wes tha mpton, quogue, and thea tr e...

Modern society, the younger generation and a terrific harvest from past indiscretions figure in a kaleidoscopic romance in "Letty Lynton ," in which Joan Crawford and Robert Montgomery will be seen at the Riverhead Theatre to- day ami Friday. The story i.? based on the problems faced by an heir- ess who played with men ' s loves and found herself in a trap of her own making. Also on this pro- gra m is an Ownie Carmichael com- edy and the Paramount News. Elissa Landi , Ralph Bellamy and Neil Hamilton are the featured players in "The Woman in Room 13. " one of the two attractions that will be shown at this popular play- house on Saturday, June 4 . The companion feature is "South of the Rio Grande " and stars that favorite western actor , Buck Jones. There is also a cartoon on this program and the ninth thrilling chapter of "The Airmail Mystery. " Feifui mauCua avc continuous at this theatre on Saturday with the I first show beginnii.g at 2:30 , the second at 5:15 and the last com- plete show at 8:30. Jimmy Walker ' s be »r parade and Metro-Goldwyn' s film story, "The Wet Parade , " have much in common in that they are both asso- ciated with that much discussed subject , prohibition. Metro has produced a film picture that covers three national periods , the pre- war era, the war years during which the prohibition anaetment was passed and the modern period in which flagrant disregard of the law has given rise to innumerable dramatic conflicts 2nd has result- ed in such typically modern phe- nomena as racketeers , crime waves, political corruption, kidnapping rings, speakeasies and graft in iiunuruuo of forms, io iiilerrupL this story Metro has chosen such finished performers as Vr r alter Hus- ton , Lewis Stone, Dorothy Jordan , Neil Hamilton , Emma Dunn , Jimmy Durante, Myrna Loy, John Miljan and many others. The picture is twice the length of the usual film and runs two hours but the specta- tor will find every second of it in- teresting and entertaining. "The Wet Parade " will be shown at the Riverhead Theatre on Sunday and Monday. George Bancroft and Miriam Hopkins are co-starred in "The World and the Flesh ," the attrac- tion for Tuesday and Wednesday. The story is a swashbuckling ad- venture with thrills aplenty. RIVERHEAD THEATRE ' loan Crawford and Robert Montgomery in a scene from "Letty Lynton " , showing Thursilay-Friday, June 2-3, at the Kjuerhcad Theatre. Coming to the Riverhead maaaaakxf . ^^^ ^^^ ' j • • • • REO I a year and a half ahead ' Motors cars with the air-cleaving lines of I the speed boat , the racing car and the air- plane ! Sleek, fast-flowing lines that cut through the wind and the atmosphere with dartlike speed and ease! Reducing air re- j sistance by 18.4 per cent. Eliminating those pressure areas and edd y pockets that steal i so much costl y engine power from the con- I ventional type of vehicle. Lines so dis- j tsngaished for their beauty that nearly ! every sty le show in Europe, during the pa st \I£*<tt* 1*»^tn*«*J*»*-I K Aft Iwwcw- l^«»-.^—« * fT^. -v' -S ...,w- ...... . if.- . -vi'svu iiv" in ci il-JllUi^. Aj*giiil/i>fi J months ago Reo introduced this ultra-mod- ern aerodynamic desi gn in the famous Reo- Royale. Now the princi ple is applied with j equall y striking effect to the new Reo Fly- ! ing Cloud at a much lower price. See and [ I drive these magnificent new Reos! Notice j on every hand that builders are paying Reo ; the honest compliment of emulation. And | remember that a yea r and a half' s start has I enabled Reo to perfect aerod ynamic refine- ments of vital import which are embodied in the 1932 cars now on display. REO FLYING CLOUDS $ % % % and up to $1565.00 •**W m 9 USED CARS To make room for the new incoming care we are offering drastic price reductions on our entire used car stock. Many models from which lo choose and at prices to fit your pocketbook. Come in and look around 8200 and up TERMS AND TRADES WM. L. MANTHA CO. "27 Years a REO Dealer" | BAYPORT, L. I . Phone Bayport 348 ••P^J jHfi ™« *** ¦ * TraU i rllV ^H^ iflK A17E"lrea<1 miles of earth and ' ' l^u39RB^ ^ "1 |§8 Tf stone, waiting, hoping, J^tWBSS^^i . -**>• ^ seel "ng for the castle at the MBBBW ^^ -*jj^ en< ' of ! ' ie ,ra "; lne castle in J^T^ ~gj which we hope lo find the feast ^" xils ^. jfo. !i X of ,he b,eas fca\ the wine of the *ral^ -I—Jr^ssWVii (ia'&VX nol] ' e an< ' ,ne golden cradle of »(Wjj^^^^ ^31*^jx !3 eternal peace. The castle waits ^S y^^^^ " (^j ffjP ttj'*S ,0 welcome un all , and our Host I^JIJffM ^^^^^^ fl jTT '" aS W ' 1rm ° f 1 "' arl and K«ntle g SKjSOH jj ii p ^ il^^l faltered on the path as to those RIVERHEAD FUNERAL HOME EUGENE KANE 118 East Main Street 3 Doors from Con«r e »»>i on2l Church RIVERHEAD, N. Y. j0 - e-"oaal Lhurc" Lady Always in Attendance Tellnh^ S5? NINGHAM AMB ULANCE SERVICR-D.V or Nicht Telephone 2075 Telephone 2585 *»^*—* ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - - - - i i j- " - —— 1 ¦ -— ' , ¦ i m i ¦ II m a^ ^ i | B,.,- . ; , f, i , mi,,)——J ^ I w* ii i i ¦ MI -. ¦ ' m ml lmi!»Tw^ ^ m ^ u iw^!£ w *wm iw7rZ ^^^^ ^i ¦¦ ' ^^^rZ^^^^^ TJ Thurs.-Fri. June 2-S\Sat. Onl y June 4 ^r-* i If inatitoimmw mmwmrmmmm imm ^ '*- - , T SSlMMliMlA ^""'"MiMITi Mm ' Jjp of a Girl J What ^HFIISK ILI/SPS yS^W and Her i| Happened WJTJI I M . IffiMORD ^^iM ^^/ ISPS- v* >^x ^omm m r* . "TeWlM ' ^l- Mf rf ' ¦ ¦ ^rV / X' ri ftS -TV «UHAIH£IOII V * 1 «0»*\ CflBn "1*1 < xViW ^ Mywtt ioy \ LJ^^Rij i "I BUCK JONES in gL, >«MlP " "<"South of the Rio Grande " Sun. -Mon. June 5- 6i\Tue. -Wed. J une 7-8 ^^ SiCl^P'li gk lHlWOMD (MBBwfVL l^msaaaamaW^ r AND ' ^ W ^ pARAOE i;Hi Jtt! li 8J A **UX^\ WMm'Um < > maaaa% ^aWmm ^W (jmt J^ y^ii uiMl l'B^S ^m^Wr^^ MATINEE HT7W ^^^r^ lECL*^^i^r^^^^Hl ^9 Week Days 3 9 gjk iB 5 amW ^ wBrrWw I H IS HH 5 I ^|^L^*V^*^"^"^^" II ^' VM '^^ H VJH Thursday-Friday-Saturday Sunday Thru Wednesday BAXTER IN HSUifK ial KAREN MORLEV <-l\l- m About Town' Jaffiai ^MX^T^fflgJIiElf CONWAY TEARI.E MaU AbOUt l0W " . ¦ aHllW Kfil fc Bllffliai li l 5 Acts Prudential Vaudeville 5 Acts Prudential Vaudeville - .. ~ VATOI1TTV f \V V X TtilTlVd l'amous naaio stars t ruuu i * , v^ *. r -* »-»¦ -« * * ..^^> KELLER SISTERS and LYNCH 18 PeoPie-Broadway cas, 4 OTHER UNEQUALLED ACTS A Modern Stage Kevue WESTHAMFTON BEACH Phone 1221 MATS: Wed. S:S0 SaL-Stm. 2:30 EVERY EVENING 7:15 - 9:15 Saturday June 4 DOUBLE FEATURE ¦ Plus RICHARD TALMAGE in "SCAREHEADS" Sun. -Mon. June 5-6 Cy ^fisssD Tues. -Wed. June 7-8 V ^JMawW l - MAURICE i^JOjFWUH Ws& f l&LA ~ ' M«£0OWALD GtNEVItVf TMIN ^^^^^ CMAKtU KutSUI Thurs.