what’s up wickliffe! august...august 2020 wickl iffe presbyterian church sunday monday tu esday...

Good day Newsletter readers! Hope you are continuing to find ways to manage and navigate through these complicated days. While everyone is struggling to achieve some semblance of normality today. It has become necessary to improvise, to re-channel or simply find another way to accomplishing our desired goals. The same has been true with the work of the church. Worship services with masks. No singing. Maintaining physical distances. Avoiding gatherings. All of it has caused us to re-think and re-plan how we go about our everyday life. For this reason, I want to inform everyone I have found a way to accomplish a little visitation by simply stopping by and saying, hello! Having a little tongue-in-cheek humor, I call this my drive-in pastoral visits.Keeping all of todays safety guidelines in mind, I simply pay you a visit by driving into your driveway. From my car, I call you on your phone. Then we carry on a bit of conversation while you are still in your house, on your porch or standing in your garage or yard. Ingrid accompanies me and enjoys being part of our visits. I have been doing these for the last two months and have enjoyed them and found them to be a great way of staying in touch with everyone. However, just a couple comments on what complicates this approach of visitation. Of course, the first stumbling block is the weather. The heat, rain or wind when present do make this difficult. But I would not expect anyone to tolerate the inclement weather for visitations sake. I can always return another day. The second stumbling block is when nobodys home! But again, this is not a bother. Once again, I can always come back another day. And I will leave a message letting you know that I was there. Other than these two disadvantages, doing drive-in pastoral visitshas made it possible to accomplish my goals of staying in touch. Also, I want to say I have been quite pleased with our worship services. Everyone is doing what is required to keep one another safe. As well, I want to especially thank our Piano Accompanist Cristin Balale for rolling with the program. Being able to adjust with all the contingencies has required patience and understanding and Cristin has been all of these while keeping a smile. Thank you Cristin! As to our church family who have not felt comfortable venturing out. Please know we all understand! You are still in our minds, hearts and prayers. We do not want anyone feeling bad, guilty or distant from their church family. Each Sunday you are remembered in our Joys and Concerns.You are receiving the same sermon I share in the services. And I will stop in to see you in my drive-in pastoral visits.Being cautious and careful during these days is wise and vital to insuring your well - being. So, please know your church family is with you in mind, heart and spirit. And please be confident and know that you are doing -the right thing by staying home! In closing, I would simply remind everyone listening to your State Health authorities is the right thing to do! We must continue to pray for them and the decisions they must make to keep us healthy and safe. And we must continue to pray for all the people who are so close and so involved in responding to this situation. God be with you. Amen. August 2020 What’s Up Wickliffe! Check Out Whats Inside Page 2 - August Schedule Sunday Schedules Page 3 - Church Financials Church Notes / Holy Humor Page 4 - Birthdays/Anniversaries Church Contact Info Soup Ministry Bible Emergency Numbers Page 5 - Mission Notes from Rwanda Page 6 - August Calendar

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Page 1: What’s Up Wickliffe! August...August 2020 Wickl iffe Presbyterian Church Sunday Monday Tu esday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 9:30 am - Worship Service 3 7:00 pm- AL- Anon

Good day Newsletter

readers! Hope you are

continuing to find ways

to manage and

navigate through these

complicated days.

While everyone is

struggling to achieve

some semblance of

normality today. It has become necessary to

improvise, to re-channel or simply find another way

to accomplishing our desired goals. The same has

been true with the work of the church. Worship

services with masks. No singing. Maintaining

physical distances. Avoiding gatherings. All of it has

caused us to re-think and re-plan how we go about

our everyday life.

For this reason, I want to inform everyone I have

found a way to accomplish a little visitation by

simply stopping by and saying, hello! Having a little

tongue-in-cheek humor, I call this my “drive-in

pastoral visits.” Keeping all of today’s safety

guidelines in mind, I simply pay you a visit by driving

into your driveway. From my car, I call you on your

phone. Then we carry on a bit of conversation while

you are still in your house, on your porch or standing

in your garage or yard. Ingrid accompanies me and

enjoys being part of our visits. I have been doing

these for the last two months and have enjoyed

them and found them to be a great way of staying in

touch with everyone.

However, just a couple comments on what

complicates this approach of visitation. Of course,

the first stumbling block is the weather. The heat,

rain or wind when present do make this difficult. But

I would not expect anyone to tolerate the inclement

weather for visitation’s sake. I can always return

another day. The second stumbling block is when

nobody’s home! But again, this is not a bother. Once

again, I can always come back another day. And I

will leave a message letting you know that I was

there. Other than these two disadvantages, doing

“drive-in pastoral visits” has made it possible to

accomplish my goals of staying in touch.

