what is zipmouse? · zipmouse is a unique online directory () that enables users to find websites...

What is ZIPmouse? UNIQUE DIRECTORY PROVIDES ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES ZIPMOUSE IS A UNIQUE ONLINE DIRECTORY ( WWW.ZIPMOUSE.COM ) THAT ENABLES USERS TO FIND WEBSITES QUICKLY AND EASILY. ZIPMOUSE USERS FIND RESULTS 300% FASTER THAN WITH TRADITIONAL SEARCH ENGINES. ZIPMOUSE ALSO SIMPLIFIES THE PROCESS OF ONLINE ADVERTISING FOR COMPANIES INTERESTED IN DRIVING TRAFFIC TO THEIR WEBSITES. One of the cornerstones of the ZIPmouse System is its Zip to City section on its homepage. This section currently features 26 cities (with a goal to expand to over 100 cities) and provides meaningful information to visitors, travelers, and local residents. Each specific city section is designed to contain 500 to 1000 local businesses with links to their websites, descriptions of their businesses, and categorization of their type of business. The kinds of businesses to be featured in each city will include, but are not limited to: Arts & Entertainment including theaters & shows, concert venues, and art galleries City attractions - museums, theme parks, community events, tours, etc. Education including universities, private schools, continuing education, trade and vocational schools Health Care including hospitals, physicians, senior care, and alternative & holistic care Local media, events, sports teams and visitor information Real Estate information including realtors, rental units, home builders, etc. Restaurants – American, Asian, Italian, Mexican, Steak and Seafood, etc. Shopping – Malls, Specialty Stores, Pets, Books, etc. Recreation including golf courses, parks, sports complexes, tennis, skating, etc. Beauty and Fitness including health clubs, spas, yoga/pilates Professional Services including attorneys, accountants, financial planning, recruitment, etc. In addition, most of these 1000 businesses can be found within 2 clicks of the homepage and the site visitor initiating their search – not results a business is likely to get on Google or CitySearch. Each of the 500 to 1000 businesses/listings is considered an advertiser and when ZIPmouse matures a business will not be listed on ZIPmouse unless they pay an advertising/listing fee. Currently, they are receiving complementary listings. The goal of our directory is not to list every website in a city but to feature a limited number of the highest quality businesses and their websites in each city category to achieve 2 goals: Provide our users quality websites and businesses to visit, but not overwhelm them with choices. Provide our advertisers key locations and a very competitive positioning in a limited field of choices. Over 400 million local searches are done each month. More than double just one year ago. Comscore-Media Metrix, August 2005

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Page 1: What is ZIPmouse? · ZIPmouse Is a unIque onlIne dIrectory () that enables users to fInd websItes quIckly and easIly. ZIPmouse users fInd results 300% faster than wIth tradItIonal

What is ZIPmouse?

UniqUe directory provides advertising opportUnities

ZIPmouse Is a unIque onl Ine dIrectory (w w w.ZIPmouse.com ) that enables users to fInd websItes quIckly and

e a sIly. Z IPmouse users fInd results 300 % fa ster than wIth tr adIt Ional se arch engInes. ZIPmouse al so sImPl IfIes the

Process of onl Ine advert Is Ing for comPanIes Interested In drIv Ing tr affIc to theIr websItes.

One of the cornerstones of the ZIPmouse System is its Zip to City section on its homepage. This section currently features 26 cities (with a goal to expand to over 100 cities) and provides meaningful information to visitors, travelers, and local residents. Each specific city section is designed to contain 500 to 1000 local businesses with links to their websites, descriptions of their businesses, and categorization of their type of business. The kinds of businesses to be featured in each city will include, but are not limited to:

• Arts & Entertainment including theaters & shows, concert venues, and art galleries• City attractions - museums, theme parks, community events, tours, etc.• Education including universities, private schools, continuing education, trade

and vocational schools• Health Care including hospitals, physicians, senior care, and alternative &

holistic care• Local media, events, sports teams and visitor information• Real Estate information including realtors, rental units, home builders, etc.• Restaurants – American, Asian, Italian, Mexican, Steak and Seafood, etc.• Shopping – Malls, Specialty Stores, Pets, Books, etc.• Recreation including golf courses, parks, sports complexes, tennis, skating, etc.• Beauty and Fitness including health clubs, spas, yoga/pilates• Professional Services including attorneys, accountants, financial planning,

recruitment, etc.

