what do you about the maxwell - chronicling america › lccn › sn83030272 › ...whelmlnu...

u GERMAN FLEET WAS OUTNUMBERED 35 TO 27, BERLIN ASSERTS Kniscr J'roinnles Schcci. Who romniiHiilt'il Sln'ps, to roll Admiral. SENDS A MKSK.Mil. OK PU.MSr. TO TIHP1TZ V" ' 1 ' ahl llf'iiitch In Tltr. M v. Hnuv vi,i Liuuliin. June ft. A KlutfiiKlil iulllHhri here Klfi Hie llrM Renrr.il itrrnunt of lust Wi1iicm1.i - North Sen brittle fioni llir (if niinii pun t nf vli w. t'etiillnl Miiti'ini'iitM nnionilnc ilmn- - N(Fll flllpr, lohVH III lllell Hllll llKllvlllll.il fmlM mi- tne Admiralty hiu'Ii iIhIh fur nhvlom tuetleiil renMin The if diiint. however. Riven Plausible pictittr of what hatp neil, it in vital point dl.uiii trli'atly enntriiillrti'iy nf llntli-- il.ilniH. ntllcllil nnd niiolllil.il. The tlunry Unit t lie Kuleer'x tleet .i rrnahlni; f cat upon lit. Ilrlt-I- .pjio:ieiits in.trku the il.itetniMit throughout Thr tun niitalamllnK if tin' are tlu'?1!' lifter-Ho- n l"lri That I tic licrinano went out to KIM' battle to tli- - Hntl.ih fleet mill, haw lug fiHiiul it. hi oni'r iipimtiieil t lie n K frMle .ind iiialntaliii'il It tirnu chout rieeonil Thiit lli' lltltlph were In our- - whelmlnu niiperlurii, Imtli m iiiinihiH Hint power vl tin: iililp.i ingaKn. It In njrrtrrl that the HrttlMi tintt.' nhlclt partlrtpntnl were twenty-liv- e hattlerhlp. h lialtlo rrnluT", four nrmoreil ainl "numerous llt;ht iletacliinenti- - ' An as ' i Ihckr, the Mntrmvnt 'n.vf. the Ci ri'i.MK hail oixteen luttleshlii, live iMttlr MX oIiIt chlp of line anil tin twin iraft There wire no urmnreil emere at all on lht (Iitiiihii alile. It In ill clarcrl. "Oiitnuitilierrdi' Thus, as far n lieriiinii hay. unlt lilKKer than detroers are coiuei ped. the "lirniili claim h Unit the ICiiImi'-- . fJHps thlrty-lK- c to tui'tity-e-w- n num rlcaliy apd with recard to tonnage In proportion to the aliped iireponderaiice of tilic Hrltlsh vesn ? By way of unpliasliliii th" point that the Germans maintained th- - in- itiative, tin- - statement say: "Our (leet followed at tup spied tin; movement" of tho enemy ' Tho H'l'iClinsiiin air Zeitim; y publishes an nnnotincement In bin t p. ulictied by the (.lovcrr.or of the naval iirt, barring vlsltora from Wilhelni-'haven- . Only such v'siti. as are neces-ltati- d by the utmost uiKency are allowed and then enly on special permlselon by the police. It I at U'llhilmiM.iM'U that the bulk of the German hiBh seas lleet la to bo held since the battle and here the hips dair.iure 1 In the North Si lluht arn blnR rtipajri d The German Umpernr Ims sent to C.rand Admiral von Tttplti, li e lormer Minister of the Navy, ai'O. ilrand Admiral vnn ICoester. the former sand aamiral ot the tier-ma- n t'.B! The ineng to Admlinl von Tlrpltz ttads. Afler v my tij;, whu li re turned victorleosly from k heavy battle, I fee', 1 must ;ik.i!ii declare to juu my lmperl-- thr.nks for what you have per- formed In my crvlCo In the technical domain nr.d Ihe domain nf orBanlzatlon. Our bhips and wiapons upheld them- - elves lirllli.-ititl- In the hattlo In the North bt.i. Il Is alto lor jru a day of glory." .clieer Mnil Poll trtinirnl. Tliat t j onilr.v on kn' sp r read "From the iVich'p. the old fleet thief, mv Itnperln! calutiitlons Von laid the foundation for the carful imploi ment of all and the tactical training of the ileet DuilrtlnK on your work and culnvatlne tho cplrl t Im planted bv ton .iur eiirccfsors hav furthff dttulni't'd I :.' ttMt in a llv'nir war Instrument that stood mo brilliantly Its trial tire The tons.'luusnoM of havlnn '.wed rueh feed must be a (jrcat ourni of cr.itlllcatlon to voir' Th Emifror has promoted ychn, c.jmminder of th tier-ma- n battl'. !'e-- i. to be Admiral. Vlce-Adar- al llippb ha? bee.n awarded the. Order l'our I .Merit.-- . War decorations of various kinds have been awarded officers and mn who distinguished them-elv- In the Noiih r'ea battle Tho Emperor la I .' treat'' on the grave of a nuniaer ot dejd burled In tho B.'irriFon cunete'v .it Wilhel'nshavcn. 'Ihe f.niperor and have visited the r.ounded In thf ls at Unofficially, but bv a qualified sourco rluee to t e Admirn'ty. It as Intimated to correnioniki'U y that Vie blRKest factor lit th- - b.all" uas that th- - mm in a po.lon to choooj their own di tancc and fiat they fotuht the Jarter part of tho battle at thf moderate ranipi of elpr miles. This, It Is arirucd, gavu them I 'luiikv to use their oliven and Ue.w tr O (juna tilth practically thti 'itii'J efiivu and drltlni; poner as could 1' ftiuilie; tiy the Ilrltlsh Our-tten- fourfeen. no tlfteerif, but a creater Is achluted by the i.lumtler Iirltlo. hlK rallb'O. Thu ni o' tfxdlr ti i xchanited, It was Mild, nufl ft in abjut two to one In tavor y' thf 1er:na.n surm liermni' Veialun of fluftlt. Tho seml-ofirl- ,tatemcnt foilowr : "The Ocnnan h.n evaj Mttt had tuihid out Into ihu North Heu In the hODO of czaisltii; .'riot., of the Ens lifh fleet, wM'h In.'! been re. peated'. teported of the Norttvs.jn flouth io.K.t. At " i'i o'clock In the afternoon, tomu seventy lulleb off the fikajrri.k, i6nm small cruder of tho Call'one tlai-- t were Mshied nur vruls er. at on'i' mir?urd 11m enemy, rthloh fled northwutd ut hlnhett speed. "At a o toA "Ur flshtil two cue' ii coluinii to thn weft, ton elutlns of bai'l" cruisers and n great number o. si.nl i ru ers lh en my passed toid '" - mth and our shlp, iipproachlnr ' ' '"" kilometers opened vim f'vll'i fire on hoilth ou'liea ' r'i it- -i i Jj.'!ri the bat lie two l.nKltt,'' ba'i.' nrul'erH and one dertroM r v.i r eunl 'Alter hilf n i'lt r.irl.t'nn heavy enemy r er f r rin'. 'n'lr obTfed to bo tl' ,iei'l "f i: ijii"i:n i;.uabtl e;as vi.r . Klii' I i'. Hie north Kooti aflerw'l li,e in'rinati main forco 'ii. tereii '. "u ua niy .1 once uirrw tifiir Vtul tliu; tl lop .speed. Th i.T.nli eoir.-inde- r, drlvliiK IiIh ihlpa .V i 'i ! -- '1 attempted to evade our 'trn.n( elfn-'lt- lln by taktPB an 'Ji,)'g . !,. 1 1 : jr Hi e follow f d at top nnl ii,oenini. of the op. i my In in main of Ih.K period of the "ir'.i ns . of the Aehlllen in ii .ii'iiii" nd tun detroyirn were sin. a, whl.e . innh'r of other vcb. HI I.S tt d ',0'lV. j till "The l..'!e ii.t i upermr ori'es ''..en uo'il dnrK fell I K i.lil.n nu- - i.iri i ts 111 ' hue il ,it lea .' in,, !!.( lliill-.l- i li.iulethlpi, sit: bat. t... LTU'.'is a. "I foil, 1'iuisi'is elliililk'ed s'' in lenn ti b.il'leshlpr, live billlii ni i s .. r hips of the I lie ,i'nl o ,,o i i p r At d i ,ji tint ' i. op. ned a ' ii a ' I it ok is nllaii. fe t lii. r torpedo bfUl nniiaKC- - II ill on 111 red, if Milting in tho dc. iieiiitioii oi one name, eiuiivr, ono GERMANS LOST TWO MORE VESSELS, LONDON HEARS Cnntinnrl fiom First I'tigr, even rrrpiveil, attempt to rrltlrlfo the direction of the operations timet be wholly ennjecltiril. Kuril nkpenilonn Intllct ii Knivr Injiietloe upon thu nlilo anil gallunt nllliTiB to whoe care In I'ontlddl the roititn.ind of hl MaJ,-ffty- nqtimlrona anil The following va rerelveil from t'opiMilniKui tii'iilKlil. ".Sti'anii'rH arriving In Scandinavian port Kay that tho IiIr liprni.m erulaeri which lately operated orf the rousl of I'oiirland have been withdrawn. "The tiadrnn of torpedo ernft iif lonrerlly pitrolllnfr the nouthrrn Ilaltle hao not ben seen clurinir the lant weeti. "A Dunlnh Hteanier which crowed Ihe hattlo area reports that the watern are Htrewn with rorp""K, both llrllleh and tiiirnian. The veBxel taw n huue on the end nf her stern, her for- ward emm polntlnn vertically Inlo t!iu s1y. An oiinrmnii.i amount of wre-Vin- te and ilrlftlnn mines mf.lie navlRatloti "Udiilhh warehlp have been sent nut to destroy the imIiiok. "A Norweslan steamer rescind from a float the sole survivors of the i.crttiau llKht cruiser Wiesbaden." CALLS FOR A TE DRUM. lnf 'hides llnKllsh fnr tnillfTer-ene- e t flattie Itemilt. .t'fcifl Cubit Pfpatrf iv Tin M Lonpon. .In no t. A P.iulsh Journalist In Loiidim writes to the pr express- - InB his aatonlshtnent at the manner In which the Prltlidt bureau nmioiinetd tho naval battle on Friday Tlic statement, Mhlcli was written prior to the Adinl-ralty'- n report on .Sunday, contains the follou luc . "It is a situation unheard of In tho history of the world that Clwmiin and ilrltlsh iinmuiiliues Insist on a German naval victory while, neutral opinion i maintains that the (Jermnn hlch seas I lleet has been defeated by the Ilrltlsh ' cruiser wiuadroii. but this cruiser squad ron han proved ns serious a stumbling block to the fie nn.iti lleet n.s Verdun has to the German army. 