what types of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? Upon doing my research into different kinds of media institutions and media distribution, I think that the best distribution deal for our production would be a UK theatrical release. A theatrical release is better, as a non-theatrical release has to have a closed audience who cannot be charged for the viewing. Although our production is a horror/thriller which is a niche group, we would prefer to still distribute to allow anyone to view. Also, a non- theatrical release cannot be widely advertised for, which gives a disadvantage as there won’t be many people that are aware of the screening, therefore meaning there could be a reduced audience size. In most cases, the contract for a theatrical release will also include the rights to release the production for home release, this could either be online or in a physical DVD format and this would mean that our production has 2 release dates. Sometimes this can be more costly, because you need to pay for advertising for the theatrical release and the home release but this is normally made back through the money taken at release. I believe it would be best for our production to be released online

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: What types of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?Upon doing my research into different kinds of media institutions and media distribution, I think that the best distribution deal for our production would be a UK theatrical release. A theatrical release is better, as a non-theatrical release has to have a closed audience who cannot be charged for the viewing. Although our production is a horror/thriller which is a niche group, we would prefer to still distribute to allow anyone to view. Also, a non-theatrical release cannot be widely advertised for, which gives a disadvantage as there won’t be many people that are aware of the screening, therefore meaning there could be a reduced audience size. In most cases, the contract for a theatrical release will also include the rights to release the production for home release, this could either be online or in a physical DVD format and this would mean that our production has 2 release dates. Sometimes this can be more costly, because you need to pay for advertising for the theatrical release and the home release but this is normally made back through the money taken at release. I believe it would be best for our production to be released online and on a physical DVD format. Online streaming is becoming more and more popular recently with the rise of many streaming websites (eg. Netflix, Amazon, NowTV). However, there are still people that prefer to own the physical DVD, especially when it comes with extras on the DVD. This is why I think we should release our production on both platforms because it will bring in 2 different types of people.