what can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

Motivate, motivation, motivating, employee, employees, engagement, engaging, communication, communicating, intrinsic, extrinsic, purpose, sense, mastery, autonomy, carrot, stick, punishment, reward, Pink, Dan, work, workplace, workforce, worker, workers, business, behaviour, behavior, human resources, leadership, leading, leader, management, managing, manager, supervisor, supervising CYCLISTS What can MOTIVATE YOUR PEOPLE? teach you about how to

Post on 18-Oct-2014




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The motivation of amateur cyclists is extraordinary. What can business learn from cyclists to better motivate the workforce? A new study by Marvin Faure confirms the research summarised by Dan Pink in "Drive": the keys to long-lating motivation are Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose.


Page 1: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

Motivate, motivation, motivating, employee, employees, engagement, engaging, communication, communicating, intrinsic, extrinsic, purpose, sense, mastery, autonomy, carrot, stick, punishment, reward, Pink, Dan, work, workplace, workforce, worker, workers, business, behaviour, behavior, human resources, leadership, leading, leader, management, managing, manager, supervisor, supervising


MOTIVATE YOUR PEOPLE? teach you about how to

Page 2: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

Motivate, motivation, motivating, employee, employees, engagement, engaging, communication, communicating, intrinsic, extrinsic, purpose, sense, mastery, autonomy, carrot, stick, punishment, reward, Pink, Dan, work, workplace, workforce, worker, workers, business, behaviour, behavior, human resources, leadership, leading, leader, management, managing, manager, supervisor, supervising

Strange question!

What do these people know about business?

Page 3: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

Motivate, motivation, motivating, employee, employees, engagement, engaging, communication, communicating, intrinsic, extrinsic, purpose, sense, mastery, autonomy, carrot, stick, punishment, reward, Pink, Dan, work, workplace, workforce, worker, workers, business, behaviour, behavior, human resources, leadership, leading, leader, management, managing, manager, supervisor, supervising

1. They are probably in work. The majority are middle-aged men.

They come from all works of life and include CEO’s as well as hourly workers.

Page 4: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

Motivate, motivation, motivating, employee, employees, engagement, engaging, communication, communicating, intrinsic, extrinsic, purpose, sense, mastery, autonomy, carrot, stick, punishment, reward, Pink, Dan, work, workplace, workforce, worker, workers, business, behaviour, behavior, human resources, leadership, leading, leader, management, managing, manager, supervisor, supervising

2. They know a lot about motivation. Cycling is one of the toughest sports there is.

You don’t race up mountains if you don’t want to do it.

Photo: Karin Schermbrucker

Page 5: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

So what?

I don’t see what all the fuss is about motivation.

My people show up to work and get a bonus when they work well.

What’s the problem?

Page 6: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

Well, you may be one of the few doing a great job.

The statistics are not pretty.

Page 7: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

All the big HR consultancies regularly measure engagement (their word for motivation).

Page 8: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

Here’s what Towers Watson found:



% of employees "highly engaged"

32,000 respondants Global Workforce Study, 2012

% of employees "unsupported", "detached", or "disengaged"

Page 9: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

and here are Gallup’s findings:

47,000 respondants The State of the Global Workplace , 2010

% of employees "highly engaged"



% of employees "not engaged" or "actively disengaged"

Page 10: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

Who cares if my people are “highly engaged” or not, so long as they show up and do a decent job?

Page 11: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

You should.

Take a look at the difference in performance between companies with highly engaged workforces and those without.

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Here is what AON Hewitt found in terms of total shareholder return*:








22% High engagement (top quartile)

Low engagement (bottom quartile)

*expressed in % with respect to the average (2900 organizations)

Trends in Global Employee Engagement,2011

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Here’s what Gallup found in terms of the impact of superior engagement:

Meta-analysis (199 studies) The State of the Global Workplace, 2010

When engagement increases:

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Gallup again: Financial Impact

The State of the Global Workplace, 2010

Earnings per share (EPS) of the top 10% for engagement:

> 4 x competition EPS

Page 15: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

Engagement =

Motivation =



Page 16: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

That might be a step too far…


Are you going to bet against it?

If motivation = discretionary effort, don’t you want to get as much of this

as you can?

Page 17: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

I thought this was supposed to be about cyclists?

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So what do the cyclists have to tell us?

Page 19: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

The research:

604 replies

45 000 words

91% M, 9% F

Average age 43

6500 km/4000 miles p.a.

Page 20: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

These people are passionate!

Let’s do the math…

6,500 kms (4000 miles) per year


450 kms (330 miles) per month

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In reality, weather conditions etc. mean an average of

1000 kms (625 miles)

per month through the summer

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20 hours per week

Photo: Karin Schermbrucker

Page 23: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

We are not talking about riding to the cornershop!

Photo: Marvin Faure

Page 24: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

People come from all over the world to test themselves on the mythical cols of the Tour de France

Col de la Madeleine – 1993 m (6538 ft)


Page 25: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

"I rode from Grenoble to Cluses, alone, going over the cols du Glandon, de la Madeleine and des Saisies : 240 kms of high mountain passes. The next day I went up to the Flaine ski-station then the following day I returned to Grenoble by the same route : a total of 540 kms, 28h on the bike, in 3 days."

- A participant

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? Where does this extraordinary

motivation come from?

Page 27: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

There is no one single reason to ride a bike, but many different reasons.

Photo: Karin Schermbrucker

Page 28: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

From a list of 30 possible motivations, here are the top 6

Page 29: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?


I just love riding my bike


Source: Marvin Faure (The Motivation of Amateur Cyclists (2011))

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In order to stay physically fit, for my health, I feel really

good afterwards


Source: Marvin Faure (The Motivation of Amateur Cyclists (2011))

Page 31: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?