'A cruiser uuadron ounht imt to be able to stop a fleet of battleship-- , but It did and the renult Is that there Is y no Herman hlh seas lleet fit in take the sea. This most ulorlous fiut leaves the Ilrltlsh public cold and crum. bllmr. "Thein nusht to be tl.its out etery ljlow. crowds. In the streets and a To Ileum stitiB In the churches, for by stoppliiB the (Jermans the Hrltlsh cruls to Wiesbaden. Krsuenlob and Clblng, which were off for n commerce raldlnc ex pedition In Atlantic tire now at bottom of the sea. Hut the Hermans won 'one victory. Their press bureau cruiser of the Achilles, class, probably two small and at lrut.1 ten de stroyers. Six of the Including the new deMroyer leaders Turbulent and the Tlpperary, were destroyed by the leading vessel of our high fleet. "The Hrttlsh squadron of older lint-- 1 from arrive p.. f without y part In tho nr coming sight main force." GERMANS DEPRESSED ? from depres enthuslaam (Jermany. silence since announcement, clos. al reply Iiuko cklenburg'h among causes, Miggested liubllc Amsterdam battle raise newspapers, retlo- -t feeling. AID FOR SHACKLETON PARTY. ltonl t.eoifTuphlcal Secure Heller Ship, fp'nat Calif June rreshfield, president Hoyal Treasures being Ilrnest Shaekletoii' party I'lephant Island Admiralty attempting ship, owing concerning castaways. Cnttlsh Alton, June iat-fls- h mouths ('hatli-- s Alton ".shcrman, Joest dock Altnn. Underneath inoutli upper knock) Its llrlll'-l-i eocke.l hat." temporary LIC NEWS HELD UP. f'eiiiMir Miillelln. Mirnul VnlAt itiiitti foPKSilAUBS, June single' iiiesmiKe been here from Hermany concerning naval Newsiper correspondents etldntly dejil only Admiralty announcements Wolff contaltiltiB hate been luiiieh newspapers express result battle Impetotielty Heatty attacking forco appearance they express admiration of valor CLAIMS DENIED. l)etrniT loulh lliimliep, llrlllsli n. June oillclal boat destroyer iimuth May denied Hrltleh Admiralty M.i) submarines lumber sank which, according Tlppeuut. Ilrltlsh cruiser afire- - forces during battle SUagerral; completely burned denial llrltb.li Admiralty follows Ilrltlsh ilcnn.ter Hrltleh warship destroyed anywhere et-- e other agency sliuo action North .lining battle hunk li.iman would appear from those alligations being circulated Admiralty they anxious exaggerate Ilrltlsh raualtle, which have full) ompletely announced. "D SYMPATHIZES. ernnr Kspreiines tflnilrtitlnii yprcuil if.niifcA .lime bureau y y.A.tl.m.i ers lowlm: message King' latter, up not III I, within of our olllci.ll New Zealand desire eiprcsh admiration heroism sailors grest tlghi deep- est sympathy mourn illant I.ivrntsTot" BRITISH LOST 333 OFFICERS OF FLEET tle'hlps, which hurried south, until Thursday mortilng. after Willi,,,,, taking fighting Hiivi'iiKiynr Aiunii"; Drowned. flier .avl Hatlle u f.itc rs lo llnve Illsnppenrril. leiM'ov. Adimrjlty sproii! y states that uttlcers. June According tele-- 1 theli off .Intlun grams Holland, .i spell of sion followed tho tlrtt In The ofllclal the Initial the ing of Wllhelmshaven and Seiner's guarded to thu of M congratulations urn dtd the nf this chinge, while jit Is also that the Herman that the blis'kadn Is Tho correspondent of Pally I'hntnlclc says the not the of people, The re joicings of tho he says, do not hoclet) Trylolf to rtsfiite. lo Tnr. Hts Lonpov, Douglas William of tho Society, said at a inciting of the society y that prompt are taken to rescue members of who tire now on lie said that the wii ener- getically to find bill to the war It wns most dllllciilt lo get a ship. In tho meantime, ho said, It was need- less to he too despondent HV fate of the One i:yeil linn '.' Mouths. HI., A one eyed and welghng 3.1 pounds va exhibited by Honor, an nl In The eye waa on the 1, side of the howl, Ono moot! was of regular size, this was a second an largo one d u -- on Into ATT Herioiiii l'nse flu Is- - Ihr In 'Tut. s via Irfiudon, Not ii private has Meelvtd lh battle. In Oeniuny are not allowed to with' the subject, for (k'rmati and two messagia nothltisT ne re- ceived. Tho the opinion that the of the was due to the excessive of In a superior and the Inte of Admiral Jelllcoe. but of the attackers, GERMAN .. Lost of Ihe 1.ONP0N. 5. An (lerman ttatement received here slnkniK of an English off the of the number on 31 Is the The (tirmaii btatement Is as rollows: On 31 one of our off tho I an English to a sur- vivor, was the Tim armored Ilury.t-lu- s wan set by our the of and was out. The of the Is as No or any other w.e off the llmiiher or h) a sub- marine or niiv tho of M i.v .11 The Kurtalus was not piesetit in the Sea this and therefoM' was not I flrr. It the fact of two falsi by the Herman that are by any mean to the already be.n and NEW ZEAL A (.ut r Heroism of Ilrltlsh sollorl. to Tnr !ts. IINIMIN. T.. -- The pre. iinnnunee. that tho Hot-- - erti.ie 'i- - hud Kent the fill have saved Ku.la, und the cruisers ' the tho the crulbers the sens . to her for of our In and the to all wlm th i 1ms of so many t lives the did , the conclusion of Ihe ImI-- I i i I 1 1 1 tie. and returned TIhisp Jubilation alil r,,l In Tnr Juti '. ti list Is- - rMe netparA In Tnr Ms Hied Inl IxtNPov, fi. - In the engagement realizes th" spirits the the f. tho Sir committee a suitable fi. with two thn ft not as the it the tiff the tor- pedo by nf the ihe extends, .133 to llv. did The IM Indicate- - Hint with a it Cf pilous .ill the nthcers of Hi" cruisers I Win en Mary, Invincible, Indefatigable, Mefenci and lltaek I'rln," and th" fe. stroyers N'omad, Ne'tor. Shirk, Tnrhu-le-t- . I'ortune, Ardent and Tlppernry were kill, d i n one iifneet on the Warilor m,h Killed ,ii,(l all iillicer- of the Sparrow-haw- k .He safe of otllters on the remaining ships which took part In tin action are twitity-thre- e klllnl an.l IWel ly .twi Wolllllle.l Many young men ..f noble families wen kilhil l(enr dmiral the Hon Horace ll.ii the secoii'l coniniaml of the crulsiT iriuadron, was the son and heir of Viscount Hood Others who perched are I.leutenant-Command- Hugh Kh'ldlng, a son of the Earl of I'ltibigh. O W. I.vndhl, a chap-I'll- Ho in phew of I'leld Marsh it Sir John l'"reneh Midshipman lluii.ird Halley, son of Lord Cilenuk Midship- man John Scott, the eldest son nf Sir I'nrcy Scott, who went down with the Defence; l.lctit Algimon I'ercv, u nephew of the Duke of Northumberland, and fccll Molyneux, a son of the Kail of tiefton. Commander Tdward lllngiiam. a win nf ljrd i.'lauin"rn, was -i eeuinnnd of the destroyer Nestor and went donii with his Sllll. Adair Melfon Campbell, a midshipman In tho royal naty and n of tho lato William 1' Hatemeyer, who erved three terms as Mayor of New- - York, went down with the Hrltleh cruiser Defeneo III the hatlle In the North Sei. The voung man, who entoied the navy In August. 0 1 . was a son nf Mr and Mm. .1 Adair Campbell of Tullli'liew an Ciestle, Diimb.ti lonshlrn, Scotland He. fore, her niarrlago Mrs Cumpbeii ttns Miss Jean IIIhiicIic Hatfineyer. a dau;h ter of the late Henry Havcmeyer. Control To direct each unit of his army in the field, to execute a quick attack at any point, a play of strategy or sudden shift of tactics, the business general who uses WESTERN UNION is everywhere at once THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. THE SUN, TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1916. TWO CRUISERS RAN GERMAN GANTLET Wnrrinr inid Drfoiioc Ittislicd Hchvcpii Thu liinrs (if Tt'lilon W'urs! IIS. tu:atty lki) the fight fl""il t'nhtr tirspilch In Tnr sr UiSPON. .lime Ii- .