In addition, most of these 1000 businesses can be found within 2 clicks of the homepage and the site visitor initiating their search – not results a business is likely to get on Google or CitySearch. Each of the 500 to 1000 businesses/listings is considered an advertiser and when ZIPmouse matures a business will not be listed on ZIPmouse unless they pay an advertising/listing fee. Currently, they are receiving complementary listings.

The goal of our directory is not to list every website in a city but to feature a limited number of the highest quality businesses and their websites in each city category to achieve 2 goals:

• Provide our users quality websites and businesses to visit, but not overwhelm them with choices.

• Provide our advertisers key locations and a very competitive positioning in a limited field of choices.

Over 400 mi l l ion loca l searches are done each month.

More than double jus t one year ago.

comscore -media metrix, august 2005

Page 2: What is ZIPmouse? · ZIPmouse Is a unIque onlIne dIrectory () that enables users to fInd websItes quIckly and easIly. ZIPmouse users fInd results 300% faster than wIth tradItIonal

ZIPmouse City Media Partnerships

What is the valUe of this relationship to

the Media partner?

There is significant value in this relationship for a media partner including:

• A significant source of Non-Traditional Revenue will be generated – the partner sells the advertising space on ZIPmouse.com and an appropriate split of the fee is agreed to between ZIPmouse and its partner. There could be 1000 advertisers in each city section.

• Doors would be opened to new advertisers who might eventually advertise via the media partner’s traditional offerings

• Value-added services can be offered to existing advertisers (internet advertising in a high quality local

directory)• Media partner participates in the fastest growing

segment of advertising (internet advertising)• Media partner can create new on-air content and promotions

• Media partner can become the primary source for local search in their marketplace

What kind of Media partnership is ZipMoUse

looking for?

ZIPmouse desires to rapidly expand the number of cities in its directory and the depth of listings within each, but is not interested in establishing its own sales force within each city. At the same time it wants to promote itself and grow traffic to its directory. That is where the media partner plays a role. ZIPmouse would like to establish an exclusive partnership with a media company in each city that currently has an effective sales force currently selling advertising to local businesses. This partnership could be with a network television station, a local radio station, or a city magazine or other print media. In this partnership, ZIPmouse would:

• Provide all technical services for building and hosting the Directory

• Provide immediate leads via the initial listings in the Directory

• Provide new leads to the media partner via inquiries that are received directly from the ZIPmouse website via an “Advertise Form”

• Promote the site on a national basis• Provide pre-sales support and marketing materials to

its partner’s sales force• Provide quarterly metrics regarding traffic volume to the

site and each advertisers site

At the same time, the media partner would:• Provide an existing sales force to sell advertising on ZIPmouse.com• Present advertising opportunities on ZIPmouse to local businesses and close

that business• Promote ZIPmouse to its constituents

Page 3: What is ZIPmouse? · ZIPmouse Is a unIque onlIne dIrectory () that enables users to fInd websItes quIckly and easIly. ZIPmouse users fInd results 300% faster than wIth tradItIonal

Advertising Benefits

Why shoUld local coMpanies advertise on


There are many benefits to ZIPmouse advertisers:

• ZIPmouse gives advertisers a fixed position instead of a fluctuating rank providing guaranteed visibility with limited competition (there are limited locations for any specific kind of product or service). Once an advertiser secures a prime location on ZIPmouse it is theirs to renew for as long as they want to. No one can bump them from that location.

