what’s data communicationskwke/dc2006/introduction.pdf · communication networks ... telephone...

Introduction 1 Introduction 2 What What s s Data Data Communications Communications ? ? Data Communications ~ the transfer of data or information between a source and a receiver. Concerning directly-connected information exchange (hop-by-hop) Generation of the information is not part of data communications Interested in the transfer of data, the method of transfer and the preservation of the data during the transfer process. Purpose to provide the rules (protocols) and regulations (standards) that allow computers to exchange information and share resources. Networking focuses on the connectivity via data communications technologies. Introduction 3 Model of Networking Communications Model of Networking Communications Goal of Computer communications via communication networks (physical communication) Client (SRC/DEST) Server (DEST/SRC) Real data flow Real data flow (logical communication) cloud Since 1970’s . . . Computer networks (to hide the complexity) Introduction 4 Network Structure Network Structure A Closer Look A Closer Look Communication links i.e., Physical media (selective discussion later) Network core: Switches/Routers, network of networks Switching techniques Network edge: - applications and hosts (end systems) - CO/CL services wireless AP • so-called backbone(骨幹(網路)) So… 不食人間煙火 Access networks

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  • Introduction 1 Introduction 2

    WhatWhats s DataData CommunicationsCommunications ??Data Communications ~ the transfer of data or informationbetween a source and a receiver.

    Concerning directly-connected information exchange (hop-by-hop)Generation of the information is not part of data communications

    Interested in the transfer of data, the method of transfer and the preservation of the data during the transfer process.Purpose to provide the rules (protocols) and regulations (standards) that allow computers to exchange information and share resources.Networking focuses on the connectivity via data

    communications technologies.

    Introduction 3

    Model of Networking CommunicationsModel of Networking Communications

    Goal of Computer communications


    communication networks

    (physical communication)





    flowReal data flow

    (logical communication)


    Since 1970s . . .


    (to hide the complexity)

    Introduction 4

    Network Structure Network Structure A Closer LookA Closer Look

    Communication linksi.e., Physical media(selective discussion later)

    Network core: Switches/Routers,

    network of networks Switching techniques

    Network edge:- applications and hosts

    (end systems)- CO/CL services



    so-called backbone



    Access networks

  • Introduction 5

    Network Network CoreCoreMesh ()of interconnected routers(mostly) or switchesThe fundamental question:

    How do data be transferred through How do data be transferred through network(s)?network(s)?

    Circuit-switching: dedicated circuit/path per call(?), e.g., telephone network (Plain Old Telephone Service)

    Packet-switching:data sent through net in discrete chunks


    Introduction 6

    End systems (hosts):run application programse.g., WWW, emailat edge of network

    Client/serverClient/server model (CS):client host requests, receives service from servere.g., WWW client (browser)/ server; email client/server

    PeerPeer--toto--peerpeer model (P2P):host interaction symmetricSince Napster, 1999e.g., (video) teleconferencing, file-sharing (New Internet Directory Service) eDonkey, eMule, Gnutella, KaZaA, ezPeer, Kuro

    Network Network EdgeEdge Edge device

    (named w.r.t. core device)


    Introduction 7

    AccessAccess NetworksNetworks

    Q: How to connect end systems to edge router?residential access netsinstitutional access networks (school, company)mobile access networks


    Keep in mind: the connection- bandwidth (bits per second) ?

    (which is media-dependent) - shared or dedicated ?(which is topology-dependent)

    AP access point


    Introduction 8

    Residential Access : point to point accessResidential Access : point to point access

    Dialup via modem

    - up to 56Kbps direct access to router (conceptually)

    ISDN:- Integrated Services Digital Network- BRI~64x2+16, PRI~1544 Kbps all-digital connect to router

    xDSL: digital subscriber line (e.g., Asymmetric ADSL)

    up to 1 Mbps home-to-routerup to 8 Mbps router-to-home

    (Speed is continuously enhancing.)