A personal challenge, to push myself to the

limit, to prove something to myself


Source: Marvin Faure (The Motivation of Amateur Cyclists (2011))

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Time out for myself, away from day-to-

day stress


Source: Marvin Faure (The Motivation of Amateur Cyclists (2011))

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Source: Marvin Faure (The Motivation of Amateur Cyclists (2011)) Photo: DSO

Page 34: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?


I am highly competitive and love the racing


Source: Marvin Faure (The Motivation of Amateur Cyclists (2011))

Page 35: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

Let’s take a look at the list all together.

What strikes you about this list?

Page 36: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

I just love riding my bike

In order to stay physically fit, for my health, I feel really good afterwards

A personal challenge, to push myself to the limit, to prove something to myself

Time out for myself, away from day-to-day stress


I am highly competitive and love the racing

Source: Marvin Faure (The Motivation of Amateur Cyclists (2011))

Page 37: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

What is the source of these various motivations,

internal or external?

Page 38: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

I just love riding my bike

In order to stay physically fit, for my health, I feel really good afterwards

A personal challenge, to push myself to the limit, to prove something to myself

Time out for myself, away from day-to-day stress


I am highly competitive and love the racing



External motivation

Source: Marvin Faure (The Motivation of Amateur Cyclists (2011))

Page 39: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

You mean they put themselves through all this punishment for their own, internal reasons?

Photo: Karin Schermbrucker

Page 40: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

Yes sir. The racing is secondary: all but 2 or 3 have no chance of winning.

Photo: Karin Schermbrucker

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They do it for sheer fun and pleasure, because they want to stay fit and healthy, for the challenge of pushing their limits, to take time out and to be with friends.

Photo: Matthew Alexander

Page 42: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

OK. I still don’t get what this has to do with motivation at work.

Page 43: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

We’re getting there. We also asked the cyclists:

"What lessons can you draw from cycling for your professional life?"

Page 44: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

“Determination , commitment, pushing yourself to the limit, finding new challenges”

“If you are determined, you can go way beyond what you think your current boundaries are”

“If you don't believe you can do it, you can't. Yet if you do, then anything is possible.”

“I can achieve anything I desire if I am willing to dedicate the time and effort.”

“Never give up!”

Photo: Matthew Alexander

Page 45: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

OK. So now we’ve established these guys are super motivated to go cycling, and they have demonstrated some useful skills – tenacity, determination, perseverance… So how many of them are actually motivated at work?

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Page 47: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

Are you kidding?

Half these guys are super-motivated cyclists, but as soon as they get to work their motivation disappears?

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Page 49: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?


Page 50: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

To answer that, let me tell you a short story…

Page 51: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

F ar away and long ago, somewhere

in the heart of Europe, a young lad

wandered around a building site in

the center of the town.

He saw three men that were

working with stone and went to ask

them what they were doing.

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The first mason said:

"I’m dressing this

piece of stone. It’s my


Photo: Trevor Newman

Page 53: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

The second mason said:

"I’m the best stone

mason here. Look how

much work I have done."

He pointed to a large pile

of dressed stone.

Photo: Steven J. Lilley

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The third mason said:

"I am building a


His eyes sparkling, he

pointed in the air to

where the great building

would stand, decades in

the future.

Photo: Marvin Faure

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Very nice. Can you frame that for me so I can see how to use it?

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This, according to our cyclists, is what was missing for them to be as motivated at work as they are on their bikes:

Sufficient autonomy 54%

The possibility to learn and develop 57%

A sense of meaning, a higher purpose 60%

Source: Marvin Faure (Enquête sur la motivation des cyclistes amateurs)

Page 57: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

These are the same three pillars of intrinsic motivation identified by Daniel Pink in the NY Times bestseller “Drive”:


Sufficient autonomy


The possibility to learn and develop


A sense of meaning, a higher purpose

Source: Pink, D.H. (2011) DRIVE – The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

Page 58: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

According to Pink:

“The science shows that the secret to high performance […] (is) our deep-seated desire to direct our own lives, to extend and expand our abilities, and to live a life of purpose”

Source: Pink, D.H. (2011) DRIVE – The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

Page 59: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

In many companies, the principle motivational tool is a bonus tied to the achievement of individual objectives.

This not only misses the point in terms of intrinsic motivation, it is often counter-productive.

This surprising statement is underpinned by numerous scientific studies, including our cyclists.

Source: Pink, D.H. (2011) DRIVE – The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

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So what do you suggest I do?

Page 61: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

Creating the conditions where people can be highly motivated at work involves five considerations:


1. Hire the right people

2. Pay them well

Source: Pink, D.H. (2011) DRIVE – The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

Page 62: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?


3. Give them space (autonomy) Don’t micro-manage!

4. Help them become experts Focus, time, training

5. Ensure they find a higher purpose There must be a meaning beyond materialism

Source: Pink, D.H. (2011) DRIVE – The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

Page 63: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

The only thing left to do: Hire some cyclists and get to work!

Photo: DSO

Page 64: What can cyclists teach you about how to motivate your people?

Motivate, motivation, motivating, employee, employees, engagement, engaging, communication, communicating, intrinsic, extrinsic, purpose, sense, mastery, autonomy, carrot, stick, punishment, reward, Pink, Dan, work, workplace, workforce, worker, workers, business, behaviour, behavior, human resources, leadership, leading, leader, management, managing, manager, supervisor, supervising

Chemin du Canal, 5

1260 Nyon


T. +41 (0)78 682 69 26

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Photo credits (unless otherwise stated): The Alpine Challenge 2011 by HotChillee, photography by Matt Alexander & Karin Schermbruker