what every teacher need to know --orientation10-20-11 · what every teacher needs to know o r i e n...

What Every Teacher Needs to Know O R I E N TATION FOR NEW AND RETURNING TEAC H E R S Purpose At the end of this approximately 2 1 /2 hour session, teachers will have • Received information on teaching in the congregation • Explored reasons for teaching • Learned ways to increase effectiveness • Assessed their own knowledge in the areas covered in the What Every Teacher Needs to Know leaflets • Gained information and knowledge in at least two areas covered in the leaflets Materials • Copies of all nine of the What Every Teacher Needs to Know leaflets • Bibles • Newsprint • Notebook paper • Felt-tip markers • Pencils • Five-by-seven paper for nametags that are hole-punched and strung with yarn • Kitchen or cell phone timer • Photocopies of the handouts “Assessment Tool” and “The Purpose of Christian Education”(pages 8–9 and 10) and learning center handouts • Learning center supplies (see descriptions of learning centers) • Congregation-specific handouts Preparation • Prepare a notebook for each teacher that contains congregation-specific infor- mation, such as substitute procedures, yearly training schedule, curriculum to be used, locations of equipment and supplies, class rosters, congregational youth and child protection policies, emergency procedures, and so forth. • Gather supplies listed above, plus those for each learning center. • Set up a room (or rooms) with space for the teachers to sit at tables for the group time and space for the nine learning centers. Workshop Outline • Gathering and Group Building (20 minutes) • The Basics for Teaching (30 minutes) • Why Teach? (20 minutes) • Break (10 minutes) • Summary and Assessment (15 minutes) • First Learning Center (15 minutes) • Second Learning Center (15 minutes) • Assessment of Next Steps (10 minutes) • Closing (10 minutes) This workshop model was created by the Christian educa- tion staff specialists of the General Board of Discipleship. It is designed to be used with the following leaflets: Teachers as Spiritual Leaders and Theologians Understanding and Using the Bible Teachers Know Their Place in the Faith Story Classroom Environment A S h o rt Glossary of Faith and Church Language Understanding The United Methodist Church Teachers Live the Faith A People of God Who Am I as a Teacher? These leaflets are all avail- able for download at the GBOD website (www.gbod.org). To locate them, enter the phrase what every teacher needs to know gbod into your favorite search engine.

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Page 1: What Every Teacher need to know --Orientation10-20-11 · What Every Teacher Needs to Know O R I E N TATION FOR NEW AND RETURNING TEAC H E R S Purpose At the end of this approximately

What Every Teacher Needs to KnowO R I E N T A T I O N F O R N E W A N D R E T U R N I N G T E A C H E R S

Purpose At the end of this approximately 21⁄2 hour session, teachers will have• Received information on teaching in the congregation• Explored reasons for teaching• Learned ways to increase eff e c t i v e n e s s• Assessed their own knowledge in the areas covered in the What Every Te a c h e r

Needs to Know leaflets • Gained information and knowledge in at least two areas covered in the leaflets

Materials• Copies of all nine of the What Every Teacher Needs to Know leaflets • Bibles• Newsprint• Notebook paper• Felt-tip markers• Pencils • Five-by-seven paper for nametags that are hole-punched and strung with yarn• Kitchen or cell phone timer• Photocopies of the handouts “Assessment Tool” and “The Purpose of

Christian Education”(pages 8–9 and 10) and learning center handouts• Learning center supplies (see descriptions of learning centers)• Congregation-specific handouts

Preparation• Prepare a notebook for each teacher that contains congregation-specific infor-

mation, such as substitute procedures, yearly training schedule, curriculum tobe used, locations of equipment and supplies, class rosters, congregationalyouth and child protection policies, emergency procedures, and so forth.

• Gather supplies listed above, plus those for each learning center.• Set up a room (or rooms) with space for the teachers to sit at tables for the

group time and space for the nine learning centers.

