what social groups have you represented

What social groups have you represented? - young adults - working class - women - men - changing characters In my movie, one of the main characters is a female named Chloe. She is represented differently in different parts of the film. For example at the start she is represented as a modern day femme fatale whereas by the end of the film she is seen as just a girl who has fallen in love and broken up with the man. I have represented the normality of the characters by the expression of their daily routine. This includes getting a coffee and walking to work of what the audience sees so far. This will not only represent the working classes daily routine but perhaps a teenagers daily routine to school. At the start of the two minute clip, Chloe is shown to be an unemotional, heartless girl. Chloe wears a working class woman's outfit with a twist; she has a slit in her skirt and a designer bag and shoes. The outfit makes Chloe appear seductive and so this fits with her character once it is revealed that she is playing a number of different men, all who she is indifferent about. Her attire would represent office workers i.e. the working woman but almost the working woman that the audience would be jealous of, due to her designer clothing and bag, as well as she has male attention. The slit in her black, office skirt is not normally what would be seen on an everyday office suit. Also the Louis Vuitton bag would The use of ‘Costa Coffee’ makes the film seem every day and represent the social group that use it for their everyday routine.

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Post on 20-Dec-2015




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What social groups have you represented?

- young adults- working class- women - men- changing characters

In my movie, one of the main characters is a female named Chloe. She is represented differently in different parts of the film. For example at the start she is represented as a modern day femme fatale whereas by the end of the film she is seen as just a girl who has fallen in love and broken up with the man.

I have represented the normality of the characters by the expression of their daily routine. This includes getting a coffee and walking to work of what the audience sees so far. This will not only represent the working classes daily routine but perhaps a teenagers daily routine to school.

At the start of the two minute clip, Chloe is shown to be an unemotional, heartless girl. Chloe wears a working class woman's outfit with a twist; she has a slit in her skirt and a designer bag and shoes. The outfit makes Chloe appear seductive and so this fits with her character once it is revealed that she is playing a number of different men, all who she is indifferent about. Her attire would represent office workers i.e. the working woman but almost the working woman that the audience would be jealous of, due to her designer clothing and bag, as well as she has male attention.

The slit in her black, office skirt is not normally what would be seen on an everyday office suit. Also the Louis Vuitton bag would appeal to the audience member that desires luxuries.

The use of ‘Costa Coffee’ makes the film seem every day and represent the social group that use it for their everyday routine.

The two main characters are aged 18-22 and this is just leaving the teenager bracket and entering the young adult bracket. The main characters were one male and one female therefore the main characters represent female, male and young adult social groups. I did not include a large number of props, I only included her bag, the coffee cup and then the clothing. Her clothing would be said to be well dressed and stylish. The use of nice clothing and a bag allowed me to stereotype what women like and therefore represent the female social group appropriately (see screenshot above).

The audience assumes that Chloe has got money and has a dream job at the start of the two minute clip and that she has multiple men after her. Although they later find out that her life is far from perfect. Through the use of the tense music, it suggests to the audience that something is about to happen or change drastically, this therefore represents the social group which begins as one thing i.e. a femme fatale, but once their true character is revealed they are a completely different person to what the audience originally thought. The use of different camera shots, which did not focus on Chloe’s face but instead focusing away from it, reinforces the idea that something will change.

Chloe is represented negatively through the use of the voice over, it speaks about Chloe in an extremely negative light. She is also represented as the one with the power within the relationship between her and Jack, which is shown through the fact he turns as she walks by and is almost mesmerised by her, whilst she remains unfazed. This represents a feminist social group which is all about female power over men.

He smiles as she walks past showing his love for her, but also his lack of power around her, she has him wrapped around her finger.