    SubscribersLocal loop

    (so-called last mile)* All over a given telephone line

  • Introduction 9


    Ex: : 64Kbps - 6Mbps; : 1.5Mbps - 4.1 w/ 26AWG

    : 64Kbps 640Kbps (())








    Hinet ISP

    DSLAM DSLAM 62006200


    Data STM-1 STM-1






    POTS: 0 ~ 4KHzUplink: 25 ~ 170KHz Downlink: 200KHz ~ 1.1MHz




    Ex: ADSL(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop)Ex: ADSL(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop)

    Introduction 10

    Network Architecture EvolutionNetwork Architecture EvolutionNetwork Architecture EvolutionTelegraph Networks - Telegram

    Message Switching & digit(al) transmissionTelephone Networks - PSTN

    Circuit SwitchingAnalog transmission (SL) digital transmission (DSL)Mobile communications (WLP)

    Computer Networks - InternetPacket Switching & computer applications

    Next-Generation InternetMultiservice, Mobile, Plug&Playpacket switching network Switching



    Introduction 11

    Network ComponentsNetwork ComponentsNetworks are COMPLEX

    Consists of MANY pieces : devices (computers/hosts/peripherals/IA)nodes (repeaters/switches/routers/computers)links (various media: wired or wireless)Lots of Protocols (layered in stack, standarization) Various of Applications

    (FTP/Web/Videoconferencing/)* Miscellaneous hardwares and softwares

    Two key elements:- Network topology ()- Protocols () and Network architecture


    Introduction 12

    Calls for Calls for protocols for communicationprotocols for communication??

    A Computer Network interconnects computers over a wide geographical area

    Communications between computers requires very specificunambiguous rules in every tier

    A protocolprotocol is a set of rulesa set of rules that governs how two or more communicating parties are to interact, e.g.,

    Transport/delivery rules: Internet Protocol (IP) Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

    Even Application rules: HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) ~ for web services Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) ~ for E-mail services

  • Introduction 13

    A familiar protocol A familiar protocol -- ProceduralProcedural

    Do you have a first name or street?


    What name?Y-Bein

    Caller replies

    System replies with number

    System replies

    System replies

    System replies

    Operator replies

    Thank you, please hold

    Pan-Green Road

    Caller replies


    Dials 104

    What city?

    Caller replies

    Operator replies

    Caller waits

    Thank you, please holdCaller waitsCaller dials

    please dial . . .

    Introduction 14

    Data Communications ProtocolsData Communications ProtocolsData Communications ProtocolsConnection-Oriented (CO) Protocol

    Sending and receiving station establish a real/virtual connectionbefore data is transmitted All frames/packets are guaranteed to arrive and are to arrivein orderEx: VCPS(at NL), TCP(at TL), FTP(at APL), ATM(at DLL)

    (between end-systems)

    (with respect to end-users)

    Introduction 15

    Connectionless (CL) Protocol- Sending station sends a sequence of independent frames/packets to

    the receiving station with no dedicated/fixed path- Intermediate nodes are forwarding packets with their best-effort- can be acknowledged (with retransmission) or no acknowledged

    (with no retransmission) ACK by the receiver- Ex: DGPS(at NL), UDP(at TL), SNMP(at APL), IP (at NL)

    Introduction 16

    Protocols ~ a set of (standard) rules that specifies- Format of messages- Meaning of messages- Rules of exchange- Procedures for handling problems

    ~ Designed in Layers (layered communications)- separation of networking functions to simplify

    network design (reducing complexity and more ) Layers + Protocols form a Protocol stack/suite

    ( several software modules)~ called Network Architecture

    Protocols ~ a set of (standard) rules that specifies- Format of messages- Meaning of messages- Rules of exchange- Procedures for handling problems

    ~ Designed in LayersLayers (layered communications)(layered communications)-- separation of networking functions to simplify

    network design (reducing complexity and more ) Layers + Protocols form a Protocol stack/suite

    ( several software modules)~ called Network ArchitectureNetwork Architecture

  • Introduction 17

    - above ~ to provide services- below ~ to ask for (receive) services

    (2) peer layer entity via peer protocols protocols ()~ to logically transfer messages for a session to be built-up

    * ServiceService interface ~ define the physical data flow between layers* Peer protocolprotocol ~ define the logical data exchange and

    peer-to-peer logicallogical communications(Q: How to approach this goal ?)

