what kind of media institution might distribute your magazine and why?

3) What kind of media institution might distribute your magazine and why? By Jessica Thompson

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Post on 04-Aug-2015




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3) What kind of media institution might distribute your magazine and why?By Jessica Thompson

This shows that the distributors aim their magazines to younger ages as they are the people who will be good with technology. Therefore they are making it easier for them to read their magazines via other platforms.

The fact that they have won lots of awards again shows the success of the magazines that Condé Nast distributes.

I chose to distribute my magazineExisting magazines:

• From looking at their existing magazines, I can see that they don’t currently distribute any music magazines.

• They have fashion, weddings, sport, travel and beauty magazines, but no music ones.

• I found the gap for a music magazine and their magazines are well known and successful, therefore I chose them to distribute my magazine as it would increase its readership.

Glamour magazine is aimed at women. The age range varies from teens to young adult.

Details attracts male readers who are in their teens or early adulthood.

GQ magazine is mainly aimed at a male audience however women also read it. It tends to have young – mid adult readers.

This is a magazine that is aimed at female teenagers

This magazine attracts females from teenagers to middle aged women

This is one of their online magazines about technology which attracts a large male readership

This again shows which magazines can be accessed on different platforms. Making it easier for younger ages to access-increasing their readership to more teenagers.

Why would be perfect for my magazine, ?

• I chose this producer/distributor because it currently doesn’t supply a magazine that is about music, which obviously means that they don’t have any about my genre (acoustic).

• It’s magazines that it already distributes are all successful and well known, therefore by using them, they will get my magazine known and increase the amount of readers.

• The variety of their magazines are appealing to the same target audience age range as mine (teens to young adults) and therefore if they enjoy acoustic music they might purchase my magazine.