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Wetland adaptation in Attica Region, Greece Pilot Study THEmATIC CENTRE Drought, Water and Coasts

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Page 1: Wetland adaptation in Attica Region,Greece - Climate-ADAPT · Coasts: climate change adaptation in the water regime in Puglia Region, Italy (Pilot Study 3); the effects of climate

Wetland adaptation inAttica Region, Greece

Pilot StudyTHEmATIC CENTRE ● Drought , Water and Coasts

Page 2: Wetland adaptation in Attica Region,Greece - Climate-ADAPT · Coasts: climate change adaptation in the water regime in Puglia Region, Italy (Pilot Study 3); the effects of climate

Three pilot studies werecarried out under theOrientGate Thematic Centreon Drought, Water andCoasts: climate changeadaptation in the waterregime in Puglia Region,Italy (Pilot Study 3); theeffects of climate changeon wetland ecosystems inAttica Region, Greece (PilotStudy 4); and waterresources andhydroelectricity use in Italy(Pilot Study 5).

Page 3: Wetland adaptation in Attica Region,Greece - Climate-ADAPT · Coasts: climate change adaptation in the water regime in Puglia Region, Italy (Pilot Study 3); the effects of climate

Combined strengthsIn developing environmentalpolicy guidelines at regionallevel, Attica Region hasfocused on the protection ofwetland ecosystems from theimpacts of climate change. ItsEnvironment Directorate, incooperation with the GreekBiotope Wetland Centre of theGoulandris Natural Historymuseum, has assessed climatechange impacts andanthropogenic interventionsand drawn up a strategy. Thiscollaboration has expanded toinclude central, regional andlocal services, other authorities,research agencies,environmental organisationsand citizens, who have beenencouraged to take actionthrough interviews, meetings,workshops and seminars.Experiences have beenexchanged; good and badpractices recorded; and theconservation of wetlands andthe need for climate changeadaptation promoted.

Existing resourcesAttica Region faces the combined challenges of a growing populationand often competing land-use demands. Wetlands are a significantelement of the region’s natural environment, not only as habitats butalso as part of the region’s water resources and as recreational areas.The region has more than 80 wetland areas, including lakesMarathonas, Koumoundourou and Vouliagmeni; the coastal wetlandsof Skala Oropou, Schinia, Vravrona, Brexiza, Lavrio, Loutsa, Vourkari-Megara, Psatha, Asopos and Kifisos; Pikrodafni and Rafina streams; andthe Anavyssos saltmarsh.

As throughout the Mediterranean, land-use changes have beenobserved in Attica over the last 40 years. The over-abstraction of water;pollution from liquid and solid waste; encroachment; and thedestruction of natural vegetation have all led to the degradation ofwetland resources. Climate change impacts, exacerbated byanthropogenic pressures, are expected to lead to the disappearanceof many transitional wetland systems, while many permanent wetlandsare expected to shrink.

Facts and findings The pilot study carried out in the framework of the OrientGate projectfocused on projections of the frequency and intensity of future droughtepisodes in Attica Region, the assessment of wetland vulnerability, andthe capacity of agencies to ensure their ability to adapt.

Based on future climate projections, Attica’s vulnerability to drought isexpected to rise from low to moderate by 2100. Drought episodes areexpected to last longer and occur more frequently.

The synergy between drought and human intervention determines thelevel of wetland sensitivity. Inadequate legal protection and a shrinkagein the size of wetlands by up to 50 percent in the last 40 years have beenrecorded, along with a degradation in their values in terms of biodiversity

Page 4: Wetland adaptation in Attica Region,Greece - Climate-ADAPT · Coasts: climate change adaptation in the water regime in Puglia Region, Italy (Pilot Study 3); the effects of climate

protection, flood control and recreation. Most of Attica’s wetlandshave been classified as highly sensitive to further degradation.

