what are the true reasons of the latest egyptian riots?

Upload: davidstrossmayer

Post on 09-Apr-2018




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  • 8/7/2019 What are the true reasons of the latest Egyptian riots?


    What are the true reasons of the latest Egyptian riots ?

    I'm sure that this might sound more like SF story rather than articlebacked with the hard-core evidence but after you read it decide foryourself!Egypt is not only place where are the pyramids and the mysteries of the Ancient civilization, it is also place where certain miracles tookplace who are hard to be explain with our common mind.

    The most famous are of course miracles done by the Pharaoh'spriests as backs to anything Moses did, in order to persuade thePharaoh Seth I to let his people go, as described in part of Exodus'sstory of the Old Testament.

    Then there has been Queen Hatshepsut who made curse to Gypsies,and of course the last Queen Cleopatra, from the 31 st dynasty, whocancelled that curse under certain conditions which have to beobeyed by all means.Much later when Tuth-ank-Hamon grave was found and his mummytaken with famous golden mask, to the Egyptian Museum of Cairo,not only that sudden deaths happened to the main archeologist andhis crew, but the lights went on and off in Cairo for the whole 1/2hour!!! That was the famous Pharaoh's curse, first mentionedthen and later implemented in many other similar stories.Our story is connected to the Greatest of all Pharaohs Ramses II,who made general curse, with the help of his three high priests tothe Egyptian land under the borders of the Lower and Upper Egypt,which can be cancelled only under three major conditions together

    such as:1) As long as there are all Egyptian items from worldwiderestored to their original places in Egypt.2) As long as all ancient places, houses, buildings, palacesand temples are not restored as they were in their originalbeauty long time ago.3) As long as the true princess of Egyptian origin is notchosen to make Egypt country as a sample to all civilizedworld, just like it was supposed to be in the first place.

    That princess will be the true incarnation of the late Egyptianprincess Nevine Abbas Halim, who was the great-greatgranddaughter of the late Mohamed Ali Pasha, and she will have aPharaoh's soul of the Egyptian princess from the Egyptian Gallery inthe Canterbury Museum in Christchurch.Identity of the future Egyptian princess is known and lately sharedwith someone very important and reliable person who liveselsewhere.

    That mummy from the Canterbury Museum is nobody else but thenephew of the Nefertiti (See picture below!).I'll tell you another true story which occurred in the time of Titanic

    as described by Philipp Vandenberg in his dubious tome "The Curseof the Pharaohs".

  • 8/7/2019 What are the true reasons of the latest Egyptian riots?


    On board the Titanic were 2,200 passengers, 40 tons of potatoes,12,000 bottles of mineral water, 7,000 sacks of coffee, 35,000 eggs and an Egyptian mummy that Lord Canterville wanted to takefrom England to New York. The mummy was the carefully prepared body of a prophetess who had enjoyed a great vogue during thereign of Amenhotep IV, the heretic pharaoh who took the nameIkhnaton. Her grave had been found in Tel el-Amarna. A smalltemple had been built for this prophetess, the Temple of the Eyes.The female mummy had been equipped with the usual amuletsand artifacts. An amulet with the inscription Awake from theswoon in which you sleep and a glance of your eyes willtriumph over everything that is done against you had been

    placed beneath her head. Was this the hint that the remains of the prophetess enjoyed special protection? The mummy was encased ina wooden crate and, because of its value, had not been placed inthe hold of the Titanic but behind the command bridge. Many scientists who handled mummies showed clear signs of mentalderangement. Did Captain Smith, too, look into those fatal radiant eyes? Could he, too, has been the curses victim?

    Therefore even since Cleopatra's rule Egypt has been indeed cursedplace who was under all possible rules and occupations and evenafter the establishment of the legitimate royal's family who wasoverturned and its president later murdered (Sadat)! Right nowwith all these riots, who are nothing else but the pavementsof the one solid road to the true intention of the ancientPharaohs- as the United Kingdom of Egypt !!! That Kingdom will

    be ruled by two princesses, one of Lower and another one of UpperEgypt and above all- true Queen of United Kingdom of Egypt,incarnation of the late Nevine Abbas Halim, as said above!

    Copyright 2011- by David Strossmayer

  • 8/7/2019 What are the true reasons of the latest Egyptian riots?
