what you need to know about hair loss

Call Toll Free 877-217-8707 For Expert Advice On Your Hair Loss Problem & What Can Be Done To Combat It. Monday - Thursday 7:00 am – 7:00 pm. Friday – 7:00 am – 6:00 pm. (All times Pacific) What You Need To Know About Hair Loss, Hair Loss Prevention & Hair Rejuvenation

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In an age where people want to preserve their youthfulness and beauty until the last possible moment, losing hair can be the last straw. It can be devastating for anyone’s self esteem.


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Call Toll Free 877-217-8707 For Expert AdviceOn Your Hair Loss Problem & What Can BeDone To Combat It.

Monday - Thursday 7:00 am – 7:00 pm.Friday – 7:00 am – 6:00 pm.

(All times Pacific)

What You Need To Know About Hair Loss, Hair Loss Prevention & Hair Rejuvenation

What You Need To Know About Hair Loss, Hair Loss Prevention & Hair Rejuvenation

What You Need To Know About Hair Loss, Hair Loss Prevention & Hair Rejuvenation

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What You Need To Know About Hair Loss, Hair Loss Prevention & Hair Rejuvenation

Table of ContentsIntroduction.................................................................................................................................................3

Chapter I: Causes of Hair Loss......................................................................................................................4

Genetic Causes of Hair Loss.....................................................................................................................5

Other Causes of Hair Loss........................................................................................................................7

Chapter II: Diagnosing Hair Loss ..................................................................................................................9

Chapter III: Drugs and Medications Used for Hair Loss..............................................................................13

Chemical Treatments.............................................................................................................................13

Going to the Roots.................................................................................................................................14

History of Hair Loss Medications...........................................................................................................15

Mechanism of Hair Loss Drugs...............................................................................................................16

Chapter IV: Natural Modes of Treatment..................................................................................................18

Aloe Vera...............................................................................................................................................18

Green Tea..............................................................................................................................................18

Red Pepper............................................................................................................................................19

Chapter V: Alternative Modes of Treatment.............................................................................................21


Ayurvedic Oil Massage and Hair Diet.....................................................................................................21

Laser Phototherapy...............................................................................................................................22

Chapter VI: Hair Loss Prevention and Hair Rejuvenation...........................................................................24


Trace Mineral Silica................................................................................................................................25



So Does Exercise....................................................................................................................................26

So Will Your Habits................................................................................................................................27

Chapter VII: Coping with Hair Loss.............................................................................................................28

Before and After Images............................................................................................................................29

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In an age where people want to preserve their youthfulness and beauty until the last possible moment, losing hair can be the last straw. It can be devastating for anyone’s self esteem.

Men dread the Friar Tuck, the obvious bald spot, and having to resort to a comb over.

Women who suffer from hair loss watch as the strands pile into their hairbrush, agonize over lost patches, and sometimes suffer from complete baldness - although this case is rarer than it is of men.

In most cases, hair loss is determined by genetics. Just as the color of your hair, its thickness, length and texture are determined by genes.

What many people do not know is that hair loss can also be the symptom of a serious health condition, and in one case, a condition in itself. Anyone experiencing sudden and dramatic hair loss should consult a doctor immediately.

Reading this book should help you treat both cosmetic hair loss and help you determine if your hair loss is a symptom of something deadlier. It will also detail some of the natural and chemical treatments that can help delay hair loss.

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It will also give you a few tips on how to prevent hair loss and naturally create shiny, healthy and beautiful hair.

Chapter I: Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss is caused by many factors. Before understanding why you are losing your hair, you have to understand how hair works.

Hair is considered a biomaterial, found only in mammals (in most other animals it is called fur). Hair grows from follicles, which is the little bulb you see when you pull a hair out. Located beneath the skin in a layer called the dermis, hair sprouts from the follicle in the visible part called the shaft.

Hair is divided into three areas: the cuticle, cortex and medulla. All of these compose the material. The cortex is composed of a substance called keratin, over which the cuticle overlaps in an arrangment not unlike those of roof tiles. The medulla is found at the center of the fiber.

Hair grows in a cyclical pattern of growth, death and regrowth, known as anagen, catagen and telogen phases. These phases occur at the same time and your head of hair (as well as the hair on other parts of the body) can experience all three phases at the same time with single follicles.

