what makes adults cheat

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  • 7/29/2019 What makes adults cheat...


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    The same things that make adults cheat make kids do it

    I. M. R. Pinheiro, [email protected]

    1,882 words

    How does a person start in the career of having no merit? That was the question in my mind the

    other day.

    I then thought of a few people that I knew had cheated for sure in almost every exam of their lives.

    Upon reflection, I decided that, first of all, they come from families that do not accept that a person

    is a person, not a collectivity. They do not accept that any member of their families have less

    schooling, for instance, than their parents: They can, almost all the time, achieve more, but not less.

    People are frequently driven to believe that schooling is all that matters in life, especially in terms of

    social status. That inner certainty makes them think that they are inferior, therefore a sort ofwacko, if they do not have at least the same level of schooling that their relatives have.

    All obviously starts at school .

    Some will not have any interest in Academia and since early in life will show somehow to society

    that they do not give a damn. Others will not have physical capability (I have decided that any

    mental impairment is a physical problem). Others will not have social capability (I am here thinking

    that the diversity in human kind is extraordinary and people may see themselves forced to attend

    certain privileged environments, for instance, but have little, personally, to do with those). More

    than likely, there are still other possibilities.

    The roots for all the problems in human kind seem to then lead to one fundamental mistake: The

    concept offamily.

    Have you noticed that people usually do not classify a couple with deep love for each other as a

    family? They usually call family a couple plus kids .

    Have you noticed that people usually call family the partner and the kids, but not necessarily the

    parents, the siblings, and the alike, unless you are a kid?

    That is quite confusing, just for starters.

    I think that we all agree that the sigmatoid family should point to a fixed reference from birth to

    death in terms of at least medical records .

    When we go to the GPs office and they ask us if we have a family, should we think of partner and


    The answer is no.

    Notwithstanding, when we are in society and they ask us if we have a family, they are probably

    referring to partner and kids. Sometimes we are with our partners at their face and they still ask,

    precisely like this: Do you guys have a family? Well, that can only mean that the couple does not

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    constitute a family . To make things even worse, when a person dies and the doctors talk about

    them, whenever they say had a family, for instance, they almost always mean had a partner and

    kids .

    The reference for the sigmatoid family is determined by our birth, legally speaking. That means that

    we have never actually agreed with this deal.

    As a consequence, many of us, and this many includes me, have absolute horror of almost all their

    relatives. In my case, they are basically responsible for every major disgrace in my life. They have

    done all the devils book to me and little or nothing of what they should do in terms of what society

    explicitly declares to be their duties with me, that is, little or nothing of Gods book, believe it or


    We have nothing or little in common. I can count on my fingers those relatives with whom I think I

    could have a pleasant conversation in my life, quite sincerely, but my medical family amounts to at

    least fifty people (there are more people than that in it, but I really do not know how many).

    I got to recently think that we should be entitled to divorce our families legally and acquire another

    family for us, since those bonds, formed with our birth, were actually never our choice.

    One may think that genes and blood suffice to determine who you should love the most, but think of

    the birds, for instance: Mr. and Mrs. Bird simply wait until their kids can fly and get food to kick

    them out of the nest .

    Truth is that we have incompetence in large scale in almost every profession in human kind because

    our professionals, basically, live to cheat: They cheat on the formal rules, they cheat on the

    informal rules, they cheat on the rules that they themselves made with their partner, and so on so


    I deeply believe that the origin of all this cheat is the concept offamily.

    Not only the worst traumas and losses in the life of almost all of us have been caused by the rarely

    wanted blood and genes bonds, but we cannot be forced to give or to relate to people who have

    nothing, or very little, to do with us for any period of our lives that goes beyond flying and getting

    our own food, quite sincerely.

    In a rational world, the concept of family would be split into several others: procreators, caretakers,

    in a relationship, triads (father, mother, and kids), and others.

    In a rational world, we would be able to legally divorce any number of our natural relatives for life

    at any time.

    The most primitive human societies, say the Brazilian one, for instance, put such a weight on the

    concept of family that they legally oblige the individual to give to their relatives against their will.