Also, I want to say I have been quite pleased with

our worship services. Everyone is doing what is

required to keep one another safe. As well, I want to

especially thank our Piano Accompanist Cristin

Balale for rolling with the program. Being able to

adjust with all the contingencies has required

patience and understanding and Cristin has been all

of these while keeping a smile. Thank you Cristin!

As to our church family who have not felt

comfortable venturing out. Please know we all

understand! You are still in our minds, hearts and

prayers. We do not want anyone feeling bad, guilty

or distant from their church family. Each Sunday you

are remembered in our “Joys and Concerns.” You

are receiving the same sermon I share in the

services. And I will stop in to see you in my “drive-in

pastoral visits.” Being cautious and careful during

these days is wise and vital to insuring your well-

being. So, please know your church family is with

you in mind, heart and spirit. And please be

confident and know that you are doing -the right

thing by staying home!

In closing, I would simply remind everyone listening to your State Health authorities is the right thing to do! We must continue to pray for them and the decisions they must make to keep us healthy and safe. And we must continue to pray for all the people who are so close and so involved in responding to this situation. God be with you. Amen.


2020 What’s Up Wickliffe!

Check Out What’s Inside

Page 2 - August Schedule Sunday Schedules

Page 3 - Church Financials Church Notes / Holy Humor

Page 4 - Birthdays/Anniversaries Church Contact Info Soup Ministry Bible Emergency Numbers

Page 5 - Mission Notes from Rwanda

Page 6 - August Calendar

Page 2: What’s Up Wickliffe! August...August 2020 Wickl iffe Presbyterian Church Sunday Monday Tu esday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 9:30 am - Worship Service 3 7:00 pm- AL- Anon

Page 2 What’s Up Wickliffe!

August Schedule **********************************************************

Aug 2 Ninth Sunday after Pentecost Aug 9 Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

Annual Church picnic has been cancelled for this year

Aug 16 Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost Aug 23 Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost Aug 30 Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Benevolence Offering

* * * * * Sunday Schedules * * * * * Worship

Sunday Services have resumed at 9:30AM


Volunteers are needed for

weekly acolytes.


1st Week - Dennis McMahon, Nancy O’Hara

Alternate: Neil Truslow

2nd Week - Kevin Yacucci, Sherry Yacucci,

Alternate: Ricky Witt

3rd Week - Bev Bagoly, Bill Wayland

Alternate: Bill O'Hara

4th Week - Jamie Bryant, Debbie Marshall

Alternate: Bob Fabian

5th Week & Evenings - Bill O’Hara, Dr. David


Alternate: Nancy Truslow

Page 3: What’s Up Wickliffe! August...August 2020 Wickl iffe Presbyterian Church Sunday Monday Tu esday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 9:30 am - Worship Service 3 7:00 pm- AL- Anon

Page 3 What’s Up Wickliffe!

Wickliffe Presbyterian Church Financial Report - June 2020

05/31/20 Total Available Funds (checking/savings) $128,770.17

Total Cash Received 5,719.80

Total Expenditures 6,605.14

Total Interest 10.40

06/30/20 Total Available Funds (checking/savings) $127,895.23

Account Balances: Savings Checking Benevolence Memorial

Balance as of 05/31/20 $79,321.87 $49,448.30 $1,202.89 $6,616.16

Deposits 0.00 5,719.80 20.00

Interest Received 10.40

Withdrawals 0.00 6,605.14 106.18

Balance as of 06/30/20 $79,332.27 $48,562.96 $1,202.89 $6,509.98

Per Capita ~ Received - $745.00 Paid - $0.00

Keys, Keys, Who’s Got Keys?

We are trying to update our records which

haven’t been recorded since early 2000’s.

If you have keys to the church building and/ or office in their possession, would

you please sign the clipboard by the bulletins on Sunday Morning. If you are

not attending church at this time, please either call Kathy and leave a

message or e-mail the Church.

We need to know who has keys and if you have both the outside door and the office. Those who feel they do not need keys and have them can turn them into

office at any time.

Thanks to all for your cooperation Nancy O’Hara/ Clerk of Session

Don’t forget to social distance during worship!

Page 4: What’s Up Wickliffe! August...August 2020 Wickl iffe Presbyterian Church Sunday Monday Tu esday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 9:30 am - Worship Service 3 7:00 pm- AL- Anon

Page 4 What’s Up Wickliffe!

Needle’s Eye Soup Ministry

A huge THANK YOU to all who have donated soup and/or beans for our ministry! Emmaline Smith is so grateful for all we give. However, those giant cans and jars are just too big for the elderly to handle.

Please bring in regular sized cans and jars from now on. Check out the initials for this month!

