what do probiotics do


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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Page 1: What Do Probiotics Do
Page 2: What Do Probiotics Do

What Is A Probiotics

Probiotics are organisms such as bacteria or yeast that are believed to improve health. They are available in supplements and foods. The idea of taking live bacteria or yeast may seem strange at first. After all, we take antibiotics to fight bacteria. But our bodies naturally teem with such organisms.

Page 3: What Do Probiotics Do

Best Probiotic Supplements

Not all probiotic supplements are created equal.  Not all probiotic formulas are effective or properly produced to provide optimal benefits. Why? Because there are issues regarding probiotic supplements that neither the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) , nor any other federal agency consistently analyzes quality standards prior to sale.

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Probiotic Side Effects

Probiotics' side effects, if they occur, tend to be mild and digestive (such as gas or bloating). More serious effects have been seen in some people. Probiotics might theoretically cause infections that need to be treated with antibiotics, especially in people with underlying health conditions.

Page 5: What Do Probiotics Do

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that live in our bodies and can also be found naturally in certain foods and beverages. These living micro-organisms support normal health and help to enhance and repopulate intestinal bacteria, balancing gut flora and boosting immunity. Probiotics are beneficial to overall health and gastrointestinal health especially.

What do Probiotics do

Page 6: What Do Probiotics Do

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