Workshop Outline• Gathering and Group Building (20 minutes)• The Basics for Teaching (30 minutes)• Why Teach? (20 minutes)• Break (10 minutes)• Summary and Assessment (15 minutes)• First Learning Center (15 minutes)• Second Learning Center (15 minutes)• Assessment of Next Steps (10 minutes) • Closing (10 minutes)

This workshop model wascreated by the Christian educa-tion staff specialists of theGeneral Board of Discipleship.It is designed to be used withthe following leaflets:Teachers as Spiritual Leaders

and TheologiansUnderstanding and Using the

B i b l eTeachers Know Their Place in

the Faith StoryC l a s s room Enviro n m e n tA S h o rt Glossary of Faith and

C h u rch LanguageUnderstanding The United

Methodist Churc hTeachers Live the FaithA People of GodWho Am I as a Te a c h e r ?

These leaflets are all avail-able for download at the GBODwebsite (www. g b o d . o rg). Tolocate them, enter the phrasewhat every teacher needs toknow gbod into your favoritesearch engine.

Page 2: What Every Teacher need to know --Orientation10-20-11 · What Every Teacher Needs to Know O R I E N TATION FOR NEW AND RETURNING TEAC H E R S Purpose At the end of this approximately

Workshop PlanGathering and Group Building (20 minutes)

1. Welcome the participants and ask them to make nametags. (Do this even if themembers of the group know one another well.) In addition to their names, ask themto draw or write the following in each corner of the nametag:• Upper left—Name of the teacher they remember best• Upper right—Name of a Bible story they love• Lower left—A fear they have of teaching• Lower right—A prayer they have for teaching

2. Introduce yourself and ask each person to say his or her name and one item fromhis or her nametag.

3. Ask a volunteer to read aloud Matthew 28:18-20. Remind the group that teachingchildren, youth, and adults is part of carrying out this commandment given to us byJ e s u s .

4. Lead the group in prayer, asking those who wish to include their own prayers forteaching this year.

The Basics for Teaching (30 minutes)Hand out the notebooks you prepared containing congregation-specific information.Review all items, and answer questions from the group.

Why Teach? (20 minutes)1. Ask, “Why do we teach?” Invite the group members to turn to a neighbor and dis-

cuss the question. Say, “The church has something to say about why we teach. Wewill look first at the primary task of the congregation and then at the purpose ofChristian education.”

2. On newsprint write the definition of the primary task of every congregation (W h oAm I as a Te a c h e r ? , p. 4). Use the material in this section of the leaflet to describethe primary task.

3. Give each person a photocopy of “The Purpose of Christian Education” and read italoud. At each of the three phrases of the purpose, pause and ask the group, “Whocan recall a teacher, a small group, or an activity that helped you (1) know andexperience God through Jesus Christ, (2) claim and live God’s promises, and (3)grow and serve as Christian disciples?” Allow those who wish to respond verbally.After each response, have the group affirm the response by saying, “Thanks be toG o d . ”

4. Lead the group in discussing how the purpose of Christian education relates to andsupports the primary task of the congregation. Talk about how this answers thequestion of why we teach. If your congregation has an intentional plan for discipleformation, describe how this plan is related to the primary task and the purpose ofChristian education.

Break (10 minutes)


Materials• Nametags• Felt-tip markers• Bible

Materials• Teacher Notebooks

Materials• Newsprint• Felt-tip marker• Who Am I as aTe a c h e r ?• Photocopies of the

handout “ThePurpose of ChristianE d u c a t i o n ”

Page 3: What Every Teacher need to know --Orientation10-20-11 · What Every Teacher Needs to Know O R I E N TATION FOR NEW AND RETURNING TEAC H E R S Purpose At the end of this approximately

Summary and Assessment (15 minutes)1. Pass around copies of the What Every Teacher Needs to Know leaflets. Tell the

group that these were prepared to help teachers look at areas of knowledge that arebasic to teaching. Say, “In the next few minutes, we will explore some of these topics. I am not assuming that everyone needs to spend time on every topic.H o w e v e r, it would be difficult for me to say what areas each of you needs to concentrate on. Therefore, we have an assessment that will help each of us decidewhich areas we most need to study. ”