Grateful thanks, Donna Cooper

This month’s initials are: P - Q - R

2020 Per Capita is again $32.00. Per Capita

informational flyers available at the church.

Temporary Church Office Hours:

Monday - 12:00pm - 2:00pm

Tuesday - Closed

Wednesday - 12:00pm - 2:00pm

Thursday - Closed

Friday - 12:00pm - 2:00pm

(Hours may vary. Please contact the office for an

appointment if you need in the church)

Church Website: www.wickliffepc.com

Secretary’s Email: [email protected]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wickliffe Presbyterian Church

45 Idlewood Rd.

Austintown, OH 44515

P: 330-792-6441 F: 330-792-1006

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

TLCC Daycare and Preschool

Director, Norma Johnson


August 6 - Donna Cole

August 7 - Kelsey Bryant

August 8 - Norma Johnson

August 10 - Janet Merryman

August 10 - Steven Garstka

August 16 - Miranda Truslow

August 18 - Dennis & Shirley McMahon

Page 5: What’s Up Wickliffe! August...August 2020 Wickl iffe Presbyterian Church Sunday Monday Tu esday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 9:30 am - Worship Service 3 7:00 pm- AL- Anon

Page 5 What’s Up Wickliffe!

Mission Notes From Rwanda! The Rev. Kay Day,

One of the international Mission Co-Workers we are getting to know!

Below you will find Kay’s latest letter from Rwanda.

Please continue to hold her in prayer!

Dear Friends and Family,

Greetings from Rwanda. Even with all that has happened in the world in the last month, I am doing what I believe God is calling me to do and that is to continue to function in the role to which he has called me here in Rwanda and trust the rest of his creation to his care.

I have been called to teach and that is what I am doing in an entirely new format, as many other teachers around the world are. For the first time in more than 30 years, I am teaching without being able to see my students’ faces, to judge their understanding of the material by their expressions or body language, to easily interact with them. Schools here are closed until September and we are to teach online. The Higher Education Council of Rwanda has presented a wonderful platform called Moodle for this that offers a Zoom-like feature to have a virtual classroom. The platform includes easy methods for teachers to share resources, for students to submit assignments and get feedback and for teachers to track and record attendance and grades. The problem is that for the students to access this platform, they must have a computer, internet access and a steady supply of electricity. Only about a third of our students have all of these essentials. That means that we, of necessity, must “jury-rig” a system that works. We are a resourceful group and have come up with our modified system. It is not ideal, but it works. We are using Moodle for sharing resources and collecting and marking assignments. Those students who do not have access to Moodle are sending their assignments to fellow students who do, and their classmates are submitting them for them. The actual “teaching” is taking place on WhatsApp since most students have smartphones and are able to access the internet for short periods of time. I send my lecture power points via WhatsApp, along with a recorded introduction. The students read the notes and then type their questions via text messages, to which I respond. They can respond too, for a short discussion. This is challenging with complex topics like the doctrine of sin or the free will of humans within the providence of God, but it provides the opportunity to give clear, concise explanations and opens the way for further questions. It is working. There are still a few students who have no way of accessing the class and I grieve for that, but they will be able to do a face to face type makeup in September when classes are to resume. We are trying to be faithful to do what God has called us to do in the face of challenges, to not lose sight of the reality that God still calls us to be faithful in the midst of difficulties.

My prayer is that you are able to do the same in the midst of the chaos and confusion of life at present. These are challenging times for so many reasons and our systems and institutions are being tested to respond to “new norms.” I pray we are all faithful to the God of all creation. Thank you for your continued support. I could not be here without you. You are partnering with me in the difficult time. I praise God for you.

Yours in Christ,

Kay (Cathie to the family)

You may follow Kay’s work at Kaydaysdiary.blogspot.com

You may also email her at [email protected]

Page 6: What’s Up Wickliffe! August...August 2020 Wickl iffe Presbyterian Church Sunday Monday Tu esday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 9:30 am - Worship Service 3 7:00 pm- AL- Anon

August 2020 Wickliffe Presbyterian ChurchSunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


29:30 am - Worship Service

37:00 pm- AL-Anon

4 5 65:45 pm - T.O.P.S.

7Church Office CLOSED


99:30 am - Worship Service

107:00 pm- AL-Anon

Church Office CLOSED

11 12 135:45 pm - T.O.P.S.

14 15

169:30 am - Worship Service

177:00 pm- AL-Anon

18 19 205:45 pm - T.O.P.S.

21 22

239:30 am - Worship Service

247:00 pm- AL-Anon

25 26 275:45 pm - T.O.P.S.

28 29

309:30 am - Worship Service

317:00 pm- AL-Anon