what is the role of a teacher

What is the role of a teacher Schools are one of the first places where kid’s behavior and future educational success is shape. Teachers are carriers of either positive or negative behavior toward students. The reason why the first years of school are so critical is because kids learn the base of their educational life. I believe that teachers must love their career in order for them to pass enthusiasm, to assists, and to provide a warm environment to the students. In my opinion teachers are the second mothers for the students because students spend a lot of time with their teachers. At the same time. I believe a real teacher becomes through many years of training and experiences in the field. The same way, mothers are not born being great mothers but as their experiences with their kids expands they become experts on the field. We know that mothers look the best for their kids and one of their goals is to raise their kids so they can become professionals and pioneers for the society. Some of the mother’s role toward kids is to give them care, love, respect, lead, instruct and to try to form a safe and pleasant environment at their homes. Are these attitudes of the mothers toward their kids related to what the role of the teacher should be with the students in the classroom? If not, what should be the role of the teachers then? I believe that a teacher is someone who becomes through many years of training and experiences in the field. I have not found a teacher who is an expert the first day of their profession. I believe that is urgent for everyone who is a teacher or is planning to become one to get prepare in the field the best they can. All teachers who get prepare will know how to set up rules in the classroom. Those kind of teachers will probably have less

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Page 1: What is the Role of a Teacher

What is the role of a teacher

Schools are one of the first places where kid’s behavior and future educational success is shape. Teachers are carriers of either positive or negative behavior toward students. The reason why the first years of school are so critical is because kids learn the base of their educational life. I believe that teachers must love their career in order for them to pass enthusiasm, to assists, and to provide a warm environment to the students. In my opinion teachers are the second mothers for the students because students spend a lot of time with their teachers. At the same time. I believe a real teacher becomes through many years of training and experiences in the field. The same way, mothers are not born being great mothers but as their experiences with their kids expands they become experts on the field. We know that mothers look the best for their kids and one of their goals is to raise their kids so they can become professionals and pioneers for the society. Some of the mother’s role toward kids is to give them care, love, respect, lead, instruct and to try to form a safe and pleasant environment at their homes. Are these attitudes of the mothers toward their kids related to what the role of the teacher should be with the students in the classroom? If not, what should be the role of the teachers then?

I believe that a teacher is someone who becomes through many years of training and experiences in the field. I have not found a teacher who is an expert the first day of their profession. I believe that is urgent for everyone who is a teacher or is planning to become one to get prepare in the field the best they can. All teachers who get prepare will know how to set up rules in the classroom. Those kind of teachers will probably have less problems in their classroom because they will be able to control the classroom.

There are all types of teachers some are better than others. Through my life I had some professors who were well prepared and some who were not. I had some teachers who just came into the class and stared teaching. They did not get involve with the students. I rarely talked to them. Those teachers did not showed any concern about what the students were feeling. One way for a teacher to get students involve in the classroom is to ask them questions. I remembered there were some students at the class that were shy including me who did not have the chance to get involve in the class or to participate. Therefore, I believe the way students act depends on the teacher’s attitude. That is why I strongly recommend all teachers to invite the student to participate in the class. It is very important that teachers encourage students because students will benefit from it.

A teacher carries a big responsibility in her classroom. One reason is that all students depend on her/him. Everything the teacher sys will have an impact on

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the students. If the teacher feels joy of feels anger, it will be spread among children because the attitudes of the teacher gets contagious. If the teacher laughs, students also laugh, why? Because teachers are responsible for the social behavior in the classroom. If something goes wrong the only responsible is the teacher even if it was not their foul.

The teacher must create a warm and protective environment but at the same time professional. If students feel secure in the classroom the result will be shown in the academic progress. A good star could be a mutual trust with each student. Teaches have the responsibility to know his/her students in the classroom. Each day, the teachers show one of their attitudes that the students are unaware. Also, the students do the same in order for the teacher to get to know them, too. This is a good exercise to do because it benefits the whole class to break the ice. The first days most of the students are afraid of the teacher because they do not know how is the teacher’s personality. It will change until the point that the teacher and students discover to have common hobbies with each other.

