west lakes shore school newsletter · 2020. 1. 21. · sizes in each year level. as west lakes...

PRINCIPAL'S CORNER PRINCIPAL'S CORNER Dear Families The term is progressing well and we have celebrated a number of key events, with others such as the ‘End of Year Christmas Concert’, ‘Year 7 Graduation’ and visits to 2020 classes, still to come! Class Structures 2020 In 2020 West Lakes Shore School R-7 will have around 630 students of varying year levels to organise into classes. Funding allocation for stang these classes is based on a set gure per student. The school Personal Advisory Committee (PAC), consisting of the Principal and voted sta representatives, work to align the number of students and our stang funding to determine future class structures. This work is guided by agreements around class sizes in each year level. As West Lakes Shore School is a category 6 school we work within the guidelines of between 24-26 students in each Reception to Year 2 class. In Year 3 we have between 26-30 students per class and in Years 4-7 around 28 -30 students per class. As the number of students in each year level changes this means we identify across the whole-school a class structure that incorporates both straight and composite classes. In all of these classes students have a wide range of abilities; research shows that teachers can be planning to support students who are performing with learning abilities of up to 7 years dierence. What makes a quality learning program for every child is the teacher’s ability to dierentiate for each learner; the teacher’s skill and quality approach to engage learners; and the feedback teachers provide to learners to support them to progress and improve their learning. At West Lakes Shore School R-7, composite classes are created with a range of abilities of children in both year levels i.e. a Year 2/3 class would have students of all abilities in Year 2 and students of all abilities in Year 3. West Lakes Shore School Newsletter TERM 4, Week 5 - 15 November 2019

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Page 1: West Lakes Shore School Newsletter · 2020. 1. 21. · sizes in each year level. As West Lakes Shore School is a category 6 school we work within the guidelines of between 24-26 students


Dear FamiliesThe term is progressing well and we have celebrated a number of key events, with others such as the ‘End of YearChristmas Concert’, ‘Year 7 Graduation’ and visits to 2020 classes, still to come!

Class Structures 2020

In 2020 West Lakes Shore School R-7 will have around 630 students of varying year levels to organise into classes.Funding allocation for sta�ng these classes is based on a set �gure per student. The school Personal AdvisoryCommittee (PAC), consisting of the Principal and voted sta� representatives, work to align the number of studentsand our sta�ng funding to determine future class structures. This work is guided by agreements around classsizes in each year level. As West Lakes Shore School is a category 6 school we work within the guidelines ofbetween 24-26 students in each Reception to Year 2 class. In Year 3 we have between 26-30 students per classand in Years 4-7 around 28 -30 students per class. As the number of students in each year level changes thismeans we identify across the whole-school a class structure that incorporates both straight and compositeclasses.

In all of these classes students have a wide range of abilities; research shows that teachers can be planning tosupport students who are performing with learning abilities of up to 7 years di�erence. What makes a qualitylearning program for every child is the teacher’s ability to di�erentiate for each learner; the teacher’s skill andquality approach to engage learners; and the feedback teachers provide to learners to support them to progressand improve their learning.

At West Lakes Shore School R-7, composite classes are created with a range of abilities of children in both yearlevels i.e. a Year 2/3 class would have students of all abilities in Year 2 and students of all abilities in Year 3.

West Lakes Shore School NewsletterTERM 4, Week 5 - 15 November 2019

Page 2: West Lakes Shore School Newsletter · 2020. 1. 21. · sizes in each year level. As West Lakes Shore School is a category 6 school we work within the guidelines of between 24-26 students

Composite classes are created with less complexity in terms of need and have teachers who are skilled indi�erentiating for each learner. Composite classes are also supported with an additional teacher during theteaching of the relevant Year Level key Science curriculum areas.

At some point in your child’s time at West Lakes Shore School they are likely to be placed in a composite class. Wewill endeavour to ensure, wherever possible, that this does not occur for two consecutive years should classstructures enable this. 

Family requests and information to support your child’s placement for 2020 is now closed. Due to the timelines andcomplexity of the class structure process we are now no longer able to accept any additional requests. All sta� areworking hard to consider parental input, alongside their professional knowledge and understanding of eachindividual child so we can balance classes and ensure all students are set up for the best possible success in2020.

Students will get the opportunity to visit their new class and meet their teacher in week 9 of Term 4. Classplacement information will come home with end of year reports on Wednesday in week 9.

Kind regards

Carol Press


URGENT - Students Leaving WLSS at the end of 2019STUDENTS LEAVING END 2019 - We urgently require families to inform us if their child will be leaving WLSS beforeor at the end of 2019 (Reception to Year 6 children). 

