what can we learn from the nhs health check programme about reaching out?

What can we learn from the NHS Health Check programme about reaching out?

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What can we learn from the NHS Health Check programme about reaching out?. Background. NHS Health Check Vascular disease poses a significant public health threat Causes 36% of deaths (170,000 pa in England), 4 mill ill/disabled Responsible for a fifth of all hospital admissions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: What can we learn from the NHS Health Check programme about reaching out?

What can we learn from the NHS Health Check programme about reaching out?

Page 2: What can we learn from the NHS Health Check programme about reaching out?

BackgroundNHS Health Check Vascular disease poses a significant public health threat

Causes 36% of deaths (170,000 pa in England), 4 mill ill/disabled

Responsible for a fifth of all hospital admissions

Especially in deprived communities and in South Asians (in the UK, mortality from CHD is currently 46% higher for men and 51% higher for women of SA origin than in the non-Asian population)

Page 3: What can we learn from the NHS Health Check programme about reaching out?

Health inequalities

Vascular disease makes up approximately a third of the difference in life expectancy between spearhead areas and the rest of England.

Type II diabetes – a growing public health concernprevalence is increasingcontributes significantly to health inequalities

Offers a real opportunity to tackle health inequalitiesProvided PCTs focused on reducing these inequalities.

Page 4: What can we learn from the NHS Health Check programme about reaching out?

Purpose of the programme

• single universal programme for everyone aged 40-74 in England (3 million checks a year; 15 million cohort)

• preventive programme – not screening for disease• a risk assessment and management programme to help

people stay well for longer

Risk management key.

Vital that PCTs have the necessary services in place to support individuals in the management of their risk.

Clinically and cost effective

Page 5: What can we learn from the NHS Health Check programme about reaching out?

The NHS Health Check

• straightforward questions and simple blood test

• measure risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke and chronic kidney disease

• set out how to reduce risk/maintain low risk

• offer tailored package of prevention

• repeat check after 5 years – call and recall system

Suitable for a variety of settings e.g. pharmacies and community facilities

Clinically and cost effective

Page 6: What can we learn from the NHS Health Check programme about reaching out?

Impact of the programme

Each year will prevent at least:

• 1,600 heart attacks and strokes

• 4000 people developing diabetes

• Detect 20, 000 cases diabetes and kidney disease early

[Prevention figures are cautious estimates based only on known effective management applied to those at high risk]

Page 7: What can we learn from the NHS Health Check programme about reaching out?

National programme/ local delivery

National programme:• set of core tests which are consistently and

systematically delivered across the country

Locally delivered:• PCTs decide how best to implement in their areas to

broaden coverage and reduce not widen health inequalities

Clinically and cost effective

Page 8: What can we learn from the NHS Health Check programme about reaching out?

What are PCTs doing to ensure programme is accessible?

PCTs taking a number of approaches to ensure programme is accessible:-

• social marketing• different settings• range of providers• different health care professionals and workers• communication of results

All rely on PCTs knowing and understanding their population

Page 9: What can we learn from the NHS Health Check programme about reaching out?

Know your population

Page 10: What can we learn from the NHS Health Check programme about reaching out?

Location, Location, Location

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Range of providers

Page 12: What can we learn from the NHS Health Check programme about reaching out?

Different health care professionals and workers

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Communication of results

Page 14: What can we learn from the NHS Health Check programme about reaching out?

What can we learn from the NHS Health Check programme about reaching out?

• Based their approaches on past experience from other programmes

• Some very specific learning from NHS Health Check programme e.g. – management of clinical waste, – communication of risk – POCT/one shop can improve take up

• Generic learning – understand your customers and what they relate too– need different approaches for different groups – test out approaches with likely users– right type and level of support services need to be in place e.g. translators,

motivational interviewing, coaching, mentoring– Ongoing evaluation – better understand reasons for takeup and refine

approach to provision accordingly