I think that school is a place where one goes to learn but I also believe that there should be times where fun is a necessity. That is why I think that a teacher should also have fun with the students. Kids learn faster when they feel attracted to an exciting lesson. Teachers must not forget that kids get born fast that is why creative lessons must be plane ahead. There should be interest in what people want to learn says Mr. Spayde in his article “Learning the Key of Life” (59-62).

I believe a teacher should also be someone who guides student rather than someone who is a totalitarian in the classroom. The teacher needs to show respect toward the students so the students also respect the teacher. Teacher must not forget the s/he teaches to different students who brings different students who brings different traditions and customs because the students come from different backgrounds. “One of the keys that is useful for teachers is to understand and accept the way students are acting the way Thomas says in his article “The Mind of Man” (120-124) Therefore, teachers need to create a curriculum that guides students to a path of success. Consequently, they need to receive guiding depending on their students need.

Sometimes, the teacher’s caring attitudes could have a long positive or negative influence on students. Student’s self-esteem could be lift up because it could create ambitions in their minds for future academic success. As Mike Rose explains in “Lives in Boundaries” that an educator must be an open mind person that must respect the students diversity and give love and caring attitudes toward students. I believe that is crucial to make students believe in themselves. One of the roles that a teacher carries is to encourage students in the issues that bother

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them about school in their personal life. It could make a big difference in the student’s life if he/she is lift up to keep going and to not let anything put us down. Psychologically, students could be affected if they have problems with their teachers. One of the results could be that students will avoid going to school. As professional teachers, we do not want any conflict with the students.

Sometimes, the behavior of students demonstrates that something is not going right. Therefore, I think teachers must pay attention to any suspicious sings that could bother the student. As teacher is our responsibility to find out what is going on with the students in the classroom. Kids deep in their hearts feel that teachers could help them but sometimes they are afraid to ask the teacher. This issue that I see almost everyday at the school were I work as a teacher’s assistance. The students prefer to talk to their friends about their problems and sometimes teachers are the last person to find out about the problem. Sometimes is the teacher’s foul that students do not seek his/her help because sometimes the teachers do not form a bound of communication. The teachers must let students know how she feels when students do not trust her maybe it would help students to change their minds about telling the teacher his/her problem. One of the teachers that I work with is one of these persons. Students do not seek for her help but they rather look for my help instead. I help them in everything I can but sometimes it gets really hard for me to know what to do. I believe that she is with her students. I do not see that she has a connection with the students.

I believe, that teachers need to think about what are the students feeling. As teachers, one good way to do this is to look back in our school years and remembered what we went through when we were students. We will realize that most of the kids have problems with their teachers. I do not believe that there are students who have not encounter a problem with the teacher. Therefore, I do not think there is a perfect relationship between teachers and students because the relationship of teachers and students is perfect. Therefore, teacher’s priority should only be the benefit of the student’s feelings.

Often, there is a debate about if a teacher should be a role model for students. Teachers are respect by society because they are view as knowledgeable about different subjects of school. I believe that even if teachers do not like to be point out as being role models I certainly think they are. Teachers have the qualities to be or become role models for students. Why? Because most teachers respect, love, care, instruct, and guide their students to become a successful person. Students view teacher as being wise therefore they look up for them. Students know that if they need something they just need to ask them. Kids learn from every lesson the teacher gives. Therefore, I believe that a teacher have an

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enormous responsibility on his/her actions. Even if teachers are considered to be role models I believe they still make mistakes. It is normal to make mistakes because is our nature of being humans. At the same time, students should not look to their teacher to copy them but rather to compare and to see the mistakes to not do them in our lives. Students should concentrate in doing their work and being proud of the way they are.

All teachers have the key to provide a good environment for the students. The benefits of having a pleasant environment are for the teacher and students. But before that happens a teacher needs to be well prepared in order that the students receive the best treat. It is essential and crucial for teachers to be prepared because the first years of school are very important for the students. The future education success of the students depends on their first years. It’s never late to star a bound of a relationship between teacher and students. Consequently, the contact of the students with the teacher is an everyday act. Even though, there will be some days in which students will have impropriate but other days where there will not be a problem at all. As humans, sometimes teachers do things that are not correct however we always have another chance to do it better. In conclusion, I strongly believe that teachers need to show respect, caring, become role models, make a pleasant environment, treat students right, instructs them but not be totalitarian, and guides them through the road of success. The only who gets the benefits are the students and sometimes it could be a negative or positive. Throughout my life I have learned valuable lessons from great teachers but I also had negative impact in my life as well.

