what happened to those 6000 persons out of 18,657 who had surrendered

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  • 8/10/2019 What Happened to Those 6000 Persons Out of 18,657 Who Had Surrendered


    What Happened To Those 6000 PersonsOut Of 18,657 Who Had Surrendered?

    | by L!nnadoure

    " #o$e%ber 1, &01', (henna), Sr) Lan*a +uard)an -n or about .une &01' the Sr)

    Lan*an !r%y has announ/ed that a those ho ha$e been e)ther /aptured by the !r%y

    or surrendered before )t at the br)n* of the ar oud be reeased 1002 fro% )ts

    /ustody The Sr) Lan*an +o$ern%ent )n)t)ay has )n )ts off)/)a report sa)d that the

    !r%y had /aptured 18,657 peope as pr)soners of ar and the sa)d f)3ure has been ater

    redu/ed to 1&,000 persons ony for so%e reasons *non to )t and therefore the parents

    of the pr)soners of ar ho ha$e entrusted the)r sons and dau3hters on the assuran/eof the)r ear)er safe return, ha$e been ta*en aba/* and they ha$e /o%e to rea)4e that

    the +o$ern%ent has fa)ed to *eep )ts pro%)se and as a resut the parents of the

    pr)soners of ar are )n utter despa)r and /onsternat)on and aa)t )n the fond hope that

    the)r sons and dau3hters oud return ho%e safey and e aso /o%e a/ross the

    a33r)e$ed fa%))es ha$)n3 a)d /o%pa)nt before the Pres)dent)a (o%%)ss)on To

    -n$est)3ate -nto (o%pa)nt e3ard)n3 )ss)n3 Persons to f)nd out and se/ure the)r

    sons and dau3hters The #atha%/o% Ta%) eb s)te has pub)shed a p)/ture on

    66&01' h)/h )s )nserted beo and the sa)d p)/ture has purportedy been /aptured )n

    a %ob)e phone We f)nd the 6 persons and a %)nor boy ho are the ones a%on3 &&persons found )n the other p)/tures

  • 8/10/2019 What Happened to Those 6000 Persons Out of 18,657 Who Had Surrendered


    Th)s p)/ture shos 6 /apt)$es aon3 )th a %)nor boy and the aforesa)d %)nor boy

    oud not be %ore than 1& years od and the )nno/ent oo*)n3 boy oud not ha$e

    thou3ht then that he oud be *)ed

    The LTT (o%batants ho had been assured of the)r safety and reease on /ond)t)on

    of surrender and the non (o%batant youths both %ae and fe%ae ho on susp)/)on of

    LTT /onne/t)on ere se3re3ated fro% a%on3 the /)$))ans ho had fed )n fear andfor safety of the)r persons fro% the onsau3ht of hea$y art)er)es and bo%bard%ents

    /a%e )nto the hands of the Sr) Lan*an !r%y and )t )s be)n3 sa)d that the parents

    the%se$es had entrusted the)r /h)dren for safe /ustody to the !r%y on the 17th

    %orn)n3 of ay &00 and these /apt)$es ho under the status of pr)soners of the ar

    had been boarded )n buses and they ere ta*en to %))tary /a%ps The !th)r$u /o%

    Ta%) Web s)te has posted a nes )te% on 19th ar/h &01& )th the foo)n3 p)/tures

    h)/h sho the /orpses of

    pr)soners of ar ere be)n3 /arted aay )n tra/tor: tra)er and )n a probab))ty to be

    )n/)nerated or to be bur)ed en %asse and su/h %ass 3ra$es ha$e be3un to surfa/e one

    after another re/enty and the eader of #a$a Sa%a; po)t)/a party r

  • 8/10/2019 What Happened to Those 6000 Persons Out of 18,657 Who Had Surrendered


    h)/h re%a)ned an )dent)f)/at)on %ar* a aon3 The fu3)t)$e sod)ers fro% the !r%ed

    for/es see%ed to ha$e re$eaed the se/ret that the bod)es of the pr)soners of ar ho

    ere e@tra ;ud)/)ousy shot dead ere burnt ut)%atey !nother set of p)/tures h)/h

    are 3)$en beo are )n*s to the $)deo perta)n)n3 the popuar a/tress and propa3and)st

    h)/h /a%e to be pub)shed and the sa)d $)deo ends )th the s/ene of -sa) Pr)ya as

    be)n3 ta*en aay by a 3roup of sod)ers ed by a nude %an probaby to a %))tarybun*er and the nude p)/tures of -sa) Pr)ya h)/h ha$e been a$a)abe on so%e eb

    s)tes 3)$e r)se to an op)n)on that she as str)pped na*ed, raped and ra$)shed e$en after

    be)n3 shot dead

    Here are yet three %ore p)/tures h)/h are sa)d to ha$e been /aptured )n %ob)e phone

    h)/h are a$a)abe )n the pub)/ do%a)n

  • 8/10/2019 What Happened to Those 6000 Persons Out of 18,657 Who Had Surrendered