-Fri. June 9-10 ^EHMMMNHPH^H O T-SL 0m rf \ S [j eciul Kiddie Matinee nriTTtTT* «r* xiicxx. at oi"*a Showing ' ' Puss h Boots With a Cast of 65 Children WESTHAMPTON Mrs. Unhurt Ai' i;ut spent las week, in New York nt the home o her mother , .Mrs. A. HlyiUiiburir h who har. been very ill. Mrs. L. I.. Hishop, ' .Mrs. Krnes J. Brocket! , Mrs. Sidney lleti . ia min , Mrs. A. II. Raynor , .Mrs. J M. iKaynor , Mrs. J. T. Sam mis am Mrs Fred Raynor were (rui-sls ol Mrs. George Ko^cs at a bridRi party on Tuesday afternoon. 'Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Raynoi and famil y moved into their Htieno Visla cottaire this week , when they will spend the summer. .Mr. anil Mrs . M. J. Van C' ott ware Sunday guests °f -^' r - an( ' Mrs. G S. .lourneay in Kast Mor- iches. A food sale for the henefit of the West M. E. Church Sunday School will be held on the church lawns on ;Saturilay, June -1th, from 10 o' clock on through the day. Mrs. Alonzo K. Carter and Mrs. Robert Argue are in charge with the assistance of other of the teachers of the Sunday School. A number of local people at- tended the card party given by the Beach M. E. Church Guild at the home of William Miller on Thurs- day afternoon. NOW OPEN AT WEST MAIN STREET, RIVERHEAD , indoor SPORTLAND. Miniature golf , shuffleboards , ping pong tables , and other games of skill. Visitors welcome. —Advt. 38tfc At the recent elections taken at the Beach School in the grades , the results were : 7th grade: Best physique , ihdith IBaum; best lock- ing, John Novick most mannerly, Edith Baum. 8th grade: Most popular , Louis Raynor; did most for grade , John Havens, Helen Culver; best athlete , John Bau- drowski; best sportsmanship in athletics , Louis Kaynor; best, physique , Virginia Losee . Louis Raynor; best student , Helen Cul- ver; best looking, Helen Jaslofski , Louis Raynor; most mannerly, Virginia Losee , Joseph White; best all around , Elsie Rogers , and Louis IRaynor. Mrs. Martin Prager , Mrs. Julius ILind , Mrs. Marie Goldman , Mrs. Michael Schummacher, Mrs. Carl ILarsen , Mrs.. Anton Johnson , Mrs. Henry Shipman , Mrs. Otto Kam , - merer , Mrs. Ludwig Farrer , Mrs. Jacob JSckart , Mrs. Henry White , Mrs. iLuhrssen, Mrs. Jusepii Weaver and Mrs . Thomas Stevens were guests at a surprise party for Mrs. Frank 'Hajek, ' at her home in honor of her birthday on Thursday afternoon. Cards afford- ed amusement. The Men' s Club of the West M. E. Church plan to hold Ladies ' 'Night at their next supper at the church dining rooms in June. 'Mrs. Eugene "Wilcox spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles 0. Wilcox. (Mr. and Mrs. Herbert R. Culver , Mrs. A. J. Hallock and Mrs. Lewis A. Hallock will attend the gradua- tion exercises of Miss Amy Cul- ver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs . Cul- ver, at Rogers Hall , 'Lowell , Mass., on Tuesday, June 7th , spending several days there. Miss Culver will then return home with the party to spend the summer at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller , of Mi. Vernon , formerly of wesl- hampton , spent the week-end at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. John Shira. Mr. and Mrs.. George Hutt spent the holiday week-end visiting Mr. Hutt' s parents at Middietown , N. Y. and Mrs. Halt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob L. Messinger in Kingston , IN. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Owen had as house guests for the holi- day week-end , Mrs. Cloruinle Titus and Mr. and Mrs. iB. Milton Owen , of White Plains , N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Kaynor cntertaiiu'ii over the week-end , 'Halcigh iRaynor , of New York and Frank Schweinsberger and familv, of Hollis. Mr. and Mrs. Andre I' arter of Bridgeport , Conn., were guests during the week-end of Mrs. Parter ' s sister and famil y, Mr. and Mrs. James Chambers. Mrs. J. H. Rollins and Miss Joan 'Halloek , of Brooklyn , spent the week-end as guests of Mrs. A. J. Hallock. Mr. ami Mrs. Howard Tuthill , of Jamesport , have moved into the Winters ' homestead on the Mon- tauk highway. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur King and two children , of Queens Village , were guests for the week-end of his parents , Mr. and Mrs. William A. King. IMr. and Mrs. 'Luther B. Cook enjoyed a visit from a friend , A. M. Bedwin , of Stanford , Conn., for the holiday week-end. IMrs. Harold Wright , Mrs. Har- old Culver , Mrs. John G. Raynor , Mrs. Vernon ^ Fountain and Miss Lillian Nichols were local mem- bers who attended the meeting of the Suffolk Countv -Fast Council- ors ' Association of the Daughters of America , at Welfare Council , 'Eastport , on Friday. A covered dish luncheon was served and cards followed a business session. The next meeting will be in June , at Babylon. Miss Zylpha iBishop has been visiting friends in New Jersey for the past week. During the week- end , Miss -Bishop 's parents , Mr. and Mrs. Gaston 'Bishop, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Scoffield in Bogata , N. J. Miss Mary Alice Barker , of Brooklyn , Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Van iPoperirig and children of Greenport , and Rodney Pierson , of Mattituck , were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Floyd Pierson. Mrs. Susan iPierson and daughte r , iMiss Helen Pierson , have been vis- iting for . several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Pierson. Mr. and Mrs. Korher . of Troy, N. Y., spent the week-end with 'Mr. and Mrs. John B. Cook. About 23 friends of Mr. and Mrs. Chester S. (Raynor surprised them with a dinner party at the Eay- nor ' s Red Or»eV cottage on Satur- day evening, in honor of Mr. iKay- nor ' s birthday. Card s were played after dinner. Mr. and iMrs. W. A. Leonard and family and Mr. Frohnooffer , of Flushing, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Wilcox. The whole party enjoyed a picnic at the Wilcox cottage at iPeconic for the holiday. Arthur Raynor , son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. iRaynor , celebrated his 12th birthday on Memorial Day, who with a number of guests, enjoyed airplane flights over the Moriches Inlet. Miss -Lois Thurston , of Mont- clair , N. J., entertained a number of friends at a house party at the Thurston cottage, ©une road, over the week-end and holiday. A communication from the Post Office Officials at Washington was recently received by the West- hampton Association , in reference to the application of A. Eugene Nichols to the spelling of "West- hampton as one word. The change will 'be made. Mr. and Mrs. 'Donald (Nicholson and family, of St. ABbans and Mr. and Mrs. Philip iHaberman and children , of Aquebogue , were gueits during the holiday week-end of Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Heinrich. Mr. and Mrs. iDaniel Raynor had as house guests during the week- end and holiday IMr. and Mrs. Frank Noian and two children , 'Frank. Jr., and Noreen , Mrs. J. A. Kunkel , Mr. Mendell Breely and Frank Stoddart , all of Flatbush ; Mr. IStoddart will spend his two weeks' vacation at the Raynor home. Other guests during the week were Mrs. Mary Cody, Miss S. K. Murphy and Thomas L. iMur- phy, of Port Jefferson. Mrs. Charlotte Gordon , IMr. and Mrs. Harold IH. Mills, Harol d Mills , Jr., Mr. and -Mrs. Merlon Van Cott, Alma Van Colt , Leona Van Cott , Mr. and Mrs. George S. Journeay and E. C. Van Cott enjoyed a pic- nic to Wildwood 'Park on (Decor- ation Day. Jesse Raynor , who has been quite ill , has recovered and is about his duties with the local Standard Oil Company office again. Mrs. ID. "Willard Smith and daughter returned home on Wed- nesday from a several weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. A. Nelson in Munsey, N. Y. A number of local people attend- ed the card party given for the benefit of the Beach iM. E. Church Guild at the home of .William Mil- ler on Tnursday afternoon at 2 o' clock. The committee in charge were, chairman , IMrs. Donald Al- len , Mrs. William MeClane, Mrs. Walter Shaw, Mrs. "Franklin Foley, Mrs. iWinfield Jessup, Mrs. E. J. C. Smith and Mrs. Henry Wilt. Re- freshments were served. Henry Pavlak , who was injured in an automobile accident at iFord- hani "s Mill , one night several weeks ago , has recovered and is back at his position in Roulston 's store in Quogue. Mr. anil Mrs. Frank 'Howell , of 'Miami , Fli.rdia , arrived at the home of their daughter and familv, Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Bishop, last week , where they will spend the summer. Mr. Howell is acting as second tender at the West Bay .Bridge. Wv. -ley