We are in the �nal stages of class placements for 2020 and �uctuating enrolment numbers have a signi�cantimpact on this process . 

Please forward any information to Janet Massey - [email protected] 


Page 3: West Lakes Shore School Newsletter · 2020. 1. 21. · sizes in each year level. As West Lakes Shore School is a category 6 school we work within the guidelines of between 24-26 students

Celebrating our TeachersThe teachers at West Lakes Shore School do an amazing job of supporting each individual child.

We recognised their hard work at a recent morning tea with a yummy grazing table.

Don’t forget to ‘pay it forward’ and let the teachers know how much you have appreciated what they do to help yourchild to grow. 

What a spread!


Page 4: West Lakes Shore School Newsletter · 2020. 1. 21. · sizes in each year level. As West Lakes Shore School is a category 6 school we work within the guidelines of between 24-26 students

On Monday, 11 November the whole school showed their respect for those that have served and who are stillserving Australia in the various Forces.

The Year 7 students went to Year 1-6 classes to read and share some information about the importance ofRemembrance Day.  The bell was rung for one minute silence at 11.00am.  Teachers then played the Last Post in theclassrooms.

The students created wreaths and poppies and laid them in the Gym under the Australian Flag.  The Gym wasopened at lunch, so students could call in and see this poignant display. 


Remembrance Day

Page 5: West Lakes Shore School Newsletter · 2020. 1. 21. · sizes in each year level. As West Lakes Shore School is a category 6 school we work within the guidelines of between 24-26 students

Congratulations to all of the 427 West Lakes Shore students who have received their award from the Premier,Steven Marshall, for completing the “Challenge” this year.  All of our reception students received the �rst award, acerti�cate with their name printed on it, signed by the Premier.  They were able to complete the challenge withtheir teachers sharing many books with them throughout the year.

We are looking forward to another successful year with the Premiers Reading Challenge in 2020.


Volunteer Morning Tea"Volunteers make a HUGE di�erence!"

We have over 200 volunteers registered at West Lakes Shore Primary, and this year many have o�ered their timeand skills to support our students' learning. What an amazing di�erence Volunteers make!

The work of volunteers is very much appreciated and the range of experiences that you bring contributesinvaluably to the quality of learning and sense of community at our school.

To help celebrate the work the volunteers do, we invite each of you to our Volunteer Appreciation Morning Tea.Following our week 7 whole-school values assembly we invite families into the sta�room for a bite to eat and asmall gift.

Please see the invitation below, and RSVP by 22/11/2019 to assist with catering and gifts.

Page 6: West Lakes Shore School Newsletter · 2020. 1. 21. · sizes in each year level. As West Lakes Shore School is a category 6 school we work within the guidelines of between 24-26 students

STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts,STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts,MathematicsMathematics

Page 7: West Lakes Shore School Newsletter · 2020. 1. 21. · sizes in each year level. As West Lakes Shore School is a category 6 school we work within the guidelines of between 24-26 students

Micro Plastic Collaboration with Seaton High SchoolMs. Martin started the idea for the project when she saw a Leafy Sea Dragon mural made of plastic lids.  She hadan idea of making a Sea Dragon head out of clay, then making its body out of plastic and other pieces of rubbish. Ms. Martin invited Dr. Judith from the University of Adelaide to come and talk about the AUSMAP project.  Dave, thevideographer, came to record the process and make a documentary.

First, SD6 went to Semaphore Beach to �nd micro plastics, macro plastics and other rubbish.  They used sieves andsea water to sift out the sand.  Next they went to the northern most end of the West Lakes lake.  'There was waymore plastic than the beach!' exclaimed students from SD6.

SD6 later went to Seaton High School to separate and analyse the arti�cial material from the natural substances. To test if the material was plastic we put the supposed plastic in salt water; if it �oated it meant it was plastic.

The 'art' part of the STEAM pedagogy will be installed on the wall of the Seadragon building between SD5 & SD6. The mural is constructed from the microplastics found at both sites, other plastic rubbish and some naturalelements.  It tells the story of our marine emblem slowly being engulfed by the plastic waste invading our oceans.

To increase the awareness about the micro plastic crisis, and the AUSMAP Citizen Science Project we have beeninvolved in, SD6 created a scienti�c report which included information we learnt about the history and compositionof plastic.

The students recently had the opportunity to present their �ndings and progress so far at one of the Partnershipmeetings that was held at Henley High School.  Their mode of delivery was an iMovie they created using abreakfast TV format to present information about the collaboration and �ndings.

The end of the project will be an 'Opening Night' held at Seaton High School, showcasing the documentary and theA0 size scienti�c reports we constructed in the Media Suite at Seaton High School.