• Clicks from ZIPmouse are quality clicks. Because of the nature of the drop-down menus when someone clicks on your site, you know they are looking for the kinds of products and services you offer.

• ZIPmouse will drive traffic to their websites and to their businesses• There is no guesswork about which keywords are used to locate advertisers• “Click Fraud” is not an issue since there is no pay-per-click system• ZIPmouse is an affordable online marketing alternative • ZIPmouse complements search engine optimization• Straightforward advertising model that businesses understand• ZIPmouse uses simple fixed advertising rates instead of auction pricing• Statistics indicate local advertising is gaining a bigger share of the advertising


Why advertise on ZipMoUse instead

of a traditional search engine?

Advertising on ZIPmouse is not an “either/or” question. Advertising on ZIPmouse is a great complement to its existing search engine strategy at a fraction of the cost. A company can do both. And for those small advertisers, who may not be realizing their visibility goals via search engines, ZIPmouse offers an affordable alternative.

In contrast to today’s leading search engines which often have cumbersome interfaces, irrelevant search results, and complicated advertising models, the simplicity of the ZIPmouse interface and its straightforward advertising model make it a better choice for both users and advertisers. Some of the problems that search engines face include:

• Users feel search engines are intimidating and confusing• Users are often overwhelmed by the number of results they

receive (thousands, even millions)• Users are frustrated by irrelevant search results• Users dislike the time consuming process of finding the right

information• Users are often unaware or confused about how to perform

effective searches (keyword knowledge)• Users increasingly feel bombarded by marketing pitches

and ads during their searches• Achieving successful search engine rankings is complicated

and difficult• Paid listings on search engines are subject to click fraud• Banner ads on search engines have proven to be

ineffective• The proliferation of pornographic sites keeps search engines

from being child safe• The escalating ad costs associated with search engines

eliminate small to mid-size advertisers

“ZIPmouse wi l l have a s igni f icant impact on both the Internet

search and onl ine adver t is ing industr ies. there is s imply nothing

l ike i t in th is market and I bel ieve ZIPmouse wi l l br ing mi l l ions of

forgot ten users and adver t isers back to the web. what I admire

about ZIPmouse is i t ’s a product designed to solve problems and

that is what technology development should real ly be a l l about.”

dav id drummond, vP corporate development, google

Page 4: What is ZIPmouse? · ZIPmouse Is a unIque onlIne dIrectory () that enables users to fInd websItes quIckly and easIly. ZIPmouse users fInd results 300% faster than wIth tradItIonal

What Makes ZipMoUse UniqUe?

ZIPmouse Is not a search engIne – It Is a dIrectory. by ProvIdIng a suPerIor user exPerIence, ZIPmouse succeeds where

other search engInes have fallen short. the ZIPmouse dIrectory Is organIZed Into l ayers of logIcal categorIes that

users can quIckly navIgate wIth just a few clIcks of theIr mouse. the uncluttered and IntuItIve Interface Is maIntaIned

through every level of the ZIPmouse dIrectory structure – ProvIdIng consIstency and famIlIarIty to users.


What makes ZIPmouse unique in the marketplace

is that it is not intended to replace traditional

search engines. Due to its unmatched speed

and simplicity, ZIPmouse is designed to be the

first place users go. If users don’t quickly and

effortlessly find what they are looking for on

ZIPmouse, then they use their traditional search

engine to fill in what is missing.

ZIPmouse is fundamentally different from

existing online directories. Most directories

have a flexible category system that adapts

to the information indexed. Ultimately, this

method of organization becomes disorganized

as it succumbs to the individual demands

of an enormous number of websites. The

ZIPmouse system follows a rigid set of rules and

organization methods that stay fixed regardless

of the information it indexes. While more

labor intensive to maintain than an automated,

flexible directory, the structure of ZIPmouse

remains logical, and human-friendly regardless

of the amount of information indexed.

