wgpc.org · web viewin addition to her passion for congregational development, vanessa also serves...

WEBSTER GROVES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Service for the Lord’s Day January 12, 2020 10:30 a.m. OUR MISSION We seek to live Christ’s love, welcome all people and joyfully serve God. 1

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Page 1: wgpc.org · Web viewIn addition to her passion for congregational development, Vanessa also serves as a spiritual director and retreat leader. She is originally from North Carolina


Service for the Lord’s DayJanuary 12, 2020

10:30 a.m.

OUR MISSIONWe seek to live Christ’s love,

welcome all people and joyfully serve God.


Page 2: wgpc.org · Web viewIn addition to her passion for congregational development, Vanessa also serves as a spiritual director and retreat leader. She is originally from North Carolina

Service for the Lord’s DayWhen this symbol precedes an element of the service, please rise in body or spirit.

Prelude: “Communion Meditation” L.Sowerby Ted Cronbaugh, organ

WELCOME AND COMMUNITY LIFEAll are encouraged to sign and pass the Friendship Pads at the ends of the pews. As the music begins, let us use this time for quiet reflection and prayer, so that we, individually and as a great crowd of witnesses, may prepare ourselves to reaffirm our faith as the people of God.


BLESSING OF CONFIRMAND CLASS of 2020This morning eight people begin a journey together to seek, to discover and to deepen their faith. They will meet and share stories about themselves as they learn more about the story of God’s people through the exploration of what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. As a congregation, we will pray for them and offer the companionship of our faith community as the consider becoming members of the body of Christ. I introduce to you:

Confirmand Miles Cole, Brandon Thurman, mentorConfirmand Ava Demko, Laurel Cochran-Smith, mentorConfirmand Carina Dickie Cheryl Nennert, mentorConfirmand Elizabeth Paterson Sherry Moschner, mentor

And now on behalf of our entire congregation we offer you this blessing: May the Lord bless your journey. May your minds be curious, may your hearts be open, may your spirits be filled with joy and delight at what you discover about yourselves, about each other and about Jesus Christ. Amen. As you begin your journey, I ask you know to continue our worship of God through the Call to Worship.

CALL TO WORSHIP 2020 Confirmand Class

Voice 1 – In the earliest daysVoice 2 – When all was chaosVoice 3 – As God created something newVoice 4 – God gathered the watersVoice 1 – All else was separated, and then formed. Put forth or calledVoice 2 – But the waters were gatheredVoice 3 – Gathered together in one placeVoice 4 – In our daysVoice 1 – In all our chaosVoice 2 – God gathered us hereVoice 3 – Gathered us like the waters


Page 3: wgpc.org · Web viewIn addition to her passion for congregational development, Vanessa also serves as a spiritual director and retreat leader. She is originally from North Carolina

Voice 4 – Be StrongVoice 1 – Have courageVoice 2 – Rejoice in the Lord

Voice 3 – Come to the waterVoice 4 – Be gathered in.

HYMN 480 “Take Me to the Water” TAKE ME TO THE WATER


Let us be bold and confess our sins,for God is gracious and always ready to forgive.


Almighty Spirit,Lord of life and Creator of all;we acknowledge that we were createdfor our Lord’s pleasure.Yet we have turned away from him,refusing his grace,and disregarding his gracious commands.We scorn his invitationto return to the house of our God.Forgive our stubborn selfishness,and draw us near to the heart of God,that there we may find restand assuranceof all God’s goodness and grace.

RESPONSE “You Are Lord, Giver of Mercy” WAYFARING STRANGERChancel Choir


God forgives all our sinsand promises to bring us to everlasting life.All: Thanks be to God!


Leader: Since God has forgiven us in Christ, let us forgive one another.The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

All: And also with you.



Page 4: wgpc.org · Web viewIn addition to her passion for congregational development, Vanessa also serves as a spiritual director and retreat leader. She is originally from North Carolina



Still speaking God,as these words from Scripture are read,may it be to us as if the heavens are opening.and we see your Spirit descending on us like a dove,revealing your love for us as your daughters and sons. Amen.