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At the growth stage, which can take up to eight years depending on your genetics, the cells produce new hair and the follicle is inside the skin, constantly nourished by blood. The nourishment stimulates the hair to grow.

Later, the strand dies. The follicle shrivels up and cuts the strand off from its food source. This is what causes hair to grow, because the shaft is pushed upward out of the skin.

Finally, the hair starts to rest in the telogen phase until the growth cycle begins again. New hair growth pushes the now completely dead strand out of the follicle, which causes the hair to fall out. On average, the human head loses about 100 strands daily, which is considered normal.

Your hair is an important aspect of your body. It keeps you warm, protects sensitive areas like the genitals and for many people, is an important part of their appearance. Losing hair can be a devastating blow to the ego and result in low self esteem.

Genetic Causes of Hair Loss

Sadly, the most common cause of hair loss is genetics. The simple truth is, some men are fated to be bald and some are not. This is also true for women. Most men who go bald do so because of a gene inherited from their mother—and this normally skips a generation.

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Sudden baldness in men often starts with thinning hair around the crown, with the man gradually losing all hair until the entire scalp is bald.

These genetic factors combine with aging and family history and start thinning the hair somewhere around the late thirties. Some women also experience this type of baldness, but due to the amount of testosterone need, it is normally confined to men.

Many women experience some form of baldness if they suffer from polycystic ovaries or any disease that imbalances their hormones.

One strange disease that causes baldness is known as alopecia areata. It is caused by sudden baldness on one side of the head or other parts of the body. When a person suffers from alopecia, their own immune system starts to attack their hair and disrupts the cycle of hair growth.

Many studies show that alopecia-afflicted hair follicles have too many immune cells growing in them. The hair loss can only affect one area, or in more severe cases, affect the entire body.

Alopecia can be a disease all on its own, but it is normally a symptom of other auto immune diseases like loss of thyroid function, lupus, vitiligo or it can also be an extreme manifestation of an allergic reaction.

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Other diseases like diabetes can also cause hair loss in extreme cases.

Other Causes of Hair Loss

An unhealthy diet causes hair loss because it deprives hair of the essential nutrients it needs to grow.

A person suffering from anorexia can experience hair loss as part of the disease. Anorexia, bulimia or other forms of eating disorders cause hair loss because the body is deprived of the essential nutrients that are needed to grow and replace hair. Many eating disorder sufferers often use laxatives or diet pills, which can aggravate the problem.

Stress can also cause hair loss, especially when the cortisone levels of the body are continually elevated due to exposure to stressful elements. The body may also go through periods of sudden hair loss when it feels like it is under stress—a good example is when a woman starts to lose a little more hair near the time she has to give birth. Usually this type of hair loss self-corrects and is merely a natural reaction.

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Other stress induced bad habits, such as picking at hair (a habit similar to biting nails) can cause bald spots where the follicles have been completely ripped out. This disease is known as trichotillomania.

A sufferer often has bald, bleeding patches in many parts of their body and need mental therapy to get over a disease like this.

Over styling your hair can also result in some hair loss. A person who frequently bleaches, colors and wears tight hair styles can suffer from baldness later on.

Chemical treatments like peroxide bleaching or highlighting hair damage keratin, which results in dry frizzy hair that may start falling out simply because they are no longer healthy.

The radiation from chemotherapy treatments normally causes massive hair loss in the body, especially in the head and other areas. If chemotherapy is successful, the hair normally grows back, although it is usually thinner and finer than before.

Medications (cause hair loss as a side effect) – medications for bipolar disorder, acne and even some diet pills can cause hair loss.

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Chapter II: Diagnosing Hair Loss

All kinds of disease and disorders in the medical world are proven through different diagnostic methods. Doctors and all health care providers do not and will not present any kind of treatment if the condition has not been diagnosed yet. Apart from the fact that this is part and parcel of most of the standard operating procedures in most health facilities, your client’s overall health depends on this.

As indicated in the chapter before this, hair loss is considered a problematic health condition. Although there are several products in the market which can help one deal with this, consultation with a specialist would be the best move for anyone.