Culver , son of Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Culver, for the coming year has been elected president of the I' re-Medicai Club of Mary- villo College . Tenn., where he is a student . Wesley arrives home next week for the summer vacation. IW. J.. Nauss and family, of 1' elham Manor , opened his cottage for the summer season , during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jones of New York City, spent the week- end at their Pond IPoint cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo E. Carter had as house guests for the holi- day week-end , Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo E. Carter , Jr., and sonT Robert , Mrs . George Blea m, 'Mrs. Esther Weller , Miss Esther Bleam and fiance , iRalph Weller , all of Brook- lyn. Mr. and Mrs. -Douglas Brown , ..Yir. anu .rirs. /vsnley j JUK CUH , Ltj isa Elizabeth Halsted , Carl o °flug and William Wood were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert C. Halsted , Jr., of Garden City and Westhampton , at a dinner part y on Wednesday evening. ^Following dinner the party enjoyed the polo games at the Horse Show Stables. Mr. and iMrs. Frank Tiebont and two sons, John and Steven , of New York City were guests during the week-end of Mrs. Hettic Nichols and Miss Lillian (Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Chester iS. Haynor , Mr. and Mrs. John G. Raynor , Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Stevens, Mrs. Ket- tle Nichols-and IMiss .Lillian Nich- ols enjoyed a surprise party on Mr. and Mrs. Louis iNichols on Monday -evening in honor of Mrs. Nichols ' birthday. Cards afforded amusement and refreshments of salad , sandwiches, cake and coffee were served. Mrs. A. J. Hallock entertained the members of the Ladies' Aid Society of the We«t M. E. Church at her home on Wednesday after- noon. Mrs. George M. 'Fox and two children , Elizabeth Ann and Stuart , left «n Saturday for a visit at Mrs. Fox' s former home at North Attleboro, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Russell 'Kiernan , of Brooklyn, have opened their Pond Point cottage for the summer. 'Miss Sara Raynor , of Barnard College and a friend , Miss Mary Seetphen , of Freeport , spent the week-end and holiday with Miss iRaynor' s mother , Mrs. Mabel iB. iRaynor. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hallock and daughter, Joan , of Brooklyn , spent the week-end with his mother , Mrs. A. J. (Hallock. Misses Daisy " Charot and Jessie -Prall , of New York, were at their .Pond Point cott?ge for the holiday week-end. Mrs. iSidney M. Benjamin , Mrs. Ernest J. Brockett , Mrs. Leonard L. Bishop, Mrs. Augustus Raynor , Mrs. J. T. Sammis, Mrs. J. Mitchel Eaynor and Mrs. George Rogers were guests of Sirs. UTed Kaynor at a bridge party at her home in Remsenburg on Tuesday afternoon. (Refreshments were served and prizes were won by Mrs. Mitchel Raynor, Mrs. Brockett and Mrs. A. Raynor. Leonard Jarvis who has been working for the Quogue Plumbing Company, is now employed in the Grimshaw and Palmer Hardware store for the summer. The 'Westhampton Square Club will hold their annual dance in the Westhampton Country Club on :Fridav evening, June 10th. Music 'by Bill Nash' s Eight Singing Mel- ody Syneopators of Sayville. A special meeting of the com- mittee of the Quantuck Horticul- tural Society under the direction of the president. Charles Klose, was held on Thursday even ing in Le- gion Hall to complete plans for the annual August Flower .Show at the Westhampton Country Club. The Society held Ladies ' Night on Wednesday evening. A covered dish supper was served and all en- joyed cards after. Mr. arid Mrs. lEimer Ogona and son , of Brooklyn; Mr. and Mrs. Aubison iBurtsell, of Jamaica ; Miss Dorothy Roe and fiance , Jo- seph Morrison of Lynbrook, were wqek-end and holiday guests of 'Mrs . Allen 'Roe. Mr. and 'Mrs. George Cobb , of Jlosedale and Mr. and Mrs. jack Link, - of Brooklyn, were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Link. Mr. and Mvs. George Bowen, of Camden , N. J., Mrs. I. Green and daughters, Misses Margaret and tttnth Green , of •Ooll:r.s=v;oou , " . J., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Green. Harry Wold , Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wold , of IRiverhead , spent the week-end with his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Smith. The Apaucuck Point House open- ed for the summer season on Fri- day, May 27th. .Breeze Hill Cottage. Mrs. Hettie Nichols proprietor , was open to guests for the wivk-end and ho li- day. Mr. and Mrs. liouglus Cook anil niece and nephew , of Jersey City, spent the holiday week-end at tln'ir cottage. " QUOGUfi " The firemen won five prizes at the tournament in Hampton Bays on Dccoiation Day. There were three first prizes and two second prizes . They made a very good showing. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fursmnn have been visiting his family at Bree;:elawn the past week. The Quogue House , Cooper House and the Little Inn had quite a few people over the week-end. The Quogue bathing station is now open to bathers. Miss Wilma Kolley has secured a position in Henry Lester 's ice cream parlor. Sack' s fruit and vegetable store is now open on Jessup avenue for the dummer. NOW OPEN AT WEST MAIN STREET, RIVERHEAD, indoor SPORTLAND. Miniature golf , shuffleboards, ping pong tables , and other games of skill. Visitors welcome. —Advt. Satfe The Boy Scouts and Cubs were treated to a turkey dinner at the Breezelawn House and movies at the Hampton Star last Monday night by the Village Improvement Association as a reward for the good work they did during clean- up week. Mr. and Mrs . Joseph Fursman, of Albany, N . Y., were week-end guests of their parents , Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Fursman. Miss Anna LeBleu has returned home from a visit to her sister , Miss Mildred LeBleu , who is a freshman in Beaver College, Jen- kinstown , Pa. Mrs. Anne M. Wingate and Mrs. Ruth N . Culver have opened The Petite Shoppe in the Carman build- ing, formerly occupied by Maresi Mazzetti. Mrs . Wingate worked for Maresi-Mazzetti for several sea- sons. Mr. Kile is to supervise a trip of the local school children to the Museum ol Natural History in New York City next Saturday. It has been a custom of the school for several years to make a trip to New York City. Mre. C>i«r]es Johnson . Mrs. Charles Cardo , Arthur R. Worth- ington , Charles Cardo , Mrs. Christman and Albert Olsen were prize winners at the social meet- ing of the Quantuck Horticultural Society last Wednesday evening. Henry Piatt , of Westhampton Beach , has opened a clothing store in the Wimpfheimer block in Quogue. Henry Shipman has opened a meat market in the Tuthill block on Jessjp avenue. Jack Vickers is manager. Mr. aid Mrs.; Donald Prouix are living in the upper fiat in the Irv- ing Stevens cottage. They -former- ly li'/ed in Miss Schaffer' s bunga- low. