what’s missing from customer service live chat?

What’s Missing From Customer Service Live Chat? Phil Wolff LetMyDataGo.org @evanwolf Tuesday, November 12, 13

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Chat with your customers on your web site? I do. What's missing from the experience? This is my list.


Page 1: What’s missing from customer service live chat?

What’s Missing From Customer Service Live Chat?

Phil WolffLetMyDataGo.org


Tuesday, November 12, 13

Page 2: What’s missing from customer service live chat?

Quora asked...

• “I have seen many businesses having live chat widget on their websites.

• “There are few hundreds or may be thousands of such products available on online market. Various companies have looked to add something new to their live chat software. Some do it intelligently while some do not. I think we have reached a limit where there is nothing that can be added to live chat which can bring value to it and solve pain of the business owners. On the other hand all my logic will go in vain if some idea guru comes up with an innovation that can lead business into a successful one. If you were that guru what would you like to add in a live chat software?” – http://b.qr.ae/162TJ68

Tuesday, November 12, 13

Page 3: What’s missing from customer service live chat?

Q. What’s missing?

Tuesday, November 12, 13

Page 4: What’s missing from customer service live chat?

Video • Let me see the person I'm talking to

• The promise of dedicated attention vs multitasking

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Page 5: What’s missing from customer service live chat?


• Let the visitor give up control of this browser session so the customer service rep can take you to a specific webpage

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• Let me show you my product within a chat session. Slides, art, video, simulations, gameplay, etc.

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• Let's throttle up from text to audio to video chat as the need arises in the same session

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• Don't let the chat expire if you can renew the conversation later and preserve the history of our chat

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Page 9: What’s missing from customer service live chat?

Accurate presence

• Don't just indicate if someone is available to take your chat call now

• Show when a person will be coming back or how long the wait will be

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• Let the visitor make an appointment for a chat

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Page 11: What’s missing from customer service live chat?

Group shopping

• Support two or more friends on different computers in one chat room at the same time

• When you want the advice or support of your friends or family

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Page 12: What’s missing from customer service live chat?

Chat without staff

• Let other visitors to a product page talk to each other about the product without needing a customer service rep in the room

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Page 13: What’s missing from customer service live chat?

Continue on another device Start the new desktop and

need to jump to your mobile so

you can continue the

conversation in another room or

on the roadTuesday, November 12, 13

Page 14: What’s missing from customer service live chat?

Support screen readers

• Help the visually impaired

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Page 15: What’s missing from customer service live chat?

Upload screenshots

• Useful for troubleshooting websites and applications

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Page 16: What’s missing from customer service live chat?

Real-time translation

• Support relay services for interpreting sign languages or other spoken languages

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Page 17: What’s missing from customer service live chat?

Profile the rep

• Show a short bio and avatar to better humanize your agent

• You’re talking with Mary in St. Louis where the sky is overcast, in the 60s

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Page 18: What’s missing from customer service live chat?

Mobile friendly

• Many of the live chat apps don't work in mobile browsers

• Fix that!

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Page 19: What’s missing from customer service live chat?

Transcript by mail Offer to send a copy of the chat to the visitor's inbox, including links and, especially for audio and video chat, the text of what you said to each other

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Automatic themes

• Adjust the chat box's theme to match that of the site's CSS so it stays consistent even when the main site's design changes

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Outside the box

• Let the conversation happen anywhere on a web page, not just in a popup window or a dedicated region

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Page 22: What’s missing from customer service live chat?

Not a box

• Try another shape or flow

• Receding text on a Star Wars game store like the opening intro

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Hold music Offer the option to listen to Muzak when an operator steps away to research a question or you're waiting for the next available representative

Tuesday, November 12, 13