- The loss of the Hrll-Is- li cruder Wnirlor and l)efeio arc accounted for by survivors of the War- rior who have been landed at Devon-por- t. They say that tho two warships riwhed down n lane iniule by two lines of (lenn.in worships. The Defence was iilinni Immediately blown up by a heavy derma n shell, and the Warrior was riddled by bullels nnd her crew half sulfocatod by the gaseii from Herman shells bursting all around and on her. Later, Ilrltlsh vessels managed fo ilrlte orf the enemy, which was doting around the disabled ship, and one auxili- ary craft managed t take otT the wounded and towed the vessel nut of the light She sank forty-eig- hours later despite the constant use nf the pumps It Is said that the Mini, flagship "f Admiral Sir Datld licalty, led the cruiser licet Into action. The Invincible went down lire! und was followed In turn by the Indefatigable and tho Queen Maty The Danish steamship Vldar, com- manded by Cap!. Christiansen, risked destruction In the midst of the naval engagement In order lo tcscue sallor.i clinging to wtiek.iRO. snrtltnrs InUro from Itnfl. The tesel, which was Imiind from Copenhagin to London and was carrying Danish and Norwiglau muses lo Hng. l.iMd. hii in th,- kittle zone' when tho tiring e.iriitiicneeil on Wednesday The first il.tlln.itioii of Hi., engagement. innliiirf lo one of the nurse, was tho appearance h.gli In the air of a Z.ppelln Thui the big guns Leg.,,, their work, and so,. n tun blaziig ships wete seen. Later the D.itii-- h steamship passed through wrirkaiie strewn se is .m, latne upon a buoy win, -- eten men clinging to it. The nun ati'cticd t In nine, but many deul todies were llo.etlng with the other wnckjge .n the W.ltel Cap i 'In 1st iansen stopped his tcsvM and ie- - u. il the seven men Two died fr.im ci..d and exhaustion at the moment of their tie. ic. The lite others were carefully nursed back to life by tin Dan- ish woi.i, ii When taken nlsiird they cuuld only say that they were from the Shark This destroyer was sunk during the battli The commander, whoe leg w.i shatteitd, in maged Just betoie his tessel went down to fire a Hll.il shut at the enemy. The fiuilj Mlirnr says that aiming the throng of women uhi waited a whole night on ,i tertaiu pier was Lady Hi at,)-- . band She was ,is Ignorant of her husband s fate as the wife of ,mv otllcer or sailor In I he lli' t girl In the pier ot'l. e ofTertd her n siat, but she rcfud, pi ferring to spmd flu- - vigil In cheering mher woiiien. The following des rlptlon of Ihe tuttle wha gtM'n by an i.ftl.er from one of the UrltlKh destroyers- - "I wiitche'rt th" Iron Duke swinging through the seas, letting; utr broadside after hro.ullde, wicked tongues n' names i aping through clouds of smoke. The illn of battle was stunning, stupendous, deafening, as hundreds of the heaviest puns In the world toircil out .it once .N'f.w and Hie, a shell fntmd Its mark, hilt at a 11111" like this It leaves etery tiian cold A ilnren inin may fie knocked on! a! one's side It Is war. It makes no difference. 0 I. Ion's Wireless Uesl ro) Ai one it if It was thought that the Lion was nt. as she did not answer at. v call I' ttus ascertained that lor wire- less h.'ol been doKtroved. 'With the dusk came tho great op portunity of the mosiiuito craft, and lu'lh sides made Usn ut H tu tin. full. It was In this way that ono of the in c.dnis occurred destroyei. true to Its name, dashed for the big enemy ship she siMin gut Into e range and loosed her torpedoes with deadly ettect. The ship went down and the destroyer raced for safely, tho com- mander and ..nicer standing on the bridge uiiluigine. In mutual cougratuiii-linn-- - at their slice-- " At Hi.it moment a shell Ml the bildge and wiped nut the niire group. "It WH- - curious to Hole the cnci't of the fight on ihe mm Calm at the be- ginning, thn water soon looked a" If It were under the Influence of a gale, ,n great was Ihe turmoil cun-ei- l by the leviathan ships ploughing at t.rrlllc speed Huong' the waves The se I aKo seemed to be dotted with Msh killed by the shcll.i burMlns in tht water" .lelllcoe's lleport M'NtioN, June line In n Week. The fluff) Mnil he. lleve. that eie John Jell eoe's detailed rersirt of the nata' battl,. is not to he expected for it loast a win. BRITISH MODIFY SEA FIGHT VIEW .Most of Nt'w.-spapfrs- , Howi'ver, Spp Only i Victory for .Mliooc's Kl(!ct. STILli RKI.KS TIIK WAVKS Slxrinl I nl,lr inralfi In Tut. Sts Ispon, June ",. A modllled view n expresst il In lmdon newspapers regarding the North Sen battle. Some withhold full Judgment, pending more de tailed accounts, but the general concur rence Is that If the battle tvim not a great Ilrltlsh success It was not a tier-ma- tt victory. It Is pointed out that the Ilrltlsh lleet still holds the tea and Is seeking the enemy who has withdrawn Into his mine protected harbors ngaln to undergo the blockade. The JfnrnlNH 'ojf goes beyond this. Heading tls editorial "The Glorious 31 tt of May" It asserts the Ilrltlsh victory was so momentous that It mat' provo the turning point In the war. ".sir John Jelllcoe," says the pars r, "was the master of tho situation, lie sta)ed lo give the enemy every chance to tegnln his lost honor and shattered npu-Ho- but the tleitnans preferred tn accept defeat, and defeat was their portion, 'lniy tiny fight another day. being a brave it ml di tcrmintd race, but thai day Is not yet at hand "We arc a strange pisiple our navy wins a great victory with Incomparable strategic skill, faultless tactics and mag- nificent fighting, and the Admiralty It like a lief nit The public was r. ady enough lo believe the lierinan falsehoisls about ilctni.iu siiot.itlon and to swallow the lie that Hie Cierni.ui lb e't had be.ilen the llilllsh fl'el without .1 thought " ENGLISH CA TASTR0PI1E" .etslllMT Ml. Sell Is llroken. VirMf Vnlile "w(cA 10 Tnr. IIMM.tN. via Amsterdam. June It The Mm in hnrr .V. -- rsli .Vm hrn 'ifrii sats re- garding Iho North Sea battle. "It was a ciit.iMrnpMe defeat for n,l and the beginning of a nen a tn natal w.nf.ire, for It completely dissi- pates the Idea that the Hrlllsh navy Is superior to all otters" The .ri;i;l;;ii .Ynii'.ife Snchrtthtm Ml) s . England's invincibility on the seas Is .broken. The Herman fleet lias torn the venerable Trafalgar legend Into lireds The .V( m H'lfitrr Jiiurmil says "Suth a crushing defeat as the Lug- - hsh suffered will place a douni upon their whole nipreni.ic.t nf the ss and deal a decisive blow t.i their desire continue thai eupiem ' lo GERMAN SAILORS SAVED. .some of Wlestiailen's Crrir I'lontetl on Units fill Honrs. UiNPon. June r, - A large numle-- r nf the crew of the ilemian cruiser Wies- baden and sailors of torpedo lsj.it des- troyers hate been brought to I'openha-ge- n by Scandinavian steamships which were passing Jutland at the time of the battle. Captains of steamships arriving at various ScHndlnavlan porta ', accord- ing to despatches, tint the new Herman crulsrrs which r ill) have been cruis- ing near Hlga. and squadrons nf Her- man deslrovers wh, h hate been llaltlc waters, have not h-- n seen at their accustomed station" fnr the past week .Wording to the men of the Wies- baden wlio hate Is en landed at Cnpcii-hagei- i. they tloati'd for thlriv-sl- t hours on raits without f. -- l or water sailors who ventured to drink tin' salt water went era; from their rulferlngs and driiwiied thein-elve- s. The sailors say thai lb- - licrman losses tdnsic Ilrlt. sh shell, were vi ry hi at). A nessirdlng to the tie ti. sonietl'ties would isimpletely overturn a destiny, r it sub marine. BELGIANSADVANCE IN AFRICA. llcporl Herinnii Trnni Hetlrlim In llemorn tired l imdltloo. i.e i.if r.ii.'t fi.