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Prouix have moved from an apart- ment in the Vail building to the lower floor of the Stevens cottage. William O'Connell is again em- i -\~ j ?d in iliO lucai A.cci' . tea atoTc. Mr. and Mrs. Fred King cele- brated their 51st wedding anniver- sary. Those who helped Mr. and Mrs. King to celebrate this me- morable day were Rev. and Mrs. John Kelley, Mrs. Edna Weber , of Astoria: Rev. and Mrs . Thomas Coyle , Mrs. Pauline Raynor , Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Raynor , of Westhampton Beach; Mrs. Edith Robinson , Mrs. Emma J . - Robin- son , Mr . and Mrs. Philip Raynor , David Raynor, Mr. and Mrs. George Beckwith and sons, Mrs. Florence Payne , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baldwin , of Quogue. The Fire Company were called out to extinguish a fire on the roof of the Quogue House Tuesday. Little damage was done. Joseph J. Haddad is in his home on Jessup avenue. He has opened his shop for the season. Mrs. Haddad and children will join him as soon as school closes. At pres- ent they spend only week-ends here . Miss Bessie Griffin and Irwin Schaffer lead , the Christian En- deavor service Sunday night. The topic dicussed was "Why Should We Pray?" The following members of the summer colony opened their coun- try estates here over the Memorial Day holidays: Dr. R. M. Rogers , Dune road; R. M. Parsons, George E. Stevens, Post beach; Mrs . M. M. Ogilosi , Main street ; Kenneth M. Chambers , private road. Carl Christman and his son , Carlyle , visited his mother , Mi's. Katharine Christman , in Sag Har- bor , ias-i, week-end. WES THAMPTON BEACH COACH TA KES BRIDE Miss Alice Met ariana , aaugnter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McFarland, formerly of Brooklyn , and pari Hanson , of iEast Orange, N. J., were married at 8 o' clock Saturday morning by the Rev. Joseph Slom- ski , in the parish house of the Ro- man Catholic Church of the Im- maculate Conception. The bride was attended by Miss Anne Hanson of East Orange, a sister of the groom , and the groomfs best man was Eugene Mc- Farland ,. a 'brother of the bride. Mr. Hanson is in charge of the physical training at the Westhamp- ton .Beach Union School , and the bride is secretary to the principal. After a short wedding trip they will make their home on Sunset avenue , .Westhampton iBeach. Old-Fashioned Virtues We shall come nearest to achiev- ing our economic security by the practice of the old-fashioned home- ly virtues cf industry and thrift.Calvin Coolidge in the American Magazine. WES THA MPT ON , QUOGUE , AND THEA TR E NEWS Based on Denison Cliffs story of 'intrigue in Washington both po- litcal and persona^ "Man About Town ," the new r ox production , comes Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday to Patchogue Theatre, it depicts the adventures of two life long friends who become bijtter enemies when a woman enters their lives. Set in a locale that includes the many show places of the na- tion ' s capital , the film is said to convey an intimate picture of po- litical and social intrigue in the international colony. The pro- cesses of the United iStates Secret Service , as they attempt to un- ravel a foreign plot , are revealed. With a background of world politics and social function , the story of "Man About Town " is woven around the indomitable love of the two men for one woman. Warner Baxter , handsome and tal- ented screen star , whose popular- ity has steadily increased since he came into prominence in "In Old Arizona , " appears in the leading part, that of a gentleman gambler , secret service agent and lover. Conway Tearle plays the impor- tant role of a man , mad with iealousy, attempting to send a frien d to his death . Karen Morley, who recently scored a personal success in "Arsene Lupin ," the Barrymore brothers ' picture , and in "Scarfaoo ," marts the leading feminine role , the girl who is.loved by the two men. Other personali- ties in important roles are Lillian Bond. Alan Mowbray. Leni -Sten- gel , Lawrence Grant and Halliwell Hobbes . Baxter , who has recently appeared in "Daddy Long Legs , " "Surrender " and "Doctors ' Wives " and other successes, is said never to have enjoyed a role better suit- ed to his talents. His romantic and tender scenes with Miss Mor- ley are declared to be unusually fine. The picture was directed by John Francis Dillon , from the story prepared by Leon Gordon . The stage program is headed by those popular musical comedy and their wretched lives. They find themselves face to face with a power too great for their twisted minds to understand—too strong for their evil " scheming. Even their shriveled souls are touched—quick- ened by the power of goodness made manifest before their eves. Thus the powerful story of "The Miracle Man " unfolds , wherein the good triumphs over evil. It's fl drama so perfectly constructed— so forcefully told , that it would have been great a hundred years ago , and still wil l be great a hun- dred years hence. It tells a story of redemption that will stir the emotions and cheer the hearts of millions. Sylvia Sidney, for her exceptional performance in "Street Scene, " "An American Tragedy " and "Ladies of the Big House " was showered with praise by critics everywhere. Many acclaim her the finest emotional actress in pictures. Chester Morris appea rs in the role Thomas Mcighan nia.lj famous. There ' s a lure about Mm J ris that women like. He has gu,,,] looks , broad shoukleis and an enJ gag ing personality. His first , elassi ability is evident in such hits as "Alibi. " "The Divorcee ," ''The Bi a House " and "Cock of the Air. " i The vaudeville program of five; Prudential acts constitute a good tagc show. Herman Poli and his ' atchogu c Theatre orchestra is sure to entertain with his ev (T popular overtures . radio stars , Keller Sisters and Lynch. Local patrons will know them for their recent popularity as featured artists broadcasting over Station WEAF. Another very entertaining act is Nautical Re- vue , a dance romance with very effective settings and clever enter- tainers. Masters and Gautie 'he nonsense burners , offer a conn novelty which will keep you laugh- ing from start to finish. Marey Bros, and Beatrice offer a dance novelty, and Herbert Trio complete another outstanding stage offering. Thieves , swindlers , pickpockets! A gang of wolves from a great city, marking a village for their racket—the good and gentle for their prey! Slrangcrs to decency —scoffin g at the laws of God and man , they ridicule honesty and all the moral virtues. In their greed for gold they clan a counterfeit "miracle " with the cunni. ng of their kind , plotting lo despoil the one uplifting influence ever to touch PATCHOGUE THEATRE NOTICE OF SALE Clil'NTY Cfll'KT . sri. 'FOI.K COUNTY CHAS. WEW,!i BROWN-. , . Plaint iff rv- . -nln.st— .lllll. v KAlti'lN'SKI . VICTOIt i i K MlI'l.NKKI , ills wife . SHl- 'p woaiy H . -W. I . OCK. MAXIM HI ,, ' , IN'XKI . SOPHIK UIMIIIKS , W M " IHi rSN'KR , as executor of the I.-is. Will .mil Testament of Joshua T ]-' ;iiinin;; . Deceased , ami Othprs , Defendants In pursunnrc of jna irmeiil of fnr,.^ el..sore nnd snle. ilnly made am ' en- tered In tlif olllce of . the Clerk „f llie County of Suffolk , In the atmv,. entitled action, and hearing date the 27lli dnv of May. 19112. the nnd,. r . sinned Referee , In said jud Kment MJi nie'l , ' -vlll sell at nubile anctloii on Saturday, July 16 , 1032 , at ll rm ' o'. loe k , Uayllpht Kavlne time . In the fm- em.nn of that day, at the frmlf X,.\v York , the premises directed l.y s-ald indyment to he sold and therein described nr, toUowp : All that tract or parcel of In.,.! situate in the Village of Kast Quo^-u.. countv of Suffolk. Mew York. hoim.K ed ami deperihed as follows: Souther- ly liv Lewis Road , so called , westerly l.v land of the Estate of Sylvester ! ¦ ' Downs , deceased, northerly in- land of the estate of Barney F Reeve , deceased and easterly b y land now e.r f ormerly of Antone Podpror- ski and containing; ten acres more or less . Topether with the hulldlnss and Improvements thereon. I. - ited June 1. 1932. CECIti TOOKRR . Referee. CHAS WET/I.S BROWN. Plaintiff . Oflico * P. O. Address, T;|,.orliend New York. 39t7c