    In LayeredIn Layered communicationscommunications- an entityentity of a particular layerlayer can only communicate with :

    (1) adjacent layer entities via serviceservice interfacesinterfaces

    (service viewpoint) or Service Access Point, SAPSAP)



    Introduction 18

    Layer and Peer Protocol InteractionLayer and Peer Protocol Interaction For each layer , it will communicate

    to above service provider; to below service user;and adjacent through service interface point (SAP) address


    Layer N/(N-1) interface

    Introduction 19

    Reducing complexity~ divide interrelated aspects of networking

    Standardizing interfaces (physical)~ define interfaces for PnP compatibility and multivendor integration

    Facilitating modular engineering~ specialize development/implementation efforts on modular functions

    Accelerating technique evolution~ prevent change dependency, so each layer can evolve quickly

    Simplifying teaching and learning~ divide internetworking into discrete and easily learned subsets

    Why a layered Network Model ? (advantages ?)Why a layered Network Model ? (advantages ?)Why a layered Network Model ? (advantages ?)

    Layers: each layer implements a service . . .- via its own internal-layer actions- relying on services provided by layer below

    Introduction 20

    OSI 7-Layer Reference ModelOSI 7OSI 7--Layer Reference ModelLayer Reference Model

    Proposed by ISO for OSI (Open System Interconnection)Started in 1977; completed in 1983

    ISO standard 7498A reference model for computer communication architecture and protocol development

  • Introduction 21

    Application layer (Layer 7)

    ~ Provides network access to application programs and users~ Issues: everything is application specific~ Example: Telnet (Remote login), File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

    Electronic mail service, X-terminal (terminal emulation)

    OSI 7-layer : A Top-Down View

    Introduction 22

    Presentation layer (Layer 6)~ Responsible for the format/transformation of data to be

    exchanged between applications~ Issues: - Syntax (character code) & semantics conversion

    - Data compression(encoding)/decompression- Cryptography (Encryption & Decryption)

    ~ Example: ASN.1, OSI presentation protocol, data types

    Introduction 23

    Session layer (Layer 5)

    ~ Supports the dialog between cooperating application programs

    ~ Issues: - Session/dialog establishment/maintenance/termination- Synchronization of dialog- Recovery (from error) or backup via checkpoints

    ~ Example: ISO session protocol, RPC (Remote Procedure Call)

    Introduction 24

    Transport layer (Layer 4)

    ~ Controls the delivery of messages/data between the end stations

    (at a pre-negotiated service quality) (e.g., reliable ?)~ Issues: - Connection establishment/management/termination

    - Error control and/or flow/congestion control(if required)~ Example: TCP, UDP, SPX (Netwares Sequenced Packet eXchange)

  • Introduction 25

    Network layer (Layer 3)

    ~ transfer of data between end systems across communication networks

    ~ Issues: - Addressing (locating a host in the network)- Routing (data packet forwarding) & Congestion control

    ~ Example: IP (Internet Protocol), IPX(InterPacket eXchangeProtocol), CCITT X.25 (network layer)

    Introduction 26

    Data Link layer (Layer 2)

    ~ Provides reliable transfer of block information (the frame) over a link(between two physically connected end system on a link basis)

    ~ Issues: - Synchronization (framing)- Error control*- Flow control

    ~ Example: ISO HDLC (High Level Data Control), IEEE 802.2 LLCCCITT LAPD (Link Access Procedure-D channel), X-modem


    Introduction 27

    Physical layer (Layer 1)

    ~ Concerned with (only) transmission of bits over a communication channel (transmission media)

    ~ Issues: - Conversion of bits into electrical or optical signal - Encoding & Decoding- Scrambling & Descrambling

    ~ Example: CCITT X.21, RS-232(unbalanced), RS-449 (balanced)

    blue lines - linksIntroduction 28

    Layer 4 and above (referred to higher layer) are end-to-end protocols (executed only on a host computer/end-system)The lower four layers provide reliable data exchange and quality of information transmission.Not all 7 layers are needed.

    Define sublayers if necessary:DLL LLC (logic link control) & MAC (medium

    access control)Many layered protocol architectures do not define the session or the presentation layer. ( Example )


  • Introduction 29

    MODEM ExampleMODEM Example

    Introduction 30

    Host A (FTP client) Host B (FTP server)


    Control connection (at initial)

    Data connection (by request)

    Combining higher layers FTP Application

    AP L.C.

    PL L.C.