(.f '. m fur s, s Losfos' .Iiiiii Th- - following nfli cial stiitemeiit was Issiieil y by fie ll Iglali War Olllcn at Hat re The situation in Kasl Africa at tl.e end nf May was that our left vtlng was ml the Illvir Kureri and our centre had dossed the, liver at AkaJ.iru 1'aH of Irtivern our right wing Is appmni hlng I.'suinura 'no enemy Is retiring In a demoralized rnnd lion. The Ilelglan force Is advancing northwest Herman Hast Africa Illn The Kagera Itlter llowa imrfb a"d ca- - ilirough Hie ii'iri'mi- -i sictlon of Hie German ohmv. euiptviig mm Uike V torla near the northern Isirder I VACATION DAYS AT SEA I Take this perfect slimmer outing the invigorating ocean trip clnvs-- the.coait and acioM the Gulf in big, comfortable H Southern Pacific Steamships H "MORGAN LINE" New York and New Orleans B Connecting with Iha Luiarlcmtly Equipped H SUNSET LIMITED (try Dr lo lb Ymt Na Extra Far) New Orleant tot Angalei San Dlg o San Frandtco Fmr Pmrticalari Inqmtn 1 1 58 Broadway 36 Broadway 30 Broadway -- JiaJM t "raekliw Si. WjllStJB POPE WON'T INTERVENE NOW. Home VIpmh WMaoiCa llul I'rnmpteil Ii) I'lilltli'L tP'rml I'nblf VnvitrA lo Tilt. Hi s. Home, via London, June 5. Itcporlh that I'ope lleliedlct mid King Alfonso of fripaln are Jointly etrlvlng to cooisrate with I'rwldeiit Wilson's efforts In btlialf , of peace were denied at tho Vatican to-- ! day. It wan explained Uiat the Pontiff I approves of any Initiative Intended lo hasten but that he renllr.es that the Central Powers arn now willing to I end the war becatise the) hope tn gain a j real advantage from Hie military sltua- - ' Hon and thus to gain peace on favor- able conditions. Such conditions, It wns explained nt the Vatican, would bo conttary to the I'Hie's explicit declaration that peace should ho Juet nnd cijuall) favorable tn till the belligerents, a condition Imperii- - tlve to avert a future wnr. i The Popo Is now said to be determined not to Intervene lest he bo Mfpectcd (if favoring the Central Powers. Ilesldee, il Is expected that he will Inform the Allies that he will refuse mediation, es pecially on the part of President Wilson, whose clurtH for pence aro sutjiccted here to be prompted by considerations concerning his reelection. BAN ON CHURCH DANCING. Pope Opposed in It- - nig Snnrce of lletenne Cut Off, CnirAno, Juno fi. Pope Itenedlet ha put a ban on dancing under the auspices of parish churches In the 1'nlted States and Canada. In a few il.iye, probably. Archbishop Ornrge W. Mundeleln will promulgate the order throughout the Chicago diocese. Tho edict may curtail the annual church revenue by hundreds of thou- sands of dollars In Chicago alone H Is uncertain us yet Just how drastic Ihe order will be, The ruling does not prohibit Roman Catholic organizations outside' of parish Jurisdiction from git-In- g dances, and the effect of the order depends somewhat on the Interpretation of w hat .societies are under parish Jut Is- - diction, .so priest will be permitted to attend an outside function, however, or to give. It his sanction. ONE MAN NOT INTERESTED. John II. Iliiekrfeller, dr., In ( hi. micn. litis Opinion.' Ciiicai.o, June , There Is one man In Chicago who Is sunipremely Hullf. fctent to illtlcs. lie has not asked fnr ,i ticket lo the contention and would lint ue one If It were nffereil him The name is John l Jr He arrlted y to attend the twenty-fift- h anniversary .elebr.it Ion of the t'nl. verslty nf Chicago, and when he has made ,i little speech afternoon he Is going home. ,n ismtentlon cm for him. The one topic nn which he wniild con- sent really to talk wa his ismperaton plan which In- - worked nut at the time of Ills recent vUdt to the Itis'kefellel' cnal mining properties In Cnloraiio. Over this h" was enthusiastic. Mr Hoekefeller said he "had tin per- sonal opinion" nn politics and wasn't In toir Ii w(rh the situation What the State Cannot Do You Can Do THE State regulates the commissions payab'e the Trustee under your Will, but you alone can regulate the intelligence and wisdom with which your estate shall be administered. It is for you to determine whether your heirs shall look for guidance to the limited judgment of an individual executor, or enjoy the protective counsel of a sound financial institution such as this one, which charges the sam fee as an in- dividual, but is equipped to render infinitely better service. jUslor (JriTsi (HompaniJ Trustee for Personal Trusts FIFTH AVENUE AND 36TH STREET NEW OFFER ON POLISH RELIEF. l.erninii) Itejrots t'auirlltlnnn Laid) linn ii h Urcnt Britain. fpmnl i nblr litpntrl. In Tnr ft s , Ambtwipam, June 0. A semi-offici- I telegram from llerlln announces, that Herman) Is unable to agree to the Ilrltlsh conditions for allowing I'olatid to be furnished with food. The telegram states that Oermany cannot contract obligations In behalf of Austria or a, imr abandon lis own condition that the army of occupation live on the" country Amb issador lieraru, mr leirgrniu amis, has submitted to the 1'nlted HUtes a ferrnli l tn if nihil l nmlttitiif (Ircat HrlUln'f nnfiirnt;thlf llflT.Ulltii. ' ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. Vldnrf-AtnH-link- V , Mil, Ir. Hsvoy - Mr. atvl Pltlihuru. I" -- 1, K. II. II. 11 i ''I'Mnie I, seme He! el Thnms A rnirf, Tnr.illle. 1'sniida. i:ihrlherl sitewrt, Wash- - "v.ielfiiick -- Mr and Mrs. Vrank I' IU dsn llarlfnrd Cinn Mr. and Mrs. A i Wl'llsm. I'hlUrlelfhln CUrldge- - H B Mi Milwaukee. .Mr un.l Mrs 1 M Koch, Cincinnati, lt( M Wi'klns. hallanniiit-i- Tnn lcolt-M- and Mr Alusnder lM)ten. Ohio, Harold II. tt'.els. Mr. Alfred Illrnle, fprlngflrld. 51 .tb Alpln- - l'r sml Mr. .Inhn t, ll.ke' lliirfalo. .Samuel .1. lioe.Miall, I.ntiiliiii ritielnn.l Mr and Mrs. Frederick llnuer. Atlanta. ila ll.ithalli Mr ti"'! Mr- - Isinc lHVsn,i.irt III 'hi" "id x,r lri" " " ilnr- - Waildlieten 1 Mr and .Mrs U - '! ' sun IMlllail. 'phl.l Knl. kerhiiektr Mr and Vlrs VV K. .1 tichi-r- . Montreal. Mr am! Mrs .1 A ILirrlf. Indlanapntls, Mr in.l Mrs W A tls.iril. I'otdeiy Oh ; I)r sn.t Mrs. John ii tt s' ll l'ruvl.teli , Thu is the time of the year when more people are considering the question of " what car to buy " than at any other time of the year. This community has its full share of people who will soon be driring their first car or a new car to replace the old one. Now, we know that we are going to sel Maxwell Cars to a great many of these people depending upon how many we are able to acquaint with the merits of the Maxwell. The generous value offered in the car is so evident its past record is so full of good performance owners speak so well of it that when the buyer knows these things he is eager to buy a Maxwell. In order to tell as many people as pos- sible about the merits of the Maxwell Car we are going to spend a lot of money in the next few weeks in this paper Maxwell merits to those who do not know them. The reason we want to sell as many Maxwells as possible this season. Our future allotments will depend upon how many Maxwells we sell now. You may know that the Maxwell market is a buyer's market, not a seller's market broadly speaking. The demand for Maxwells the country over is greater than the supply. Jnhnsnn. Ilea TJliunck, Ilrlilirpotl Mrs. c lUrrlron. and Mrs. Curry, kef. Mrs den, The Contractor Is Lucky who tenders the strongest, Hand for other things Ising apprnt nutely ciilsl tlic llond mnv wn Ihe cunt met Nocontracior who ilelres the maximum of .'icti advantage should la- - salMin with anything less Hun t llond of 4k iiiiii l merican Surety of New York flOO Broadway JtJ.iV Telephone III t,.r . lSIl.MonlariisHI HniVI)n lei M." llrani h Offices A Aseneli 1 hr m.-l- i ni llrcnks llUk, I'lllds Needle i.'oNNfci.sv'll.t.i:, I'a Ium La) ton, whllu eating his 'ii Ihe shell of an egg ainl w ,s to eat il 'ii hen he dlsiwveteil , streak In It. th i lose rn ' found a needle In the egg T , wan laid bv chieke , owned .c i.i tirls I'ollllila m lnrlle What Do You Know About the Maxwell Car? For this reason cars are alloted to dealers by the factory according to the size of the dealer's business. We want to make a showing and be in a position to get a generous allotment of Maxwells hereafter. Because thr more Maxwells are sold in any com- munity, the greater is the future demand. We realize the opportunity to do an ever-increasi- Maxwell business. This is only one of several message we are going to print a few day apart concerning the Maxwell Car. But we don't expect to be able to adequately present Maxwell merits in printed words alone. If you are one who is going to buy new car you will find it decidedly to your advantage to find out all you can about the Maxwell before you place your order. Come in and talk it over with'u and let us demonstrate the car to you. Then, don't take our word alone, but ask those who now own Maxwells. Get "posted" about the Maxwell and you will realize more satisfaction and get more 44 value received" for your motor car money than ever before. Why not start your Maxwell invest) gation today? Motor Sales Corporation New York Branch 1808 Broadway at 59th St. TaUpfco... Coluaabua 71 SI Brooklyn Branck-13- 92 Bedford Arenu., at St.Marka Ay.ru. ron D.alar-Slmm- au AuUmablla Co., 413 E. Mtk Rt, Touring Car $655 Roadster $635 F.O.B. Detroit