2. Hand out photocopies of the “Assessment Tool.” Assure the group that this is for their own personal use. Allow ten minutes for all to respond individually to the questions on the assessment. When all have had a chance to complete theassessment, say, “We now have time to explore two of the areas covered in theassessment. Nine learning centers are set up for you to use, one on each of the top-ics covered by the leaflets. You will need to pick two areas. You may want to pickthe two areas that most interest you. Or you may want to pick the two areas youthink you need to know more about. You will have fifteen minutes to work in a cen-t e r. After fifteen minutes, I will call time and you can switch to a new center. ”

Learning Centers (30 minutes)Allow the group members to select centers. Set the kitchen or cell phone timer for fifteen minutes. At the end of that time, direct the participants to choose a second c e n t e r. Reset the timer. Have the participants come back to the group when the time isup. (See pages 4–7 for information on setting up each learning center. )

Assessment of Next Steps (10 minutes)1. Ask for volunteers to name one thing they learned in exploring the centers. List on

newsprint all ideas mentioned.2. List on newsprint all nine topics covered in the leaflets. Ask participants which

topics they would like to explore further. Discuss the best ways to do this: a teacherstudy group, a scheduled day of training at the church, an online class, or otherideas for further study together. Determine what will be done to continue the learning and who will do it.

Closing (10 minutes)1. Evaluate the session. Ask these questions and have the participants answer orally or

in writing:• What were some of the things you learned today?• What are some ideas you want to continue to explore?• What will you do individually to continue improving as a teacher?• What do you wish we had done today or hope we will do in the future to help you

continue growing as a disciple of Jesus Christ?2. Sing together the hymn “Jesu, Jesu” (The United Methodist Hymnal, 432). Then end

with a closing prayer.


Materials• Set of What Every

Teacher Needs toK n o w leaflets foreach participant

• Photocopies of“Assessment Tool ”

• Pencils

Materials• Kitchen or cell phone

t i m e r• See descriptions for

additional materials

Materials• N e w s p r i n t• Felt-tip markers

Materials• Notebook paper• P e n c i l s• Hymnals

Page 4: What Every Teacher need to know --Orientation10-20-11 · What Every Teacher Needs to Know O R I E N TATION FOR NEW AND RETURNING TEAC H E R S Purpose At the end of this approximately


Materials• D e v e l o p m e n t

T h rough the LifeSpan (This develop-mental chart can bedownloaded from theGBOD website.)

• Seven pieces ofposterboard labeled:– Infants & toddlers– Ages 3 to 6– Ages 6 to 12– Ages 12 to 18– Ages 18 to 40– Ages 40 to 65– Ages 65 and older

• Notecards• Pencils• Yellow paper cut into

light bulb shapes• G l u e• Posterboard• Paper• Felt-tip markers• Magazines• Copies of “Group

D y n a m i c s ”

Materials• P e n c i l s• Hymnals• Paper• Bibles• N o t e c a r d s• Felt-tip markers

Learning CentersIn addition to the supplies listed, participants will use their What Every Teacher Needs

to Know leaflets in the centers. The directions for the learning centers can be photocopied,mounted on construction paper, and displayed in the center.

A People of GodRead the leaflet A People of God, and then do one or more of the following activities.1. Review the developmental chart found in this center. Concentrate on the age group

you teach. Using the notecards provided, make notes about the key characteristicsyou want to remember. Write a key characteristic of your age group on a light bulbshape; then glue it on the posterboard labeled with your age group.

2. Using the worksheet provided in this center, answer the questions about ways tohelp groups of people work with one another.

3. Using the paper and felt-tip markers provided, draw a picture that reflects something about where you were raised, your family, your home church, your generation, and/or something important from your racial/ethnic heritage. Post yourpicture at this center.

4. Read Matthew 22:34-39 in the Bible. Select one or two pictures from the maga-zines, tear them out, and glue them on the posterboard to represent ways we eitherinclude or exclude all of those whom God loves.

