what a professional should expect when employed by a family run business


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Post on 08-Jul-2015




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Page 1: What a Professional should expect when employed by a family run Business




1. You will given a high sounding post, such as "Divisional Manager." This will

go with a “Spacio” Toyota as your Personal to Holder car and a reasonable


2. You will be promised "shares" in the company when business "picks up" in

future. The only setback is you won't have access to the company's financial

statements, which are for the Top Executives' eyes only.

3. You will be assigned to write minutes during management meetings where

you are invited to attend. Most of these meetings will only begin after some

delay (of up to 30 minutes). They will be talking about their family affairs,

which you have no clue about! At times you will excused to go "somewhere"

and come back after 10 minutes. This is when some "hot family issue" is

about to be discussed. When you come back you will find that the meeting is

over! You should make an effort to meet the MD to tell you what to put in

the minutes of the aborted meeting. If you don't, you will be accused of "not

being "serious at the next meeting!

4. At times you will be expected to work late hours without overtime payment.

The company's Senior Staff are not entitled to such payment. This is as per

your Letter of Appointment in line with your Contract of Employment.

5. The MD will, at times give you odd jobs, such as delivering some items for

the "other madam" living "nearer" to your residence. This could be up to

20Km away!

On arrival at the home a small child will greet you with your first name:

"Hello James, how are you?". You wonder how he came to know your name

as you have never met him before!

He will then show you where to offload the items from the car, on your own!

When you ask the child where the house boy is? he will tell you that :-

"Mum, my elder brother and the house boy have gone out to the Farm."

6. After a few months you will part of a team that will go out to "look for

business" with customers, a job you were not initially engaged for!

7. At a later time your salary will be delayed because you have "failed to bring

business" to the company!

8. Your fuel allowance will be cut by half and you will be told to use company

pool vehicles when going out to look for business. A driver will be assigned to

take you around. (Do not share your frustrations with the driver as he is one

of the relatives who has been planted to spy on you.)

9. Sooner or later you will fall sick due to pressure of work.

Page 2: What a Professional should expect when employed by a family run Business


10. Your contract will be terminated because you will told that the company is

on the verge of closing due to high operational costs. You will be told that

your services are no longer required because you are an expensive employee

to keep.

Some months after your departure from the company you find out that it has not

closed as you were made to believe. You then meet some other professionals who

have worked for the same company before and they share with you similar

experiences they had with the company!