what is the purpose of these activities? - orchard kids...

©2006 Fellowship Church. Lesson Goal: The children will learn that Jesus took their punishment for sin and that requires them to respond. Main Point: Jesus Took My Punishment! Bible Story: The crucifixion and burial of Jesus (Matthew 27:32-61) Memory Verse: Romans 5:8 “But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” (NLT) WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THESE ACTIVITIES? Rescue Relay (Opening Activity) The purpose of this activity is to introduce to the children the idea that Jesus took our place to free us from sin. Skit & Bible Story (Large Group Activity) The Skit and Bible story this week will teach the children that Jesus took the punishment for their sin. Treasure Hunt (Bible Review/Into the Bible Activity) The purpose of this activity is to get the children into their Bibles and review the Bible story. Free Gift (Small Group Activity) This activity will illustrate that we cannot do anything to earn the gift of salvation on our own. We can only get it by asking Jesus to give it to us. The Bridge (Small Group Activity) The purpose of this activity is to illustrate that Jesus bridges the gap that sin creates between us and God. Take My Place (Small Group Activity) This activity will introduce the children to the idea that Jesus traded His life for our punishment. Salvation Bracelets (Small Group Activity) This activity gives the children an object lesson for the basics of Christianity. They can then use this bracelet to teach others about Jesus. Catch That Monkey (Large Group Activity) This activity is a strategic time to review and reinforce the content of the lesson.

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©2006 Fellowship Church.

Lesson Goal: The children will learn that Jesus took their punishment for sin and that requires them to respond.Main Point: Jesus Took My Punishment! Bible Story: The crucifixion and burial of Jesus (Matthew 27:32-61)Memory Verse: Romans 5:8“But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” (NLT)


Rescue Relay (Opening Activity)The purpose of this activity is to introduce to the children the idea that Jesus took our place to free us from sin.

Skit & Bible Story (Large Group Activity)The Skit and Bible story this week will teach the children that Jesus took the punishment for their sin.

Treasure Hunt (Bible Review/Into the Bible Activity)The purpose of this activity is to get the children into their Bibles and review the Bible story.

Free Gift (Small Group Activity)This activity will illustrate that we cannot do anything to earn the gift of salvation on our own. We can only get it by asking Jesus to give it to us.

The Bridge (Small Group Activity)The purpose of this activity is to illustrate that Jesus bridges the gap that sin creates between us and God.

Take My Place (Small Group Activity)This activity will introduce the children to the idea that Jesus traded His life for our punishment.

Salvation Bracelets (Small Group Activity)This activity gives the children an object lesson for the basics of Christianity. They can then use this bracelet to teach others about Jesus.

Catch That Monkey (Large Group Activity)This activity is a strategic time to review and reinforce the content of the lesson.

� © 2006 Fellowship Church

LESSON 7: CROSS STONE - JESUS TOOK MY PUNISHMENT!Single Teacher version - “Watch & Train” DVD

Purpose Statement: This skit will teach the children that Jesus took their punishment for sin and that requires them to respond.

Materials/Props Needed: 3 glass jars (� labeled “Adam & Eve,” � labeled “You and Me,” � labeled “Jesus.”) Water, Bleach, A squirt bottle of iodine labeled “sin.”

Note: This script uses Audio CD # 2.

• Lead the children through the opening activity “Rescue Relay”

• Begin Worship Time

TeACher(CD Track # 1) Welcome to part seven of our journey: Treasure Quest! I don’t know about you, but I am ready to get started! So let’s get started with some singing. Everybody up!

Teacher leads children in singing the song.

TeACherNow that was some loud singing. I hear that Kit and Andi make a very important discovery today! In fact, it’s more important than anything that has happened so far. I think we need to find out what happens right away!

Note: Play Skit/Bible story video followed by “monkey challenge.”

TeACherWow, that was an awesome discovery. I’m glad that Kit finally found the treasure she was looking for. And we should never forget that Jesus loved us so much that He took our punishment. In fact, that’s our main point for the day. Everyone stand up and shout this main point with me! Jesus Took My Punishment!

Teacher leads the children by first demonstrating the main point with motions, or a child can help decide motions. Then have the children repeat the main point two or three times.

Note: the next section is an invitation to receive Christ. Depending on the age of your children you may want to skip down to the Bible Verse section.