OLD TESTAMENT READING Isaiah 42:1-9 Pew Bible pg.670

Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul delights; I have put my spirit upon him; he will bring forth justice to the nations. 2He will not cry or lift up his voice, or make it heard in the street; 3a bruised reed he will not break, and a dimly burning wick he will not quench; he will faithfully bring forth justice. 4He will not grow faint or be crushed until he has established justice in the earth; and the coastlands wait for his teaching.

5Thus says God, the LORD, who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and what comes from it, who gives breath to the people upon it and spirit to those who walk in it: 6I am the LORD, I have called you in righteousness, I have taken you by the hand and kept you; I have given you as a covenant to the people, a light to the nations, 7to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness. 8I am the LORD, that is my name; my glory I give to no other, nor my praise to idols. 9See, the former things have come to pass, and new things I now declare; before they spring forth, I tell you of them.

NEW TESTAMENT READING Matthew 3:13-17 Pew Bible pg. 2

13Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan, to be baptized by him. 14John would have prevented him, saying, “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?” 15But Jesus answered him, “Let it be so now; for it is proper for us in this way to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he consented. 16And when Jesus had been baptized, just as he came up


Page 5: wgpc.org · Web viewIn addition to her passion for congregational development, Vanessa also serves as a spiritual director and retreat leader. She is originally from North Carolina

from the water, suddenly the heavens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. 17And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.”

SERMON Rev. Vanessa Hawkins



MINUTE FOR MISSION Ellicia Lanier, Urban Sprouts Child Development Center OFFERING INVITATION

[Loose change in today's offering will be directed to the Pastor's Discretionary Fund.  This fund assists those who call the church in need of groceries or gas money.  It has been used for members and people in our community who needed help with such things as hearing aids, medical devices and prescription medicine.]

God gives us not only genesis lifebut the new life born of repentance, forgiveness, and resurrection.Therefore, with generous hearts,let us give back a portion of what has already been given to usin our baptismal covenant with God and each other.

OFFERTORY “Shall We Gather At the River” PageChancel Choir / Jill Young, flute



Leader: Blessed are those who hunger and thirstPeople: for righteousnessLeader: for they will be filled.

PRAYER OF THANKSGIVINGLeader: The Lord be with you.People: And also with you.Leader: Lift up your hearts. People: We lift them to the Lord.Leader: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.People: It is right to give our thanks and praise.Leader: It is truly right and our greatest joy

to give you thanks and praise,O God of mercy and might.


Page 6: wgpc.org · Web viewIn addition to her passion for congregational development, Vanessa also serves as a spiritual director and retreat leader. She is originally from North Carolina

In your wisdom, you made all thingsand sustain them by your power.You have called forth men and women in every ageto be your servants and speak your word.When we rebelled against your calland turned from your ways,in your love you called us back to you.You delivered us from captivity,and made covenant to be our sovereign God.You sent prophets to call us to justice and compassion.

Therefore we praise you,joining our voices with the choirs of heavenand with all the faithful of every time and place,who forever sing to the glory of your name:


Page 7: wgpc.org · Web viewIn addition to her passion for congregational development, Vanessa also serves as a spiritual director and retreat leader. She is originally from North Carolina

You are holy, O God of majesty,and blessed is Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord,in whom you have revealed yourself,our light and our salvation.Baptized in Jordan’s waters,Jesus took his place with sinnersand your voice proclaimed him your beloved.Your Spirit anointed himto bring good news to the poor,to proclaim release to the captives,to restore sight to the blind,to free the oppressed.He lived among us in power and grace,touching broken lives with your healing peace.By the baptism of his suffering, death, and resurrectionyou gave birth to your church,and made with us a new covenantby water and the Spirit.

We give you thank that on the night of his arrestJesus took bread, and after giving thanks to you,he broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying:Take, eat. This is my body, given for you.Do this in remembrance of me.