Your Place in the Faith StoryRead the leaflet Teachers Know Their Place in the Faith Story, and then do one or

more of the following activities.1. Find the Book of Psalms in your Bible. Read one or two of the following: Psalm

24; Psalm 68; Psalm 96; Psalm 125. Write on a notecard your responses to theseq u e s t i o n s :a. What is God like?b. How does God relate to humankind?

2. In the hymnal find the following: “O God, Our Help in Ages Past,” “AmazingGrace,” “I Sing a Song of the Saints of God,” “O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing.”Write on a notecard your responses to these questions, or discuss these questions with another person at this center:a. What do these hymns say to you about our faith story?b. Think of the students that you teach. How might you use these hymns in a lesson

with your class or group?3. Imagine that one of your regular class members has brought a non-Christian friend

to your class. Write on a notecard your responses to these questions, or discussthese questions with another person at this center:a. What could you do to include this guest in your class or group?b. With only a few minutes for conversation, what would you say to this guest about

the basics of the faith?4. On a piece of paper, draw a timeline with markers for each one hundred years, start-

ing with the birth of Christ and ending at the present. Now place on this timeline thekey events of our faith you have read about or know. Below the timeline list thoseevents you think are important but are not sure where they go.

Page 5: What Every Teacher need to know --Orientation10-20-11 · What Every Teacher Needs to Know O R I E N TATION FOR NEW AND RETURNING TEAC H E R S Purpose At the end of this approximately


Materials• P e n c i l s• Hymnals• Paper• Bible dictionary• Copies of “Seasons

of the Church Ye a r ”

Materials• Copies of “Matching

G a m e ”• The Book of

Discipline of TheUnited MethodistC h u rc h

• The Book ofResolutions of TheUnited MethodistC h u rc h

• Pencils• Copies of recent

n e w s p a p e r s

Materials• The U n i t e d

Methodist Book ofWo r s h i p marked atpage 227

• Several Bible t r a n s l a t i o n s

• Paper• Pencils• Concordance• Notecards• Bible dictionary• Bible atlas• One-volume

c o m m e n t a r y• Felt-tip markers

A Language of FaithRead the leaflet A S h o rt Glossary of Faith and Church Language, and then do one or

more of the following activities.1. Make a list of other words you wonder about. Using the Bible dictionary, find each

of your words and write the definition.2. Find the following in the hymnal: “Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God A l m i g h t y,” “God,

Whose Love Is Reigning O’er Us,” “Amazing Grace,” and “The A p o s t l e s ’ C r e e d . ”Make a list of terms contained in the creed and in the hymns that you think areimportant to know as a Christian. Now think about the group you teach. W h a twords would be difficult for them to understand? What are some ways you couldhelp them with the meanings of those words?

3. Complete the “Seasons of the Church Year” worksheet.

Understanding and Using the BibleRead the leaflet Understanding and Using the Bible. Using the lectionary in The Book

of Wo r s h i p, find the Old Testament, Psalm, Gospel, and Epistle reading for next Sunday.Do one or more of the following activities.

1. Choose one of the lectionary passages for next Sunday. Read this passage in twod i fferent translations of the Bible. Which do you prefer? Why? On a piece of paper,write the reference for the passage you read. Note the translation you prefer andw h y. Leave this note in the center for others to read.

2. Choose one of the lectionary passages for next Sunday. Choose one word from thepassage and use the concordance to find other Bible passages that include the sameword. List these references on a notecard provided at this center. Now chooseanother word or phrase from the passage. Look up the word or phrase in a Bibled i c t i o n a r y. Write your phrase and definition on a notecard and leave it at the centerfor others to read.

3. Choose one of the lectionary passages for next Sunday. Select one of the Biblestudy methods listed in Understanding and Using the Bible. Find a partner andstudy together the passage using the method you have selected.

Understanding The United Methodist ChurchRead the leaflet Understanding The United Methodist Church, and then do one or

more of the following activities.1. Take a walk through your church. What signs, symbols, books or other items do

you find that relate to United Methodist heritage, beliefs, and practices? Discusswith someone else what you value about The United Methodist Church.

