what the bible means to us - grace presbyterian church · 10/20/2019  · the rev. jake van pernis...

What The Bible Means To Us 19th Sunday aſter Pentecost Sunday, October 20 , 2019 10:30 am Vision Transforming lives through God’s grace Mission Inspired by the Holy Spirit, we grow disciples of Jesus Christ to love our neighbours and effect social change. Musicians Susan Woodward, Music Director Donna Holoboff, Organist Ministers The Rev. Dr. Nick Athanasiadis Lead Minister, Vision, Worship and Discipleship The Rev. Maren McLean Persaud Associate Minister, Children and Youth The Rev. Dr. M. Jean Morris Associate Minister, Pastoral Care The Rev. Jake Van Pernis Associate Minister, Engagement and Service

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  • What The Bible Means To Us

    19th Sunday after Pentecost Sunday, October 20 , 2019 10:30 am

    VisionTransforming lives through God’s grace

    MissionInspired by the Holy Spirit, we grow disciples of Jesus Christ to love our neighbours and effect social change.

    MusiciansSusan Woodward, Music DirectorDonna Holoboff, Organist

    MinistersThe Rev. Dr. Nick Athanasiadis Lead Minister, Vision, Worship and Discipleship

    The Rev. Maren McLean Persaud Associate Minister, Children and Youth

    The Rev. Dr. M. Jean Morris Associate Minister, Pastoral Care

    The Rev. Jake Van Pernis Associate Minister, Engagement and Service

  • Order of Worship*Please stand as you are able.Large Print Copies of today’s bulletins and hymns are available at the Sanctuary entrances.A warm welcome is extended to all, especially those who are worshipping at Grace for the first time. Your presence both enriches us and this time of worship together. You are invited to sign our guest-book, fill out one of the cards in the pew rack and place it in the offering plate, or reach out to us through our website.

    Prelude My Shepherd Will Supply My Need Arr by M. Hayes Since Jesus Came Into My Heart Arr by M. Hayes

    Announcements Nick Athanasiadis

    *Entry of the Bible Estel Latchman

    *Lighting of the Christ Candle Giyth Diok

    *Introit Our Song Shall Rise To Thee J.M. Martin

    *Call to Worship Heather Christie BurnsGod promises us justice,and God teaches us persistence.God promises us deep assurance,and God teaches us not to lose heart.God promises to be with usand God teaches us to tend to each other.Together, let us worship our God of comfort and challenge, our God of courage and compassion.

    *Hymn 103 O Lord, Thou Art My God And King

    Prayer Of Adoration Creator, Christ and Holy Spirit, you breathe life into all things. By your hand, all life is nourished. Your unfailing love endures forever. You are a rock and refuge for your people, and you are trustworthy in all things.

  • Your desire for justice and the peace that accompanies it can never ultimately be defeated.Since you alone can bring life out of death,and restore wholeness from the brokenness of sin,we gather to praise you and rejoice in the hope you offer. Together, we proclaim that your love is the power at work in all situations,seeking goodness and revealing truth, love that will never let us go. Amen.

    Prayer Of Confession Out of a desire to recognize the truth about ourselves and live in right relationship with you and one another, we confess our sin: God of mercy, You provide us with the gift of faith but too often we lose heart quickly.You invite us to be persistent but we forget about you and conclude that you have abandoned us.You teach us truth, but we prefer teachers who tell us what we want to hear.Forgive us, O God. Write your law on our hearts so that all of us, from the least to the greatest, will know your steadfast love and goodness, which you offer for the sake of all humankind.


    The Lord’s Prayer We now pray as Jesus taught us: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil; for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory; for ever, amen.

    Assurance Of Pardon God assures us with these words: “I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people … I will forgive their iniquity and remember their sin no more.” Friends, hear and believe the good news:In Jesus Christ we are forgiven.

  • *Hymn Come! Live in the light! (verse 1 & 2)

    One License # A-729521

  • Conversation with Young Christians Maren McLean PersaudChildren and Youth are invited to go to their classes; Pre K- Grade 6 will be in the Dining Hall, Jr. High in the Gym and Sr. High are invited to participate in the worship service. Parents and Guardians are invited to the Boardroom for Church School for Parents.

    Responsive Reading Living Faith: Chapter 5 – The Bible (page 14)The Bible has been given to usby the inspiration of Godto be the rule of faith and life.It is the standard of all doctrineby which we must test any word that comes to usfrom church, world, or inner experience.We subject to its judgmentall we believe and do.Through the Scripturesthe church is bound only to Jesus Christ its King and Head.He is the living Word of Godto whom the written word bears witness.