In the same way he took the cup, saying:This cup is the new covenant sealed in my blood, shed for you for the forgiveness of sins. Whenever you drink it, do this in remembrance of me.

Remembering your gracious acts in Jesus Christ,we take from your creation this bread and this wineand joyfully celebrate his dying and rising,as we await the day of his coming.With thanksgiving we offer our very selves to youto be a living and holy sacrifice,dedicated to your service.


Page 8: wgpc.org · Web viewIn addition to her passion for congregational development, Vanessa also serves as a spiritual director and retreat leader. She is originally from North Carolina

Gracious God,pour out your Holy Spirit upon usand upon these gifts of bread and wine,that the bread we breakand the cup we blessmay be the communion of the body and blood of Christ.By your Spirit make us one with Christ,that we may be one with all who share this feast,united in ministry in every place.As this bread is Christ’s body for us,send us out to be the body of Christ in the world.JOYS AND CONCERNS HERE

O God, as you once claimed us in the Spirit’s watersand number us among your own beloved,give us power to do your work, to show your love,and to live holy and joyful lives.Keep us faithful in your serviceuntil Christ comes in final victoryand we shall feast with all your saintsin the joy of your eternal realm.

Through Christ, with Christ, in Christ,in the unity of the Holy Spirit,all glory and honor are yours, almighty God,now and forever.



Page 9: wgpc.org · Web viewIn addition to her passion for congregational development, Vanessa also serves as a spiritual director and retreat leader. She is originally from North Carolina

COMMUNION MUSIC “Lamb of God” MorrisChancel Choir


We give you thanks and praise, O God,that you have fed us with your mercyand poured out your Spirit in this place.Continue to nourish and fill us each day,that we may live as your beloved people;in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

HYMN 543 “God Be the Love to Search and Keep Me” GREEN TYLER


God shows no partiality between peopleaccording to class, color, or countrybut accepts people of all backgroundswho love God and do what is right.Go in peace and do likewise.


May the God who called Jesus “beloved”speak blessing to you, beloved sons and daughters,and empower you to bring that good news to otherswho still need to hear it.

POSTLUDE “Recessional Flourish” N. Rawsthorne


Page 10: wgpc.org · Web viewIn addition to her passion for congregational development, Vanessa also serves as a spiritual director and retreat leader. She is originally from North Carolina

Worship NotesSome prayers and liturgical texts for worship are provided by:

BIBLIOGRAPHY Book of Common Worship. (2016). Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press.Call to Worship. (2018). Louisville: Office of Theology and Worship of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

Feasting On The Word. (2012). Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press.

Our Guest Today:Rev. A. Vanessa HawkinsRev. A Vanessa Hawkins currently serves as the Designated Presbytery Associate Leader in Giddings Lovejoy Presbytery and she staffs two of our presbytery teams:  Mission & Outreach and Congregation Vibrancy. Over the years, she has served in several capacities throughout the denomination as: campus minister, mission partner, pastor, and denomination staff in the area of congregational support. In addition to her passion for congregational development, Vanessa also serves as a spiritual director and retreat leader.  She is originally from North Carolina and was ordained as a Minister of Word and Sacrament in1998. At this date, she is pursuing her Ph.D. at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA, in Interdisciplinary Studies/Practical Theology with a minor in Spirituality.

THOSE WHO SERVE TODAYCommunion: Brenda Dribin, Marilyn Kuhn, Betsy Wacker, Dennis Wacker, Becky Clausen, Team B

Ushers: Vicki Lane, Dick Peterson, Bill Schwartz, Allan Scott, Donna Bellows, Team Lead

Greeters: Linda & Tom McNeely, Emmy & Alan McClelland

Office Volunteer: We are currently looking for volunteers. Please contact Valerie in the office!