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    Kniscr J'roinnles Schcci. WhoromniiHiilt'il Sln'ps, to

    roll Admiral.



    V" ' 1 ' ahl llf'iiitch In Tltr. M v.Hnuv vi,i Liuuliin. June ft. A

    KlutfiiKlil iulllHhri hereKlfi Hie llrM Renrr.il itrrnunt of lust

    Wi1iicm1.i - North Sen brittle fioni llir(if niinii pun t nf vli w.

    t'etiillnl Miiti'ini'iitM nnionilnc ilmn- -N(Fll flllpr, lohVH III lllell Hllll llKllvlllll.ilfmlM mi- tne Admiralty

    hiu'Ii iIhIh fur nhvlom tuetleiilrenMin The if diiint. however. RivenPlausible pictittr of what hatp neil,

    it in vital point dl.uiii trli'atlyenntriiillrti'iy nf llntli-- il.ilniH. ntllcllilnnd niiolllil.il.

    The tlunry Unit t lie Kuleer'x tleet.i rrnahlni; f cat upon lit. Ilrlt-I-

    .pjio:ieiits in.trku the il.itetniMitthroughout Thr tun niitalamllnK

    if tin' are tlu'?1!' lifter-Ho- n

    l"lri That I tic licrinano went out toKIM' battle to tli- - Hntl.ih fleet mill, hawlug fiHiiul it. hi oni'r iipimtiieil t lie n KfrMle .ind iiialntaliii'il It tirnu chout

    rieeonil Thiit lli' lltltlph were In our- -whelmlnu niiperlurii, Imtli m iiiinihiHHint power vl tin: iililp.i ingaKn.

    It In njrrtrrl that the HrttlMi tintt.'nhlclt partlrtpntnl were twenty-liv- ehattlerhlp. h lialtlo rrnluT", fournrmoreil ainl "numerous llt;htiletacliinenti- - '

    An as ' i Ihckr, the Mntrmvnt 'n.vf.the Ci ri'i.MK hail oixteen luttleshlii,live iMttlr MX oIiIt chlp ofline anil tin twin iraft There wire nourmnreil emere at all on lht (Iitiiihiialile. It In ill clarcrl.

    "Oiitnuitilierrdi'Thus, as far n

    lieriiinii hay.unlt lilKKer than

    detroers are coiuei ped. the "lirniiliclaim h Unit the ICiiImi'-- . fJHps

    thlrty-lK- c to tui'tity-e-w- nnum rlcaliy apd with recard to tonnageIn proportion to the aliped iireponderaiiceof tilic Hrltlsh vesn ?

    By way of unpliasliliii th" pointthat the Germans maintained th- - in-itiative, tin- - statement say: "Our (leetfollowed at tup spied tin; movement" oftho enemy '

    Tho H'l'iClinsiiin air Zeitim; ypublishes an nnnotincement In bin t p.ulictied by the (.lovcrr.or of the naval iirt,barring vlsltora from Wilhelni-'haven- .Only such v'siti. as are neces-ltati- d bythe utmost uiKency are allowed and thenenly on special permlselon by the police.It I at U'llhilmiM.iM'U that the bulkof the German hiBh seas lleet lato bo held since the battle and here the

    hips dair.iure 1 In the North Si lluhtarn blnR rtipajri d

    The German Umpernr Ims sentto C.rand Admiral

    von Tttplti, li e lormer Minister of theNavy, ai'O. ilrand Admiral vnn ICoester.the former sand aamiral ot the tier-ma- n

    t'.B! The ineng to Admlinl vonTlrpltz ttads.

    Afler v my tij;, whu li returned victorleosly from k heavy battle,I fee', 1 must ;ik.i!ii declare to juu mylmperl-- thr.nks for what you have per-formed In my crvlCo In the technicaldomain nr.d Ihe domain nf orBanlzatlon.Our bhips and wiapons upheld them- -

    elves lirllli.-ititl- In the hattlo In theNorth bt.i. Il Is alto lor jru a day ofglory."

    .clieer Mnil Poll trtinirnl.Tliat t j onilr.v on kn' sp r read"From the iVich'p. the old fleet

    thief, mv Itnperln! calutiitlons Von laidthe foundation for the carful imploiment of all and the tacticaltraining of the ileet DuilrtlnK on yourwork and culnvatlne tho cplrl t Implanted bv ton .iur eiirccfsors havfurthff dttulni't'd I :.' ttMt in a llv'nirwar Instrument that stood mo brilliantlyIts trial tire The tons.'luusnoM ofhavlnn '.wed rueh feed must be a (jrcatourni of cr.itlllcatlon to voir'

    Th Emifror has promotedychn, c.jmminder of th tier-ma- n

    battl'. !'e-- i. to be Admiral. Vlce-Adar- alllippb ha? bee.n awarded the.

    Order l'our I .Merit.--. War decorationsof various kinds have been awardedofficers and mn who distinguished them-elv-

    In the Noiih r'ea battleTho Emperor la I .' treat'' on the

    grave of a nuniaer ot dejd burled Intho B.'irriFon cunete'v .it Wilhel'nshavcn.'Ihe f.niperor and have visitedthe r.ounded In thf ls at

    Unofficially, but bv a qualified sourcorluee to t e Admirn'ty. It as Intimatedto correnioniki'U y that Vie blRKestfactor lit th- - b.all" uas that th- -

    mm in a po.lon to choooj theirown di tancc and fiat they fotuht theJarter part of tho battle at thf moderateranipi of elpr miles. This, It Is arirucd,gavu them I 'luiikv to use their olivenand Ue.w tr O (juna tilth practicallythti 'itii'J efiivu and drltlni; poner ascould 1' ftiuilie; tiy the Ilrltlsh Our-tten-

    fourfeen. no tlfteerif, but acreater Is achluted by thei.lumtler Iirltlo. hlK rallb'O. Thu ni

    o' tfxdlr ti i xchanited, It wasMild, nufl ft in abjut two to oneIn tavor y' thf 1er:na.n surm

    liermni' Veialun of fluftlt.Tho seml-ofirl- ,tatemcnt foilowr :"The Ocnnan h.n evaj Mttt had

    tuihid out Into ihu North Heu In thehODO of czaisltii; .'riot., of the Enslifh fleet, wM'h In.'! been re.peated'. teported of the Norttvs.jnflouth io.K.t. At " i'i o'clock In theafternoon, tomu seventy lulleb off thefikajrri.k, i6nm small cruder of thoCall'one tlai-- t were Mshied nur vrulser. at on'i' mir?urd 11m enemy, rthlohfled northwutd ut hlnhett speed.

    "At a o toA "Ur flshtiltwo cue' ii coluinii to thn weft, tonelutlns of bai'l" cruisers and n greatnumber o. si.nl i ru ers lh en mypassed toid '" - mth and our shlp,iipproachlnr ' ' '"" kilometersopened vim f'vll'i fire on hoilthou'liea ' r'i it- -i i Jj.'!ri the bat

    lie two l.nKltt,'' ba'i.' nrul'erH and onedertroM r v.i r eunl

    'Alter hilf n i'lt r.irl.t'nn heavyenemy r er f r rin'. 'n'lr obTfed tobo tl' ,iei'l "f i: ijii"i:n i;.uabtle;as vi.r . Klii' I i'. Hie north Kootiaflerw'l li,e in'rinati main forco 'ii.tereii '. "u ua niy .1 onceuirrw tifiir

    Vtul tliu; tl lop .speed.Th i.T.nli eoir.-inde- r, drlvliiK IiIh

    ihlpa .V i 'i ! -- '1 attempted to evadeour 'trn.n( elfn-'lt- lln by taktPBan 'Ji,)'g . !,. 1 1 : jr Hi e follow f dat top nnl ii,oenini. of the op.i my In in main of Ih.K period ofthe "ir'.i ns . of the Aehlllenin ii .ii'iiii" nd tun detroyirnwere sin. a, whl.e . innh'r of other vcb.HI I.S tt d ',0'lV. j till

    "The l..'!e ii.t i upermr ori'es''..en uo'il dnrK fell I K i.lil.n nu- -i.iri i ts 111 ' hue il ,it lea .'in,, !!.( lliill-.l- i li.iulethlpi, sit: bat.t... LTU'.'is a. "I foil, 1'iuisi'iselliililk'ed s'' in lenn ti b.il'leshlpr, livebilllii ni i s .. r hips of theI lie ,i'nl o ,,o i i p r

    At d i ,ji tint ' i. op. ned a' ii a ' I it ok is nllaii. fe

    t lii. r torpedo bfUl nniiaKC- -II ill on 111 red, ifMilting in tho dc.iieiiitioii oi one name, eiuiivr, ono


    Cnntinnrl fiom First I'tigr,

    even rrrpiveil, attempt to rrltlrlfo thedirection of the operations timet bewholly ennjecltiril. Kuril nkpenilonnIntllct ii Knivr Injiietloe upon thu nliloanil gallunt nllliTiB to whoe care InI'ontlddl the roititn.ind of hl MaJ,-ffty-

    nqtimlrona anilThe following va rerelveil

    from t'opiMilniKui tii'iilKlil.".Sti'anii'rH arriving In Scandinavian

    port Kay that tho IiIr liprni.m erulaeriwhich lately operated orf the rousl ofI'oiirland have been withdrawn.

    "The tiadrnn of torpedo ernft iiflonrerlly pitrolllnfr the nouthrrn Ilaltlehao not ben seen clurinir the lant weeti.

    "A Dunlnh Hteanier which crowed Ihehattlo area reports that the watern areHtrewn with rorp""K, both llrllleh andtiiirnian. The veBxel taw n huue

    on the end nf her stern, her for-ward emm polntlnn vertically Inlo t!ius1y. An oiinrmnii.i amount of wre-Vin- teand ilrlftlnn mines mf.lie navlRatloti

    "Udiilhh warehlp have been sent nutto destroy the imIiiok.