2. Using the information in the leaflet and the other resources at this center, completethe matching game.

3. Read the front page of a recent newspaper. See if you can find anything in T h eBook of Resolutions that speaks to an issue on the front page.

Page 6: What Every Teacher need to know --Orientation10-20-11 · What Every Teacher Needs to Know O R I E N TATION FOR NEW AND RETURNING TEAC H E R S Purpose At the end of this approximately

Who Am I as a Teacher?Read the leaflet Who Am I as a Teacher?, and then do one or more of the

following activities.1. Read the story of Moses’ call to leadership in Exodus 3:1–4:17. Write on the paper

provided answers to the following questions:a. When you think about being a teacher, what are some of your concerns or

feelings that are like Moses’?b. What do you think you will need most to be an effective teacher this year?c. List three to five leadership traits you possess that will help you be an

e ffective teacher.2. Using the cloud shapes, write the names of three to five people who have been

witnesses to the Christian faith for you. Glue them on the posterboard. Say a silentprayer of thanks for each person you named.

3. Make a list of activities you can use with the group you teach. Select one new activity to use for each month of the teaching year. Write next to that activity themonth you will use the activity.

4. Read “The Primary Task of Every Congregation” in the leaflet. List three things youmight do in your class that relate to each of the four parts of the primary task.

Teachers as Spiritual Leaders and TheologiansRead the leaflet Teachers as Spiritual Leaders and Theologians, and then do one or

more of the following activities.1. Using the “Index of Topics and Categories” in the back of the The United Methodist

H y m n a l , find “Grace.” Read four of the hymns listed under this category; then writeyour answers to the following questions:a. Which hymn about grace has the most influence on your thinking about God?

Why is that so?b. How could you use music in your class or small group to teach about God’s

grace? List three to five ideas.2. Scan the statements in the section “Basic Theological Beliefs.” What would you

add? Which statements do not apply to you? On a piece of paper, write one questionyou have about God, Jesus, the church, and the Bible. Decide which question is themost important for you right now. During the next week, spend some time talkingwith others about your question.

3. Draw the story of your spiritual journey. Using a sheet of paper, put a circle in themiddle of the paper. Write your name in the circle. Coming out from the circle, listsignificant places, people, and events that have shaped your understanding of Godand what it means to be a Christian disciple. Link those activities (for example,places and people) that go together. Say a silent prayer of thanks for these thingsthat have shaped your faith.

4. Work with a partner on the “Biblical Reflection on Mary and Martha.”


Materials• B i b l e s• P a p e r• Felt-tip markers• Pencils• Pieces of paper cut

into cloud shapes (3 to 5 per person)

• Posterboard• Glue

Materials•The United MethodistH y m n a l

• P a p e r• Pencils• Copies of “Biblical

Reflection on Maryand Martha”

Page 7: What Every Teacher need to know --Orientation10-20-11 · What Every Teacher Needs to Know O R I E N TATION FOR NEW AND RETURNING TEAC H E R S Purpose At the end of this approximately

Teachers Live the FaithRead the leaflet Teachers Live the Faith, and then do one or more of the

following activities.1. Think about a teacher who was influential in your life. In what ways did that

teacher influence you? Write a short prayer asking God to help you use your powerof influence in ways that honor God and respect the worth of each class member.Place this prayer in your curriculum materials or class book and use it as you prepare to teach.

2. Find a partner and together read Romans 14:13. Recall a time when you thoughtsomeone was not listening to you. How was this a stumbling block for you?Consider the ways that lack of careful listening might be a stumbling block to aclass member’s faith. What does this mean for how you will plan to teach?

3. Choose one of the following Bible passages which describe a vision of people living together in a way that is pleasing to God: Isaiah 65:17-25; Matthew 5:3-11 ;Luke 1:49-53; Revelation 22:1-5. Use the felt-tip markers and paper at this center tocreate a picture of how this vision might look if carried out in your classroom.