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Page 1: WES THA MPTON, QUOGUE, AND THEA TR E NEWSnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035791/1932-06-02/ed-1/seq-14.pdfpolitical corruption, kidnapping rings, speakeasies and graft in iiunuruuo

Modern society, the youngergeneration and a terrific harvestfrom past indiscretions figure in akaleidoscopic romance in "LettyLynton ," in which Joan Crawfordand Robert Montgomery will beseen at the Riverhead Theatre to-day ami Friday. The story i.? basedon the problems faced by an heir-ess who played with men's lovesand found herself in a trap of herown making. Also on this pro-gram is an Ownie Carmichael com-edy and the Paramount News.

Elissa Landi , Ralph Bellamy andNeil Hamilton are the featuredplayers in "The Woman in Room13." one of the two attractions thatwill be shown at this popular play-house on Saturday, June 4. Thecompanion feature is "South ofthe Rio Grande" and stars thatfavorite western actor, Buck Jones.There is also a cartoon on thisprogram and the ninth thrillingchapter of "The Airmail Mystery."Feifui mauCua avc continuous atthis theatre on Saturday with the Ifirst show beginnii.g at 2:30, thesecond at 5:15 and the last com-plete show at 8:30.

Jimmy Walker's be »r paradeand Metro-Goldwyn's film story,"The Wet Parade," have much incommon in that they are both asso-ciated with that much discussedsubject, prohibition. Metro hasproduced a film picture that coversthree national periods , the pre-war era, the war years duringwhich the prohibition anaetmentwas passed and the modern periodin which flagrant disregard of thelaw has given rise to innumerabledramatic conflicts 2nd has result-ed in such typically modern phe-nomena as racketeers, crime waves,political corruption, kidnappingrings, speakeasies and graft iniiunuruuo of forms, io iiilerrupLthis story Metro has chosen suchfinished performers as Vrralter Hus-ton, Lewis Stone, Dorothy Jordan,Neil Hamilton, Emma Dunn, JimmyDurante, Myrna Loy, John Miljanand many others. The picture istwice the length of the usual filmand runs two hours but the specta-tor will find every second of it in-teresting and entertaining. "TheWet Parade" will be shown at theRiverhead Theatre on Sunday andMonday.

George Bancroft and MiriamHopkins are co-starred in "TheWorld and the Flesh ," the attrac-tion for Tuesday and Wednesday.The story is a swashbuckling ad-venture with thrills aplenty.


loan Crawford and Robert Montgomery in a scene from "Letty Lynton",showing Thursilay-Friday, June 2-3, at the Kjuerhcad Theatre.

Coming to the Riverhead

maaaaakxf . • ^ ^

' j

• • • •REOI a year and a half ahead

'Motors cars with the air-cleaving lines ofI the speed boat, the racing car and the air-

plane ! Sleek, fast-flowing lines that cutthrough the wind and the atmosphere withdartlike speed and ease! Reducing air re- jsistance by 18.4 per cent. Eliminating thosepressure areas and eddy pockets that steal iso much costly engine power from the con- Iventional type of vehicle. Lines so dis- jtsngaished for their beauty that nearly !every style show in Europe, during the past\I£*<tt* 1*»^tn*«*J*»*-I K Aft Iwwcw- l^«»-. ^—« * fT^.-v'-S ...,w-...... . if.-.-v i'svu iiv" in ci il-JllUi . Aj*giiil/i>fi J

months ago Reo introduced this ultra-mod-ern aerodynamic design in the famous Reo-Royale. Now the principle is applied with jequally striking effect to the new Reo Fly- !ing Cloud at a much lower price. See and [

I drive these magnificent new Reos! Notice jon every hand that builders are paying Reo ;the honest compliment of emulation. And |remember that a year and a half's start has Ienabled Reo to perfect aerodynamic refine-ments of vital import which are embodiedin the 1932 cars now on display.

REO FLYING CLOUDS $€%€%%and up to $1565.00 •**Wm9

USED CARSTo make room for the new incoming care we are offering drasticprice reductions on our entire used car stock. Many modelsfrom which lo choose and at prices to fit your pocketbook.Come in and look around 8200 and up


WM. L. MANTHA CO."27 Years a REO Dealer"

| BAYPORT, L. I. Phone Bayport 348

••P JjHfi ™« ***¦* TraU irllV H iflK A17E"lrea<1 miles of earth and ' 'l^u39RB^ ^"1|§8 Tf stone, waiting, hoping,

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~gj which we hope

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of ,he b,easfca\ the wine of the

*ral -I—Jr^ssWVii (ia'&VX nol]'e an<' ,ne golden cradle of

»(Wjj^ ^ ^31* jx !3 eternal peace. The castle waits

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,0 welcome un

all, and our Host

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gSKjSOHjjiip il^ l faltered on the


as to those


118 East Main Street 3 Doors from Con«re»»>ion2l ChurchRIVERHEAD, N. Y.

j0 -e-"oaal Lhurc"

Lady Always in Attendance

Tellnh^ S5?NINGHAM AMB ULANCE SERVICR-D.V or NichtTelephone 2075 Telephone 2585

*» *—* ¦ ¦ — ¦ ¦ - - - -i i j - "- —— 1 ¦ -—' ,¦ i m i —¦ II m a^^i |B,,,.,,- .;, f, i , mi,,)——J I

w* i i i i ¦MI-. ¦' m ml l m i ! » T w ^m u iw !£w*wmiw7rZ ^^ i ¦¦' ^ rZ^^ ^ TJ

Thurs.-Fri. June 2-S \Sat. Only June 4r-* i If inatitoimmwmmwmrmmmm

imm '*-- , T SSlMMliMlA ""'"MiMITiMm '

Jjp of a Girl J What ^HFIISKILI/SPS yS^W and Her i | Happened WJTJIIM .

IffiMORD iM ^ /ISPS- v* > x omm mr* ."TeWlM 'l-Mf rf '

¦¦ ^rV / X'riftS -TV «UHAIH£IOIIV*1 «0»*\ CflBn "1*1 < xViW Mywtt ioy

\ LJ^^Rij i "I BUCK JONES in

gL, >«MlP "" <"South of the Rio Grande"

Sun.-Mon. June 5-6i\Tue.-Wed. J une 7-8

^ SiCl^P'ligklHlWOMD(MBBwfVL l ^msaaaamaW ^r AND 'W pARAOE i;Hi Jtt!li8JA **UX \ WMm'Um< > maaaa%aWmm ^W(jmt J^ y ^iiuiMl

l'B^S ^m^Wr^^

MATINEE HT7W ^ ^r lECL* ^i r^ ^ Hl 9Week Days 3 9 gjk iB 5 amWwBrrWw I H IS HH 5

I | L^*V^* " "^ "II^'VM' HVJH

Thursday-Friday-Saturday Sunday Thru Wednesday

BAXTER IN HSUifKialKAREN MORLEV <-l\l-m About Town' Jaffiai^MX T fflgJIiElfCONWAY TEARI.E MaU AbOUt l0W" . ¦aHllWKfil fcBllffliai lil

5 Acts Prudential Vaudeville 5 Acts Prudential Vaudeville- .. ~ VATOI1TTV f \V V X Tt i lTlVdl'amous naaio stars t ruuui *, v^ *. r -* »-»¦ -« * * ..^^>

KELLER SISTERS and LYNCH 18 PeoPie-Broadway cas,



MATS: Wed. S:S0 • SaL-Stm. 2:30EVERY EVENING 7:15 - 9:15

Saturday June 4DOUBLE FEATURE ¦



Sun.-Mon. June 5-6

Cy fisssDTues.-Wed. June 7-8V JMawWl - MAURICE




Thurs.-Fri. June 9-10


S[j eciul Kiddie MatineenriTTtTT* » «r*xiicxx. at oi"*a

Showing ' '

Puss h BootsWith a Cast of 65 Children

WESTHAMPTONMrs. Unhur t Ai' i ;ut spent las

week, in New York nt the home oher mother , .Mrs. A. HlyiUi ibur i r hwho har. been very il l .

Mrs. L. I.. Hishop, '.Mrs. KrnesJ. Brocket!, Mrs. Sidney lleti .iamin , Mrs. A. II. Raynor , .Mrs. JM. iKaynor, Mrs. J. T. Sam mis amMrs Fred Raynor were (rui-sls olMrs. George Ko^cs at a brid R iparty on Tuesday af te rnoon .

'Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Raynoiand famil y moved into their HtienoVisla cottaire th i s week , whenthey wil l spend the summer.

.Mr. anil Mrs . M. J. Van C' ottware Sunday guests °f -^' r - an(

'Mrs. G S. . lourneay in Kast Mor-iches.