    There are about && pr)soners of ar hose hands ere t)ed beh)nd the)r ba/* and a of

    the% then bound to3ether and %ost of the% re%a)ned str)pped off the)r dress and one

    of the% be)n3 a 3)r ho %)3ht ha$e been the a3e of -sa) pr)ya and a these peope

    ere shot dead subseuentyThe ounded %)nor boy ho% e ha$e seen )n the f)rst p)/ture )s found s)tt)n3 bes)de

    the 3)r ho as be)n3 )fted by a sod)er and she /oud be seen s)tt)n3 bes)de -sa) pr)ya

    )n the %))tary bun*er h)/h fort)f)es the /a)% of the peope that -sa) pr)ya as e@tra

    ;ud)/)ay *)ed by the !r%y %en ho oud rebut su/h a /a)% )thout /o%pun/t)on

    and state that -sa)pr)ya as *)ed )n the /ross f)re

    The 3)r found )n the p)/tures and ho ater as seen s)tt)n3 bes)de -sa) pr)ya )n the

    %))tary bun*er as )dent)f)ed as one Asha)n) and !r%y -nte)3en/e )n3 ater

    see%ed to ha$e )nterro3ated her parents The aforesa)d Asha)n) as ha))n3 fro% the

    $)a3e Bo3apura%, aa$), ua)d)$e C)str)/t and her parents ere one +una)n3a%

    and Se$a an) ho had stated that the)r dau3hter as pursu)n3 her s/hoo edu/at)on

    hen she ent %)ss)n3 )n the be3)nn)n3 of &00 and that they ha$e had ast seen the)r

    dau3hter )n the /ustody of the !r%y hen they the%se$es ere present )n the !r%y

    /ontroed area and ater they had 3)$en representat)on to Pres)dent)a (o%%)ss)on To

    -n$est)3ate -nto (o%pa)nt e3ard)n3 )ss)n3 Persons to f)nd and 3et the)r dau3hter

    for the%

    The Parents of Asha)n) ho the%se$es happened to be )n an)/* Dor%

    /on/entrat)on /a%p, (hett)*ua% ha$e been tod of the nes )te% h)/h appeared onthe eb s)te sho)n3 her dau3hter s)tt)n3 bes)de -sa) Pr)ya and therefore they thou3ht

    that the)r dau3hter as st) a)$e but the)r hopefu e@pe/tat)on oud be bro*en

    asunder )f they happened to see the foo)n3 p)/ture , for the sa)d p)/ture oud a

    sho/*)n3 re$eat)on of the death of the)r dau3hter hose body ay bes)de the ounded

    %)nor boy ho as aso shot dead The other p)/ture shos that -sa) Pr)ya and bod)es

    of && persons ay stren about the pa/e

  • 8/10/2019 What Happened to Those 6000 Persons Out of 18,657 Who Had Surrendered


    The !r%y spo*esperson has ob;e/ted stat)n3 that the !r%y does not *no anyth)n3about the p)/tures of -sa)pr)ya and Asha)n) and the /a)% propounded by the !r%y )s

    )n/orre/t be/ause the !r%y has aready /onf)r%ed the )dent)ty of the 3)r Asha)n) ho

    )s seen s)tt)n3 bes)de -sa)pr)ya ye )tness a//ounts re$ea that !r%y had ta*en %ore

    than 1000 o%en as ar /apt)$es ho ere suspe/ted of so%e /onne/t)on )th LTT

    and a substant)a nu%ber of the fe%ae /apt)$es are sa)d to be )n the /ustody of the

    !r%y and the fe%ae /apt)$es are be)n3 used )n appeas)n3 the /arna )nst)n/t of the

    sod)ers and so%e of the% are no )th /h)dren born to the%

    The photos )nserted beo ha$e appeared on the #eruda/o% eb s)te h)/h shothat the pr)soners of ar ere found to ha$e been hand /uffed and fastened to the

    hand ra) of the bus seat and ater the 1st of the persons found )n the photo had been

    found tethered to a /o/onut tree and he as be)n3 tortured to death )tte and by )tte

    and the !r%y personne d)d not spare h)% e$en after h)s death and )n fa/t h)s head as

    be)n3 hed upr)3ht so as to enabe )t to pose for the %ob)e phone )n order to sho as a

    ar trophy and bra3 about ha$)n3 *)ed an ea% Ta%)