First of all, you should know when your hair loss is considered normal or otherwise. Researchers and medical specialists state that the head normally sheds fifty strands of hair every day; so don’t be too alarmed that you see hair on your brush when you comb in the morning. However, you should think about visiting the doctor, or talk to an expert when you experience the following.

Why Wait? Call Toll Free & Speak To An Expert Today – 877-217-8707Monday - Thursday 7:00 am – 7:00 pm.Friday – 7:00 am – 6:00 pm.

(All times Pacific)

Here are some of the warning signs of alopecia.

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• Sudden and rapid hair loss, such as losing large amounts in the shower

• Finding tons of hair on your pillow when you wake up• Experiencing hair loss even you do not suffer from auto-

immune or similar diseases• The hair loss is accompanied by fatigue or a feeling of

exhaustion• The skin under your hair (scalp and other parts of the body) is

red, scaly and/or swollen• There are bald spots in your beard, mustache and other parts of

the body where you have hair• You are a woman and you are experiencing male pattern


If you experience one or two of those warning signs and symptoms, you should definitely have your hair loss problem checked out.

In case you decide to consult with a doctor, here are some of the tests that you should expect and might want to undergo.

• The Pull Test. In this test, several dozen strands of hair pulled out gently. This determines the stage of the shedding process to diagnose or rule out certain hair loss conditions.

• Getting skin scrapings. In this test, dermatologic samples and a few strands of hair are scraped and plucked from the scalp to

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see if an infection is causing the hair loss or some other sort of condition.

• Punch biopsy. Alopecia areata or the type of hair loss which causes scarring is pretty difficult to detect. If the first two diagnostic exams fail, the doctor may perform a punch biopsy. In this minor surgical test, the doctor makes use of a circular tool to cut out a small section of the deeper layers of your skin.

• Screening tests. This is done if the doctor thinks that your alopecia is caused by a related medical condition. As mentioned earlier, thyroid problems, diabetes or lupus may cause hair loss. The usual physical inspection, patient history interviews and laboratory tests (usually blood tests) are done.

Doctors often have a lot of things to ask their patients. Be very candid with him or her, as much as possible. It will help the physician know the cause of your hair loss problem and figure out the right mode of treatment for your case. Here are some points of discussion that you should anticipate to have with your doctor:

• Location of the hair loss (scalp, face, or other parts of the body)• The pattern of the hair loss (receding hairline, thinning of the

crown, overall baldness)• Other signs and symptoms experienced• Recent health problem, for example high-grade fever or other


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• Medications being taken• Hair treatment procedures (dyeing, perm, straightening, etc.)• Daily hair regimen at home (blow drying, shampooing, use of

hair spray, gel or other hair products)• Stress levels• Nervous habits which may cause one to pull hair or rub scalp

Seeking advice from the experts will naturally cost you more than just going to a shop and buying one of the over the counter medications for hair loss there.

However, you need to realize that the success of eradication hair loss problems really depends on knowing which caused it first.

Always bear in mind that treating the root cause is better than dealing with just the symptoms. And this can be achieved only by having the right diagnosis of the disease.

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Chapter III: Drugs and Medications Used for Hair Loss

Hair loss will not kill you. However, a lot of those who are suffering from this problem believe that it can hurt their social repute. Behavioral coping with this is very important, starting from the way in which you view the problem.

Then again, with so many products made entirely for alopecia and related problems, you have nothing to worry about. You can buy pills, shampoos, conditioners and other medications which promise to slow down or completely inhibit the hair fall.

Chemical Treatments

This is perhaps the most popular kind of therapy prescribed and used by people who are suffering from hair loss. First of all, it is very convenient to use. If it’s a pill, you only need to pop one once a day. If it’s a shampoo or a conditioner, all you need to do is lather it gently on your scalp and hair every single morning.

But how, exactly, do these medications work? What is contained in one tablet or one bottle of shampoo which promises to work wonders on your crowning glory? Here are some points about the chemical mode of treating alopecia and getting rid of this problem for good.

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Going to the Roots

Pattern baldness or alopecia is the most common kind of hair loss problem that is observed by medical experts. One of the recognizable reasons here is the DHT or Dihydrotestosterone. This is a normally occurring hormone in the body but is harmful to your hair roots if it is in high amounts or if you are hypersensitive to it.

