western australia. · conference of the churches of christ in western australia. mr. ernest john...

11617] WESTERN OF AUSTRALIA. [Published by Authority at 330 p.m.] [REGISTERED AT THE GENERAL POST OFFICE, PERTH, FOR TRANSMISSION BY POST AS A NEWSPAPER.] No. 53.1 PERTH : FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26. [1934. Dank Holiditys at TOWIIS specified below. PROCLAMATION ArEsTERN AUSTRALIA, 1 By Iiic Exeel Raley Sir .1 a ens litchelI TO WIT. K.C.M.G., Lit u tenant-Guy, rum. in and JAMES MITCHELL, over the State of Westtru A ustra ia Lieutenant-Governor. and its Dependencies in the Common- [ms.] wealth of Australia. IN pursuance of the provisions contained in the fifth section of ''The Bank Holidays Act, 1884," I, the Lieutenant-Governor of the said State, do by this my Proclamation appoint special days to he observed as Bank Holidays as follows: Date and Town. Thursday, 1st November, 1934Bunbury. Friday, 2nd November, 1931 Kojonup. Saturday, 3rd November, 1934 Mt. Barker. Tuesday, 6th November, 1934Boyup Brook. Thursday, 8th November, 1934Albany. Wednesday, 14th November, 1934Bridgetown. Wednesday, 21st November, 1931 Donnybrook. Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said State, at Perth, this 13th day of October, 1934. By His Excellency's Command, J. M. DREW, Chief Secretary. GOD SAVE THE KING ! ! ! Mines Regulation Act, 1906. Mining District. PROCLAMATION WESTERN AUSTRALIA, I By His Excellency Sir James Mitchell, TO WIT. J K.C.M.G., Lieutenant-Governor in and JAMES MITCHELL, over the State of Western Australia Lieutenant-Governor. and its Dependencies in the Common- [a.s.] wealth of Australia. Corres. No. 3278/95. IN pursuance of the provisions contained in "The Mines Regulation Act, 1906," I, the said Lieutenant- Governor, acting with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, and in exercise of the powers con- ferred by the said Act, do hereby proclaim that the area of land as f ! es(,ri bed in the undermentioned Schedule be it Mining District, within the meaning and for the pur- pose of "The Mines Regulation Act, 1906," and that such District shall be known as the West Pilbara Min- ing District. Schedule. Starting from the sea coast at the mouth of the For- tescue River and extending South-Easterly along the right bank of the said river upwards to Survey Station V 23; thence in a Northerly direction to Survey Station V 32, on the Western branch of the Yule River; thence Northerly along the right bank to the sea coast; thence along the sea coast South-Westerly to the point of com- mencement. Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said State, at Perth, this 24th day of October, 1934. By His Excellency's Command, (Sgd.) S. W. MUNSIE, Minister for Mines. GOD SAVE THE KING ! ! ! AT a meeting of the Executive Council held in the Executive Council Chamber, at Perth, this 24th day of October, 1934, the following Orders in Council were authorised to be issued: The Laud Act, 1933. ORDER 1N COUNCIL. Corr. No. 5038/12. WHEREAS by Section 33 of ''The Land Act, 1933," it is made lawful for the Governor to direct that any Reserve shall vest in and be held by any Municipality, Road Board, or other person or persons to be named in the order, in trust for the like or other public pur- poses to he specified in such order: And whereas it is deemed expedient that Reserve No. 14471, at Babalong,

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Page 1: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Conference of the Churches of Christ in Western Australia. Mr. Ernest John Miles Collie... Wellington S. BENNETT, Registrar General. APPOINTMENTS (under Section



AUSTRALIA.[Published by Authority at 330 p.m.]


No. 53.1 PERTH : FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26. [1934.

Dank Holiditys at TOWIIS specified below.

PROCLAMATIONArEsTERN AUSTRALIA, 1 By Iiic Exeel Raley Sir .1 a ens litchelI

TO WIT. K.C.M.G., Lit u tenant-Guy, rum. in andJAMES MITCHELL, over the State of Westtru A ustra ia

Lieutenant-Governor. and its Dependencies in the Common-[ms.] wealth of Australia.

IN pursuance of the provisions contained in the fifthsection of ''The Bank Holidays Act, 1884," I, theLieutenant-Governor of the said State, do by this myProclamation appoint special days to he observed asBank Holidays as follows:

Date and Town.Thursday, 1st November, 1934Bunbury.Friday, 2nd November, 1931 Kojonup.Saturday, 3rd November, 1934 Mt. Barker.Tuesday, 6th November, 1934Boyup Brook.Thursday, 8th November, 1934Albany.Wednesday, 14th November, 1934Bridgetown.Wednesday, 21st November, 1931 Donnybrook.

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of thesaid State, at Perth, this 13th day of October,1934.

By His Excellency's Command,

J. M. DREW,Chief Secretary.


Mines Regulation Act, 1906.Mining District.

PROCLAMATIONWESTERN AUSTRALIA, I By His Excellency Sir James Mitchell,

TO WIT. J K.C.M.G., Lieutenant-Governor in andJAMES MITCHELL, over the State of Western Australia

Lieutenant-Governor. and its Dependencies in the Common-[a.s.] wealth of Australia.

Corres. No. 3278/95.IN pursuance of the provisions contained in "TheMines Regulation Act, 1906," I, the said Lieutenant-Governor, acting with the advice and consent of the

Executive Council, and in exercise of the powers con-ferred by the said Act, do hereby proclaim that the areaof land as f ! es(,ri bed in the undermentioned Schedule beit Mining District, within the meaning and for the pur-pose of "The Mines Regulation Act, 1906," and thatsuch District shall be known as the West Pilbara Min-ing District.

Schedule.Starting from the sea coast at the mouth of the For-

tescue River and extending South-Easterly along theright bank of the said river upwards to Survey StationV 23; thence in a Northerly direction to Survey StationV 32, on the Western branch of the Yule River; thenceNortherly along the right bank to the sea coast; thencealong the sea coast South-Westerly to the point of com-mencement.

Given under my hand and the Public Seal of thesaid State, at Perth, this 24th day of October,1934.

By His Excellency's Command,

(Sgd.) S. W. MUNSIE,Minister for Mines.


AT a meeting of the Executive Council held in theExecutive Council Chamber, at Perth, this 24th day ofOctober, 1934, the following Orders in Council wereauthorised to be issued:

The Laud Act, 1933.ORDER 1N COUNCIL.

Corr. No. 5038/12.WHEREAS by Section 33 of ''The Land Act, 1933,"it is made lawful for the Governor to direct that anyReserve shall vest in and be held by any Municipality,Road Board, or other person or persons to be namedin the order, in trust for the like or other public pur-poses to he specified in such order: And whereas it isdeemed expedient that Reserve No. 14471, at Babalong,

Page 2: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Conference of the Churches of Christ in Western Australia. Mr. Ernest John Miles Collie... Wellington S. BENNETT, Registrar General. APPOINTMENTS (under Section

1618 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [OcToBER 26, 1934.

in the Kojonup District, should vest in and be heldby Harry Alfred Bessen, Murray Wells Bradshaw, andWilliam Fowler Crosby, in trust for the purpose of anAgricultural Hall Site: Now, therefore, His Excellencythe Lieutenant-Governor, by and with the advice andconsent of the Executive Council, doth hereby directthat the before-mentioned Reserve shall vest in and beheld by Harry Alfred Bessen, Murray Wells Bradshaw,and William Fowler Crosby in trust for the purposeaforesaid, subject nevertheless to the powers reservedto him by Section 37 of the said Act.

(Sgd.) L. E. SHAPCOTT,Clerk of the Council.

The Road Districts Act, 1919-33.Dundas Road BoardDetermination of Membership.


WHEREAS under the provisions of "The Road Dis-tricts Act, 1919-33," the Governor may from time totime by Order in Council declare and determine thenumber of members constituting a Road Board, andthe number of members for each Ward thereof : Andwhereas it is desired to determine the number of mem-bers of the Dundas Road Board and re-allocate thenumber of members for each Ward: Now, therefore,His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, by and withthe advice and consent of the Executive Council, underthe provisions of the said Act and all other powersenabling him in this behalf, doth hereby declare anddetermine that the number of members constituting theDundas Board shall be seven as heretofore, andshall be allocated as shown in the Schedule hereto:

Schedule.Dowak-Kumarl Ward-1 member; Salmon Gums Ward

2 members; Norseman-Cowan Ward-3 members;Circle Valley Ward-1 member.

(Sgd.) L. E. SHAPCOTT,Clerk of the Council.

Premier 's Department,Perth, 25th October, 1934.

IT is hereby notified, for public information, thatHis Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor has been pleasedto approve of the following arrangements for the ad-ministration of portfolios during the absence of theHonourable Premier from the State:

The Honourable Alexander McCallummier and Treasurer;

The Honourable John Collings Willcoek to act asMinister for Public Works and Water Supplies,in addition to administering his portfolios ofJustice and Railways;

The Honourable Selby Walter Munsie to act as Minis-ter for Forests, in addition to administering hisportfolios of Mines and Health;

The Honourable Harold Millington to act as Ministerfor Education, in addition to administering hisportfolios of Agriculture, Police and North-West;

The Honourable James Joseph Kenneally to act asMinister for Labour (including Arbitration,Workers' Compensation, State Insurance, Shopsand Factories and Scaffolding Inspectors), inaddition to administering his portfolios of Em-ployment, Child Welfare, and Industrial De-velopment.

to net as Pre-

L. E. SHAPCOTT,Secretary Premier's Department.

Crown Law Department,Perth, 24th October, 1934.

THE Hon. Minister for Justice has appointed the fol-lowing as Commissioners for Declarations, under "TheDeclarations and Attestations Act, 1913":JamesGilbert, Bernard McCabe, Herbert Sherman, HenryWebb, Charles Crowe, Patrick Lennox, of Collie, andAlbert Ernest Nulsen, of Salmon Gums, and WilliamHenry Berry, of Jimbel Bah.

THE Hon. Minister for Justice has approved of thefollowing appointments:

Constable James Graham St. Jack as Acting AssistantBailiff of the Albany Local Court at Mt. Barker, dur-ing the absence on leave of Constable Mulkerin;

Sergeant H. W. 13 owbottom as Acting Bailiff of theCollie Local Court, during the absence on leave ofSergeant W. Baumgarten.

THE Hon. Minister for Justice has approved ofattached appointinents and cancellations of appoint-ments of Postal Vote Officers, under the provisions ofSection 89 of "The Electoral Act, 1907":

APPOINTMENTS.Kimberley District.

Viryndham--Fawcett, Richard.

Murchison District.Tuckenarra State Battery Maloney, Frank.

CANCELLATIONS.Bunbury District.

Bunbury Crockett, Lionel La mont.

Forrest District.Duncan 's Mill, via Holyoake Herrod, Edward


Gascoyne District.Mooka Station, CarnarvonHutton, John Thomas.

Irwin-Moore District.Lyons CampLewis, Hazel E. (Miss).

Kimberley District.Wynd he mPlinders, John Franklin.

Murchison District.Tuckanarra State BatteryBowler, Kevin Samuel.Reedy 's, via CueMathers, John V. W.

Murray-Wellington District.MandogalupForster, George.

North Perth District.Lincoln Street, State SchoolCooke, Alfred Mor-


H. G. HAMPTON,Under Secretary for Law.

Office of Public Service Commissioner,Perth, 25th October, 1934.

HIS Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in ExecutiveCouncil has approved of the following appointment:

Ex. Co. 1700; P.S.C. 274/34.Gregory James Boyl-son, under Section 29 of the Public Service Act, to beDeputy Master and Clerk in Charge, Supreme Court,Crown Law Department, at a salary of £495 per annum,as from 24th September, 1934.

Also of the following retirements:Ex. Co. 955.F. A. Barnard, Clerk in Charge, Archi-

tectural Branch, Public Works Department, under Sec-tion 67 of the Public Service Act, as from 25th October,1934;

Ex. Co. 1214:E. H. Stevens, Chief Draftsman, LandTitles Office, Crown Law Department, under Section 66of the Public Service Act, as from 23rd November,1934;

Ex. Co. 764.C. E. Newsham, Senior Inspector, AuditDepartment, under Section 67 of the Public ServiceAct, as from 26th October, 1934.

Ex. Co. 1396.H. Bennett, Assistant Engineer(Mechanical), Public Works Department, under Section67 of the Public Service Act, as from 28th January,1935.

G. W. SIMPSON,Public Service Commissioner.

Page 3: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Conference of the Churches of Christ in Western Australia. Mr. Ernest John Miles Collie... Wellington S. BENNETT, Registrar General. APPOINTMENTS (under Section



Department. Position. Salary. Date Returnable.

1934.Mines Department Mining Registrar, etc., Marble Bar ... £280 £340 27th OctoberTreasury ... Clerk in Charge Registration of Stock and Advertising £305 £380 do.Chief Secretary ... Clerk (Records), Registrar General's Office (female) ... £165-4215 do.Mines ... Mining Registrar, Coolgardie £280-4340 3rd NovemberAgricultural Bank and Industries Clerk £225 £280 do.

Assistance BoardChief Secretary's ... Deputy Government Statistician and Deputy Regis-

trar General£380-4475 10th November

Public Works ... Clerk, Shorthand-writing and Typing, Kalgoorlie ... £145-4195 do.

Applications are called under Section 38 of "The Public Service Act, 1904," and are to be addressedto the Public Service Commissioner, and should be made on the prescribed form obtainable from the officesof the various Permanent Heads of Departments.

G. W. SIMPSON,Public Service Commissioner.

Registrar General's Office,Perth, 25th October, 1934.

P is hereby published, for general information, that the undermentioned Minister has been duly registered in this officefor the celebration of Marriages throughout the State of Western Australia :---

R.0 No. I Date. Denomination and Name. Residence. Registry District.


Oct. 20

Conference of the Churches of Christ inWestern Australia.

Mr. Ernest John Miles Collie ... Wellington

S. BENNETT,Registrar General.

APPOINTMENTS(under Section 5 of "Registration of Deaths and Mar-

riages Amendment Act, 1907," and Section 2 of"The Registration of Births, Deaths, and MarriagesAct Amendment Act, 1914").

Registrar General's Office,R.G. No. S4/34. Perth, 18th October, 1934.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, thatConstable James Graham St. Jack has been appointedto act, temporarily, as Assistant District Registrar ofBirths and Deaths for the Plantagenet Registry Dis-trict, to reside at Mt. Barker, during the absence onsick leave of Constable Mulkerin ; appointment to datefrom 18th October, 1934.

Registrar General's Office,R.G. No. 128/34. Perth, 23rd October, 1934.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, thatMr. W. Petterson has been appointed to act, tempor-arily, as District Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Mar-riages for the Katanning Registry District, to resideat Katanning, during the absence on leave of Mr. G.E. Mathea ; appointment to date from 24th October,1934.

R.G. No. 127/34.IT is hereby notified, for general information, thatMr. C. R. Stahl has been appointed to act, temporarily,as District Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriagesfor the Beverley Registry District, to reside at Beverleyduring the absence on leave of Mr. E. P. Foreman;appointment to date from 24th October, 1934.

S. BENNETT,Registrar General.


(Section 55.)Payment of Tax by Instalments.

PURSUANT to the provisions of Section 55 of theabove-mentioned Act, as inserted by No. 42 of 1931, Ihereby give notice that every taxpayer who has lodgedhis Income Tax returns in accordance with the pro-visions of the Act for any year of assessmont, and whois liable for Income Tax in respect thereof, shall, within14 days after the 31st October, 1934, make applicationto me, on the form provided, for payment by monthlyor other periodical instalments, of the Income Tax pay-able or to become payable by him in respect of the re-turns so furnished.

E. A. BLACK,State Commissioner of Taxation.

22nd October, 1934.

THE HEALTH ACT, 1911-32.Appointment.

THE following appointment made by the undermen-tioned Local Health Authority is hereby approved:

Marradong Road Board:David John to be HealthInspector as from the 6th October, 1934.

Qualifications of Inspectors.IN pursuance of the powers conferred upon me by" The Health Act, 1911-32," I hereby exempt from theoperations of Section 30 of the said Act the office ofInspector in the Marradong Health District.

EVERITT ATKINSON,Commissioner of Public Health.

Page 4: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Conference of the Churches of Christ in Western Australia. Mr. Ernest John Miles Collie... Wellington S. BENNETT, Registrar General. APPOINTMENTS (under Section


THE HEALTH ACT, 1911-33.Appointments.

THE following appointments made by the undermen-tioned Lo'cal Health Authorities are hereby approved.-

Nannup Road Board:-Dr. G. M. Oxer to be MedicalOfficer of Health as from the 1st October, 1934.

Midland Junction and Guildford Municipal Councils:-E. T. Grant to be Health Inspector for the MidlandJunction-Guildford Health Districts.

Mt. Morgans Local Board of Health:-R. F. Irelandto be Health Inspector, vice A. D. Beresford.

EVERITT ATKINSON,Comm ssioner of Public Health.

POLICE ACT, 1892 (SECTIONS 75 AND 76).IN accordance with the above. Act the following un-claimed, found, and stolen property will be sold byPublic Auction at the Police Yard, Roe Street, Perth,on Wednesday, 7th November, 1934, at 10.30 a.m.:-284/33-gent's overcoat; 285/33-1 radiator cap; 286/33-1 10-inch spanner; 288/33-2 motor side curtains;290/33-1 revolver; 291/33-1 crank handle; 296/33-1 butcher's basket; 299/33-1 motor curtain- 306/33-1 white scarf; 308/33-1 bicycle; 312/33-1Gladstone bag; 314/33-1 boy's overcoat; 315/33-1 Gladstone bag; 318/33-lady's brown bag;320/33-1 string rosary beads; 322/33-1 book;324/33-1 packet cartridges; 329/33-1 lady'sblack bag; 333/33 -i E.P.N.S. mug; 344/33-a piece of blue material; 337/33-swag and oldclothes; 344/33-lady's purse; 349/33 lady's brownbag; 350/33-1 brown handbag; 352/33-1 steel rod;353/33-parcel of clothing; 351/33-1 empty suit case;355/33-1 mattress and bag of old clothing; 357/33lady's black bag; 365/33-1 waistcoat; 366/33 -igent's oilskin coat; 367/33-4 pairs corsets; 372/33-1 automatic pistol; 374/34-gent's overcoat; 380/33-1 wristlet watch; 381/33-1 automatic pistol; 383/33-1 watch; 384/33-1 gent's overcoat; 386/33=1lady's overcoat and fur choker; 387/33-1 clock 388/33-1 revolver; 391/33-1 revolver; 393/33-1 dogcollar 397/33-1 lady's black handbag; 400/33-1ring; 402/33-lady's black handbag; 407/33-1 pocketwatch; 412/33-black leather purse; 415 /33 -comband religious medal; 417/33-lady's brown bag; 418/33-black leather bag; 420/33-child's purse; 421/33-1 steel trunk; 422/33-1 pocket watch; 422/33 -inavy blue overcoat; 424/33-1 set of tools; 429/33.-1bicycle pump; 430/33-1 bicycle; 431/33-cockatoomodel; 432/33-black purse; 440/33-1 pair spectaclesin case; 441/33-lady's handbag; 442/33 -i bicycleand school bag; 449/33-1 shot gun; 1/34 -i smallpurse- 5/34 1 cane chair; 6/34-a bicycle mudguard;7/34- lady's black purse; 10/34-suit case containingold clothes; 11/34-part frame of motor cycle; 16/34-1 shot gun; 19/34 pair gent's shoes; 20/34-1bottle medicine; 24/34-1 rifle; '28/34-1 revolver andholster; 29/34-14 revolver; 30/34 1 revolver; 34/34--1 bicycle; 35/34-small handbag and brooch; 36/34-foot rest and tools; 38/31 4 ladies' handbags; 39/34-1 pair sandshoes; 40/34-fountain pen and spec-tacles; 41/34-2 tennis balls; one cricket ball; 42/34-motor jack and crank handle; 43/34 two leatherbags; 44/34 1 gent's and 1 lady's overcoats; 45/34-megaphone and stand; 46/34-lady's clothing andmotor overalls; 47/34-black wallet; 48/34-gent'sblue shirt; 51/34-lady's handbag; 53/34-gent's bluecoat and trousers; 57/34-3 lady's hats; 61/34 1child's handbag; 72/34 -i metal plumb bob; 73/34-1 pair gent's shoes; 74/34-1 douche; 78/34-1 pistol;81/34-lady's brown bag; 82/34-1 bracelet; 85/34lady's handbag; 85/34-1 necklace, comb, etc.; 87/34-suit case, rug and clothing; 92/34--1 cobbler's apronand sundry clothes; 93/34 -i billycan; 94/31-1 suit-case containing clothes; 96/34-1 rug; 97/34-casecontaining crockery; 99/34-1 toy elephant; 102/34-1 brown leather purse; 104/31 -i bicycle; 60/34-1 lady's grey handbag; 65/34-lady's hand-bag; 106/34-1 wooden crutch; 107/34; 1 pocket book;108/31-1 pair ladiy's black shoes; 110/34-1 emptysuitcase; 113/34 1 bundle of wire; 116/34-1 brownpurse; 118/34-1 string rosary beads; 120/34-1 suit-case, camera and stockwhip; 120/34-1 rifle; 125/34-1 motor coat; 126/34-1 suitcase and clothing; 126/34-lady's straw hat; 128/34-1 suitcase containingclothes; 131/34-1 cornsack of blankets; 132/34-1

attache case, containing torches and fuse; 133/34-2brushes; 1 dustpan; 134/34-black handbag and sun-dries; 72/33-1 bicycle.

STOLEN PROPERTY FOR SALE, 1934.112/32-lady's handbag; 17/33-1 pair spectacles;

98/33-1 bicycle; 112/33-1 tin oil; 113/33-1 battery;114/33-a quantity of electric fittings and torch; 139/33--bundle of leather straps; 140/33-1 leather kit-bag; 180/33-quantity of tools; 207/33-1 axe head;212/33-lady's pyjamas and beret; 219/33-1 magneto;225/33-1 leather case, containing cutlery and glass-ware; 233/33-1 swag of old clothes; 241/33-1 pairtrousers and 1 coat; 249/33-1 fountain pen; 260/33-1 bottle whisky.

W. DOUGLAS,Commissioner of Police.

16th October, 1934.


Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 24th October, 1934.

