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  • 8/13/2019 What is FRET


    What is FRET?

    Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) is a process involving the radiationless

    transfer of energy from a donor fluorophore to an appropriately positioned acceptor

    fluorophore. FRET can occur when the emission spectrum of a donor fluorophore

    significantly overlaps (>30%) the absorption spectrum of an acceptor (seeFigure 1),

    provided that the donor and acceptor fluorophores dipoles are in favorable mutual

    orientation. Because the efficiency of energy transfer varies inversely with the sixth

    power of the distance separating the donor and acceptor fluorophores, the distance over

    which FRET can occur is limited to between 1-10 nm. When the spectral, dipole

    orientation, and distance criteria are satisfied, illumination of the donor fluorophore

    results in sensitized fluorescence emission from the acceptor, indicating that the tagged

    proteins are separated by

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    approach of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) microscopy, this

    information can be obtained from single living cells with nanometer resolution.

    FRET microscopy relies on the ability to capture weak and transient fluorescent signals

    efficiently and rapidly from the interactions of labeled molecules in single living or

    fixed cells. The occurrence of FRET signal (sensitized signal) can be verified by

    acquiring the two-emission signal bands of the double labeled cells excited with donor

    wavelength. If FRET occurs the donor channel signal will be quenched and the acceptorchannel signal will be sensitized or increased. In principle, the measurement of FRET in

    a microscope can provide the same information that is available from the more common

    macroscopic solution measurements of FRET; however, FRET microscopy has the

    additional advantage that the spatial distribution of FRET efficiency can be visualized

    throughout the image, rather than registering only an average over the entire cell or

    population. Because energy transfer occurs over distances of 1-10 nm, a FRET signal

    corresponding to a particular location within a microscope image provides an additional

    magnification surpassing the optical resolution (~0.25 mm) of the light microscope.

    Thus, within a voxel of microscopic resolution, FRET resolves average donor-acceptor

    distances beyond the microscopic limit down to the molecular scale. This is one of the

    principal and unique benefits of FRET for microscopic imaging: not only colocalization

    of the donor- and acceptor-labeled probes within ~0.09 mm2 can be seen, but intimate

    interactions of molecules labeled with donor and acceptor can be demonstrated. Several

    FRET techniques exist based on wide-field, confocaland 2p microscopy as well as

    FRET/FLIM, each with its own advantage and disadvantage. All FRET microscopy

    systems require neutral density filters to control the excitation light intensity, a stable

    excitation light source (Hg or Xe or combination arc lamp; UV, Visible or Infrared

    lasers), a heated stage or a chamber to maintain the cell viability and appropriate filter

    sets (excitation, emission, and dichroic) for the selected fluorophore pair. It is important

    to carefully select filter combinations that reduce the spectral bleed through (SBT) to

    improve the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio for the FRET signals.


    The widely used donor and acceptor fluorophores for FRET studies come from a class

    of autofluorescent proteins, called Green Fluorescent Proteins (GFPs). The

    spectroscopic properties that are carefully considered in selecting GFPs as workable

    FRET pairs include: sufficient separation in excitation spectra for selective stimulation

    of the donor GFP, an overlap (>30%) between the emission spectrum of the donor and

    the excitation spectrum of the acceptor to obtain efficient energy transfer and reasonable

    separation in emission spectra between donor and acceptor GFPs to allow independent

    measurement of the fluorescence of each fluorophore. GFP-based FRET imaging

    methods have been instrumental in determining the compartmentalization and

    functional organization of living cells and for tracing the movement of proteins inside


    There are number of combination of FRET pair can be used depending on the biological

    applications. Selected popular FRET pair fluorophore are - CFP-YFP, CFP-dsRED,

    BFP-GFP, GFP or YFP-dsRED, Cy3-Cy5, Alexa488-Alexa555, Alexa488-Cy3, FITC-

    Rhodamine (TRITC), YFP-TRITC or Cy3, etc. You can find the FRET Pair Spctra from


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    Problems with FRET microscopy Imaging

    One of the important conditions for FRET to occur is the overlap of the emissionspectrum of the donor with the absorption spectrum of the acceptor. As a result of

    spectral overlap, the FRET signal is always contaminated by donor emission into the

    acceptor channel and by the excitation of acceptor molecules by the donor excitation

    wavelength (see Figure 1). Both of these signals are termed spectral bleed-through

    (SBT) signal into the acceptor channel. In principle, the SBT signal is same for 1p- or

    2p-FRET microscopy. In addition to SBT, the FRET signals in the acceptor channel

    also require correction for spectral sensitivity variations in donor and acceptor c

    hannels, autofluorescence, and detector and optical noise, which contaminate the FRET

    signal. How to correct the contaminated signals is explained in data process part.


