what does it mean to be politically correct?. political correctness use words that convey...

What does it mean to be politically correct?

Upload: lawrence-newton

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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What does it mean to be politically correct?

Political Correctness

• Use words that convey sensitivity to the needs of

special groups.

What is the politically correct term for a woman whose ethnic background is Mexican or South American?


What is the politically correct term for a someone whose ancestors came from Japan, China, Korea, or Vietnam?


What is the politically correct term for Will Smith’s ethnicity?

African American

• A news commentator was recently criticized for this statement: “Muslims blew up the World Trade Center.”• Why is this politically incorrect?• What should he have said?

What is the politically correct term for a female person over 18 years of age?


What is the politically correct term for someone who uses a wheelchair?Physically challenged

What is the politically correct term for this child who has downs syndrome?

Mentally challenged

What is the politically correct term for someone who puts out fires?


What is being mocked in this satire cartoon?

What is the point of this cartoon?

1. Follicle challenged a. pregnant

2. health alteration b. bald3. controlled flight into terrainc. drunk4. chemically inconvenienced d. dumb5. non-traditional shopping e. plane

crash6. cosmetically different f. murder7. parasitically oppressed g. ugly8. cerebrally challenged h. looting9. therapeutic segregation i. solitary


• Words alone cannot be good or bad. It is the way in which they are used that determines whether people feel they are good or bad. If one person's attitude towards another person is unkind, then new politically correct terms will also start to sound offensive. The important thing is to treat everyone with respect. This is what PC tries to do.

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T549VoLca_Q&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T549VoLca_Q&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active