  • 8/10/2019 What Happened to Those 6000 Persons Out of 18,657 Who Had Surrendered


    The An)ted #at)ons Hu%an )3hts (oun/) has %andated by )ts resout)on the /ondu/t

    of /o%prehens)$e )n$est)3at)on on a aspe/ts of $)oat)ons and abuses of hu%an r)3hts

    and ar /r)%es /o%%)tted by the part)es to the ar and part)es to the ar %ust

    )n/ude the /ountr)es h)/h ha$e openy or surrept)ousy abetted Sr) Lan*a )n the

    /o%%)ss)on of ar /r)%es and as e the /ountr)es h)/h had a/t)$ey ass)sted )n thear )n ha$)n3 supp)ed eapons and %))tary personne and s)n/e a these /ountr)es

    had *no)n3y aoed Sr) Lan*a to /ondu/t a ar )thout )tnesses they are d)re/ty

    or $)/ar)ousy a//ountabe for the 3eno/)de /o%%)tted on the ea% Ta%)s and

    /o%%)ss)on of ar /r)%es and hu%an r)3hts $)oat)ons The dearth of authent)/ and

    $a)d %ater)a e$)den/e h)/h are /o%)n3 forth fro% t)%e to t)%e )n the pub)/ do%a)n

    are be)n3 den)ed by the Sr) Lan*an +o$ern%ent and !r%y and they oud /a)% that

    su/h %ater)as are fa*e, do/tored and %an)puated and e ea$e the uest)on of

  • 8/10/2019 What Happened to Those 6000 Persons Out of 18,657 Who Had Surrendered


    authent)/)ty and $a)d)ty of the photos, $)deos and other do/u%ents to the )se

    de/)s)on and ;ud3%ent of the peope ho are at/h)n3 the unfod)n3 of the se/rets of

    the ar h)/h as /ondu/ted )thout eye )tness and the e@perts appo)nted )

    /erta)ny anayse the 3enu)neness or spur)ousness of the %ater)a e$)den/e h)/h ha$e

    /o%e )nto the)r hands

    When on/e the a33r)e$ed part)es sub%)t %ater)as )n/r)%)nat)n3 the !r%y and the

    +o$ern%ent h)/h deny the authent)/)ty of the %ater)as and hod that the %ater)as

    are fa*e then the proper /ourse oud be appo)nt%ent of an )ndependent -nternat)ona

    body )th a d)re/t)on to as/erta)n the $era/)ty or other)se of the %ater)as and

    ;ust)f)aby the An)ted #at)ons Hu%an )3hts (oun/) has /onst)tuted OH(H

    -n$est)3at)on on Sr) Lan*a to )n$est)3ate the $era/)ty of the ae3at)ons on the part of

    e)ther party desp)te st)ff res)stan/e posed by Sr) Lan*a and )ts a)es support)n3 )t and

    no the Sr) Lan*an +o$ern%ent )s defy)n3 the %andate of An)ted #at)ons Hu%an

    )3hts (oun/) out r)3ht and )t has passed a resout)on )n the par)a%ent to the effe/t

    that )t oud not ao the /o%%)ttee to enter Sr) Lan*a and hate$er be the %er)ts of

    )ts /a)%, Sr) Lan*a )s pre/uded fro% a/t)n3 )n open def)an/e of the %andate of An)ted

    #at)ons Hu%an )3hts (oun/) and s)n/e the stan/e on the part of Sr) Lan*a be)n3 so,

    then A#O shoud not 3)$e any aud)en/e or sho any )bera)ty or )ndu3en/e

    hatsoe$er to Sr) Lan*a )n any of )ts foru%s unt) the +o$ern%ent /o%p)es )th and

    /ooperates )th the e@pert /o%%)ttee )n the )n$est)3at)on and )f so ne/ess)tated the