    Basically, the number ofcases of interdiction of people who have no natural physical (physical for

    me includes mental) problems (sometimes they are criminally created (like the individual is turned

    into a mentally ill person through very Machiavellian processes) and almost all the time they are

    criminally told to exist) in Brazil is sky-high still nowadays. The legal process of interdiction makes all

    the wealth accumulated by the individual, in their lonely fights, go to the relative who cares about

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    them the most most of the time. The individual is then left to the possible sodomy and tyranny of a

    probably hated relative after being impaired criminally by them somehow (theoretically or

    physically). All major decisions about their lives will, from interdiction time onwards, be made by

    that relative. That unfortunately will almost invariably last for the rest of the life of the individual

    (the physical situation is usually irreversible and I myself have never seen the psychiatric situation

    change in any case I know about even because Psychiatry, the way it is now, not the way good

    Freud would like it to be, is used as a weapon against independence almost everywhere on earth).

    I am sure that if we finish with such a paradigm (family bonds), especially legally, people are going to

    be happier, freer, and more competent all over the world simply because they will be able to finally

    be what they can and want to be, that is, what makes them happy. This should be our vision of

    ideal human society. Basically, we want people to do things that make them happy about their day

    at work when they get home, that give them pleasure at work if they do them well, and that make

    them believe that they are being really useful to human kind to the best of their ability at all times.

    The world we have is a farce: Our scientists are compulsive liars, live from incompetent and idiotic

    work; our cops are assassins, thieves, violators of human rights, and others, themselves; our doctors

    are killers, torturers, mutilators, and others; our priests are rapists; and etc.

    Lets stop it right now, even though it is late. As they said so many times in the past: Better late than

    never .

    We should be able to legally divorce our relatives, defend ourselves from them, have society telling

    us that it is possible that they be our worst enemies on earth, what has to be the truth, since early in

    life and helping us protect ourselves against them (why not having another modality of self-defence

    classes at school, for instance, where we teach kids how to prove and denounce physical abuse athome (my physical includes the mental of nowadays), how to stop rape effectively or have more

    chances of not getting harmed when going through it, and others?).

    I love studying, love all my chosen professions, but that is probably because my mother is a gift: She

    is a psychologist, perhaps the best ever alive, and she helped me quite a lot in terms of building

    myself as an individual.

    I really chose my future up to when I had minimum respect of society for my rights and their duties

    with me (2001). I consider myself privileged for no other reason.

    I really think that one of my brothers, for instance, has some learning problems that are very hard to

    overcome and makes extraordinary effort to learn. This is not really what he wanted.

    He definitely feels completely happy in what I consider to be deep poverty, amongst the naturally


    Almost nobody in my medical family understands him.

    I would never miss him, seriously speaking, if he did not exist for me as a brother. I would never

    miss any sibling, actually.

    I think that people create a lot of expectations of medical families and those expectations may even

    destroy them.

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    My brother should have divorced his medical family when little and should have gone for his

    happiness, perhaps joining a simpler family, where people had done at most secondary courses or


    Imagine then a world where we can actually do that. Tell me now how many of you would like to

    have done it? I know, I know, and that is precisely why I wrote this article.

    What are we doing to ourselves?

    The lyrics of one of our most famous songs ever said teacher, leave our kids alone. I reckon that

    Pink Floyd1

    has actually meant medical relatives, leave our kids alone. Its members obviously felt

    obliged to study in the democratic world since they show irritation with the school. Why? Who did

    that to them?

    When my brother divorces us, in our newly created world, I will simply forget his existence (and so

    will do all my other medical relatives), and he will simply forget mine (yep, we can do that quite


    The fact that we share the same genes and blood with a few members of our species should be

    faced as it is in nature: Not a big deal, actually nothing.

    A tiger does not really look for their sibling, despite all movies we watch. So sorry, but they rarely

    think that medical families matter.

    Finally, we should definitely start using this term, medical families, since that reminds me of

    disease and that is precisely what the expression genetic family refers to in my opinion: A disease.