TeACherGreat job on the main point! In the skit, Andi told a story that ended with a question. The question was “What now?” Kit heard the story about how Jesus died for everyone, but then Kit had to make a decision. God gives us a chance to make that decision too. We can make the decision of whether or not we want to accept Jesus and the gift of salvation. It is our choice. If you choose to

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monkey challenge4

skit/Bible story3

main point5

2 © 2006 Fellowship Church

accept this gift and follow Jesus, there’s a very simple prayer you can say.We call it the prayer of salvation and it’s as easy as ABC. The letters A, B, and C all stand for a word. The letter “A” stands for the word “Admit.” (6) We pray to God and admit to Him that we have sinned, that we’re not perfect. The next letter is the letter “B.” It stands for the word “Believe.” (7) We tell God that we believe in Him and His Son Jesus. We believe that He died for our sins so that we could have a relationship with God. The last letter is the letter “C” and it stands for the word “Choose.” (8) As we pray, we tell God that we choose to accept Jesus. We make a choice to follow Him for the rest of our lives. Right now we’re going to enter into a special time. We’ve presented the story of Jesus to you and now we’re going to give you a chance to respond. If you want to go through the ABC’s and pray the prayer of salvation, then please bow your heads and repeat this prayer after me. I’ll say part of it and I’ll pause so you can repeat.

“Dear God, (pause) I know that I have sinned. (pause) I know that I have done things wrong. (pause) But I believe in Your Son Jesus. (pause) I believe He died on the cross for me. (pause) I believe He paid the price for my sins (pause) Please forgive me of my sins (pause) Right now, I choose to accept Jesus into my life. (pause) And I choose to follow Him for the rest of my life. (pause) Amen.

TeACher If you prayed that prayer right now, then you’ve just made the best, most important decision of your life! The Bible tells us there’s a party going on in heaven right now because of the decision that you’ve made. A little later, when we break up into our small groups, we’ll talk with you more about this decision. Right now, I want us to take a look at our Bible verse for today.

Romans 5:8 “But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” NLT

TeACherJesus loves us and He did something truly amazing when He died for us. He took on the punishment for every human being that would ever live. Here, this will help me explain it.

Note: This next section is an object lesson that helps explain the idea of salvation to the children. For this activity you will need: 1 jar labeled “Adam & Eve” filled half full of water. 1 jar labeled “You and Me” filled half full of water. 1 jar labeled Jesus full of bleach. And 1 squirt bottle of iodine labeled “sin”

TeACher We heard in today’s Bible story and several weeks ago about how God created Adam and Eve. They had never done anything wrong. But then they broke God’s rule and disobeyed. That’s called “sin,” and when Adam and Eve sinned, hey weren’t perfect anymore. (squirt some iodine into the “Adam & Eve” jar) See look at that. The sin really messed them up. They don’t look clean anymore. Well, because Adam & Eve were the very first people, their sin





admit slide6

believe slide7

choose slide8

Bible verse9

3 © 2006 Fellowship Church

flows into you and me. (dump some of the stained water from the “Adam & Eve” jar into the “You and Me” jar, be sure not to fill up the “You and Me” jar, you will need enough room to dump the bleach into it in a moment.) See, sin messes us up too. This doesn’t look so good anymore. This is why sin separates us from God. You see, God is holy and perfect. Since we’re not perfect and we have sin in our lives, we can’t have that relationship with God. This is a huge problem. That’s where Jesus comes in. You see, like our verse tells us, Jesus died for us while we were still sinners. And when He died for us, He took care of our sin. (dump the bleach from the “Jesus” jar into the stained water of the “You and Me” jar. The bleach will disolve the iodine and make the water look clean again.)

TeACherWe have a lot to be thankful to Jesus for. Right now I want us to thank God by worshipping Him with a song and then taking up our offering. Please stand up and sing with us.

Teacher leads children in sing the song.

TeACher(CD Track # 3) Thank you for singing with me. Right now we’re going to continue to worship God with our offering. There is nothing we could ever do to thank God enough for sending His Son, Jesus. But we can still tell God we are thankful and show Him by giving back some of what He has given to us. Let’s take up our offering.

Teacher takes up offering.

TeACher(CD Track # 1) Now it is time for our small groups. If you made a decision today to accept Christ, congratulations! Also, we will take some time during our small groups to talk with you about the decision you made.


TeACher Kit and Andi were pretty lucky today. They never had any kind of run in with the monkey. Unfortunately, we did. He got into our stuff again! I need your help to “Catch That Monkey!”

Note: Lead the children through the questions. Hit “next” when a child has given you the correct answer.


TeACher (CD Track # 1) Thanks for your help and good job on those questions. Tell your parents about the decision you made today, I know they’ll be excited. Don’t forget our main point: Jesus Took My Punishment! See you next week when we finish our “Treasure Quest!”






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small groups�2



main point still�3