what is hudson link presentation 2014


Post on 21-Oct-2014




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A presentation that provides facts and visuals about the organization's mission which is to provide transformative education for women and men in prison.


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Topics  of  Discussion  

»  The  Era  of  Mass  Incarcera/on  in  the  U.S.  

»  Hudson  Link’s  Response  »  A  Call  to  Ac/on  

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The  U.S.  Prison  System  

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The  U.S.  Incarcera8on  Rate  is  the  Highest  in  the  World  

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Did  you  know  that…  

»  1  in  31  adults  are  incarcerated,  on  proba/on  or  parole  in  the  U.S.  

»  60%  of  incarcerated  men  and  women  in  NYS  have  1  or  more  children.  

»  61%  of  prisoners  enter  prison  with  less  than  an  8th  grade  educa/on.  

»  GED  is  the  only  State  funded  program  available  to  those  incarcerated.  

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»  that  the  majority  of  prisoners  spend  years  and  decades  in  prison  with  no  academic  s/mula/on.  



Did  you  also  know…  

Such  treatment  is  not  effec(ve  in  preparing  the  incarcerated  for  re-­‐entry  to  their  communi8es.  

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MISSION  Hudson  Link  for  Higher  Educa/on  in  Prison  provides  college  educa8on,  life  skills  and  re-­‐entry  support  to  incarcerated  men  and  women  to  help  them  make  a  posi/ve  impact  on  their  own  lives,  their  families  and  communi/es,  resul/ng  in  lower  rates  of  recidivism,  incarcera/on  and  poverty.  

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Impact  on  Students  •  Increases  confidence,  purpose  and  


•  Improves  ability  to  cri/cally  think,  understand  consequences,  make  intelligent  choices.  

•  Builds  stronger  rela/onships  with  family  and  friends,  both  in  prison  and  upon  release.  

•  Provides  them  with  the  skills  and  knowledge  to  become  employable,  produc/ve  ci/zens  upon  release.  



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Impact  on  the  Community  •  Increased  number  of  skilled,  

educated  and  produc/ve  ci/zens.  

•  Provides  business  opportuni/es  for  alumni  to  support  their  families.  

•  Reduces  burden  to  taxpayers-­‐less  money  spent  on  incarcera/on  and  on  family  support  for  those  leY  behind.  

•  Reduc/on  in  overall  crime  rate  –  by  offering  children,  and  the  community  as  a  whole,  an  alternate  path.  


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Hudson  Link’s  Execu8ve  Director  Speaks