II15 Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in ExecutiveCouncil has been pleased to approve of the areas andboundaries of the following Reserves being amendedas described in the Schedules below, for the purposestherein set forth. the areas and boundaries previouslypublished in the Government Gazette being hereby can -

celled:6575/96.ALBANY. -No. 3693 (Hospital Site).-Lots 232,

235, 236, 228, and 678. (2a. 3r. 0.6p.) (DiagramBook 60/113; Plan Albany Townsite.)

1096/06.MT. ERIN ESTATE.-No. 10460 (Church Site-

Roman Catholic).-Lot 104. (3r. 26.2p.) (Diagram50S29; Plan 157A/40, C2.)

501/01.NELSON (Dukhilbalawaarup).-No. 10504 (Water).

-Location 10617, and the area bounded on the Northand West by lines starting from the South-West cornerof Nelson Location 1971 and extending East about 40chains and South about 50 chains, the opposite boun-daries being parallel and equal. (About 202a. 1r. 32p.)(Plan 438D/40, B4.)

4196/25.WILLIAMS. -No. 19087 (Timber-Mallet) .-Loca-

tions 14709 and 12236. (About 395 acres.) (Plan386D/40, B 03.)


TRICT.-No. 19547 (Hospital Site).-Location 11115and Pemberton Lot 118. (4a. 1r. 18.2p.) (Diagrams40966 and 53848; Plans 442C/40, E3, and PembertonTownsite.)

2019/14.PEMBERTON.-No. 20307 (Recreation-Children 's

Playground).-Lot 84. (2a. lr.) (Diagram 53845;Plan Pemberton Townsite.)

2950/33.ROCKINGHAM-No. 21181 (School Site).-Lot 321.

(5a. Or. 37p.) (Diagram 56871; Plan RockinghamTown site.)

W. P. ODELL,Under Secretary for Lands.


Department of ,Lands and Surveys,Perth, 24th October, 1934.

Corr. 13652/00.HIS Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in ExecutiveCouncil has been pleased to approve, under Section 37of ''The Land Act, 1933," of the cancellation of Re-serve 7689 (Rifle Range), at Menzies and of the areacontained therein being included in Reserve 8509 (Com-mon).

W. P. ODELL,Under Secretary for Lands.

Page 5: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Conference of the Churches of Christ in Western Australia. Mr. Ernest John Miles Collie... Wellington S. BENNETT, Registrar General. APPOINTMENTS (under Section


RESERVES.Department of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 24th October, 1934.HIS Excellency I Lieutenant-Governor in ExecutiveCouncil his been pleased to set apart as Public Reservesthe lands described in the Schedules below for the pur-poses therein set forth: -

3814/04.NATANNING.No. 21292 (Rest RoomCounrty

Women's Association).Lot No. 246. (1r. 8p.) (PlanKatanning.) Reserve 9327 (Independent Order ofRechahites) is hereby cancelled.

6523/24.TENTERDEN.No. 21293 (Church SiteRoman

Catholic).Lot No. 9. (3r. 30p.) (Plan TenterdenTownsite.) Reserve 2267 (Public Utility) is herebycancelled.

654/34.MELBOURNE.No. 21294 (Sanitary Site).Loca-

tion No. 3271. (10 acres.) (Diagram 58278; Plan64/80, C2.)

3966/98.BUSSELTON.No. 21295 (Public Utility) .Lot

No. 20. (About la. 2r.) (Plan Busselton Townsite.)9836/09.DENMARK.No. 21296 (Road Board Purposes).

Lot No. 257. (About la. 2r.) (Plan Denmark Town-site.) Reserve 13079 (Park Land) is hereby reduced.

1835/34.BUSSELTON.No. 21297 (Public Utility).Lot

No. Sub. 76. (2a. 1.r. 4p.) (Plan Busselton Townsite.)4006/10.DENMARK.No. 21298 (Public Buildings). Lots

Nos. 7, 142, and 143. (2r. 29p.) (Plan Denmark Town-site.)

1746/34.MALCOLM (Leonora) .No. 21301 (Recreation

Hockey Ground).Bounded by lines starting from apoint situate due West from the North-West corner ofLot 907 and at a distance of one chain West of theWestern side of the Railway Reserve, and extendingNorthward parallel to said side of Railway Reserveabout 7 chains; thence West about 4 chains; the op-posite boundaries being parallel and equal. (2a. 3r. 8p.)(Plan 43/300 and Leonora Townsite.) Reserve 7521(Common) is hereby reduced.

W. P. ODELL,Under Secretary for Lands.

THE PARKS AND RESERVES ACT, 1895.Appointment of Board.Department of Lands and Surveys,

387/22. Perth, 24th October, 1934.HIS Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in ExecutiveCouncil has been pleased to appoint, under the pro-visions of the above Act, Messrs. John Syme, HelmutRobert Ferdinand Caulshausen, Frederick Myers(senior), Arthur James Richards, and William Jonesas a Board to manage and control Reserve 21059, Lot74, at Wubin, for Recreation purposes.

Appointment of Trustees, Bobalong Recreation Ground.7707/09.

BIS Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in ExecutiveCouncil has been pleased to appoint, under the pro-visions of the above-mentioned Act, Messrs. HarryAlfred Bessen, Murray Wells Bradshaw, and WilliamFowler Crosby as a Board to control and manage Re-serve 12572, at Boba long, in the Kojonup District, forRecreation purposes.

Appointment of BoardBobalong Agricultural HallSite Reserve.

5038/12.HIS Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in ExecutiveCouncil has been pleased to appoint, under the pro-visions of the above-mentioned Act, Messrs. HarryAlfred Bessen, Murray Wells Bradshaw, and WilliamFowler Crosby as a Board to control and manage Re-serve 14471, at Bobalong, in the Kojonup District, foran Agricultural Hall Site.

4181/30.Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in Executive

Council has been pleased to appoint, under the pro-visions of "The Parks and Reserves Act, 1895," Messrs.Albert Webb, Alexander Wallace, Charles Mann, GeorgeA. Johnson, and James B. Ridge to be a Board to con-trol and manage Recreation Reserve 20603, near Cun-derdin Rock, in the Ninghan District.

W. P. ODELL,Under Secretary for Lands.

LOTS OPEN FOR SALE.Department of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 24th October, 1934.TT is hereby notified, for general information, that theundermentioned lots are now open for sale under theconditions specified, by public auction, as provided by"The Land Act, 1933," at the following upset prices:

Applications to be lodged at Albany.2583/30MOUNT BARKER, Town 320 (2r.), £18.

Applications to be lodged at Bunbury.5423 /98 HAMEL, Town 108 (lr.), £12 10s.

Applications to he lodged at Geraldton.796/13MAYA, Town 40 to 43 inclusive; £20 each.

Applications to he lodged at Kalgoorlie.729/00--KALGOORLIE (Sheet 2), Town R.964

(1r.), £15. -Reserve 20718 (Railway Purposes) is here-by cancelled.

Applications to be lodged at Northam.1144/03--BEECHINA, Suburban for Cultivation 22

(9a. Or. 2p.), £15; 23 (12a. lr. 32p.), £10.795/13BITNTINE, Town 41 (1r.), £20; 18 (1r.),

£12; 32, 33, 34, and 35 (5 acres each); Suburban forCultivation; £10 each.

1681/32MUKINBUDIN, Town 21 (1r.), £15. Re-serve 18029 (Public Utlity) is hereby reduced.

Applications to be lodged at Perth.4975/27T3ICKLEY, Suburban for Cultivation 50

(2a. Or. 28p.), £30.

Plans showing the arrangement of the lots referred toare now obtainable at this office and the offices of thevarious Government Land Agents.

W. P. ODELL,Under Secretary for Lands.

THE BUSH FIRES ACT, 1902, AND AMENDMENTS.Suspension of Operation of Prohibited Periods on

Government Railway Reserves.Department of Lands and Surveys,

2287/32. Perth, 24th October, 1934.IT is hereby notified that His Excellency the Lieuten-ant-Governor in Executive Council has been pleased toapprove, under Section 2 of "The Bush Fires Act,1902," and Amending Act, 1904, of the suspension ofthe operation of all declarations made under Section 5of the said Act, so far as such declarations extend tothe Government Railway Reserves in the Mullewa, North-ampton, and Victoria Plains Road Districts, for theperiod extending from the 15th October, 1934, to the25th November, 1934, inclusive.

W. P. ODELL,Under Secretary for Lands.


Department of Lands and Surveys,Perth, 24th October, 1934.

13229/08.IT is hereby notified, for general information, that HisExcellency the Lieutenant-Governor in Executive Coun-cil has been pleased to approve, under Section 10 of"The Land Act, 1933," of the name of Cygnet Street(between Kelvin Street and Caledonian Avenue), inthe Perth Road District, being changed to "Swan ViewTerrace"; and such street shall hereafter be knownand distinguished as "Swan View Terrace" accord-ingly.

W. P. ODELL,Under Secretary for Lands.

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513/22.HIS Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in ExecutiveCouncil has been pleased to appoint, under the pro-visions of the above Act, the Plantagenet Road Boardas a Board to control and manage the Public Cemetery,at Kendenup (Reserve 21291).

THE CEMETERIES ACT, 1897.Appointment of Boards.

Kendenup Cemetery.Department of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 24th October, 1934.

Fremantle Cemetery.4793/98. Volume 5.

HIS Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in ExecutiveCouncil has been pleased to appoint, under the pro-visions of "The Cemeteries Act. 1897," the ReverendAbraham Clifford Jones a member of the FremantleCemetery Board, vice the Reverend C. F. Argyll Saxby,resigned.

Appointment of Trustee, Denmark Public Cemetery.8459/08.

HIS Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in ExecutiveCouncil has been pleased to appoint, under the pro-visions of the above-mentioned Act, Mr. Percy Bur-ridge as a Trustee of the Denmark Public Cemetery, viceMr. Richard Purnell, resigned.

Appointment of Trustees, Watheroo Public Cemetery.7784/11.

HIS Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in ExecutiveCouncil has been pleased to appoint, under the pro-visions of the above Act, Messrs. R. G. Hilfers, D.Cameron, and H. Elphick, all of Watheroo, to be Trus-tees of the Watheroo Public Cemetery.

W. P. ODELL,Under Secretary for Lands.


THE undermentioned Leases have been cancelled underSection 32 of "The Land Act, 1898," for non-paymentof rent or other reasons:

Name, Lease No., District, Rent or other reasons,Corres. No., Plan No.

Bandy, T. 0.; 68/3318; Victoria 6693, 4058, and 6696;abandoned; 2304/31; 160/80, B.C.1

Bandy. T. O.; 74 /1383; Victoria 9456; abandoned;2643/31: 160/80, B.C.1.

Bond. J.; 5427/51; Sawyers' Valley 75; abandoned;9460/11 : Sawyers' Valley.

Blakeborough, J.; 21359/68; Ninghan 1311; abandoned;3494/26; 65/80, F2.

Braimbridge, F.; 8667/68; Avon pt. 20864; abandoned;6436/13; 34/80. C4.

Braimbridge, F.: 19658/74; Avon pt. 20864; aban-doned; 6435/13; 34/80, C4.

13raimbridge, F.; 36313/55; Avon 9038; abandoned;81/18; 34/80, C4.

Braimbridge, F.; 40776/55; Avon 9037; abandoned;5515/22; 34/80. C4.

Bristol, F. E.: 68/1705; Williams 11523, 11524; abamdoned ; 1078/29; 408/80.

Bristol. F. E.; 74/749; Williams 14789; abandoned;2104/29; 408/80.

Buckless, F. W.; 68/3471; Victoria 6705; non-compli-ance with conditions; 561/32; 1590/40, E3.

Deason, .T. H.; 10927/68; Sussex 472; abandoned;2687/18; 413A/40, A2.

Deason. J. H.: 10756/68; Sussex 480; abandoned;3067/17; 413/80, A2.

Corke, E. D.; 68/1701; Williams 11060 and 12470;abandoned; 5875/27; 377D/40, C3.

Cream, A. A. T.; 14142/68; Victoria 7397; £141 6s.6d.; 7592/20: 157C/40, F4.

Dann, W. A.; 42512/55; Victoria pt. of 8573; £56 7s.Od.; 6247/26; 128/80, D2.

Dann, W. A.; 13208/56; Victoria pt. of 8573; £14 18s.4d.; 229/28; 128/80, D2.

Farrell, E. T.; 8751/51; Geraldton 1150; £16 4s. Od.;2384/32; Geraldton.

Goddin, A. M.; 11151/56; Hay 1023; £20 5s. Od.; 5822/12; 444/80, Bl.

Gordon, R. H.; 56/323; Esnerance 718 and 719; aban-doned; 65/31; 423/80. C4.

Grow, H. E.; 21617/47; Wialki 8; £27 Os. 0(1.; 2140/33;Wialki.

Hughes, P. A.; 974/57; Kojonup 7269; non-compliancewith conditions; 3399/16; 437B/40, E2.

King, A. W.; 68/967; Avon 23951, 23432, and 23613;abandoned; 5418/28; 343B/40, F2.

Kite, G.; 68/761; Williams 14331; abandoned; 6914/26; 408/80, C.D.3.

Lord, B.; 20377/68; Victoria 7764; abandoned; 3581/25; 96/80, D2 and 3.

Lord, R.; 20375/68; Victoria 7768; abandoned; 4073/25; 96/80, Dl.

Lord, A. B.; 24234/74; Victoria 8118; abandoned;5047/24; 96/80, Dl.

Lord, A. B.; 18452/68; Victoria 7727; abandoned;852/24; 96/80, Dl.

Radford, C. A.; 20/2281; Kockatea 6; £229 Os. 86.;2330/28; 156/80.

Radford, C. A.; 42677/55; Victoria 8804; £31 Os. 7d.;2666/28; Kockatea.

Reid, F.; 41076/55; Jilbad,ii 360; £109 15s. 5d.; 4548/24; 23/80.

Sewell, A. A. B.; 68/290; Ninghan 2594; abandoned;1707/27; 55/80, D.E.I.

Sewell, A. A. B.; 74/231; Ninghan 2739; abando2086/27; 55/80, El.

O'Sullivan, E.; 68/3197; Ninghan 3702; non-compli-ance with conditions; 3956/30; 65/80. B4.

Smith, J. Jr.- Smith, J.; Smith, E.: 29032/55; Nelson6232; abandoned; 1828/11: 438D/40, B3.

Stutley, R. M.; 20249/68: Plantagenet 5009; aban-doned; 1482/26; 435/80. Ai.

Walter, A. E.; 688/639; Roe 502; abandoned; 3823/27; 406/80, B2.

Walter, A. E.; 68/2506; Roe 1273; abandoned; 5082/28; 406/80, B2.

Walter, A. E.; 74/410; Roe 1100; abandoned; 4449/27; 406/80, B2.

Webster, A.; 20269/68; Ninghan 1441, 1443, 180, and208; abandoned; 448/26; 65/80, A5; 64/80, A4.

Webster, A.; 25022/74; Ninghan 2110; abandoned;1284/26; 65/80, A4.

Woolley, M. A.; 16579 /68; Williams 12780; £52 Os.

10d.; 5079/22; 377/80, P3.Lane, D.; 12958/56; Yilgarn 245; abandoned; 3805/

23; 35/80, 54/80.Lane, C. J.; 40272/55; Yilgarn 246; abandoned; 3303/

23; 35/80.Lane, C. J.; 57/323; Yilgarn 1309; abandoned; 1909/

29; 35/80, C2.


W. P. ODELL,Under Secretary for Lands.

GOVERNMENT LAND SALES.HIE undermentioned allotments of land will be offeredfor sale at Public Auction on the dates and at the placesspecified below:

PERTH.27th October, 1934, at 11 am., at the Department of

Lands and SurveysCoolgardieTown 2050, 17.3p., £12 10s.

WAGIN.13th November, 1934, at 11 a.m., at the District Lands

OfficeLake GraceTown 154, 1r, 4.1p., £20.

COLLIE.14th November, 1934, at 11 a.m., at the Court House

Collie-CardiffTown §321, lr., £10.

GERALDTON.14th November, 1934, at 3.15 p.m., at the District Lands

OfficeCarnamah*69, 8a. £24.DenisonTown 90, 1r., £14.GeraldtonTown 129, 2r., £150; 136, 2r., £100.

Page 7: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Conference of the Churches of Christ in Western Australia. Mr. Ernest John Miles Collie... Wellington S. BENNETT, Registrar General. APPOINTMENTS (under Section


LEONORA.14th November, 1934, at 2 p.m., at the Mining Regis-

trar 's OfficeKookynieTown 37, lr., £10.LeonoraTown 472, 1r. 2p., £15; 1588, lr., £12

10s.; 1423, lr., £15.

MEEKATHARRA.14th November, 1934, at 11 a.m., at the Mining Regis-

trar's OfficeMeekatharraTown 564, lr. 4p., £15; 198, lr., £15;

64, lr., £18; 213, 235, lr. each, £20 each.NannineTown 56, 2r., £15.

SOUTHERN CROSS.14th November, 1934, at 3 p.m., at the Mining Regis-

trar's OfficeBullfinchTown 25, lr., £12.Marvel LochTown 43, lr., £17.Southern CrossTown 250, 2r. 39p., £15.

WILUNA.14th November, 1934, at 11 a.m., at the Mining Regis-

trar 's OfficeSir SamuelTown 230, 234, 235, lr. each, £10 each.Wilma Town 744, 745, lr. 0.4p. each, £12 each;

751, 39.8p., £15; 817, lr. 1.4p., £20.

CUE.14th November, 1934, at 11 a.m., at the Mining Regis-

trar 's OfficeAustinTown 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24,

25, 26, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, lr. each, £10each; 1, 40, 1r. each, £12 each.

ReedyTown 32 36, lr. each, £25 each; 21, 48, 1.r.each, £20 each.

ALBANY,15th November, 1934, at 2.30 p.m., at the District Lands

OfficeAlbanyTown 795, lr. ]3p., £30.

NARROGIN.15th November, 1934, at 12 noon, at the District Lands

OfficeDarkan"174, 7a. 3r. 39p., £16; 175, 7a. Or. 2p.,

£16.YealeringTown 48, lr., £10.

NORTHAM.15th November, 1934, at 11.30 a.m., at the District Lands

OfficeKalannieTown 23, lr., £15; *39, 3a. 2r. 38p., £12;

38, 3a. lr. 38p., £12; 40, 4a. 3r., £10.

PERTH.16th November, 1934, at 11 a.m., at the Department of

Lands and SurveysSerpentineTown 16, 17, 2r. each, £10 each.Bickley"50, 2a. Or. 28p., £30.

§Subject to payment for improvements, if purchasedby other than the owner of same.

t Subject to condition relating to the sale of lotssituate South of Snell Street, Leonora.

*Suburban for cultivation.The purchaser will have the option of taking in lieu

of a grant in fee simple a lease under the Regulationsat the scheduled capital value nearest the upset pricefor the term of 99 years, on payment of a premiumequal to the amount of his bid in excess of the upsetprice; provided that if a suitable residence or buildingis not erected on the lot within six (6) months from dateof approval of the lease, the lease shall be forfeitedabsolutely.

All improvements on the land offered for sale are theproperty of the Crown, and shall be paid for as theMinister may direct, whose valuation shall be final andbinding on the purchaser.

Plans and further particulars of these sales may beobtained at this office. Land sold to a depth of 200feet below the natural surface, except in mining dis-tricts, where it is granted to a depth of 40 feet only.

W. P. ODELL,Under Secretary for Lands.


Wrest of Midland Railway.

Department of Lands and Surveys,1733/34. Perth, 17th October, 1934.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, that allthe vacant unreserved Crown land situate West of theMidland Railway Reserve, from Gingin to Mingenew,on the Plans set out hereunder, will be available forleasing for Grazing Purposes, under Section 116 of"The Land Act, 1933," on and after Wednesday, 7thNovember next.

Applications should be lodged at the Geraldton LandAgency for the land on Plans 93, 94, 95, 123, and124/80, and at the Perth Land Office for the land onPlans 30, 31, 58, 59, 62, 63, 90, 91, and 92/80.

Applications received on or before the above datewill be deemed to have been received simultaneously,and, in the event of more than one application beingreceived for the same area the Land Board will deter-mine which shall he granted. After that date areas notapplied for will remain available for application untilfurther notice.

The annual rental has been fixed at 5s. per 1,000 acres,and the minimum rental is £2 per annum. The leasewill be for Grazing Purposes only and subject to thecondition that each lease must be fenced with a sheep-proof fence within two years of the date of the lease.

The term of the lease will be 10 years and the maxi-mum area which may be held by any one person is10,000 acres.

Any survey required must be paid for by the lesseeat the cost fixed by the Surveyor General, but notexceeding the prescribed fee under the Regulations.

W. P. ODELL,Under Secretary for Lands.

LAND OPEN FOR PASTORAL LEASING.Under Part VI. of "The Land Act, 1933."

IT is hereby notified that the land described hereunderwill be available for general selection under Part VI. of"The Land Act 1933," on and after the date speci.fied:


PERTH LAND AGENCY.Eastern Division.

Hampton and Ngalbain Districts (about eight milesSouth-West of Golden Ridge).

Corres. 2712/29. (Plans 40/80 and 49/80.)That area of unsurveyed land, containing about

19,374 acres; being P. Corcoran's forfeited PastoralLease No. 3691/97.

Eastern Division.Nabberu District (about 30 miles North-East of

Wiluna).Corres. 5497/23. (Plan 60/300.)That area of unsurveyed land, containing about

20,000 acres; being N. R. Ward's forfeited PastoralLease No. 3206/97.


PERTH LAND AGENCY.Eastern Division.

Nabberu District (near Mt. Martin).Corres. 1724/24; (Plan 52/300).That area of unsurveyed land, containing about

20,000 acres, being A. A. Warren's forfeited PastoralLease No. 3396/97.

W. P. ODELL,Under Secretary for Lands.

Page 8: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Conference of the Churches of Christ in Western Australia. Mr. Ernest John Miles Collie... Wellington S. BENNETT, Registrar General. APPOINTMENTS (under Section


LAND OPEN FOR SELECTION.Department of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 6th March, 1934.IT is hereby notified, for general information, that theareas scheduled hereunder are available for selectionunder Part V. of "The Land Act, 1933," and the Regu-lations appertaining thereto, subject to the provisionsof the said Act.

Applications must be lodged at the Local Land Officefor the district in which the land is situated, not laterthan the date specified, but may be lodged before suchdate if so desired.