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Combing the shore line for plastics

Page 10: West Lakes Shore School Newsletter · 2020. 1. 21. · sizes in each year level. As West Lakes Shore School is a category 6 school we work within the guidelines of between 24-26 students

RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE FUNDRAISING - BAKE SALEStudents from our school recently had a cake sale to raise money for Ronald McDonald House .

Congratulations to Jess & Jenny L , Scout D , Amelia & Elijah T and their parents for doing such a great job to raisefunds for such a worthwhile cause.

The families do all the baking themselves, along with help from friends and family (many from West Lakes ShoreSchool).

Last year the group had a bake sale for Cancer Council and raised $560. What a great e�ort!

This year they have excelled and raised a most impressive $854.  WOW! They are hoping to make this a yearlyevent.

On the 22 November the families have been invited to go to Ronald McDonald House, where they will be shown howand where their fundraising money is going and see what the House is all about .

What a fantastic e�ort showing such strong school values of RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, EXCELLENCE as well asKINDNESS - Paying it forward to those that are in need.

Page 11: West Lakes Shore School Newsletter · 2020. 1. 21. · sizes in each year level. As West Lakes Shore School is a category 6 school we work within the guidelines of between 24-26 students

LIDS FOR KIDS - Plastic Lids for ProstheticsLIDS FOR KIDS - Plastic Lids for Prosthetics

THANK YOU - DONATIONS ARE NO LONGER REQUIRED ATPRESENTDue to an overwhelming national response to this cause, Envision has asked for donations of lids to cease untilfurther notice. 

We will forward what we have collected in the next week.  If you have any lids at home that you have been savingplease bring them to the front o�ce ASAP.

A reminder the organisation ONLY accepts the following:

Plastic Milk Bottle Lids, Plastic Soft Drink Lids, Water Bottle Lids and UHT Milk Carton Lids.  

NO Sports drink popper style lids or �ip top lids are able to be recycled at the facility.


Page 12: West Lakes Shore School Newsletter · 2020. 1. 21. · sizes in each year level. As West Lakes Shore School is a category 6 school we work within the guidelines of between 24-26 students


The Vacswim season for 2019/2020 is fast approaching and we're so excited to once again be teaching SouthAussie kids water skills, awareness, con�dence and safety! 

A reminder that online enrolments for our December programs close Monday the 2nd of December, whileenrolments for January programs close Monday the 16th of December. 



Page 13: West Lakes Shore School Newsletter · 2020. 1. 21. · sizes in each year level. As West Lakes Shore School is a category 6 school we work within the guidelines of between 24-26 students

IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBERPlease make a note of the following dates on your calendar:


20th November 2019 - Wednesday - TERM 4 - Pupil Free Day

Please make sure you have booked your child/ren into OSHC if you require care for any of the Pupil Free Days or theSchool Closure Day.  


Wednesday 20 November - Pupil Free DayTuesday 3 December - Christmas Concert (evening event)Wednesday 4 December - Back Up for Christmas Concert (due to inclement weather if required)Thursday 12 December - Year 7 Graduation Ceremony (Invited guests only)Friday 13 December - Last Day of Term 4, 2020 - Early Dismissal at 2:15pm - See you all next yearBEGINNING OF TERM 1, 2020 - TUESDAY 28 JANUARY 2020


GENERAL HOUSEKEEPINGEXTENDED HOLIDAYS - If your child/ren is not going to be at school for the last week of Term 4, 2019 or the �rstweek/s of Term 1, 2020 we need to know.  We will require you to �ll out an Exemption Form for any absence over3 days for Department requirements.  Please see the front o�ce sta� for a form.  This is also a requirementthroughout the school year.  Any family absence over 3 days requires an Exemption Form, and any illness over 3days requires a medical certi�cate from a doctor.SKOOLBAG APP for ABSENCES - Please remember that you can put your child/rens absences in through theAbsence EForm part of SkoolBag.  It can be for one or two days of absence and gives you the option of Family orIllness. This is a quick and easy way of informing us.

WEST LAKES SHORE SCHOOL OSHCPlease be advised that OSHC has a wait list on Tuesdays and Wednesdays until further notice. From time to timeother days may be at capacity too.  PLEASE make sure you contact OSHC - 8242 3141 if your child will NOT beattending OSHC on their normal day, either due to illness or other family reasons.

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Click the title above to be taken to our schools website for more information on policies, OSHC etc

WEST LAKES SHORE SCHOOLSchool Absentee Line - 8449 7574

Sentral Parent Portal: https://sentral.westlakes.sa.edu.au/portal/login

WLSS OSHC Phone Number: 8242 3141

Edwin Street, West Lakes Shore, SA 5020

+61 8 8449 7255

[email protected]