    "A Norweslan steamer rescind from afloat the sole survivors of the i.crttiaullKht cruiser Wiesbaden."


    lnf 'hides llnKllsh fnr tnillfTer-ene- et flattie Itemilt.

    .t'fcifl Cubit Pfpatrf iv Tin MLonpon. .In no t. A P.iulsh Journalist

    In Loiidim writes to the pr express- -InB his aatonlshtnent at the manner Inwhich the Prltlidt bureau nmioiinetd thonaval battle on Friday Tlic statement,Mhlcli was written prior to the Adinl-ralty'- n

    report on .Sunday, contains thefollou luc .

    "It is a situation unheard of In thohistory of the world that Clwmiin andilrltlsh iinmuiiliues Insist on a Germannaval victory while, neutral opinion imaintains that the (Jermnn hlch seas Illeet has been defeated by the Ilrltlsh '

    cruiser wiuadroii. but this cruiser squadron han proved ns serious a stumblingblock to the fie nn.iti lleet n.s Verdun hasto the German army.

    'A cruiser uuadron ounht imt to beable to stop a fleet of battleship-- , butIt did and the renult Is that there Is

    y no Herman hlh seas lleet fit intake the sea. This most ulorlous fiutleaves the Ilrltlsh public cold and crum.bllmr.

    "Thein nusht to be tl.its out eteryljlow. crowds. In the streets and a

    To Ileum stitiB In the churches, for bystoppliiB the (Jermans the Hrltlsh cruls

    toWiesbaden. Krsuenlob and Clblng, whichwere off for n commerce raldlnc expedition In Atlantic tire now atbottom of the sea. Hut the Hermanswon 'one victory. Their press bureau

    cruiser of the Achilles, class, probablytwo small and at lrut.1 ten destroyers. Six of the Includingthe new deMroyer leaders Turbulentand the Tlpperary, were destroyed bythe leading vessel of our high fleet.

    "The Hrttlsh squadron of older lint-- 1from

    arrivep.. fwithout y

    part In tho nr comingsight main force."


    from depresenthuslaam

    (Jermany. silencesince announcement, clos.


    reply Iiukocklenburg'h

    among causes,Miggested




    retlo- -t feeling.


    ltonl t.eoifTuphlcalSecure Heller Ship,

    fp'nat CalifJune

    rreshfield, president Hoyal


    Ilrnest Shaekletoii' partyI'lephant Island

    Admiraltyattempting ship,



    CnttlshAlton, June iat-fls- h

    mouths('hatli-- s

    Alton ".shcrman, Joest dockAltnn.

    Underneathinoutli upper

    knock) Its llrlll'-l-ieocke.l hat."




    Mirnul VnlAt itiiittifoPKSilAUBS, June

    single' iiiesmiKe beenhere from Hermany concerning

    navalNewsiper correspondents

    etldntly dejilonly Admiralty

    announcements WolffcontaltiltiB hate been

    luiiieh newspapers expressresult battle

    ImpetotieltyHeatty attacking

    forco appearancethey express admiration of



    l)etrniT loulhlliimliep, llrlllsli n.

    June oillclal

    boat destroyer iimuthMay denied

    Hrltleh Admiralty

    M.i) submarineslumber sankwhich, according

    Tlppeuut.Ilrltlsh cruiser

    afire- - forces duringbattle SUagerral;

    completely burneddenial llrltb.li Admiralty

    followsIlrltlsh ilcnn.ter

    Hrltleh warship destroyedanywhere et-- e

    other agency sliuoaction

    North .lining battlehunk li.iman

    would appear fromthose alligations being

    circulated Admiraltythey anxious

    exaggerate Ilrltlsh raualtle,which have full)ompletely announced.

    "D SYMPATHIZES.ernnr Kspreiines tflnilrtitlnii

    yprcuil if.niifcA.lime

    bureau yy.A.tl.m.i

    ers lowlm: message King'



    III I,within

    of our


    New Zealand desire eiprcshadmiration heroism sailors

    grest tlghi deep-est sympathy mourn

    illant I.ivrntsTot"


    OFFICERS OF FLEETtle'hlps, which hurriedsouth, until Thursdaymortilng. after Willi,,,,,taking

    fighting Hiivi'iiKiynr Aiunii";Drowned.

    flier .avl Hatlle u f.itc rslo llnve Illsnppenrril. leiM'ov. Adimrjlty

    sproii! y states that uttlcers.June According tele-- 1 theli off .Intlun

    grams Holland, .i spell ofsion followed tho tlrtt In

    The ofllclalthe Initial the

    ing of Wllhelmshaven andSeiner's guarded to thu ofM congratulations urn dtd

    the nf this chinge, whilejit Is also that the Herman

    that the blis'kadn Is

    Tho correspondent ofPally I'hntnlclc says the not

    the of people, The rejoicings of tho he says, donot

    hoclet) Trylolfto

    rtsfiite. lo Tnr. HtsLonpov, Douglas William

    of thoSociety, said at a inciting of

    the society y that promptare taken to rescue membersof whotire now on lie saidthat the wii ener-getically to find bill

    to the war It wns most dllllciilt loget a ship.

    In tho meantime, ho said, It was need-less to he too despondent HVfate of the

    One i:yeil linn '.' Mouths.HI., A one eyed

    and welghng 3.1pounds va exhibited by Honor,an nlIn The eye waa on the 1, sideof the howl, Ono moot! was of regularsize, this was a second

    an largo one


    -- on Into


    Herioiiii l'nse flu Is- - Ihr

    In 'Tut. svia Irfiudon,

    Not ii private hasMeelvtdlh battle.

    In Oeniunyare not allowed to with'the subject, for (k'rmati

    and two messagianothltisT ne re-

    ceived.Tho the

    opinion that the of the wasdue to the excessive of

    In a superiorand the Inte of Admiral

    Jelllcoe. butof the attackers,


    .. Lost ofIhe

    1.ONP0N. 5. An (lermanttatement received here

    slnkniK of an Englishoff the of the

    number on 31 Is the

    The (tirmaii btatement Is as rollows:On 31 one of our

    off tho I an Englishto a sur-

    vivor, was theTim armored Ilury.t-lu- s

    wan set by ourthe of and was

    out.The of the Is

    asNo or any other

    w.e off thellmiiher or h) a sub-marine or niiv tho

    of M i.v .11The Kurtalus was not piesetit in

    the Sea this andtherefoM' was not Iflrr. It the factof two falsi

    by the Hermanthat are by any mean to

    thealready be.n and


    (.ut rHeroism of Ilrltlsh sollorl.

    to Tnr !ts.IINIMIN. T.. -- The pre.

    iinnnunee. that tho Hot-- -erti.ie 'i- - hud Kent the fill

    have saved Ku.la, und the cruisers ' the

    tho the





    to herfor of our

    In and theto all wlm th i 1ms

    of so many t lives

    thedid ,

    the conclusion of Ihe ImI-- I i i I1 1 1

    tie. and returnedTIhisp

    Jubilation alil r,,l In TnrJuti '. ti list Is- -

    rMe netparA In Tnr Ms Hied InlIxtNPov, fi. - In the engagement



    spirits the







    with two


    not as the




    the tor-pedo



    theihe extends,


    to llv.


    The IM Indicate- - Hint with a itCf pilous .ill the nthcers of Hi" cruisers IWin en Mary, Invincible, Indefatigable,Mefenci and lltaek I'rln," and th" fe.stroyers N'omad, Ne'tor. Shirk, Tnrhu-le-t- .

    I'ortune, Ardent and Tlppernry werekill, d

    i n one iifneet on the Warilor m,hKilled ,ii,(l all iillicer- of the Sparrow-haw- k

    .He safe of otllterson the remaining ships which took partIn tin action are twitity-thre- e klllnl an.lIWel ly .twi Wolllllle.l

    Many young men ..f noble familieswen kilhil l(enr dmiral the HonHorace ll.ii the secoii'l coniniaml ofthe crulsiT iriuadron, was the son andheir of Viscount Hood

    Others who perched are I.leutenant-Command-Hugh Kh'ldlng, a son of the

    Earl of I'ltibigh. O W. I.vndhl, a chap-I'll-Ho in phew of I'leld Marsh it Sir

    John l'"reneh Midshipman lluii.irdHalley, son of Lord Cilenuk Midship-man John Scott, the eldest son nf SirI'nrcy Scott, who went down with theDefence; l.lctit Algimon I'ercv, unephew of the Duke of Northumberland,and fccll Molyneux, a son of the Kail oftiefton.

    Commander Tdward lllngiiam. a winnf ljrd i.'lauin"rn, was -i eeuinnnd ofthe destroyer Nestor and went donii withhis Sllll.

    Adair Melfon Campbell, a midshipmanIn tho royal naty and nof tho lato William 1' Hatemeyer, whoerved three terms as Mayor of New--

    York, went down with the Hrltlehcruiser Defeneo III the hatlle In theNorth Sei.

    The voung man, who entoied the navyIn August. 0 1 . was a son nf Mr andMm. .1 Adair Campbell of Tullli'liew anCiestle, Diimb.ti lonshlrn, Scotland He.fore, her niarrlago Mrs Cumpbeii ttnsMiss Jean IIIhiicIic Hatfineyer. a dau;hter of the late Henry Havcmeyer.

    ControlTo direct each unit of his army in the field,to execute a quick attack at any point, aplay of strategy or sudden shift of tactics,the business general who uses

    WESTERN UNIONis everywhere at once


    THE SUN, TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1916.