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A teacher or schoolteacher is a person who provides education for pupils (children) and students (adults). The role of teacher is often formal and ongoing, carried out at a school or other place of formal education. In many countries, a person who wishes to become a teacher must first obtain specified professional qualifications or credentials from a university or college. These professional qualifications may include the study of pedagogy, the science of teaching. Teachers, like other professionals, may have to continue their education after they qualify, a process known as continuing professional development. Teachers may use a lesson plan to facilitate student learning, providing a course of study which is called the curriculum.

A teacher's role may vary among cultures. Teachers may provide instruction in literacy and numeracy, craftsmanship or vocational training, the arts, religion, civics, community roles, or life skills.

A teacher who facilitates education for an individual may also be described as a personal tutor, or, largely historically, a governess.

In some countries, formal education can take place through home schooling. Informal learning may be assisted by a teacher occupying a transient or ongoing role, such as a family member, or by anyone with knowledge or skills in the wider community setting.

Religious and spiritual teachers, such as gurus, mullahs, rabbis, pastors/youth pastors and lamas, may teach religious texts such as the Quran, Torah or Bible.

Teaching may be carried out informally, within the family, which is called home schooling (see Homeschooling), or in the wider community. Formal teaching may be carried out by paid professionals. Such professionals enjoy a status in some societies on a par with physicians, lawyers, engineers, and accountants (Chartered or CPA).

A teacher's professional duties may extend beyond formal teaching. Outside of the classroom teachers may accompany students on field trips, supervise study halls, help with the organization of school functions, and serve as supervisors for extracurricular activities. In some education systems, teachers may have responsibility for student discipline.

Around the world teachers are often required to obtain specialized education, knowledge, codes of ethics and internal monitoring.

There are a variety of bodies designed to instill, preserve and update the knowledge and professional standing of teachers. Around the world many governments operate teacher's colleges, which are generally established to serve and protect the public interest through certifying, governing and enforcing the standards of practice for the teaching profession.

The functions of the teacher's colleges may include setting out clear standards of practice, providing for the ongoing education of teachers, investigating complaints involving members, conducting hearings into allegations of professional misconduct and taking appropriate disciplinary action and accrediting teacher education programs. In many situations teachers in publicly funded schools must be members in good standing with the college, and private schools

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may also require their teachers to be college peoples. In other areas these roles may belong to the State Board of Education, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the State Education Agency or other governmental bodies. In still other areas Teaching Unions may be responsible for some or all of these duties.

Pedagogy and teachingThe objective is typically accomplished through either an informal or formal approach to learning, including a course of study and lesson plan that teaches skills, knowledge and/or thinking skills. Different ways to teach are often referred to as pedagogy. When deciding what teaching method to use teachers consider students' background knowledge, environment, and their learning goals as well as standardized curricula as determined by the relevant authority. Many times, teachers assist in learning outside of the classroom by accompanying students on field trips. The increasing use of technology, specifically the rise of the internet over the past decade, has begun to shape the way teachers approach their roles in the classroom.

The objective is typically a course of study, lesson plan, or a practical skill. A teacher may follow standardized curricula as determined by the relevant authority. The teacher may interact with students of different ages, from infants to adults, students with different abilities and students with learning disabilities.

Teaching using pedagogy also involve assessing the educational levels of the students on particular skills. Understanding the pedagogy of the students in a classroom involves using differentiated instruction as well as supervision to meet the needs of all students in the classroom. Pedagogy can be thought of in two manners. First, teaching itself can be taught in many different ways, hence, using a pedagogy of teaching styles. Second, the pedagogy of the learners comes into play when a teacher assesses the pedagogic diversity of his/her students and differentiates for the individual students accordingly.

Perhaps the most significant difference between primary school and secondary school teaching is the relationship between teachers and children. In primary schools each class has a teacher who stays with them for most of the week and will teach them the whole curriculum. In secondary schools they will be taught by different subject specialists each session during the week and may have 10 or more different teachers. The relationship between children and their teachers tends to be closer in the primary school where they act as form tutor, specialist teacher and surrogate parent during the course of the day.