A food sale for the henefi t ofthe West M. E. Church SundaySchool wi l l be held on the churchlawns on ;Saturilay, June -1th, from10 o'clock on through the day.Mrs. Alonzo K. Carter and Mrs.Robert Argue are in charge wi ththe assistance of other of theteachers of the Sunday School.

A number of local people at-tended the card party given by theBeach M. E. Church Guild at thehome of Will iam Miller on Thurs-day afternoon.

NOW OPEN AT WEST MAINSTREET, RIVERHEAD, i n d o o rSPORTLAND. Miniature g o l f ,shuffleboards, ping pong tables,and other games of skill. Visitorswelcome.—Advt. 38tfc

At the recent elections taken atthe Beach School in the grades,the results were: 7th grade: Bestphysique, ihdith IBaum; best lock-ing, John Novick most mannerly,Edith Baum. 8th grade: Mostpopular, Louis Raynor; did mostfor grade, John Havens, HelenCulver; best athlete , John Bau-drowski; best sportsmanship inathletics, Louis Kaynor; b e s t ,physique, Virginia Losee. LouisRaynor; best student , Helen Cul-ver; best looking, Helen Jaslofski,Louis Raynor; most mannerly,Virginia Losee, Joseph White;best all around , Elsie Rogers, andLouis IRaynor.

Mrs. Martin Prager, Mrs. JuliusILind, Mrs. Marie Goldman, Mrs.Michael Schummacher, Mrs. CarlILarsen, Mrs.. Anton Johnson , Mrs.Henry Shipman, Mrs. Otto Kam ,-merer, Mrs. Ludwig Farrer , Mrs.Jacob JSckart, Mrs. Henry White,Mrs. iLuhrssen, Mrs. J u s e p i iWeaver and Mrs. Thomas Stevenswere guests at a surprise partyfor Mrs. Frank 'Hajek,' at herhome in honor of her birthday onThursday afternoon. Cards afford-ed amusement.

The Men's Club of the West M.E. Church plan to hold Ladies''Night at their next supper at thechurch dining rooms in June.

'Mrs. Eugene "Wilcox spent theweek-end at the home of Mr. andMrs. Charles 0. Wilcox.

(Mr. and Mrs. Herbert R. Culver,Mrs. A. J. Hallock and Mrs. LewisA. Hallock will attend the gradua-tion exercises of Miss Amy Cul-ver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cul-ver, at Rogers Hall, 'Lowell , Mass.,on Tuesday, June 7th , spendingseveral days there. Miss Culverwill then return home with theparty to spend the summer at herhome.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller, ofMi. Vernon , formerly of wesl-hampton, spent the week-end atthe heme of Mr. and Mrs. JohnShira.

Mr. and Mrs.. George Hutt spentthe holiday week-end visiting Mr.Hutt's parents at Middietown, N.Y. and Mrs. Halt's parents, Mr.and Mrs. Jacob L. Messinger inKingston, IN. Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Owenhad as house guests for the holi-

day week-end , Mrs. CloruinleTitus and Mr. and Mrs. iB. Mi l tonOwen , of W h i t e Plains , N. Y.

Mr. and Mrs. John G. Kaynorcntertai iu ' i i over the week-end ,'Halcigh iRaynor , of New York andFrank Schweinsberger and fami lv ,of Hollis.

Mr . and Mrs. Andre I'a r te r ofBridgeport , Conn., were guestsdur ing the week-end of Mrs.Parter 's s is ter and fami l y, Mr. andMrs. James Chambers.

Mrs. J. H. Rollins and Miss Joan'Halloek , of Brooklyn , spent theweek-end as guests of Mrs. A. J.Hallock.

Mr. ami Mrs. Howard Tuthi l l , ofJamesport , have moved in to theWinters ' homestead on the Mon-tauk h ighway.

Mr. and Mrs. A r t h u r King andtwo children , of Queens Village ,were guests for the week-end ofhis parents , Mr. and Mrs. Wil l iamA. King.

IMr. and Mrs. 'Luther B. Cookenjoyed a vis i t from a fr iend , A.M. Bedwin , of Stanford , Conn.,for the holiday week-end.

IMrs. Harold Wright , Mrs. Har-old Culver , Mrs. John G. Raynor,Mrs. Vernon ^ Fountain and MissLillian Nichols were local mem-bers who attended the meeting ofthe Suffolk Countv -Fast Council-ors' Association of the Daughtersof America , at Welfare Council ,'Eastport , on Friday. A covereddish luncheon was served andcards followed a business session.The next meeting will be in June ,at Babylon.

Miss Zylpha iBishop has beenvisiting friends in New Jersey forthe past week. During the week-end , Miss -Bishop's parents, Mr.and Mrs. Gaston 'Bishop, wereguests of Mr. and Mrs. ShermanScoffield in Bogata , N. J.

Miss Mary Alice Barker, ofBrooklyn , Mr. and Mrs. BernardVan iPoperirig and children ofGreenport , and Rodney Pierson , ofMattituck , were Sunday guests ofMr. and Mrs. C. Floyd Pierson.Mrs. Susan iPierson and daughter,iMiss Helen Pierson , have been vis-iting for .several weeks with Mr.and Mrs. Pierson.

Mr. and Mrs. Korher. of Troy,N. Y., spent the week-end with 'Mr.and Mrs. John B. Cook.

About 23 friends of Mr. and Mrs.Chester S. (Raynor surprised themwith a dinner party at the Eay-nor 's Red Or»eV cottage on Satur-day evening, in honor of Mr. iKay-nor's birthday. Cards were playedafter dinner.

Mr. and iMrs. W. A. Leonardand family and Mr. Frohnooffer, ofFlushing, were week-end guests ofMr. and Mrs. Carlos Wilcox. Thewhole party enjoyed a picnic at theWilcox cottage at iPeconic for theholiday.

Arthur Raynor, son of Mr. andMrs. Daniel T. iRaynor, celebratedhis 12th birthday on MemorialDay, who with a number of guests,enjoyed airplane flights over theMoriches Inlet.

Miss -Lois Thurston , of Mont-clair , N. J., entertained a numberof friends at a house party at theThurston cottage, ©une road, overthe week-end and holiday.

A communication from the PostOffice Officials at Washington wasrecently received by the West-hampton Association , in referenceto the application of A. EugeneNichols to the spelling of "West-hampton as one word. The changewill 'be made.

Mr. and Mrs. 'Donald (Nicholsonand family, of St. ABbans and Mr.and Mrs. Philip iHaberman andchildren, of Aquebogue, w e r egueits during the holiday week-endof Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Heinrich.

Mr. and Mrs. iDaniel Raynor hadas house guests during the week-end and holiday IMr. and Mrs.Frank Noian and two children ,'Frank. Jr., and Noreen, Mrs. J. A.Kunkel , Mr. Mendell Breely andFrank Stoddart, all of Flatbush ;Mr. IStoddart will spend his twoweeks' vacation at the Raynorhome. Other guests during theweek were Mrs. Mary Cody, MissS. K. Murphy and Thomas L. iMur-phy, of Port Jefferson.

Mrs. Charlotte Gordon, IMr. andMrs. Harold IH. Mills, Harold Mills,Jr., Mr. and -Mrs. Merlon Van Cott,Alma Van Colt, Leona Van Cott,Mr. and Mrs. George S. Journeayand E. C. Van Cott enjoyed a pic-nic to Wildwood 'Park on (Decor-ation Day.

Jesse Raynor, who has beenquite ill , has recovered and isabout his duties with the localStandard Oil Company office again.

Mrs. ID. "Willard Smith anddaughter returned home on Wed-nesday from a several weeks' visitwith her sister, Mrs. A. Nelson inMunsey, N. Y.

A number of local people attend-ed the card party given for thebenefit of the Beach iM. E. ChurchGuild at the home of .William Mil-ler on Tnursday afternoon at 2o'clock. The committee in chargewere, chairman, IMrs. Donald Al-len , Mrs. William MeClane, Mrs.Walter Shaw, Mrs. "Franklin Foley,Mrs. iWinfield Jessup, Mrs. E. J.C. Smith and Mrs. Henry Wilt. Re-freshments were served.