Users of ZIPmouse realize the following benefits:• Results are always accurate and never irrelevant• 5 pages of typical search engine results fit onto one ZIPmouse screen, thus eliminating scrolling• Simple interface allows any user to get successful results• ZIPmouse users find results 300% faster than with a typical search engine• No frustrating pop-up ads• Kid safe – No adult material is available through ZIPmouse• No typing – Spelling is never a problem and users don’t have to “think” of keywords

Page 5: What is ZIPmouse? · ZIPmouse Is a unIque onlIne dIrectory () that enables users to fInd websItes quIckly and easIly. ZIPmouse users fInd results 300% faster than wIth tradItIonal

local search

• 70% of U.S. households use the web to help make decisions when shopping locally for products or services - Kelsey Group, June 2005

• Research firms such as the Kelsey Group are predicting that local search volume will exceed 20 billion searches in the next year, representing about one-fifth of all Web searches - Information Week, November 2005

• An estimated one in every four queries made on internet search engines involves a hunt for local information – a proportion that is expected to grow. Searches for local commercial information are likely to increase by around 33 per cent a year for the rest of this decade, while use of the printed Yellow Pages dwindles by 4 per cent annually – Financial Times, July 2005

• Over 400 million local searches are done each month. More than double just one year ago – Comscore-Media

Metrix, August, 2005

Local Search and Online Advertising Statistics

online advertising

• $22 billion is spent on advertising by small and medium size businesses targeted at local consumers to drive in-store sales – eMarketer, May 2004

• Media buyers reported spending 18 percent of their clients’ online ad budgets on local media, including Web sites of local TV stations, radio stations, and newspapers – Online Media Daily, October, 2005

• Borrell Associates forecast that local ad spending would surge to $3.9 billion this year – a 49 percent increase from 2004’s $2.7 billion – Online Media Daily, October, 2005

• The results of two new studies published this week, one from Jupiter Research and the other from Borrell Associates, suggests

that local paid search is ready for a boom. The study pegs local online advertising at somewhere between $3 and $4 billion this year, with projections that it will reach $5 to $8 billion by 2010 – Search Engine Guide, September, 2005

Page 6: What is ZIPmouse? · ZIPmouse Is a unIque onlIne dIrectory () that enables users to fInd websItes quIckly and easIly. ZIPmouse users fInd results 300% faster than wIth tradItIonal

ZIPmouse City Media Partnerships

What is the indUstry saying aboUt ZipMoUse?

ZIPmouse m anagement ha s met wIth m any le adIng Internet comPanIes and here Is what they have sa Id :

“ZIPmouse Is the best Inform at Ion org anIZIng Interface ever develoPed – bar none.”

m Ike kelly, vP rese arch and develoPment, s Iebel systems

“ the ZIPmouse Interface stands alone. I t solves the most comPlex Problems wIth the sImPlest solut Ion the

technology Industry ha s ever seen.”

m ark armstrong, vP of msn t v

“lookIng at ZIPmouse, I t ’ s l Ike back to the future. th Is Is the way Internet se arch and Internet m arket Ing wa s

orIgInally Intended, but that bal ance wa s never re al IZed. Z IPmouse could change our Industry by goIng back

to Its roots.”

cl audIo P Inkus, chIef str ategy offIcer, a sk jeeves

contact:For more information, please call 513-263-9920.

ZIPmouse LLC2901 Utopia PlaceCincinnati, OH 45208

Page 7: What is ZIPmouse? · ZIPmouse Is a unIque onlIne dIrectory () that enables users to fInd websItes quIckly and easIly. ZIPmouse users fInd results 300% faster than wIth tradItIonal

the ZipMoUse directory

ZIPmouse is an Internet directory with a unique interface that enables users to quickly and easily find websites. ZIPmouse uses a time honored set of information organization principles based in part on the Dewey Decimal System. When a user arrives at the ZIPmouse home page they begin their search in one of 3 major categories: INFO, SHOP and CITY. These 3 major categories classify websites into those that provide general information, products/services or all of the above within a specific geographic region. With a single click of the mouse, a user can choose one of these major categories and “drill-down” to a sub-category of specific information.

