what testers can learn from brewing beer - brewing beer the agile way

Brewing The agile way Eddy Bruin A story about beer development and tasting Bram Bronneberg

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Post on 18-Jan-2017




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Brewing The agile way

Eddy Bruin

A story about beer development and tasting

Bram Bronneberg

Eddy Bruin Bram Bronneberg

Once upon a time…

The perfect beer for ATD

Where to start? Market research!

Checking the basics

What type of beers?AltbierBerliner WeisseBockDampfbierDoppelbockDunkelEisbockGoseHellesKellerbierKölschKottbusserMaibockMalt beerMärzenPilsnerRauchbierRoggenbierSchwarzbierWeissbierZoigl

Pilsner 68%Weissbier 10%

Schwarzbier 2%

What do germans like?


Between Alcohol 5,1 and 5,6%

So what does this all tell us?

So we present you!!!

<Breyk>Type: Rye pale ale

Estimated OG: Cat. I – 1,050 (12,5⁰ P)

Estimated FG: 1,007 (2⁰ P)

Bitterness: 26 EBU/IBU

Color: EBC: 16 / SRM: 8


≠User Experience


Brewing The agile way

A story about beer development and tasting

A story about product development and testing

The brewing processour first batch








Brewing a prototype

Brewing a prototype

You might not need to have a big infrastructure to test the business value of your idea


Testing our prototype

How did we test?

Source: Gojko Adzic

Did we look at all levels of quality?

Testing our prototype

Traditional Test Focus

New product?Test business

assumptions over functional quality


Prototype #2 and evolution

Feedback Improvement

Lacking “nose” Reducing boiling time of hops

Strange sweetness Use different dry hops

To little carbonation Increasing bottle sugar

Lighter taste color than expected Increase the Rye content

• Science behind the recipe• Calculated Bitterness

• Calculated Color

• Calculated Alcohol percentage

• Science behind the brewing• Mashing steps

• Evaporation+purching

• Science behind the water!

Putting the craft in to craftsmanship

Predicting beer color

Predicting beer bitterness

IBUs = U% * (ALPHA% * W_OZ * 0.7489)


Beer brewing is empirical and a

craftsmanship that NOT just everybody

can do


The Final Batch

x 40

Maintainability Compliancy

Context can change quality expectations


What can testers learn from brewing beer?Features ≠ User Experience

The user’s experience will lead to success or failure

You might not need to have a big infrastructure to test the business value of your idea

Find out if you need to integrate with a big infrastructure from the beginning

New product? Test business assumptions over functional quality

Determine what makes the project a success and test for this first

Beer brewing/Testing is empirical and a craftsmanship that NOT just everybody can do

From repetition and experimentation one gains mastery

Context can change quality expectations

Not all quality attriubutes are equally important in a certain point of time

Big thanks to …

<Br>eaking <Br>ewery

Hey, we just met youAnd this is crazy

So here’s our twitter So tweet us maybe?!


[email protected]@polteq.com