    The Holy Spirit gives us inner testimonyto the unique authority of the Bibleand is the source of its power.The Bible, written by human hands,is nonetheless the word of Godas no other word ever written.To it no other writings are to be added.The Scriptures are necessary, sufficient, and reliable,revealing Jesus Christ, the living Word.

    Both Old and New Testaments were writtenwithin communities of faithand accepted as Scripture by them.Those who seek to understand the Bibleneed to stand within the churchand listen to its teaching.

  • The Bible is to be understood in the lightof the revelation of God’s work in Christ.The writing of the Bible was conditionedby the language, thought,and setting of its time.The Bible must be read in its historical context.We interpret Scriptureas we compare passages,seeing the two Testaments in light of each other,and listening to commentators past and present.Relying on the Holy Spirit,we seek the application of God’s word for our time.

    Scripture 2 Timothy 3: 10-17 (page 188, New Testament) Dan Philips John 21: 20-25 (page 102, New Testament)

    Sermon What The Bible Means To Us

    *Hymn 507 Break Now The Bread Of Life

    Prayers of the People

    Anthem Show Me Thy Ways W.H. Pelz

    Offertory Abide With Us, Our Saviour J. Pachelbel/M. Burkhardt

    *Doxology - Hymn 830 Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow

    *Offertory Prayer Jean Clelland

    *Hymn 468 Lord, Dismiss Us With Your Blessing


    *Choral Amen Hymn 780

    Postlude Now Thank We All Our God S. Karg-Elert

  • Flowers in the sanctuary today are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Dr. Jack Williams from Joyce Williams and family

    Flowers are also placed in loving memory of Helen Marsh, from husband, Ross, and grandchildren, Helena and William


  • Following Worship

    • Today During Worship Church School For Parents: Following the Conversation with young Christians, any parent and guardian is welcome to join us in the boardroom for part 2 of our Navigating Digital and Social Media discussion. Today we’ll talk about appropriate supervision of your child’s social media use and what appropriate exposure to social media can look like.

    • Please stay for refreshments and conversation in the Family Room following the service.

    • Cakes are available for purchase at Grace Church the in the Family Room after worship. If there are any remaining for sale, Cakes will also be for sale on Sunday, October 27, 2019

    Upcoming Worship

    Sunday, October 20, 7:00 pm Evening Grace in the Chapel Preacher: The Rev. Jake Van Pernis

    Sunday, October 27, 10:30 am – 20th Sunday after Pentecost Reformation Sunday Preacher: Rob Robertson, Convener, PWS&D Governance Team Guest Presenter following Worship: Arthur Stanley Lichenya, Program Manager, Churches Action Relief and Development (CARD) in Blantyre, Malawi

    Sunday, November 3, 10:30 am – 21st Sunday after Pentecost Preacher: The Rev. Maren McLean Persaud Hymn Sing with the Choir 10:20-10:30

    Sunday, November 3, 7:00 pm Evening Grace and Healing Prayer in the Chapel Preacher: The Rev. Jake Van Pernis

    Sunday, November 10, 10:30 am – 22nd Sunday after Pentecost Service of Remembrance Preacher: The Rev. Nick Athanasiadis

  • Life and Work at Grace ChurchWe extend our sincere sympathy to the family of Anne Nichol upon her death on Saturday, October 12. A memorial service will be held at Grace on Friday, October 25, at 1:30 pm.

    Thursday, October 24th All are invited to a reception with The Rev. Amanda Currie, Moderator of The 2019 General Assembly, & PWS&D Committee at Varsity Acres Presbyterian Church. Please RSVP through the Eventbrite link by October 21, available in the event calendar on the Grace website on the .

    Thursday, October 31st Halloween is right around the corner! Grace is hosting a Trunk and Treat as a safe and fun alternative to trick or treating for children and families in the Beltline. Cars will fill our south parking lot on Halloween night, and children can trick or treat from trunk to trunk, collecting candy as they go. It is not too late to register your car to be a part of the event! Short on time to decorate your trunk? Let us know and we can help you! We are up to 2500 pieces of candy! Thank you to all who have generously donated so far. Our goal is to have 8000 pieces, so we are well on our way there! Let Rev. Maren know if you can contribute. Even if you don’t have a car, you can come join in on the fun! We will need help greeting, serving hot chocolate and cider and directing families to the main entrance of the lot.

  • November 1st, 9:30 AM-3:00 YYChurch-Does Church Matter? Ten Speakers from church and non-church backgrounds have ten minutes to answer the questions: Why church? Or, why not church? And how is the church relevant or irrelevant today?