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    Any fluorescence microscope (inverted or upright) can be converted to W-FRET

    microscopy. There are number of papers listed in the literature for various protein

    studies using W-FRET system (Day, 1998; Day et al, 2003; Gordon et al, 1998; Jovinand Arndt-Jovin, 1989; Kam et al, 1995; Kraynov et al., 2000; Periasamy and Day,

    1999; Varma and Mayor, 1998). For W-FRET it is advisable to use a single dichroic to

    acquire the donor (D) and acceptor (A) images for the donor excitation wavelength in

    the double-labeled specimen. This can be achieved by using excitation and emission

    filter wheels in the microscope system. This option helps to reduce any spatial shift of

    donor and acceptor channel images, since the processed FRET image is obtained

    through pixel-by-pixel calculation as described in the FRET data analysis section.

    Even though W-FRET microscopy is the simplest and most widely used technique,

    there is a major limitation to W-FRET in that the emission signals originating from

    above and below the focal plane contribute to out-of-focus signals that reduce the

    contrast and seriously degrade the image. Digital deconvolutionmicroscopy in the W-FRET system helps to localize the proteins at different optical sections, but this requires

    intensive computational process to remove the out-of-focus information from the optical

    sectioned FRET images (Periasamy and Day, 1998 and 1999). For protein interactions

    taking place homogeneously over a wider area of a cell (e.g. nucleus), W-FRET is an

    entirely suitable technique.

    Confocal Theory

    Confocal Microscopy is rapidly gaining acceptance as an important technology owing

    to its capability to produce images free of out-of-focus information. In a conventional

    epi-fluorescence microscope, the entire object is exposed to excitation light and the

    emission collected by high NA objectives comes from throughout the specimen,whether above or below the focal plane. This seriously degrades the image by reducing

    the contrast and sharpness. In confocal microscopy out-of-focus information (blur) is

    removed. In addition, confocal microscopy provides a significant improvement in

    lateral resolution and the capacity for direct, non-invasive serial optical sectioning of

    intact, thick living specimens.

    Confocal Microscopy was introduced in 1957. Most confocal microscopes are of two

    types: (1) stage-scanning (SSCM), and (2) laser scanning (LSCM). The SSCM is

    assembled on an epi-illuminated microscope employing a stationary laser as an

    excitation source, a photomultiplier as the detector and a specimen holder (stage) which

    moves and thus allows the specimen to be "rapidly" scanned in the X-Y plane. A pin-

    hole in the emission path coupled with a high NA (1.4) objective lens removes out-of-

    focus information and sharply improves the contrast. However, SSCM requires a

    relatively long period of time (~10 sec) to acquire a single image. Thus the SSCM can

    be used satisfactorily for fixed specimens or microelectronic circuits, but not for the live

    specimens where dynamic events are occuring.

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    Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy

    Many investigators designed confocal microscopes for use with live specimens to image

    dynamic events in which a fixed microscope stage is scanned by a laser beam using a

    rotating disk or mirror galvanometers. LSCM generates a clear, thin image (512 X 512)free from out-of-focus information within 2 or 3 seconds. A single diffraction-limited

    spot of light is projected on the specimen using a high numerical aperture objective lens

    and the light reflected or fluoresced by the specimen is collected by the objective and

    focused upon a pinhole aperture and the signal detected by a photomultiplier. Light

    originating from above or below the image plane strikes the walls of the pinhole and is

    not transmitted to the detector. To generate a two-dimensional image, the laser beam is

    scanned across the specimen pixel-by-pixel. To produce an image using LSCM, the

    laser beam must be moved in a regular two-dimensional raster scan across the specimen

    and the instantaneous response of the photomultiplier must be displayed with equivalent

    spatial resolution and relative brightness at all points on the synchronously scanned

    phosphor screen of a CRT monitor.

    For a three-dimensional projection of a specimen one needs to collect a series of images

    at different Z-axis planes. The vertical spatial resolution is approximately 0.5um for a

    40X 1.3 NA objective. Three-dimensional image reconstruction can be accomplished

    with many commercially available software systems.

