting members have prior

commitments, holiday plans, personal

appointments or sometimes just feeling poorly

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and so cannot attend, if we are informed in time

we can arrange lifts to and from the meetings so

that numbers do not drop too low. Most months

are now arranged, or awaiting confirmation, so a

full programme is planned for 2016.

Thanks to Nancy and Gini for making the cakes, and

best wishes for a speedy recovery to Deborah Moriaty

who is still feeling ill and has missed our recent


Our next meeting is Wednesday 12 February when Lyn

Ankcorn will tell us about the work of the Birmingham

Crisis Centre, for whom we collected clothes last year,

(and we will also have pancakes with toppings as it is

Ash Wednesday!)

Lorraine 624 1247, Nancy 475 4980, Cheryl 475 6338—

Many Thanks.

The Leprosy Mission. Please continue your support of TLM’s excellent work.

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Malvern Science and Faith Weekend 2016 4-6 March

Compassion The theme for the 2016 Weekend is Compassion. There are

practical aspects to the theme which are reflected in the different

sessions. These include Education, Science, Healthcare,

Economics and Faith perspectives. The speakers at the 2016

Malvern Science and Faith Weekend will address the topic of

Compassion from their own standpoints, and the accompanying

discussions and activities will allow participants to follow up

their own interests within this overall theme.

The art and science activity day for children is an essential part

of the Weekend. This year, it includes a cartoon workshop as well

as demonstrations and art activities.

There is no charge for entry to events at Malvern Science and

Faith Weekend, though, there are considerable expenses. As in

previous years, we will ask at each event for your donations

towards those costs.

Contact and booking details

Website: www.scienceandfaith.org.uk

Booking: msf2016.eventbrite.co.uk

Facebook: facebook.com/


Twitter: @MalvernSF

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01684 565708

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A comedy by

Graham Linehan By special arrangement with StudioCanal

& Fiery Angel Ltd, London

Thursday 18 February 2016 at 7.30 PM

Friday 19 February 2016 at 7.30 PM

Saturday 20 February 2016 at 6.30 PM

Tickets cost £7 and are available from The Church at Carrs

Lane, telephone 0121 643 6151, from members of Carrs Lane

Players or request by email to [email protected]

Suppers will be served before the play at 6.00 PM on

Thursday and Friday priced at £5. Late afternoon tea at

5.00 PM on Saturday costs £4. There is limited space

available for meals, so you are advised to book early to

avoid disappointment

A donation to charity will be made from the proceeds

Carrs Lane Players

The Ladykillers



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“I love the Lord because He hears and answers my prayers. Because He

bends down and listens I will pray as long as I have breath!” Ps 116:1&2


Church members Local people, places & events

1-7 Feb The Mayhew family

Grace & Joy Carter

Kailash, Asha, Zim Roshni,

Reshma & Ranjana Chatry

Individuals that feel alone within our local area

WHURC outreach to our local community

8–14 Feb

Juliet Chideya and family

Jinsub Chung, Youngsun

Park, Edward & Grace


Peter and Ina Clason

URC Youth & Children’s Work

Local schools, especially Green Meadow & Northfield Manor Primary schools

Families within our local area

15–21 Feb

David and Joyce Cope

Susan Cope

Catherine Cope, Emily &


Residents settling into the new Bournville Gardens development

The management, staff and residents of Bryony and Selly Wood House

22–28 Feb

Alan, Lydia, Jacob, Esther,

Levi and Joel Cotgreave

Roger and Val Cotgreave

Public services and public servants including staff based at Bournville Police Station and the doctors and health workers within our local area

29–6 Mar

Fred and Lorraine DaCosta

Ken and Maureen


Gary Davenport

Sister Churches serving the local area, and the relationships between us all.