All applications lodged on or before such date will betreated as having been received on the closing day, andif there arc more applicants than one for any block, theapplication to be granted will be determined by theLand Board. Should any lands remain unselected suchwill continue available until applied for or otherwisedealt with.

If a Land Board sitting becomes necessary, the ap-plicants for the blocks will be duly notified of the date,time, and place of the meeting of the Board, and thereshall be an interval of at least three days between theclosing date and the sitting of the Board.

If an applicant wishes to appear before the LandBoard in person he may apply to the Head Office orto the Clerk in Charge of any of the District or BranchLand Offices for a certificate to the Railway Depart-ment which, on presentation at the nearest RailwayStation, will entitle him to a Return Ticket, at Excur-sion Rates, to the place where the Board will sit, avail-able for seven days from the date of issue.

The selector of a Homestead Farm from any locationmust take tho balance thereof, if any, under ConditionalPurchase.

All marketable timber, including sandalwood andmallet, is reserved to the Crown subject to the pro-visions of Clause 18 of the Regulations.



Roe District (near Lake Carmody).Corr. No. 1316/33.Open under Part V. (Plans 346/80, D4; 375/80,

DI.)Location 1485, containing 1,308a. lr. Sp., at 7s. 90.

per acre; classification page 11 of 315/28; subject toexemption from road rates for two years from date ofselection; being A. H. J. Richter's forfeited Lease68/3994.

GERALDTON LAND AGENCY.Victoria District (near Nolba).

Corr. No. 5464/27.Open under Part V. (Plan 16013/40, C4.)The area, containing about 430 acres, hounded on

the North by Locations 5100, 3089, and 3091 on theEast by Location 7888, on the South by Locations 7189and 6754, on the West by Locations 7860, 6902, 6] 29,and 6329, excluding roads; subject to survey, classi-fication, and pricing.

Victoria District (about five miles South-East ofPerenjoi).

Corr. No. 539/27.Open under Part V. (Plan 122/80, F4.)Location 3784, containing 1,999a. lr. 6p.; subject to

pricing and an Agricultural Bank mortgage; being A.Sanderson 's forfeited Lease 21429/68.

Victoria District (about 18 miles East of Perenjori).Corr. No. 433/3-1.Open under Part V. (Plan 121/80, C'3.)Location 8894, containing about 2,000 acres; sub-

ject to survey, classification, and pricing, and the pay-ment of quarter survey fee with application; beingF. M. Willers' cancelled application.

KATANNING LAND AGENCY.Kojonup District (about four miles North of Boscabel).

Corr. No. 750/33.Open under Part V. (Plan 416A/40, Bl.)Location 8214, containing 963a. lr. 26p., at 3s. 9d.

per acre; classification page 5 of 2710/28; subject toexemption from road rates for two years from date ofselection and also to timber conditions; being C. H.Eatts' forfeited Lease 68/3822.

Kojonup District (about 12 miles South -West ofPingrup).

Corr. No. 6231/27.Open under Part V. (Plan 418/80, 132.)Location 8295, containing 1,483a. Or. 38p., Locations

6692, 6693 and 7797, containing 1,140 acres; subjectto pricing; classification page 4 of 6231/27 and page4 of 1681/24; subject to an Agricultural Bank mortgageand the termination of the present cropping lease;Location 8295 is also subject to exemption from roadrates for two years from date of selection; being G.R. Whowell's (jun.) forfeited Leases 68/461, 40908/55,and 24143/74.

NARROGIN LAND AGENCY.Williams District (about three miles South of Kulin).

Corr. No. 2540/25.Open under Part V. (Plan 377/80, F3.)Locations 9828 and 12896, containing 713a. Or. 27p.,

at Os. 6d. per acre; classification page 20 of 6420/10,Vol. 1; subject to exemption from road rates for twoyears from date of selection; subject to the conditionthat the poison must be eradicated to the satisfactionof the Minister for Lands before the Crown grant canissue; being F. R. Workman's forfeited Leases 19348/68 and 24597/74.

NORTHAM LAND AGENCY.Avon District (about three miles South-East of

Toodyay).Corr. No. 697/34.Open under Part V. (Plan 27D/40, B3.)Location 55, containing 5 acres; subject to pricing

and exemption from road rates for two years fromdate of selection.

Avon District (about 11 miles North of Kellerberrin).Corr. No. 5909/24.Open under Part V. (Plan 25/80, B].)Location 17794, containing 1,001 acres, at 8s. per

acre; classification page 4 of 17447/10; subject to pay-ment for improvements; being J. J. H. Hannan's for-feited Lease 18591/68.

PERTH LAND AGENCY.Peel Estate (near Balmanup Townsite).

Corr. 2935/29. (Plan Peel Estate.)Location 671, containing 40a. 3r. 4p.; price per acre

£7; total purchase money---£285 8s. 6d.; first half-year 's instalment as deposit£2; half-yearly instal-ments over balance of term (291/, years), includinginterest:To returned soldiers, at 41A per cent£815s.; to civilians, at 6 per cent.£10 Gs. 8d.; Location672, containing 65a. 2r. 30p.; price per acre-84 7s. 6d.;total purchase money-8287 7s. 8d.; first half-year'sinstalment as deposit-82; half-yearly instalments overbalance of term (293/4 years), including interest: to re-turned soldiers, at 43/4 per cent.£8 16s. 2d.; to civilians,at 6 per cent.£10 8s. ld.; subject to the conditions ap-plying to this Estate and to an Agricultural Bank mort-gage; being M. Christmas' forfeited Lease 55/2615.

Swan District (about five miles West of Warbrook).Corr. No. 301/13.Open under Part V. (Plan 1A/40, Cl.)Location 2253, containing 100 acres, at 7s. 3d. per

acre, and Location 2254, containing 100 acres, at 7s.per acre; classification page 7 of 301/13; subject toexemption from road rates for two years from date ofselection; being .T. Beguin's forfeited Leases 32954/55and 32953/55,

Page 9: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Conference of the Churches of Christ in Western Australia. Mr. Ernest John Miles Collie... Wellington S. BENNETT, Registrar General. APPOINTMENTS (under Section


Swan District (about 22 miles West of Gingin).Corr. No. 6291/20.Open under Part V. (Plan 29/80, El.)Location 2948, containing 500a. 2r. 21p., at 3s. per

acre; classification page 4 of 6291/20; subject toexemption from road rates for two years from dateof selection; being S. J. King's forfeited Lease14221/68.

Avon District (about 12 miles South-East ofMooliabeenie).

Corr. No. 1211/34.Open under Part V. (Plan 28/80, El.)Location 26844, containing 159a. Or. 37p., at 13s. per

acre; classification page 10 of 539/32; subject toexemption from road rates for two years from date ofselection and to payment for improvements (if any) ;being H. T. Ditchburn's cancelled application.

SOUTHERN CROSS LAND AGENCY.Jilbadji District (about five miles North of Holleton).

Corr. No. 1300/34.Open under Part V. (Plan 6/80, B2.)Location 558, containing 1,598a. Or. 22p., at 10s. per

acre; classification page 1 of 1788/28; subject to anAgricultural Bank mortgage and to mining conditions;being G. Mariotti's cancelled application.

Yilgarn District (about 12 miles North of SouthernCross).

Corr. No. 2885/27.Open under Part V. (Plan 36/80, El.)Location 460, containing 1,048a. lr. 24p., at 8s. Gd.

per acre; classification page 19 of 6470/22; subject toan Agricultural Bank mortgage; being J. Hough's for-feited Lease 42343/55.

WAGIN LAND AGENCY.Williams District (about three miles East of Lake

Grace).Corr. No. 6635/26.Open under Part V. (Plan 387/80, C & D4.)Location 12995, containing 1,170a. lr. 31p., at 3s. 90.

per acre; classification page 43 of 663,5/26; subject ;:oexemption from road rates for two years from date ofselection ; being Wm. E. Pickstone 's forfeited Lease21878/68.

Williams District (about eight miles South-East ofLake Grace).

Corr. No. 1441/34.Open under Part V. (Plan 387/80, D4.)Location 12487, containing 1,000a. lr. 8p., at 5s. 3d.

per acre; classification page 6 of 542/21; also Loca-tion 9529, containing 1,085a. lr. 18p., at 7s. per acre;classification page 19 of 5146/12; subject to an Agri-cultural Bank mortgage and subject to the conditionthat the Crown grant of Location 12487 will not issueuntil the poison has been eradicated to the satisfactionof the Minister for Lands; being F. J. Timming's can-celled application.

Williams District (about 61/2 miles North of Nyabing).Corr. No. 1489/34.Open under Part V. (Plan 403/80, F3.)Location 9764, containing 1,000 acres, at 9s. 3d. per

acre; classification page 24 of 5091/10, Vol. 1; andLocation 8485, containing 160 acres, at 8s. 3d, per acre;classification page 65 of 10985/08; subject to an Agri-cultural Bank mortgage and the condition that thepoison must be eradicated to the satisfaction of theMinister for Lands before the Crown grant will issue;being A. L. Langley's cancelled application.


Avon District (near Nourning Spring).Corr. No. 3518/03.Open under Part V. (Plan 343A/40, C2.)The area, containing 10a.. Sr. 33p., being Reserve

9206 and the closed road along its South boundary;subject to classification and pricing; Reserve 9206(Bore Site) is hereby cancelled.

Avon District (about 11 miles East of Emu Hill).Corr. No. 80/31.Open under Part V. (Plan 345/80, D1.)Location 23447, containing 1,000a. 2r. 7p., at 7s. 3d.

per acre; classification page 6 of 5751/24; subject toexemption from road rates for two years from date ofselection ; being G. H. Dutton 's forfeited Lease68/2990.

GERALDTON LAND AGENCY.Victoria District (near Perenjori).

Corr. No. 1161/34.Open under Part V. (Plan 122/80, E & F3.)Location 9521, containing about 162 acres, at 10s.

per acre; subject to survey; being W. H. England'scancelled application.

Yandanooka Repurchased Estate (about four milesNortk-Etot Ynn;lanoolta).

Corr. No. 702/19.Open under Part V. of "The Land Act, 1933,'' as

modified by Part VIII. (Plan 123/E0, El & 2.)Lots Nos. 23 and 32, containing 1,660 acres; price

per acreE2 3s.; purchase money£3,569; to returnedsoldiersplus first year's interest, capitalised at 41/,

per cent. per annum-3,729 12s. ld.; half-yearly in-stalment :next four years' interest only, at 41/ percent. per annum£83 18s. 4d.; balance (35 years)principal and interest, at 41/2 per cent, per annum£103 19s. 5d.; to civilianshalf-yearly instalment overfive years, including interest at 5 per cent, per annum£89 4s. 60.; half-yearly instalment over 35 years,including interest at 5 per cent. per annum£105 16s.10d.; improvements, tank sitestotal charges£19615s. 20.; half-yearly instalment over 30 years, includ-ing interestto returned soldiers, at 41/0 per cent., £69s.; to civilians, at 61/i per cent., £7 15s. 3d.; £18 15s.100.to returned soldiers, at 41/, per cent., 12s. 4(I.;to civilians, at 61/-, per cent., 14s. Gd.; subject to anAgricultural Bank mortgage, to a lease expiring 1stJanuary, 1935, and to the reservation of minerals to theMidland Railway Company and the Crown; being F. S.Fitzgerald's forfeited Lease 20/1323.

NARROGIN LAND AGENCY.Williams District (near Lake Jilakin).

Corr. No. 7162/11.Open under Part V. (Plan 376/80, B3.)Location 10343, containing 45 acres; subject to pric-

ing; Reserve 13601 (Water) is hereby cancelled.

NORTHAM LAND AGENCY.Avon District (near Hines Hill).

Corr. No. 10209/07.Open under Part V. (Plan 25/80, E2.)The area, containing 72a. 19p. bounded on the

North by Location 11794, on the iast by NangeenanAgricultural Area Lot 64, on the South by Hines HillTownsite, and on the West by Locations 26205 and26100; subject to classification and pricing; Reserve11439 (Artificial Manures, gypsum and lime) is herebycancelled.

Ninglian District (about three miles West of Kalannie).Corr. No. 5055/26.Open under Part V. (Plan 65/80, Al & 2.)Location 2524, containing 1,923a. 3r. 15p., at 5s. 9d.

per acre; classification page 9 of 5055/26; Location2795, containing 349a. 2r. 11p., at 8s. 3d. per acre;classification page 3 of 2826/28; subject to an Agri-cultural Bank mortgage and the right of the Govern-ment to resume for railway or other public purposes,without compensation, except for any improvements soresumed; being W. Shank's forfeited Leases 21728/68and 68/601.

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PERTH LAND AGENCY.Gascoyne District (near Carnarvon).

Corr. No. 2067/34.Open under Part V.

von.)Location 117, containing 38a. 2r. 26p., at 14s. per

acre, and Location 118, containing 38a. 2r. 22p., at 15s.per acre.

Subject to the following conditions :-1, Holder tofence at least half the land within the first five yearsand the whole within ten years; 2, to cultivate andplant with fruit trees or lucerne at least two acres inthe first two years; 3, to cultivate and plant one acreadditional in each succeeding year up to and includingthe tenth year ; 4, within two years to sink a well andequip it with a windmill, pump, etc.

(Plan Locations near Carnar-


BRIDGETOWN LAND AGENCY.Nelson District (about 61/2 miles North-West of

Qualeup Siding).Corr. No. 5061/22.Open under Part V. (Plan 415C/40, E3.)Location 2579, containing 348a. 2r., at 3s. 6d. per

acre; classification page 4 of 5061/22; subject to thecondition that the poison must be eradicated to thesatisfaction of the Minister for Lands before theCrown grant can issue, and subject to exemption fromroad rates for two years from date of selection; beingW. G. and C. G. Hill's forfeited Leases 16222/68.

Nelson District (near Collins Siding).Corr. No. 1927/33.Open under Part V. (Plan 442B/40, F2.)Location 10447, containing lla. lr. 39p., at 10s. 66.

per acre; classification page 14 of File 1427/33; avail-able to adjoining holders only; subject to the reservationof the timber to the Crown.

Wellington District (about six miles East ofNoggerup).

Corr. No. 1342/34.Open under Part V. (Plan 415A/40, Al.)The area, containing about 55 acres, bounded on the

South by a one-chain road along the North boundary ofLocation 2895, on the West by a road along the Eastboundary of Location 2287, on the North by a line inprolongation Eastward of the North boundary of thelatter location, and on the East by a line in prolonga-tion Northward of the East boundary of Location 2895aforesaid; subject to survey, classification, and pricing,and to the conditions respecting selection of land withina Pastoral Lease in the South-West Division of theState; subject also to the reservation of the timber tothe Crown.


ALBANY LAND AGENCY.Plantagenet District (near Redmond).

Corr. No. 379/32.Open under Part V. (Plan 451/80, A3.)The area, containing about 145 acres, bounded by

lines starting from the South-West corner of Location3775 and extending North about 32 chains and Eastabout 50 chains; the opposite boundaries being paralleland equal (excluding Location 3775) ; subject to sur-vey, classification, and pricing.

Torbay District (about three-quarters of a mile Westof Kronkup).

Corr. No. 3350/09.0:-)en under Part V. (Plan 457A, 40, Al.)Lot 105, containing 76a. 3r., at 14s. per acre; subject

to payment for improvement ;, if any, and to exemptionfrom road rates for two years from date of selection;being M. E. Fennell's forfeited Lease 7356/56.

Hay District (about 14 miles West of Tenterden).Corr. No. 4801/30.Open under Part V. (Plan 444/30, 1)2.)Location 624, containing 1,836a. 3r. 18p., at 4s. 3d.

per acre; classification page 24 of 4801/30; subject toexemption from road rates for two years from date ofselection; being L. W. Beech's forfeited Lease 68/2978.

T3UNBURY LAND AGENCY.Williams District (about nine miles South-West of

Boddington).Corr. No. 2343/24.Open under Part V. (Plan 384A/40, B2.)Locations 14105, 8789, and 8577, containing 300 acres,

at 5s. 6d. per acre; classification page 8 of 2343/24;Location 14121, containing 82a. 3r. 13p., at 8s. peracre ; classification page 7 of 984/25; and Location8790, containing 160 acres; subject to pricing; classi-fication page 10 of 2345/21; subject to payment forimprovements, if any, and to the condition that all mar-ketable timber is reserved to the Crown; these blocksare also subject to exemption from road rates for twoyears from ditte of selection; being E. G. and A. J.Vagg's forfeited Leases 18481/68, 24249/74, 19382/68,and 24250/74.

GERALDTON LAND AGENCY.Victoria District. (near Isseka Siding).

Corr. No. 847/33.Open under Part V. (Plan 157A/40, 131.)Location 9497, containing 7a. lr. 10p., at £2 10s. per

acre, excluding survey fee; classification page 5 of847/33; subject to payment of one-quarter survey fee(15s.) with application; also to mining conditions, andalso subject to exemption from road rates for two yearsfrom date of selection; being E. A. Teakle's forfeitedLease 57/689.

KATANNING LAND AGENCY.Kojonup District (about nine miles South-East of

Kuringup).Corr. No. 1849/34.Open under Part V. (Plan 41.8/80, A2.)Location 8296, containing 1,008a. lr. 27p.; subject

to pricing and to the condition that the poison mustbe eradicated to the satisfaction of the Minister forLands before the Crown grant will issue; classificationpage 13 of 6287/27; being C. L. Richter's cancelledapplication.

NARROGIN LAND AGENCY.Avon District (about six miles East of Kondinin).Corr. No. 1780/29.Open under Part V. (Plan 376/80, Bl.)Location 25706, containing 1,230a. lr. 18p.; subject

to pricing: classification page 6 of 2831/27; subject toan Agricultural Bank and I.A.B. mortgage; also tothe payment of £27 for improvements apart from thosecovered by the said mortgages; being L. A. Turney'sforfeited Lease 68/1849.

Avon District (about 13 miles South-East ofKondinin).

Corr. No. 5147/20.Open under Part V. (Plan 376/80, Cl.)Location 18682 containing 1,000 acres, at Os. per

acre; and Location 18683, containing 1,000 acres, at10s. per acre; classifications pages 11 and 12 of File14592/11; subject to Agricultural Bank and wire net-ting mortgages; being A. W. Andoe's forfeited Leases38176/55 and 12533/56.

NOR T HAM LAND AGENCY.Melbourne District (near Piawaning).

Corr. No. 5996/19.Open under Part V. (Plan 57/80, A3.)Location 2212, containing 160a. Or. 20p., at 7s. 6d.

per acre; classification page 36 of 5996/19; subject toexemption f coin rood rates for two years from date ofselection; being E. Rudd, junior's, forfeited Lease22090/74.

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Nangeenan A.A. and Avon District (about one mileNorth-East of Hines Hill).

Corr. No. 6233/23.Open under Part V. (Plan 25/80, E2.)Locations 64 and 10614, containing 440 acres; sub-

ject to pricing; classification page 8 of. File 6238/23;subject to an Agricultural Bank mortgage; being T. H.Bennett's forfeited Lease 17549/68.

Ninghan District (about 9Y, miles South-West ofKirwan).

Corr. No. 6595/25.Open under Part V. (Plan 65/80, A4.)Locations 144S, 1447, and 2422, containing 1,450a.

Or. 32p.; subject to reclassification and pricing, andto payment for improvements; subject to the Govern-ment retaining the right to resume for railway or otherpublic purposes any land required, and no compensa-tion to be given, except for the actual value of anyimprovements that may be resumed; being G. L. Web-ste's forfeited Leases 19932/68 and 24876/74.

Avon District (about eight miles South-West ofTammin).

Corr. No. 7533/07.Open under Part V. (Plan 3B/40, E & El.)Location 11046, containing 489a. Or. 14p.; subject

to pricing; classification pages 6 and 7 of File 7533/07;subject to an Agricultural Bank and T.A.B. morteage;being W. T. G. Ralston's forfeited Lease 3319/68.

Ninghan District (about five miles North-West ofMarindo).

Corr. No. 3950/28,Open under Part V. (Plan 66/80, 131.)Location 2995, containing 809a. 3r. 1.8p., at 6s. per

acre; classification page 10 of 5537/27; subject to pay-ment for improvements; being J. Nixon's forfeitedLease 68/589.

SOUTHERN CROSS LAND AGENCY.Yilgarn District (about five miles North-West of

Corinthia).Corr, No. 4527/28.Open under Part V. (Plan 36/80, Cl.)Location 1274, containing 1,392a. lr. 32p., at 4s. 6d.

per acre; classification page 10 of 4527/28; subjectto payment for improvements and to mining condi-tions; being A. Johnstone's forfeited Lease 68/1167.

Yilgarn District (about five miles North-East ofCorinthia).

Corr. No. 4175/30.Open under Part V. (Plan 36/80, El.)Location 1132, containing 1,967a. lr. 12p., at 5s. 3d.

per acre, excluding survey fee; classification page 12of 1703/23; subject to payment of one-quarter surveyfee (£9) with application and payment for improve-ments; also Location 459, containing 1,000a. Or. 7p.,at 9s. per acre; classification page 18 of 6470/22; sub-ject to an Agricultural Bank mortgage, and also sub-ject to a cropping lease expiring 28th February, 1935;being R. Tea le's forfeited Leases 68/2912 and 41389/55.


Nelson District (about 10 miles North of Eu lin).Corr. No. 1833/33.Open under Part V. (Plan 415B/40, E2.)Location 2446, containing 217 acres, at 3s. 3d. per

acre; classification page 4 of 1833/33; subject to thecondition that the poison must be eradicated to thesatisfaction of the Minister before the Crown grantwill issue, and also to timber conditions; being P.Mulvay's forfeited Lease 68/3952.

Sussex District (about four miles North-East ofKukardup).

Corr. No. 2308/32.Open under Part V. (Plan 441A/40, Cl.)Location 1510, containing 160 acres; subject to pric-

ing; classification page 36 of File 1105/20, Vol. 1.

W. P. ODELL,Under Secretary for Lands.

THE ROAD DISTRICTS ACT, 1919-1933.WHEREAS the Minister for Lands being the owner ofland over or along which the undermentioned road, inthe BROOME Road District passes, has applied to theBroome Road Board to close the said road, which ismore particularly described hereunder, that is to say: -

1718/34.B. 399:A strip of land, 50 links wide, being portion

of the surveyed road passing along the South-Easternboundary of Reserve 18995 in the Broome Townsite;from the production Eastward of the Southern boundaryof said Reserve, to the production Southward of itsEastern boundary. (Plan Broome Townsite.)