This is true throughout most of the United States as well. However, alternative approaches for primary education do exist. One of these, sometimes referred to as a "platoon" system, involves placing a group of students together in one class that moves from one specialist to another for every subject. The advantage here is that students learn from teachers who specialize in one subject and who tend to be more knowledgeable in that one area than a teacher who teaches many subjects. Students still derive a strong sense of security by staying with the same group of peers for all classes.

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Co-teaching has also become a new trend amongst educational institutions. Co-teaching is defined as two or more teachers working harmoniously to fulfill the needs of every student in the classroom. Co-teaching focuses the student on learning by providing a social networking support that allows them to reach their full cognitive potential. Co-teachers work in sync with one another to create a climate of learning.

Rights to enforce school disciplineMain articles: School discipline and School punishment

Throughout the history of education the most common form of school discipline was corporal punishment. While a child was in school, a teacher was expected to act as a substitute parent, with all the normal forms of parental discipline open to them.

In past times, corporal punishment (spanking or paddling or caning or strapping or birching the student in order to cause physical pain) was one of the most common forms of school discipline throughout much of the world. Most Western countries, and some others, have now banned it, but it remains lawful in the United States following a US Supreme Court decision in 1977 which held that paddling did not violate the US Constitution.[1]

30 US states have banned corporal punishment, the others (mostly in the South) have not. It is still used to a significant (though declining) degree in some public schools in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas. Private schools in these and most other states may also use it. Corporal punishment in American schools is administered to the seat of the student's trousers or skirt with a specially made wooden paddle. This often used to take place in the classroom or hallway, but nowadays the punishment is usually given privately in the principal's office.

Official corporal punishment, often by caning, remains commonplace in schools in some Asian, African and Caribbean countries. For details of individual countries see School corporal punishment.

Currently detention is one of the most common punishments in schools in the United States, the UK, Ireland, Singapore and other countries. It requires the pupil to remain in school at a given time in the school day (such as lunch, recess or after school); or even to attend school on a non-school day, e.g. "Saturday detention" held at some schools. During detention, students normally have to sit in a classroom and do work, write lines or a punishment essay, or sit quietly.

A modern example of school discipline in North America and Western Europe relies upon the idea of an assertive teacher who is prepared to impose their will upon a class. Positive reinforcement is balanced with immediate and fair punishment for misbehavior and firm, clear boundaries define what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior. Teachers are expected to respect their students; sarcasm and attempts to humiliate pupils are seen as falling outside of what constitutes reasonable discipline.[verification needed]

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Whilst this is the consensus viewpoint amongst the majority of academics, some teachers and parents advocate a more assertive and confrontational style of discipline.[citation needed] Such individuals claim that many problems with modern schooling stem from the weakness in school discipline and if teachers exercised firm control over the classroom they would be able to teach more efficiently. This viewpoint is supported by the educational attainment of countries—in East Asia for instance—that combine strict discipline with high standards of education.[citation needed]

It's not clear, however that this stereotypical view reflects the reality of East Asian classrooms or that the educational goals in these countries are commensurable with those in Western countries. In Japan, for example, although average attainment on standardized tests may exceed those in Western countries, classroom discipline and behavior is highly problematic. Although, officially, schools have extremely rigid codes of behavior, in practice many teachers find the students unmanageable and do not enforce discipline at all.

Where school class sizes are typically 40 to 50 students, maintaining order in the classroom can divert the teacher from instruction, leaving little opportunity for concentration and focus on what is being taught. In response, teachers may concentrate their attention on motivated students, ignoring attention-seeking and disruptive students. The result of this is that motivated students, facing demanding university entrance examinations, receive disproportionate resources. Given the emphasis on attainment of university places, administrators and governors may regard this policy as appropriate.

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"The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate 'apparently ordinary' people to unusual effort. The tough problem is not in identifying winners: it is in making winners out of ordinary people." ~ K. Patricia Cross

I totally agree with the aforementioned quote. A teacher is the one who shapes the personality and entire life of children. It is one of the noble professions as it contributes in building the future of the country and overall society. Teachers play a significant and a valuable role as they influence the lives of children who are the future of tomorrow. Students get influenced by the teacher's characters, her affection and commitment, her competence and her morals and ethics. So it is important that only best and the intelligent human beings are allowed to become teachers so that the safe future is ensured. This article shares some information on what is the role of a teacher and how the same can contribute to society.

