west end crc · web viewif you can answer yes to the statements on this list, you may be ready: i...

(S) – on the sermon 1. Do parents mostly just care about how you behave (or don’t behave)? How do you know? If not just about your behaviour, what do they care mostly about? 2. (S) Does God mostly just care about how you behave (or don’t behave)? How do you know? If not just about your behaviour, what does God mostly care about? 3. (S) What did a priest do in the Old Testament and how did that make a difference for the people? How is Jesus a priest for us? How does the Lord’s Supper connect to that? 4. (S) What does it mean ‘to intercede’ for someone? How does Jesus still do that for you? Oct. 18, 2020 Discussion Questions Compel ! This morning we will also celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Sacraments are signs and seals of God’s promises to us. The bread and wine are signs of Jesus’ body and blood which were shed on the cross. The word seal means promise. God promises in the Lord’s Supper to forgive our sins and make us holy. When we celebrate the Lord’s Supper it is important to ask: Am I ready to share in the Lord’s Supper? If you can answer yes to the statements on this list, you may be ready: o I am baptized o I love Jesus o I want to love Jesus more. o I am sorry for what I do wrong. o I am forgiven: Thank you, Jesus for dying for my sins. o I have talked with my parents about sharing in the Lord’s Hebrews 7:23,24 23 Now there have been many of those priests, since death prevented them from continuing in office; 24 but because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. 25 Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he

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Hebrews 7:23,24

23 Now there have been many of those priests, since death prevented them from continuing in office; 24 but because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. 25 Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.

(S) – on the sermon

1. Do parents mostly just care about how you behave (or don’t behave)? How do you know? If not just about your behaviour, what do they care mostly about?

2. (S) Does God mostly just care about how you behave (or don’t behave)? How do you know? If not just about your behaviour, what does God mostly care about?

3. (S) What did a priest do in the Old Testament and how did that make a difference for the people? How is Jesus a priest for us? How does the Lord’s Supper connect to that?

4. (S) What does it mean ‘to intercede’ for someone? How does Jesus still do that for you?

5. Behaviour still matters. Take time to thank Jesus that he has and does intercede for

us. Also ask God to help us live in a way that we try follow his way.

This morning we will also celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Sacraments are signs and seals of God’s promises to us. The bread and wine are signs of Jesus’ body and blood which were shed on the cross. The word seal means promise. God promises in the Lord’s Supper to forgive our sins and make us holy.

When we celebrate the Lord’s Supper it is important to ask: Am I ready to share in the Lord’s Supper?

If you can answer yes to the statements on this list, you may be ready:

· I am baptized

· I love Jesus

· I want to love Jesus more.

· I am sorry for what I do wrong.

· I am forgiven: Thank you, Jesus for dying for my sins.

· I have talked with my parents about sharing in the Lord’s Supper

If you’re not sure, you can talk with your parents, an elder, or one of the pastors. We’d love to help!


Oct. 18, 2020

Discussion Questions