Classroom EnvironmentRead the leaflet C l a s s room Environment, and then do one or more of the

following activities.1. Draw a map of your classroom. Identify arrangements or items that may present a

barrier to learning. Identify areas that may present a safety issue. List the things youwould like to remove from the room. List those things you would like to add to theroom. Identify who you would need to talk with or what you would need to do torespond to the items on your list.

2. Describe the rituals of your class to a partner. Identify what is being taught bothexplicitly and implicitly through these rituals.

3. On the posterboard titled “Wish List” add things that you wish were available inyour classroom. Add at least one thing that would be very easy to obtain and onething that might be very difficult. Brainstorm with others ways that the churchmight be able to respond to the wish list.


Materials• P a p e r• Pencils• B i b l e s• Felt-tip markers

Materials• P a p e r• Pencils• Felt-tip markers• Posterboard titled

“ Wish List”

© 2011 General Board of Discipleship of The United Methodist Church. All rights reserved.Permission is granted to reproduce this leaflet for educational use in local United Methodist congregations. Provided as a service of the General Board of Discipleship and funded throughWorld Service apportionment giving by local United Methodist congregations.

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the New RevisedStandard Version of the Bible, © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the NationalCouncil of the Churches of Christ in the USA. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Page 8: What Every Teacher need to know --Orientation10-20-11 · What Every Teacher Needs to Know O R I E N TATION FOR NEW AND RETURNING TEAC H E R S Purpose At the end of this approximately

Theology1 2 3 4 I experience God’s love and grace in my

l i f e .

1 2 3 4 I make connections between my personal experience and the Bible andthe Christian heritage.

1 2 3 4 I can help others make connectionsbetween their experience and the Bibleand the Christian heritage.

1 2 3 4 The way I teach is aligned with myunderstanding of God, Jesus, the HolySpirit, and the Church.

1 2 3 4 I understand the tenets of our Christiancreeds, such as the A p o s t l e s ’ C r e e d .

Teaching1 2 3 4 I understand that I teach in response to a

call from God, and I know that I neverenter a classroom alone, for God isalways present with me.

1 2 3 4 I understand that one of my primaryroles as a teacher is to model theChristian faith to the best of my ability.

1 2 3 4 I believe the role of a teacher is not onlyto share information but also to createan environment where God can trans-form us into the people God wants us tob e .

1 2 3 4 I understand how the primary task of thelocal congregation relates to my role asa teacher.

1 2 3 4 I know that people prefer diff e r e n tlearning styles, and I am able to incorporate these different styles intomy lesson plans.

1 2 3 4 I use a wide variety of methods in myteaching, and I am able to adapt them tothe preferences of my class.

Bible1 2 3 4 I can easily find passages in the Bible.

1 2 3 4 I know how to use a concordance, Bibled i c t i o n a r y, Bible atlas, and commentary.

1 2 3 4 I know which books of the Bible are considered Law, Prophets, Wr i t i n g s ,Gospels, History, Letters, and Revelation.

1 2 3 4 I follow a plan for personal Bible study.

1 2 3 4 I can describe what authority the Biblehas for my life.

1 2 3 4 I am aware of how my views of theauthority of Scripture influence myt e a c h i n g .

Living the Faith1 2 3 4 I know I have the power to influence

others, and I use this power wisely.

1 2 3 4 I live as a Christian disciple knowing Iam an example to others in all aspects ofmy life.

1 2 3 4 As a teacher, I listen to students in orderto know what and how to teach.

1 2 3 4 I use a variety of classroom manage-ment techniques as a way to managediscipline issues.

1 2 3 4 I can explain how what I believe isdirectly connected to my attitudes anda c t i o n s .

1 2 3 4 I am willing to take action because ofwhat I believe, even if that risks disagreements with friends or others inmy community.


Assessment ToolRead each statement; then circle the number that best describes your situation.

1 = Not at all, 2 = Somewhat, 3 = Mostly, 4 = DefinitelyThen circle the topics in which you have mostly ones or twos. These are areas that you may want to focus on.