Liturgist: Nancy Wagner, Brian Tobin

Sunday Snack: Flower Delivery: Laurel Cochran Smith, Mary Roberts


Page 11: wgpc.org · Web viewIn addition to her passion for congregational development, Vanessa also serves as a spiritual director and retreat leader. She is originally from North Carolina

WORD OF WELCOMECHANCEL FLOWERS The Chancel flowers are given to the Glory of God and in memory of Evelyn and Ronald Stevens and Elmer and Doey Stevens, the gift of Betty and Bruce Schermen.

CHILDREN ARE ALWAYS WELCOME IN WORSHIP AT WGPC! Worship Activity Bags are located at each entrance to the Sanctuary.

NURSERY CARE While some children prefer to stay with their parents in worship, others enjoy the opportunity to meet new friends, play and learn stories from the Bible. Mrs. Robin is ready to greet your child with a happy smile and a generous spirit. The nursery is open from 8:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. If there are no children in the nursery by 11:30 a.m., the nursery room will remain open for parents and children to enjoy together. There will be no nursery attendants on duty.

CHILDREN AND YOUTH MINISTRIES Children and youth are not forgotten at WGPC! Classes, activities and fellowship opportunities designed with them in mind happen most Sunday evenings. Please refer to the calendar for ages and times, or contact Cherstin Byers at [email protected] for more information.

LARGE-PRINT BULLETINS AND HYMNALS, hearing devices, and cushions are also available. One of our ushers would be happy to assist you.

PLEASE REMEMBER TO SIGN THE FRIENDSHIP PADS located at the end of each pew.

WATER AND LOZENGES Got a tickle in your throat? Relax. Just head to the Narthex (back of the sanctuary) where the ushers have water and lozenges for your comfort.


Pastor: Rev. Edwin Zumwinkel IIIAssociate Pastor: Rev. Hannah ZylaPastoral Assistant for Congregational Care: John RawlingsDirector of Music Ministries/Organist: Shawn PortellMusic/Organist Assistant: Ted CronbaughDirector of Youth and Family Ministries: Brian KuhnDirector of Early childhood Center/ Nursery Coordinator: Robin CannonMission Outreach Coordinator: Beth KazlauskasConnections Coordinator: Tracey RapisardoBusiness Administrator: Jan ScheurerSenior Staff Assistant: Valerie HamptonAssistant for Children, Youth, and Family Ministries: Cherstin ByersCustodial Supervisor: Pete Brennan

[email protected] [email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@wgpc.org(314)-962-9210 ext 3212

45 West Lockwood AvenueWebster Groves, MO 63119




Page 12: wgpc.org · Web viewIn addition to her passion for congregational development, Vanessa also serves as a spiritual director and retreat leader. She is originally from North Carolina

Month of Grace + Prayer: An Ecumenical Retreat in Everyday Life

Meet one-on-one with a spiritual companion one hour each week for four consecutive weeks. Morning, afternoon and evening meeting times available (on Wednesdays) beginning January 12. Meetings will be held at Kirkwood United Church of Christ. This is the same retreat in everyday life that was co-hosted by First Congregational Church and Webster Groves Presbyterian Church in January, 2019. For more information, or to register, visit www.momentsofgraceandprayer.org or contact Clarence Heller at 314-258-9066 or [email protected].

Agape Pancake Breakfast FundraiserSunday, January 26th 8:30-10:15 a.m., Fellowship HallCome early Sunday, January 26th for Agape's annual pancake breakfast! The entire congregation is invited for this time of fellowship and food.  Agape is collecting donations toward purchasing new furniture for Campamento El Guacio in Puerto Rico to provide lasting support of their ministry. Agape will be traveling to Puerto Rico to assist in hurricane recovery for their annual Mission Trip this June.

A reminder from Environmental Stewardship

Thanks to all who use our Recycle Station in Fellowship Hall. What we collect:  eyeglasses, printer cartridges, markers, cell phones, electric cords, corks (real cork), batteriesThank you for keeping these items out of landfills.What we DON’T collect:  lightbulbs, medicine bottles, plastic corks – they are deceiving, so look carefully!, batteries leaking acid – not even in plastic baggies! 