The key to ZIPmouse is the careful design of its directory pages. The pages are simple, efficient, and include none of the frustrating animations, pop-up ads, page scrolling or lengthy search results that make today’s search engines so confusing for users.

Major ZipMoUse categories

ZIPmouse is organized into 3 top-level categories from the homepage that enable users to quickly find information online. The three major ZIPmouse categories include:

Zip to info INFO enables users to easily find information and online resources.

Zip to shop SHOP allows users to quickly locate websites that sell products and services.

Zip to city CITY provides users with a method to locate information relevant to a specific geographic location.

ZipMoUse qUick-clicks

Every page within the ZIPmouse directory is organized under the INFO, SHOP and CITY categories. Each page presents users with 50 Quick-Click listings. These are alphabetically organized into 2 columns on the left and right sides of each page with 25 Quick-Click listings per column. Users have the option of clicking on the Information Icon next to each Quick-Click listing. By clicking on the icon, users can view a short description about the company or the company’s product and service offerings. Clicking a specific link instantly takes the user to the website, which is presented in a new browser window, while the ZIPmouse interface remains available in the background.

Major ZIPmouse Categories

The ZIPmouse Interface

Page 8: What is ZIPmouse? · ZIPmouse Is a unIque onlIne dIrectory () that enables users to fInd websItes quIckly and easIly. ZIPmouse users fInd results 300% faster than wIth tradItIonal

The ZIPmouse Interface

ZipMoUse highlights

ZIPmouse has designed numerous patent-pending innovations that make its interface a truly revolutionary offering when compared to search engines and Internet directories. Highlights of the important components of the ZIPmouse experience include:

• point & click interface – ZIPmouse employs an interface that is entirely point-and-click, allowing users to quickly locate websites without ever having to type keywords or come up with phrases. Users can navigate the entire ZIPmouse search directory by making simple point-and-click decisions based on the information presented to them on each ZIPmouse screen.

• 50 links/results per page – The ZIPmouse interface is clean and consistent at every level of its directory structure. Each page is organized with 25 links on the left side of the screen and 25 links on the right side of the screen to provide a quick and scroll-free way for users to locate those websites that are of the greatest interest to them.

• quick-link highlights – ZIPmouse gives users a great deal of options by providing 50 links per page. ZIPmouse simplifies the process of sorting through these links with the Zip to Topic feature. Users can choose one of the sub-topics (typically 10-20) available in a menu at the top of the screen. Once a user makes a selection, the links on the page that are relevant to the sub-topic are highlighted in bright yellow. This greatly speeds up the search process for users without the disorientation of a new page of information.

• featured center console – Every ZIPmouse screen presents a center console between the 50 Quick-Links that features a large banner image at the top of the center console and a number of smaller logos below. Both of these options are available to companies in that subcategory who are interested in gaining additional exposure beyond the basic Quick-Link listing. All featured graphics and logos provide instant links to advertiser websites.

• scalability – Much like a library, ZIPmouse is a more effective tool when it houses more information. Because the ZIPmouse directory structure is rigid, it will never become disorganized. However, it is also a bottomless structure that supports an unlimited number of subcategories. The more levels of subcategories that exist in ZIPmouse, the more specific visitors can be when they “drill down.” Adding more subcategories in the future will result in a better user experience and more advertising revenue for the Company.

Zip to Topic Highlighter(highlights specific categories)

Next ZIPmouse Level(depending on what

is highlighted)

Basic ZIPmouse Packages(25 Quick-Clicks)

Basic ZIPmouse Packages(25 Quick-Clicks)

Deluxe ZIPmouse Packages

Zip Tip

Pop-up Descriptions

Quick-Link Highlights

More Asian Restaurants

Page 9: What is ZIPmouse? · ZIPmouse Is a unIque onlIne dIrectory () that enables users to fInd websItes quIckly and easIly. ZIPmouse users fInd results 300% faster than wIth tradItIonal

The ZIPmouse Interface

the user has the oPtIon to

ZIP to Info,

ZIP to shoP,


ZIP to cIty.