Start by reading the corresponding What Every Teacher Needs to Know l e a f l e t .

© 2011 General Board of Discipleship of The United Methodist Church.Permission is granted to photocopy this page for local church use in teacher training.

Page 9: What Every Teacher need to know --Orientation10-20-11 · What Every Teacher Needs to Know O R I E N TATION FOR NEW AND RETURNING TEAC H E R S Purpose At the end of this approximately

Assessment Tool—p.2The United Methodist Church1 2 3 4 I know the history of The United

Methodist Church and can teach thisrich legacy to others.

1 2 3 4 I know and live out the mission of thec h u r c h .

1 2 3 4 I understand the meaning and impact ofour connectional system.

1 2 3 4 I understand and can explain to othersthe organizational structure of T h eUnited Methodist Church.

1 2 3 4 I can explain the United Methodistunderstanding of grace.

1 2 3 4 I understand the “We s l e y a nQuadrilateral” and use it as a guide fordecision making.

People1 2 3 4 I have a deep knowledge of the

characteristics, needs, and life stage ofthe age level I teach.

1 2 3 4 I match my teaching methods to thelearning styles of my group.

1 2 3 4 I understand how groups work andadapt my teaching to group dynamics.

1 2 3 4 I treat each person in my class as achild of God and recognize the uniqueness of each one.

1 2 3 4 I recognize the importance of family inthe life of each person in my group andteach with an understanding of the various forms of families today.

1 2 3 4 I understand how different generationshave experienced various life events.

Faith Language1 2 3 4 I know that the church has its own

language to describe the experience ofthe church and faith.

1 2 3 4 I know and can use words that describethe place where we worship and the articles of worship.

1 2 3 4 I know and can use words that signifythe seasons of the church year.

1 2 3 4 I know and can use words that describeGod and the relationship human beingshave with God.

1 2 3 4 I use appropriate faith language withthe group I lead.

Classroom Environment1 2 3 4 I know my group members’ n a m e s .

1 2 3 4 I know how to arrange the space whereI teach so that it is appropriate for thegroup I teach.

1 2 3 4 I know how to create a space for grow-ing in worship and spiritual practices.

1 2 3 4 I know what basic supplies are neededfor the age group I teach.

1 2 3 4 I know what to do to create a safe spacefor the age group I teach.

Christian Heritage1 2 3 4 I know about our foremothers and fore-

fathers of the faith and feel confidentabout telling others that information.

1 2 3 4 I have a variety of images of God,Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

1 2 3 4 I feel confident in explaining to peoplecompletely new to the Christian faithwho we are as Christians.

1 2 3 4 I understand what we mean when wecall someone a disciple and understandmy place in the disciple-makingp r o c e s s .

1 2 3 4 I can identify hymns that help to tell ourfaith story.


© 2011 General Board of Discipleship of The United Methodist Church.Permission is granted to photocopy this page for local church use in teacher training.

Page 10: What Every Teacher need to know --Orientation10-20-11 · What Every Teacher Needs to Know O R I E N TATION FOR NEW AND RETURNING TEAC H E R S Purpose At the end of this approximately

Purpose of Christian Education

Through Christian education weinvite people and communities offaith to be transformed as they areinspired and challenged to:

• Know and experience Godthrough Jesus Christ,

• Claim and live God’s promises, and

• Grow and serve as Christian disciples.

1 0

From Foundations: Shaping the Ministry of Christian Education in Your Congre g a t i o n .© 2010 by the General Board of Discipleship. Available for download at www. g b o d . o rg

© 2011 General Board of Discipleship of The United Methodist Church.Permission is granted to photocopy this page for local church use in teacher training.