Join Webster Groves Presbyterian Church on the bus!


Page 13: wgpc.org · Web viewIn addition to her passion for congregational development, Vanessa also serves as a spiritual director and retreat leader. She is originally from North Carolina

Lobby for Gun Violence Prevention

with Moms Demand Action in Jefferson City

February 18.

Save your seat on the bus by registering NOW at


or sign up Sundays in Fellowship Hall

Questions, ask Sue Scott or Emmy McClelland

Before February 1 cost is $10, payable when you register

After February 1, cost is $15

Bus leaves Webster Groves Presbyterian Church parking lot at 7 AM

Bus Returns about 5:00 PM

All are welcome, not just moms!


Page 14: wgpc.org · Web viewIn addition to her passion for congregational development, Vanessa also serves as a spiritual director and retreat leader. She is originally from North Carolina

Diving Deeper – January 5, 12, &19 – Rev. Dr. Vanessa HawkinsJoin us in Diving Deeper at 9:30 am in the Youth Lounge as Rev. Dr. Vanessa Hawkins, our Designated Associate Presbytery Leader, leads us through an exploration of Jesus’ baptism and his reading of Isaiah in the temple and how that connects to our own calls to work for justice in the world.

Faith in Real Life, January 12 – Ellicia Lanier & Jill Hilton, Urban SproutsPlan to join us at 9:30 am in Fellowship Hall to learn more about Urban Sprouts Child Development Center, and to participate in a hands on project for its students. We will welcome Mrs. Ellicia Lanier, the founding Executive Director and Jill Hilton, Center Director for Urban Sprouts, a diverse Reggio Emilia school focusing on early childhood education. It is dedicated to providing children with a nurturing environment that fosters a lifelong love of learning.

CHILDREN & YOUTH MINISTRIES meeting todayInfant – Pre-K:

Nursery 8:15 a.m. - noon 1st floor nurseryPre-K-3rd Grade:

Children’s Choir 4:30 - 5:15 p.m. Room 208Holy Moly (PreK-1st) 5:15 - 6:00 p.m. Room 210Whirl (2nd & 3rd) 5:15 - 6:00 p.m. Room 209

4th & 5th Grade:Celebration 4:30 - 5:15 p.m. Room 211Celebration Bell Ringers 5:15 - 6:00 p.m. Room 207B

6th – 8th Grade:Celtics Party 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. Youth Lounge

9th – 12th Grade:Agape Party 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Youth Lounge

Visit wgpc.org or contact Cherstin Byers ([email protected]) for more information and to receive newsletter emails about children’s and youth activities.


Page 15: wgpc.org · Web viewIn addition to her passion for congregational development, Vanessa also serves as a spiritual director and retreat leader. She is originally from North Carolina

Chancel Choir and Ely Ringers are now accepting new members.  Chancel Choir rehearses Thursday noon and/or evening at 7:00 and sings most all Sunday morning 10:30 services. All voice parts are needed.  Large

project for the choir this semester is singing Gabriel Faure's "Requiem" on Good Friday.  Ely Ringers rehearses each Monday morning from 10:30 - 11:30.  There are multiple positions open at this time. 

Questions?  Contact Shawn Portell, Director of Music Ministries:  [email protected]

Mark Akin, Classical GuitaristJanuary 19, 20208:30 and 10:30 a.m. Worship Services

Award-winning classical guitarist W. Mark Akin is a St. Louis based musician who has engaged audiences across the country with his dynamic on-stage presence and musicality. In addition to being on faculty at Washington University, he works with the St. Louis Classical Guitar Society’s outreach education initiate entitled Guitar Horizons.

Per Capita, a Presbyterian Promise15

Page 16: wgpc.org · Web viewIn addition to her passion for congregational development, Vanessa also serves as a spiritual director and retreat leader. She is originally from North Carolina

As members of the Presbyterian Church, we understand “polity,” to mean the form of government that unites us across our own presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy and to our denomination across the world..

