what would happen if

WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF What would happen if Allan Pinkerton had not decided to accompany Lincoln on his tour in Baltimore

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Page 1: What would happen if


What would happen if Allan Pinkerton had not decided to

accompany Lincoln on his tour in Baltimore

Page 2: What would happen if

Febuary,23, 1861

Abraham Lincoln is assassinated by a confederate Sympathizer.

Hannibal Hamlin will become president

Page 3: What would happen if


Hannibal Hamlin Inaugurated as President

Outlines his plans for the Union, and Slavery

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Civil War Begins

McClellan loses at Antietam

Hamlin surrenders to Lee when he marches to Washington D.C in 1862

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Confederacy gains independency Creates alliance with Great Britain and

Canada Slavery sustained in Confederacy

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Hamlin is not elected

Hamlin not elected for a second term Radical Republicans lose steam and

become less popular Reconstruction era replaced with

Democratic presidents trying to smooth relations with Confederacy

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Expansion in seas

Democrats control the Senate and presidency

Confederate States of America is involved in the Spanish American War while the United States stays out.

The United States doesn’t feel they have the power to expand while the Confederate States of America is at their border

Page 8: What would happen if

World War One

With the country separated. The united states doesn't feel the need to become involved in World War One

Confederates stay loyal to their British Ally

Allied Victory still occurs. Germany treated very harshly at Versailles.

No league of nations is formed

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The United States does not become an Economic power because they don’t have the ability to lend money to Europe

The roaring twenties is replaced by slow progression towards industrial life.

Britain remains world power.

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The Global depression does not affect the United States as much because there is no Stock Market Crash, the economy stays at a moderate level.

Hitler starts to rise to power Japan Aggression in china starts

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World War 2 has started Confederates once again come to the aid

of Britain Without bases in Hawaii the United states

is never attacked. D-day is a failure for the allies Germany controls Europe, but does not

take over Britain or Russia

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Japan continues there aggression in the Pacific with Australian and British resistance

Japan eventually takes most of the pacific Islands, but leaves Australia

China becomes a Japanese Colony

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American Economy stays moderate without a baby boom

Confederate States of America economy suffers over war debts to Germany, Japan, and Italy

Cold War does not occur

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Communism is Spread to Korea and Veitnam

Confederate States of America and the United States cannot reach a free trade aggrement

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The United States becomes a small industrial power globally while the Confederate States of America are still lacking in Industrial Success

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The United States is bordered by the Confederate States of America and Canada

Republican party is a small factor in elections

Democratic Party dominates politics

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Free Trade

Canada and the Confederate States reach a free trade agreement

The United States is blocked out of trade in North America

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The United States offers Amnesty to escaped slaves

Henderson v the United States of America

Causes Conflict between the C.S.A and the U.S.A

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