Henry Pavlak, who was injuredin an automobile accident at iFord-

hani "s Mi l l , one n igh t severalweeks ago, has recovered and isback at his pos i t ion in Roulston 'sstore in Quogue.

Mr. anil Mrs. Frank 'Howell , of'Miami , Fli.rdia , arr ived at the homeof their daughter and familv, Mr.and Mrs. Frank C. Bishop, lastweek , where they wi l l spend thesummer. Mr. Howell is act ing assecond tender at the West Bay.Bridge.

Wv.-ley Culver , son of Mr. andMrs. O. S. Culver, for the comingyear has been elected president ofthe I're-Medicai Club of Mary-villo College . Tenn., where he is as tudent . Wesley arrives home nextweek for the summer vacation.

IW. J.. Nauss and family , of1' elham Manor , opened his cottagefor the summer season , dur ing theweek-end.

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jones ofNew York City, spent the week-end at their Pond IPoint cottage.

Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo E. Carterhad as house guests for the holi-day week-end, Mr. and Mrs. AlonzoE. Carter, Jr., and sonT Robert ,Mrs. George Blea m, 'Mrs. EstherWeller , Miss Esther Bleam andfiance, iRalph Weller, all of Brook-lyn.

Mr. and Mrs. -Douglas Brown,..Yir. anu .rirs. /vsnley j JUK CUH , Ltj isaElizabeth Halsted, Carl o°flug andWilliam Wood were guests of Mr.and Mrs. Gilbert C. Halsted , Jr.,of Garden City and Westhampton ,at a dinner party on Wednesdayevening. ^Following dinner theparty enjoyed the polo games atthe Horse Show Stables.

Mr. and iMrs. Frank Tiebont andtwo sons, John and Steven, of NewYork City were guests during theweek-end of Mrs. Hettic Nicholsand Miss Lillian (Nichols.

Mr. and Mrs. Chester iS. Haynor,Mr. and Mrs. John G. Raynor, Mr.and Mrs. E. H. Stevens, Mrs. Ket-tle Nichols-and IMiss .Lillian Nich-ols enjoyed a surprise party onMr. and Mrs. Louis iNichols onMonday -evening in honor of Mrs.Nichols' birthday. Cards affordedamusement and refreshments ofsalad, sandwiches, cake and coffeewere served.

Mrs. A. J. Hallock entertainedthe members of the Ladies' AidSociety of the We«t M. E. Churchat her home on Wednesday after-noon.

Mrs. George M. 'Fox and twochildren, Elizabeth A n n a n dStuart, left «n Saturday for a visitat Mrs. Fox's former home atNorth Attleboro, Mass.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell 'Kiernan, ofBrooklyn, have opened their PondPoint cottage for the summer.

'Miss Sara Raynor, of BarnardCollege and a friend , Miss MarySeetphen, of Freeport, spent theweek-end and holiday with MissiRaynor's mother, Mrs. Mabel iB.iRaynor.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hallockand daughter, Joan, of Brooklyn ,spent the week-end with hismother, Mrs. A. J. (Hallock.

Misses Daisy "Charot and Jessie-Prall, of New York, were at their.Pond Point cott?ge for the holidayweek-end.

Mrs. iSidney M. Benjamin, Mrs.Ernest J. Brockett, Mrs. LeonardL. Bishop, Mrs. Augustus Raynor ,Mrs. J. T. Sammis, Mrs. J. MitchelEaynor and Mrs. George Rogerswere guests of Sirs. UTed Kaynorat a bridge party at her home inRemsenburg on Tuesday afternoon.(Refreshments were served andprizes were won by Mrs. MitchelRaynor, Mrs. Brockett and Mrs. A.Raynor.

Leonard Jarvis who has beenworking for the Quogue PlumbingCompany, is now employed in theGrimshaw and Palmer Hardwarestore for the summer.

The 'Westhampton Square Clubwill hold their annual dance in theWesthampton Country Club on:Fridav evening, June 10th. Music'by Bill Nash's Eight Singing Mel-ody Syneopators of Sayville.

A special meeting of the com-mittee of the Quantuck Horticul-tural Society under the direction ofthe president. Charles Klose, washeld on Thursday evening in Le-gion Hall to complete plans for theannual August Flower .Show at theWesthampton Country Club. TheSociety held Ladies' Night onWednesday evening. A covereddish supper was served and all en-joyed cards after.

Mr. arid Mrs. lEimer Ogona andson, of Brooklyn; Mr. and Mrs.Aubison iBurtsell, of Jamaica ;Miss Dorothy Roe and fiance , Jo-seph Morrison of Lynbrook, werewqek-end and holiday guests of'Mrs . Allen 'Roe.

Mr. and 'Mrs. George Cobb, ofJlosedale and Mr. and Mrs. jackLink, - of Brooklyn, were holidayguests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Link.

Mr. and Mvs. George Bowen, ofCamden, N. J., Mrs. I. Green anddaughters, Misses Margaret andtttnth Green , of •Ooll:r.s=v;oou, ".J., were week-end guests of Mr.and Mrs. Louis Green.

Harry Wold , Jr., son of Mr. andMrs. Harry Wold, of IRiverhead ,spent the week-end with his grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Smith.

The Apaucuck Point House open-ed for the summer season on Fri-day, May 27th.

.Breeze Hill Cottage. Mrs. Hettie

Nichols p rop r i e to r , was open toguests for the wivk-end and ho l i -day.

Mr. and Mrs. l iouglus Cook anilniece and nephew , of Jersey C i t y ,spent the ho l iday week-end at tln 'ircottage.

"QUOGUfi "The firemen won five prizes at

the tournament in Hampton Bayson Dccoiation Day. There werethree first prizes and two secondprizes . They made a very goodshowing.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fursmnnhave been vis i t ing his f ami ly atBree;:elawn the past week.

The Quogue House , C o o p e rHouse and the Little Inn had qu i tea few people over the week-end.

The Quogue bathing station isnow open to bathers.

Miss Wilma Kolley has secureda position in Henry Lester 's icecream parlor.

Sack's frui t and vegetable storeis now open on Jessup avenue forthe dummer.

NOW OPEN AT WEST MAINSTREET, RIVERHEAD, i n d o o rSPORTLAND. Miniature g o l f ,shuffleboards, ping pong tables ,and other games of skill. Visitorswelcome.—Advt. Satfe

The Boy Scouts and Cubs weretreated to a turkey dinner at theBreezelawn House and movies atthe Hampton Star last Mondaynight by the Village ImprovementAssociation as a reward for thegood work they did during clean-up week.

Mr. and Mrs . Joseph Fursman,of Albany, N. Y., were week-endguests of their parents, Mr. andMrs. E. L. Fursman.

Miss Anna LeBleu has returnedhome from a visit to her sister,Miss Mildred LeBleu , who is afreshman in Beaver College, Jen-kinstown, Pa.

Mrs. Anne M. Wingate and Mrs.Ruth N. Culver have opened ThePetite Shoppe in the Carman build-ing, formerly occupied by MaresiMazzetti. Mrs. Wingate worked forMaresi-Mazzetti for several sea-sons.

Mr. Kile is to supervise a tripof the local school children to theMuseum ol Natural History inNew York City next Saturday. Ithas been a custom of the schoolfor several years to make a trip toNew York City.

Mre. C>i«r]es Johnson. Mrs.Charles Cardo, Arthur R. Worth-ington , C h a r l e s Cardo, Mrs.Christman and Albert Olsen wereprize winners at the social meet-ing of the Quantuck HorticulturalSociety last Wednesday evening.

Henry Piatt , of WesthamptonBeach, has opened a clothing storein the Wimpfheimer block inQuogue.

Henry Shipman has opened ameat market in the Tuthill blockon Jessjp avenue. Jack Vickersis manager.

Mr. aid Mrs.; Donald Prouix areliving in the upper fiat in the Irv-ing Stevens cottage. They -former-ly li'/ed in Miss Schaffer's bunga-low. Mr. and Mrs. LawrenceProuix have moved from an apart-ment in the Vail building to thelower floor of the Stevens cottage.