    Wnrrinr inid Drfoiioc IttislicdHchvcpii Thu liinrs (if

    Tt'lilon W'urs! IIS.

    tu:atty lki) the fight

    fl""il t'nhtr tirspilch In Tnr srUiSPON. .lime Ii- .- The loss of the Hrll-Is- li

    cruder Wnirlor and l)efeio arcaccounted for by survivors of the War-rior who have been landed at Devon-por- t.

    They say that tho two warshipsriwhed down n lane iniule by two linesof (lenn.in worships. The Defence wasiilinni Immediately blown up by a heavyderma n shell, and the Warrior wasriddled by bullels nnd her crew halfsulfocatod by the gaseii from Hermanshells bursting all around and on her.

    Later, Ilrltlsh vessels managed foilrlte orf the enemy, which was dotingaround the disabled ship, and one auxili-ary craft managed t take otT thewounded and towed the vessel nut ofthe light She sank forty-eig- hourslater despite the constant use nf thepumps

    It Is said that the Mini, flagship "fAdmiral Sir Datld licalty, led thecruiser licet Into action. The Invinciblewent down lire! und was followed Inturn by the Indefatigable and tho QueenMaty

    The Danish steamship Vldar, com-manded by Cap!. Christiansen, riskeddestruction In the midst of the navalengagement In order lo tcscue sallor.iclinging to wtiek.iRO.

    snrtltnrs InUro from Itnfl.The tesel, which was Imiind from

    Copenhagin to London and was carryingDanish and Norwiglau muses lo Hng.l.iMd. hii in th,- kittle zone' when thotiring e.iriitiicneeil on Wednesday Thefirst il.tlln.itioii of Hi., engagement.innliiirf lo one of the nurse, was thoappearance h.gli In the air of a Z.ppellnThui the big guns Leg.,,, their work, andso,. n tun blaziig ships wete seen. Laterthe D.itii-- h steamship passed throughwrirkaiie strewn se is .m, latne upon abuoy win, -- eten men clinging to it. Thenun ati'cticd t In nine, but many deultodies were llo.etlng with the otherwnckjge .n the W.ltel

    Cap i 'In 1st iansen stopped his tcsvMand ie- - u. il the seven men Two diedfr.im ci..d and exhaustion at the momentof their tie. ic. The lite others werecarefully nursed back to life by tin Dan-ish woi.i, ii When taken nlsiird theycuuld only say that they were from theShark This destroyer was sunk duringthe battli The commander, whoe legw.i shatteitd, in maged Just betoie histessel went down to fire a Hll.il shut atthe enemy.

    The fiuilj Mlirnr says that aiming thethrong of women uhi waited a wholenight on ,i tertaiu pier was Lady Hi at,)-- .

    bandShe was ,is Ignorant of her husband s

    fate as the wife of ,mv otllcer or sailorIn I he lli' t girl In the pier ot'l. eofTertd her n siat, but she rcfud, piferring to spmd flu- - vigil In cheeringmher woiiien.

    The following des rlptlon of Ihe tuttlewha gtM'n by an i.ftl.er from one of theUrltlKh destroyers- -

    "I wiitche'rt th" Iron Duke swingingthrough the seas, letting; utr broadsideafter hro.ullde, wicked tongues n' names

    i aping through clouds of smoke. Theilln of battle was stunning, stupendous,deafening, as hundreds of the heaviestpuns In the world toircil out .it once.N'f.w and Hie, a shell fntmd Its mark,hilt at a 11111" like this It leaves eterytiian cold A ilnren inin may fie knockedon! a! one's sideIt Is war.

    It makes no difference.0

    I. Ion's Wireless Uesl ro)Ai one it if It was thought that the

    Lion was nt. as she did not answer at. vcall I' ttus ascertained that lor wire-less h.'ol been doKtroved.

    'With the dusk came tho great opportunity of the mosiiuito craft, andlu'lh sides made Usn ut H tu tin. full. Itwas In this way that ono of the inc.dnis occurred destroyei. true toIts name, dashed for the big enemyship she siMin gut Into e rangeand loosed her torpedoes with deadlyettect. The ship went down and thedestroyer raced for safely, tho com-mander and ..nicer standing on thebridge uiiluigine. In mutual cougratuiii-linn-- -

    at their slice-- " At Hi.it momenta shell Ml the bildge and wiped nut theniire group.

    "It WH- - curious to Hole the cnci't ofthe fight on ihe mm Calm at the be-ginning, thn water soon looked a" If Itwere under the Influence of a gale, ,ngreat was Ihe turmoil cun-ei- l by theleviathan ships ploughing at t.rrlllcspeed Huong' the waves The se I aKoseemed to be dotted with Msh killed bythe shcll.i burMlns in tht water"

    .lelllcoe's lleportM'NtioN, June

    line In n Week.The fluff) Mnil he.

    lleve. that eie John Jell eoe's detailedrersirt of the nata' battl,. is not to heexpected for it loast a win.



    .Most of Nt'w.-spapfrs- , Howi'ver,Spp Only i Victory for

    .Mliooc's Kl(!ct.


    Slxrinl I nl,lr inralfi In Tut. StsIspon, June ",. A modllled view n

    expresst il In lmdon newspapersregarding the North Sen battle. Somewithhold full Judgment, pending more detailed accounts, but the general concurrence Is that If the battle tvim not agreat Ilrltlsh success It was not a tier-ma- tt

    victory. It Is pointed out that theIlrltlsh lleet still holds the tea and Isseeking the enemy who has withdrawnInto his mine protected harbors ngaln toundergo the blockade.

    The JfnrnlNH 'ojf goes beyond this.Heading tls editorial "The Glorious 31 ttof May" It asserts the Ilrltlsh victorywas so momentous that It mat' provo theturning point In the war.

    ".sir John Jelllcoe," says the pars r,"was the master of tho situation, liesta)ed lo give the enemy every chance totegnln his lost honor and shattered npu-Ho-

    but the tleitnans preferred tn acceptdefeat, and defeat was their portion,'lniy tiny fight another day. being abrave it ml di tcrmintd race, but thai dayIs not yet at hand

    "We arc a strange pisiple our navywins a great victory with Incomparablestrategic skill, faultless tactics and mag-nificent fighting, and the Admiralty

    It like a lief nit The publicwas r. ady enough lo believe the lierinanfalsehoisls about ilctni.iu siiot.itlon andto swallow the lie that Hie Cierni.ui lb e'thad be.ilen the llilllsh fl'el without .1thought


    .etslllMT Ml. SellIs llroken.

    VirMf Vnlile "w(cA 10 Tnr.IIMM.tN. via Amsterdam. June It The

    Mm in hnrr .V. -- rsli .Vm hrn 'ifrii sats re-garding Iho North Sea battle.

    "It was a ciit.iMrnpMe defeat for n,land the beginning of a nen a tn

    natal w.nf.ire, for It completely dissi-pates the Idea that the Hrlllsh navy Issuperior to all otters"

    The .ri;i;l;;ii .Ynii'.ife SnchrtthtmMl) s .

    England's invincibility on the seasIs .broken. The Herman fleet lias tornthe venerable Trafalgar legend Intolireds

    The .V( m H'lfitrr Jiiurmil says"Suth a crushing defeat as the Lug- -

    hsh suffered will place a douni upontheir whole nipreni.ic.t nf the ss anddeal a decisive blow t.i their desirecontinue thai eupiem '



    .some of Wlestiailen's Crrir I'lontetlon Units fill Honrs.

    UiNPon. June r, - A large numle-- r nfthe crew of the ilemian cruiser Wies-baden and sailors of torpedo lsj.it des-troyers hate been brought to I'openha-ge- n

    by Scandinavian steamships whichwere passing Jutland at the time of thebattle.

    Captains of steamships arriving atvarious ScHndlnavlan porta ', accord-ing to despatches, tint the new Hermancrulsrrs which r ill) have been cruis-ing near Hlga. and squadrons nf Her-man deslrovers wh, h hate been

    llaltlc waters, have not h-- nseen at their accustomed station" fnr thepast week

    .Wording to the men of the Wies-baden wlio hate Is en landed at Cnpcii-hagei- i.

    they tloati'd for thlriv-sl- t hourson raits without f. -- l or watersailors who ventured to drink tin' saltwater went era; from their rulferlngsand driiwiied thein-elve- s.

    The sailors say thai lb- - licrman lossestdnsic Ilrlt. sh shell,were vi ry hi at). A

    nessirdlng to the tie ti. sonietl'ties wouldisimpletely overturn a destiny, r it submarine.


    llcporl Herinnii Trnni Hetlrlim Inllemorn tired l imdltloo.

    i.e i.if r.ii.'t fi.(.f '. m fur s, sLosfos' .Iiiiii Th- - following nfli

    cial stiitemeiit was Issiieil y by fiell Iglali War Olllcn at Hat re

    The situation in Kasl Africa at tl.eend nf May was that our left vtlngwas ml the Illvir Kureri and ourcentre had dossed the, liver atAkaJ.iru 1'aH of Irtivern our rightwing Is appmni hlng I.'suinura 'noenemy Is retiring In a demoralizedrnnd lion.