Page 10: What is ZIPmouse? · ZIPmouse Is a unIque onlIne dIrectory () that enables users to fInd websItes quIckly and easIly. ZIPmouse users fInd results 300% faster than wIth tradItIonal

The ZIPmouse Interface

the user clIcks the ZIP

to cIty droP-down menu

and chooses a cIty, In

thIs case, cIncInnatI.

Page 11: What is ZIPmouse? · ZIPmouse Is a unIque onlIne dIrectory () that enables users to fInd websItes quIckly and easIly. ZIPmouse users fInd results 300% faster than wIth tradItIonal

The ZIPmouse Interface

a new Page loads wIth 50

lInks that cover a broad

range of toPIcs sPecIfIc

to the cIty.

Page 12: What is ZIPmouse? · ZIPmouse Is a unIque onlIne dIrectory () that enables users to fInd websItes quIckly and easIly. ZIPmouse users fInd results 300% faster than wIth tradItIonal

The ZIPmouse Interface

the user clIcks the ZIP to

toPIc droP-down menu

for sPecIfIc, contextual

toPIcs on the cIty, In thIs

case, restaurants.

Page 13: What is ZIPmouse? · ZIPmouse Is a unIque onlIne dIrectory () that enables users to fInd websItes quIckly and easIly. ZIPmouse users fInd results 300% faster than wIth tradItIonal

The ZIPmouse Interface

the restaurant sItes

hIghlIght. Its sPecIal to

note that the 50 l Inks

on the Page dId not

change. ZIPmouse sImPly

hIghlIghted the relevant

restaurant lInks.

the oPtIon for ‘more

restaurants’ aPPears In

the uPPer rIght corner

below the droP down


Page 14: What is ZIPmouse? · ZIPmouse Is a unIque onlIne dIrectory () that enables users to fInd websItes quIckly and easIly. ZIPmouse users fInd results 300% faster than wIth tradItIonal

The ZIPmouse Interface

the user clIcked on

‘more restaurants’ and

a new Page of 50 lInks,

sPecIfIc to restaurants

In cIncInnatI Is loaded.

Page 15: What is ZIPmouse? · ZIPmouse Is a unIque onlIne dIrectory () that enables users to fInd websItes quIckly and easIly. ZIPmouse users fInd results 300% faster than wIth tradItIonal

The ZIPmouse Interface

the user clIcks on the

‘ZIP to toPIc’ droP-down

menu and selects a tyPe

of restaurant, In thIs

case, asIan.

Page 16: What is ZIPmouse? · ZIPmouse Is a unIque onlIne dIrectory () that enables users to fInd websItes quIckly and easIly. ZIPmouse users fInd results 300% faster than wIth tradItIonal

The ZIPmouse Interface

all of the asIan

restaurants are


Page 17: What is ZIPmouse? · ZIPmouse Is a unIque onlIne dIrectory () that enables users to fInd websItes quIckly and easIly. ZIPmouse users fInd results 300% faster than wIth tradItIonal

The ZIPmouse Interface

the user clIcks on an

Info button by a l Ink, In

thIs case, P.f. changs, to

dIsPl ay more detaIled

InformatIon about the


It ’s ImPortant to note

that thIs descrIPtIon Is

made by the advertIser.

Page 18: What is ZIPmouse? · ZIPmouse Is a unIque onlIne dIrectory () that enables users to fInd websItes quIckly and easIly. ZIPmouse users fInd results 300% faster than wIth tradItIonal

The ZIPmouse Interface

the user clIcks the lInk

to P.f. changs and the

websIte oPens In a new

wIndow. thIs allows the

user to effortlessly get

back to theIr current

Page on ZIPmouse and

easIly comPare websItes

on a sPecIfIc toPIc.