WHEREAS S. T. Barron and E. A. Proctor, being theowners of land over or along which the undermentionedroad, in the UPPER BLACKWOOD Road Districtpasses, have applied to the Upper Blackwood RoadBoard to close the said road, which is more particularlydescribed hereunder, that is to say: -

964/05.B. 400:A surveyed road passing along part of the

West and the North boundary of Nelson Location 1073and part of the North boundary of Location 720; froma surveyed road opposite the North-East corner of Loca-tion 1635 to the South-West corner of Location 735.(Plan 415D/40, A4.)

WHEREAS Arthur Graham Kent being the owner ofland over or along which the undermentioned road, inthe COLLIE Road District passes, has applied to theCollie Road Board to close the said road, which is moreparticularly described hereunder, that is to say: -

3472/03.C. 233:The whole of Road No. 7410 extending East-

ward through Wellington Location 1814; from RoadNo. 1987 at the South-West corner of the said locationto its East boundary. (Plan 410D/40, B3.)

WHEREAS William Padbury, being the owner of landover or along which the undermentioned road, in theCHITTERING Road District passes, has applied to theChittering Road Board to close the said road, which ismore particularly described hereunder, that is to say: -

6761/12.C. 235:That portion of Road No. 4995 in Swan Lo-

cation 1372 extending Westward from Road No. 67 to aclosed road in said Location 1372 (as shown colouredblue on O.P. No. 5155). (Plan 31/80, E4.)

WHEREAS George Hutchcraft and R. Crommelin, beingthe owners of land over or along which the undermen-tioned road, in the CARNAMAH Road District passes,have applied to the Carnamah Road Board to close thesaid road, which is more particularly described here-under, that is to say: -

9/34.C. 237:The surveyed road passing along the North.

Western boundary of Lot M. 1069 of Victoria Location2023; from a surveyed road at its Western corner toRoad No. 2367 at its Northern corner. (Plan 95/80,C4.)

WHEREAS George William Jackson, William NoahHedges, W. A. Sandalwood Coy., Ltd., and Brian Sacy,being the owners of land over or along which the under-mentioned roads in the DRAKESBROOK Road Districtpass, have applied to the Drakesbrook Road Board toclose the said roads, which are more particularly des-cribed hereunder, that is to say:

5654/20.D. 222:The whole of Road No. 6932 along part of

the East boundary of Murray Location 916; from RoadNo. 907 at the North-East corner of the said locationto one chain South of a North-West corner of Loca-tion 313.

Also the surveyed road along a South, a West, andpart of the Southernmost boundary of Location 423;from the South-East corner of Location 916 to theNorth-East corner of Location 1254. (Plan 383A/40,C2.)

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WHEREAS R. A. Richards, F. J. Erhardt, and E.Rundle. being the owners of land over or along whichthe undermentioned roads, in the DOWERIN Road Dis-trict pass, have applied to the Dowerin Road Board toclose the said roads, which are more particularly des-cribed hereunder, that is to say:

11664/97.224:-The surveyed road passing along part of the

South boundary of Avon Location 16369 from the Eastboundary of Reserve 4899 to a surveyed road extendingSouth through Location 24982.

Also the surveyed road passing along the Southern-most boundary of Avon Location 15002 from its South-West corner to the West boundary of Reserve 4899.(Plan 33D/40.)

WHEREAS Rodney Burnham Arney, Arthur EdwardArney, and Ellie Arney, being the owners of land overor along which the undermentioned road, in theDRAKESBROOK Road District passes, have applied tothe Drakesbrook Road Board to close the said road,which is more particularly described hereunder, that isto say:

1653/13.D. 225:-That portion of Road No. 4858 commencing

at the North-East corner of Reserve No. 15087 and ex-tending (as shown on Diagram No. 43137) Northwardthrough Murray Location 1332 and through and alongpart of the Easternmost boundary of Location 1289 tothe latter's North-East corner. (Plan 383A/40, Bl.)

WHEREAS the Minister for Lands, being the owner ofland over or along which the undermentioned road, inthe ESPERANCE Road District passes, has applied tothe Esperanee Road Board to close the said road, whichis more particularly described hereunder, that is tosay: -

8013/20.E. 23:-An unsurveyed road, leaving the road along

the Western side of the Railway Reserve about 20 chainsSouthward from the South-East corner of FitzgeraldLocation 676 and extending North-Westward to a roadalong the South boundary of said location. (Plan392/80, 04.)

WHEREAS the Minister for Lands, being the owner aland over or along which the undermentioned road, inthe GERALDTON Road District passes, has applied tothe Geraldton Road Board to close the said road, whichis more particularly described hereunder, that is tosay: -

14606/08.G. 283:-That portion of Road No. 2244 extending

South-Westward and South from Kemp Street to BrownStreet. (Plan Narngulu Townsite.)

WHEREAS George Day, being the owner of land overor along which the undermentioned road, in the MER-REDIN Road District passes, has applied to the Mer,redin Road Board to close the said road, which is moreparticularly described hereunder, that is to say:

903/11.M. 332:-The surveyed road passing along the South

boundary of Avon Location 14000; from a surveyedroad at its South-West corner to a surveyed road at itsSouth-East corner. (Plan 35/80, 03.)

WHEREAS the Minister for Lands, being the owner ofland over or along which the undermentioned road, inthe WANNEROO Road District passes, has applied tothe Wanneroo Road Board to close the said road, whichis more particularly described hereunder, that is to

say:7424/13.W. 505:-The whole of Road No. 4855 commencing

at the South-West corner of Swan Location 2295 andextending North along the West boundary of said loca-tion and continuing to the South boundary of Location3411. (Plan 28/80.)

WHEREAS J. E. Ffoulkes, J. H. Ackland, and E. E.Hewett. being the owners of land over or along which.the undermentioned road, in the WONGAN-BALLIDURoad District passes, have applied to the Wongan-Ballidu Road Board to close the said road, which is moreparticularly described hereunder, that is to say:

1709/15.W.513:-The surveyed road along part of the West

boundary of and through Location 1571 and along partof the South boundary of Location 1323; from theNorth-East corner of Location 2070 to Road No. 9192at the North-East corner of Location 1324. (Plan 57/80,C & D4.)

WHEREAS J. E. Tyler, being the owner of land overor along which the undermentioned road, in the WYAL-KATCHEM Road District passes, has applied to the-Wyalkatchem Road Board to close the said road, whichis more particularly described hereunder, that is tosay:

6987/20.W. 525:-That portion of Road No. 6499 passing

through Avon Location 15712; from a surveyed road atits South-East corner, to the North-East corner ofLocation 15721. (Plan 33/80, E3.)

And whereas such applications have been duly pub-lished in the Government Gazette:

And- whereas the said Boards have assented to the saidapplications:

And whereas the Lieutenant-Governor in ExecutiveCouncil has confirmed the said assents:

it is hereby notified that the said Roads are closed.Dated this 26th day of October, 1934.

W. P. ODELL,Under Secretary for Lands.

THE ROAD DISTRICTS ACT, 1919-1933.Department of Lands and Surveys,

Perth, 26th October, 1934.IT is hereby declared that the undermentioned landshave been set apart, taken, or resumed under Section 17of "The Public Works Act, 1902," for the purposeof new roads, that is to say:

Capel.1734/99.No. 49: Regazettal of part:-A strip of land, one

chain wide, commencing at the Northern corner of Lot14 of Wellington Location 41 and extending (as shownDiagram 52532) South-Westward along the North-Western boundary of said lot to the North-Easternboundary of Stirling Estate Lot 142. (Plan 412C/40.)

Capel.1107/05.No. 60. Deviation of part:-A strip of land, one

chain wide, widening at its terminus, leaving the pre-sent road in Wellington Location 47 near its North-West boundary and extending (as shown Diagram52532) North-Westward through Lot 14 of Location 41to Road No. 49, along the North-Western boundary ofsaid lot.

5.1p. being resumed from Wellington Location 47.4a. Or. 33p. being resumed from Wellington Location

41. (Plan 412C/40.)

Gnowangerup.1.214/15.No. 226: Widening of part:-A strip of land, two

chains wide, commencing at the intersection of theSouthern side of the present road and the Westernmostboundary of Section D6 of Kojonup Location 257, andextending (as shown Diagram 57229) East along saidside of present road to a South-Western side of same insaid location.

5a. lr. 37p. being resumed from Kojonup Location257. (Plan 436B/40, D2.)

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Northam.1716/07.No. 1663: Widenings:-That portion of Avon Loca-

tion 1'1 bounded by lines commencing at the junctionof the North-Western side of Road No. 1663 and theWestern side of Road No. 112, and extending (as shownDiagram 58265) 200deg. 27min. 37 links, 359deg. 47min. chain 15.9 links; thence 170deg. 42min. 82.3links to the starting point.

Also that portion of Avon Location P1 bounded bylines commencing at the junction of the South-Easternside of Road No. 1663 and the North-Western side ofRoad No. 112, and extending (as shown Diagram58265) North-Eastward along the South-Eastern sideof Road No. 1663 for a distance of 4 chains 55.2 linksto the Western side of Road No. 112; thence 170deg.42min. 37.4 links, 194deg. 30min. 2 chains 39.2 links,185deg. 31min. I chain S.4 links, and 242deg. 6min.1 chain 7.5 links to the starting point.

27.7p. being resumed from Avon Location Pl. (Plan270/40, D4.)

Gingin.2017/10.No. 2494: Deviation of part:-A strip of land, one

chain wide (widening in part), leaving the presentroad in Lot M801 of Swan Location 1374 at a point73deg. 45min. 9 chains 39.3 links and 35deg. 3min. 5chains 62.1 links from its junction with Road No. 8503,and extending (as shown Diagram 56810) Southwardthrough said lot to Road No. 8503; thence West alongthe latter road to rejoin the old road (portion of RoadNo. 8503 is hereby superseded).

la. lr. being resumed from Swan Location 1374.(Plan 30/80, E4.)

Narrogin.3055/08.No. 3177: Wit-lenin,, of part:-That portion of Wil-

liams Location 1408 bounded by lines commencing atits North-West corner and extending (as shown Dia-gram. No. 55714) East along part of its North boundaryfor a distance of 4 chains; thence 246deg. 39min. 2chains 29.6 links, 224deg. 56min. 1 chain 39.3 links,and 203deg. 12min. 2 chains 29.6 links to the Westboundary of the said location; thence North along partof said West boundary to the starting point.

2r. being resumed from Williams Location 1408.(Plan 378C/40, E4.)

Wagin.L. & S. 13295/10 and M.R. 34/34.No. 4277: Widening of part:-That portion of Wil-

liams Location 1165 (as shown on Diagram No. 55688)hounded by lines commencing on its South boundary 6chains 77 links from its South-East corner and extend-ing 269deg. 34min. 3 chains 26.1 links, 318deg. 35min.2 chains 21.7 links, 122deg. 40min. 2 chains 8.5 links;thence 102deg. 3 chains 3.9 links to the starting point.

30.1p. being resumed from Williams Location 1165.(Plan 40913/40, D2.)

West Arthur.2005/17.No. 4687: Extension:-A strip of land, one chain

wide, leaving the terminus of the present road on theSouth boundary of Wellington Location 3261 and ex-tending (as shown on Diagram 55668) West insideand along part of the South boundary of said locationand part of the South boundary of Location 3963 to asurveyed road at the North-West corner of Location3498.

fia. Or. 36p. being resumed from Wellington Location3961.

5a. Or. 13.6p. being resmned from Wellington Loca-tion 3963. (Plan 415B/40, E & El.)

Meekering.5853/13.No. 4818: Extension:-A strip of land. one chain

wide, its South side leaving the South side of the presentroad on the East boundary of Avon Location 5493 andextending East one chain to the West boundary ofLocation 5653: thence North along said West boundaryto the North-West corner of Location 5653; thence Eastalong the North boundary of Location 5653 to theNorth-East corner of the location. (Plan 260/40, D4.)

Williams.532/17.No. 6285: Deviation:-A strip of land, one chain

wide, leaving the present road at the South-West cornerof Williams Location 4633 and extending (as shown onDiagram 55683) North-Eastward and through Location4642 to rejoin the old road at the latter's North-Eastcorner.

la. 3r. 39.3p. being resumed from Williams Location4642. (Plan 3840/40, P4.)

Belmont.7129/21.No. 6602: Hehir street (widening) :-All that por-

tion of Lot 43 of Swan Location 33, being a strip ofland 36.2 links wide abutting on the South-Westernside of the present road (as shown on L.T.O. Plan No.2776) from Barker Street to the prolongation SouthWestward of the North-Western side of Peet Street.

lr. 3.4p. being resumed from Swan Location 33.(Plan 1D/20, N.E.)

Cape].1485/23.No. 6933. Deviation:-A strip of land, one chain

wide, leaving the present road at the South-East cornerof Wellington Location 2066 and extending (as shownDiagram 53827) West along part of the South boundaryof said location to the North-East corner of Location3739; thence South along the Easternmost boundaryof the latter location and continuing to the North-Western side of Road No. 4630. (Plan 414A/40, A2.)

Narembeen.6766/25.No. 7513: Widening of part:-That portion of Avon

Location 18165 bounded by lines commencing at itsNorth-West corner and extending (as shown Diagram58244) East along part of its North boundary for adistance of 2 chains 77 links; thence 228deg. lmin. 3chains 73 links to the West boundary of the locationand North along part of the said West boundary tothe starting point.

lr. 1.5p. being resumed from Avon Location 18165.(Plan 5/80, C3.)

G noway g,erup.4942/06.No. 7709: Deviation:-A strip of land, three chains

wide, commencing on the -Westernmost boundary ofKent Location 452 and extending (as shown DiagramNo. 57230) Eastward and Southward, passing alongpart of the Southern side of the present road andthrough said location and along a West boundary ofsame and part of the West boundary of Location 450 tofive chains South of the latter's North-West corner;thence East five chains wide, inside and along the Northboundary of Location 450 for a distance (on its Northside) of 2S chains 26.9 links.

Also to include portion of closed road bounded bylines eemreenc,,,r of flu S-uth-East corner of Location452 and extending South one chain; thence West 57.7links; thence North-East to the starting point.

8a. 3r. 15p. being resumed from Kent Location 452.13a. lr. 26p. hieing resumed from Kent Location 450.

(Plan 435/80, P2.)

Canning.2184/29.No. 8288: Widening of part:-That portion of Lot

147 of Canning Location 37 (L.T.O. Plan 3487) boundedby lines commencing at the South-West corner of saidlot and extending (as shown Diagram 56890) Northalong its West boundary to its North corner; thenceSouth-Eastward along part of its North-Eastern boun-dary for a distance of 2 chains 41 links; thence by acircular convex arc having a length of 1 chain 13.8links; thence 194deg. lmin. 1 chain 63.1 links to thestarting point.

24.6p. being resumed from Canning Location 37.(Plan 1D/20, S.E.)

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Bridgetown.2018/29.No. 8810: Widening of part:-That portion of Nel-

son Location 8246 bounded by lines commencing at itsSouth-West corner and extending (as shown Diagram53852) 58deg. 48min. 1 chain 72 links, 4ideg. 48min.3 chains 42.5 links to a North-West side of the presentroad; thence South-West and West along a North-Westand a North side of said road to the starting point.

21.6p. being resumed from Nelson Location 8246.(Plan 439B/40, E2.)

Belmont Park.10860/06.No. 9048: Peet Street (widening) :-All that piece

of land being part of Lot 43 and Lot 42 of Swan Loca-tion 33, being a strip of land commencing 36.2 linkswide and narrowing to 2.5 links abutting on the South-Western terminus and the South-Eastern side of thepresent road (as shown on L.T.O. Plan No. 2776) fromthe South-Eastern terminus of Hair Street to Bel-gravia Street.

15.5p. being resumed from Swan Location 33. (Plan1D/20, N.E.)

Sussex.229/34.No. 9362: Deviation:-A strip of land, one chain

wide, its Northern side leaving the North side of thepresent road at the latter's intersection with the Eastboundary of Sussex Location 1982, and extending North-Westward (as shown Diagram 53854) through saidlocation to its North boundary and West along part ofits North boundary to a surveyed road at its North-West corner.

3a. 3r. 7p. being resumed from Sussex Location 1982.(Plan 413B/40, E2.)

Morawa.Corr. 1589/33.No. 9372:-A strip of land, one chain wide, com-

mencing at the intersection of the Northern side of asurveyed road with the West boundary of Victoria Loca-tion 8437 and extending North inside and along partof said West boundary to the North-West corner ofthe said location.

8a. Or. 19p. being resumed from Victoria Location8437. (Plan 155/80, B4.)

Brookton.2632/33.No. 9376:-A strip of land, one chain wide (widen-

ing at its commencement and terminus), leaving RoadNo. 8568 at the Western corner of Avon Location 7671and extending (as shown on Diagram No. 55708) South-Eastward inside and along part of the South-Westernboundary of and through the said location to a surveyedroad on its East boundary.

3a. 2r. 24p. being resumed from Avon Location 7671.(Plan 343D/40, C4.)

West Arthur.684/33.No. 9377:-A strip of land, one chain wide, leaving

a surveyed road at the South-West corner of Welling-tion Location 4000 and extending East (as shownDiagram No. 55667) inside and along part of the Southboundary of said location to one chain East of the North-East corner of location 2047.

2a. 2r. 29.2p. being resumed from Wellington Loca-tion 4000. (Plan 415B/40, Dl.)

Kent.53/34.No. 9378:-A strip of land, one chain wide (plus

truncations at the .North-West corner of Kojonup Loca-tion 5873, and in Williams Location 12646, and at theSouth-West corner of Location 11592, as shown Dia-grams 55719 and 55720), leaving Road No. 5314 atits intersection with the East boundary of KojonupLocation 7132 and extending North outside and alongpart of the East boundary of Location 7132 to its North-East corner; thence Northward to the South-West cor-ner of Location 5873, and North along its West bound-ary and inside and along an East boundary of Loca-tion 7133 and part of the East boundary of. Location8215 (as shown Diagram 55719) to the North-Westcorner of Location 5873; thence East along part of the

North boundary of the last-mentioned location for adistance of about 20 chains; thence Northward to theSouth-East corner of Location 12717 and North alongits Easternmost boundary to the South boundary ofLocation 12646; thence North and West through Loca-tion 12646 (as shown Diagram 55720) to its Eastboundary and the South-West corner of Location 11592;thence North outside and along the West boundary ofLocation 11592 and Northward to and through ReserveNo. 19080 to Road No. 7656.

2a. Or. 24p. being resumed from Kojonup Location7133.

la. lr. 32p. being resumed from Kojonup Location8215.

18p. being resumed from Kojonup Location 5873.3a. 3r. 7p. being resumed from Williams Location

12646.5.4p. being resumed from Williams Location 11592.

(Plan 407/80, A 3 & 4.)

York.641/33.No. 9379:-A strip of land, one chain wide (widen

ing at its junction with Road No. 429), leaving RoadNo. 2804 at the Northern corner of Lot 3 of AvonLocation 10261 (L.T.O. Plan No. 2922) and extending(as shown on O.P. No. 4751) North-Eastward along aSouth-Eastern side of the Greenhills-Quairading Rail-way Reserve, through Location 1960 to Road No. 429on its North-Eastern boundary.

Also to include that portion of Avon Location 1960bounded by lines commencing on its South-Westernboundary 11 chains 214 links from its Southern cornerand extending (as shown on O.P. No. 4751) 333deg.26min. 2 chains 60.4 links, 50deg. 58min. 13 chains 2.6links, 140deg. 58min. 1 chain 75 links, 230deg. 58min.8 chains 30 links; thence 222deg. 30min. 5 chains 36.17links to the starting point. (Portion of Road No.3408 is hereby superseded.) (Plan 3D/40, A3.)

Darling Range.74/34.No. 9380:-A strip of land, one chain wide, com-

mencing at the North-West corner of Canning Location868 and extending East (as shown Diagram 56855) in-side and along the North boundary of said location toa surveyed road at its North-East corner.

lr. 29p. being resumed from Canning Location 868.(Plans 1C/40, E4, and Piesse's Brook, Sheet 4.)

Darling Range.2932/33.No. 9381:-A strip of land, one chain wide, leaving

a surveyed road at the Western corner of Lot 183 ofCanning Location (L.T.O. Plan 3379) and extendingSouth-Eastward (as shown on Diagram 56827) insideand along the South-Western boundary of said lot toits Southern corner.

la. lr. 0.2p. being resumed from Canning Location3. (Plan 1C/40, D4.)

Bridgetown.4487/20.No. 9382:-A strip of land, one chain wide, com-

mencing on the East boundary of Nelson Location 1897,2 chains 68.9 links North of the North side of RoadNo. 8810 and extending East (as shown Diagram 53852)to and through Location 8246 to Road No. 8810 in thelatter location.

lr. 13.2p. being resumed from Nelson Location 8246.(Plan 439B/40, E2.)

Northam.154/34.No. 9383: -A strip of land, one chain wide (widen-

ing in parts), its Western side commencing on a North-Eastern boundary of the Northam Townsite at a point12 chains 65.6 links South-Eastward of the intersectionof the latter with the South-Eastern side of Road No..112 and extending (as shown Diagram 58265) 34deg.47niin. 70.1 links, lldeg. 37min. 4 chains 18 4 links;thence 354deg. 4mi. 9 chains 82 1 links to the South-Eastern side of Road No. 112 aforesaid.

la. 2r. 39.4p. being resumed from Avon LocationP1. (Plan 27C/40, D4.)

Page 15: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Conference of the Churches of Christ in Western Australia. Mr. Ernest John Miles Collie... Wellington S. BENNETT, Registrar General. APPOINTMENTS (under Section

OcToBER 26, 1934.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 1631

Kalgoorlie.9438/08.No. 9384:-A strip of laud, one chain wide (widen-

ing at its commencement), commencing at the inter-section of Friedman and Taylor Streets on the Southernboundary of Ora Banda Townsite and extending (asshown O.P. 5151) South-Eastward through Reserve14351 (Common) to the Telegraph Line; thence South-ward through said Reserve and Reserve 2912 (in partfollowing portion of the Telegraph Line) to the North-ern boundary of AL. 1962W; thence Eastward alongpart of the North boundary of M.L. 1962W, throughM.L. 1970W and continuing to near the Western cornerof G.M.L. 1972W; thence Northward for a distance onits Eastern side of 20 chains 60 links. (Plan 71/80,D2.)