    SL L.C.

    LC ~ logic communication

    Introduction 31

    - Physical ~ transmission of bits over communicationchannel (transmission media)

    - Data link ~ Provides reliable transfer of block information(the frame) over a link

    - Network ~ packet forwarding (addressing + routing)- Transport ~ Controls the way of data delivery between

    stations/nodes - Session ~ dialog between cooperating application programs

    (login and password)- Presentation ~ data representation of information and

    compatibility - Application ~ individual application program for users

    Summary Summary -- OSI LayersOSI Layers

    Introduction 32

    OSI vs. Internet ArchitectureOSI vs. Internet Architecture

  • Introduction 33

    Implementing Communication Between LayersImplementing Communication Between Layersin




    Adding control info at header/trailer

    Introduction 34

    OSI model in OSI model in PointPoint--toto--PointPoint CommunicationCommunicationHow are data transmitted under the OSI model ?




    InformationEncapsulation Decapsulation






    100110101101010201101000010 . . .

    Physical (transmission media)(via channel or network)


    Introduction 35

    Protocol Layering Protocol Layering NetworkedNetworked CommunicationCommunication



    Data LinkPhysical





    Data LinkPhysical



    Station/Host A Station/Host B

    IS or Node


    IS (Intermediate System) :L7 Gateway*L3 RouterL2 Switch/BridgeL1 Hub/Repeater

    Data LinkPhysical


    Data LinkPhysical


    Data LinkPhysical


    Data LinkPhysical

    Network(protocol stack in One computer)

    IS - so called Intermediate Message Processor, IMP (refer to ISO Network Hierarchy)


    datadata datadata


    Introduction 36

    Calls for Addressing ()Calls for Addressing Calls for Addressing (())

    Mechanisms needed to distinguish among . . .

    - multiple networks on the Internet (internetworking)

    - multiple computers on a network

    - multiple applications (software) on a computer

    - multiple copies of specific single application ona computer

    (entity,)End-point (in TCP/IP-based Internet)

    . . .

  • Introduction 37

    Addressing ConceptsAddressing Concepts

    A SAP is unique only within a system but need not be globally unique.Introduction 38

    Physical/MAC Address Physical/MAC Address the NICthe NICs IDs ID

    RJ-45 Jack

    DFE 540TX

    NIC ~ Network Interface Card ()ID ~ identifier ()

    uniquely identifies each physicalnetwork connection of a device also referred to as physical or hardware addressusually exist within a flat address

    spacepreestablished and typically fixed

    relationship to a specific device

    Introduction 39

    Check with your MAC Address via winipcfg

    Manufacturers ID

    * Alternate: ipconfig -all, netstat r command under MS NT/2000/XP

    NICs ID/Serial number

    242 's

    IEEEs EIU-48 rule

    Introduction 40

    Network TopologyNetwork Topology

    (f) hybrid(f) hybrid

    (a) point to point(a) point to point (b) star(b) star

    (c) bus(c) bus (d) ring(d) ring

    (e) mesh(e) mesh

  • Introduction 41

    Network ClassificationsNetwork ClassificationsLAN


    according to geographic size/span of networking




    future BAN

    Introduction 42

    xANxAN ExamplesExamples--IILAN


    Introduction 43

    xANxAN ExamplesExamples--IIII



    Read: P.30-36, Tomasi

    Introduction 44

    Standard Organization for Data and Standard Organization for Data and Network Communications Network Communications

    ISO (Institute of Standardization Organization)ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union Telecommunications sectors) formally the CCITTANSI (America National Standard Institute)IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering)Electronic/Telecommunications Industrial AssociationsOthers: ATM forum, Gigabit/10GE Alliance, etc.

  • Introduction 45

    Standard Organization for Internet Standard Organization for Internet

    IAB - Internet Activities/Architecture Board IETF - Internet Engineering Task Force

    (the most important one)IRTF - Internet Research Task Force

    Introduction 46

    Network of networks(inter-connected set of networks) To interconnect different computers used by various organizations via the same TCP/IP protocol it treats all networks (e.g., LAN, WAN, etc.) equally (i.e., a flat network)

    What is the What is the InternetInternet ??

