what about questions

Exploring the when, why and how of effective questioning. Jacky Roddy AIRS 2012

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What About Questions. Exploring the when, why and how of effective questioning. Jacky Roddy AIRS 2012. SESSION OBJECTIVES. To identify why we ask questions To identify different types of questions To learn when to use what types of questions To identify questioning strategies. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Exploring the when, why and how of effective questioning.

Jacky RoddyAIRS 2012

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SESSION OBJECTIVESTo identify why we ask questionsTo identify different types of

questionsTo learn when to use what types of

questionsTo identify questioning strategies

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Why Ask QuestionsBuild rapportComplete an assessmentGet the factsGuide the conversationClarify and Confirm Understanding

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BUILD RAPPORTPeople generally respond positively if you ask

about what they think or feel about a situation or enquire about their opinions.

Allows you to connect with the caller in a more meaningful way.

Questions say you care enough to be engaged

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Assessment is critical for effective information and referral.

You must ask questions of the client before you can give information.

Asking questions helps identify, analyze and prioritize the clients needs.

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A needs assessment involves asking the right questions in the right way

It is sometimes necessary to ask the client a number of questions to understand the details of their situation

It is sometimes necessary to ask the same question but in a different way.

There should always be a reason for every question you ask the client and it is important to let the client know why you are asking.


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GET THE FACTSurgency (how quickly do they need the service?)

who the service is for?

health status


family composition

previous attempts at getting help for the situation

address or general location

access to the Internet

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As the I&R provider it is important that you stay in control of the interaction.

Asking questions helps you stay in the drivers seat of the interaction

With an angry or upset caller questions can help diffuse the situation

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CLARIFY AND CONFIRM UNDERSTANDINGAsking directly if your understanding of the

situation is correct goes a long way in avoiding misunderstanding

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QUESTIONING SKILLSAsking questions often comes naturally

Asking the right type of question, at the right time is a skill

Knowing the types of questions is the first step in honing the skill of asking questions.

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Types of QuestionsOpen Questions

Closed Questions

Funnel Questions

Probing Questions

Leading Questions

Reflective Questions

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Open QuestionsBuilds relationship, tells the client you are

interestedProvides detail Allows for empathetic listeningElicit responses that are more than one or two

wordsWhat happened when…How do you feel…

CAUTIONEasy to loose control of interaction and keep the

client on track

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Closed QuestionsTypically yes/no response or short answerProvides essential facts, (postal code, age)Getting talkative clients back on trackClosing a call

CAUTIONMay feel like an interrogationCan shut down a conversation particularly if

the answer is unknown

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Funnel TechniqueInvolves starting with a general question then

narrowing to the more specific“Have you contacted any services regarding...?”

Yes a few.

“What services have you tried?”The XYZ and ABC

“What happened when you contacted service XYZ?”

Funnel questions usually start with closed questions and move to open questions.

CAUTION Don’t get caught in just exploring the funnel


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ProbingProbing questions are used to check for more detail

or clarification

Cannot be planned in advance

Difficult to construct therefore often avoided

Essential to a complete and thorough needs


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TIPS FOR PROBING QUESTIONSCheck to see if you have a “right” answer in mind.

If so don’t ask it.

Refer to the client’s original question/focus point.

Try using verbs: What do you fear? Assume?


Think about the concentric circles of comfort, risk

and danger. Use these as a barometer. Don’t

avoid risk, but don’t push the client into a

situation of discomfort or distrust.

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Concentric Circles of Comfort, Risk & Danger

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GOOD PROBING QUESTIONSDon’t place blame on anyone

Allow for multiple responses

Empower the client

Avoid yes/no responses

Are usually brief

Move thinking from reaction to reflection

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PROBING STEMSWhat do you think would happen if…?How was…different from…?What is the connection between…and…?What other approaches have you

considered ...?CAUTIONDon’t let probing slide into prying...know why

you are asking every question you ask.Avoid “Why” questions they may come across

as blaming and judgemental.

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LeadingLeading questions leads the client to answer in

a particular way and to answer at all.

Used to wrap up a call, get a clients opinions/feelings, clarify a clients understanding of actions

CAUTION Can be viewed as manipulative

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REFLECTIVE Reflects back to the client what has been said or

the action plan for the client.

Reflective questions can also be used to defuse situations

“How do you feel about calling XYZ agency?”

CAUTIONRemember your limitations...you are not a


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You have probably used all of these questioning techniques before in your everyday life, at work and at home.

But by consciously applying the appropriate kind of questioning, you can gain the information, response or outcome that enables an effective I&R interaction.

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What to use whenUsing the 3C model:

Contact – Ask open ended questions

Clarification – Ask probing, funnel, and some closed questions

Closure – Ask closed and reflective questions

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What to use whenTalkative Client – closed questions

Hostile or Upset Client – Reflective Questions, Open Ended Questions

Confused Client – Funnel Questions; Probing Questions

Non trusting Client – Open Ended

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Questioning StrategiesWatch your timing

Have a plan

Ask permission

Go from broad to narrow

Use simple language, watch acronyms and technical terms

Be non-threatening, non-manipulative and non-blaming

Take a consultation approach, be empathetic and


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SummaryQuestions are asked to get the facts but also to

build rapport, guide the conversation and clarify your understanding.

There are many different types of questions but when to use them and how to word them correctly is a skill.

There are strategies to effective questioning that can be learnt and practiced.

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