Armadale-Kehnscott.6018/27.No. 9385:-A strip of land, commencing 2 chains 8.7

links wide, converging to one chain and widening atits terminus; commencing on the East boundary ofReserve 4127 and extending (as shown Diagram 56828)North-Westward through said Reserve to Road No.1974 in same. (Plan 34113/40, D2.)

Moora.2302/33.No. 9386:-A strip of land, one chain wide (widen-

intc in parts), commencing at the intersection of theNorthern side of Road No. 1471 with the Eastern sideof the Piawanin Northwards Railway Reserve, andextending (as shown O.Ps. 4761 and 4760) in a generalNortherly direction along said Eastern side of rail-way, through Lots M897, M899. and M1483 of Mel-bourne Locations 931 and 932, to Road No. 7314 onthe West boundary of the last-mentioned lot.

About 33a. 2r. 21p. being resumed from MelbourneLocation 931.

About 16a. 2r. 23n. being resumed from MelbourneLocation 932. (Plans 63/80. F4, and 64/80, A4.)

Plans and more particular descriptions of the landsso set apart, taken, or resumed may be inspected at theDepartment of Lands and Surveys, Perth.

By order of His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor,M. F. TROY,

Minister for Lands.

THE ROAD DISTRICTS ACT, 1919-1933.Closure of Roads.

H. .T. HILLIER, being the owner of land over oralong which portions of roads hereunder described pass,have applied to the Kojonup Road Board to close thesaid portions of roads, viz.: -

Kojonup.2418/16.K. 228:-The surveyed road passing along part of

the South boundary of Kojonup Location 5848; from itsSouth-East corner to Road No. 9293.

Also the surveyed road passing through Location5848; from a surveyed road at its South-East cornerand extending North-Westward to Road No. 9293 in thesaid location.


I, Robert Francis Horner, on behalf of the KojonupRoad Board, hereby assent to the above application toclose the roads therein described.

R. F. HONNER,Chairman Kojonup Road Board.

16th October, 1934.

THE BUSH FIRES ACT, 1902.Wongan-Ballidu Road District-Prohibited Periods for

Burning.IT is hereby notified, for general information, that, byresolution of the Board passed at a meeting held onthe 13th October, 1934, it has been declared unlawfulto set fire to the bush in the Wonga.n- Ballidu RoadDistrict as from the 1st day of November, 1934, untilthe 1st day of February, 1935 (both dates inclusive).

T. S. NUGENT,Secretary of the Board.


City of Fremantle-Appointment of Public Pound.IT is hereby notified that in pursuance of the powersand authorities conferred by "The Cattle Trespass;Fencing, and Impounding Act, 1882," the City ofFremantle has appointed Reserve 1533, situate at thecorner of Stephen Street and Swanbourne Street, Fre-mantle, as a convenient place for establishing, erecting,and maintaining a Public Pound for the District ofFremantle.

Dated the 1st day of October, 1934.

J. SHEPHERD,Town Clerk, City of Fremantle.


City of Fremantle-Appointment of Poundkeeper.IT is hereby notified that, in pursuance of the powersand authorities conferred by "The Cattle Trespass,Fencing, and Impounding Act, 1882," Harry Wilsonhas been appointed Poundkeeper of the Public Pound,in the District of Fremantle, until further notice.

Dated the 1st day of October, 1934.

J. SHEPHERD,Town Clerk, City of Fremantle.

THE ROAD DISTRICTS ACT, 1919-33.Yilgarn Road Board.

Department of Works and Labour,P.W. 1288/34, Perth, 25th October, 1934.

IT is hereby notified, for general information, thatHis Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor has approved,under the provisions of Section 290 (i) (f) of "TheRoad Districts Act, 1919-33," of the building of aTown Hall and offices at Southern Cross being deemedto be a work and undertaking within the meaning of theAct for which money may be borrowed under theStatute by the Yilgarn Road Board.

(Sgd.) C. A. MUNT,Under Secretary for Works.


IT is hereby notified, for general information, thatHis Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor has been pleasedto appoint John Furse McMillan, Stipendiary Magis-trate, as an Industrial Magistrate for the purposes of"The Industrial Arbitration Act, 1919-25," under Sec-tion 101 thereof.

C. A. MUNT,Under Secretary for Works.

Perth, 25th October, 1934.

PINJARRA WATER BOARD.Memorandum of Making and Levying of Rates for the

Financial Year ending 30th Tune, 1935.AT the ordinary meeting of the Pinjarra Water Board,held in the Road Board Office, Pinjarra, on 13th Oc-tober, 1934, it was resolved that a Rate of Two shillingsand fivepenee (2s. 5c1.) in the Pound on the RateableValue of all rateable property within the PrescribedArea of the boundaries of the Pinjarra Water Board belevied. The Minimum Rate for the above-mentionedperiod for each separately assessed parcel of land, theAnuual Value of which at 2s. 5d. in the Pound wouldnot exceed 10s. (ten shillings), shall be Ten shillings.


C. C. KEYSER,Secretary.

Pinjarra, 18th October, 1934.

Page 16: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Conference of the Churches of Christ in Western Australia. Mr. Ernest John Miles Collie... Wellington S. BENNETT, Registrar General. APPOINTMENTS (under Section


BALINGUP ROAD BOARD.BY resolution passed at a meeting of the Board held on13th September, 1934, Wilfred Dilly was appointedPound-keeper and a yard, situated on the South-Westcorner of Location 2549, a Public Pound; the appoint-ment of George Dear le as Pound-keeper is hereby can-celled.

W. M. JENKINS,Chairman.

J. E. EXTON,Secretary.

Balingup, 9th October, 1934.


M.W.S. 1776/28.NOTICE is hereby given, in pursuance of Section 96of "The Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, andDrainage Act, 1909," that water mains have been laidin the undermentioned streets in Districts indicated:

Perth Municipality.1.340/34Salvado Road, from Lot 180 to Lot 183

Westerly.Subiaco Municipality.

1320/34Harvey Street, from Lot 681 to SmythRoadEasterly.

Bayswater Road District.1301/31 Elizabeth Street, from Tray len Road to Lot

103North-Easterly.1265/34 Tray len Road, from Lot 88 to Queen Street

South-Easterly.Queen Street, from Tray len Road to McCann Street

Westerly.McGann Street, from Queen Street to Lot 1East-


Belmont Park Road District.1196/34Acton Avenue, from Lot 68 to


Buckland Hill Road District.1288/34Sampson Street, from Lot 12 to

Westerly.Canning Road District.

812/33Uranium Street, from WelshpoolLot 76North-Easterly.

Melville Road District.1129/34Fifth Street, from Preston Point Road to

Lot 466Northerly.

Nedlands Road District.1308/34 Marita Road, from Lot 302 to Lot 305


Lot 59

Lot 13

Road to

Perth Road District.1264/34McDonald Street, from Lot 37 to Lot 36

Easterly.1319/34Normanby Street, from Lot 24 to Lot 25

North-Westerly.1314/31 Inverness Crescent, from Lot 53 to Lot 52


South Perth Road District.1271/34 Allison Street, from Addison Street to High

StreetWesterly.1318/34Waverley Street, from Lot 3 to Lot 2

Southerly.And the Minister for Water Supply, Sewerage, and

Drainage is, subject to the provisions of the said Act,prepared to supply water from such mains to landswithin rateable distance thereof.

Dated at Perth this 26th day of October, 1934.

G. H. LONG,Under Secretary.


Date ofNotice.

Nature of Work.Date and Time

for Closing.Where and when Conditions of Contract, etc., to

be seen.


Oct. 10

Oct. 11

Oct. 24

Oct. 24

Oct. 24

District Medical Officer's Quarters,PingellyRenovations (8450)

*Albany Government House andGrounds (Subdivided)Pur-chase : (a) Of the property as awhole ; (b) of one or more ofsubdivisional lots (8451)

A. D. Clerk's Quarters, KalgoorlieSale (8452)

Albany Residency Repairs, etc.(8454)

Esperance ResidencyRepairs,Additions, etc. (8453)

1934.(2.30 p.m. on Tuesday)30th October ...

30th October

13th November ...

13th November ...

20th November ...

Contractors' Room, Perth ; Police Station, Pingelly,and Court House, Narrogin, on and after the 16thOctober, 1934.

Contractors' Room, Perth ; Kalgoorlie Public WorksDepartment's Office ; Merredin Court House ;Albany Court House, and Katanning Court Houseon and after the 16th October, 1934.

Contractors' Room, Perth, and Public Works Depart.ment, Kalgoorlie, on and after the 30th October,1934.

Contractors' Room, Perth ; Albany Court House andKatanning Court House, on and after the 30thOctober, 1934.

Contractors' Room, Perth ; Esperance Police Stationand Kalgoorlie Public Works Department, on andafter the 30th October, 1934.


* The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.

Tenders, together with the prescribed deposit, are to be addressed to "The Hon. the Minister for WorksLabour," and marked "Tender," and will be received at the Public Works Office, Perth. The lowest ortender will not necessarily be accepted.

C. A. MUNT,Under Secretary for Works.


TENDERS close with the Secretary, Tender Board (himself), at 11.15 a.m. every Saturday, for the Supplyand Delivery of Butter to Government Institutions and Hospitals during the ensuing week.

Forms of Tender and full particulars are available at the Tender Board Office, Murray Street, Perth.By Order of the Board,

M. J. CALANCHINI,Chairman W. A. Government Tender Board.

Page 17: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Conference of the Churches of Christ in Western Australia. Mr. Ernest John Miles Collie... Wellington S. BENNETT, Registrar General. APPOINTMENTS (under Section

OcToBni? 26, 1934.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 1633


Accepted Tenders.


Date. Contractor,Sehe-daleNo.

Particulars. Departmentconcerned. Rate

1934.711/34 Oct. 19 Hume Steel, Ltd. ... 301A, 1,062 lin. ft. (approx.) of 7in. Metropolitan Water 3s. 8d. per lin. ft

1934 ext. dia. x 3/16-in. "Concrete SupplyLined Steel Pipes with Spigotand Socket Ends, delivered onto Department's lorries atContractor's Works

669/34 Oct. 19 Blackman & Law ... 283A, Quirk's " EleetrlCE " Refrir,er- C.S.D. ... ... £250 10s. 5d.1934 ator, 120ft. capacity, and'in-

eluding 6 Ice-making Traysand necessary Coils, installedat Wiluna Hospital

708/34 Oct. 19 Malloch Bros., Ltd. ... 300A, " Kelvinator " Refrigerator, ap- do. ... £173.1934 pros. 100ft. capacity, and

including 6 Ice-making Traysand necessary Coils, installedat Collie Hospital

697/34 Oct. 19 G. Korsunski ... 320A, Purchase of Scrap Lead at Perth Education ... 108. ewt.1934 and Fremantle Technical

Schools (Items 1 and 2)735/34 Oct. 19 W. T. Lloyd 311s, Purchase of Cottage on Hay Lands 1'86.

1934 Location 1270428/34 Oct. 19 W. P. Bradley ... 326A, Cartage of Firewood from River- C.S.D. ... 2s. 2d. per ton.

1934 vale Railway Station to Heath-cote Reception Home, duringthe period ending 30th June,1935

743/34 Oct. 19 R. Collie & Co. Pty., 315A, Book-binders' Leathers, delivered GovernmentLtd. 1934 in Government Printer's Store,


Item 2, 36 Skins ... 50s. Od. doz.Item 3, 6 ... ... 53s. dos.Item 6, 108 ... ... 58s. 6d. dos.Item 7, 72 50s. doz.

do. L. 13. Poeldington & Co. Item 1, 4 Hides ... ... 45s. eacho do. R. Roscnstamm Item 4, 24 Skins ... 72s. Gd. doz.

Item 5, 12 ... 72s. 6d. dogItem 9, 36 ... 125s. dos.Item 10, 48 ... ... 120s. dos.Item 13, 12 ... ... ... 120s. dos.

do. C. R. Palmer Item 8, 24 ... 115s. dos.do. F. T. \Vimble & Co.,

Ltd.Item 11, 48 ... ..Item 12, 12

.., ......

103s. 6d. doz.80s. Gd. doz.

7S2/34 do. D. Hunt ... 332A, Gravel, 600 cub. yards, delivered Main }toads ... 5s. Gd. per cub1.934 on Road from Hospital for yard.

Insane to Lemnos769/34 do. Leslie & Co. ... ... 329A, Flanged Hydraulic Pressure Re- P.W.U. Water £42 10s. 00.

1934 clueing Valve, delivered E.O.R. SupplyPerth (1 only)

677/34 do. James Hardie & Co., 286A, Asbestos Pipes, 7-Ain. ext. dia., Metropolitan Water 3s. 2d. per lin. ftLtd. 1934 10,560 lin. ft., complete with Supply

Gibault joints (Item 1), de-livered F.O.R. or on toLorries at Contractor's Works

729/34 do. James Flardie & Co., 307A, Asbestos Pipes, 4:1-in. ext. dia., do. do.Ltd. 1934 complete with joints

Item 1, (with Gibault Joints) ... 20. per foot44,0001t.

Item 2, (with Asbestos Soc. ... . 100. per footPet Joints) 1,000ft.

788/34 Oct. 20 R. M. Smith ... 333A, Purchase of Buildings on Peel Lands ... £100.1934 Estate, Lot 615

688/34 do. Barnes, Fonder & Wil-Rams, Ltd.

... Butter for Government Institu-tions for week ending 27th

C.S.D. ... Is. 3-1-ad. per lb.

October, 1934

rhhi;t;on to Contra

Tender Board No. Date. Contractor. Particulars.


Oct. 19



White Rock Quarries,Ltd.

Mountain Quarries, Ltd.

Jolur Dunstan & San(W.A.), Ltd.

1,150 cub. yds. of Gin. Granite, Spalls, as per Item I of ,.`73elted1934, at Gs. Ild. per cub. yard.

220 cub. yards of 14-in. Crushed Granite, as per Item 2 of117A, 1934, at I Is. 5d. per cub. yard.

160 cub. yards of 1-in. Crushed Diorite, as per Item I of1034; at 14s. 9d. per cub. yard.

le 117A,


Page 18: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Conference of the Churches of Christ in Western Australia. Mr. Ernest John Miles Collie... Wellington S. BENNETT, Registrar General. APPOINTMENTS (under Section



Tenders for Government Supplies.

Date ofAdvertising. Schedule No. Date ofSupplies required. Closing.

1934.Sept. 289A, 1934 Copper Plates, 4ft. Inns. x 4ft. 3ins. x 9/16in., 10 only, and 4ft. x 4ft. x ;in.,


Nov. 1

Sept. 11 ... 106-113A, 1934 ... Provisions, etc (Bread, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, Biscuits, Sauces, Groceries, Soaps,Polishes, Vegetables, and Fish) for Government Institutions, etc. at Clare-mont, Fremantle, Perth, and Wooroloo during the year 1935. Samplesrequired by 4th October, 1934 Nov. 1

Oct. 18 . 342A, 1934 Printing Paper, Paste Board and Strawboards Nov. 1

Oct. IS 343A, 1934 5-ton Derricks, 2 only ... Nov. 1

Oct. 23 351A, 1934 Corkboard, 3ft. x lft. x 3in., 5,000 square feet Nov. 1

Oct. 25 . 352A, 1934 Stoneware Pipes and Specials ... Nov. 1

Sept. 27 Burial of Deceased Destitute Persons and Aborigines, in various townsthroughout the State during the year 1935 ... Nov. 8

Sept. 27 Shoeing Police Horses, in various towns throughout the State during theNov. 8

Oct. 11 335A, 1934 Firewood for Peak Hill State Battery, during the period ending 31st De-Nov. 8

Oct. 25 350A, 1934 Groceries for Kalgoorlie District Hospital for a period of 0 months ... Nov. 8Oct. 25 353A, 1931 Locomotive Cylinder Oil for Saturated Steam, Compounded, 12,000 gallons,

Straight Mineral, 18,000 gallons Nov. 15Aug. 17 257A, 1934 Cast Iron or Cast Steel, 40in. dia., Hydraulically-operated Emergency Sluice

Valve Nov. 22Aug. 17 258A, 1934 Cast Iron or Cast Steel Needle Valve, Hydraulic and Mechanical Control,

40in. (ha. inlet, 28in. dia. outlet Nov. 22Oct. 25 340A, 1934 Waterproof Sheeting, Jaconette & Batiste, during the year 1935 ... Nov. 22Oct. 25 VIII. Chemicals, Drugs, bruggists' Sundries and Apparatus during a period of

Nov. 29Oct. 18 341A, 1934 Vacuum Brake Ejectors, 12 only Dec. 13

Tiilers addressed to the Chairman, Tender Board, Perth, will be received for the above-mentioned supplie, until 2.15 p.m.on the date of closing.

Tenders (nest be properly indorsed on envelopes, otherwise they are liable to rejection.Tender forms and full particulars may be obtained on application at the Tender Board Office, Murray Street, Perth.No tender necessarily accepted.

Dated this 25th day of October, 1934.M. J. CALANCHINI,

Chairman W.A. Government Tender Board.


Department of Mines,2712/34. Perth, 17th October, 1934.

HIS Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in ExecutiveCouncil has been pleased to appoint John Furse McMillan asActing Warden of the Collie and Greenbushes Mineral Fields ;to date from the 1st day of October, 1934.

M. J. CALANCHINI,Under Secretary for Mines.

MINES REGULATION ACT, 1906.Department of Mines,

1674/34. Perth, 23rd October, 1934.IN accordance with the provisions of Section 63 of"The Mines Regulation Act, 1906," His Excellency theLieutenant-Governor in Executive Council has amendedRegulation 4, General Rule 1, paragraphs (b) and (c),also General Rules 46, 47, and 48 under the said Regu-lations, by omitting the word "District" and insertingthe word "Senior," wherever they occur throughout thereading of such General Rules.

S. W. MUNSIE,Minister for Mines.

COAL MINES REGULATION ACT, 1902-1926.Department of Mines,

Perth, 17th October, 1934.THE Honourable the Minister for Mines has beenpleased to reappoint Harold Caldwell and Alfred Hillas Members of the Accident Committee of the ReliefFund, Collie.

M. CALANCHINI,Under Secretary for Mines.

THE COAL MIN Es J.1.:OULATION ACT, 1902-1926.Election of Workmen 's Half-time Inspector of Mines.

Department of Mines,Perth, 16th October, 1934.

NOTICE is hereby given that, in accordance with Regu-lation 59, Part V., of the Regulations published inthe coecrllatunt Gazette of the Silt March, 1929,

I. hereby appoint the undermentioned dates, times, andplace at which all Election will be held for the posi-tion of Workmen's Half-time Inspector of Mines for theMining District comprising Collie Mineral Fields:

Polling DayWednesday, 7th November, 1934; Hoursof Polling-7.30 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Polling Place where vot-ing papers may be obtained and votes cast between theabove-mentioned hours:Cardiff, Co-operative, Griffin,Hard Coals, Proprietary, Stockton, and Mines Office,Collie (Chief Polling Place).

Names and addresses of duly nominated candidatesare as follows :Cherry, Thomas Davidson, 45 DeakinStreet; Close, John Hoskin, Robert Street; Graham,David, 48 Coombe Street; Hicks, Arthur, 20 VennStreet; Marshall, John, 41 Johnston Street; Robb,Samuel, 24 Deakin Street; Smith, James Harrower,Shotts; Vernon, Gordon Lindsay, Ogden Street.

S. W. MUNSIE,Minister for Mines.

Department of Mines,Perth, 11th October, 1934.

IT is hereby notified, for public information, that Gen-eral Exemption from conditions of work, use, and occu-pation has been granted on all mining tenementsthroughout the State from the 17th day of December,1934, to the 14th day of January, 1935, both dates in-clusive.

(Sgd.) M. J. CALANCHINI,Under Secretary for Mines.

Page 19: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Conference of the Churches of Christ in Western Australia. Mr. Ernest John Miles Collie... Wellington S. BENNETT, Registrar General. APPOINTMENTS (under Section


THE MINING ACT, 1904.Department of Mines,

Perth, 24th October, 1934.

IT is hereby notified that, in accordance with the provisions of " The Mining Act, 1904," His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governorin Executive Council has been pleased to deal with the undermentioned Leases and Applications for Leases, as shown below.

M. J. CALANCHINI,Under Secretary for Mines.

Gold Mining Leases.

The undermentioned applications for Gold Mining Leases were approved, subject to survey :

Goldfield. District. No. of Application.

Broad ArrowCoolgardieDundas


5343.1373, 1374*, 1375*, 1376, 1377*, 1378, 1379,

1380, 1381, 1382*.East Coolgardie 5508E*, 5619E5, 5026E.Murchison ... Cue 2091*.

Meekatharra 1.613N, 1614N, 1628x, 1629a, 1630x, 1631N, 163211.

Mt. Magnet 1279m, 1280m, 1282u, 1285.m.North Coolgardie Ularring ... 1034u.Peak Hill 523P.Yalgoo 1059.Yilgarn 3485.Outside Proclaimed Fields 71n.

The undermentioned applications for Gold Mining Leases were refused :

Goldfield. District. No. ofApplication. Name of Lease. Applicant.

Broad ArrowYalgoo


Golden King ...Neta,

Keith Harrold.Rowlands, William Hartley ; Farrell,

Winef red.

The surrender of the undermentioned Gold Mining Lease was accepted :

Goldfield. District. No. ofLease. Name of Lease. Lessee.

Vilgarn ... 3445 Thirteenth ... ... Bennett, Thomas Robert.

The undermentioned Gold Mining Lease was declared forfeited for breach of labour conditions, and prior right of applicationis granted under Section 107, Subsection (1) :

Goldfield. District. No. ofLease.

Name of Lease.IA

Lessee.ame of Person to whomprior right of Appli-

cation is granted.

Korth Coolgardie... Ularring ... 1003u Eleanor ... Griffiths, William Thomas ... Brophy, Christina Maud

The forfeitures of the undermentioned Gold Mining Leases for non-payment of rent, published in the Goommont Gazette of the 20thJuly, 1934, were declared cancelled, and the Lessees reinstated as of their former estate .

Goldfield. District. No. ofLease. Name of Lease. Lessees.

Broad Arrow ... ... 1956w Golden Arrow North ... Murphy, Francis Delanty, JamesRidge, Mau rice Hennessy.