    NBP A

    NBP B


    regional ISP

    regional ISP


    localISPA(B,S)P ~ Access (Backbone,

    Service) Providers

    * roughly hierarchical

    New computers added to the Internet > ONE per second Internet ~ Doubling in size every nine to twelve months

    Introduction 47

    Internet Society OrganizationsInternet Society Organizations

    IANA ~ Internet Assigned Number Authority

    NIC ~ Network Information CenterAPNIC (TWNIC, etc.), EURNIC, etc.

    RFC ~ Request For CommentsFYI ~ For Your Information (RFC # > 1500)

    IRTF - Internet Research Task Force- Responsible for research and deve-lopment of the Internet protocol suite

    IETF - Internet Engineering Task Force - Responsible for solving short-term engineering needs of the Internet.It has over 40 Working Groups.

    IAB, 1983


    Area 1 Area 8


    working groups

    research groups

    . . .

    . . .

    . . .

    . . .

    IAB ~ Internet Activities Board

    IESG: Internet Engineering Steering Group


    Introduction 48

    Internet Protocol StackInternet Protocol StackInternet Protocol Stack

    Application: supporting network applications

    FTP, SMTP, HTTP, SMTP, POP3Transport: host-host data transfer

    TCP, UDPNetwork: routing of datagrams from source to destination

    IP,ICMP, IGMP, RIP,OSPF, BGP4Link: data transfer between neighboring network elements

    PPP/SLIP, Ethernet, Token-RingPhysical: bits on the wire - transmission

    Network Access

    Physical Layer

    Media Access Control Layer

    Network (IP) Layer

    Transport (TCP) Layer

    Application Layer

  • Introduction 49Higher-layer see nothing pealed off; Lower-layer cannot see misunderstood

    Protocol layering and dataProtocol layering and dataEach layer takes data from upper (lower)

    Adds (take off) header information to create new data unitDoes what the action(s) indicated by the headerpasses new data unit to layer below (above)











    Encapsulation Decapsulation


    Introduction 50

    Some Protocols in TCP/IP SuiteSome Protocols in TCP/IP Suite

    Introduction 51

    IP headerTCP header

    Protocol Data Unit (Protocol Data Unit (PDUPDU) in TCP/IP Architecture) in TCP/IP Architecture

    Meaningful to appropriate peerprotocol software module

    DLL Frame

    InternetProtocol Stack

    DLL header

    Host A


    Introduction 52

    Windows> telnet (showing the first packet transmitted by the src PC)

    PDU Decomposition in TCP/IP Scenario

    Protocol #: Network--Transport layer

    Sources MAC addressDest.s MAC address

    Protocol type: DLC--Network layer

  • Introduction 53

    Src port # (randomly generated by the src PC)Dest port # (an well-known for well-known application)

    Port #: Transport--Application layer

    (PDU contd)

    (More on Layer communication)Introduction 54

    How to get RFC ?

    Web sites: http://www.rfc-editor.org

    Introduction 55

    RFC ExamplesRFC Examples


    1. RFC1700 - assigned numbers (including all port numbers and constants)2. RFC2700 - State (standard, draft standard, proposed standard, experimental,

    informational, or historic) of standardization of various internet protocols

    Other RFCs:

    RFC 1577

    RFC 1700

    Introduction 56

    Some Important Some Important RFCsRFCs

    Protocol Full Name RFC # Protocol Full

    Name RFC # Protocol Full

    Name RFC #

    TCP* Transport Control Protocol

    793 1323 BOOTP

    Bootstrap Protocol

    951 1048 1084

    SNMP* Simple

    Network Management


    1067 1448

    UDP* User

    Datagram Protocol

    768 URL

    Uniform Resource Location

    1738 SMTP Simple Mail

    Transfer Protocol

    821 822

    IP* Internet Protocol 791 DHCP* Dynamic Host Configuration


    1531 1541 2131

    MIME Multipurpose

    Internet Mail


    2045 2046 2047 2048

    ICMP* Internet Control Message Protocol

    792 Telnet* Telnet (Remote login) 764 854 POP3

    Post Office Protocol V.3 1939

    ARP* Address

    Resolution Protocol

    826 FTP* File

    Transfer Protocol

    959 IMAP Internet

    Mail Access

    Protocol 2060

    RARP Reverse Address

    Resolution Protocol

    903 DNS* Domain Name


    1034 1035 NNTP

    Network News

    Transport Protocol


    HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol

    2068 Cookies HTTP State

    Management Protocol

    2109 CIDR Classless

    InterDomain Routing


    ISSP Internet Standard

    Subnetting Procedure

    950 PPP Point to Point Protocol 1661 NAT IP Network

    Address Translator


  • Introduction 57


    Introduction 58


    Introduction 59

    Optical (Visual) TelegraphOptical (Visual) Telegraph

    Claude Chappe invented optical telegraph in the 1790sSemaphore mimicked a person with outstretched arms with flags in each handDifferent angle combinations of arms & hands generated hundreds of possible signalsCode for enciphering messages kept secret (code book)Signal could propagate 800 km in 3 minutes!

    Introduction 60

    ChappeChappe TelegraphTelegraph

    Principle of operation

    The telegraph of the Chappebrothers is a 5 m height mechanical device made up: - of two wings or indicators, 2 meters length and 30 cm broad. - counterweight to ensure the balance of the unit. - of a manipulator to put moving the wings.

    Claude Chappe(1763 - 1805)

  • Introduction 61

    Electric TelegraphElectric TelegraphWilliam Sturgeon Electro-magnet (1825)

    Electric current in a wire wrapped around a piece of iron generates a magnetic force

    Joseph Henry (1830)Current over 1 mile of wire to ring a bell

    Samuel Morse (1835, 1791-1872)Pulses of current deflect electromagnetPulses of current deflect electromagnetto generate to generate dotsdots & & dashesdashesExperimental telegraph line (wire) over 40 miles (1840)

    Signal propagates at the speed of light (~ 2 x 108 m/s in cable)

    Introduction 62

    Morse code converts text message into sequence of dots and dashes

    Use transmission system designed to convey dots and dashes

    Morse Code: 1st Digital CommunicationsMorse Code: 1st Digital Communications

    Introduction 63

    Morse Electric TelegraphMorse Electric Telegraph

    Morse register Introduction 64

    Electric telegraph networks explodedMessage switching & Store-and-Forward operationKey elements: Addressing, Routing, Forwarding

    Rate: 25~30words/min or 20bit/s20bit/s (5 char/word, 8bit/char)Optical telegraph networks disappeared since then (1832)

    Electric Telegraph NetworksElectric Telegraph Networks

    Q: How to increase the transmission rate over a telegraph circuit?













  • Introduction 65

    BellBells Telephones TelephoneAlexander Graham Bell (1875) working on harmonic telegraph to multiplex telegraph signalsDiscovered voice signals can be transmitted directly

    Microphone converts voice pressure variation (sound) into analogous electrical signalLoudspeaker converts electrical signal back into sound

    Telephone patent granted in 1876Bell Telephone Company founded in 1877

    Signal for ae as in cat

    Microphone Loudspeakeranalog

    electricalsignalsound sound

    Introduction 66


    BellBells Sketch of Telephones Sketch of Telephone

    Introduction 67

    The NThe N22 ProblemProblem

    For N users to be fully connected directlyRequires N(N 1)/2 connections Requires too much space for cablesInefficient & costly since connections not always on

    N = 1000N(N 1)/2 = 499500





    . . .

    End up with . . .Introduction 68

    Telephone Pole CongestionTelephone Pole Congestion



  • Introduction 69

    Computer Network Evolution OverviewComputer Network Evolution Overview

    1950s: Telegraph technology adapted to computers 1960s: Dumb terminals access shared host computer

    SABRE airline reservation system (terminal-oriented ntwk)1970s: Computers connect directly to each other

    ARPANET (1970s) packet switching networkTCP/IP internet protocolsEthernet local area network

    1980s & 1990s: New applications and Internet growthCommercialization of InternetE-mail, file transfer, Telnet, WWW, firewall, P2P, . . .Internet traffic surpasses voice traffic

    Introduction 70

    ARPANET ApplicationsARPANET Applications1957, ARPA(Advanced Research Project Agency) of DoD

    in response to the Soviet Unions SputnikIntiated in the lat of 1970s, Introduced many new applications :Email, remote login, file transfer, Formed a committee, 1983 IAB (Internet Activity Board)Intelligence at the edge
