Role in School

Teachers are certainly role models for students, so they must be at their best in front of kids. There are various roles a teacher has to play in school. The first role of a teacher is that of a facilitator. He should impart all the knowledge and skills related to a particular field. He should also provide children with the right attitude so that they can make the best use of their knowledge and intelligence. One of the other responsibilities of a teacher is guiding students at every stage. He must provide his students with guidance, support, and inspiration so that they can find the right path, be it in career or in life. Supervising is also one of the good teacher qualities, as he warns and convinces his students if they are involved in wrong things. The role of a teacher in the classroom has changed significantly over the years.

Teachers are no more the people who come to the class, give lectures and walk out. An ideal teacher is someone who seeks the participation of all the students, takes student's opinions into account, uses different teaching media and makes learning a fun activity. As someone rightly said, a good teacher teaches from the heart and not from the book. So, to take up a job as a teacher one must have passion for the subject he is teaching so that he can pass the same passion to his students. One of the important roles of a teacher is also that of respecting a student's opinion. A teacher must always be open to learn new things and he must keep himself updated with the latest developments in his subject. These were some of the qualities of a good teacher. Apart from dealing with students, a teacher also has to maintain a dialog with parents, so that they nurture their kids in the right manner.

Role in Society

The role of a teacher in education system is pivotal. He is virtually the yardstick that decides the quality of education system. It is the teacher who decides if the education system is a success or a failure. It is on his shoulders, that the entire education system rests as he single-handedly shapes the generation. As I mentioned earlier, a teacher plays a crucial role in the development of society. Someone once said that if you want to study the nature of the citizens of the country then meet some teachers and study their nature. After all, the society is a replica of teachers living in it. Teachers help mere students transform into good human beings with a positive attitude,

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confidence and motivation to pursue excellence.

The future of an entire generation depends on the teachers. If they are corrupt and unprofessional, then an entire generation will result in the same. This can result in corrupt judiciary, betraying army, unfaithful bureaucracy, untrustworthy politicians, etc. which leads to a chaotic and deplorable society. So, a teacher is no doubt, an architect of a new generation who determines the quality and future of our tomorrow. But teaching jobs as a profession are not given the respect that they deserve. We must understand that teaching is the only profession that teaches all the other professions and so, its significance and greatness is much higher.

With these insights on the role of a teacher, it is clear that they make a tremendous contribution to our society and hence must always be held high. I would leave you with a quote by Jacques Barzun that shows the sorry state of teaching profession...Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/what-is-the-role-of-a-teacher.html

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e role of the teacher

The role of the teacherThere are three main activities that small group teachers have to manage simultaneously:

managing the group managing activities managing the learning.

In many small group teaching situations, the role of the teacher is that of facilitator of learning: leading discussions, asking open-ended questions, guiding process and task, and enabling active participation of learners and engagement with ideas. However, small groups function and behave in various ways and have different purposes. Teachers therefore need to be able to adopt a range of roles and skills to suit specific situations, often during the same teaching session.

Other roles that may be adopted include that of:

the instructor, who imparts information to students the neutral chair the consultant, from whom learners can ask questions the devil’s advocate the commentator the wanderer, such as in a larger workshop the absent friend (McCrorie, 2006).

Some of the problems associated with leading effective small groups are summarised by Jacques (2003):

the teacher gives a lecture rather than conducting a dialogue the teacher talks too much students cannot be encouraged to talk except with difficulty; they will not talk to each other but

will only respond to questions from the tutor students do not prepare for the sessions one student dominates or blocks the discussion the students want to be given the solutions to problems rather than discuss them.

Effective tutors are essential to ensuring that small groups work well. Any teaching event will be more successful if the teacher:

is enthusiastic has organised the session well has a feeling for the subject can conceptualise the topic has empathy with the learners understands how people learn

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has skills in teaching and managing learning is alert to context and ‘classroom’ events is teaching with their preferred teaching style

has a wide range of skills in their teaching repertoire, including ‘questioning, listening, reinforcing, reacting, summarising and leadership’ (McCrorie, 2006, p. 8).