Coolgardie ... 5260 New Brilliant ... . Scott, Henry George.5263 Lord Bobs ... ... Paul, John Ronald ; Patti, Alai

William.5309 Bayley's Boronia ... Cambridge, Arthur John.

Korth Coolgardie ... Menzies 5552z Federation ... ... Beccarelli, Louis ; Beccarelli, Frank5553z Federation North do. do. do.

Page 20: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Conference of the Churches of Christ in Western Australia. Mr. Ernest John Miles Collie... Wellington S. BENNETT, Registrar General. APPOINTMENTS (under Section


THE MINING ACT, 1904 continued.

The undermentioned Gold Mining Lease was declared not forfeited, in accordance with Section 106, Subsection (3) of " The MiningAct, 1904 "

Goldfield. District. No. of. Name of Lease.Lease. Lessee.

Broad Arrow ... 1986w Bardoc Consolidated New Ora Banda Gold Prospecting Syn-dicate, No. Liability.

Mineral Lease.

The conditional surrender of the undermentioned Mineral Lease was accepted :

Goldfield. I District. No. ofLease. Name of Lease. Lessee.

Pilbara Marble Bar 312 Koolinda Tantalite, Limited

Miners' Homestead Leases.

The undermentioned application for a Miner's Homestead Lease was approved, subject to survey, to date from 1st July, 1934 :

Goldfield. District. No. of Application.

Yilgarn 105.

The forfei 'ire of the undermentioned Miner's Homestead Lease for non-payment of rent, published in the Government Gazette ofthe 28th .luny, 19:33, was declared cancelled, and the Lessee reinstated as of his former estate :

Goldfield. District. No. ofLease. Name of Lease. Lessee.

East Murchison ... Wilma ... ... 24.1 Roma ... Radoman, Peter.

* Conditionally.

THE MINING ACT, 1904.Department of Mines,

Perth, 24th October, 1934.Licenses to Treat Tailings.

11,1S Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in Executive Council, by virtue of the powers conferred under Section 112 of " TheMining Act, 1904," has been pleased to grant Licenses to treat Tailings, as shown below.

S. W. MUNSIE,Minister for Mines.

No. Corres. No. Licensees. Goldfield. Locality. Period.

t335n (1/33) 1224/33 Phoenix Mines, No Liability Dundas ... Late Tailings AreaNo. 13

Six months from 1st Sep,tember, 1934

1-336u (2/33) 1225/33 Do. do. do. ... Late G.M. LeaseNo. 1117

Six months from let Sop-tember, 1934

1'40711 (1Y/34) 063/34 Stevenson, Annie ; drank,Charles Bernard ; Kings-borough, William Arthur

East Coolgardic G.M. Lease No.1273v

Six months from let toptember, 1934

-1-408n (2w/34) 604/34 French, James David ... Broad Arrow G.M. Lease No.1960w

Four months from 1st September, 1934

419a (2Y/34) 991/34 Cunneen, John Lawrence ... East Coolgardic Prospecting AreaNo. 886Y

Three months from 1st Oetober, 1934

431n (13e/34) 1866/34 Bennit, William Smith ... do. ... Late Tailings Area Three months from ls.No. 21E October, 1934.

Refusal of am Application to Treat Tailings.Department of Mines,

Perth, 24th October, 1934.2046/34.

1-118 Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in Executive Council has refused an Application for License No. 438n (2/34), li:asf,mureldson Goldfield, made by Leslie Carroll Atkinson, Robert 'Wootton Coson, and Rodney Kendall Downey, to treat tailingsat present lying upon the grounds comprised in late Tailings Areas No. 15, 18, and 19, East Murchison Goldfield.

S. W. MUNSIE,Minister for Mines.

Page 21: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Conference of the Churches of Christ in Western Australia. Mr. Ernest John Miles Collie... Wellington S. BENNETT, Registrar General. APPOINTMENTS (under Section

OcToBnR 26, 1934.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 1637

THE MINING ACT, 1904.Department of Mines,

Perth, 24th October, 1934.

Anthoritv to Mine on Reserved and Exempted Lands.

HIS Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in Executive Council, in accordance with Section 30 of " The Min inhas been pleased to grant, conditionally, authority to mine on reserved and exempted lands, as shown below.


S. W. MUNSIE,Minister for Al roes.

No. Corres. No. Occupant. Authorised Holding. Goldfield. Locality.

63411 (24a/34) 1306/34 Gladstone, Olive Isabel Prospecting Area No. East Coolgardie Kalgoorlie TownsiteMay 3303E

638u (2/34) 1415/34 Kessell, Walter Prospecting Area No. Yilgarn Bullfinch Townsite3082

648a (33a/34) 2094/34 Stock, Lui Prospecting Area No. East Coolga Kalgoorlie Townsite3396a

THE MINING ACT, 1904.Department of Mines,

Perth, 24th October. 1034

HIS Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in Executive Council, in accordance with Section 297 of " The Mining Act. 1004,"has been pleased to approve, conditionally, the following Temporary Reserves for the purpose of prospecting for gold.

S. W. MUNSIE,Minister for Mines.

No. Corres. No. Occupier. Term. j Locality.

80811 2085/3 t Cunningham, John 10th September,March, 1935

1934, to 9th j Duketon, Mt. Margaret Goldfield

81211 2108/34 Martin, Thomas John ; Trythall,II'illiam Henry

15th September,March, 1935

1034, to 14th K.00kynie, North Coolgard ic Gold.field

THE MINING AC'.!', 1904.

HIS Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in Executive Council, in accordance withhas been pleased to authorise the occupants of the undermentioned em porn ryTemporary Reserves.

Department of Mines,Perth, 24th October, 1034.

eetion 207 of " he Afinimr, Act, 1001."conditionally, the said

8. IV. MUNSIE,Minister for Mines.

No. Corres. No.! Occupant. Term extended to

64811 2507/34 Australian Machinery and Invegment Company, Limited

:31st December, 1035 Goldilehi

70811 800/34 andelstam, Herman ... 31st December, 1934 ... Edjudiint, North cmtgardie Goldfie1d74511 2837/33 Cunningham, .-1,11in .James 13th September, 1035 Erlistoun, Mt. Mar,..!aret Goldfield749u 1200/32 Connor, Doherty and 1Durack,

Limited31st May. 1035 Ruby Creek. K im hei ley Goldfield

THE MINING ACT, 1904.Department of Alines,

Perth, 24th October, 1034.

HIS Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in Executive Council has approved the cancellation of the undermentioned Tem-porary Reserve created in accordance with the provisions of Section 207 of " Tile Mining Act, 1904."

S. W. MUNSIE,Minister for Alines.

No. Corres. No. Occupant. Locality.

77811 1113/34 McKenna, Maurice Mosquito Creek, Pilbara Goldfield.

Page 22: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Conference of the Churches of Christ in Western Australia. Mr. Ernest John Miles Collie... Wellington S. BENNETT, Registrar General. APPOINTMENTS (under Section



Department of Mines,1674/34. Perth, 17th October, 1934.

THE notice appearing in the Government Gazette of the 10th June, 1927, defining the Districts assigned to the various In-spectors of Mines, has been cancelled and the following amended notice is issued in lieu thereof.

M. J. CALANCHINI,Under Secretary for Alines.

Districts. Number of Inspectors.

Lawlers, Niagara, Yen 11a, Menzies, Ularring Districts, and that portion ofthe Wiluna District. South of the 27 deg. parallel of latitude ; North-East Coolgardie, East Coolgardie, Broad Arrow, Mt. Margaret, Yilgarn,Coo lgardie, Dundas, Phillips River Goldfields ; Greenbushes MineralField ; Swan, Kendenup, and Roe lands Mining Districts

Black Range District and that portion of the Wiluna District North of the27 deg. parallel of latitude ; Peak Hill, Murchison, Yalgoo, Goldfields ;Northampton Mineral Field

The whole of the above-mentioned Districts

The remaining portion of the State ...

2 District Inspectors

1 District Inspector

1 Senior Inspector1 Special Inspector (Ventilation)1 Special Inspector (Electricity)Any Inspector, as required ...





* Accidents to be reported to the Inspector of Mines at his headquarters, or to the arest Mining Registrar.


TENDERS for the purchase of the undermentioned landand leases will be received by the Trustees on dates andat the local offices named:

Tenders returnable at Katanning-10/11/34.26/51.

Nelson Locations 5607, 5219, 5217, and 2277, beingthe whole of the land comprised in Leases 25528/55,28601/55, 29787/55, and 13719/68, standing in the nameof Peter Loney, situate 7 miles South of Qualeup, con-taining 515 acres 3 roods 17 perches.

Nelson Locations 2933, 2934, 4754, and 438, being thewhole of the land comprised in Crown Grants Volume717, Polio 169; Volume 1019, Folio 645; Volume 824,Folio 142; Volume 739, Folio 174, situate 7 miles Southof Qua leup, containing 565 acres, standing in the nameof Peter Loney.

Total area 1,080 acres 3 roods 17 perches, describedas 210 acres 1st class good sandy to heavy loans; 560acres 2nd class light sandy and gravelly soil; balancegravel and ironstone; 25 acres cleared, 52 acres partcleared; 4 dams and soak; 592 chains 3-wire and net-ting, 20 chains 6-wire; 5-roomed bat house; shed; goodgrazing land and adjoins other security also available,in same name.

24/706.Nelson Locations 6103, and 2276, being the whole of

the land comprised in Leases 27454/55, and 12003/68,standing in the name of Peter Loney, situate 7 milesSouth of Qua leup, containing 972 acres 23 perches.

Nelson Location 1679 and part of Location 1642,being the whole of the land comprised in Certificate ofTitle Volume 1002, Folio 936, standing in the name ofPeter Loney, situate 7 miles South of Qualeup, con-taining 809 acres 2 roods 16 perches.

Total area 1,781 acres 2 roods 39 perches, describedas 730 acres 1st class dark sandy to heavy red loam;770 acres sandy and rubbly soil; balance gravel to iron-stone, wattle, flooded gum, red gum, white gum, jarrahand blaekboys; 30 acres cleared, 120 acres part cleared;two dams and soak (excavated); 488 chains 3-wire andnetting, 150 chains 5 and 6-wire; 78 chains 7-wire fence(neighbour 's) ; hut, sheepyards and dip ; excellent sheepand mixed fanning country.

Tenders returnable at Northam-10/11/34.31/24.

Melbourne Locations 2256, 2316, and 1720, being thewhole of the land comprised in Leases 17653/68, and9713/68, and Crown Grant Volume 1004, Folio 399,standing in the name of Herbert Cook, containing 956acres 1 rood 10 perches, situate 8 miles South-West ofCalingiri, described as 90 acres 1st class red loam, sal-mon gum, york gum, white gum; 571 acres 2nd classlight and gravelly clay, white gum, scrub; balance 3rd

class gravelly sandy, white and red gum, mixed scrub;481 acres cleared, 20 acres part cleared; 2 dams andwell; 258 chains 2, 3, and 6-Wire fence (boundary), 44chains 6-wire fence (neighbour's), 431 chains 1 to6-wire (internal) fence; house (2 rooms) of bat andgalvanised iron, 7ft. verandah all round, with kitchen;stables; chaff, grain, and machinery sheds; stock andplant that may be in our possession and belonging tothe place at time of purchase; sheep and oats country.

31/25.Melbourne Locations 1963, 1964, 1967, 1871, 1872,

2731, 2257, 2732, and 44, being the whole of the landcomprised in Leases 7526/56, 7527/56, 7576/56, 7771/56,7772/56, 11182/56, 9483/56, and 21744/68, Certificateof Title Volume 745, Folio 131, standing in the nameof Samuel Edward Tate, containing 2,118 acres 1 rood31 perches, situate -1 miles North-West of Calingiri;described as 15 acres 1st class red loam, salmon gum;2,072 acres 2nd class light rubble and clay soil, whiteand stunted york guns, scrub; balance 3rd class gravelly;1,551 acres cleared; 3 wells and dam; 652 chains 6-wirefence (boundary), 575 chains 6-wire fence (neigh-bour's), 398 chains 6-wire internal fence; house (4rooms) of bat-brick, passage, and 10ft. front verandah;machinery shed, stables, and elialfroom; shed; stockand plant that may be in our possession and belongingto the place at time of purchase; sheep and oats pro-position.

Tenders returnable at Kellerberrin-10/11/31.29/128.

Avon Locations 19443, 19442, 22885, and 23225, beingthe whole of the land comprised in Leases 10466/68,10900/68, and 16024/68, and Crown Grant Volume 812,Folio 111, standing in the name of Frederick WilliamAugustus Backman, containing 1,593 acres 3 roods 35perches, situate 51 miles East of Ulva Siding; describedas 260 acres 1st class salmon gum, gimlet; 900 acres2nd class white gum, mallee and tea-tree; balance 3rdclass scrub; 750 acres cleared, 150 acres part cleared;watered by Goldfields Water Scheme; 400 chains 4-wireand netting, 130 chains 3-wire; house (4 rooms) ofjarrah and iron, verandahs back and front; stables;shed; stock and plant that may be in our possession andbelonging to the place at time of purchase; subject tocropping lease expiring 28/2/36.

3534/30.Jilbadji Location 387, being the whole of the land

comprised in Lease 42571/55, standing in the name ofErnest Longueville de Mamie], containing 1,233 acres31 perches, situate 11 miles South of Garratt Siding;described as 900 acres 1st class gimlet, salmon gum, tea-tree and morrel; 100 acres 2nd class jam and thicket;balance, plain and rocky hills and slopes; 650 acrescleared, 50 acres part cleared; 119 chains 3-wire (bound-ary) fence, 100 chains 3-wire (internal) fence; 4-roomedcottage; bush shed and stable; stock and plant thatmay be in our possession and belonging to the place attime of purchase,

Page 23: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Conference of the Churches of Christ in Western Australia. Mr. Ernest John Miles Collie... Wellington S. BENNETT, Registrar General. APPOINTMENTS (under Section

OCTOBER 26, 1934.] novERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 1639

Tenders returnable at Manjimup-10/11/34.142/11.

Nelson Locations 51.66, and 11588, being the wliolcof the laud comprised in Crown (Mint Vu lump 1025Folio 230, standing in the name of Thomas Vernon, con-taining 259 acres 2 roods, situate 34 miles South ofJardee; described as 234 acres 1st class red and brownloam; balance ffin I class fair gravelly loam, red gum,karri, and jarrah; 20 acres part cleared; well; 207chains 3-wire and netting fence (boundary) ; house (2rooms) of timber; shed; plant that may be in our pos-session and belonging to the place at time of purchase;suitable for dairying, orchard, and intense culture.

952/31.Nelson Location 9270, being the whole of the land

comprised in Certificate of Title Volume 1027, Folio361, standing in the name of Alexander Sharp, con-taining 119 acres G perches, situate 4 miles East ofCollins Siding; described as 113 acres 1st class goodred loam, karri, jarrah, red gum; balance 2101 classgravelly; 3 acres cleared; 11 acres part cleared (till-able), 5fn acres part cleared (semi-swamp), other clear-ing, part 9 acres; 10 acres rung; watered by creek; 95chains 3-wire and netting, 57 chains 3-wire fence(boundary), 61i- chains 4-wire, 171 chains 4-wire andrabbit netting (internal) fence; house (4 rooms) ofj.w.b.; stock yard.

Tenders returnable at Narrogin-10/11/31.24/708.

Williams Locations S961, 9692, 9693, 7193, 7194, and9691, being the whole of the land comprised in Leases26188/55, 26190/55, 26189/55, 12208/56, and 14636/68,standing in the name of Ernest Charles Leslie Godfrey,situate 4 miles West of Congelin, containing 732 acres2 roods 30 perches.

Williams Locations 4844, 4845, 1840, 4847, and 4848,being the whole of the laud comprised in Crown GrantsVolume 934, Folio :54; Volume 934, Folio 55, and Cer-tificate of Title Volume 621, Folio 32, standing in thename of Ernest Charles Leslie Godfrey, situate 4 milesWest of Congelin, containing 012 acres 1 rood 21perches.

Total area 1,40.3 acres 11 perches, described as 445acres 1st class air light loam, jam and white gum;815 acres 211(1 class light loam to gravelly; balance 3rdclass gravelly and ironstone; 563 acres cleared; 3 dams;1 well and 2 soaks; 573 chains 3 and 4-wire and net-ting; 450 chains 6-wire; 4-roomed bat house, flooredand coiled, verandah all round; shed and stables; cow-shed; stock and plant that may be in our possessionand belonging to the place at time of purchase.

394/26.Williams Location 9814, being the whole of the land

comprised in Leases 3-1822/55 and 20326/74, standingin the name of Jack .:lick Fox, containing 987 acres,situate one mile South of South Kulin

Williams Locations 9843 and 9845, being the wholeof the land comprised in Lease 13090/68, standing inthe name of Beatrice Emily Fox, containing 1,145 acres9 perches, situate adjoining South Kuhn Siding.

Total area 2,132 acres 9 perches, described as 625acres 1st class good red and brown soil, salmon gum,morrel, white gum; 1,160 acres 2nd class fair to goodlight soil, malice, broom, tea-tree, white guns; balance3rd class scrub; 885 acres cleared; 1,000 c.y. dam; 180chains 2-wire fence; house (4 rooms) of batbrick; stockand plant that may he in our possession and belongingto the place at time of purchase.

2719/30.Williams Location 8817, being the whole of the land

comprised in Certificate of Title Volume 963, Folio 122,standing in the name of Alice Beeck, containing 160acres, situate 6 miles South-East of Dmnbleyung.


TENDERS for the purchase of the under-mentionedland will be received by the Trustees on dates and atthe local offices named: -

Tenders returnable at Manjimup-10/11/34.581/30 G.S.

Nelson Location 9040, being the whole of the landcomprised in Crown Grant Volume 1016, Folio 616,

standing in the name of Frederick Hobbs, containing114 acres 2 roods 23 perches, situate 04 miles West ofManjimitp; described as 80 acres 1st class brown loam,karri, red gun, ;jarrah and ten-tree swamps; balance2nd class grey sand and graNally ironstone; 5 acresb,ared. 394 acres pall; cleared, pasture; 25 acres of

.iPftri ; 3 awes rung ; well; 3644, chains 3-wireand netting, 60 chains 3-wire fence (boundary), 4Schains 4 and 5-wire and netting, 1.63 chains 3 and 4-wirefence (internal); house (4 rooms), karri weatherboardwith 2 rooms on back verandah; cow-shed; dairy; hay-shed and other outbuildings; stock and plant that maybe in our possession and belonging to the place at timeof purchase; at date of last inspection there were 12cows, 3 heifers, 1 calf and 1 horse on the property.

Tenders returnable at Denmark-10/11/34.1273/31 G.S.

Denmark Lots 452 and 554, being the whole of theland comprised in Crown Grant Volume 1023, Folio327, standing in the name of Charles Ernest Kerley,containing 210 acres 2 roods 25 perches, situate 3 milesEast of William Bay.

1284/31 G.S.Denmark Lot 568 and Plantagenet Locations 4615

and 5510, hieing the whole of the land comprised inChown Grant Volume 1025, Folio 134, standing in thename of Albert Edward Sutton, containing 1.57 acres:18 perches, situate in Group 42, 7 miles North of Wil-liam Bay; described as 127 acres 1st class grey andred karri, moist jarrali and red gum soil; balance 2ndand third class sandy and stony; 4 acres part cleared(tillable) ; 43 acres part cleared (pasture) ; soak; 29chains netting; 169 chains 3 and 4-wire boundaryfence; 43 chains netting; 55 chains wire internalfence; house (4 rooms) of workers' homes type; dairy;hayshed; G.P. shied and cow bails; soe. nini plantthat may be in our possession and lalooging to theplace at time of purchase.

Tenders return:11,1e at Busselton-10/11/34.2127/31 G.S.

Sussex Lo,-:1G ; 22 ft and 2(173, being the whole ofsine land comprised in crown Grant Volume 1029, Folio201, standing in the name of Harold Edgar Worgan,eeutaii,:w.- 202 acres 2 roods if perches, situate 10 miles

is of Powarnmup; (4-(94hed as 71 acres lst class redloam, red gum and ;jarrall; sl acres 2,91 class sandytonm, hanksia; balance c,sss sand; 25 acres parteleared (tillable) ; :35 acre s part cleared (pasture) ; 108acres rung; :31 chains drniaing: watered by stream andwell; 30 chains netting; 116 chains 3-wire fence (bound-ary) ; 54 chains Cu chains 4-wire internalfence; house (' ra941-) of standard type; cowshed;milkromn; hays' 41 stock and plant that

belonging to the placemay be in our possss4onat time of purchase; :it date inspection there

8 corns, 6 11,4rers. and 1 horse on the property.

2001/31 G.S.Location 2s,66. being the whole of the land

comp] Grant Volume 1025, Folio 127,stanching in the name of Charles William Alfred Free,containing 147 aercs 2 roods 13 perches, situate inGroup 61, miles North of Lennox Siding; describedas 98 acres 1st class red loam; 46 acres 2nd class greyclay and sandy loam; balance sand and stone; timber:red gum, jarrah and banksia; 2 wells and permanentwater hole; 64 acres part cleared (pasture), 21 acresother clearing; 70 acres rung; 143 chains draining; 100chains netting; 64 chains 4-wire, 178 chains 3-wire;4-roomed j.w.b. cottage, verandah 3 sides; hayshed;cowshed; milkroom; pigsty and yards; stock and plantthat may be in our possession and belonging to theplace at time of purchase; at date of last inspectionthere were 14 cows, 4 heifers, 1 bull and 1 horse on theproperty.

1124/31 G-.S.Sussex Location 3096, being the whole of the land

comprised in Crown Grant Volume 1025, Folio 644,standing in the name of Thomas Lewis, containing 256acres 14 perches, situate 7 miles East of Witehcliffe;described as 166 acres 1st class brown and grey loam,jarrah, red gum, blackbutt; balance 2nd class sandyand gravelly, banksia; 2 acres part cleared (tillable) ;50 acres part cleared (pasture) ; 40 acres rung; welland creek; 45 chains 5-wire and netting, 248 chains 3and 4-wire fence (boundary), 15 chains 5-wire and

Page 24: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Conference of the Churches of Christ in Western Australia. Mr. Ernest John Miles Collie... Wellington S. BENNETT, Registrar General. APPOINTMENTS (under Section


netting, 135 chains 4-wire fence (internal) ; house (4rooms) j.w.h. (standard type); littyshed; cowshed anddairy; stock and plant that may be in our possession11.1(1 belonging to the place at time of purchase; at timeof last inspection there were 5 cows, 4 heifers, 1 bull,2 pigs and 1 mare on the property.