DHT attaches to the scalp and the healthy hair follicles. It will starve out the follicles for the next few weeks, causing the hair to fall off. The problem is that DHT will continue to do this before the follicle gets well to nurture a new growth. Soon, the follicles in the scalp will become dormant and completely stop making new hair, hence, the baldness.

Most of the products and medications for alopecia in the market today target the DHT and the ugly cycle that it starts. Here are some kinds of the products that you will find:

• Topical products include shampoos, creams and conditioner that you use on the scalp or other parts of the body where you are experiencing hair loss. This kind is very effective for treating the premature sort of alopecia.

• Oral Medications like hair growth pills can stop thinning locks and can foster the development of new follicles. More often than not, these contain vitamins and loads of other nutrients

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which will help the hair grow and be healthy. More often than not, women favor this kind of medication.

Then again, DHT is not just the reason why hair loss occurs. There are other possible causes as well. This is the reason why one must undergo the usual check up and diagnostic exam. Your case of alopecia will be treated more successfully if the right medication was prescribed and that will only happen if the precise cause was identified first.

It would definitely be more advantageous if you choose the product that will stop the trigger of the problem and then help to induce hair growth as well.

History of Hair Loss Medications

Alopecia has already been a problem even during the time of the Egyptians building the pyramids and the Romans trying to learn the ways of the world. They have found several ways to deal with this although most of it has not been completely helpful.

The toupees and other hair pieces of the 17th century was the most effective way to cover a bald head. This trend continued until the late 20th century. However, this did not really satisfy most people suffering from alopecia. Besides that, individuals wearing wigs often became a target of jeers and jokes.

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One of the most famous oral treatments for hair loss was discovered as a side effect of a anti-hypertensive drug. It is originally a vasodilator, meaning that it increases the diameter of the blood vessels so that blood flow will slow down consequently lowering the blood pressure as well.

This statement was taken from the researchers of the drug itself: “Minoxidil may cause increased growth or darkening of fine body hairs, or in some cases, significant hair growth. When the medication is discontinued, the hair loss will return to normal rate within 30 to 60 days.”

Soon after the scientific researchers have found out this interesting side effect, they immediately started to work on the medication which can help people with their hair loss detriment.

Mechanism of Hair Loss Drugs

There are nearly hundreds of medications that you will see in the market today. Sometimes, it is very difficult looking for one which you will make use of. Most people, with their

The mechanism of anti-baldness medications is based on what causes the condition in the first place. For example, if the dilemma is caused by too much DHT, as explained earlier, the medication that you need to look for is that which deals with the said hormone.

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If your alopecia is caused by too much dandruff, then you will need to choose the medication which targets the dandruff first, hair loss next.

Since most hair loss problems are caused by weak or unhealthy follicles, the objective of most medications that you will chance upon is to fortify those follicles. You will see that a lot of those products contain vitamins and minerals which will help do just that.

As mentioned, one of the most popular medications for alopecia was discovered as a side effect only. However, the way in which this promotes hair growth has yet to be completely understood. Besides that, there are several side and adverse effects that you need to be very careful about.

Itching, redness and scaly skin are only some of the most common side effects. However, you need to be alarmed if you are experiencing other signs and symptoms such as severe allergic reactions (hives, extreme swelling, difficulty in breathing), chest pain and palpitations, among so many others.

This is why it is of great import that one should seek advice from the professionals. Doctors can identify the main cause of the problem and help you choose which among all the medications out there should be the best choice for your condition.

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Chapter IV: Natural Modes of Treatment

A lot of people nowadays are starting to prefer all natural and organic medications compared to the chemical preparations that most over the counter meds and pharmaceutical preparations contain. The want for this mode of treatment is not different when it comes to alopecia and related problems.

Here are some of the herbs and plants that are said to be very good organic medications against hair loss.

Aloe VeraThis plant is known as an all-around herbal medication. It can be used for cuts, burns and is said to make the follicles in your scalp healthy so that the hair will grow thick. Researchers believe that hair loss can be treated by using Aloe Vera extract as well, although this would work best if it is mixed with some coconut milk and wheat germ oil. The mixture can be used as a shampoo.