    A#O %ay aso suspend the Sr) Lan*aEs fro% %e%bersh)p

    The /ountr)es h)/h had ass)sted the Sr) Lan*an ar%ed for/es shoud ha$e seen to the

    safe /ustody of the /apt)$es and ta*en /are of by a neutra /ountry as per )nternat)onaa or at east any one a%on3 the% ou3ht to ha$e ta*en /ustody of the pr)soners of ar

    be/ause %ore than &0 /ountr)es openy ass)sted Sr) Lan*a to ann)h)ate ea% Ta%)s

    at any /ost and as the pr)soners of ar ere aoed to be hu%))ated and *)ed e@tra

    ;ud)/)ousy by the Sr) Lan*an for/es then a of the% are a//ountabe for the %urder of

    the /apt)$es and as e a *no that *))n3 %e%bers of the 3roup h)/h fou3ht for

    the)r e3)t)%ate r)3ht )s 3eno/)de then the ea% Ta%)s and the Ta%)s a o$er ord

    are hopefu and they are $ery /erta)n that the -nternat)ona =ody ) prose/ute the

    persons ho had /o%%)tted 3eno/)de The sod)ers and so%e of the)r off)/ers ho

    *)ed the && persons )n/ud)n3 the %)nor boy are eas)y )dent)f)abe )n the p)/tures andtherefore the Sr) Lan*an +o$ern%ent %ust ta*e steps to prose/ute the% for %urder

    The Sr) Lan*an +o$ern%ent and the !r%ed for/es are duty bound to entrust the /are

    of /h)dren to a neutra /ounty and to ha$e *)ed the% by ay of repr)sa shoud sho/*

    the /ons/)en/e of r)3ht th)n*)n3 peope and the /ountr)es h)/h st) support Sr) Lan*a

    h)/h )s st) a/t)n3 a3a)nst and )ndu3)n3 )n open def)an/e of the d)re/t)$es of An)ted

    #at)on Hu%an )3hts (oun/) shoud ha$e fa/))tated the re/ept)on of the /apt)$es

    )n/ud)n3 the %)nors The /apt)$es both %ae and fe%ae shoud ha$e been hu%aney

  • 8/10/2019 What Happened to Those 6000 Persons Out of 18,657 Who Had Surrendered


    treated and prote/ted fro% $)oen/e but on the /ontrary the /apt)$es ere denuded,

    hu%))ated and f)nay shot dead and fe%ae /apt)$es str)pped of the)r dress, raped and

    ere shot dead So%e t)%es )t so happened that the /apt)$es ere %ade to dress and

    appear )n the Sr) Lan*an ))tary un)for% as as e$)dent )n the /ase of (oone

    a%esh so as to hu%))ate, sub;u3ate h)s sef respe/t and $)oate hu%an d)3n)ty

    The Sr) Lan*an +o$ern%ent ) ha$e to stop re)terat)on of den)a of perpetrat)on of

    3eno/)de on ea% Ta%)s, /o%%)ss)on of ar /r)%es and et/, and str)$e to a//ount

    for the fate of 6000 %en and o%en out of 18,657 ho ere ta*en /apt)$es at the f)na

    days of the ar and )t )s $ery %u/h /erta)n that no use oud ensue or ser$e any

    purpose )f the Sr) Lan*an +o$ern%ent /ont)nues to pose anta3on)st)/ att)tude toards

    or a3a)nst the /ountr)es h)/h ha$e been )nstru%enta )n br)n3)n3 about the ;ust)f)abe

    resout)on and )t %ay do e by restra)n)n3 )tsef fro% do)n3 any a/t of def)an/e and

    part)/)pate )n the )n$est)3at)on

    =ut on the other hand the Sr) Lan*an +o$ern%ent has stepped up %easures of

    repress)on and oppress)on a3a)nst %ed)a persons at present, /urta)s freedo% of press,

    arrests persons ho are about to sub%)t /o%pa)nts and %ater)as to O-SL, pre$ents

    /)r/uat)on of nes papers, pre$ents free entry )nto #orth and ast of Sr) Lan*a,

    at/hes o$er -nternet /enters to pre$ent the send)n3 of sub%)ss)ons and sends out

    threats and )nt)%)dat)on and )n a the Sr) Lan*an +o$ern%ent )ndu3es )n %any

    unafu a/t)$)t)es )th the hep of thu3s, po)/e and %))tary and )n $)e su/h an

    e@)3en/y of s)tuat)on an e@tens)on of t)%e to sub%)t %ater)as )s sou3ht for fro% so%e

    uarters and therefore )t sha be e@ped)ent )n the )nterest of a33r)e$ed part)es to

    e@tend t)%e so as to enabe the% to sub%)t the)r representat)on and %ater)as to O-SL+ratefu a/*noed3e%ents to !th)r$u/o%, #eruda(o%, #atha%/o%

    Posted by Tha$a%