Improvements, stock, and plant are quoted from officerecords and are believed to he correct, but the Trusteesdo not guarantee them. Tenderers should satisfy them-selves as to these items and their condition.

Tenderers should state definitely what deposit theyare prepared to pay, terms required for balance of pur-chase, also if able to carry on without further assist-ance.

All tenders to be forwarded to Agricultural Bank atplace named, the envelope marked_ "Tender forproperty."

No tender necessarily accepted.

E. A. MeLARTY,General Manager Agricultural Bank, Soldiers' Settle-

ment Scheme, and Industries Assistance Board.

TRA WAY EMPLOYEES (KALGOORLIE).(Registered 12-10-34.)

No. 9 of 1934.THIS Agreement, made in pursuance of "The Indus-trial Arbitration Act, 1912-1925," this tenth day ofOctober, one thousand nine hundred and thirty -four, be-tween the Kalgoorlie Electric Tramways, Limited, of:Kalgoorlie (hereinafter called. the Company) of the onepart, and Kalgoorlie Electric Tramway EmployeesUnion of Workers (hereinafter called the Union), ofthe other part, witnessetlo

Wages.Basic wage for Goldfields at date of this Agreement:

114 2s. Od. per week.The minimum rate of wages to be paid by the Con

pally to employees shall be at the following rates:Rate per day

Margin. of 8 hours.s. d. s. (1.

Motormen and conductosPirst year of service ..Second year of serviceThereafter

Overhead wiremen or linemen ..Pitmen ..Car examiners and repairers ..Track repairersHorse tower wagon drivers ..Labourers

Youths.Up to 16 years of age ..16 up to 17 years of age ..17 up to 18 years of age ..18 up to 19 years of age ..19 up to 20 years of age ..20 up to 21 years of age ..

0 9 14 5

1 3 14 111 9 15 51 9 15 51 9 15 51 9 15 50 8 14 40 8 14 40 8 14 4

3 104 118 2

10 1112 0

.. 13 1

The percentage of youths under the age of 21 yearsemployed in any department shall not exceed one toevery three or fraction of three men employed receivingthe full minimum wage in that department.


The time of duty for motormen, conductors, andtraffiemen shall not exceed eight hours per day, unlessextra rates be paid for the overtime.

The extra rate for any excess of eight, hours shall hecalculated at time and a quarter for the first hour andtime and a half thereafter.

2.All duty performed by employees other than motormen

and conductors in the Tramway Service shall not exceedeight and three-quarter hours per day and four and onequarter himrs on Saturday, unless overtime rates lie paid.The ov.iirtinie rates shall be time and a quiirter for the

first hour and time and a half thereafter. Work clonebetween the hours of midnight and 7.30 o'clock a.m.,and on Sundays, shall be paid ;At the rate of time and ahalf. This clause shall not apply to car cleaners andemployees who ordinarily work at night, nor to shed.men whose duties rotate.


For all duty between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m., motormen andconductors shall be paid at the rate of double time, ex-cept for the portion of existing shifts after 1 a.m.

llolidays, Sundays, Leave of Absence.4.

For duty done on Sundays, employees shall be paidat the rate of time and a half, with a minimum of eighthours.


For duty on holidays, all employees shall lie paid atthe rate of time and a half, with a minimum of eighthours. The holidays referred to are New Year's Day,Easter Monday, Eight Hours' Day, King's Birthday,and Boxing Da,y.


Each traffic employee shall be entitled to one day offduty in each week, without pay.

For all duty done on his day off, he shall be paid forhis hours on duty but for not less than eight hours, andat the rate of time and a half, unless he be given twodays' notice in writing that he will he required, and inthat case the rate shall be time and a quarter. Thisshall not apply to Sunday football or other specials gov-erned by Clause 17.


All employees shall be entitled to leave of absence forfourteen consecutive days per annum, on full pay, as fortwelve working days, and shall be given seven days'Previous notice of the leave.

An employee leaving the Company's service during thecourse of a year of service and without getting his leaveof absence in that year, shall be entitled to lie paid atordinary rates for a number of days proportionate to thelength of his service in that year.

Spread of Hours, Call Back Duty, etc.8.

The spread of hours from beginning to end of theday's work for motormen, conductors, and traffiemenshall not exceed nine consecutive hours, except on Sun-days, when it shall not exceed eleven consecutive hours.

This provision does not apply to such motormen andconductors, not exceeding 20 per cent. of the whole num-ber (or such other proportion, as may be allowed by theBoard of Reference) as are required to do duty onbroken shifts. In their case, the spread of hours shallnot exceed twelve consecutive hours.

Por any excess of the nine hours, payment shall bemade at the rate of time and a half.

This clause shall not apply to call-bacic duty coveredby Clauses 9 and 10 hereof.


Motormen and condu.itors who take up trafTic dutiesoutside regular working. hours shall be paid time and aquarter, with a minimum payment of 3s. 6(1., whetherbefore the commencement or after the completion ofthe day's work or any portion of the day's work, exceptas provided in Clause 10.

10..Motormen and conductors doing call-back duty be-

1 ween the hours of 9 p m. and 12 p.m. shall be paid atthe rate of time and a half, With a minimum payment of5:s., except where the work has been continuous fromearlier in the evening, when the time up to 9 p.m. shallhe paid fm at tunic and a quarter, and time and halfthereafter.

11.Ten minutes shall be allowed to motormen ;Ind. coe-

ductors for signing on.

Page 25: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Conference of the Churches of Christ in Western Australia. Mr. Ernest John Miles Collie... Wellington S. BENNETT, Registrar General. APPOINTMENTS (under Section

OcrOBEll 26, 1934.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 1641

12.Except in such eases as may be permitted by the

Union, or by the Board of Reference, no motorman orconductor shall be On duty for more than five consecu-tive hours without meal relief.

13.Meal relief shall not be less than thirty minutes.

14.No employee shall he required to come back for an-

other shift after his duty is over for the day until hehas had ten hours at least off duty.

15.No motorman or conductor shall be called upon to

work more than six night shifts consecutively.

16.Motormen and conductors (except such as work

broken shifts) shall have their duty on day shifts andon night shifts in each alternate week.

17.When an employee is required by roster, or directed

to attend for duty, and attends, he shall be paid forhis hours of duty, but for not less in any ease than fourhours.ours.

This shall not apply to any case where. the Companyhas given to the employee two hours before the timefixed a notice stating that he is not required.

18.Except in the case of misconduct, cxery motorman

and conductor who signs on for duty and does not leaveduty for his own purposes shall be entitled to a fullday's pay.

19.Promotion shall be governed by efficiency and (in the

event of equal efficiency) by seniority."Efficiency" means special qualifications and apti-

tude for the discharge of the duties of the office to befilled, together with merit and good and diligent con-duct.

20.An employee shall perform such work as the Company

may from time to time require. But where an employeeis used for mixed functions, or for functions other thanhis previous or usual functions, he shall be paid for thetime worked at the rates provided for under this Agree-ment.

21.Any time occupied by an employee in making a report

in writing as to any accident or incident (other thana usual daily report) shall be paid for at ordinaryrates.

22.Any time occupied by an employee attending by direc-

tion at the Head Office of the Company's business, orto answer complaints or reports, shall be paid for atordinary rates unless his attendance is owing to his ownmisconduct.

23.The Company shall keep each conductor supplied with

the amount of change which he is required to have forthe performance of his duties.

24.Employees shall at all times be allowed free transit

on the Company's cars, subject to such conditions asthe Company may from time to time impose.

9,The services of an employee shall not he terminated

for other than grave misconduct, without one week'snotice in writing or one week's pay in lieu thereof :and an employee shall give the Company one week 'snotice in writing of his intention to terminate his em-ployment, or, in lieu thereof, one week's pay may beforfeited by the Company.

The Company and time employee may by mutual con-sent agree to waive the notice required to be given bythis clause.

26.Members of the Union shall be at liberty to wear thebadge of t heir bin their wat 01(.1m-ins.

27.Officers and members of the Union shall not be pre-

vented from collecting subscriptions or doing any busi-ness of the Union: provided that they do not therebyinterfere with the working of the Tramways or (if theyare employees) fail in their duties.

28.At each Depot a list of the staff employed thereat, in

order of seniority as to the service, shall be keptexhibited in a conspicuous place to which all employeeshave access.

29.The Company shall provide each motorman and con-

ductor and trafficman either with the following uniformand clothing:

Serge tunic each twelve months of service;Trousers each twelve months of service;Khaki tunic each twelve months of service;Helmet- and cap each twelve mouths of service;Cap cover (white) each two years of service;Overcoat each two years of service,

or else with a uniform cap and a cash allowance ofI3s. 4d. per month of service, to he paid at the end ofthe year, or at any earlier conclusion of the service.

30.Each employee shall be entitled to he paid for a full

day of duty, if lie be on duty any part of the day, unlesshe be paid a minimum wage of £4 6s. 6d. per week,averaged over each four weeks of his service, or suchlesser time as he may be in the service.

31.When a charge is made against an employee by any

person, whether inside or outside the service of the Com-pany, the employee shall forthwith be notified of thecharge in writing, and shall be permitted to give and tocall evidence in his defence, and shall (so far as it lieswithin the Company's power) be confronted with hisaccuser. Employees who have been summoned in respectof charges shall, unless the charge be established, beentitled to payment for the time of attendance at ordin-ary rates and to payment of any expenses reasonablyincurred by their witnesses.

If the Union dispute the finding of the Company asto the charge or dispute as to the expenses reasonablyincurred, the dispute may be referred either by theUnion or by the Company to the Board of Reference.

32.(a) For the purpose of this Agreement, so far as it

relates to the Company, a Board of Reference is ap-pointed.

(b) The functions of the Board shall be from timeto time to allow and fix under Clause 8 the proportionof men required to do duty in brOken shifts.

(c) to approve and fix cases, unden. Clause 12, in\chief] motormen or conductors may he on duty for morethan five consecutive hours without meal relief.

(a) to determine a dispute under Clause 31.(0) The Board shall consist of two representatives of

the Company and two representatives of the Union,with the addition of the Registrar or such person as liemay nominate in case the votes are equally divided, orthe members invite his assistance.

(f) The representatives of the Company shall be:William Henry Stanley, Manager of the Company, Kal-goorlie; David Thomson, Accountant of the Company.Kalgoorlie; and the representatives of the Union shallbe the President and the Secretary.

(.4) Two members shall constitute a quorum.(h) The Board shall sit at such times and places as

the members may agree or as the Registrar shall fix,and may adjourn from time to time and from place toplace.

(i) The Company and the Union may, respectively,from time to time substitute other persons :is theirrepresentatives in the place of the then existing repre-sentatives; provided that they give notice in writingto the Registrar.

Page 26: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Conference of the Churches of Christ in Western Australia. Mr. Ernest John Miles Collie... Wellington S. BENNETT, Registrar General. APPOINTMENTS (under Section


33.When motormen and conductors are required to work

one-man ears, they shall be paid at the rate of Wid. perhour above the ruling rate.

34."Employee" in this Agreement

who is a member of the Union.

35.Payment of Wages:Wages shall be paid fort-

nightly. Pay day shall be on every alternate Friday forthe wages earned during the fortnight ending the pre-ceding Tuesday.

means an employee

36.Area :This Agreement shall operate within a radius

of five miles from the Post Office, Kalgoorlie.

37.Term:This Agreement shall come into operation as

from the first day of August, 1934, and shall remain inforce for a period of two years from that date.

In witness whereof the parties hereto have set theirhands, and the Seal of the Company has been affixedthis tenth day of October, 1934.

Signed for and on behalf ofThe Kalgoorlie Electric Tramways, Limited,

[a.s.] W. H. STANLEY,Attorney and General Manager.

In the presence of :D. Thomson.

The Seal of the Kalgoorlie Electric Tramway Em-ployees' Union of Workers has been affixed this tenthday of October, 1934, in the presence of:


W. P. HALL,Secreta

THE COMPANIES ACT, 1893.Ingliston Alberts Development Company, No Liability.

Notice of Situation of Registered Office.NOTICE is hereby given that the office or principalplace of business in Western Australia of InglistonAlberts Development Company, No Liability, is situateat the offices of Messrs. S. J. McGibbon & Co., CharteredAccountants, 53 St. George's Terrace, Perth, where itis accessible to the general public on week days betweenthe hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., except on Saturdays,when it is closed at noon; and that Sinclair JamesMcGibbon, Charles Henry King, and John Robert KayMcGibbon are the joint and several attorneys of the saidCompany in Western Australia.

Dated this 29th day of September, 1934.

ERIC E. BURGESS,Solicitor for the abovenamed Company.

THE COMPANIES ACT, 1893.Anglo-Persian Oil Company, Limited; Anglo-Persian

Oil Company (Australia), Limited; William & Co.,Limited; Peninsular and Oriental Steam NavigationCompany; The Australasian United Steam Navi-gation Company, Limited; Union Steamship Com-pany of New Zealand, Limited; British IndiaSteam Navigation Company, Limited; Marine andGeneral Mutual Life Assurance Society; HainSteamship Company, Limited.

NOTICE is hereby given that the Registered Office ofthe abovenamed Companies is now situate at NaldhamHouse, 40-42 William Street, Perth.

Dated this 16th day of. October, 1934.

JACKSON, LEAK, STAWELL, & CO.,Solicitors for the said Companies,

Atlas Building, Esplanade, Perth.

Western Australia.THE COMPANIES ACT, 7893.

Notice of Office.TAKE notice that the 'Registered Office of GreatWestern Gold Development, Limited, is situate at R. B.Andrews' Office, Solicitor, Altair Street, SouthernCross, where same will be open to the public for transac-tion of business between the hours of 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.and 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. on week days and between thehours of 9 a.m. and 7.2 noon on Saturdays.

Dated the 13th day of September, 1934.

R. B. ANDREWS,Attorney for Great Western Gold

Development, Limited.

Western Australia.THE COMPANIES ACT, 1893.

Notice of Office.TAKE notice that the Registered Office of Marvel LochGold Development, No Liability, is situate at 11. B.Andrews' Office, Solicitor, Altair Street, SouthernCross, where some will be open to the public for transac-tion of business between the hours of 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.and 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. on week days and between thehours of 9 a.m. and 12 noon on Saturdays.

Dated the 13th day of September, 1934.

R. B. ANDREWS,Attorney for Marvel Loch Gold

Development, No Liability.

THE COMPANIES ACT, 1893.United Westralian Gold, No Liability.

NOTICE is hereby given that the Office or place of busi-ness of the abovenamed Company in the State of West-ern Australia, where all legal proceedings may be servedupon and all notices addressed or given to the said Com-pany, is situated at the office of Messrs. Abbott, Abbott,Andrews, & Robinson, Solicitors, 42 St. George's Ter-race, Perth, in the said State. Valentine RutherfordAbbott, of Commercial Bank Chambers, 42 St. George'sTerrace, Perth, Solicitor, is the duly appointed Attorneyof the said Company.

Dated the 70th day of October, 1934.

ABBOTT, ABBOTT, ANDREWS & ROBINSON,42 St. George's Terrace, Perth,

Solicitors for the said Company.

THE COMPANIES ACT, 1893.MacRobertson-Miller Aviation Company, Limited.

NOTICE is hereby given that the Office of the above-named Company is situate at the Basement, St. George'sRouse, St. George's Terrace, Perth, and is accessible tothe public from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., from Monday to Fri-day inclusive, and from 9 a.m. to 12 noon on Saturdays;George Leslie Brodrick and James Lewis Berkley Weir,of 66 St. George's Terrace, Perth, have been appointedAttorneys of the Company in Western Australia.

Dated this 1st day of October, 1934.

J. L. B. WEIR,Attorney in Western Australia for the

abovenamed Company.

THE COMPANIES ACT, 1893.The Forestry Pulp & Paper Company of Australia,


Notice of change of situation of Registered Office.NOTICE is hereby given that the Registered Office ofthe above Company has been changed and is now situateat First Floor, Airways House, St. George's Terrace,Perth, where all legal proceedings may be served uponand all notices addressed or given to the Company.

Dated this 10th day of October, 1934.

JOHN NICHOLSON,Attorney for the Company in Western Australia.

.Nicholson & Nicholson, of Surrey Chambers, St. George'sTerrace, Perth, Solicitors for the Company inWestern Australia.

Page 27: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Conference of the Churches of Christ in Western Australia. Mr. Ernest John Miles Collie... Wellington S. BENNETT, Registrar General. APPOINTMENTS (under Section


Western Australia.THE COMPANIES ACT, 1893.King Solomon's Min es, Limited.

NOTICE is hereby given that the Registered Office ofthe abovenamed Company is situate at Rooms 11 and12, A.M.P. Chambers, William Street, Perth, and that -such office is open and accessible to the public betweenthe hours of 10 0.111. and 4 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays,inclusive, and from 10 0.111. to 12 noon on Saturdays(public holidays excepted).

Dated 18th day of October, 1934.

HAROLD HAYNES,Solicitor for the abovenamed Company,

T. & G. Chambers, Perth.

Western Australia.TETE COMPANIES ACT, 1893.

Notice of Change of Registered Office.The Sea Insurance Company, Limited.

NOTICE is hereby given that the Registered Office ofthe above Company has been transferred to Room 11,Ground Floor, 20 Howard Street, Perth. The officewill be open for the transaction of business on all weekdays (excepting Saturdays and public holidays) betweenthe hours of 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. and 5 p.m.and on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.

Dated the 17th day of October, 1934.

DWYER & TTIOMAS,Solicitors for the Company.

Dwyer & Thomas, Solicitors for the Company, NationalHouse, William Street, Perth.

THE COMPANIES ACT, 1893.Notice of Registered Office.

NOTICE is hereby given that the Registered Office ofO.K. Gold Mines, No Liability, is situated at Room No.10, Second Floor, Warwick House, St. George's Terrace,Perth, and that Charles Greif, of Warwick House, St.George's Terrace, Perth, is the duly appointed Attorneyfor the Company in Western Australia.

Dated this 11th day of October, 1934.CHARLES GREIF,

Warwick House, St. George's Terrace, Perth,Solicitor for the Company.

THE COMPANIES ACT, 1893.Notice of Registered Office.

NOTICE is hereby given that the Registered Office ofLady Miller Gold Mines, No Liability, is situated atRoom No. 10, Second Floor, Warwick House, St. George'sTerrace, Perth, and that Charles Greif, of WarwickHouse, St. George's Terrace, Perth, is the duly ap-pointed Attorney for the Company in Western Australia.

Dated this llth clay of October, 1934.CHARLES GREIF,

Warwick House, St. George's Terrace, Perth,Solicitor for the Company.

THE COMPANIES ACT, 1892.Associated Northern Ora Banda, No Liability.

NOTICE is hereby given that the Registered Office ofAssociated Northern Ora Banda, No Liability, is situateat 195 Union Bank Buildings, Hannan Street, Kalgoor-lie, and is open rind accessible to the public from Mon-day to Friday, inclusive, between the hours of 10 a.m.and 4 p.m. and on l's:atur'inys from 10 a.m. to 12 noon,except on public holidays, and- that Patrick FrancisO'Dea and Francis .To'''epli O'Dea, of Kalgoorlie, arethe duly appointed Attorneys of the abovenamed Com-pany.

Dated this 12th day of October, 1934.

0 'DEA & 0 'DEA,Solicitors for the abovenamed Company.

O'Dea & O'Dea, Solicitors, Warwick House, St. George'sTerrace, Perth, Agents for O'Dea & O'Dea, Solicitors,Union Bank Buildings, Kalgoorlie.

Western Australia.THE COMPANIES ACT, 1893.

Selfridges (Australasia), Limited.NOTICE is hereby given that the Registered Office ofthe abovenamed Company has been changed and is nowsituate at the rear of No. 757A Hay Street, Perth.

Da ted the 3rd day of October, 1.934.PARKER & PARKER,

Solicitors for the abovenamed Company,21 Howard Street, Perth.

THE COMPANIES ACT, 1893.In the matter of Billy Edwards Music. Company,

Limited (in Liquidation).Notice of Meeting.

NOTICE is hereby given that a combined meeting ofthe creditors and shareholders of the above Companywill be held at the Builders' Exchange, St. George'sTerrace, Perth, on Friday, the 2nd day of November,1934, at 3.30 o'clock p.m.

Business:-1, To lay before those present the finan-cial figures made up by the Liquidator to date; 2, toKass various resolutions which will be submitted to the'fleeting; 3, to hear from the Liquidator his report onthe progress of the liquidation since his appointment;4, to receive such instructions from the shareholders orcreditors as may be given at the meeting.

Dated this 24th day of October, 1934.

J, D. WHYTE,Chartered Accountant (Aust.), Liquidator.

Coombs, Whyte, & Lissiman, Chartered Accountants,Withnell Chambers, Howard Street, Perth.

THE COMPANIES ACT, 1893.Serpentine Prospecting Syndicate, No Liability.

NOTICE is hereby given that the office or principalplace of business of the abovenamed Company in theState of Western Australia is situate at Geo. W. Miles& Co 's. Store, Nullagine.

Dated this 30th (lay of August, 1934.

ALFRED H. G. HEATH,Attorney in Western Australia

for the abovenamed Company.Robinson, Cox & Wheatley, Solicitors for the above-

named Company in Western Australia.


NOTICE is hereby given that a Call, the Second, ofThreepence (3d.) per share, making Shares paid to

lid. per shore, has been declared nn the issued Sharesl the Company, and that the some is due and payable

at the Registered Office of the Company, 7-12 Warwick[louse (Third Floor), St. Gorge's Terrace, Perth, on`V9T1e(1.1esday, the Fourteenth (11-th) day of November,

By Order of the Board,W. A. CARCARY,

Secretary.Perth, 18th October, 1934.N.B.When remitting, Shareholders are requested to

state name on Certificates and consecutive numbers ofShares. Exchange must be added to interstate andcountry remittances.

Shareholders on the Adelaide Register may make paywent to T. S. Wilson, at No. 1 Brookman Buildings,Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A.

91-1E COMPANIES ACT, 1893.The Business Mercantile Agency, Limited.

NOTICE is hereby given that the Registered Office ofthe abovenamed Company is situated at Basement, Alli-ance Buildings, 96 St. George's Terrace, Perth, and isopen for the transaction of business between the hoursof 9 a.m. and 5 p.111. on week days and 9 a.m. and 12noon on Saturdays.