Making the shift from teacher as expert to facilitator is sometimes seen as diminishing a teacher’s power and authority, but this should not be the case. Facilitating learning is empowering for both the learner and the teacher and frees the teacher from many of the burdens that having to be an ‘expert’ might entail. It would traditionally have been seen as a weakness for a teacher to say ‘I don’t know, let’s find out’ or ‘I don’t know, do any of you students know the answer?’ and clearly clinical teachers need to know more about many topics than their students or trainees, but medical science is changing so rapidly that no one can know everything. Implementing an evidence-based approach to clinical learning and to medical practice involves finding out about the latest research. You can use these techniques and this approach to facilitate your own and your students’/trainees’ learning.

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Roles of a Teacher in the Classroom.

Teachers play vital roles in the lives of the students in their classrooms. Teachers are best known for the role of educating the students that are placed in their care. Beyond that, teachers serve many other roles in the classroom. Teachers set the tone of their classrooms, build a warm environment, mentor and nurture students, become role models, and listen and look for signs of trouble.

1. Teaching Knowledgeo The most common role a teacher plays in the classroom is to teach knowledge to

children. Teachers are given a curriculum they must follow that meets state guidelines. This curriculum is followed by the teacher so that throughout the year, all pertinent knowledge is dispensed to the students. Teachers teach in many ways including lectures, small group activities and hands-on learning activities.

Creating Classroom Environmento Teachers also play an important role in the classroom when it comes to the

environment. Students often mimic a teacher's actions. If the teacher prepares a warm, happy environment, students are more likely to be happy. An environment set by the teacher can be either positive or negative. If students sense the teacher is angry, students may react negatively to that and therefore learning can be impaired. Teachers are responsible for the social behavior in their classrooms. This behavior is primarily a reflection of the teacher's actions and the environment she sets.

Role Modelingo Teachers typically do not think of themselves as role models, however,

inadvertently they are. Students spend a great deal of time with their teacher and therefore, the teacher becomes a role model to them. This can be a positive or negative effect depending on the teacher. Teachers are there not only to teach the children, but also to love and care for them. Teachers are typically highly respected by people in the community and therefore become a role model to students and parents.

Mentoringo Mentoring is a natural role taken on by teachers, whether it is intentional or not.

This again can have positive or negative effects on children. Mentoring is a way a teacher encourages students to strive to be the best they can. This also includes encouraging students to enjoy learning. Part of mentoring consists of listening to

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students. By taking time to listen to what students say, teachers impart to students a sense of ownership in the classroom. This helps build their confidence and helps them want to be successful.

Signs of Troubleo Another role played by teachers is a protector role. Teachers are taught to look for

signs of trouble in the students. When students' behaviors change or physical signs of abuse are noticed, teachers are required to look into the problem. Teachers must follow faculty procedures when it comes to following up on all signs of trouble.

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The role of a teacher in society is both significant and valuable.It has far-reaching influence on the society he lives in and no other personality can have an influence more profound than that of a teacher. Students are deeply affected by the teacher's love and affection, his character, his competence, and his moral commitment. A popular teacher becomes a model for his students. The students try to follow their teacher in his manners, costumes, etiquette, style of conversation and his get up. He is their ideal.

He can lead them anywhere. During their early education, the students tend to determine their aims in life and their future plans, in consultation with their teachers. Therefore, a good and visionary teacher can play a prominent role in making the future of his students while as a corrupt teacher can only harm his students much more seriously than a class of corrupt and perverted judiciary, army, police, bureaucracy, politicians or technocrats. A corrupt and incompetent teacher in not only a bad individual, but also an embodiment of a corrupt and incompetent generation. A nation with corrupt teachers is a nation at risk; every coming day announces the advent of its approaching destruction.

The importance of a teacher as an architect of our future generations demands that only the best and the most intelligent and competent members of our intelligentsia be allowed to qualify for this noble profession. It is unfortunate to find that generally the worst and the most incapable people of the society find their way into this profession. Anyone who fails to find an opening in any other walk of life, gets into this profession and recklessly plays with the destiny of the nation. An important reason for this is understood to be the poor salaries of our primary and secondary teachers which are no better than that of clerks. A large number of our teachers is , therefore, frustrated and disinterested.

