what are the practical constraints

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Post on 07-Jan-2016




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What are the practical constraints?The practical constraints of this situation are primarily of ethical nature. The fact that a choice has to be made between the safety and precautionary measures of the scaffolding work and the companys health which is in dire low levels and which if deteriorated further would lead to loss of jobs for few of its employees who are solely dependent on their jobs. So there seems to be no choice which is free from any negative consequences. While itd appear to be right to supply the buyer with the material hes asked for , the fact that there is a good chance of something going wrong due to lack of quality of the planks for intended purpose may result in fatalities and legal consequences for all the parties involved makes this option very risky. On the other hand the refusal to accept the order will surely result in job cuts in the company that is already burdened by losses