Then again, if you do not have time to work on this concoction, there are a lot of pre-made and bottled products in shops which contain all three ingredients. Most of these can aid to heal the scalp and prevent advanced alopecia.

Green TeaLike Aloe Vera, Green Tea is well known for having various uses.

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One of the elements within this all-around cure is its anti-oxidant properties. Catechins found in this drink is said to inhibit 5-alpha reductase. This enzyme is the one responsible for converting testosterone into DHT, the one which triggers male-pattern baldness.

You can either drink the real thing, preferably two or three times a day or pop a green tea pill once a day.

Red PepperSome vegetables can be rubbed on directly to the scalp – and red pepper is one of those things. Red peppers contain a skin irritant which helps promote histamine release. An allergic reaction will ensue, stimulating the cells in the scalp to draw blood and nutrients. Consequently, hair growth will occur.

There are other well known herbs, plants and even fruits and vegetables which can serve as natural hair loss treatments. The great thing about this is that these are cheaper than the usual medications that you will find. Besides that, these are very accessible. You can find it in your local market or even plant it in your backyard.

Nowadays, there are several natural and organic anti-hair loss products that you will see. Some people even claim that they are specialists in this field and will recommend people to chew on this leaf or boil and then drink the other one.

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Do not be immediately tempted to buy those “all organic” products that you see on the internet or that home TV shopping network that you like to watch.

The truth is one must be more wary of the herbal preparations that they plan to use. It would still be best if you consult with a licensed doctor before you try any of these medications.

Some of them might completely disregard its effectiveness but the new and young professionals certainly see the sense and logic in using natural ingredients in treating alopecia.

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Chapter V: Alternative Modes of Treatment

Some people do not consider going under the knife a very useful way to get back the hair that they have lost. Despite all the money that you will spend on these very expensive procedures, grafting those individual pieces or strands of hair one by one on the scalp do not show really good results.

So many people nowadays prefer to undergo the different alternative modes of treating hair loss. There aren’t a lot, mind, and some medical experts do not really think that those procedures can help. Then again, trying these would not worsen the condition.

AcupunctureThe modern world is well-acquainted with the old Chinese methods of acupuncture, wherein needles are inserted or ‘punctured’ on the different parts of the body as a curative method. Some of the people who have been using this swear that this is a very effective way of hair re-growth.

Ayurvedic Oil Massage and Hair DietThis is a traditional therapeutic method which originated in India. This is an alternative method which is still regarded by the medical world only as a complement to whatever they have to offer.

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In the case of alopecia, it is believed that an assortment or mixture of herbs, spices and oils can be used to prevent or treat hair loss and keep the scalp and the hair healthy afterwards. You can either go to an Ayurveda expert of check out the internet for the information you need.

Laser PhototherapyYou can either go to a specialist or buy a hand held product which you can use at home, by yourself. Before you swipe that credit card, you might want to read everything there is to know about this method.

Do your research. Try to find out if this can be used in conjunction with other modes of treatment that you plan to undergo. Check the possible side effects that it has. Know how often you need to use it and if its effectiveness will disappear if you stop.

Most of these therapies require the steady hand and knowledgeable skills of the experts. You should also know that you might be spending more than you would, compared to taking in an anti-hair loss tablet everyday or harvesting what you need from your garden.

Take note also that all of those are considered as complementary therapies by the medical world, rather than a stand-alone mode of treatment.

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One of the most important things that you need to understand is that consultation with a doctor, or any expert, before you go through with the procedure is of great import. You need to know so that you can weigh your choices very well.

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Chapter VI: Hair Loss Prevention and Hair Rejuvenation

One of the things that some people tend to forget is that the food we eat contains everything that the body may need to keep healthy. Although the hair does not have nerves and is therefore considered a ‘dead’ part of the body, it still needs nutrients.

It is not very difficult choosing the right kind of food to eat to keep the hair healthy. Just take note that the hair is made of protein cells. Therefore, it is very important that the food you much on is also high in protein.

All meat, poultry and fish products are very high in protein. Besides the usual pork, chicken and beef meat, you might want to include eggs, cheese and milk in your diet. If you are a vegetarian, try going for sprouts, lentils, other beans and tofu.

Beside Protein, you should make sure that the food that you eat contains the following minerals.