But who is responsible to pay for the services of the larger church which keeps us connected and working together for the greater good. The answer is each and every member of the Presbyterian Church USA.“In a connected church such as ours, per capita is the responsible way of sharing costs that equitably belong to the whole Presbyterian community,” former Stated Clerk Gradye Parsons said.

The annual contribution of $32 per member is the primary source to fund the work of:

1. The Giddings-Lovejoy Presbytery that serves the churches in its care;2. The national Office of General Assembly that brings us together to discern the Spirit’s leading;3. The Office of Stated Clerk that provides leadership for Presbyterians nationwide; and4. The Presbyterian Mission Agency that oversees the work of the Presbyterian Church for others here

and around world.

Here at Webster Groves Presbyterian Church, the Endowment Committee has challenged our members to pay their per capita contribution. If every member contributes to the per capita fund, WGPC would reduce its operating cost by over $21,000 and that would allow more funds available to do God’s work here.

Please consider writing a check this week. Your donation helps keep us connected for the good of the whole body, here and around the world. It is a pledge we make as Presbyterians to the greater church.

Please indicate that your contribution is for per capita. And, as always, there are several ways to give: by cash, check or online! If you need assistance, please contact Jan Scheurer by email at [email protected], or by phone at 314-962-9210 ext .3206.

Thank you for your continued support of the mission of Jesus Christ.. For those who have pledged, thank you. For those who still have not done so, please call or email Jan Scheurer at 314-962-9210, ext. 3206 or [email protected] .

Sunday, January 12


Page 17: wgpc.org · Web viewIn addition to her passion for congregational development, Vanessa also serves as a spiritual director and retreat leader. She is originally from North Carolina

8:30 am – Informal Worship9:30 am – Diving Deeper9:30 am – Faith in Real Life10: 30 am – Traditional Worship10:30 am – Blessing of the Confirmands4:30 pm – Celebration4:30 pm – Celtics4:30 pm – Children’s Choir5:15 pm – Celebration Bell Ringers5:15 pm – Holy Moly5:15 pm – Whirl7:00 pm - Agape

Monday, January 13

10:30 am – Ely Ringers4:00 pm – Prayer Ministry6:30 pm – Finance Committee6:30 pm – Property7:30 pm - Trustees

Tuesday, January 14

6:30 am – Tuesday Prayer Meeting7: 00 am – Bible Study9:30 am – Staff Meeting12:00 pm – Staff Offices closed for remainder of day

Wednesday, January 15

9:00 am – Kids Day Out7:00 pm – 3rd Wednesday Book Study7:00 pm – Scout TCM

Thursday, January 16

8:30 am – Men’s Bridge Group10:00 am – Disciples Bible Study12: 00 pm – Noon Choir Practice7:00 pm – Chancel Choir

Friday, January 17

12:00 pm – RotarySaturday, January 18

9:00 am – Al Anon

Sunday, January 19

8:30 am – Informal Worship9:30 am – Advocacy Meeting9:30 am – Diving Deeper9:30 am – Environmental Stewardship9:30 am – Faith in Real Life10:30 am – Music in a Great Place w/ Mark Akin10:30 am – Traditional Worship4:30 pm – Celtics5:15 pm – Celebration Bell Ringers7:00 pm - Agape


This winter, the children's offering will be collected to purchase two trees through Forest ReLeaf of Missouri. Our goal is to gather $50 - enough for two 3 gallon 4-6' tall trees to be planted in Missouri to make a community healthier, safer, and greener. Total collected for Piglets was $210.00.

Give-A-Meal-A-Month January Menu

Canned Pasta

(ravioli, spaghetti w/meatballs, etc.)

Canned Mixed Vegetables – low or no salt

Canned Peaches – lite or in fruit juice

Powdered Milk

Additional Needs: Diapers, wipes


Page 18: wgpc.org · Web viewIn addition to her passion for congregational development, Vanessa also serves as a spiritual director and retreat leader. She is originally from North Carolina