    The photomultiplier tube (PMT) used in LSCM has highly desirable characteristics

    compared to video cameras: (1) stability; (2) low noise; (3) very large dynamic range (>

    1 million fold); (4) sensitivity; (5) wide range of spectral resonse; (6) rapid response;

    and (7) small physical size. The PMT has a low quantum efficiency (QE) of about 30%

    and in the red wavelengths about 3% and produces very low background noise signal.

    The alternative, a cooled-PIN photodiode, has a QE of 60-80% but an equivalent noise

    level of about 100 photons/pixel so that it is not useful for weak signals. The optimumselection of pinhole size is important in the compromise between intensity (brightness)

    and thickness of the slice observed. For instruments with variable pinholes, an optimum

    pinhole diameter should be determined empirically to provide the best combination of

    brightness and slice thickness.

    Laser scanning confocal FRET (C-FRET) microscopy overcomes the limitation of out-

    of focus information owing to its capability of rejecting signals from outside the focal

    plane and acquire the signal in real-time (Kenworthy et al, 2000; Pozo et al, 2002;

    Wallrabe et al, 2003). This capability provides a significant improvement in lateral

    resolution and allows the use of serial optical sectioning of the living specimen (Pawley,

    1995; Lemasters et al, 2001). By selecting appropriate filter combinations one can

    configure any commercially available confocal microscopy system for FRET imaging.

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    Disadvantage of LSCM

    A disadvantage of this technique is that the wavelengths available for excitation ofdifferent fluorophore pairs is limited to standard lasers lines. Standard laser lines do

    allow C-FRET to be used for a number of fluorophore combinations including CFP-

    YFP or ds-RED, GFP-Rhodamine or Cy3, FITC or Alexa488-Cy3, Alexa488-Alexa555

    and Cy3-Cy5 (Day et al., 2003; Elangovan et al., 2003; Kenworthy et al, 2000; Mills et

    al, 2003; Periasamy, 2001; Wallrabe et al, 2003).

    Also, in one-photon wide-field or confocal microscopy, illumination occurs throughout

    the excitation beam path, in an hourglass-shaped pattern. This results in absorption

    along the excitation beam path, giving rise to substantial fluorescence emission both

    below and above the focal plane. Excitation of other focal planes contributes to

    photobleaching and photodamage in the specimen planes that are not being involved in

    imaging. This can be ameliorated by Multi-photon/2-photon microscopy.

    How to collect FRET Images

    In Confocal FRET imaging, we select the appropriate filters and high sensitivity

    photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) to acquire donor and acceptor images. It is important to

    note that appropriate average power should be used to reduce photobleaching.

    The background subtraction of the image is important to remove the autofluorescence,

    detector and optical noise. The SBT correction should be implemented as discussed in

    the data process part. Seven imagesare required. In brief, (1) single labeled donor cells

    should be excited with donor molecule excitation wavelength and D- and A- channel

    images are acquired. (2) Single labeled acceptor molecule should be excited with donorand acceptor wavelength and the A- channel images are acquired. (3) Double labeled

    (D+A) cell should be excited with donor excitation wavelength and the D- and A-

    channel images are acquired. Acceptor excitation wavelength will be used to excite the

    D+A labeled cells and collect the A-channel image. These seven images are used

    toprocess to obtain the processed or precision FRET (PFRET) image.

    The laser power for excitation for donor and the acceptor may be different. But once

    you adjust the donor laser power (say 10%) and that should be used whenever you use

    the donor excitation wavelength. The same way the acceptor excitation wavelength, if

    you use, say 5% or 10% for the acceptor excitation wavelength then, the same acceptor

    power (5% or 10%) should be used whenever you use the acceptor excitation


    The same theory for PMT gain adjust for donor and acceptor emission. It is important

    not to saturate the pixel intensity.

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    Seven Images Required for FRET Data Process


    or Sample




    Emission Filter




    a Donor Only Donor Donor

    Signal from a donor only

    specimen using donor

    excitation and donor emission

    filter set.

    b Donor Only Donor Acceptor

    Signal from a donor only

    specimen using donor

    excitation and acceptor

    emission filter set.


    OnlyDonor Acceptor

    Signal from an acceptor only

    specimen using donor

    excitation and acceptor

    emission filter set.


    OnlyAcceptor Acceptor

    Signal from an acceptor only

    specimen using acceptor

    excitation and acceptor

    emission filter set.