At the same time, the agencies involved in the conservation ofwetlands have an average adaptive capacity. There is insufficientknowledge of wetland ecosystems and their services; a lack ofexperience in the use and interpretation of climatic parameters;few opportunities for networking and the exchange of experiencesand good practices; average operational capacities; and averageavailability of funds for implementing adaptation measures. Inparallel, there is increasing public understanding of the contributionof wetlands to quality of life.

Improving the adaptive capacity of the agencies involved fromaverage to high, and stopping or mitigating anthropogenicpressures are key requirements in the region.

mitigating impactsWetlands are of exceptional importance as they reduce thecatastrophic impacts of floods; their vegetation stabilises coastalareas by mitigating the impacts of waves and currents; they improvewater quality by trapping sediments, nutrients and toxic substances;and they enable the development of economic activities.

Attica’s wetlands are “biodiversity islands” within a broadlydegraded environment and offer local inhabitants an opportunity tostay in touch with nature.

The strategy for wetland protection must cover their sustainablemanagement and restoration; their interconnection within a “greenarc”; a socioeconomic evaluation of the services they provide;awareness raising and environmental education; as well as publicparticipation. Strategy implementation is expected to mitigate theimpacts on wetlands of both anthropogenic interventions andclimate change.

Page 5: Wetland adaptation in Attica Region,Greece - Climate-ADAPT · Coasts: climate change adaptation in the water regime in Puglia Region, Italy (Pilot Study 3); the effects of climate

Putting results into practice The Strategy for Wetlands in Attica Region is the result of theintegration of climate knowledge into policy and planning. It wasprepared on the basis of scientific research carried out by OrientGatepartners, including the processing of geospatial data and data onclimatic parameters and wetland features, as well as information fromprogrammes and activities currently being implemented.

The strategy incorporates elements from the National Strategy andAction Programme on Biodiversity, the Master Plan of Athens/Attica2021, the River Basin Management Plan for Attica Water District, andthe operational plans of municipalities in Attica Region. It calls for:l enhanced research on climate change impacts;

l the development of flood forecasting and early warning systems;

l the legal designation of wetlands;

l a network of wetland areas as elements of green infrastructure;

l the implementation of measures to tackle industrial pollution;

l sustainable water use;

l regulations on wetland conservation in the context of urbanexpansion;

l the raising of public awareness via information centres;

l the protection and restoration of water-related monuments andlandscapes (springs on the ancient Erasinos River and the MakariaSpring at Schinias);

l support to inspection and control mechanisms;

l networking, the exchange of good practices, and training for staff;

l the development of policies on the environmental viability andsustainability of enterprises; and

l the prevention of negative impacts during planning.

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ContactsLead partner, project coordinatorAntonio Navarra Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change(CMCC) l Via Augusto Imperatore 16 l 73100 Lecce, Italy l Email: [email protected] l


Giulia GalluccioEuro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change(CMCC) l Corso Magenta 63 l

20123 Milan l ItalyTel.: (39-02) 520 36988 l

Email: [email protected] l



Pilot Study 1: Adapted forest management at LTER Zöbelbode, Austria

Pilot Study 2: Climatechange adaptation measures in Romanianagriculture

Pilot Study 3: Climatechange adaptation in the new water regime in Puglia region, Italy

Pilot Study 4: Effects of climate change on thewetland ecosystems of Attica region, Greece

Pilot Study 5: Water resources and the use of hydroelectricity, Italy

Pilot Study 6: Vulnerabilityassessment in Budapestand Veszprém, Hungary

Pilot study 4 coordinatorArgyro ParaskevopoulouAttica Region l Greece l Sygrou Avenue 15 l lAthens l 11741 l Greece l Tel.: (30-213) 2101107 l lEmail: [email protected] lwww.Patt.gov.gr

Pilot study 4 Research PartnerDr. Eleni FitokaGreek Biotope Wetland Centre (EKBY) l Greece l14th kilometre Thessaloniki - Mihaniona l57001 Thermi l Thessaloniki Greece lTel.: (30-231) 0473432 l Email: [email protected]