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What is… The Post Critical Belief Scale The Post Critical Belief Scale assists schools in profiling and measuring the different attitudes toward religious beliefs that exist among their Catholic school community. It measures an individual’s: a. inclusion Vs exclusion of transcendent belief (belief or non-belief in God) b. literal Vs symbolic interpretation of religion. What do I need to know? - The preferred belief position as stated by Pollefeyt (2010), is based on a faith that is not literally interpreted, but is represented symbolically. We relate to God through mediations (rituals, sacraments, prayer, etc) - Post critical belief is characterised by an ongoing process of reinterpretation where an individual is continuously searching for religious significance and meaning, but maintaining a strong belief in God. - A Post-Critical Belief type is the most fruitful for the development of identity of a Catholic school, in a pluralistic society. Want more? Read the research The PCB Scale The combination of the two dimensions (belief Vs non belief in God & literal Vs symbolic belief) gives four different ways of dealing with religious beliefs. The scale is a continuum, so there is the potential for extreme position as well as many in-between positions. Reference: Pollefeyt,D. & Bouwens, J. (2010). Framing the identity of Catholic school: empirical methodology for quantitative research on the Catholic identity of education institute. International Studies in Catholic Education 2 (2), 193-211 LITERAL BELIEF God is directly available through words and rituals. Religious metaphors, biblical texts are interpreted literally POST CRITICAL BELIEF Faith in a transcendent God, which is represented symbolically. EXTERNAL CRITIQUE This is a direct critique on religion from an external (or outsiders) point of view. It is an attitude of explicit disbelief that denies the existence of God. RELATIVISM Symbolic approach to religiosity, but without belief in God. Literal Symbolic Disbelief Belief preferential belief position

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Post on 29-Mar-2018




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What is… The Post Critical Belief Scale

The Post Critical Belief Scale assists schools in profiling and measuring the different attitudes toward religious beliefs that exist among their Catholic school community. It measures an individual’s:a. inclusion Vs exclusion of transcendent belief (belief or non-belief in God)b. literal Vs symbolic interpretation of religion.

What do I need to know?- The preferred belief position as stated by Pollefeyt (2010), is based on a faith that is not literally interpreted,

but is represented symbolically. We relate to God through mediations (rituals, sacraments, prayer, etc)

- Post critical belief is characterised by an ongoing process of reinterpretation where an individual is continuously searching for religious significance and meaning, but maintaining a strong belief in God.

- A Post-Critical Belief type is the most fruitful for the development of identity of a Catholic school, in a pluralistic society.

Want more?Read the research

The PCB Scale

The combination of the two dimensions (belief Vs non belief in God & literal Vs symbolic belief) gives four different ways of dealing with religious beliefs. The scale is a continuum, so there is the potential for extreme position as well as many in-between positions.

Reference: Pollefeyt,D. & Bouwens, J. (2010). Framing the identity of Catholic school: empirical methodology for quantitative research on the Catholic identity of education institute. International Studies in Catholic Education 2 (2), 193-211


God is directly available through words and rituals.

Religious metaphors, biblical texts are interpreted literally


Faith in a transcendent God, which is represented symbolically.


This is a direct critique on religion from an external (or outsiders) point of view. It is an

attitude of explicit disbelief that denies the existence of God.


Symbolic approach to religiosity, but without belief in God.





DisbeliefBeliefpreferential belief position

Please note: These images need to be interpreted in the context of the research of Pollefeyt & Bouwens (2010) in order to gain their full meaning.

Belief Disbelief







The Post Critical Belief Scale in Images