    Donor Donor

    Signal from donor-and-

    acceptor specimen using donor

    excitation and donor emissionfilter set.

    fDonor and

    AcceptorDonor Acceptor

    Signal from donor-and-

    acceptor specimen using donorexcitation and acceptor

    emission filter set.


    AcceptorAcceptor Acceptor

    Signal from donor-and-

    acceptor specimen using

    acceptor excitation and

    acceptor emission filter set.

  • 8/13/2019 What is FRET


    FRET Data Analysis

    What is SBT?

    One of the important conditions for FRET to occur is the overlap of the emission

    spectrum of the donor with the absorption spectrum of the acceptor . As a result of

    spectral overlap, the FRET signal is always contaminated by donor emission into the

    acceptor channel(DSBT) and by the excitation of acceptor molecules by the donor

    excitation wavelength(ASBT) (see Figure left). Both of these signals are termed spectral

    bleed-through (SBT) signal into the acceptor channel. In principle, the SBT signal is

    same for 1p- or 2p-FRET microscopy. In addition to SBT, the FRET signals in the

    acceptor channel also require correction for spectral sensitivity variations in donor and

    acceptor channels, autofluorescence, and detector and optical noise, which contaminate

    the FRET signal.


    The details of the algorithm to remove SBT and the relevant biological applicationshave been listed in the literature (Elangovan et al. 2003; Mills et al., 2003; Wallrabe et

    al., 2003; www.circusoft.com).

    In brief, to remove the spectral bleed-through or cross-talk for 1p- or 2p-FRET, seven

    imagesare acquired. Our approach works on the assumption that the double-labeled

    cells and single-labeled donor and acceptor cells, imaged under the same conditions,

    exhibit the same SBT dynamics. The hurdle we had to overcome was the fact that we

    had three different cells (D, A, and D+A), where individual pixel locations cannot be

    compared. What could be compared, however, were pixels with matching fluorescence

    levels. Our algorithm follows fluorescence levels pixel-by-pixel to establish the level ofSBT in the single-labeled cells, and then applies these values as a correction factor to

    the appropriate matching pixels of the double-labeled cell.

    We use a,b,c,d,e,f,g to represent the seven images. The following equations are used to

    remove the spectral bleed-through signal from the FRET channel image.

    Where j is the jth range of intensity, m is the number of pixel in a and d, n is the number

    of pixel in e and g, DSBTi is the donor bleed-through of the pixel (i) in f, ai is the

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    intensity of pixel i, so is bi, and ei, k is the number of range, DSBT is the total donor

    bleed-through, ASBTi is the acceptor bleed-through of the pixel (i) in f, ci is the

    intensity of pixel i, so is di, and gi.k is the number of range, ASBT is the total acceptor


    The precision FRET (PFRET) is calculated using following equation where uFRET

    represents uncorrected FRET which is image f:


    Energy transfer efficiency(E)

    Conventionally, energy transfer efficiency (E) is calculated by ratioing the donor image

    in the presence (IDA) and absence (ID) of acceptor. When using the algorithm asdescribed, we indirectly obtained the IDimage by using the PFRET image (Elangovan et

    al., 2003). ID=IDA+PFRET where IDAis image e. The efficiency calculation is shown in

    following equation:


    It is important to note that there are a number of other processes involved in the excited

    state during energy transfer. The new efficiency (En) is calculated by generating a new

    ID image by including the detector spectral sensitivity of donor and acceptor channel

    and the donor quantum yield with PFRET signal as shown in following equation


    Based on the algorithm described above, our center developed a user friendly PFRET

    software to process FRET data. Details about the software, please click hereor check

    circusoft web site. You can look at the seven images we collected from Wide-Field

    Microscope. The pseudo color, PFRET image , efficiency image and histogram were

    produced by the PFRET software.

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    Filter configurations for confocal image acquisition forselected fluorophore pairs.

    Fluorophore Excitation wavelengh (nm) Emission filter (nm)

    Alexa 488 or GFP Argon 488 515/30 or 535/50

    Cy3 or Phod-2 Green HeNe 543 590/70

    CFP Argon 457 485/30

    dsRED1 HeNe 543 590/70

    CFP Argon 457 485/30

    YFP Argon 514 528/50

    Cy3 Green HeNe 543 590/70

    Cy5 HeNe 633 or HeNe 594 660LP

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    Confocal FRET Images

    MDCK cells were internalized with pIgA-R ligand-Alexa488 and pIgA-R ligand-Cy3,

    for 4h at 17degrees C, from the apical and basolateral PM, respectively. Fluorescence

    confocal images were taken at ~3.5microns below the apical PM to evaluate FRET.