William O'Connell is again em-i-\~ j ?d in iliO lucai A.cci'. tea atoTc.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred King cele-brated their 51st wedding anniver-sary. Those who helped Mr. andMrs. King to celebrate this me-morable day were Rev. and Mrs.John Kelley, Mrs. Edna Weber, ofAstoria: Rev. and Mrs. ThomasCoyle, Mrs. Pauline Raynor, Mr.and Mrs. Clarence Raynor, ofWesthampton Beach; Mrs. EdithRobinson, Mrs. Emma J.- Robin-son, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Raynor,David Raynor, Mr. and Mrs.George Beckwith and sons, Mrs.Florence Payne, Mr. and Mrs.Charles Baldwin, of Quogue.

The Fire Company were calledout to extinguish a fire on the roofof the Quogue House Tuesday.Little damage was done.

Joseph J. Haddad is in his homeon Jessup avenue. He has openedhis shop for the season. Mrs.Haddad and children will join himas soon as school closes. At pres-ent they spend only week-endshere.

Miss Bessie Griffin and IrwinSchaffer lead , the Christian En-deavor service Sunday night. Thetopic dicussed was "Why ShouldWe Pray?"

The following members of thesummer colony opened their coun-try estates here over the MemorialDay holidays: Dr. R. M. Rogers,Dune road; R. M. Parsons, GeorgeE. Stevens, Post beach; Mrs. M.M. Ogilosi, Main street ; KennethM. Chambers, private road.

Carl Christman and his son,Carlyle, visited his mother, Mi's.Katharine Christman, in Sag Har-bor , ias-i, week-end.


Miss Alice Met ariana , aaugnterof Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McFarland,formerly of Brooklyn , and pariHanson, of iEast Orange, N. J., weremarried at 8 o'clock Saturdaymorning by the Rev. Joseph Slom-

ski, in the parish house of the Ro-man Catholic Church of the Im-maculate Conception.

The bride was attended by MissAnne Hanson of East Orange, asister of the groom, and thegroomfs best man was Eugene Mc-Farland,. a 'brother of the bride.Mr. Hanson is in charge of thephysical training at the Westhamp-ton .Beach Union School , and thebride is secretary to the principal.

After a short wedding trip theywill make their home on Sunsetavenue, .Westhampton iBeach.

Old-Fashioned VirtuesWe shall come nearest to achiev-

ing our economic security by thepractice of the old-fashioned home-ly virtues cf industry and thrift.—Calvin Coolidge in the AmericanMagazine.


Based on Denison Cl i f fs story of'intrigue in Washington both po-litcal and persona^ "Man AboutTown ," the new r ox production ,comes Thursday, Friday and Sat-urday to Patchogue Theatre, itdepicts the adventures of two lifelong friends who become bijtterenemies when a woman enters theirlives. Set in a locale that includesthe many show places of the na-tion 's capital , the film is said toconvey an intimate picture of po-litical and social intrigue in theinternational colony. The pro-cesses of the United iStates SecretService, as they attempt to un-ravel a foreign plot , are revealed.With a background of worldpolitics and social function , thestory of "Man About Town" iswoven around the indomitable loveof the two men for one woman.Warner Baxter, handsome and tal-ented screen star, whose popular-ity has steadily increased since hecame into prominence in "In OldArizona ," appears in the leadingpart, that of a gentleman gambler,secret service agent and lover.Conway Tearle plays the impor-tant role of a man , mad withiealousy, attempting to send afrien d to his death . Karen Morley,who recently scored a personalsuccess in "Arsene Lupin ," theBarrymore brothers' picture, andin "Scarfaoo ," marts the leadingfeminine role, the girl who is.lovedby the two men. Other personali-ties in important roles are LillianBond. Alan Mowbray. Leni -Sten-gel, Lawrence Grant and HalliwellHobbes. Baxter, who has recentlyappeared in "Daddy Long Legs,""Surrender" and "Doctors' Wives"and other successes, is said neverto have enjoyed a role better suit-ed to his talents. His romanticand tender scenes with Miss Mor-ley are declared to be unusuallyfine. The picture was directed byJohn Francis Dillon , from the storyprepared by Leon Gordon .

The stage program is headed bythose popular musical comedy and

their wretched lives. They findthemselves face to face with apower too great for their twistedminds to understand—too strongfor their evil "scheming. Even theirshriveled souls are touched—quick-ened by the power of goodnessmade manifest before their eves.

Thus the powerful story of "TheMiracle Man " unfolds , wherein thegood t r iumphs over evil. It's fldrama so perfectly constructed—so forcefully told , that it wouldhave been great a hundred yearsago, and still wil l be great a hun-dred years hence. It tells a storyof redemption that will stir theemotions and cheer the hearts ofmillions. Sylvia Sidney, for herexceptional performance in "StreetScene," "An American Tragedy "and "Ladies of the Big House"was showered with praise bycritics everywhere. Many acclaimher the finest emotional actress inpictures. Chester Morris appea rs

in the role Thomas Mcighan nia.ljfamous. There 's a lure about Mm Jris that women like. He has gu,,,]looks , broad shoukleis and an enJgaging personality. His first, elassiab i l i t y is evident in such hi t s as"Alibi. " "The Divorcee," ''The BiaHouse" and "Cock of the Air." i

The vaudeville program of five ;Prudent i a l acts constitute a goodtagc show. Herman Poli and hi s'atchogu c Theatre orchestra is

sure to entertain with his ev (Tpopular overtures.

radio stars , Kel le r Sisters andLynch. Local patrons will knowthem for t he i r recent populari tyas featured ar t is ts broadcastingover Stat ion WEAF. Another veryenter ta ining act is Nautical Re-vue , a dance romance with veryeffective settings and clever enter-tainers. Masters and Gautie 'henonsense burners , offer a connnovelty which wil l keep you laugh-ing from start to finish. MareyBros, and Beatrice offer a dancenovelty, and Herbert Trio completeanother outstanding stage offering.

Thieves , swindlers , pickpockets!A gang of wolves from a greatcity, marking a village for theirracket—the good and gentle fortheir prey! Slrangcrs to decency—scoffin g at the laws of God andman , they ridicule honesty and allthe moral virtues. In their greedfor gold they clan a counterfei t"miracle " with the cunni.ng of theirkind , plotting lo despoil the oneuplift ing influence ever to touch



CHAS. WEW,!i BROWN-., . Pla in t i f f— rv-.-nln.st—

.l l l l l . v K A l t i ' l N ' S K I . V I C T O I t i iK M l I ' l . N K K I , ills wi fe . SHl- 'pwoaiy H .-W.I.OCK. M A X I M HI ,, ',I N ' X K I . SOPHIK UIMIIIKS , W M

"I H i rSN'KR , as executor of the I.-is.Wil l .mil Testament of Joshua T]-';iiinin;; . Deceased , ami Othprs ,

Defend antsIn pursunnrc of jna irmeiil of fnr,. ^

el..sore nnd snle. i lnly made am ' en-tered In tlif olllce of . the Clerk „fl l ie County of Suffolk , In the atmv,.en t i t led action, and hearing date the27l l i dnv of May. 19112. the nnd,.r .sinned Referee , In said jud KmentMJi nie 'l , '-vlll sell at nubile anct l o i ion Saturday, July 16 , 1032 , at ll rm'o'. loe k , Uayl lpht Kavlne time . In thefm- em.nn of tha t day, at the frml fX,.\v York , the premises directed l.ys-ald indym ent to he sold and there i ndescribed nr, toUowp :

All tha t tract or parcel of In.,. !s i tuate in the Village of Kast Quo^-u..countv of Suffolk. Mew York. hoim.Ked ami deperihed as follows: Souther-ly liv Lewis Road , so called , wester lyl.v land of the Estate of Sylvester!¦' Downs , deceased, northerly in-land of the estate of Barney FReeve , deceased and easterly by landnow e.r f ormerly of Antone Podpror-ski and containing; ten acres moreor less . Topether with the hulldlnssand Improvements thereon.I. - i ted June 1. 1932.

CECIti TOOKRR .Referee.

CHAS WET/I.S BROWN. Plaintiff .Oflico * P. O. Address,

T;|,.orliend New York.39t7c