0. MOIR,Secretary.

Page 28: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Conference of the Churches of Christ in Western Australia. Mr. Ernest John Miles Collie... Wellington S. BENNETT, Registrar General. APPOINTMENTS (under Section

16-14 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [OcToBER 26, 1934.

TITS COMPANIES ACT, 1893.NOTICE is hereby given that the Registered Office ofSumpton & Son, Limited, is situate at Dock Buildings,Phillimore Street, Fremantle. The said office is openfor the transaction of business between the hours of 9a.m. and 5 pin. on Monday to Friday (inclusive) and9 a.m. to 12 noon on Saturday in each week.

Dated this 19th day of October, 1934,

FRANK G. UNMACK,21 Henry Street, Fremantle,

Solicitor for Sumpton & Son, Limited.

IN TILE MAIlTER OF THIS COMPANIES ACT, 1893.(Section 197, Subsection 3.)

NOTICE is hereby given that, at the expiration ofthree months from the date hereof, it is my intention,unless cause be shown to the contrary, to strike thenames of the undermentioned Companies off the Registerof Companies.

Dated this 211th day of October, 1934.

T. F. DAVIES,Registrar of Companies.

68/20- -The Australian Minerals Recovery Company,Limited.

26/22Copper Separation, Limited.92/22Cheney Spark Nullifier, Limited.65/23Wheatbelt Press, Limited.

108/25WOolyeen,yer Pastoral Company, Limited,46/26Dental Laboratories (W.A.), Limited.

102/26Western Investments, Limited.33/28R. W. Middlemas & Co., Limited.63/28J. Colvin and Co Limited.92/28Lewis Cohen and Co., Limited.28/29Block 7 Company, Limited.69/29Sorrento Land and Development Company.

Limited.112/29Angora Furs (W.A.), Limited.13/30The Balcatta. Lime and Stone Co., Limited.33/30F. N. Gibson, Limited.19/30West Australian Bridge Club, Limited.54/30T. A. Shafto Estate, Limited.62/30W.A. Contractors, Limited.7/31Youanme Gold Mining Company, Limited.

34/31Eastbrook Farmers' Stores, Limited,51/31Lansdowne Grazing Company, Limited.52/51Metropolitan Lime & Stone Company (1931).

Limited.53/31 Country Butchers, Limited.35/32T3reunans (Perth 1932), Limited.09/32Nannup Traders. Limited.

9 /33-- Bohemia Gold Mining Company, Limited.20/33Talkie Pictures, Limited.30/33City & Suburban Pictures, Limited.58/53Lyons Wannawa,y Development Syndicate,

Limited.96/33Kalgoorlie and Interstate Trading Company,

Limited.100 /33Gaiety Picture Gardens, Limited.


NOTICE is hereby given that, under the provisions ofSection 20 of the above Act, a Certificate of Incorpora-tion, as a Limited Company, has this day been issued toKing Solomon's Mines, Limited.

Dated this 18th day of October, 1934.

T. F. DAVIES.Registrar of Companies.

Supreme Court Office, Perth, W.A.


NOTTCE is hereby given that, under the provisions ofSection 20 of the above Act, a Certificate of Incorpora-tion, as a Limited Company-, has this day been issued toPacker and Company, Limited.

Dated this 18th day of October, 1931.

T. F. DAVIES,Registrar of Companies.

Supreme Court Office, Perth, W.A.


NOTICE is hereby given that, under the provisions ofSection 20 of the above Act, a Certificate of Incorpora-tion, as a Limited Company, has this day been issued toSumpton & Son, Limited.

Dated this 19th day of October, 1934.

T. F. DAVIES,Registrar of Companies.

Supreme Court Office, Perth, W.A.


In the matter of the Will of Fred McNerney, late ofBoulder, in the State of Western Australia, Hotel-keeper, deceased.

NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claimsagainst the Estate of the abovenamed deceased are re-quired to send particulars of the same in writing to theExecutor, care of Muir & Stables, Solicitors, Boulder,on or before the 26th day of November 1934, at the ex-piration of which time the Executor will distribute theassets of the said deceased, without reference to anyclaims of which lie shall not then have had notice.

Dated this 17th day of October, 1934.

MUIR, & STABLES,Solicitors for the Executor.


In the Will of Joseph Hope, formerly of 63 FarnleyStreet, Mount Lawley, but late of 14 First Avenue,Mount Lawley, in the State of Western Australia,Retired Civil Servant, deceased.

NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claimsor demands against the Estate of the abovenamedJoseph Hope, deceased, are required to send particularsthereof in writing to The Perpetual Executors, Trus-tees and Agency Company (W.A.), Limited, of St.George's Terrace, Perth, the Executor of the Will ofthe said deceased, on or before the 12th day of Novem-ber, 1934, after which date the Executor will proceed todistribute the assets of the said deceased among thepersons entitled thereto, having regard only to theclaims of which the said Company shall then have hail-notice.

Dated the 5th day of October, 1934.

THEO. P. BARRYMORE,Solicitor for the Executor,

Warwiel. House, 63 St. George's Terrace, Perth.


In the matter of the Will of Susannah Rubina Dunstan,late of 71 Keightley Road, Subiaeo, in the State ofWestern Australia, Married Woman, deceased.

NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claimsagainst the Estate of the abovenamed deceased are re-quested to send in particulars of such claims in writingto The West Australian Trustee, Executor, and AgencyCompany, Limited, of 135 St. George's Terrace, Perth,the Executor of the Will of the said deceased, on or be-fore the 26th day of November, 1934, after which datethe said Executor will distribute the assets of the de-ceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having re-gard only to those claims of which the Executor thenhas notice.

Dated this 18th day of October, 1934.

LAVAN, WALSH, & SEATON,Solicitors for the Executor,

Queensland Insurance Building,29 Barrack Street, Perth,

Page 29: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Conference of the Churches of Christ in Western Australia. Mr. Ernest John Miles Collie... Wellington S. BENNETT, Registrar General. APPOINTMENTS (under Section

Oc'roBEn 26, 1934.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 1645


NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the Estates of the undermentioned deceased persons (orders tocollect and administer whose Estates were granted to me by the said Court under " The Curator of Intestate Estates Act, 1918,")are hereby required to send particulars of such claims to me on or before. the 26th day of November, 1934, after which date Iwill proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased persons among those entitled thereto, having regard only to those claimsof which I shall then have had notice.

Dated at Perth the 24th day of October, 1934.ALFRED A. MOFFAT,

Curator of Intestate Estates.

Name. Date of Death. Date of Order. Address. Occupation.

Taylor, James ... ... ... ... 5-5-34 18-10-34 Bullfinch ... ... Farmer.Bennett, Walter Guy (also known as 24 1 34 Millbury ... ... Pensioner.

Walter Jenkins Bennett)Velders, Cornelia Henderika Wilhemina 15-0-34 243 Walcott Street,

Mount Law leySpinster.


matter of the Will of John Church, late of IrvineStreet, Cottesloe, in the State of Western Australia-,Gentleman, deceased.

NOT ICE is hereby given that all persons having claimsor demands upon or against the Estate of the above-named deceased are requested to send particulars there-of in writing to the Executor, The Perpetual Executors,Trustees, and Agency Company (W.A.), Limited, ofPerpetual Trustees Buildings, 93 St. George's Terrace,Perth, in the State of Western Australia, on or beforethe 26th day of November, 1934, after which date theExecutor will proceed to dispose of the assets of thesaid deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, hav-ing regard only to such claims or demands of whichthe said Company shall then have had notice.

Dated the 18th day of October, 1934.

PARKER & ROE,of 19 Howard Street, Perth, Solicitors for The

Perpetual Executors, Trustees, and AgencyCompany (W.A.), Limited.


In the matter of the Will of Sarah Ann Spicer, late of96 Basinghall Street, Victoria Park, in the Stateof Western Australia, Widow, deceased.

ALL claims against the Estate of the abovenamed SarahAnn Spicer, deceased, must be sent in to The West Aus-tralian Trustee, Executor and Agency Company,Limited, of 135 St. George's Terrace, Perth, the Ex-ecutor of the Will of the said deceased, on or before the26th day of November, 1934, after which date the Ex-ecutor will distribute the assets of the said deceasedamong the persons entitled thereto, having regard onlyto the claims so sent in.

Dated the 18th day of October, 1934.

DARBVSHIRE & GILLETT,Commercial Bank Chambws, 42 St. George's

Terrace, Perth, Solieitor; for The WestAustralian Trustee, :xecutor, and AgencyCompany, Limited, the Executor of the Willof the abovenamed deceased.


In the matter of the Will of Patrick McCloskey, for-merly c/o Civil Service Club, Perth, in the Stateof Western Australia, but late of 23 VictoriaSquare, Perth aforesaid, Retired Civil Servant, de-ceased.

NOT ICE is hereby given that all creditors and otherpersons having claims and demands against the Estateof the abovenamed Patrick MeOloskey, formerly ofc/0 Civil Service Club, Perth, in the State of WesternAustralia but late of 23 Victeria Square, Perth aforesaid, Retired Civil Servant, deceased, are herchyrequired to send particulars in writing of their claims

and demands to the Executor, The Vest AustralianTrustee, Executor, and Agency Company, Limited, of135 St. George's Terrace, Perth, on or before the 26thday of November, 1934, after which day the said Execu-tor will proceed to distribute the assets of the saiddeceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, havingregard only to the claims and demands of which thesaid Executor shall then have had. notice.

Dated the 23rd clay of October, 1934.

S'PODDART & SPENCER,of W. A. Trustee Buildings,

St. George's Terrace, Perth,Solicitors for the Executor.


In the matter of the Will of George Thomson Proud-foot, late of Perth, in the State of Western Aus-tralia, Manufacturers' Agent, deceased.

NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and otherpersons having any claims against the above Estate arehereby requested to send in particulars thereof in writ-ing to The Perpetual Executors, Trustees, and AgencyCompany (W.A.), Limited, of St. George's: Terrace,Perth, the Executor of the Will of George ThomsonProudfoot, deceased, on or before the 26th day ofNovember, 1934; and, further, that at the expiration

1:1w last-mentioned date the said Executor will proceed.to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst thepersons entitled thereto, having regard only to theclaims of which the said Company shall then have hadnotice.

Dated this 22nd day of October, 1934.

NICHOLSON & NICHOLSON,Surrey Chambers, St. George's Terrace, Perth,

Solicitors for The Perpetual Executors, Trus-bees, and Agency Company (W.A.), Limited


in the matter of the Will and First and Second Codicilsthereto of Barnot Rogalasky, late of LangsfordStreet, Claremont, in the State of Western Aus-tralia, Gentleman, deceased.

ALL claims against the Estate of the abovenamedBarnot Rogalasky, deceased, must be sent in to TheWest Australian Trustee, Executor, and Agency Com-pany, Limited, of 135 St. George's Terrace, Perth, theExecutor of the Will of the said deceased, on or beforethe 26t11 clay of November, 1934, after which date theExecutor will distribute the assets of the said deceasedamong the persons entitled thereto, having regard onlyto the claims so sent in.

Dated the 24th day of October, 1934.

DARBYSHIRE & GILLETT,Commercial Bank Chambers, 42 St. George's Ter-

race, Perth, Solicitors for The West AustralianTrustee, Executor, and Agency Company,Limited, the :Executor of the Will of the above-named deceased.

Page 30: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Conference of the Churches of Christ in Western Australia. Mr. Ernest John Miles Collie... Wellington S. BENNETT, Registrar General. APPOINTMENTS (under Section



In the matter of the Will of Adolf Bernhard Walke-meyer, formerly of Fremantle and of 996 AlbanyRoad, Victoria Park, in the State of Western Aus-tralia, but late of 916 Albany Road, Victoria Park,in the said State, Master Baker, deceased.

NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and otherpersons having claims and demands against the Estateof the abovenamed Adolf Bernhard Walkemeyer, for-merly of Fremantle and of 99G Albany Road, VictoriaPark, in the State of Western Australia, but late of916 Albany Road, Victoria Park, in the said State,Master Baker, deceased, are hereby required to sendparticulars in writing of their claims and demands tothe Executor, The West Australian Trustee, Executor,and Agency Company, Limited, of 135 St. George'sTerrace, Perth, on or before the 26th day of November,1934, after which day the said Executor will proceedto distribute the assets of the said deceased amongstthe parties entitled thereto having regard only to theclaims and demands of which the said Executor shallthen have had notice.

Dated this 22nd day of October, 1934.

STODDART SPENCER,of 135 St. George's Terrace, Perth,

Solicitors for the Executor.



£ s. d.Abattoirs Act and Amendment 0 1 0Aborigines Act (Consolidated) 0 1 3

Adoption of Children Act 0 2 3

Agricultural Bank Act (Consolidated) 0 1 0

Agricultural Seeds Act .. 0 1 0Arbitration Act .. 0 1 0Associations Incorporation Act 0 0 6Auctioneers Act .. 0 1 0Bills of Sale Act (Consolidated) . 0 1 6Brands Act 0 1 3Bread Act (Consolidated) .. 0 0 6Bunbury Harbour Board Act .. 0 1 3Bush Fires Act (Consolidated) 0 0 6Cemeteries Act and Amendments 0 3 0Child Welfare Act 0 2 0Companies Act (Consolidated) 0 4 3Criminal Code Act and Rules, quarter bound,

with index .. 0 10 6Crown Suits Act .. 0 1 6Dairy Cattle Improvement Act 0 I 0Dairy Industry Act .. 0 1 0Declarations and Attestations Act .. 0 0 6Dentists Act and Amendment .. .. 0 1 9Discharged Soldiers' Settlement Act 0 1 6Dividend Duties Act (Consolidated) 0 1 6Dog Act (Consolidated) 0 1 0Droving Act .. 0 1 3Electoral Act (Consolidated) .. 0 2 9Employers' Liability Act .. 0 0 6Employment Brokers Act and Amendment .. 0 1 0Evidence Act (Consolidated) .. 0 2 0Explosives Act .. 0 3 3Factories and Shops Act (Consolidated) .. 0 2 9

)1 1) Regulations 0 0 3Factories and Shops Time and Wages Books

Large .. 0 4 30 3 3

Farmers' Debts Adjustment Act (Consoli-dated) .. 0 1 0

Feeding Stuffs Act .. 0 0 6Fertilisers Act .. 0 1 0Financial Emergency Act 0 1 0Firearms and Guns Act 0 1 0Fire Brigades Act, 1916, and Amendment .. 0 3 0Firms Registration Act and Amendment .. 0 1 3Fisheries Act (Consolidated) .. 0 1 0Forests Act 0 1 0Fremantle Harbour Trust Act (Consolidated) 0 1 6Friendly Societies Act and Amendments .. 0 2 3Fruit Cases Act .. 0 0 6Game Act (Consolidated) .. 0 1 0General Loan and Inscribed Stock Act and

Amendment .. 0 3 0Goldfields Water Supply Act .. 0 2 6Government Electric Works Act 0 1 0

GAZETTE, W.A. [OCTOBER 26, 1934.

Acts of Parliament, etc.continued.£ s. d.

Government Savings Bank Act .. .. 0 1 0Group Settlement Act .. .. .. . . 0 1 3Hansard Report, Annual Subscription .. 0 10 6Hansard Report, per vol. .. .. .. 0 7 6Hansard Report, weekly issue, per copy .. 0 0 6Hawkers and Pedlars Act and Amendment .. 0 1 0Health Act (Consolidated) .. .. 0 4 6Hire Purchase Agreement Act .. .. 0 0 6Hospital Fund Act and Amendment .. 0 1 6Illicit Sale of Liquor Act .. .. 0 0 6Income (and Land) Tax Assessment Act 0 2 6Index to Government Gazette (yearly) 0 1 0Industrial Arbitration Act (Consolidated) 0 2 6Industries Assistance Act (Consolidated) 0 1 0Inebriates Act .. .. .. .. .. 0 0 6Inspection of Machinery Act with Regulations 0 2 6Inspection of. Scaffolding Act .. .. .. 0 1 9Insurance Companies Act .. .. .. 0 1 3Interpretation Act .. .. .. . 0 1 3Interstate Destitute Persons' Relief Act 0 1 0Irrigation and Rights in Water Act . 0 1 3Justices Act (Consolidated) .. .. 0 3 3Land Act and Regulations .. .. . 0 3 6Land Agents Act and Amendment .. 0 1 0Land Drainage Act .. .. .. . 0 2 3Legal Practitioners Act (Consolidated) 0 1 3Legitimation Act . . . . . . 0 0 6Licensed Surveyors Act .. .. 0 1 0Licensing Act and Amendments .. 0 4 0Life Assurance Act (Consolidated) .. .. 0 1 6Limited Partnerships Act .. .. .. 0 0 6Local Courts Act and Rules, 25s. and 21s.Lotteries Control Act .. 0 1 0Lunacy Act (Consolidated) .. 0 2 0Main Roads Act .. .. 0 1 6Marine Stores Act .. .. .. .. 0 1 0Married Women's Property Act and Amend-

0 1 6Married Women's Protection Act .. .. 0 0 6Masters and Servants Act .. .. .. 0 1 C

Medical Practitioners Act .. .. .. 0 1 6Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage, and

Drainage Act .. 0 2 3Mines Regulation Act .. 0 1 0Mining Act .. .. 0 1 6Mining Development Act .. .. 0 1 6Money Lenders Act and Amendment .. 0 1 oMortgagees' Rights Restriction Act .. 0 0 6Noxious Weeds Act .. 0 1 0Nurses' Registration Act .. .. 0 1 3Pawnbrokers Act (Consolidated) 0 1 0Pearling Act (Consolidated) .. .. .. 0 2 0Perth Municipal Gas and Electric Lighting

Act .. .. .. .. 0 1 9Perth Tramways Act .. .. 0 1 0Pharmacy and Poisons Act 0 1 0Plant Diseases Act .. . 0 1 6Police Act and Amendments 0 4 Sid)

Police Code Compilation .. ..Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 0 1 0Prisons Act (Consolidated) .. 0 1 6Public Notaries Act .. .. .. 0 0 6Public Works Act and Amendment .. .. 0 2 9Rabbits Act .. .. .. 0 1 0Reduction of Rent Act .. .. .. .. 0 0 6Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages

0 3 9Reports of Proceedings before the Boards of

Conciliation and the Court of Arbitra-tion, Volumes I. to XII., per vol. .. 0 10 0

Road Districts Act (Consolidated) .. .. 0 3 6Royal Commissioners' Powers Act .. .. 0 1 3Sale of Liquor Regulation Act .. 0 0 6Second-hand Dealers Act .. 0 0 6Stamp Act (Consolidated) .. . 0 2 6State Manufactures Description Act .. .. 0 0 6State Transport Co-ordination Act .. .. 0 1 0

Regulations .. 0 1 0Statutes (sessional sets, per vol.) .. .. 0 10 6Supreme Court Rules .. .. .. .. 1 5 0Tenants, Purchasers, and Mortgagors' Relief

Act .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 1 0Timber Industry Regulation Act and Regula-

tions .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 2 9Totalisator Act and Amendment .. .. 0 2 9Town Planning and Development Act .. 0 1 0Trade Unions Act .. .. .. .. 0 1 6Traffic Act (Consolidated) and Regulations 0 2 6Tramways Act .. .. .. .. 0 2 3Tramways Act, Government .. .. 0 0 6

Page 31: WESTERN AUSTRALIA. · Conference of the Churches of Christ in Western Australia. Mr. Ernest John Miles Collie... Wellington S. BENNETT, Registrar General. APPOINTMENTS (under Section


Acts of Parliament, etc.continued.

Trespass, Fencing, and Impounding Act andAmendment ..

Truck Act and Amendment ..Trustees ActUnclaimed Moneys Act ..Vermin Act (Consolidated)Veterinary Act ..Water Boards Act ..Weights and Measures Act and RegulationsWheat Pool A et .. .

Whole Milk ActWorkers' Compensation Act and RegulationsWorkers' Homes Act (Consolidated) ..Workmen's Wages Act ..Year-book, Pocket

Postage extra.



s. d.

1 61 91. 61 32 61 32 62 61 01 62 0

1 3

0 60 6


The Government Go:, He is published on Friday ineach week, unless otherwise interfered with by PublicHolidays or other unforeseen circumstances.

SUBSCRIPTIONS.The Subscription to the "Gov-ernment Gazette" is as follows:-30s. per annum,17s. 6d. per half year, and 10s. per quarter, includingpostage. Single copies 9d.; previous years, up toten years ls. 6d., over ten years 2s. 6d.; postageld. extra.

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THE W.A. INDUSTRIAL GAZETTE.(Published Quarterly.)

THE Annual Subscription to the above is Sevenshillings and sixpence and the charge for a single copyTwo shillings and sixpence.

The subscription may be sent to the GovernmentPrinter, Perth.

The publication contains reports of all proceedingsof the Court of Arbitration and Industrial Boards,all Industrial Agreements, and matter of a similarindustrial nature.


Administration ActAgricultural BankAppointmentsArbitration CourtBank Holidays proclaimedBush FiresCemeteries . .

Chief Secretary 's Department . .

Commissioners for DeclarationsCompaniesCrown Law Department .

Curator of Intestate EstatesDeceased Persons' EstatesElectoral . .

Health DepartmentIndustrial Arbitration ..Land and Income TaxInstalmentsLands DepartmentMarriages .

Metropolitan Water Supply, etc.Mines DepartmentMinisters of the Crownacting Appointments 1618Orders in Council .. 1617-18

Page. . 1644-6.. 1638-40

16 22, 1631-2, 16341631, 1640-2

. . 16171621, 1631

16221617, 1619-20



1644-6. , 1618. . 1619-20

1631, 1640-21610

1617-18, 1620-3116191632

1617, 1634-8

Police DepartmentPremier 's Department . .

ProclamationsPublic Service CommissionerPublic Works DepartmentRegistrar General . .

Registrar of Companies .

Registration of Births, etc.Road BoardsSale of unclaimed, etc., PropertyState TaxationTender BoardTenders acceptedTenders invitedWater Boards .

Water Supply, etc., Department

By Authority: FRED. WM, SIMPSON, Government Printer, Perth.


. 1617. . 1618-19

1618, 1621, 1631-21619

. . 1644. . 1619

1618, 1621, 1627-32.. 1620

. 1619.. 1632-4

16331632, 1634, 1638-40

.. 1631

. . 1631-2