    Schematic representation of a polarized MDCK epithelial cell, showing apical and

    basolateral PM. The enclosed star is the basolaterally internalized Cy3-pIgA-R-ligand

    complex. The open star is the apically internalized Alexa488-pIgA-R-ligand complex.

    Co-localization occurs in the apical endosome in the sub-apical region.

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    Confocal FRET Images

    This is a two-color fluorescent RNA in situ on an early neural groove stage Xenopus

    laevis embryo. The green channel shows the expression of epidermal keratin (xk81) in

    the prospective epidermis. The red channel shows the expression of Xslug a marker for

    prospective neural crest cells. Notice the overlap (yellow) between the neural crest and

    epidermal markers

    The C-FRET systems were used for CFP-RFP pair to visualize the C/EBP proteins in a

    single cell using Nikon PCM2000 laser scanning confocal microscopy. The excitation

    wavelength used to excite the donor molecule (CFP-C/EBP) was 457 nm from an argon

    laser. A HeNe green laser line (543 nm) was used to acquire the acceptor (RFP-C/EBP)

    image. Using the excitation wavelength 457 nm both the donor and acceptor images

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    were acquired from the cells expressed both the proteins (CFP-RFP-C/EBP). The

    energy transfer signals were processed from these images using the software by

    removing the entire noise and bleed-through signal as shown in Figure 2F (CFPem-

    480/30; RFPem-610/60). The respective histograms below the figures clearly

    demonstrate the noise signal in the acceptor channel (Figure 2AH) and the processed

    true FRET signals (Figure 2FH). Adapted from A. Periasamy, Journal of Biomedical

    Multiphoton Introduction

    General Information

    Conventional one-photon confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) often provides

    high resolution but is limited in sensitivity and spatial resolution by background flare

    noise resulting from "out-of-focus" fluorescence. In CLSM, the repeated scanning of

    UV light greatly reduces cell or tissue viability. The two- or three-photon excitation

    laser scanning microscope (nonlinear microscope), however, circumvents this limitation

    by using two or three red-wavelength photons to obtain both sensitivity and depth

    resolution without a confocal aperture. The MEFIM technique considerably reduces

    autofluorescence and photodamage above and below the focal plane, and the volume ofthe focal plane depends on a diffraction spot created by the objective lens.

    Two-photon absorption was theoretically predicted by Goppert-Mayer in 1931, and it

    was experimentally observed for the first time in 1961 by using a ruby laser as the light

    source (Kaiser and Garrett, 1961). The original idea of two-photon fluorescence

    scanning microscopy was proposed by Sheppard et al. (1977) and was experimentally

    demonstrated for biological imaging by Winfried Denk and Watt Web (1990).

    Physics of Two-Photon Excitation

    The probablility of two-photon absorption depends on the co-localization of two

    photons within the absorption cross section of the fluorophore, and the rate of excitationis proportional to the square of the instantaneous intensity. Two-photon excitation is

    made possible by the very high local instantaneous intensity that is provided by a

    combination of diffraction-limited focusing of a single laser beam in the specimen plane

    and the temporal concentration of a femtosecond (fsec) mode-locked laser. The two-

    photon advantage is roughly proportional to the inverse excitation duty cycle, for

    example, a 100,000-fold improvement over CW illumination is achieved by using 100-

    fsec pulses at 76 MHz repetition rate. The use of such short pulses and small duty cycles

    is, in fact, essential for image acquisition in a reasonable time while using "biologically

    tolerable" power levels.

    Advantages of MEFIM

    (i) In one-photon excitation CLSM, photobleaching occurs well above and below the

    focal (volume) plane; in MEFIM, the photobleaching is considerably reduced, and

    illumination of laser light occurs only at the focal plane.

    (ii) Repeated scanning on the specimen in CLSM, particularly with UV light, induces

    rapid photoisomerization and high background autofluorescence. MEFIM reduces these

    complications, providing better penentration at infrared wavelengths and thus

    prolonging cell viability during image acquisition.

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    (iii) The CLSM technique requires special UV optics for the UV excitation probe.