Here is a short list:

IronAfter Protein, Zinc is the second most important mineral that you need for hair loss prevention and hair growth. It would be best that

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you get this from food like lean red meat, oysters, tuna, etc. rather than getting the supplement form.

Trace Mineral SilicaSilica is very important if you want to keep your hair healthy. Besides preventing hair loss, this can help when you are suffering from the problem already. Not a lot of food contains this mineral and, if it does, it evaporates when the food is heated or cooked. It would be best if you supplement your diet with this.

IodineIodine is very good for healthy hair. However, you need something more than base mineral you get from table salt. Obviously, we all take in salt and therefore get enough of iodine.

Just make sure that you won’t get overdosed. Besides an array of diseases you can acquire because of too much salt like cardiac problems, it can actually induce hair loss.

ZincThis mineral is very important for hair growth but, like Iodine, must be taken in the right amount. One of the problems with Zinc is that it actually blocks the uptake and exertion of other minerals that you may need from food.

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Another great thing about Zinc is that it prevents dandruff (so expect to see this as an active ingredient in some shampoos). You can get this mineral from foods like lima beans, chickpeas, raw cashews, and almonds.

There are other important vitamins must be included in one’s diet. Here are some of those:

• Vitamin B Complex• Vitamin E• Vitamin A

Apart from eating the right kind of food, you should also eradicate those which will not be beneficial from your diet. Caffeine and alcohol are some of those things. The former increases the production of DHT while the latter dries everything up in your body – including hair follicles.

So Does Exercise

How many times must it be said? Exercise is good, not just for the muscles of your body, but also for your hair as well.

As mentioned in the first few chapters of this e-book, one of the reasons why alopecia can ruin your lives (and the roots of your hair) is due to stress. Other than a well-balanced diet, you need to live a well-balanced life as well. Rest, relaxation, recreation and work should be timed appropriately.

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So Will Your Habits

You might be strict about the way that you eat or about following your daily exercise regimen. However, if you are not careful with your hair, all of the things that you do will be completely useless.

First of all, practice proper hair care. Try massaging your scalp and hair gently. You can do this while you are in the shower, shampooing or conditioning your locks. Try not to shampoo too often because these contain several chemicals which will dry it.

Take note that taking care of your hair does not mean going to the salon often to get treatments. Perm jobs, hair straightening, dyeing, and all the other procedures you can opt to have in salons will actually damage your hair.

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Chapter VII: Coping with Hair Loss

No one said that baldness or even minor hair loss is not a difficult thing to deal with. Sure, this would not kill you. However, the society is not as kind as they should be to people with this problem. There are many reasons to explain the attitude of most people towards hair loss but that should be the least of your worries.

The most important thing here is how you see hair loss. A positive outlook towards your problem can help you deal with it without feelings of depression and irritation.

Here are some ways which can help you deal with this hair loss or bald spot situation:

• Try to learn about the reason behind the condition and research your treatment options. Again, this is possible if you consult a specialist. Ignorance may be bliss, but in this case, it can get you even more frustrated with the way you look.

• Once you are aware, make the people around you aware as well. Because they do not understand, they will make fun of you or pity you. However, if they know and understand this, your looks really would not matter so much compared to the actual condition that you are suffering from.

• Try to join a support group. Talking with people having the

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There is nothing wrong if you sport a bald spot on your head. Other people opt to shave their heads completely while others leave it alone.

Of course, if you prefer to have your hair back, you can choose from any of the anti-hair loss medications made available in the market today.

Be warned though, there are hundreds of products out there and if you decide to take matters in your hand, there’s a big possibility that you would be wasting a lot of money and time trying to find the perfect solution.

With many anti-hair loss products on the market, the average consumer is left wondering: what really works?

We can help you. Take a look at some client images below.

Before and After Images

The following photographs were taken by actual clients.

These photos have not been retouched, enhanced or altered in any way.

Though results may vary for each individual case, these photo’s give potential clients an insiders view of hair rejuvenation results and time periods to see those results.

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No two individuals are the same, so in order to serve you best, it is important to speak to a consultant so they may understand your profile, educate you and design a program specifically for your unique situation.

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and local laws, with ALL rights reserved. No part of this report may be copied, or

changed in any format, sold, or used in any way other than what is

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