Page 11: What Every Teacher need to know --Orientation10-20-11 · What Every Teacher Needs to Know O R I E N TATION FOR NEW AND RETURNING TEAC H E R S Purpose At the end of this approximately

Group Dynamics

1. Estimate the number of people you will have in your group each week.

2. Write here the amount of time you will have with your group each week.

3. List things that make your group unique (taking into account history, culture, communication styles, and so forth).

4. List things you need to know about the group in order to teach them eff e c t i v e l y.

5. List five strategies that will help ensure that all in your age group will have a chance to participate.

1 1

© 2011 General Board of Discipleship of The United Methodist Church.Permission is granted to photocopy this page for local church use in teacher training.

Page 12: What Every Teacher need to know --Orientation10-20-11 · What Every Teacher Needs to Know O R I E N TATION FOR NEW AND RETURNING TEAC H E R S Purpose At the end of this approximately

Seasons of the Church Year

1. Number the following in order, starting with the beginning of the church year and continuing to the beginning of a new year:

___ Lent

___ Pentecost

___ Season after Pentecost___ Epiphany

___ Easter

___ A d v e n t___ Season after the Epiphany

___ Christmas

2. On the list above, write beside the name of each season the color of the season.

3. On the list above, write beside the name of each season one symbol of the season.

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© 2011 General Board of Discipleship of The United Methodist Church.Permission is granted to photocopy this page for local church use in teacher training.

Page 13: What Every Teacher need to know --Orientation10-20-11 · What Every Teacher Needs to Know O R I E N TATION FOR NEW AND RETURNING TEAC H E R S Purpose At the end of this approximately

Column A____ 1. To do no harm, to do good, and to attend upon

the ordinances of God

____ 2. The mission of The United Methodist Church

____ 3. The connectional system

____ 4. The Book of Discipline____ 5. The Book of Resolutions____ 6. All Christians

____ 7. Bishops____ 8. Elders and deacons

____ 9. Local pastors

Column Ba. John We s l e y ’s General Rules for the earliest

Methodist societies

b. The official statements of doctrine and polity of T h eUnited Methodist Church

c. To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world

d. The official statements that describe The UnitedMethodist Church’s vision for the world and itsc o m m u n i t i e s

e. Ordained ministers who serve in a variety ofappointed relationships to the church

f. Called by baptism to a ministry of servanthood in the world

g. The episcopal leaders of The United MethodistC h u r c h

h. Non-ordained, licensed ministers appointed to serveas pastors in charge of churches

i. A unique organizational structure that enables localUnited Methodist churches to function as vital partsof the global United Methodist Church

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Matching GameMatch the correct definitions in Column B with Column A


© 2011 General Board of Discipleship of The United Methodist Church.Permission is granted to photocopy this page for local church use in teacher training.

Page 14: What Every Teacher need to know --Orientation10-20-11 · What Every Teacher Needs to Know O R I E N TATION FOR NEW AND RETURNING TEAC H E R S Purpose At the end of this approximately

Biblical Reflection on Mary and MarthaNow as they went on their way, he entered a certain village, where a woman named Mart h a

welcomed him into her home. She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord ’s feet and listened to what he was saying. But Martha was distracted by her many tasks; so she came to himand asked, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell herthen to help me.” But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and distractedby many things; there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will notbe taken away from her.” (Luke 10:38-42)

1. Now as they went on their way, he entered a certain village, where a woman named Mart h awelcomed him into her home. In what ways do you welcome Jesus? In what ways do you need to welcome Jesus?

2. She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord ’s feet and listened to what he was saying. What does it mean for you to listen to Jesus? What helps you listen? What hinders you from listening?

3. But Martha was distracted by her many tasks; so she came to him and asked, “Lord, do younot care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself?”What tends to you distract you? What distractions do you bring with you today?

4. M a ry has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her. How would you define the better part? When have you chosen the better part? What do you need to do in order to choose the better part?

5. What does this story tell us about who Jesus is and what kind of relationship we can have with him?

6. How can this story inform how you teach and learn with your group?

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© 2011 General Board of Discipleship of The United Methodist Church.Permission is granted to photocopy this page for local church use in teacher training.

Scripture quotations are from the New Revised Standard Version of theBible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of the National Council of Churches ofChrist in the USA. All rights reserved. Used by permission.