    MEFIM uses conventional microscope optics.

    (iv) In CLSM, the emission wavelength is close to the excitation wavelength (about 50-

    200nm). In MEFIM, the fluorescence emission occurs at a wavelength substantially

    shorter than the excitation wavelength.

    Multiphoton FRET Images

    Localization of BFP- and RFP-C/EBP protein expressed in mouse 3T3 cells using 2p-

    FRET microscopy. The doubly expressed cells (BFP-RFP-C/EBP) were excited by 740

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    nm and the donor (A) and acceptor (B) images of proteins localized in the nucleus of a

    single living cell were acquired by single scan (slow scan). As explained in the text, the

    bleed-through (or cross talk) correction was implemented and then ratioed to obtain a

    FRET image is shown in C. The respective histograms are shown below the images (D,

    E, F). The higher gray level intensity distribution in Figure C compared to E indicates

    the importance of bleed-through correction and ratioing of the corrected D and A (A/D)

    images to localize the proteins. (Donor-blue color, Uncorrected FRET-pink color, and

    Corrected FRET-red color dots) Adapted from A. Periasamy, Microscopy andMicroanalysis, In Press, 2001

    FLIM Theory

    Time-resolved fluorescence emission spectroscopy of a photoexcited sample is a

    powerful tool for the study of intricate living cells in both space and time of their

    internal biochemistry. The experimental challenge of actually visualizing the complex

    reaction kinetics is feasible by using the state-of-the-art imaging system and the design

    and synthesis of new fluorescent probes. Fluorescence measurements in the time-

    domain possess much greater information content about the rates and kinetics of intra-and intermolecular processes than is afforded by wavelength spectroscopy alone.


    The fluorescence lifetime is defined as the average time that a molecule remains in an

    excited state prior to returning to the ground state. For a single exponential decay, the

    fluorescence intensity as a function of time after a brief pulse of excitation light is

    described as

    I (t) = I0 exp (-t/)

    where I0 is the initial intensity immediately after the excitation pulse.

    In practice, the fluorescence lifetime (tau) is defined as the time in which the

    fluorescence intensity decays to 1/e of the intensity immediately following excitation.

    Fluorescence decay is often multiexponential, leading to complex decay curves.

    Instrumental methods for measuring fluorescence lifetimes are divided into two major

    categories, frequency-domain and time-domain. Frequency-domain fluorometers excite

    the fluorescence with light, which is sinusoidal and modulated at radio frequencies (for

    nanosecond decays), and then measure the phase shift and amplitude attenuation of the

    fluorescence emission relative to the phase and amplitude of the exciting light. Thus,

    each lifetime value will cause a specific phase shift and attenuation at a given


    In time-domain methods, pulsed light is used as the excitation source, and fluorescence

    lifetimes are measured from the fluorescence signal directly or by photon counting.


    Many currently available fluorescence microscopic techniques, such as confocal or

    multi-photon excitation, cannot provide detailed information about the organization and

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    dynamics of complex cellular structures. In contrast, time-resolved fluorescence

    microscopy allows the measurement of dynamic events at very high temporal resolution

    and can monitor interactions between cellular components with very high spatial

    resolution as well. To date, most measurements of fluorescence lifetimes have been

    performed in solution or cell suspensions. Fluorescence lifetime imaging was developed

    to overcome this drawback and still provide the ability to use the power of fluorescence

    lifetime measurements in a single living cell.


    The combination of lifetime and FRET (FLIM-FRET) provides high spatial

    (nanometer) and temporal (nanoseconds) resolution (Bacskai et al., 2003; Elnagovan et

    al., 2002; Krishnan et al., 2003). The presence of acceptor molecules within the local

    environment of the donor that permit energy transfer will influence the fluorescence

    lifetime of the donor. By measuring the donor lifetime in the presence and the absence

    of acceptor one can accurately calculate the distance between the donor- and acceptor-

    labeled proteins. While 1p-FRET produces 'apparent' E%, i.e. efficiency calculated on

    the basis of all donors (FRET and non-FRET), the double-label lifetime data in 2p-

    FLIM-FRET usually exhibits 2 peaks of donor lifetimes (FRET and non-FRET),

    allowing a more precise estimate of distance based on FRET donors only. The former

    may be sufficiently accurate for many situations; the latter may be vital for establishing

    comparative distances of several proteins from a protein of interest.