    The Ilelglan force Is advancingnorthwest Herman Hast Africa


    Kagera Itlter llowa imrfb a"d ca- -ilirough Hie ii'iri'mi--i sictlon of HieGerman ohmv. euiptviig mm Uike Vtorla near the northern Isirder

    I VACATION DAYS AT SEA ITake this perfect slimmer outing the invigorating ocean tripclnvs-- the.coait and acioM the Gulf in big, comfortable

    H Southern Pacific Steamships H"MORGAN LINE"

    New York and New Orleans BConnecting with Iha Luiarlcmtly Equipped H

    SUNSET LIMITED(try Dr lo lb Ymt Na Extra Far)

    New Orleant tot Angalei San Dlgo San FrandtcoFmr Pmrticalari Inqmtn

    1 1 58 Broadway 36 Broadway 30 Broadway-- JiaJM t "raekliw Si. WjllStJB


    Home VIpmh WMaoiCa llulI'rnmpteil Ii) I'lilltli'L

    tP'rml I'nblf VnvitrA lo Tilt. Hi s.Home, via London, June 5. Itcporlh

    that I'ope lleliedlct mid King Alfonso offripaln are Jointly etrlvlng to cooisratewith I'rwldeiit Wilson's efforts In btlialf ,of peace were denied at tho Vatican to-- !day. It wan explained Uiat the Pontiff Iapproves of any Initiative Intended lohasten but that he renllr.es thatthe Central Powers arn now willing to I

    end the war becatise the) hope tn gain a jreal advantage from Hie military sltua- - 'Hon and thus to gain peace on favor-able conditions.

    Such conditions, It wns explained ntthe Vatican, would bo conttary to theI'Hie's explicit declaration that peaceshould ho Juet nnd cijuall) favorable tntill the belligerents, a condition Imperii- -tlve to avert a future wnr. i

    The Popo Is now said to be determinednot to Intervene lest he bo Mfpectcd (iffavoring the Central Powers. Ilesldee,il Is expected that he will Inform theAllies that he will refuse mediation, especially on the part of President Wilson,whose clurtH for pence aro sutjicctedhere to be prompted by considerationsconcerning his reelection.


    Pope Opposed in It- - nig Snnrce oflletenne Cut Off,

    CnirAno, Juno fi. Pope Itenedlet haput a ban on dancing under the auspicesof parish churches In the 1'nlted Statesand Canada. In a few il.iye, probably.Archbishop Ornrge W. Mundeleln willpromulgate the order throughout theChicago diocese.

    Tho edict may curtail the annualchurch revenue by hundreds of thou-sands of dollars In Chicago alone H Isuncertain us yet Just how drastic Iheorder will be, The ruling does notprohibit Roman Catholic organizationsoutside' of parish Jurisdiction from git-In- g

    dances, and the effect of the orderdepends somewhat on the Interpretationof w hat .societies are under parish Jut Is- -diction, .so priest will be permitted toattend an outside function, however, orto give. It his sanction.


    John II. Iliiekrfeller, dr., In ( hi.micn. litis Opinion.'

    Ciiicai.o, June , There Is one manIn Chicago who Is sunipremely Hullf.fctent to illtlcs. lie has not asked fnr,i ticket lo the contention and would lintue one If It were nffereil him

    The name is John l JrHe arrlted y to attend the twenty-fift- h

    anniversary .elebr.it Ion of the t'nl.verslty nf Chicago, and when he hasmade ,i little speech afternoonhe Is going home. ,n ismtentlon cmfor him.

    The one topic nn which he wniild con-sent really to talk wa his ismperatonplan which In- - worked nut at the timeof Ills recent vUdt to the Itis'kefellel'cnal mining properties In Cnloraiio. Overthis h" was enthusiastic.

    Mr Hoekefeller said he "had tin per-sonal opinion" nn politics and wasn't Intoir Ii w(rh the situation

    What the State Cannot DoYou Can Do

    THE State regulates the commissions payab'ethe Trustee under your Will, but youalone can regulate the intelligence and wisdomwith which your estate shall be administered.It is for you to determine whether your heirsshall look for guidance to the limited judgmentof an individual executor, or enjoy the protectivecounsel of a sound financial institution such asthis one, which charges the sam fee as an in-dividual, but is equipped to render infinitelybetter service.

    jUslor (JriTsi (HompaniJTrustee for Personal Trusts


    NEW OFFER ON POLISH RELIEF.l.erninii) Itejrots t'auirlltlnnn Laid)

    linn ii h Urcnt Britain.fpmnl i nblr litpntrl. In Tnr ft s ,

    Ambtwipam, June 0. A semi-offici- Itelegram from llerlln announces, thatHerman) Is unable to agree to theIlrltlsh conditions for allowing I'olatidto be furnished with food. The telegramstates that Oermany cannot contractobligations In behalf of Austria or a,

    imr abandon lis own conditionthat the army of occupation live on the"country

    Amb issador lieraru, mr leirgrniu amis,has submitted to the 1'nlted HUtes aferrnli l tn if nihil l nmlttitiif (Ircat HrlUln'fnnfiirnt;thlf llflT.Ulltii. '



    V , Mil, Ir.Hsvoy - Mr. atvl

    Pltlihuru. I"

    -- 1, K.

    II.II. 11 i

    ''I'Mnie I, seme He! el Thnms A rnirf,Tnr.illle. 1'sniida. i:ihrlherl sitewrt, Wash- -

    "v.ielfiiick -- Mr and Mrs. Vrank I' IUdsn llarlfnrd Cinn Mr. and Mrs. A iWl'llsm. I'hlUrlelfhln

    CUrldge- - H B Mi Milwaukee. .Mrun.l Mrs 1 M Koch, Cincinnati, lt( MWi'klns. hallanniiit-i- Tnn

    lcolt-M- and Mr AlusnderlM)ten. Ohio, Harold II.

    tt'.els. Mr. Alfred Illrnle, fprlngflrld.51

    .tb Alpln- - l'r sml Mr. .Inhn t, ll.ke'lliirfalo. .Samuel .1. lioe.Miall, I.ntiiliiiiritielnn.l Mr and Mrs. Frederick llnuer.Atlanta. ila

    ll.ithalli Mr ti"'! Mr- - Isinc lHVsn,i.irtIII 'hi" "id x,r lri" " " ilnr- -

    Waildlieten 1 Mr and .Mrs U- '! ' sun IMlllail. 'phl.l

    Knl. kerhiiektr Mr and Vlrs VV K. .1tichi-r- . Montreal. Mr am! Mrs .1 AILirrlf. Indlanapntls, Mr in.l Mrs W Atls.iril. I'otdeiy Oh ; I)r sn.t Mrs. John iitt s' ll l'ruvl.teli ,

    Thu is the time of the year when morepeople are considering the question of" what car to buy " than at any othertime of the year.

    This community has its full share ofpeople who will soon be driring their firstcar or a new car to replace the old one.

    Now, we know that we are going tosel Maxwell Cars to a great many ofthese people depending upon howmany we are able to acquaint with themerits of the Maxwell.

    The generous value offered in the caris so evident its past record is so full ofgood performance owners speak sowell of it that when the buyer knowsthese things he is eager to buy aMaxwell.

    In order to tell as many people as pos-sible about the merits of the MaxwellCar we are going to spend a lot of moneyin the next few weeks in this paper

    Maxwell merits to those whodo not know them.

    The reason we want to sell as manyMaxwells as possible this season. Ourfuture allotments will depend upon howmany Maxwells we sell now.

    You may know that the Maxwellmarket is a buyer's market, not a seller'smarket broadly speaking. The demandfor Maxwells the country over is greaterthan the supply.

    Jnhnsnn. IleaTJliunck, IlrlilirpotlMrs. c lUrrlron.

    and Mrs. Curry,




    The ContractorIs Lucky

    who tenders the strongest, Handfor other things Ising apprntnutely ciilsl tlic llond mnv wnIhe cunt met Nocontracior whoilelres the maximum of .'ictiadvantage should la- - salMinwith anything less Hun tllond of




    ofNew York

    flOO BroadwayJtJ.iV Telephone III t,.r .

    lSIl.MonlariisHI HniVI)n lei M."llrani h Offices A Aseneli 1 hr m.-l- i


    llrcnks llUk, I'lllds Needlei.'oNNfci.sv'll.t.i:, I'a Ium

    La) ton, whllu eating his 'iiIhe shell of an egg ainl w ,sto eat il 'ii hen he dlsiwveteil ,streak In It. th i lose rn 'found a needle In the egg T ,wan laid bv chieke , owned .c i.itirls I'ollllila m lnrlle

    What Do You KnowAbout the Maxwell Car?

    For this reason cars are alloted todealers by the factory according to thesize of the dealer's business.

    We want to make a showing and bein a position to get a generous allotmentof Maxwells hereafter. Because thrmore Maxwells are sold in any com-munity, the greater is the future demand.We realize the opportunity to do anever-increasi- Maxwell business.

    This is only one of several messagewe are going to print a few dayapart concerning the Maxwell Car.But we don't expect to be able toadequately present Maxwell merits inprinted words alone.

    If you are one who is going to buynew car you will find it decidedly toyour advantage to find out all you canabout the Maxwell before you placeyour order.

    Come in and talk it over with'u andlet us demonstrate the car to you. Then,don't take our word alone, but ask thosewho now own Maxwells.

    Get "posted" about the Maxwell andyou will realize more satisfaction andget more 44 value received" for yourmotor car money than ever before.

    Why not start your Maxwell invest)gation today?

    Motor Sales CorporationNew York Branch 1808 Broadway at 59th St.

    TaUpfco... Coluaabua 71 SIBrooklyn Branck-13- 92 Bedford Arenu., at St.Marka Ay.ru.

    ron D.alar-Slmm- au AuUmablla Co., 413 E. Mtk Rt,

    Touring Car$655


    F.O.B. Detroit