They have to go for part-time jobs to meet their basic needs. Again, the teaching profession also does not enjoy due respect in the society. The primary and secondary teachers are particularly at a disadvantage. Their status is lower than that of doctors, engineers, advocates, civil servants; even lower than that of semi literate and illiterate traders. It would therefore require great commitment for an intelligent individual, however fond of education and training he may be, to forsake the career of a doctor or engineer in favour of teaching. Therefore, while selecting good teachers, it must be borne in mind that better opportunities,prospects and perks are offered to the teachers.

When we speak of good teachers it means that a teacher must be a model of faith and piety and should have a fairly good knowledge . A teacher should consider it his duty to educate and train his students and should feel responsible for it. He should feel that his students have been entrusted to him and he should avoid any breach of the trust the society has reposed in him. He should be a sociable person with his roots in the society. People should take him as their well-wisher and a sincere friend who cares for their children. It should be ascertained at all cost that a candidate for this profession has a natural acumen and aptitude for teaching.

He should actively participate in the social activities in a positive way. He should know the art of teaching with a deep insight into child psychology. He should always deal with the students in a just manner. He should not lose his self-control on mistakes his students may commit, and instead he should respect their feelings and ego, and should try to understand and resolve their

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difficulties with grace while keeping his cool. He should be able to smile in the face of bitter criticism on his opinions, and should not feel ashamed or humiliated to accept his mistakes wholeheartedly.

He should be proud of his culture, his national dress and his national language.He should be a missionary, a mentor, a reformer and a guide besides being a dedicated tutor. In other words, he should be a perfect teacher and a perfect educationist. While highlighting the role of a teacher in the society, it is imperative to involve the role of parents, too, in the process of character building of the students. In the past, parents and teachers both used to make the best of their efforts to provide an atmosphere to their children congenial to the development of higher virtues and morals. But the gross social change over the last fifty years, large scale urbanization, ruthless competition for financial gains, and heavy preoccupation in everyday life deplete all time and energy from the parents, leaving behind little time or energy for them to monitor their children.

Whatever time they have at their disposal is consumed by newspapers, television and other recreations. As a result, the younger generation hardly gets any opportunity to share ideas with their elders or to enter into a meaningful discussion. On the other hand, this idea is gaining ground among us that education is not meant to build up better human beings, but only to get better jobs. Consequently, the students' minds are obsessed with better jobs and dreams for higher social status.It is,therefore,duty of the parents, too, to take active interest in the day-to-day progress of their children both in and outside the institution and apprise them of the real meaning of education.

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Saban tahun,  16 Mei  merupakan hari keramat  lagi suci murni kepada warga sekolah, iaitu Hari Guru di tanah air kita.   Sekalung budi dan tahniah serta penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya kepada insan yang bergelar sebagai pendidik. Sehubungan dengan itu, setiap sekolah telah meraikan Hari Guru dengan pelbagai aktiviti seperti mengadakan jamuan, memberikan hadiah dan mengadakan persembahan kepada guru yang disayangi. Ternyata, setiap warga sekolah perlu menghargai jasa dan sumbangan guru terhadap pembangunan individu, bangsa dan Negara. Hal ini selaras dengan tema Hari Guru 2010, “Guru Pembina Negara Bangsa”.

Walhal, guru memainkan peranan yang signifikan dalam pembangunan umat sejagat. Atas bimbingan guru, lahirlah golongan profesional seperti doktor, jurutera, saintis dan lain-lain lagi. Seperti kata mutiara Sasterawan Negara Usman Awang, “Lahirnya  seorang Perdana Menteri, Doktor, peguam, dan pensyarah adalah bermula daripada seorang guru biasa yang mengajarnya baca dan tulis.” Dengan kata lain, tanpa guru, siapakah kita? Tepuk dada tanya selera.  Dengan kata lain,  guru turut menentukan pembangunan negara dengan melahirkan tenaga mahir dan pakar-pakar dalam setiap bidang untuk menjamin kemajuan negara.  Iltizam dan komitmen guru telah berjaya mencambah insan yang berketerampilan dan berdaya saing untuk memartabatkan pembangunan negara sehingga negara kita dapat berdiri sama tinggi, duduk sama rendah dengan negara maju.