    Speakers include, CBC Radio Host David Gray, Calgary Blogger Mike Morrison, Grace’s Associate Minister to Children and Youth, Rev. Maren McLean Persaud as well as leaders from United, Anglican and Evangelical churches in Alberta. (Event takes place at Hillhurst United Church, cost is 25$ per person)

    Christmas Beauty Gift Bags Let’s make our seventh year in honouring the RESET young women with surprise beauty gift bags a huge success. The RESET participants are always so grateful and appreciative when they receive these wonderful beauty Christmas gift bags. We’re asking for lovely new beauty products from the following ideas: Make-up - new blushes, eye shadow, mascara, lipstick Body - lotions, body wash, shower gel and bubbles, fancy soaps Hand - lotion, manicure set, nail polish Extras - fancy lotion gift packages, pocket kleenex, socks Your generosity is greatly appreciated along with your caring participation in this worthwhile Christmas outreach program. Pastoral care gives a number out as well. A rubbermaid tub for donations will be in the family room entryway until Sunday, December 1st.

    Ministers Away

    Nick Athanasiadis will be away from October 22 – November 7Jake Van Pernis will be away from October 23 – October 26

  • Cake Bake 2019Celebrating 58 Years

    Many thanks On behalf of the Cake Bake Committee, we acknowledge and thank this year’s volunteers and sponsors whose names appear below. We were delighted to welcome several volunteers from our ELL program. Your energy, enthusiasm, support and generosity have made Cake Bake 2019 successful in so many ways. If you volunteered and your name doesn’t appear on the list, please accept our apologies and our thanks.

    Proceeds Thanks to your participation we will raise close to $30,000 this year! 100% of the proceeds go to support local outreach programs.

    Volunteers and Donors:Venka Advic, Family of Lois Agnew, Alan, Margaret Anderson, Dorothy Bartnes, Sherry Buckle, Dagiisurene Byannba, Greta Bylsma, Cathy Caldwell, Calgary Co-op, Carol Campbell, Carol Carruthers, Barb Cichon, Claudia, Jean Clelland, Fran Cormack, Elizabeth Cressman, Dayane, Jan Dewar, Marlene Doherty, Mark Durieux, Joni Ermter, Carol Evans, Fiona, Fabruzia France, Doug and Kathy Fee, Doris Frizell, Lidia Gorelik, Grace, Jo-Ann Hauck, Trish Hazard, Barbara Henson, Donna Holoboff, Zoe Hong, Noreen Howard, Norma Hunchak, Wes Hutchen, Mary Jardine, Jeeyoung, Minyeong Jeon, Ryan and Joanne Kellough, Margot Kellough, Rebecca Kim, Betty Kupeian, Anne Landry, Sam Larmour, Barb Larson, Lesley Lee, Cecilia Lin, Dorothy Love, Rob McDonald, Josette Macdonald, Eileen Mayhew, John and Marie McNeill, Lorna and Terry McNeill, Tracy McNeill, Margareta Meijer, Margaret Montgomery, Sakiko Nakagane-ono, Susan and Lyndon Nordean, Freda Pascoe, Martha Pauls, Bruce Perrault, Orma Potter, Dan Pyper, Claudia Rocha, Michel Santos, Adriana Sarmiento, Terry Saunders, Viviane Silva, Jan Slinger, Linda Snow, Soon, Broda Stuart, Svetlana, Teri Telfer, Thomo, Lorna Thomson, Barb and Dave Todd, Fran Tomlinson, Elena Tran, Susan Turner, Kate Van Pernis, Henrietta VanHuigenbos, Viviane, Barb Voynovich, Amanda Wall, Helen Willison, Richard Wilson, Deborah Winston, Florin Wolfer, Elizabeth Young, Joeyoung Young, Martin Zevenhuisen, Ziona, and Zoolo.

    Thank you for your support. The Cake Bake Committee

  • Phone: 403.244.5861 Address: 1009 - 15th Ave SW Calgary, AB T2R 0S5

    Email: [email protected] Website: www.gracechurchcalgary.com

    Twitter/Facebook: @calgarygrace

    Volunteer OpportunitiesFor more information about any of the items below, please contact

    Cindy Stephenson, Coordinator of Volunteers, at [email protected].

    Calling all RN’s or LPN’s! Do you have an interest in helping your fellow parishioners? We are looking to recruit more Parish Nurses to check blood pressure, attend to minor medical issues and/or answer medical questions. The time commitment is minimal, averaging one Sunday per month.

    THANK YOU for sharing your interests and gifts via the Volunteer Survey! Please place your completed survey on the offering plates. An online version is also available at https://gracechurchcalgary.com/volunteer/

    A Note From FacilitiesIndigo Parking Changes:Due to changes at Indigo Parking, please note that the church is no longer able to cancel parking tickets. Please remember to always have your parking pass visible in through the front window of your vehicle. Thank you.