Pada era digital ini, guru tidak lagi memainkan peranan sebagai penyampai ilmu kepada putera dan puteri yang berjuang dalam medan ilmu.  Dalam zaman ledakan maklumat ini, pelajar berupaya memperoleh ilmu  melalui pelbagai wadah dan wahana, seperti internet, e-buku, majalah, surat khabar malah televisyen satelit.  Ekoran daripada itu, guru perlu bertindak sebagai fasilitator untuk membimbing pelajar menimba ilmu. Mutakhir ini, guru bukan sahaja perlu menguasai ilmu pengetahuan dalam bidang majornya tetapi juga perlu menguasai ilmu psikologi dan ICT supaya dapat mewujudkan suasana yang kondusif dalam pembelajaran dan pemelajaran .  Dalam situasi ini, pelajar lebih minat dan beria-ia untuk mengikuti pelajaran. Sebagai impaknya, guru yang menguasai teknologi  maklumat dan komunikasi dapat membimbing pelajar mencapai akademik yang cemerlang.

Salah satu tanggungjawab  yang dominan bagi setiap guru adalah melahirkan golongan yang memiliki mentaliti kelas pertama kepada tanah air kita.  Hal ini terjadi demikian kerana warga didik bukan sahaja memberikan ilmu dunia tetapi juga perlu menyampaikan ilmu akhirat kepada anak buahnya. Pendidikan kerohanian sangat mustahak  kepada setiap insan.  Guru perlu sentiasa menyuntikkan nilai-nilai murni kepada pelajar supaya mereka dapat menuju ke arah hakiki dan tidak mudah terpengaruh oleh hasutan syaitan.  Dengan bimbingan, prihatin, asuhan dan kasih sayang guru, insan yang bersikap penyayang, bersemangat kental dan berfikiran terbuka akan bercambah.  Jati diri penggerak wawasan.   Atas sumbangan  guru, pelajar yang memiliki jati diri dan bersahsiah mulia dapat menjanakan pembangunan negara.

Kita perlu mengakui pengorbanan guru dalam melahirkan anak watan yang berguna. Malangnya,  kini banyak pelajar telah dipengarui oleh budaya barat dan hedonisme sehingga terbelenggu oleh kemelut sosial .  Remaja kita seolah-olah tidak dapat melepaskan diri dalam kepompong sindrom sosial,  seperti melepak, mat rempit, penagihan dadah, dan lain-lain lagi. Sesungguhnya guru perlu mendukung cita-cita untuk membanteras sindrom sosial dalam pekarangan sekolah dan   masyarakat kita.  Rentetan daripada itu, guru perlu sentiasa

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bekerjasama dengan ibu bapa untuk mengetahui kemusykilan pelajarnya .  Para pendidik sentiasa mengorbankan masa dan tenaga untuk memulihkan pelajar yang tersesat di hujung jalan supaya mereka dapat balik ke pangkal jalan.  Secara tidak langsung, guru berupaya mementuk masyarakat madani dan sakinat.  Jasa guru akan sentiasa dikenang dalam sanubari anak muridnya hingga akhir hayat.

Guru selalu diibaratkan sebagai lilin yang membakar diri untuk menerangi orang lain.  Dedikasi guru dapat membentuk pelajar yang cemerlang dalam akademik dan kokurilum serta berakhlak mulia. Guru berkualiti aspirasi negara. Guru yang bertanggungjawab dan amanah sentisa dihormati oleh rakan sejawatan dan anak murid.  Sekalung budi dan sekeping kad Hari Guru sebagai tanda terima kasih yang tidak terperi kepada semua guru. Jasa dan budi guru akan sentiasa dikenang.  Segala teguran dan kritikan daripada guru semata-mata adalah demi kebaikan pelajar.  Tampaknya, profesion guru semakin mencabar berbanding dengan zaman silam.  Oleh itu guru perlu bersemangat waja diri dan gigih untuk meladeni kerenah pelajar yang semakin liar. Jangan putus asa dan patah semangat malah perlu sentiasa menyemarakkan semangat dan motivasi pelajar supaya mereka dapat menjadi insan yang kamil dan seimbang dari segi jasmani, rohani, intelek dan emosi.

Natijahnya,  komitmen yang utuh  dalam kalangan guru dapat memperkasakan pembangunan insan yang berkualiti  sehingga mencapai visi negara, iaitu 1 Malaysia.  Guru cemerlang negara terbilang.  Pendidik perlu melengkapkan diri supaya dapat membimbing anak pelajar ke arah  cemerlang. Gemilang dan terbilang. Selamat Hari

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